Conversion of ABAP struct to XML and XML back to ABAP structure in ECC

We would like to convert many ABAP structure and internal tables into an XML string and later on convert these XML strings back to ABAP structures and internal tables. Can someone let us know if there are any function modules in ECC which can import the structures or internal tables and export the XML. Also if there are any function modules which can do the reverse i.e. import the XML string and convert it back to Structure or internal table.
We found the some method called "Call transformation" but it gives an error such as version not active. CRM has FMs which do these functionalities.
Any guidance would be appreciated.

If you look into the FM's BANK_API_PP_UT_DATA_TO_XML and BANK_API_PP_UT_XML_TO_DATA they again use CALL TRANSFORMATION, so probably u might have to figure how to eliminate the errors ur getting using CALL TRANSFORMATION.

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  • How to Convert internal table data into xml and xml data into internal tab

    Hi Guys,
          I have a requirement  that  i have to convert the internal table data into xml format and viceversa . for my requirement  i came to know that i have to use Transformations concept.  i done the converting the data from internal table into xml data by using standard Tranformations. My Question is 
    1) Can i use same Transformation to convert the xml data into abap internal table. if it is possible then how ???
    2) Is it possible using the standard Transformation  or I have to go for XSLT approach
    Please help me out from this guys,
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Koti,
    This is possible. There is a link. With the help of this link you can convert ABAP data to XML and vice versa.

  • Defining XSLT from Abap to XML and XML to Abap (Internal Table)

    Hi Experts, I need help with this XSLT for call transformation. I have defined an internal table and intend to use it as a source for Call Tranformation. But I have a Problem defining its XSLT and help would be greatly appreciated! I also wonder if this XSLT can be used for XML to internal table? Or do I have to define another XSLT again.... Hope to hear from any of u soon!
           END OF CONTENT.
            CONT TYPE T_CONTENT,
          END OF I_DATA.
    populate data 1
      I_DATA-KEY1 = 'AMI'.
      I_DATA-KEY2 = 'LEE'.
      WA_TBL-CONTENT2 = 'SG'.
      WA_TBL-CONTENT2 = 'SG'.
    populate data 1
      I_DATA-KEY1 = 'KAI'.
      I_DATA-KEY2 = 'LEE'.
      WA_TBL-CONTENT2 = 'SG'.
      WA_TBL-CONTENT2 = 'SG'.
    call transformation (xslt)
        source i_data = i_data
        result xml xmlstr.

    here is the code sample using ixml library .
    just create a report program and copy paste the following code.
    if time permits, later on i will post the xslt program which you can use it call transformation.
    REPORT  y_test_xml.
    DATA: l_ixml                                 TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
            l_ixml_sf                              TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
            l_istream                              TYPE REF TO if_ixml_istream,
            l_ostream                              TYPE REF TO if_ixml_ostream,
            l_booklist                   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            l_document                             TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
            l_parser                               TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parser,
            l_root_element                         TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            l_book_record                            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            l_date TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element ,
                    l_time TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element ,
            l_book_group                            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            l_book_cat                            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element ,
            others                                  TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element ,
            link                                    TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element ,
            description                            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element ,
            xml                                    TYPE xstring ,
            size TYPE  i ,
             l_xml  TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document  .
    DATA: xml_out TYPE string ,
          temp_string TYPE string .
    TYPES: BEGIN OF add_category,
    END OF add_category,
    add_t_category TYPE add_category OCCURS 0 .
    TYPES: BEGIN OF add_book_grp,
    book_category TYPE add_t_category,
    END OF add_book_grp,
    add_t_book_grp TYPE add_book_grp OCCURS 0.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF add_book,
    book_num(10) TYPE c,
    short_desc(40) TYPE c,
    book_group TYPE add_t_book_grp,
    END OF add_book,
    add_t_book TYPE add_book OCCURS 0.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF type_data,
    date TYPE sy-datum,
    time TYPE sy-uzeit,
    book_record TYPE add_t_book,
    END OF type_data.
    DATA: i_data TYPE type_data OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: cat_wa TYPE add_category ,
          bk_gp_wa TYPE add_book_grp ,
          bk_rec_wa TYPE add_book ,
          bk_wa LIKE LINE OF i_data .
    DATA: cat_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF add_category ,
          bk_gp_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF add_book_grp ,
          bk_rec_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF add_book .
    MOVE: '03' TO cat_wa-category_id  ,
          ' BK GP 3' TO cat_wa-category_desc .
    APPEND cat_wa TO cat_tab .
    MOVE: '02' TO cat_wa-category_id  ,
          ' BK GP 2' TO cat_wa-category_desc .
    APPEND cat_wa TO cat_tab .
    bk_gp_wa-book_category  = cat_tab.
    APPEND bk_gp_wa TO bk_gp_tab .
    MOVE: '0012345678' TO bk_rec_wa-book_num ,
          'OMS book' TO bk_rec_wa-short_desc .
    bk_rec_wa-book_group = bk_gp_tab .
    APPEND bk_rec_wa TO bk_rec_tab .
    CLEAR:bk_gp_tab, cat_tab .
    REFRESH :bk_gp_tab, cat_tab .
    MOVE: '01' TO cat_wa-category_id  ,
          ' BK GP 1' TO cat_wa-category_desc .
    APPEND cat_wa TO cat_tab .
    MOVE: '09' TO cat_wa-category_id  ,
          ' BK GP 9' TO cat_wa-category_desc .
    APPEND cat_wa TO cat_tab .
    bk_gp_wa-book_category  = cat_tab.
    APPEND bk_gp_wa TO bk_gp_tab .
    MOVE: '00123456789' TO bk_rec_wa-book_num ,
          'SAP book' TO bk_rec_wa-short_desc .
    bk_rec_wa-book_group = bk_gp_tab .
    APPEND bk_rec_wa TO bk_rec_tab .
    MOVE: sy-datum TO bk_wa-date ,
          sy-uzeit TO bk_wa-time .
    bk_wa-book_record = bk_rec_tab .
    APPEND bk_wa TO i_data .
    CLEAR: cat_wa , bk_gp_wa ,bk_rec_wa , bk_wa .
    l_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
    l_ixml_sf = l_ixml->create_stream_factory( ).
    l_document = l_ixml->create_document( ).
    l_root_element = l_document->create_element( name = 'asx:abap' ).
    l_root_element->set_attribute( name = 'xmlns:asx' value = '' ) .
    l_root_element->set_attribute( name = 'version' value = '1.0' ).
    l_document->append_child( new_child = l_root_element ).
    others = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_root_element name = 'asx:values' ).
    l_booklist = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = others name = 'BOOKLIST' ).
    LOOP AT i_data INTO bk_wa .
      CLEAR temp_string .
      MOVE: bk_wa-date TO temp_string .
      l_date = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_booklist name = 'DATE' value = temp_string  ).
      CLEAR temp_string .
      MOVE: bk_wa-time TO temp_string .
      l_time = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_booklist name = 'TIME' value = temp_string ).
      LOOP AT bk_wa-book_record INTO bk_rec_wa .
        l_book_record = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_booklist name = 'BOOK_RECORD' ) .
        CLEAR temp_string .
        MOVE: bk_rec_wa-book_num TO temp_string .
        l_date = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_book_record name = 'BOOK_NUM' value = temp_string ).
        CLEAR temp_string .
        MOVE: bk_rec_wa-short_desc TO temp_string .
        l_time = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_book_record name = 'SHORT_DESC' value = temp_string ).
        l_book_group = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_book_record name = 'BOOK_GROUP' ).
        LOOP AT bk_rec_wa-book_group INTO bk_gp_wa .
          LOOP AT bk_gp_wa-book_category INTO cat_wa .
            l_book_cat = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_book_group name = 'BOOK_CATEGORY' ).
            CLEAR temp_string .
            MOVE: cat_wa-category_id TO temp_string .
            l_date = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_book_cat name = 'CATEGORY_ID' value = temp_string ).
            CLEAR temp_string .
            MOVE: cat_wa-category_desc TO temp_string .
            l_time = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_book_cat name = 'CATEGORY_DESC' value = temp_string ).
          ENDLOOP .
        ENDLOOP .
      ENDLOOP .
    l_ostream = l_ixml_sf->create_ostream_xstring( xml ).
    l_document->render( ostream = l_ostream ).
    CREATE OBJECT l_xml.
    CALL METHOD l_xml->parse_xstring
        stream = xml.
        pretty_print = 'X'
    *    RETCODE      = RETCODE
        stream       = xml_out
        size         = size
    CALL METHOD l_xml->display.
    Hope this is helpful.
    do let us know how it goes.

  • Generating itab- xml and xml- pdf

    i am generating a report program, content of a table is store in itab and i want my report program to generate xml file for the content of itab first and after that, by using that xml file i want to generate pdf file

    try this  ...
      mstr_print_parms like pri_params,
      mc_valid(1)      type c,
      mi_bytecount     type i,
      mi_length        type i,
      mi_rqident       like tsp01-rqident.
      mtab_pdf    like tline occurs 0 with header line,
      mc_filename like rlgrap-filename.
    data :
      p_repid like sy-repid value '<i><b>ur prg name havin the itab to b displayed</b></i>', " Report to execute
      p_linsz like sy-linsz value 132, " Line size
      p_paart like sy-paart value 'X_65_132'.  " Paper Format
    If user want use this as common program for all PDF Conversion
    then use the parameter option, which will get the report name
    Line size & Paper Format as input
    p_repid like sy-repid, " Report to execute
    p_linsz like sy-linsz default 132, " Line size
    p_paart like sy-paart default 'X_65_132'.  " Paper Format
    concatenate 'c:\'
      into mc_filename.
    *-- Setup the Print Parmaters
         no_dialog = 'X'
        out_parameters       = mstr_print_parms
        valid                = mc_valid
        invalid_print_params = 2
        OTHERS               = 4.
    *-- Make sure that a printer destination has been set up
    *-- If this is not done the PDF function module ABENDS
      if mstr_print_parms-pdest = space.
        mstr_print_parms-pdest = 'LOCL'.
    *-- Explicitly set line width, and output format so that
    *-- the PDF conversion comes out OK
      mstr_print_parms-linsz = p_linsz.
      mstr_print_parms-paart = p_paart.
      submit (p_repid) to sap-spool without spool dynpro
                       spool parameters mstr_print_parms
                       via selection-screen
                       and return.
    *-- Find out what the spool number is that was just created
      perform get_spool_number using sy-repid
        changing mi_rqident.
    *-- Convert Spool to PDF
      call function 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'
          src_spoolid = mi_rqident
          no_dialog  = space
          dst_device = mstr_print_parms-pdest
          pdf_bytecount                  = mi_bytecount
          pdf        = mtab_pdf
          err_no_abap_spooljob           = 1
          err_no_spooljob                = 2
          err_no_permission              = 3
          err_conv_not_possible          = 4
          err_bad_destdevice             = 5
          user_cancelled                 = 6
          err_spoolerror                 = 7
          err_temseerror                 = 8
          err_btcjob_open_failed         = 9
          err_btcjob_submit_failed       = 10
          err_btcjob_close_failed        = 11
          others     = 12.
    call function 'DOWNLOAD'
              bin_filesize            = mi_bytecount
              filename                = mc_filename
              filetype                = 'BIN'
              act_filename            = mc_filename
              data_tab                = mtab_pdf.
          FORM get_spool_number *
          Get the most recent spool created by user/report              *
    -->  F_REPID               *
    -->  F_UNAME               *
    -->  F_RQIDENT             *
    form get_spool_number using f_repid
                    changing f_rqident.
        lc_rq2name like tsp01-rq2name.
      concatenate f_repid+0(9)
        into lc_rq2name.  " separated by '_'.
      select * from tsp01 where  rq2name = lc_rq2name
      order by rqcretime descending.
        f_rqident = tsp01-rqident.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        clear f_rqident.
    endform." get_spool_number
    *reward if useful.
    Message was edited by:
            neha gupta

  • Retrieve XML,store as a file, update data in XML and insert back. Possible?

    I have XML records stored in the DB. Now I want to retrieve XML as a file to my local system, edit the data values for some element nodes, child nodes and re-insert that xml in its earlier place..
    Is this possible?
    If yes, can u pls tell me how to do it.
    I tried using WebDAV, but I guess it’s not working in my machine.
    Also, I don’t want to update the xml record directly using UPDATE command. I want to retrieve as a file, store in a local system, and then update that entry in the DB.
    Thanks in advance, and your help is appreciated.

    Which database version are you using
    What is the output of lsnrctl status
    The easiest way to do this will be use WebDAV or FTP. However if not getting the data out as a file will require some coding work. Getting it back is fairly easy, use a bfile

  • Using JCo : IDoc to XML and XML to IDoc

    Hey guys,
    I need some guidance on Creating an xml file out of an IDoc using JCo and vice versa.
    Can anybody please provide with the code samples or any kind of documentation on this topic.
    Points will be rewarded
    +| Eleana West

    what you are looking for is the sapidocjco.jar. You can get if from the service marketplace and it comes with a couple of example Java code which shows how to implement it. You will also need the normal JCo jar to use the sapidocjco.jar.

  • Sevlets and xml as parameters

    I am a bit new to this and want to get some advice on where to look or best ways to do this. Basically we have a client using our webapp that wants to access our data via xml so a voice response system can use it. They want to pass us an xml file requesting data and we are to pass back an xml file with the data. Our application currently uses servlet technology to take a request and display the web page with the data. So we want to keep it as close to the architecture we already have.
    I need to know how would they make the request and pass us the xml, and how would i recieve that xml and pass back the data.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    thanks for the comment but it has to be automatic. no person involved since the request will be coming from a voice response system and can be a number of requests a minute.

  • Conversion of internal tables from ABAP to XML and Viceversa

    Hi ,
    I am writing a BAPI to pick the data from SAP system which gives its output to a .NET application. So, i designed XSD and i want the output of the BAPI according to that XSD rather than in the form of normal internal tables.
    Can any one please tell me what is the best way to do this ?
    I know very little about the simple transformations that are available in ABAP. Do we need to write our own transformation for the conversion of the internal tables to required XML format or do we already have transformations which take the internal tables and XSD to generate the XML required ?
    Also for again converting the XML document to ABAP do we need to write a new transformation ?
    Reward points are assured for all the replies.

    to convert internal table to xml format you could use CALL TRANSFORMATION key word
    data: xml_out type string .
    call transformation (`ID`)
                  source output = youritab
                  result xml xml_out.
    instead of ID (xslt program) you can desing your own xslt program to generate the xml in the desired format. ID is the standard delivered one

  • Using XSLT to link XML and ABAP data

    Hi Experts,
    I am using XSLT to deal with XML and ABAP data.
    I using the following statement to convert a Internal Table to XML String:
    CALL TRANSFORMATION id SOURCE  root = lt_sflight RESULT XML l_xml_string.
    And I get the XML String:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
    <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
    But What I expected is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
    <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
    Could you tell me how to get my dream format using XSLT?
    Best Regards,
    Guo Guo Qing
    Edited by: guoqing guo on Jun 11, 2008 9:58 AM

    Hi Experts,
    I am using XSLT to deal with XML and ABAP data.
    I using the following statement to convert a Internal Table to XML String:
    CALL TRANSFORMATION id SOURCE  root = lt_sflight RESULT XML l_xml_string.
    And I get the XML String:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
    <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
    But What I expected is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
    <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
    Could you tell me how to get my dream format using XSLT?
    Best Regards,
    Guo Guo Qing
    Edited by: guoqing guo on Jun 11, 2008 9:58 AM

  • Using ABAP Web Service tor convert IDoc to XML and transfer to SOAP Server

    Hi all,
    I have a problem to use ABAP Web Service to convert IDoc's to XML and then send them to a SOAP Server.
    Currently we have the following landscape:
    The sap-system (ECC6.0) sends an IDoc to the Exchange Infrastructe. The XI maps the IDoc and converts it to the required XML format, used by the archive. Afterwards, the XML documents are sended to the SOAP Server.
    So I'm trying to replace the Exchange Infrastructure with ABAP Web Service.
    I've read a lot of posts and documents reagarding ABAP Web Serivce, converting IDoc's to XML, RFC and so on, but I'm not able to do the replacement.
    I don't know how to start and which steps are required.
    The required roles and authorizations at the sap-system and the service for soamanager and the Web Service Viewer are available.
    First I thought to create the RFC and partner profiles and then the report to convert IDoc to XML as a BAPI. With this BAPI I supposed to create and define a Web Service. The problem is, I don't know how to trigger the report if the Idoc should be send to the archive.
    Hopefully, someone has an idea or a how-to for me.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: BigTicket on May 12, 2010 9:36 AM

    Hi BigTicket.
    A suggestion to trigger the BAPI / WebService at the IDoc receiving is to use a user exit or enhanced inside the idoc function module. When the idoc arrived to the idoc port the system start the related function module and then your user exit/enhanced in which you invoke your BAPI.
    I hope this help.

  • ABAP program for BAPI and convert DB into XML

    ABAP program for BAPI and convert DB into XML
    Thank you,
    Jagrut BharatKumar Shukla

    Refer the link -
    give an example of bapi coding?
    how can we transfer huge amount of data from database server to xml format
    Reward all helpful replies.

  • Conversion of purchasing idoc to xml and sending with FTP to supplier

    I have a question about something i am not very familar with. And i could not find the answer in this forum.
    We have a supplier who wants to receive our orders by EDI.
    The plan is to convert the IDOC to XML and to send this XML by FTP to our supplier.
    Could anyone give me some hints to achieve this.
    usefull help will be rewarded.
    Gr., Frank

    1. Create XML port in WE21.
    2. Configer the partner profile in WE20 for required message type.
    3. Access the file by using transaction AL11.
    Asit Purbey

  • XML and XSD file to an internal table

    I had read a lot of thread  but i don't understand how to deal with xml/xsd in R3.
    I need someone that have a definite example for this escenary please.
    With OPEN DATASET took from the server XML and XSD file, and put it in two internal tables type string.
    What functions or method have to use, and how to use them, to charge the XML file in an internal table?
    This is an example of XML and XDS:
    Best Regards,

    I just tried to interpret your question, it was not obvious what you wanted.
    I guess what you mean is that you have defined (statically) a deep structure, and you want to decode the XML into it. That is called a transformation (transaction STRANS, statement CALL TRANSFORMATION). You have the choice between 2 transformation languages: XSLT and ST. Of course, it depends what release you are running.
    I advise you to play first with the ID transformation, to convert an ABAP deep structured data object into XML, so that you see what XML is generated, this one is called asXML. If you create your own transformation, when you call it, it will first convert automatically the data object to asXML, and the transformation has to do the rest of the job.
    You can do the opposite, i.e. converting from XML to a data object, according to the same principle (intermediate asXML).
    Well, there are lots of things to say, I recommend you to read articles and documentation on XSLT and ST (search on SDN).
    About XSD, it won't help (and I did never see any possibility to use it) to decode the XML, as you must anyway define the target data object statically (and there's no tool to generate the ABAP code of the data object definition from the XSD).
    Note that you may also use iXML libraries to parse the XML.
    Please tell us more.

  • SAP BW data in ODS to XML and sending this XML file to 3rd Party

    Hi Gurus,
    We are having a scenario in which we have to convert our data in ODS to XML and need to provide this XML file to our clients so that they can use this XML file in their 3rd party system.
    Now the issue is that i have created ABAP program for converting into XML.
    If I execute this program, since i have given path as my Desktop, the converted XML file gets saved on my Desktop.
    But the problem is how i can provide this XML file to the client.
    Is there any way of converting this XML file to html and send them the URL ......
    plz suggest me.... what can be done......
    my ABAP code u can see in the following link
    Extract SAP BW Data into XML
    thanks and regards,
    P.Madhusudhan Raju

    Pls go through the link below it may help you;jsessionid=(J2EE3417100)ID1537206350DB01670597797729934632End?rid=/library/uuid/8c10aa90-0201-0010-98a0-f071394bc9ae&overridelayout=true

Maybe you are looking for