Email the reports by filling selection variables

I have the following requirement.Could you please help me the with steps to complete it?.
I have few reports which needs to be emailed to the users at monthly once(letus say 2nd date of every month).I have a Fiscal year period variable in selection.Every month 2nd date the report should execute with previous period as selection and email the report to the users.
How this fiscal year period variable can be filled with previous period value by the system automatically everymonth?.
Using Broadcaster how we can fill the variable values automatically?.
Please help me with the steps.
Thanks in advance..

Instead of having variables that will prompt you for period values, use SAP or Customer Exit which will derive the Previous Period Values for you.
You may end up with a report people run on an ad hoc basis that allows them enter user entry variables and a copy where the only difference is that you use Customer Exits on time instead.

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  • Needed  sample program for emailing the report output

    hi all,
    neede sample program for emailing the report output

    Please refer this program for sending e-mail with attachment.
    *&      Form  print
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM print .
      DATA:  wa_output_options     TYPE ssfcompop,
             wa_control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
             t_otfdata             TYPE ssfcrescl,
             t_pdf_tab             TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: w_filesize TYPE i.
      DATA: w_bin_filesize TYPE i.
      i_tline TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,
      v_form_name TYPE rs38l_fnam,
      v_len_in LIKE sood-objlen,
      w_return TYPE ssfcrescl.
      DATA : l_mean  TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_mean1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_mean2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_mean3 TYPE p DECIMALS 4,
             temp    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_header LIKE zmisdisp3-remark,
             disp_d_kwh_mt TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_m_kwh_mt TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_d_mt_mw  TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_m_mt_mw  TYPE zmisdisp5,
             l_bptarget(16) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_act_d(16)    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_act_c(16)    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_pow_gen      TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_pow_gen_d    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_pow_gen_c    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_no_of_days   TYPE p,
             disp_bptarget  TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_act_d     TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_act_c     TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_d_kwh     TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_c_kwh     TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_d_mw      TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_c_mw      TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_pow_gen_d TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_pow_gen_c TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_pow_gen   TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h1    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h2    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h3    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h4    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h5    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_o1    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_o2    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_o4    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_o5    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_***_o1    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_***_o2    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_***_o4    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_***_o5    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_cath_d    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_cath_c    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_anode_d   TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_anode_c   TYPE zmisdisp5,
             l_rec_con_d_kwh(16) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_rec_con_c_kwh(16) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_rec_con_d_mw(16)  TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_rec_con_c_mw(16)  TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             tot_kah      TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             avg_kah      TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             disp_tot_kah TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_avg_kah TYPE zmisdisp5,
             v_ftd_h1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_h2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_h3 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_h4 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_h5 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_o1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_o2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_o4 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_o5 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_***_o1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_***_o2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_***_o4 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_***_o5 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_cdiff1 LIKE imrg-cdiff,
             l_cdiff2 LIKE imrg-cdiff,
             l_cdiff3 LIKE imrg-cdiff,
             l_cdiff4 LIKE imrg-cdiff,
             l_path   LIKE rlgrap-filename,
      DATA :prod_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            keyp_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp2 WITH HEADER LINE,
            keyp_dis1 TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp2 WITH HEADER LINE,
            rmat_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp4 WITH HEADER LINE,
            rcur_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp6 WITH HEADER LINE,
            rhrs_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp4 WITH HEADER LINE,
            brkd_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp7 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DEFINE fill_kpp.
        clear l_flag.
        loop at it_mic_data where kurztext = &1.
          l_mean1 = it_mic_data-mittelwert.
          l_mean = it_mic_data-mean.
          if l_flag = ' '.
            move : &2                     to keyp_disp-desc,
                   l_mean1                to keyp_disp-ftd.
            if     it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Pb SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_pbshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Cu SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_cushg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Cd SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_cdshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Fe SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_feshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_znshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
              move   l_mean                 to keyp_disp-avg.
            if     it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'GLI'.
              move 'g/l'                  to keyp_disp-unit.
            elseif it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'PPM'.
              move 'ppm'                  to keyp_disp-unit.
            elseif it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'NO'.
              move 'no'                   to keyp_disp-unit.
              move it_mic_data-masseinhsw to keyp_disp-unit.
            append  keyp_disp.
            clear keyp_disp.
            move 'X' to l_flag.
            move : l_mean1                to keyp_disp-ftd.
            append  keyp_disp.
            clear keyp_disp.
        if sy-subrc is not initial.
          move &2 to keyp_disp-desc.
          append  keyp_disp.
          clear keyp_disp.
      DEFINE fill_kp1.
        clear l_flag.
        loop at it_mic_data where kurztext = &1.
          l_mean1 = it_mic_data-mittelwert.
          l_mean = it_mic_data-mean.
          if l_flag = ' '.
            move : &2                     to keyp_dis1-desc,
                   l_mean1                to keyp_dis1-ftd.
            if     it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Pb SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_pbshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_dis1-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Cu SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_cushg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_dis1-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Cd SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_cdshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_dis1-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Fe SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_feshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_dis1-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean3 = v_mean_znshg.
              move   l_mean3                to keyp_dis1-avg.
              clear  l_mean3.
              l_mean3 = it_mic_data-mittelwert.
              move   l_mean3                to keyp_dis1-ftd.
              move   l_mean                 to keyp_dis1-avg.
            if     it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'GLI'.
              move 'g/l'                  to keyp_dis1-unit.
            elseif it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'PPM'.
              move 'ppm'                  to keyp_dis1-unit.
            elseif it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'NO'.
              move 'no'                   to keyp_dis1-unit.
              move it_mic_data-masseinhsw to keyp_dis1-unit.
            append  keyp_dis1.
            clear keyp_dis1.
            move 'X' to l_flag.
            if it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'.
              clear  l_mean3.
              l_mean3 = it_mic_data-mittelwert.
              move   l_mean3                to keyp_dis1-ftd.
              move : l_mean1                to keyp_dis1-ftd.
            append  keyp_dis1.
            clear keyp_dis1.
        if sy-subrc is not initial.
          move &2 to keyp_dis1-desc.
          append  keyp_dis1.
          clear keyp_dis1.
    ********PLANT HEADER
    ********Production figure
      LOOP AT it_disp1.
        prod_disp-desc        = it_disp1-desc.
        prod_disp-d_plnmg     = it_disp1-d_plnmg.
        prod_disp-d_menge     = it_disp1-d_menge.
        prod_disp-u_plnmg     = it_disp1-u_plnmg.
        prod_disp-u_menge     = it_disp1-u_menge.
        prod_disp-avg         = it_disp1-avg.
        prod_disp-ask_rate    = it_disp1-ask_rate.
        prod_disp-m_plnmg     = it_disp1-m_plnmg.
        prod_disp-y_plnmg     = it_disp1-y_plnmg.
        prod_disp-y_menge     = it_disp1-y_menge.
        prod_disp-y_variance  = it_disp1-y_variance.
        APPEND prod_disp.
    ********Key performance parameters
      MOVE 'ROASTER :' TO keyp_disp-desc.
      APPEND  keyp_disp.
      fill_kpp '% S/S IN 45 DEG'            '  S/S in Calcine'.
      MOVE 'LEACHING :' TO keyp_disp-desc.
      APPEND  keyp_disp.
      fill_kpp '% S/S IN  CAL'              '  S/S in Calcine'.
      fill_kpp '%water soluble Zn'          '  W/S Zn in Jarosite Cake'.
      fill_kpp '%total Zn in HBF'           '  T/Zn in Jarosite cake'.
      fill_kpp 'ZINC IN CT'                 '  Zn in Conditioning tank'.
      fill_kpp 'g/l zn in neutral overflow' '  Zn in Electrolyte Prod (gpl)'.
      fill_kpp 'PPM CU IN PS25'             '  Purified Solution Cu'.
      fill_kpp 'PPM CADMIUM IN PS25'        '  Purified Solution Cd'.
      fill_kpp 'PPM COBALT IN PS25'         '  Purified Solution Co'.
      MOVE 'CELLHOUSE :' TO keyp_disp-desc.
      APPEND  keyp_disp.
      fill_kpp 'g/l zinc in cell feed'      '  Cell Feed Zinc gpl'.
      fill_kpp 'GPL ACID IN CELL FEED'      '  Cell Feed acidity gpl'.
      fill_kpp 'g/l manganese in cell feed' '  Cell Feed Mn gpl'.
      LOOP AT t_imrg_add_disp.
        MOVE:  t_imrg_add_disp-desc    TO keyp_disp-desc,
               t_imrg_add_disp-d_value TO keyp_disp-ftd,
               t_imrg_add_disp-c_value TO temp,
               temp                    TO keyp_disp-avg.
        IF t_imrg_add_disp-units = 'NO'.
          MOVE:  'no'                    TO keyp_disp-unit.
          MOVE:  t_imrg_add_disp-units   TO keyp_disp-unit.
        APPEND keyp_disp.CLEAR keyp_disp.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Pb SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Pb SHG Zinc'.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Cu SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Cu SHG Zinc'.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Cd SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Cd SHG Zinc'.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Fe SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Fe SHG Zinc'.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'.
    ********Cellhouse power
      CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS bcd_zerodivide = 1.
        v_m_kwh_mt = v_ind8_m / cathode_recipt.
        v_m_mt_mw  = cathode_recipt / ( v_ind8_m / 24000 ).
      MOVE : v_d_kwh_mt TO disp_d_kwh_mt,
             v_m_kwh_mt TO disp_m_kwh_mt,
             v_d_mt_mw  TO disp_d_mt_mw,
             v_m_mt_mw  TO disp_m_mt_mw.
    ********Raw Material
      LOOP AT it_disp3.
        rmat_disp-desc    = it_disp3-desc.
        rmat_disp-opstk   = it_disp3-opstk.
        rmat_disp-d_recpt = it_disp3-d_recpt.
        rmat_disp-u_recpt = it_disp3-u_recpt.
        rmat_disp-d_cons  = it_disp3-d_cons.
        rmat_disp-u_cons  = it_disp3-u_cons.
        rmat_disp-clstk   = it_disp3-clstk.
        APPEND rmat_disp.
    ********Work in Progress
    ********Finished Goods
    ********power consumption
      l_no_of_days = v_mm_en_dt+6(2).
      CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS bcd_zerodivide = 1.
        l_bptarget   = ( v_bp_nrms_p * v_gross_d ) / l_no_of_days.
        l_act_d      = v_ind6_d + v_ind2_d - ( v_ind3_d + ( v_ind4_d / 2 ) ) - v_ind5_d.
        l_act_c      = v_ind6_m + v_ind2_m - ( v_ind3_m + ( v_ind4_m / 2 ) ) - v_ind5_m.
        l_pow_gen    = ( v_ind2_d / 1000 ) / v_ind7_d.
      l_pow_gen_d  = v_ind2_d / 1000.
      l_pow_gen_c  = v_ind9_m / 1000.
      l_rec_con_d_kwh = v_ind8_d.
      l_rec_con_c_kwh = v_ind8_m.
      l_rec_con_d_mw  = v_ind8_d / 24000.
      l_rec_con_c_mw  = v_ind8_m / ( 24000 * v_days_pased ).
      LOOP AT t_disp_curr.
        rcur_disp-time    = t_disp_curr-time.
        rcur_disp-current = t_disp_curr-current.
        rcur_disp-kah     = t_disp_curr-kah.
        APPEND rcur_disp.
        AT LAST.
          tot_kah = t_disp_curr-kah.
      avg_kah = tot_kah / '24'.
    *********************running hrs
      LOOP AT it_disp6.
        rhrs_disp-desc    = it_disp6-desc.
        rhrs_disp-opstk   = it_disp6-d_runhrs.
        rhrs_disp-d_recpt = it_disp6-m_runhrs.
        APPEND rhrs_disp.
      rhrs_disp-desc    = 'Turbo Generator'.
      rhrs_disp-opstk   = v_turbod.
      rhrs_disp-d_recpt = v_turboc.
      INSERT rhrs_disp INDEX 2.
    **********************BREAK_DOWN & OIL
      CLEAR value.
      LOOP AT itab2.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01G001'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h1 = v_ftd_h1 + value.
          CLEAR value.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01G002'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h2 = v_ftd_h2 + value.
          CLEAR value.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01V003'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h3 = v_ftd_h3 + value.
          CLEAR value.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01V001'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h4 = v_ftd_h4 + value.
          CLEAR value.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01V002'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h5 = v_ftd_h5 + value.
          CLEAR value.
      LOOP AT t_oil.
        AT END OF ind.
          IF t_oil-ind = 1.
            v_***_o1 = t_oil-cdiff * 1000.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 2.
            v_***_o2 = t_oil-cdiff * 1000.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 3.
            v_***_o4 = t_oil-cdiff * 1000.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 4.
            v_***_o5 = t_oil-cdiff * 1000.
        IF t_oil-idate = p_repdt.
          IF t_oil-ind = 1.
            l_cdiff1 = l_cdiff1 + t_oil-cdiff.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 2.
            l_cdiff2 = l_cdiff2 + t_oil-cdiff.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 3.
            l_cdiff3 = l_cdiff3 + t_oil-cdiff.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 4.
            l_cdiff4 = l_cdiff4 + t_oil-cdiff.
      v_ftd_o1 = l_cdiff1 * 1000.
      v_ftd_o2 = l_cdiff2 * 1000.
      v_ftd_o4 = l_cdiff3 * 1000.
      v_ftd_o5 = l_cdiff4 * 1000.
    *********Breakdown details----3rd page
      LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
            decim = 0
            expon = 0
            input = wa-auszt
            ivalu = 'X'
            flstr = wk_char_auszt.
        CONDENSE wk_char_auszt NO-GAPS.
        wk_flt_auszt = wk_char_auszt.
        wk_flt_auszt = wk_flt_auszt / 3600.
        duration = wk_flt_auszt.
        brkd_disp-eqdesc = wa-eqktx.
        brkd_disp-nodesc = wa-qmtxt.
        brkd_disp-hrs    = duration.
        APPEND brkd_disp.
      MOVE : v_ftd_h1 TO disp_ftd_h1,
             v_ftd_h2 TO disp_ftd_h2,
             v_ftd_h3 TO disp_ftd_h3,
             v_ftd_h4 TO disp_ftd_h4,
             v_ftd_h5 TO disp_ftd_h5,
             v_ftd_o1 TO disp_ftd_o1,
             v_ftd_o2 TO disp_ftd_o2,
             v_ftd_o4 TO disp_ftd_o4,
             v_ftd_o5 TO disp_ftd_o5,
             v_***_o1 TO disp_***_o1,
             v_***_o2 TO disp_***_o2,
             v_***_o4 TO disp_***_o4,
             v_***_o5 TO disp_***_o5,
             l_bptarget      TO disp_bptarget,
             l_act_d         TO disp_act_d,
             l_act_c         TO disp_act_c,
             l_rec_con_d_kwh TO disp_d_kwh,
             l_rec_con_c_kwh TO disp_c_kwh,
             l_rec_con_d_mw  TO disp_d_mw,
             l_rec_con_c_mw  TO disp_c_mw,
             tot_kah         TO disp_tot_kah,
             avg_kah         TO disp_avg_kah,
             l_pow_gen       TO disp_pow_gen,
             l_pow_gen_d     TO disp_pow_gen_d,
             l_pow_gen_c     TO disp_pow_gen_c,
             v_cath_d        TO disp_cath_d,
             v_cath_c        TO disp_cath_c,
             v_anode_d       TO disp_anode_d,
             v_anode_c       TO disp_anode_c.
      wa_output_options-tdimmed = 'X'.
      wa_control_parameters-device = 'PRINTER'.
      wa_control_parameters-preview = 'X'.
      IF rb3 = 'X'.
        wa_control_parameters-getotf  = 'X'.
        wa_control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'.
          formname           = 'ZHZLPP_CLZSN_DAILY_MIS'
          fm_name            = v_form_name
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      CALL FUNCTION v_form_name
          control_parameters         = wa_control_parameters
          output_options             = wa_output_options
          user_settings              = 'X'
          header                     = v_header
          date                       = p_repdt
          l_bptarget                 = disp_bptarget
          l_act_d                    = disp_act_d
          l_act_c                    = disp_act_c
          disp_d_kwh                 = disp_d_kwh
          disp_c_kwh                 = disp_c_kwh
          disp_d_mw                  = disp_d_mw
          disp_c_mw                  = disp_c_mw
          disp_tot_kah               = disp_tot_kah
          disp_avg_kah               = disp_avg_kah
          disp_d_kwh_mt              = disp_d_kwh_mt
          disp_m_kwh_mt              = disp_m_kwh_mt
          disp_d_mt_mw               = disp_d_mt_mw
          disp_m_mt_mw               = disp_m_mt_mw
          disp_pow_gen               = disp_pow_gen
          disp_pow_gen_d             = disp_pow_gen_d
          disp_pow_gen_c             = disp_pow_gen_c
          disp_ftd_h1                = disp_ftd_h1
          disp_ftd_h2                = disp_ftd_h2
          disp_ftd_h3                = disp_ftd_h3
          disp_ftd_h4                = disp_ftd_h4
          disp_ftd_h5                = disp_ftd_h5
          disp_ftd_o1                = disp_ftd_o1
          disp_ftd_o2                = disp_ftd_o2
          disp_ftd_o4                = disp_ftd_o4
          disp_ftd_o5                = disp_ftd_o5
          disp_***_o1                = disp_***_o1
          disp_***_o2                = disp_***_o2
          disp_***_o4                = disp_***_o4
          disp_***_o5                = disp_***_o5
          disp_cath_d                = disp_cath_d
          disp_cath_c                = disp_cath_c
          disp_anode_d               = disp_anode_d
          disp_anode_c               = disp_anode_c
        job_output_info              = w_return           " .    
          prod_tab                   = prod_disp
          keyp_tab                   = keyp_disp
          remk_tab                   = it_remarks
          rmat_tab                   = rmat_disp
          rwip_tab                   = it_disp4
          rfng_tab                   = it_disp_fg
          rcur_tab                   = rcur_disp
          rhrs_tab                   = rhrs_disp
          brkd_tab                   = brkd_disp
          keyp_tab1                  = keyp_dis1
          formatting_error           = 1
          internal_error             = 2
          send_error                 = 3
          user_canceled              = 4
          OTHERS                     = 5
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE 'Error in printing form' TYPE 'I'.
    ********Downloading in pdf format.
      IF rb3 = 'X'.
        IF l_usract <> 9.
          MOVE fullpath TO l_path.
          i_otf[] = w_return-otfdata[].
          CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTF'                   "
              format                = 'PDF'
              max_linewidth         = 132
              bin_filesize          = v_len_in
              otf                   = i_otf
              lines                 = i_tline
              err_max_linewidth     = 1
              err_format            = 2
              err_conv_not_possible = 3
              OTHERS                = 4.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              bin_filesize            = v_len_in
              filename                = l_path
              filetype                = 'BIN'
              filelength              = w_filesize
              data_tab                = i_tline
              file_open_error         = 1
              file_write_error        = 2
              invalid_filesize        = 3
              invalid_type            = 4
              no_batch                = 5
              unknown_error           = 6
              invalid_table_width     = 7
              gui_refuse_filetransfer = 8
              customer_error          = 9
              OTHERS                  = 10.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            MESSAGE 'File downloaded successfully' TYPE 'S'.
      IF sy-batch = 'X'.               " SENDING MAILS IF SCHEDULED IN BACKGROUND
        DATA: formname           TYPE tdsfname,
              fm_name            TYPE rs38l_fnam,
              control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
              output_options     TYPE ssfcompop,
              job_output_info    TYPE ssfcrescl,
              otf_data           TYPE tsfotf.
        DATA: otf                TYPE TABLE OF itcoo WITH HEADER LINE,
              doctab_archive     TYPE TABLE OF docs WITH HEADER LINE,
              lines              TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,
              bin_filesize       TYPE i.
            formname           = 'ZHZLPP_CLZSN_DAILY_MIS'
            fm_name            = v_form_name
            no_form            = 1
            no_function_module = 2
            OTHERS             = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'.
        control_parameters-getotf    = 'X'.
        CALL FUNCTION v_form_name
            control_parameters = control_parameters
            header             = v_header
            date               = p_repdt
            l_bptarget         = disp_bptarget
            l_act_d            = disp_act_d
            l_act_c            = disp_act_c
            disp_d_kwh         = disp_d_kwh
            disp_c_kwh         = disp_c_kwh
            disp_d_mw          = disp_d_mw
            disp_c_mw          = disp_c_mw
            disp_tot_kah       = disp_tot_kah
            disp_avg_kah       = disp_avg_kah
            disp_d_kwh_mt      = disp_d_kwh_mt
            disp_m_kwh_mt      = disp_m_kwh_mt
            disp_d_mt_mw       = disp_d_mt_mw
            disp_m_mt_mw       = disp_m_mt_mw
            disp_pow_gen       = disp_pow_gen
            disp_pow_gen_d     = disp_pow_gen_d
            disp_pow_gen_c     = disp_pow_gen_c
            disp_ftd_h1        = disp_ftd_h1
            disp_ftd_h2        = disp_ftd_h2
            disp_ftd_h3        = disp_ftd_h3
            disp_ftd_h4        = disp_ftd_h4
            disp_ftd_h5        = disp_ftd_h5
            disp_ftd_o1        = disp_ftd_o1
            disp_ftd_o2        = disp_ftd_o2
            disp_ftd_o4        = disp_ftd_o4
            disp_ftd_o5        = disp_ftd_o5
            disp_***_o1        = disp_***_o1
            disp_***_o2        = disp_***_o2
            disp_***_o4        = disp_***_o4
            disp_***_o5        = disp_***_o5
            disp_cath_d        = disp_cath_d
            disp_cath_c        = disp_cath_c
            disp_anode_d       = disp_anode_d
            disp_anode_c       = disp_anode_c
            job_output_info    = job_output_info
            prod_tab           = prod_disp
            keyp_tab           = keyp_disp
            remk_tab           = it_remarks
            rmat_tab           = rmat_disp
            rwip_tab           = it_disp4
            rfng_tab           = it_disp_fg
            rcur_tab           = rcur_disp
            rhrs_tab           = rhrs_disp
            brkd_tab           = brkd_disp
            keyp_tab1          = keyp_dis1
            formatting_error   = 1
            internal_error     = 2
            send_error         = 3
            user_canceled      = 4
            OTHERS             = 5.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          otf_data = job_output_info-otfdata[].
              bin_filesize           = bin_filesize
              otf                    = otf_data[]
              doctab_archive         = doctab_archive[]
              lines                  = lines[]
              err_conv_not_possible  = 1
              err_otf_mc_noendmarker = 2
              OTHERS                 = 3.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SUBMIT rsconn01 with mode = 'INT' AND RETURN.
    *                                    ----<<distrubution list>>----
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1A' v_header.   " Donot put more than 8 email-ids
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1B' v_header.   " in a distribution list
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1C' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1D' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1E' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1F' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1G' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1H' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1I' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1J' v_header.
    ENDFORM.                    " print
    *&      Form  get_download_path
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM get_download_path .
          window_title      = 'Download as pdf file'
          default_extension = 'pdf'
          fullpath          = fullpath
          user_action       = l_usract.
      IF l_usract = '9'.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_download_path
    *&      Form  mail_users
    *       text
    *      -->P_LINES  text
    *      -->P_2153   text
    *      -->P_V_HEADER  text
    FORM mail_users  TABLES   p_lines STRUCTURE tline
                     USING    p_dist_list
      CONSTANTS: c_raw TYPE so_obj_tp VALUE 'RAW',
                 c_pdf TYPE so_obj_tp VALUE 'PDF',
                 c_255 TYPE i VALUE 255,
                 c_134 TYPE i VALUE 134,
                 c_x   TYPE c VALUE 'X'.
      DATA: document_data LIKE sodocchgi1 ,
            tab_lines     TYPE i,
            contents_txt  TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            contents_bin  TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            packing_list  TYPE TABLE OF sopcklsti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            object_header TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            receivers     TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            l_str(255) ,
            v1 TYPE i,
            v2 TYPE i,
            v3 TYPE i.
      document_data-obj_name  = 'EMAIL'.
      document_data-obj_descr = p_v_header.  " SUBJECT LINE
      CONCATENATE 'Please find the attached SAP generated Daily Production Report for the day'
                  '.' p_repdt+0(4)
             INTO contents_txt.
      APPEND      contents_txt.
      CLEAR       contents_txt.
      APPEND      contents_txt.
      APPEND      contents_txt.
      DESCRIBE TABLE contents_txt LINES tab_lines.
      READ TABLE     contents_txt INDEX tab_lines.
      document_data-doc_size  = ( tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( contents_txt ).
      document_data-doc_size  = tab_lines .
      CLEAR packing_list-transf_bin.
      packing_list-head_start = 1.
      packing_list-head_num   = 0.
      packing_list-body_start = 1.
      packing_list-body_num   = tab_lines.
      packing_list-doc_type   = c_raw.
      packing_list-doc_size   = document_data-doc_size.
      APPEND packing_list.
      LOOP AT p_lines.
        CLEAR l_str.
        l_str+0(2)   = p_lines-tdformat.
        l_str+2(132) = p_lines-tdline.
        v2 = v1 + c_134.
        IF v2 LE c_255.
          contents_bin-line+v1(c_134) = l_str. v1 = v2.
          v3 = v2 - c_255.
          v2 = c_255 - v1.
          IF NOT v2 IS INITIAL.
            contents_bin-line+v1(v2) = l_str+0(v2).
          APPEND contents_bin.
          CLEAR  contents_bin.
          v1 = v3.
          v3 = 134 - v1.
          IF NOT v1 IS INITIAL.
            contents_bin-line+0(v1) = l_str+v3(v1).
      APPEND contents_bin.
      CLEAR  contents_bin.
      DESCRIBE TABLE contents_bin LINES tab_lines.
      READ     TABLE contents_bin INDEX tab_lines.
      CONCATENATE 'Hy-I Report'
                  '.' p_repdt+0(4)
             INTO object_header.
      APPEND object_header.
      packing_list-transf_bin = c_x.
      packing_list-head_start = 1.
      packing_list-head_num   = 1.
      packing_list-body_start = 1.
      packing_list-body_num   = tab_lines.
      packing_list-doc_type   = c_pdf.
      packing_list-obj_name   = 'text1'.
      packing_list-obj_descr  = 'Production report'.
      packing_list-doc_size   = tab_lines * 255 + STRLEN( contents_bin ).
      APPEND packing_list.
      receivers-receiver      = p_dist_list.
      receivers-rec_type      = 'C'.
      APPEND receivers.
      CLEAR  receivers.
          document_data              = document_data
          put_in_outbox              = ' '
          SENDER_ADDRESS             = 'CZPPPLG'
          SENDER_ADDRESS_TYPE        = 'B'
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = packing_list
          object_header              = object_header
          contents_bin               = contents_bin
          contents_txt               = contents_txt
          receivers                  = receivers
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          OTHERS                     = 8.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SUBMIT rsconn01 with mode = 'INT' AND RETURN.
    ENDFORM.                    " mail_users

  • I used Preview to fill in a .pdf form. I saved it, re-opened and saw my annotations. When I attached it to an email, the annotation and filled-in materials were no there. What's happening?

    Having been gently chided by "How to write a good question," I offer additional information as a preamble to my question.
    I am writing about Preview 7.0 (826.4) on Mavericks 10.9.4; my computer is a MacBook Pro, late 2011 model with not modifications.
    I used Preview to fill in a .pdf form and saved it. To check, I re-opened the form and saw all the info I had filled in. However, when I attached it to an email, the info was not there; the form contained none of the info I had added. I re-did the form several times, but the results were the same when I attached it to email. What's going on?
    Here's a secondary matter. When I filled in the form, the print was red and the type too large. Though I went into fonts, etc. and selected a type size and color black, the info I added was still red and the wrong size. Again, how do I manage color, size, and font?

    Form document will automatically be saved after closing the file. As far as cloud message is concerned, it seems your Mobile link setting has been turned on. When you pressed device back button after filling the form, it was saved to your account. You can access this document by going to tab present in left pane. Its a cloud storage area where you can upload/save any document.
    Adobe Reader Team

  • Automatically refresh the report tabs after selecting the parameters in bip

    Hello Everything!!
    Is there a way to automatically refresh all the report tabs once we select the parameters? The report are not refreshed automatically in each tab and users have to either hit apply button or refresh button for each report tab . Is this a lacking feature in BI publisher. I am using

    Hello Everything!!
    Is there a way to automatically refresh all the report tabs once we select the parameters? The report are not refreshed automatically in each tab and users have to either hit apply button or refresh button for each report tab . Is this a lacking feature in BI publisher. I am using

  • Emailing the report to external email -  Background job

    We are creating background job for running the report in background...but i want the output(report) to send an email in Excel format after the job run successfully...
    Here the email is External email not SAP inbox..
    Do you have any idea how to achieve this? any user-exit or even handling will help this?
    Please let me know

    Iam not using custom program to send the email...I know about the FM send email.
    My requirement is to send email to user the report in Excel after the background job runs.
    we will define the job in SM36 with variant for the report with program name and variant.
    after the job runs the spool request will be created and we can also setup the output of the report to be sent to SAP inbox.
    my question is to how to send the output of this report in Excel format to external email i.e. Gmail, yahoo etc...
    I hope u r clear now...
    Please let me know if you know the answer.

  • How to email the Financial Reports to selected set of users - Hyperion

    Hello Everyone,
    I was wondering if there is a way to email a financial report (in Hyperion Financial Reporting Studio) to selected set of users based on the selection of Entity from the POV. If yes can it be automized in a way that everytime the report is run for a particular entity, it will email the report to the selected set of users?.

    Yes, you can schedule batches (not in FR, but in Workspace). You might find this useful:
    More info on Financial Reporting Workspace User’s Guide:

  • Web Report - Selecting variable value

    I have web report, where one selection variable for company code is there.
    If i am running the report like compnay code 2000 it is working.
    The web report is having a facility to select multiple company code like >1000. Means before the text box to enter the company code 1000, there is another selection box where we can select =,>,< etc like that.
    If i am selecting > and company code 1000. Then report is not displaying any thing.
    But we have company codes > 1000 like 1001-1007,2000,3000.
    Could you please advise me what might be the wrong with this case.
    Thanks & Regards

    One possibility would be that you are having a security issue. If you do not have authorization to see ALL companies > 1000, then your report will show no data (even if you do have authorization to see company 2000).
    Hope this helps...

  • Union of all the selection variables

    Hi All,
    Is there a way to get a Union of all the available values of selection variables in BEx? For example, if I have a selection variable for 0material and 0country, and I put in 1234 and USA as the selection input.  Normally, you would get a report with '1234' AND 'USA'.  For my case, I want to get the report with '1234' OR 'USA'.  Basically, I want  report with both 0Material = '1234' OR with 0Country = 'USA' in one report.  Thanks in advance for your advice.

    To only list the material for a particular country.....In the first step, we would list the country before the material in the "rows" section.
    In the "Columns" section, it sounds like there is only one key figure column needed with the variable for the "Country", but do NOT restrict by the "Material".  This should work whether you are showing a count of items or $ cost.
    If this is not right... maybe we could see a simple example from you showing 5 total records with what you want to see in the final report for the columns and rows for 3 records you are trying to capture, etc....
    Edited by: Sharon West on Nov 26, 2008 9:41 AM

  • I don't received the email survey reports

    I created a survey using captivate and in the Reporting
    Window I selected the email option and entered my email.
    In Computer #1, I ran a test, and it prompt me if I wanted to
    send the email, but even when I select "yes", I still don't
    received any email.
    In Computer #2, it prompts me and it does send the email.
    Here are my questions:
    What could be possible wrong with the setting on Computer #1
    that prevent the program to send the results in the email?
    How can I set my computer to NOT prompt me if is OK to send
    the email?
    Can I set up captivate in a way that the user does not need
    to click on the "send email" button? I am concern that people might
    not click on the button to send me the survey results.

    Hello nochoa,
    Unfortunately sending quiz results via e-mail is fraught with
    difficulty. The sad fact is that this has to rely on too many
    1. Flash Player
    2. Email Client
    3. Web Browser
    Personally, if this is going to be distributed to a large
    number of users, you would be better investing in an
    LMS - such as WBT Manager or
    to consider

  • Variable in the report agent.

    Hai All,
       I have used a variable in the report agent to run a query in the background. The variable I used already incrementing dates automatically when the report is executed on the web.  Do I need to make anymore other setting in the report agent for this variable or Is it going to be fine.
    Thanks, Vijay.

    Anil, Ravi,
      Thanks for your advise. When I created the variant in the webtemplate the date range is feb1 to feb28. But the Date range for the query changed to march1 to march1.
      After I scheduled the package, when run rsrt with statistics for FEB I see all 0's in the statistics and for march I see some count in the statistics. Will this be okay? When run using the process chain this will take right dates?.
      In the Agent settings, under filtering I am using 'No Filtering'. If I click on 'explicit thru query rslt then there is variant. Do I need to take this route?
    Thanks for your help in this regard, Vijay.

  • How to Change Date Format in the Title of the report.

    Hi Everyone,
    I want to change the Format of the Date in the title(Query run Date)taken by report through the variable "&Date" .
    The Format available is DD-MON-YY
    Desired Format is DD-MON-YYYY.
    Please let me know the same as early as possible.

    Hi NP,
    What I try to do is to reformat the default &date inserted into the Title for Discovere Plus and Viewer. When you edit the Title for the report, you can select the date from the Insert dropdown list to display the date when the report was run. The Date (shown &Date in the Title) has a default format of DD-MON-YY. As I have other date parameters displyed in the Title that have the format of DD-MON-YYYY specified by the user, I want to have the &Data in the same format. Please advise me how to achieve this.
    Thank yiou very much,

  • Update report based on selected LOV value

    I've searched the forum but could not find the answer how to implement the following:
    I have a form with a popup LOV, element P203_LOCATION_ID, which is populated from a query. When the user picks a value from it, a report in the same page should be refreshed. The report has query "select * from distances where d < 1 AND l = :P203_LOCATION_ID " .
    I created a dynamic action which would refresh the report on change of P203_LOCATION_ID , but the report does not change.
    After looking here, I made a hidden variable P203_SEL_LOCATION which is populated by dynamic action on change, with javascript $v('P203_LOCATION_ID') , and then a second rule in the dynamic action should refresh the report. The query in the report is changed to use :P203_SEL_LOCATION as a parameter.
    Although, when made display-only, P203_SEL_LOCATION does change (and console.log shows the selected ID), the report does not see that change and remains empty. I tried both IR and classic report, same result.
    Any help would be appreciated, how to make change in Items visible to the report?

    Hi Mila,
    I assume that you have checked that the report refresh process is happening and that by "empty" you meant that the report was not fetching any records whereas it should have for the value you see in the page.
    It could be because the changed values is not is not yet set in the session for the report to see(report fetches the bind value of the item P203_SEL_LOCATION from the session).
    You will need to add the item's value to the session before firing the report refresh.
    One way to do that would be to add a PLSQL process as true action with the sequence order lesser than the refresh.
    In the items to submit_ , give P203_SEL_LOCATION
    And the process needn't do anything(what we wanted was the P203_SEL_LOCATION be set, which would be done before executing this PLSQL)
    END;Hope that solves your problem

  • Emailing PDF Reports from Workspace in 10GR3

    Hi all,
    There is an option in the workspace of 10GR3 to generate PDF and Excel reports of instances Aborted/Completed/InProcess by filtering them and then hitting the Output Options button to generate a PDF or Excel reports out of these.
    But this has be done manually by somebody logging into the workspace, filtering out the data required and then generating PDF or Excel reports out of the data filtered and then saving the report to one's own desktop and then emailing the report to the managers.
    Can this be automated?
    Can OBPM 10GR3 automatically filter, generate these PDF reports and send them to the Participants which required to be emailed with the PDF reports as attachments?

    You could use PAPI inside a method in a Global Automatic to create a list of the aborted, completed and in process instances. You'd want to have this Global Automatic's property set to run as often as you want the email recipients to receive their emails.
    There is no OOTB PDF generation capability in Oracle BPM, but the iText Java library works very well for this.
    You'd need to:
    1. Write a little Java class that accepts a hash table as an incoming parameter and uses the values received to create and populate a PDF. This class calls methods in the iText library ( that populate the PDF document with the values it's passed.
    2. Jar the class and expose this and the iText "iText-2.1.7.jar" file as an External Resource in Oracle BPM.
    3. In a method in Oracle BPM, set the values in a hash table from the values in your BPM Object and call the Java method you wrote using the hash table as an incoming parameter.
    Rather than creating a PDF from scratch each time, you can also start with an Adobe AcroForm. You'd use this as a template and fill the form's bookmarked fields in using the fields sent in from the hash table.
    Once the PDF has been created, you'd use the Catalog's Fuego.Net.Mail component method to attach the file to the instance (see the "attachments[]" attribute) and send the email.
    Hope this helps,

  • Repoting Server: Which Management Server manage the reports in this case of MS failure?

    If I have 2 MS "server1" and "server2", and server1 is the RMS emulator.
    When i install "server3" with the Reporting Role and select "server1" how management Server.
    What happend when server1 is turn off? Does Reporting work?

    SQL Server provides failover clustering support so that you can use multiple disks for one or more SQL Server instances. Failover clustering is supported only for the report server database; you cannot run the Report Server service as part of a failover
    To host a report server database on a SQL Server failover cluster, the cluster must already be installed and configured. You can then select the failover cluster as the server name when you create the report server database in the Database Setup page of
    the Reporting Services Configuration tool.
    Although the Report Server service cannot participate in a failover cluster, you can install Reporting Services on a computer that has a SQL Server failover cluster installed. The report server runs independently of the failover cluster. If you install a
    report server on a computer that is part of a SQL Server failover instance, you are not required to use the failover cluster for the report server database; you can use a different SQL Server instance to host the database.
    please refer to:
    Mahmoud: [email protected]

  • FBL5N, query regading the SO n PO field in the report

    HI experts,
    #1 In the Transaction FBL5N, the report I have selected the Sales order and Purchase order in the lay out.
    When the report is run for any customer these both fields are empty. Infact all the order are created with reference to PO n then SO then Invoicing.
    I have checked the transaction VTFA wherein the header for the invoice /SO combination as A-reference of PO. But that is not working out.
    #2 Another issue is can the transaction VF05 have a field with which the the invoice can be selected using the Purcase order of the invoice. Eg. similar to a field which we have in VA05 where we can enter the purchase order for search criterial.
    Please helpme out in these issues.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Andy,
    Sorry, can I pick your brain one final time?
    I've got the css hover working as your example... do you know if there's a way to have a break in the text?
    My function is looping through every row, essentially setting:
    aliases := aliases || next_name
    and finally returning the full string of aliases. So my hover box would be something like:
    name1 name2 name3 name4
    I'd like to have it:
    for readability.
    I guess I'd need to have my function work along the lines of:
    aliases := aliases || next_name || newline
    where newline is the code for a new line in the hover box... but I'm struggling to find out what the code is for a new line in this situation.
    Edited by: Joseph Crofts on Dec 30, 2008 5:46 PM

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