Logic ' Live' Mode

Anyone know if the 'Live' mode uses CPU or RAM or both. Would adding more RAM and running in 64 bit mode mean live mode runs more effectively?

If you don't want an instrument to be in live mode, then select an audio track, or uncheck the track record button. But then you can't play the instrument.
If you mean you want better performance (ie you've got too much latency) while you are playing the instrument then 2 things to look at. If it's just the first note that is slow, that's because it's in 'live mode standby' or whatever it's called. The "R" is red, but the button is grey. You need to send a silent MIDI signal to kick it into full live mode, just a quick flick of a knob or mod/pitch wheel.
IF you have too much latency, period, try decreasing the buffer size in the preferences menu.

Similar Messages

  • Logic-Live ReWire problems

    First, when playing Live instruments through ReWire in Logic, there's latency of almost a full second and I can't get rid of it.
    Second, when I quit Live (before Logic), I get an error message from Logic saying it has to unexpectedly close and then Live freezes....
    Im runnin

    fatmonkeyryit wrote:
    First, when playing Live instruments through ReWire in Logic, there's latency of almost a full second and I can't get rid of it.
    hi fatmonkeyryit,
    On core adio preferemce set the Rewire Behaviour to "live mode"
    Second, when I quit Live (before Logic), I get an error message from Logic saying it has to unexpectedly close and then Live freezes....
    Im runnin
    you MUST quit Live for first in order to avoid that problem
    Slave application MUST be closed before quitting Logic

  • Design mode/ Live Mode

    I know there is a simple fix to this but I can't figure it out. I have a website that has a few pages created in Dreamweaver CS6. I few weeks back, the site and the webpages looked good. Then a few days ago, I logged into Dreamweaver and began to update a new page for our current winners, and this is when something went wrong.
    In design mode, my web page looks like its supposed to, background image and all the image attachments including the Logo are where they are suppose to be. However, in Live mode my page is all white, and all the attached images are not viewable. The attachment images have a ? mark  in the center of each box where an image would be placed.
    I now have a webpage that up until a week or so ago worked and now, whenever someone views that page, all they see is a white screen.
    Can someone please assist me in getting this issue resolved.

    Copy & paste this revised code into a new, blank document.  Incidentally, you should keep embedded CSS code to a minimum.  Also group all page specific styles into one set of <style> tags below the external style sheet.   Winner Dates and WinnerDates are not valid.   And they lack .class or #ID designation and no spaces allowed in selector names.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    <p> </p>
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    <p class="body_font_Head"> </p>
    <div id="date">
    <p> </p>
    <p>OCT<br />
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    APRIL<br />
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    <br />
    <p>MAR<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <p>FEB<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <div id="names">
    <p> </p>
    <p>Mike Dicely<br />
    <br />
    Duayne Gutshall<br />
    Lex Burrit<br />
    Tyler Walton<br />
    Jesse Fitz<br />
    Bill Thomas<br />
    Tim Buckwalter<br />
    Darryl Ruggles<br />
    Alysha Ruggles<br />
    Lee Nardelli<br />
    Terry Scheaffer<br />
    Lex Burrit<br />
    Alex Bright<br />
    Issac Sneeringer<br />
    <br />
    Mike Rutherford<br />
    Alysha Ruggels<br />
    Tim Barricks<br />
    Mike Rutherford<br />
    Ryan Smith<br />
    Brian Carber<br />
    Tyler DeVault<br />
    Ryan Greth<br />
    Jake Murphy<br />
    Ryan Smith<br />
    Tyler DeVault<br />
    Brian Carber<br />
    <br />
    Nick Cooper<br />
    Lex Burrit<br />
    Ryan Smith<br />
    Ryan Smith<br />
    Brent Marks<br />
    Nick Cooper<br />
    Nick Cooper<br />
    Mike Freed<br />
    Jan Luckenbaugh<br />
    Ryan Smith<br />
    Ryan Greth<br />
    Ryan Smith<br />
    David Reinhardt<br />
    Bill Thomas<br />
    Mike Rutherford<br />
    Issac Sneeringer<br />
    Bill Thomas<br />
    Issac Sneeringer<br />
    Robbie Kendall<br />
    Mike Dicely<br />
    Ben Murphy<br />
    Jake Murphy<br />
    Jake Murphy<br />
    Tim Gladfelter<br />
    <br />
    Brendon Bright<br />
    Ryan Greth<br />
    Thomas Kohler<br />
    Kyle Moody<br />
    Tom Kohler<br />
    Mike Rutherford<br />
    Jeff Hartman<br />
    Ryan Greth<br />
    Mike Dicely<br />
    Mike Rutherford<br />
    Tyler Walton<br />
    Heath Hehnley<br />
    Jeff Hartman<br />
    <br />
    Jake Murphy<br />
    Robbie Kendall<br />
    Ryan Greth<br />
    Tom Kohler<br />
    Alex Bright<br />
    Lex Burrit<br />
    Brent Marks<br />
    Thomas Kohler<br />
    Brent Marks<br />
    Jake Murphy<br />
    Mike Rutherford<br />
    Mike Dicely<br />
    <br />
    Bill Thomas<br />
    Brock Zerfoss<br />
    Brent Marks<br />
    Heath Hehnley<br />
    Thomas Kohler<br />
    Jeff Hartman<br />
    Dwayne Gutshall<br />
    Brock Zerfoss<br />
    Heath Hehnley<br />
    Lex Burrit<br />
    Tim Gladfelter<br />
    <br />
    Robbie Kendall<br />
    Ryan Greth<br />
    Ben Murphy<br />
    Mike Rutherford<br />
    Mike Rutherford<br />
    <br />
    Brent Marks<br />
    Lex Burrit<br />
    <br />
    Lex Burrit<br />
    Lex Burrit</p>
    <div id="track">
    <p> </p>
    <p>Linda<br />
    <br />
    Trailways<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Airport<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Paradise<br />
    Paradise<br />
    Bridgeport<br />
    Lindas<br />
    Lindas<br />
    Lanco<br />
    Trailways<br />
    <br />
    Lindas<br />
    Paradise<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Lanco<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Kutztown<br />
    Kutztown <br />
    <br />
    Paradise<br />
    Lindas<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Kutztown<br />
    Kutztown<br />
    Paradise<br />
    Paradise<br />
    Lanco<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Kutztown<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Airport<br />
    Lindas<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Airport<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Lanco<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Susq. Speedway<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Lincoln<br />
    <br />
    Lindas<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Kutztown<br />
    Lindas<br />
    Bridgeport<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Lindas<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Bridgeport<br />
    <br />
    Hesston<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Lanco<br />
    Lanco <br />
    WhipCity<br />
    Lanco<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Lanco<br />
    Lanco<br />
    <br />
    Airport<br />
    Lindas<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Lanco<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    New Egypt<br />
    Trailways<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Airport<br />
    Greenwood<br />
    Trailways<br />
    <br />
    Trailways<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Path Valley<br />
    Hammerdown<br />
    Hammerdown<br />
    <br />
    East Bay<br />
    East Bay<br />
    <br />
    Mototown<br />
    <div id="class">
    <p> </p>
    <p>600 national<br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600 <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600/Wingless<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    SideWinder<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600 <br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600 <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600 SHOWDOWN<br />
    600 SPEEDWEEK<br />
    600 SPEEDWEEK<br />
    600 SPEEDWEEK<br />
    600 SPEEDWEEK<br />
    600 SPEEDWEEK<br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    SideWinder<br />
    600<br />
    600 <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    SideWinder<br />
    600 <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    SideWinder<br />
    600<br />
    600 <br />
    600<br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    SideWinder<br />
    600<br />
    600 <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    600<br />
    <br />
    600<br />
    <div class="disclaimer" id="prices_subject_to_change"></div>
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    <div class="nav_font" id="blank_footer">&copy; 2009 SPAR Racing Engines, LLC   &bull;   York Pennsylvania   &bull;   (717) 600-7168  </div>
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    Nancy O.

  • EOS Utility for Mac - no "Live Mode" in Focus menu (70D)

    I recently began using the EOS Utility (v. 2.1.4) application for remote shooting, and I'm having a difficult time following the instructions for manually focusing the lens. With the lens switched to AF, and after the EOS Utility has opened to show the Remote Live View window, I drag the selection rectangle to the portion of the image where I wish to focus, then click on the magnifying glass to zoom in. According to the instructions, the Focus popup menu should include several focusing options, one of which is supposed to be "Live Mode" which then allows you to use the arrow buttons to step focus the lens.
    Unfortunately, "Live Mode" does not show up in this popup menu. I see "Quick Mode" and a variety of AF related choices, but "Live Mode" is no where to be found.
    Has anyone else encountered this problem?

    johnpurlia wrote:
    I recently began using the EOS Utility (v. 2.1.4) application for remote shooting, and I'm having a difficult time following the instructions for manually focusing the lens. With the lens switched to AF, and after the EOS Utility has opened to show the Remote Live View window, I drag the selection rectangle to the portion of the image where I wish to focus, then click on the magnifying glass to zoom in. According to the instructions, the Focus popup menu should include several focusing options, one of which is supposed to be "Live Mode" which then allows you to use the arrow buttons to step focus the lens.
    Unfortunately, "Live Mode" does not show up in this popup menu. I see "Quick Mode" and a variety of AF related choices, but "Live Mode" is no where to be found.
    Has anyone else encountered this problem?
    I have no actual knowledge of that procedure, so consider the source. But I'd think that for it to work as you intend, the lens would have to be of the type that allows itself to be manually focused while in AF mode. You don't say what lens you're using, but not all lenses fall into that category.
    Boston, Massachusetts USA

  • Dreamweaver cs6 freeze in Live mode

    Hi all!
    I just bought a new DWCS6 to build my new html5 site. When is in Live mode it freezes forever...I did fresh instal my win 7 with no luck. Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks in advance , Nick.

    there is some external scripting not script embeded on the site.
    What does that mean?  Are you talking about JavaScript?  Or are you talking about Java, or PHP/CF/.NET?
    Unless you have some scripting on your pages, you do not need anything as a testing server, so remve that testing server definition from your site's definition.

  • CSS, Design Mode vs Live Mode vs Missing Manual

    I downloaded the trial version of DreamWeaver to see if I'd like to purchase it. To get a feeling for it, I've been using the CSS3 Missing Manual and doing the tutorials. Several times I've put code into DreamWeaver then clicked over to Live/Design Modes to see how it was coming along and what was supposed to happen wasn't visible BUT when I copy and past either the CSS or HTML into Coda, it comes out just as the book says it should. Any suggestions as to why?
    I just tried to add text shaddow using the following which works in Coda but not DreamWeaver -- and it's really frustrating.
    body{background-color:rgb(255,255,255);border: 3px solid rgb(75,75,75); box-shadow:0 0 15px 5px rgba(51,51,255,1);width:760px; margin-top:20px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;padding:15px;}
    Also, when I add CSS into my webpage in DW Live Mode will show it but Design Mode will not. Is that normal? What is the use of Design Mode vs Live Mode?
    Thank you,

    But the code I listed above doesn't preview (correctly) in either view, but will view correctly in Coda (a cheaper than DreamWeaver webpage builder). I don't understand why. It there a special property to doing  floating that I'm not aware of? Theimage with the blue bloat is from Coda, the other image is from DW. Notice the difference? It's the same code. How can that be? I'm guessing that DW is set up differently but I'm not sure how to change it so that it displays correctly. Any suggestions? 

  • BCF2000 - assigning within Logic Control Mode

    I am using a Behringer BCF2000 with Logic 7 Pro on a G4 powerbook. My BCF2000 is working fine in Logic Control Mode (USB Mode U-3), what I would like to do is add a few of my own parameters, mainly logic's tape delay feedback (as I make dub) to one of the dials, for example.
    Also I would love to be able to trigger a few sound effects (maybe an exs patch) using an assigned button, for those on-the-fly dub vibes.
    I sussed the patch editing and storing in the normal factory mode, but in Logic control mode, I can't seem to create my own patches and store them. Is this possible? and if so, how can I "learn" the functions like tape delay feedback.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!
    Ben (Brazil)

    I sussed the patch editing and storing in the normal
    factory mode, but in Logic control mode, I can't seem
    to create my own patches and store them. Is this
    possible? and if so, how can I "learn" the functions
    like tape delay feedback.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!
    Ben (Brazil)
    I have not been able to program mine in LC emulation
    though I have been able to program the other presets.
    Something I have not tried yet is trying to program the
    many parameters in the controller assignments window.
    I have discovered that by having the BCF in LCmode
    going to the Controller Assignments window and
    selecting expert and follow then clicking on
    the different modes and such that the BCF
    responds to what you are choosing on the screen.
    I have not had the time yet to confirm this but
    I believe the BCF is already preprogrammed to
    do many of these in LC emulation. For example when I choose
    track on screen the BCF would change its display
    to "tr" and so on. This is a big discovery for me since
    I new that in LCemulation the Unit was capable of
    accessing all or most of what a Mackie Logic Control
    unit could. I could never figure out how to get to those
    parameters. This is one way to figure it out I suppose.
    Behringer suggests that you read the docs for the Mackie,
    I have not found this to be too helpful yet. Hope this helps.

  • Streaming Logic Live with another studio

    I am constantly doing minor tweaks after I finish a Major mix and it would be handy if i could find a possible way to stream my logic live with another studio. This was not only could the person hear exactly what I am doing but also have the ability to control it. I have tried Virtual Glass but that is having a lot of issues and does not seem to work and Teamviewer is great for controlling but sound does not work and when you run major programs like Logic 9 Pro it just crashs at the other end.
    So if anyone else knows a way possible for me to stream my Logic Pro 9 arrangement with someone else please let me know!
    Thank you

    The only way I could see this working is using the same Logic project on both location and lock the remote system. You could experiment with Euphonix Eucon ethernet protocol to remote control the slave, but you would need their interface (MC control / Mix). I know that Steinberg have (or had) their platform remotely working and users to exchange files and sync. both machines. May be someone else has some better ideas...

  • Can synced lights, a wireless shutter remote and live mode work at the same time on the Canon600D?

    I have a pair of synced lights connected through the hot shoe, and I'd like to use live mode and a wireless shutter remote to take self portraits from a distance... is this possible with the Canon600D? (Rebel T3i)
    I'm finding that turning on live mode stops the lights from flashing, and even with it off, the lights won't flash if I use the remote to take the photo.
    Help would be very appreciated! 

    Did a quick search, I don't think the 600D has the 'silent shutter' option.
    But I might be wrong, it might only be manual only flashes that don't fire in Live View, TTL flashes (any brand) may work.  Maybe it has something to do with the mirror being locked up.   Regardless, a wireless trigger will behave the same as a non-TTL flash, so it's not going to work with off camera flash.
    However, I think that Magic Lantern has a fix for it.  Might look into that if it's something you need.  That said, I've taken hundreds, probably thousands of photos of myself without Live View.  Just tether to a laptop/tablet and you can see the results after you take the shot; adjust accordingly.

  • Recording Logic live?

    I'm using Logic more for some composition and one of the things I love it for is looping segments. Is there another utility I can use to record audio out of Logic that would be super simple to setup? I could do it all in Logic, I realize but it just takes so long to cut the segments, add another track, loop it, automate filters, etc. A lot of times I don't want to preserve anything for posterity, I just want to record the tracks looping and automate things live.
    I'm looking for something that can record in the background with while screwing around with parameters in Logic live. Simple, and dirty. Thanks!!
    There was a utility I once used called AudioCorder but I think it will only record from the microphone.

    Got it working with Cycling 74's Soundflower and Audio Hijack. If anyone is interested, I can let you know how to set it up.

  • Live Mode editing

    When I am in live mode, I put my cursor on an element in the page and I get a little blue box above the element with the div name and a "+" sign. The box varies a little depending on the element and it will name the class or id if available of the element that I am pointing to. How do I use this box? It looks to me like I can add a class or id right there, but I'm not sure and would really like to know how to edit better at this level.
    Thanks in advance...

    Have a look here Use the new Live View features | Learn Dreamweaver CC | Adobe TV

  • Rewire: Logic + Live then Logic + Reason = No Sound

    Can anyone explain to me, why if I open up Ableton Live 5.2 to work on something it then has an effect on my ability to rewire Logic and Reason together.
    For example, I wanted to timestrech a track, so I opened it in Ableton, did the work and rendered the finished vocal as a wav file. I then closed Ableton and opened Logic, then reason to put them into rewire mode (reported as being in rewire mode in reason).
    The problem is I only get sound from Logic, no sound comes through from Reason.
    The only way I can tell to fix this problem is to delete all the rewire files in the library folders.
    Can anyone help me out with this annoying and ongoing problem??

    This is an annoying one, we know...
    It definitely sounds like your Logic environment is not set up correctly to get the audio from Reason.
    Please verify your settings here:
    clicking on ReWire (it's in the left side bar).
    Is there a specific reason why you want that "finished vocal" run through Reason?
    Since you saved said file as .wav, why not use "Audio Import" in Logic and put it in your Logic song arrange window?

  • Using Logic X-Mod Wheel not being received.

    Im having an issue with the mod wheel info on passing to Logic X. Its not m¥ controller because it works in Pro Tools.
    Odd ly if I assign another controller with the same CC number , Mod. info can be recorded ( but not from the Mod wheel )
    Thansk, GF

    Not sure exactly how this happened but there was one command called Jog Wheel. I removed that and the Mod Wheel started working.Thanks ErikSimon as this was found in the Controller Assignment window.

  • Logic/live sound application?

    Hello again. OK..I have this idea of using my pre-recorded Logic projects to enhance the sound of my live ensemble. (just some added percussion. Maybe some keyboard parts) I'm thinking I'll need a headphone mix for the drummer with click info. Then, be able to monitor out tracks to external sound system for mixing with the live musicians.  I would like to be able to do all this with my MacBook Pro for portability reasons.
    Where do I begin? Is this idea even doable?  Thanks....

    Depending on your needs, this should be relatively simple to set up:
    Logic project with separate audio click outputs via a multi-output andio interface, possibly using separate additional feeds to Front of House main PA, and/or your own monitoring system. Each project could be as simple as audio file bounces of each tunes' parts/stems.
    You may also want to check out Mainstage, which may be perfect for this sort of scenario:

  • Logic live outputs pops intermittently?

    Using Logic Pro in a live setting in church concerts, I'm getting random pops in my main FOH output, and I cannot pinpoint the reason, unless I am just taxing my laptop's capacity. Anyone else with experience on a G4 over-taxing the CPU and getting pops or clicks?
    Here's the problem:
    Maybe half a dozen times during the 2 hour concert, I will hear a minor pop in the FOH output, usually during music. Sometimes it happens just after I slightly change the EQ on the main output, sometimes it happens when I haven't touched the computer for 30 seconds or so. It appears to be almost random.
    Here's my setup:
    Using Logic with iBook G4 (1GB RAM) and MOTU Ultralite Firewire audio mixer doing live, single mic gospel concerts. Using iTunes to playback .aif stereo tracks, and using Shure wireless mic and wireless IEM monitors. Pretty simple setup, 1 mic, 1 stereo feed from iTunes (going out to MOTU Output 7-8, then analog patch cords to MOTU Input 7-8). Two stereo outputs, FOH and IEM. Using Aux objects as inputs, buses to get to SpaceDesigner reverb and IEM output mix. Doing some EQing on mic, IEM and FOH output, plus compression on mic. Using 128 cache to keep latency unnoticeable.
    Using the System Performance window, it is using just over 1/2 of the CPU capacity. If I turn Space Designer off, I am using an 1/8 of the CPU. I am not recording, nor moving the timeline at all. I use iTunes instead of laying the tracks end to end in the Arrange window so that I can freely choose between over 50 songs at the whim of the singer. And, it sounds great, and easier to carry than the 01V I was flying with.
    Of course, I have no other apps running other than iTunes and Logic Pro and Stickies. But, the CPU capacity monitor being over 1/2 makes me nervous.
    Based on the answers to this query, I am considering getting a MacBook Pro for the increased CPU, as well as bigger screen. But, if it doesn't solve the pops, I will have spent $3,000 for naught.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
    Rod-mixing live on a trackpad

    Here's the problem:
    Maybe half a dozen times during the 2 hour concert, I
    will hear a minor pop in the FOH output, usually
    during music. Sometimes it happens just after I
    slightly change the EQ on the main output, sometimes
    it happens when I haven't touched the computer for 30
    seconds or so. It appears to be almost random.
    Couple of questions....
    Do you get the pops with Space Designer off?
    SD has to process a lot of info and traditionally, laptops
    don't have as efficient a bus system. If not using Space Designer clears up your problem then you pretty much know that the ibook's bus system just can't handle it.
    But first!! try another player than ITunes. ITunes is not the most efficient file player around.
    Also, if you do have to use another reverb, try using a couple of Logic's verbs, say a Platinum and a Gold. Sometimes using two lesser quality reverbs at lower settings can produce wonderful results.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Getting the MD5 of an entire ROW ?

    Hi All, I'm looking for how to get the MD5 of an entire row (or a known set of columns). I've found the DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.MD5 function, which takes either "input IN RAW" or "input_string IN VARCHAR2" as a parameter. So, I've three questions: 1