Newbie question about entity and view objects

Hi everyone,
My first ADF application in JDeveloper is off to a difficult start. Having come from a forms background, I know that it is necessary avoid using post-query type lookups in order to have full filtering using F11/Ctrl+F11. This means creating an CRUDable view and getting as much of the lookup data as possible into the view without losing the ability to modify the data. In JDeveloper, I do not know how to build my data model to support that. My thought was to start with a robust updateable view as my main CRUD EO and then create a VO on top of that with additional EOs or VOs. But, I have found that I cannot add VOs to another VO. However, if I link the VOs then I have a master-detail which will not work for me.
For example, I have two joins to CSI_INST_EXTEND_ATTRIB_V shown in the queries below and need to have that show in the table displaying the CRUD VO’s data. It seemed that the best way to do this is to create a CSI_INST_EXTEND_ATTRIB_V entity object and view object. The view object would have two parameters, P_INSTANCE_ID and P_ATTRIBUTE name. Both the building and the unit are needed on the same record, and this is not a master-detail even though it might look that way. (A master-detail data control will not work for me because I need all this data to appear on the same line in the table.) So, I need help figuring out the best way to link these to the main (CRUD) view; I want as much of this data as possible to be filterable.
csi_inst_extend_attrib_v cieav
where cieav.instance_id = p_instance_id
and cieav.attribute_code = 'BUILDING NAME'
csi_inst_extend_attrib_v cieav
where cieav.instance_id = p_instance_id
and cieav.attribute_code = 'UNIT NAME'
Ultimately, I need to display a ton of data in each record displayed in the UI table, so a ton of joins will be needed. And, I need to be able to add records using the UI table also.

Hi Alejandro,
Sorry if I caused confusion with my first post. What I had in mind assumed that I could have a single CSI_INST_EXTEND_ATTRIB_V EO with a BuildingVO and UnitVO on top of it. So, I wrote the queries individually to show how I would invoke each view. When I realized that confused the issue, I rewrote the query to explain things better.
Now having seen your 2 queries. You need to create 2 EO. One for each table. Then create an association between the 2 aeO (this will be the join you are talking about). Then, you need to create a VO based on one of the EO and after you can modify and add the second EO (in here you select the join type).
After your done with this, youll have 1 VO that supports CRUD in both tables.
There were three tables in the query: CIEAV_BUILDING, CIEAV_UNIT, and T -- the main CRUD table. When you say that I should create two EOs, do you mean that they are to be for CIEAV_BUILDING and CIEAV_UNIT? Or, CIEAV and T? Assuming CIEAV and T, that sounds like it would allow me to show my building or unit on the record but not both.
By the way, everything is a reference except for the main CRUD table.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your help (and patience).

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    [ | ]
    Attached is the code for dynamic entity/view object generation and corresponding adf-config.xml used.
    ///////////App Module Implementation Class/////////////////////////
    public class DynamicEntityGenModuleImpl extends ApplicationModuleImpl implements DynamicEntityGenModule {
    private static final String DYNAMIC_DETP_VO_INSTANCE = "DynamicDeptVO";
    * This is the default constructor (do not remove).
    public DynamicEntityGenModuleImpl() {
    public ViewObjectImpl getDepartmentsView1() {
    return (ViewObjectImpl) findViewObject("DynamicDeptVO");
    public void buildDynamicDeptComp() {
    ViewObject internalDynamicVO = findViewObject(DYNAMIC_DETP_VO_INSTANCE);
    if (internalDynamicVO != null) {
    System.out.println("OK VO exists, return Defn- " + internalDynamicVO.getDefFullName());
    EntityDefImpl deptEntDef = buildDeptEntitySessionDef();
    ViewDefImpl viewDef = buildDeptViewSessionDef(deptEntDef);
    private EntityDefImpl buildDeptEntitySessionDef() {
    try {
    EntityDefImpl entDef = new EntityDefImpl(oracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl.DEF_SCOPE_SESSION, "DynamicDeptEntityDef");
    entDef.setFullName(entDef.getBasePackage() + ".dynamic." + entDef.getName());
    System.out.println("Application Module Path name: " + getDefFullName());
    System.out.println("EntDef :" + entDef.getFileName() + " : " + entDef.getBasePackage() + ".dynamic." + entDef.getName());
    entDef.addAttribute("ID", "ID", Integer.class, true, false, true);
    entDef.addAttribute("Name", "NAME", String.class, false, false, true);
    entDef.addAttribute("Location", "LOCATION", Integer.class, false, false, true);
    return entDef;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return null;
    private ViewDefImpl buildDeptViewSessionDef(EntityDefImpl entityDef) {
    try {
    ViewDefImpl viewDef = new oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl(oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl.DEF_SCOPE_SESSION, "DynamicDeptViewDef");
    viewDef.setFullName(viewDef.getBasePackage() + ".dynamic." + viewDef.getName());
    System.out.println("ViewDef :" + viewDef.getFileName());
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    return viewDef;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return null;
    private void addViewToPdefApplicationModule(ViewDefImpl viewDef) {
    oracle.jbo.server.PDefApplicationModule pDefAM = oracle.jbo.server.PDefApplicationModule.findDefObject(getDefFullName());
    if (pDefAM == null) {
    pDefAM = new oracle.jbo.server.PDefApplicationModule();
    pDefAM.createViewObject(DYNAMIC_DETP_VO_INSTANCE, viewDef.getFullName());
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <adf-config xmlns="" xmlns:config="" xmlns:adf=""
    <adf-adfm-config xmlns="">
    <defaults useBindVarsForViewCriteriaLiterals="true"/>
    <config:Database jbo.locking.mode="optimistic"/>
    <adf:adf-properties-child xmlns="">
    <adf-property name="adfAppUID" value="TestDynamicEC-8827"/>
    <sec:adf-security-child xmlns="">
    <CredentialStoreContext credentialStoreClass="" credentialStoreLocation="../../src/META-INF/jps-config.xml"/>
    <namespace metadata-store-usage="mdsRepos" path="/sessiondef/"/>
    <namespace path="/model/" metadata-store-usage="mdsRepos"/>
    <metadata-store-usage default-cust-store="true" deploy-target="true" id="mdsRepos">
    <metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.file.FileMetadataStore">
    <property name="metadata-path" value="/tmp"/>
    <!-- <metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore">
    <property name="jndi-datasource" value="jdbc/TestDynamicEC"/>
    <property name="repository-name" value="TestDynamicEC"/>
    <property name="jdbc-userid" value="adfmay28"/>
    <property name="jdbc-password" value="adfmay28"/>
    <property name="jdbc-url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE"/>-->

    Hi Frank,
    I m trying to save entity and view object xml by calling writeXMLContents() and saveXMLContents() so that these objects can be retrieved using the xmls later on.
    These methods internally use MDS configuration in adf-config.xml, which is creating the issue.
    Please share your thoughts on resolving this or if, there is any other way of creating dynamic entity/view objects for db tables created at runtime.

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    Zac1234 wrote:
    When using a graphical component like a JButton,
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    Best of luck.

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    <CFARGUMENT Name="password" Type="Structure"
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    16 : <CFSET
    UserLoginInfo["Password"]="#Form.Password#"> 17 : 18 :
    <CFINVOKE Component="cfc/loginaction" Method="AuthentiCateUser"
    19 :
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    <cfset session.CustomerID
    <cfset session.Name ="#Authenticate.Name#">
    <CFCOOKIE NAME="UserLoginIn"
    <cflocation url="index.cfm?loc=home">
    <script language="JavaScript">
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    hint="Use for user login">
    <CFARGUMENT Name="login" Type="Structure"
    <CFARGUMENT Name="password" Type="Structure"
    <!--- checking user authentication --->
    <CFQUERY NAME="Authenticate" DATASOURCE="sendfast">
    SELECT * FROM tblcustomer WHERE Login = '#Login#' AND
    Password = '#Password#'
    <CFRETURN AuthentiCateUser>

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    Thanks in advance,

    Common n00b mistake (joking about the n00b remark)
    It looks like your running the program (Firefox) from the mounted dmg file. When you download Firefox, (and many other apps) it downloads as a .dmg file. Now, you probably have dmg files set to mount automatically when downloaded which is OK. You are probably launching the program from that mounted dmg file which is not OK. Here's what you need to do:
    After the dmg file mounts, instead of double clicking it, drag it to your Applications folder and launch it from there. That's it. Oh, it'll also be available to all your machine's users as well.
    Good Luck.

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    First of all; I have that same mem. in 1GB. Secondly, EVERY MO-BO, CPU, AND MEM. MODUALS  do not react  the same. So that said, I would START by installing the MEM. in sockets 1-A and 3-B, That will enable DUAL DDR recognition. Next go into the BIOS and set MEM TIMMINGS TO SPD (Serial Presence Detect). Then go to FREQ. and VOLTAGE page and SET PERFORMANCE to FAST, AND MEM SPEED to AUTO. Then (on same page) you should up the V-DIMM VOLTAGE to 2.7V. SAVE AND EXIT.. Then if you DON'Thave any problem with the POST, you can go back in and start to play with the TIMMINGS, PERF. MODE, RATIO, and (If you choose, OVERCLOCKING)...MY sys. is running stable with (TIME 2-3-3-7-8),(PERF. MODE TURBO), (RATIO 1:1), (FSB 220, MEM. SPEED=440), (V-DIMM V=2.7)...Keep in mind that I MEAN STABLE, I am sure I could go more,BUT WHY?..And as you can see I have the i875 and the P-4 3.2...Sean REILLY875

  • Error while Insert new Row in Entity Base View Object

    can someone tell me the reason of following problem? :
    There is a Entity Base View object, which is Binded as ADF Table in a JSFX Page.
    I took the standard operations from the Control Panel: CreateInsert, Commit and Rollback.
    Places them a ADF Buttons.
    Whenever i am trying to insert a Row, after commit i am getting the ORA Error: ORA-01410: invalid ROWID.
    By the way: The Entity Object is using the RowID as Primary Key.
    When i press commit a second time, the the Row is inserted in the Database.
    Any Idea, how to workarround this ORA Error?
    Thank You!

    n by default if you had no pkconstrainst in db,
    in jdev default rowid as prim key.
    as john said make the key as proper.
    and do it.
    if you have db constrainst in db.
    it can be achived by dbconstrainstname with ora.
    what am saying dbconstranist name will map it ora.

  • One question about Pricing and Conditions puzzle me for a long time!

    One question about Pricing and Conditions puzzle me for a long time.I take one example to explain my question:
    1-First,my sale order use pricing procedure RVAA01.
    2-Next,the pricing procedure RVAA01 have some condition type,such as EK01(Actual Costs),PR00(Price)....,and so on.
    3-Next,the condition type PR00 define the Access Sequences PR00 as it's Access Sequences.
    4-Next,the Access Sequences PR00 have some Condition tables,such as:
         table 118 : "Empties" Prices (Material-Dependent)
         table 5 : Customer/Material
         table 6 : Price List Type/Currency/Material
         table 4 : Material
    5-Next,I need to maintain Condition tables's Records.Such as the table 5(Customer/Material).I guess the sap would supply one screen for me to input the data of table 5.At this screen,the sap would ask me to select one table,such as table 5.When I select the table 5,the sap would go to the screen to let me input the data of table 5.But when I use the T-CODE VK31 or VK32 to maintain Condition tables's Record,I found it's total different from my guess:
    A-First,I can not found one place for me to open the table,such as table 5,to let me input the data?
    B-Second,For example,when I select the VK31->Discounts/Surcharges->By Customer/Material,the sap show the grid view at the right side.At the each line of the grid view,you need to select the Condition Type at the first field.And this make me confused very much.Why the sap need me to select one Condition Type but not the Condition table?To the normal logic,it ought not to select Condition table but not the Condition Type!
    Dear all,I'm a new one in sd.May be this is a very stupid question.But it did puzzle me for a long time.If any one can  explain this question in detail and let me understand the concept,I will appreciate him/her very much.Thank you.

    You said that you are using the VK31 or VK32.
    These transaction codes are used to enter condition records for standard condition types. As you can see a grid left side having all the standard condition types like price, discounts, taxes, frieghts.
    Pl check using T.code VK11 OR VK12 (change mode)
    Here you can enter the required condition type, in the intial screen. (like PR00, MWST, K004, K005 .....etc)
    After giving the condition type, press enter or click on Combinations icon on top of the screen. Then you can see all the condition tables which you maintained for that condition type. Like as you said table 118, table 5, table 6 and table 4.
    You can select any table and press enter, then you can go into the screen in which you have all the field cataglogues you maintained for that table. For example you selected combination of Customer/Material (table 5) then after you press enter then you can see customer field on top, and material fields.
    You can give all the required values and save the conditon record.
    Hope this is clear.

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    4) what should be the installation procedure ? Meaning, first create ASM instance on each node, then install cluster software, build RAC databases...... can someone explain..
    5) I believe RMAN is the only option for backup since I'm using ASM, correct ?
    I'm a newbie to RAC and ASM..

    user4866039 wrote:
    1) Do I need to have ASM instance running on each node ? ( most likely yes... but want to make sure )yes.
    2) can I share oracle_home between ASM instance and database instance ? what is the best choice ?in 10g you can, in 11gr2 you cannot. and it might be better to seperate them because it will give you more flexibility with patching.
    3) I'm planning to use shared disks for all files, all databases.... what are the pros/cons ?if you share your oracle_home you won't be able to do rolling updates. so i recommend to keep oracle_homes local.
    4) what should be the installation procedure ? Meaning, first create ASM instance on each node, then install cluster software, build RAC databases...... can someone explain..follow the install guide for your respective version. for 10g you'd install clusterware first, then asm and database is last.
    5) I believe RMAN is the only option for backup since I'm using ASM, correct ?pretty much. you could stop your database and dump the raw devices or use asmcmd/asmftp but rman is definitely the best choice

  • A question about grub and USB

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    I have a quick question about grub and USB that I can't quite find the answer to by searching.   Most of the FAQs discuss booting a full linux dristribution from USB. My situation is this.  I am getting a new computer with two drives, the second will be arch and the first will be Vista (for my wife).  I want the computer to boot the same way that my wife's machine boots at work so I don't want to install grub on the MBR.  So, is there a way to have all of the grub config files and kernels installed on the second drive and simply install to grub boot loader to the MBR of a USB stick?  My goal would be to simply plug the USB stick into the new PC and boot arch from the second drive. 

    i cant say for hp's
    havent worked on any in a while
    recent machines have been coupleof dell's , vaio & emachine
    which dells do offer it at least the ones i tried , my laptop does(dell)
    all home pc's are built by me which do offer to boot individual drives
    what hp you getting it may tell in specs
    are both discs sata? if so it might not offer this option with 2 drives of same interface
    check your power supply alot of these preconfigured machines put cheap under reated power supplies in there
    & will burn your motherboard i just replaced PS(250 watt) & mobo(845gvsr) in an emachines <cheap stuff<
    i hope you researched the pc before buying ie : mobo, power supply are the biggest concerns
    i find it much more benificial to build my own machine gives me peace at mind. the cost is sometimes more in $ but not always , your biggest expense is time researching hardware
    if you live in usa the best places to start looking are &
    i am not affiliated with either & niether sell the hardware they are just advertisers a place to buy
    for costomized machines that i would trust is theyll asemble & test before shipping
    i have gotten 2 machines so far from them with NO PROBLEMS with hardware (knock knock)
    you may want to consider this in your next venture for pc

  • I have a Macbook Pro june 2011... I have 8GB ram but I only have 256mb VRAM... I've read some other questions about this and I realized... Why do I not have 560mb of VRAM since I have 8GB of RAM? Is there any way to get more VRAM to play games on steam?

    I have a Macbook Pro june 2011... I have 8GB ram but I only have 256mb VRAM...
    I've read some other questions about this and I realized... Why do I not have 560mb of VRAM since I have 8GB of RAM?
    Is there any way to get more VRAM to play games on steam?
    I've learned  by reading other topics that I can't upgrade my graphics card on my Macbook Pro because it's soldered into the motherboard or somthing like that, but please tell me if there is any way to get more video ram by chaning some setting or upgrading something else. I'd also like to know why I only have 256MB of VRAM when I have 8GB of RAM, since I have 8GB of RAM I thought I was supposed to have 560mb of VRAM...
    So the two questions are...
    Is there any way to upgrade my VRAM, so that I can play games on steam?
    Why do I only have 256MB VRAM when I have 8GB total RAM?
    Other Info:
    I have a quad core i7 Processor.
    My graphcics card is the AMD Radeon HD 6490M.
    I am also trying to play games on my BOOTCAMPed side of my mac, or my Windows 7 Professional side.

    The only two items that a user can change on a MBP are the RAM and HDD (Retinas not included).  You have what the unit came with and the only way you will be able to change that is to purchase a MBP with superior graphics
    If you are very much into gaming, the I suggest A PC.  They are far superior for that type of application to a MBP.

  • A few questions about MacBooks and Parallels Desktop.

    I have a few questions about MacBooks and Parallels Desktop.
    1) I understand I need at least 1GB of RAM to run Parallels Desktop but what about the hard drive, is the stock 60GB drive big enough?
    2) Related to question 1, even if it was big enough to allow me to install and run Windows would the 60GB drive be enough if I wanted to install a Linux distribution as well?
    3) This has nothing to do with Parallels Desktop but thought I'd ask it here anyway, do Apple Stores carry just the stock MacBooks, or do they carry other configurations?

    1. Depend on how intensive you use that HD for saving data on both Mac OS and XP. For standard installation on both OS X and XP, the space of 60 Gb is enough.
    2. Same answer as no 1. You can install all three on that HD space, but the extra spacce available will be less and less for your data. You can save your data on external or back up on cd/dvd and erase it from the HD to keep the free space.
    Remember to leave at least 2 or 3 Gb for virtual memory usage.
    3. Just call them, maybe they don't have it in store stock, but by appointment they might configure one for you before your pick-up date.
    Good Luck

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    i have 2 questions about Gpu and lens correction in Cs5
    1)Filter->lens correction->search online
    i get often and almost every connection time out at the first click on search online , at the second click i get no online profile
    is it normal?
    2) question is about Gpu
    it run faster , but talking about ajustament layer
    like saturation or vibrance for example
    i found with the gpu on , a light slow refresh compared with gpu off
    i have set cache  levels 6 ,history 20
    i guess are the defaul
    well i add a saturation layer and move the saturation slide ,increase o decrease saturation
    with Gpu Off , the changes are immedially , i mean i can see in real time the increase o decrease of saturation
    with Gpu On it takes a few(very few) time more
    again is normal ?
    don't be angry , i'm going to buy cs5 and i'm unsecure ... the price make a big role

    For what it's worth, I also see a timeout on the first [ Search Online ] click, after about half a minute delay.  Second click turns up results immediately.  This happens each time Lens Correction is started, even without restarting Photoshop, and in both 32 and 64 bit versions.  Also note that I started with one profile listed by default (though from the wrong camera) for my 40D with 28-135 zoom.
    I alsow noticed that I was seeing progress bar activity in the Lens Correction dialog while I was typing this (even though Lens Correction was NOT the active window) every time I hit the 'L' key.  Strange.
    Windows 7 x64.

  • Three questions about Java and Ftp

    Hello, i've the following questions about Java and Ftp:
    1- .netrc file is in $HOME directory but i can't access to this directory from java code. The following line producesan Exception (directory doesn't exists)
    FileWriter file = new FileWriter ("$HOME/.netrc");
    2- .netrc file must have the following permissions: -rw- --- --- but when i create the .netrc file the following permissions are on default: -rw- r-- r--, how can i change this permissions? (In java code, i can't use chmod.....)
    3- Are there any way to pass parameters to a .netrc file? If i get to do this i needn't change the permissions because i can't modify or create/destroy this file.
    Thanks in advanced!!!

    1- .netrc file is in $HOME directory but i can't
    access to this directory from java code. The
    following line producesan Exception (directory
    doesn't exists)
    FileWriter file = new FileWriter ("$HOME/.netrc");$HOME would have to be replaced by a shell, I don't
    think you can use it as part of a legal path.
    Instead, use System.getProperty("user.home");
    Ok, thanks
    2- .netrc file must have the followingpermissions:
    -rw- --- --- but when i create the .netrc file the
    following permissions are on default: -rw- r--r--,
    how can i change this permissions? (In java code,i
    can't use chmod.....)Yes, you can: Runtime.exec("chmod ...");
    I need to use estrictly the .netrc with -rw- --- --- permissions
    Yes, i can use Runtime.exec ("chmod ..."); but i don't like very much this solution because is a slow solution, am i right?
    3- Are there any way to pass parameters to a.netrc
    file? If i get to do this i needn't change the
    permissions because i can't modify orcreate/destroy
    this file.I don't think so. Why do you need the .netrc file in
    Java at all? Writing a GUI frontend?I want to use automatic ftp in a java program and FTP server, the files and path are not always the same, so i can:
    - modify .netrc (for me is the complex option)
    - destroy and create a new .netrc (is easier but i have permissions problem)
    - use .netrc with parameters but i haven't found any help about it
    Thanks for your prompt reply!!!!

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