SCVMM 2012 R2 - install fails on creation of resource group

When I run the installation for SCVMM 2012 R2, I get the error below:
Creation of the VMM resource group (%GroupName;) failed.
Ensure that the group name is valid, and cluster resource or group with the same name does not exist, and the group name is not used in the network.
Permissions have been granted to AD containers and cluster.  Cluster is online and pinging.  I'm installing as an SCVMM administrator and also tried with Domain Admins.
Any ideas?  Thanks, Matt.

The IP address was in use by the cluster.  The IP has to be free (not pingable) and host name must not already exist in AD.  Fixed.

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    I am attempting to install SCVMM 2012 agent and getting this error:
    Error (421)
    Agent installation failed on because of a WS-Management configuration error.
    Recommended Action
    Ensure that the Windows Remote Management service is enabled and running on the server Additionally, in the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), navigate to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows
    Remote Management (WinRM), and then ensure that there are no policy settings configured for WinRM Client or WinRM Service.
    I have run winrm qc and it shows winrm is configured.  I have verified there is no gpo settings configuring winrm.
    My runas account is a local administrator on the target host.
    I can install the agent local but still cannot add to the SCVMM server.

    I am attempting to install SCVMM 2012 agent and getting this error:
    Error (421)
    Agent installation failed on because of a WS-Management configuration error.
    Recommended Action
    Ensure that the Windows Remote Management service is enabled and running on the server Additionally, in the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), navigate to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows
    Remote Management (WinRM), and then ensure that there are no policy settings configured for WinRM Client or WinRM Service.
    I have run winrm qc and it shows winrm is configured.  I have verified there is no gpo settings configuring winrm.
    My runas account is a local administrator on the target host.
    I can install the agent local but still cannot add to the SCVMM server.

  • New Site, New server SCCM 2012 R2 install fails at sp_createlocaleinfo

    Server 2012 R2 new build, SQL 2012, fresh install, SCCM 2012 R2 new install. All on one system. No clustering.
    All the prerequisites check out OK. But the install fails at sp_createlocaleinfo:
    INFO: SQL Server script: Create object spprocessdrsrecoveryversionmessage  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:27:56.167-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
    INFO: SQL Server script: Create object sp_makesureintervalexists  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:27:56.198-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
    *** -- ~-- Name         : sp_CreateLocaleInfo ~-- Definition   : SqlObjs ~-- Scope        : CAS_OR_PRIMARY ~-- Object       : P ~-- Dependencies
    : <Detect> ~-- Description  : <Please provide a description for this object> ~-- ~CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CreateLocaleInfo @_ciid int, @digest xml(CIDigest) AS ~BEGIN ~ ~    if (exists (select 1 from CI_ConfigurationItems where
    CI_ID=@_ciid and CIType_ID=21)) ~    begin ~       --It is a DT, only create localized info for default local ~       ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  (
    ~    N'' as app ~  ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description]) ~ ~   select ~    
    @_ciid, ~      65535, ~     ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:DeploymentType/app:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)'), '') as Title, ~     ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:DeploymentType/app:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)'),
    '') as [Description] ~      ~    end ~    else ~    begin ~  ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  ( ~    N''
    as app ~  ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl,InfoUrlText, PrivacyUrl, UserCategories, Tags, Icon ) ~ ~   select ~    
    @_ciid, ~     case ISNULL('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(10)'), '') when '' then 0 else ~    dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID('(./@Language)[1]',
    'nvarchar(10)')) end as lcid, ~ ~'(app:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)') as Title, ~'(app:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)') as [Description], ~'(app:Publisher)[1]',
    'nvarchar(512)') as Publisher, ~'(app:Version)[1]', 'nvarchar(512)') as [Version], ~'(app:ReleaseDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(64)') as ReleaseDate, ~ ~'(app:InfoUrl)[1]',
    'nvarchar(1024)') as InfoUrl, ~'(app:InfoUrlText)[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)') as InfoUrlText, ~'(app:PrivacyUrl)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)') as PrivacyUrl, ~'app:UserCategories') as UserCategories, ~'app:Tags') as Tags, ~ ~     ( ~     select top 1'xs:base64Binary((./app:Data)[1])', 'varbinary(max)')
    ~     from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Resources/app:Icon') as icons(tc) ~     where ~'(./@Id)[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)') ='(./app:Icon/@Id)[1]',
    'nvarchar(1024)') ~     ) ~     as Icon ~ ~   from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info') as cidigest(tc) ~   where dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID('(./@Language)[1]',
    'nvarchar(10)')) != 0; ~ ~   --insert default info. ~   declare @defaultlocal nvarchar(20); ~ ~ ~  ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  ( ~    N''
    as app ~  ) ~   select  @defaultlocal  = info.loc.value('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~          
    ') as info(loc) ~   where ISNULL(info.loc.value('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '') = ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/@DefaultLanguage)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '');
    ~ ~ ~  if  @defaultlocal is null ~  begin ~ ~    if exists (select  1 from @digest.nodes('declare namespace app="";
    ~           /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc) ~          
    where info.loc.value('declare namespace app=""; ~          
    (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') = 'en') ~     begin ~     set @defaultlocal = 'en'; ~     end  else if exists (select  1 from @digest.nodes('declare
    namespace app=""; ~          
    /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc) ~           where info.loc.value('declare namespace app="";
    ~           (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') = 'en-US') ~     begin ~      set @defaultlocal = 'en-US'; ~    
    end else ~     begin ~     select @defaultlocal = lo from ( select  top 1  ISNULL(info.loc.value('declare namespace app="";
    ~           (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '')  as lo from @digest.nodes('declare namespace app="";
    ~           /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc)) as tdb ~     end ~  end ~
    ~  if not exists (select 1 from CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties lp where
    lp.CI_ID=@_ciid and lp.LocaleID=65535) ~  begin ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties ( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl, UserCategories, Tags,
    Icon ) ~   select CI_ID, 65535, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl, UserCategories, Tags, Icon from ~   CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties lp where lp.LocaleID = dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID(@defaultlocal)
    and lp.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~   end; ~ ~ ~  --Expend categories. ~   ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~   ( ~    N'' as app ~  
    ) ~   insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientTags (CI_ID, LocaleID, Tag, [Type]) ~   select distinct tt.CI_ID, tt.LocaleID, RTRIM(LTRIM( cate.tag.value('(.)[1]', 'nvarchar(513)'))) as tag, ~   N'UserCategory' ~   from ~  
    CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties  as tt cross apply tt.UserCategories.nodes('/app:UserCategories/app:Tag') as cate(tag) ~   where tt.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~  ---Expend tags. ~   ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~   ( ~   
    N'' as app ~   ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientTags (CI_ID, LocaleID, Tag, [Type]) ~  select distinct tt.CI_ID, tt.LocaleID, cate.tag.value('(.)[1]',
    'nvarchar(513)') as tag, ~  N'Tag' ~  from ~  CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties  as tt cross apply tt.Tags.nodes('/app:Tags/app:Tag') as cate(tag) ~  where tt.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~    end ~END ~  $$<Configuration
    Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
    *** [42000][701][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query. : sp_CreateLocaleInfo  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292
    ERROR: SQL Server error: [42000][701][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query. : sp_CreateLocaleInfo  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292
    Failed to execute sql command -- ~-- Name         : sp_CreateLocaleInfo ~-- Definition   : SqlObjs ~-- Scope        : CAS_OR_PRIMARY ~-- Object      
    : P ~-- Dependencies : <Detect> ~-- Description  : <Please provide a description for this object> ~-- ~CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CreateLocaleInfo @_ciid int, @digest xml(CIDigest) AS ~BEGIN ~ ~    if (exists (select 1 from CI_ConfigurationItems
    where CI_ID=@_ciid and CIType_ID=21)) ~    begin ~       --It is a DT, only create localized info for default local ~       ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  (
    ~    N'' as app ~  ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description]) ~ ~   select ~    
    @_ciid, ~      65535, ~     ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:DeploymentType/app:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)'), '') as Title, ~     ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:DeploymentType/app:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)'),
    '') as [Description] ~      ~    end ~    else ~    begin ~  ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  ( ~    N''
    as app ~  ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl,InfoUrlText, PrivacyUrl, UserCategories, Tags, Icon ) ~ ~   select ~    
    @_ciid, ~     case ISNULL('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(10)'), '') when '' then 0 else ~    dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID('(./@Language)[1]',
    'nvarchar(10)')) end as lcid, ~ ~'(app:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)') as Title, ~'(app:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)') as [Description], ~'(app:Publisher)[1]',
    'nvarchar(512)') as Publisher, ~'(app:Version)[1]', 'nvarchar(512)') as [Version], ~'(app:ReleaseDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(64)') as ReleaseDate, ~ ~'(app:InfoUrl)[1]',
    'nvarchar(1024)') as InfoUrl, ~'(app:InfoUrlText)[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)') as InfoUrlText, ~'(app:PrivacyUrl)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)') as PrivacyUrl, ~'app:UserCategories') as UserCategories, ~'app:Tags') as Tags, ~ ~     ( ~     select top 1'xs:base64Binary((./app:Data)[1])', 'varbinary(max)')
    ~     from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Resources/app:Icon') as icons(tc) ~     where ~'(./@Id)[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)') ='(./app:Icon/@Id)[1]',
    'nvarchar(1024)') ~     ) ~     as Icon ~ ~   from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info') as cidigest(tc) ~   where dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID('(./@Language)[1]',
    'nvarchar(10)')) != 0; ~ ~   --insert default info. ~   declare @defaultlocal nvarchar(20); ~ ~ ~  ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  ( ~    N''
    as app ~  ) ~   select  @defaultlocal  = info.loc.value('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~          
    ') as info(loc) ~   where ISNULL(info.loc.value('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '') = ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/@DefaultLanguage)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '');
    ~ ~ ~  if  @defaultlocal is null ~  begin ~ ~    if exists (select  1 from @digest.nodes('declare namespace app="";
    ~           /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc) ~          
    where info.loc.value('declare namespace app=""; ~          
    (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') = 'en') ~     begin ~     set @defaultlocal = 'en'; ~     end  else if exists (select  1 from @digest.nodes('declare
    namespace app=""; ~          
    /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc) ~           where info.loc.value('declare namespace app="";
    ~           (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') = 'en-US') ~     begin ~      set @defaultlocal = 'en-US'; ~    
    end else ~     begin ~     select @defaultlocal = lo from ( select  top 1  ISNULL(info.loc.value('declare namespace app="";
    ~           (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '')  as lo from @digest.nodes('declare namespace app="";
    ~           /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc)) as tdb ~     end ~  end ~
    ~  if not exists (select 1 from CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties lp where
    lp.CI_ID=@_ciid and lp.LocaleID=65535) ~  begin ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties ( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl, UserCategories, Tags,
    Icon ) ~   select CI_ID, 65535, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl, UserCategories, Tags, Icon from ~   CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties lp where lp.LocaleID = dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID(@defaultlocal)
    and lp.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~   end; ~ ~ ~  --Expend categories. ~   ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~   ( ~    N'' as app ~  
    ) ~   insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientTags (CI_ID, LocaleID, Tag, [Type]) ~   select distinct tt.CI_ID, tt.LocaleID, RTRIM(LTRIM( cate.tag.value('(.)[1]', 'nvarchar(513)'))) as tag, ~   N'UserCategory' ~   from ~  
    CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties  as tt cross apply tt.UserCategories.nodes('/app:UserCategories/app:Tag') as cate(tag) ~   where tt.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~  ---Expend tags. ~   ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~   ( ~   
    N'' as app ~   ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientTags (CI_ID, LocaleID, Tag, [Type]) ~  select distinct tt.CI_ID, tt.LocaleID, cate.tag.value('(.)[1]',
    'nvarchar(513)') as tag, ~  N'Tag' ~  from ~  CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties  as tt cross apply tt.Tags.nodes('/app:Tags/app:Tag') as cate(tag) ~  where tt.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~    end ~END ~~ 
    $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
    ERROR: Failed to execute SQL Server script: Create SQL object sp_createlocaleinfo~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
    ERROR: SQL Server error: <>  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
    ~~===================== Completed Configuration Manager 2012 Server Setup =====================  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.136-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>

    Yes I found your guide and followed it.
    Stuck after 16 hours at LU_SoftwareList 
    INFO: Extracted file D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AI\LU_CAL_ProductList.csv  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:27:57.606-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
    INFO: Extracted file D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AI\watermark.txt  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:27:57.606-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
    INFO: Successfully expanded CSV files  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:27:57.606-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
    INFO: Starting data import data to table: LU_LicensedProduct  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:27:57.638-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
    INFO: Successfully imported data to table LU_LicensedProduct  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:28:01.717-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
    INFO: Starting data import data to table: LU_Category  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:28:01.717-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
    INFO: Successfully imported data to table LU_Category  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:28:01.764-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
    INFO: Starting data import data to table: LU_SoftwareList  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:28:01.764-60><thread=520 (0x208)>

  • SCCM 2012 - sms_notificaiton_server install fails, bgbisapi.msi could not be installed

    installed a SCCM 2012 R2 Primary site on a 2012 R2 server on the D: drive. Everything seemed to go well, however i am am now encountering issues with the SMS_NOTIFICATION_SERVER in that the site component manager is unable to install it. The status message
    viewer informs me that, "Site Component Manager failed to install this component, because the Microsoft Installer File for this component (bgbisapi.msi) could not install."
    When i check the Bgbsetup.log, i see the following lines: 
    <01/19/15 14:46:27> CTool::RegisterComPlusService: Failed to unregister D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll with .Net Fx 4.0
    <01/19/15 14:46:27> CTool::RegisterComPlusService: run command line: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegSvcs.exe" /extlb /tlb:"D:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.tlb" "D:\Program
    Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll"
    <01/19/15 14:46:30> CTool::RegisterComPlusService: Failed to register D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll with .Net Fx 4.0
    <01/19/15 14:46:30> Cannot register BGB server channel DLL D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll. Installation cannot continue.
    <01/19/15 14:46:30> Fatal MSI Error - bgbisapi.msi could not be installed.
    Having done a bit of reading, it seems a few other people have come accross this issue before:
    The solution for these folks seems to be to edit 2 files in the .Net folder,InstallUtil.exe.config and Regsvc.exe.config,
    and insert the following code:
    <loadFromRemoteSources enabled=”true”/>
    However, this hasn't worked for me and i'm still getting stuck with the same error messages. Since i'd really like to avoid reinstalling SCCM on the C: drive, can anyone suggest any possible solutions to this issue? 

    The MPsetup.log has this:
    <01/20/15 16:28:11>         ======== Completed Installation of Pre Reqs for Role SMSMP ========
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> Installing the SMSMP
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> Passed OS version check.
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> IIS Service is installed.
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> No versions of SMSMP are installed.  Installing new SMSMP.
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> Enabling MSI logging.  mp.msi will log to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> Installing D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\mp.msi CCMINSTALLDIR="D:\Program Files\SMS_CCM" CCMSERVERDATAROOT="D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager" USESMSPORTS=TRUE SMSPORTS=80
    <01/20/15 16:28:12> mp.msi exited with return code: 1603
    <01/20/15 16:28:12> Backing up D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log.LastError
    <01/20/15 16:28:12> Fatal MSI Error - mp.msi could not be installed.
    and the MPmsi.log has this:
    MSI (s) (B0:E0) [16:37:14:660]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI23F6.tmp, Entrypoint: CcmRegisterPerfCounters
    [16:37:14] @@ERR:25001
    Internal Error 25001. 80070057
    MSI (s) (B0!F8) [16:37:14:676]: Product: BGB http proxy -- Internal Error 25001. 80070057
    CustomAction CcmRegisterPerfCounters returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    Had a go at removing the MP, disabled the UAC and reinstalling the MP. Same result unfortunately...The server is temporarily housed in a block GPO OU so group policy shouldn't be an issue. Thanks for all the help so far!

  • Data Protection Manager Agent 2012 R2 install failing

    Executing: .\DPMAgentInstaller_x64.exe
    I get the following console output:
    Installing agent and configure for dpmserver =[\AURA]
    DPMAgentInstaller failed with errorcode =0x80070648, error says: Unknown propert
    Check log files in [WINDIR]Temp\MSDPM*.LOG
    Press Enter key to close the window\\
    The output in the log file named MSDPMAgentBootstrap0Curr is this:
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.667 06 installagent.cpp(155) NORMAL Agent installation started for dpmserver []
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.686 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(219) ACTIVITY The agent bootstrapper is doing prerequisite checks
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.686 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(1366) NORMAL OS version more than or equal to Win2K3SP2.
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.686 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(1397) NORMAL Querying for DPMRA with Upgrade code: {EFF053DE-592F-5574-9AA3-64662A944952}
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.686 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(1471) NORMAL Querying for DPMRA with product code: {6FA0CE18-E1AB-4CA2-B552-03D16516E174}
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.686 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(544) NORMAL KB975759 not appliicable.
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.686 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(564) ACTIVITY The agent bootstrapper is installing prerequisites
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.686 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(683) NORMAL There is an existing msxml6 product found
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.687 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(752) WARNING InstallMSXML method returned code = 230e360
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.687 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(607) WARNING InstallAgentPrereqs failed with errorcode=230e360
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.687 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(267) WARNING PerformAgentInstall failed with errorcode=230e360
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.687 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(171) WARNING InstallProtectionAgent failed with errorcode=230e360
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.687 06 installagent.cpp(82) WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070648] DPMAgentInstaller failed, error says: [Unknown property.
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:53.687 06 installagent.cpp(82) WARNING ]
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:56.812 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(700) WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070648] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : ret
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:56.812 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(574) WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070648] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : hr
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:56.812 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(236) WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070648] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : InstallAgentPrereqs(silent)
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:56.812 06 bootstrapmsihelper.cpp(168) WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070648] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : PerformAgentInstall(installargs, silent, skipKB)
    0DD8 0DE4 11/23 23:42:56.812 06 installagent.cpp(167) WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070648] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : hrTemp
    That's pretty much all the information I have. I've tried disabling the Windows firewall as suggested elsewhere online. The OS installing into is Server 2012 R2. I've tried to install it into a number of different Server 2012 R2 boxes. They all get the same

    The last three DPM updates had code changes to the DPMFilter.sys driver which tracks block level changes for protected data sources.  The DPMFilter cannot be unloaded / patched and reloaded without loosing block level changes which would require a forced
    consistency check for all data sources.  The decision was made to require the reboot instead of forcing a consistency check for all data sources which could be more disruptive especially for multi-terabyte file servers. 
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • SCCM 2012 Client Install Failing ONLY on 8.1 Machines - Advice?

    Good morning,
    I've got a rather interesting situation.  We have a SCCM 2012 site configured for https, the site server is acting as the MP and DP, and we are installing the client via the SCCM 2012 Client GPO.  Our cert is an InCommon cert.  We have 4000+
    Windows 7 machines that are able to install the client.  We tested on a Window 8 machine and the client install works as well.  Whenever a Windows 8.1 machine tries to install it fails.  We have checked the boundaries (we can't specify IP ranges
    since we don't manage the whole network).  I can manually browse to the source files on the MP/DP.  The switches we use when installing via the GPO are /usepkicert /mp:[redacted] CCMHTTPSSTATE=63 SMSSITECODE=[redacted] SMSCACHESIZE=12288.  However,
    it always fails with:
    <![LOG[GetDPLocations failed with error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.329+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="12944" file="siteinfo.cpp:532">
    <![LOG[Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP 'https://[redacted]'. Error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.329+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2"
    thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11261">
    <![LOG[Failed to find DP locations from MP 'https://[redacted]' with error 0x80004005, status code 403. Check next MP.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.329+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2"
    thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11117">
    <![LOG[Only one MP https://[redacted] is specified. Use it.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.330+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10080">
    <![LOG[Have already tried all MPs. Couldn't find DP locations.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.330+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11146">
    <![LOG[MapNLMCostDataToCCMCost() returning Cost 0x1]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.332+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="12944" file="ccmutillib.cpp:5479">
    <![LOG[GET 'https://[redacted]/CCM_Client/']LOG]!><time="09:33:26.333+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="12944" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Failed to successfully complete WinHttp request. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 403)]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.366+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="12944"
    <![LOG[DownloadFileByWinHTTP failed with error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.366+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="12944" file="httphelper.cpp:1081">
    <![LOG[A Fallback Status Point has not been specified.  Message with STATEID='308' will not be sent.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.367+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1"
    thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9763">
    <![LOG['Configuration Manager Client Retry Task' is scheduled to run at 03/13/2015 02:33:26 PM (local) 03/13/2015 07:33:26 PM (UTC) time with arguments ' "/usepkicert" "/mp:[redacted]" "CCMHTTPSSTATE=63" "SMSSITECODE=AHC"
    "SMSCACHESIZE=12288" /RetryWinTask:1'.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.369+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="10100" file="wintask.cpp:315">
    <![LOG[CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.409+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="10100" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10879">
    Anyone have any idea why this is happening only on 8.1 machines?  I can't think of where else to check.  Thanks for any help.

    Okay, so I installed via the following:  ccmsetup.exe /usepkicert /source:C:\Client CCMHTTPSSTATE=63 SMSSITECODE=AHC SMSCACHESIZE=12288 and the client installed.  But you're right, the CCMMessaging.log is full of https errors.  I know it's
    something with the cert and I've even requested new ones from the CA.  However, why what is it about 8.1 that is causing the issues?  Like I said, we have 4000 machines using the same client authentication cert and they work.  I've cut and paste
    some of the log entries.  One thing to note is the \\[redacted]\sms_ahc\client\ccmsetup.exe in the beginning was using the internet FQDN.  Everything else is using the intranet location.  Does that provide any insight as to what is going
    \\[redacted]\sms_ahc\client\ccmsetup.exe /usepkicert /source:C:\Client CCMHTTPSSTATE=63 SMSSITECODE=AHC SMSCACHESIZE=12288
    <![LOG[Successfully sent security settings refresh message.]LOG]!><time="12:43:12.834+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:369">
    <![LOG[Successfully sent location services HTTPS failure message.]LOG]!><time="12:43:12.837+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:396">
    <![LOG[Post to https://[redacted]/ccm_system_windowsauth/request failed with 0x87d00231.]LOG]!><time="12:43:12.837+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="2" thread="5452"
    <![LOG[[CCMHTTP] ERROR: URL=https://[redacted]/ccm_system_windowsauth/request, Port=443, Options=63, Code=0, Text=CCM_E_BAD_HTTP_STATUS_CODE]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.880+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging"
    context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:297">
    <![LOG[Raising event:
    instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status
    DateTime = "20150316174512.883000+000";
    HostName = "[redacted]";
    HRESULT = "0x87d0027e";
    ProcessID = 8572;
    StatusCode = 403;
    ThreadID = 5452;
    ]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.883+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="event.cpp:715">
    <![LOG[Successfully sent security settings refresh message.]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.889+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:369">
    <![LOG[Successfully sent location services HTTPS failure message.]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.892+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:396">
    <![LOG[Post to https://[redacted]/ccm_system_windowsauth/request failed with 0x87d00231.]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.892+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="2" thread="5452"

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 Install fails at splash screen: Failed to create process of setupWpf.exe

    I can't seem to get past the initial install screen. When I click install I receive what is shown in the screen shot. The error in question is "Failed to create process of SetupWpf.exe" This is what I get after i click install. The error above
    that one "WinHttpReceiveresponse failed 80072ee7" is what I get when I tried to download the latest updates from the splash screen. It was on like update 44 of 56 when it failed but I am not sure I need to pursue that one. I cant even get the insall
    Phil Balderos

    I am also having the same issue..
    I can start the sccm 2012 installation piror to installing SQL 2012 SP1. Once SQL installation is complete, and try to install sccm 2012 -> issue occur. Is this a sql issue, or a sccm 2012 issue.. I have download the SQL 2012 and SCCM 2012 FROM MS
    twics.. I have rebuilt my lab twice already ...
    Any help, not sure what step I am missing....
    Hello Yuyut,
    This issue is related to CM12 (not nessarly a widly known issue) perhaps something with the ISO. The copy I was using was from our MSDN subscription which kept failing. I downloaded it twice and still same issue. Since  I am setting this up as a lab
    for testing purposes I just ended up downloaded the 180 day evaluation and has worked for me so far. So again this is not related to SQL as I have noticed.
    Thorsten did mention on this thred that I should check permissons of the account I was trying to install it from. That was not my issue but you could give that a look also.
    Phil Balderos

  • DPM 2012 R2 install fail - Reporting services "definition contains XML that is not well-formed or the XML is not valid"

    Hi Everyone,
    I've been battling with this for a while and I'm getting nowhere. I'm attempting to install DPM 2012R2 onto a fresh VM with a local SQL installation. The setup is as follows:
    Server OS: 2008R2 SP1
    SQL: 2008 R2 standard with SP3(tried SP2 before this)
    Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    Reporting services installed: Yes(ticked do not configure during the installation)
    Enabled reporting servics on port 80 with the default URL
    DPM Installation does not throw any errors during the preinstall stage(The server passes all the checks)
    Basically, when Installing. I get this error(extract):
     at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.Reporter.DeployFileInServer(Boolean recreate, ReportDBInfo rptInfo)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.Reporter.DeployReports(String sourceFolderPath, Boolean recreate, Boolean calledFromSetup)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.Reporter.InstallReports(Boolean calledFromSetup, String sourceFolderPath, String sqlServerName, String sqlInstanceName, String dbConnectionString)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
       at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.ReportingConfiguration.DeployReports(Boolean isRemoteReporting, String sqlMachineName, String sqlInstanceName, String rsMachineName, String rsInstanceName, String installerPath)
    [10/12/2014 2:35:25 p.m.] * Exception :  => Report configuration failed.Verify that SQL Server Reporting Services is installed properly and that it is running.Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.BackEndErrorException: exception
    ---> Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.ReportDeploymentException: exception ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.ReportingException:
    exception ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The report definition is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. This could be the result of publishing a report definition of
    a later version of Reporting Services, or that the report definition contains XML that is not well-formed or the XML is not valid based on the Report Definition schema. Details: Root element is missing.
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005Impl.CreateReport(String Report, String Parent, Boolean Overwrite, Byte[] Definition, Property[] Properties, Warning[]& Warnings)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005.CreateReport(String Report, String Parent, Boolean Overwrite, Byte[] Definition, Property[] Properties, Warning[]& Warnings)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Reporting.ReportingService2005.CreateReport(String Report, String Parent, Boolean Overwrite, Byte[] Definition, Property[] Properties)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.Reporter.CreateReport(String pathOfReport, ReportDBInfo rptInfo)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.Reporter.CreateReport(String pathOfReport, ReportDBInfo rptInfo)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.Reporter.DeployFileInServer(Boolean recreate, ReportDBInfo rptInfo)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.Reporter.DeployReports(String sourceFolderPath, Boolean recreate, Boolean calledFromSetup)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Library.Reporting.Reporter.InstallReports(Boolean calledFromSetup, String sourceFolderPath, String sqlServerName, String sqlInstanceName, String dbConnectionString)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
       at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.ReportingConfiguration.DeployReports(Boolean isRemoteReporting, String sqlMachineName, String sqlInstanceName, String rsMachineName, String rsInstanceName, String installerPath)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.ReportingConfiguration.DeployReports(Boolean isRemoteReporting, String sqlMachineName, String sqlInstanceName, String rsMachineName, String rsInstanceName, String installerPath)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.BackEnd.DeployReports(String reportserverConfigFilePath, Boolean isOemSetup, String sqlMachineName, String sqlInstanceName, Boolean isRemoteReporting, String reportingServerMachineName, String
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.BackEnd.DeployReports(String reportserverConfigFilePath, Boolean isOemSetup, String sqlMachineName, String sqlInstanceName, Boolean isRemoteReporting, String reportingServerMachineName, String
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.DpmInstaller.DeployReports(Boolean isRemoteReporting, Boolean isUpgrade)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.ProgressPage.InstallerThreadEntry()
    *** Mojito error was: ReportDeploymentFailed; 0; None
    [10/12/2014 2:35:25 p.m.] *** Error : Report configuration failed.
    Verify that SQL Server Reporting Services is installed properly and that it is running.
    ID: 812
    [10/12/2014 2:35:25 p.m.] Information : Data Protection Manager installation has failed. All the items that were copied during the installation process have been removed.
    For details, click the Error tab.
    Any ideas?
    I've managed to get it to this stage. Originally I didn't have encryption keys or a listening port(which I fixed).

    Can you try following steps:
    If there are SSL certificates on your computer, by default SQL 2008
    installation configures HTTPS for reporting websites. When DPM tries to
    deploy reports on these websites it may fail if the reporting websites
    are not accessible (might be due to invalid/expired certificates). To
    workaround this, provided you do not require HTTPS for reporting websites do
    the following:
    1. Edit C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\SQL\MSRS10.MSDPMV3BETA1EVAL\Reporting
    2. Set the SecureConnectionLevel to 0 if the current value is 2 (A value to
    2 means secure connection is required)
    3. Connect to SQL reporting service configuration manager and connect to the
    instance MSDPMV3BETA1EVAL
    4. Click on Web Service URL, click advanced and remove SSL identities
    5. Repeat the above for Report Manager URL
    6. Make sure report manager URL and web service URL are accessible with out
    any errors.
    6. Restart report server
    If that doesn't solve the problem, please try following steps:
    1. Open Start-> All programs->SQL server 2008->Configuration Tools->Report
    Server Configuration Manager
    2. Connect to the instance which the DPM is using to install.
    3. Browse Report Manager URL and web service url
    4. If report manager URL or web service url throws any error say 500 or 404
    fix the error. (Try also replacing machine name with localhost in url)
    5. Otherwise delete DPMReports folder (if present) using below instructions
    6. Restart reporting services
    7. Try DPM setup again.
    Deleting DPM reports:
    1. Open report manager URL in IE
    2. Click show details on right hand side
    3. Put a tick against DPMReports folder
    4. Click Delete button.
    Regards, Trinadh [MSFT] This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. If you found the reply helpful, please MARK IT AS ANSWER. Looking for source of information for DPM?

  • MacMini 2012 fresh install fails

    i own a Mac-Mini (2012, w/o cd rom) with 10.7.
    i wanted to downgrade it to 10.6; many apps that i use are not working on 10.7.
    so i crated a USB installation drive from the SL DVD i have, but when booting i got the kernel hang.
    i tried boot from a USB dvd drive and got the same screen.
    then i restarted the mac mini while holding the T to my MBP and erased the HD.
    it did not help, i still get the same screen.
    and not (since i erased the drive) i can't reach the "Recovery mode" anymore…

    1. That iMac will not run Snow Leopard
    see > Don't install a version of Mac OS X earlier than what came with your Mac
    2. If the Recovery Partition is gone, then you may need to take the Mini into your local Apple Service Provider and have them re-install OS X Lion or Mountain Lion on it. 
    read > OS X: About OS X Recovery

  • SCVMM 2012 R2 - prerequisite - Link to ADKsetup 8.1 broken?

    Trying to get SCVMM 2012 R2 installed at a customer of mine. It seems the link to adksetup.exe is broken:
    leads to:
    and "We are sorry, the page you requested cannot be found"
    Any other download locations for this?

    worked for me (tried it a few minutes ago)
    best regards Marc Grote -

  • SCVMM 2012 SP1 (RTM) Deployment from VMM Console fails.

    Error During a library refresh, or deployment from template - It all fails:
    Error (12710)
    VMM does not have appropriate permissions to access the Windows Remote Management resources on the server (MyServer).
    Unknown error (0x80338105)
    Recommended Action
    1) Ensure that the Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) service is running on the server (myserver).
    2) If the System Center Virtual Machine Manager service on your VMM management server is configured to run by using the machine account, ensure that there is not a group policy that does not allow adding machine accounts to a computer's Administrators group.
    If there is, you can use one of the following workarounds:
      - Disable the group policy in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
      - Modify the group policy to allow the VMM machine account in the Administrators group
      - Move the machine account to its own organizational unit (OU) and block the group policy from being applied
      - Reinstall the VMM management server and choose the option to run the System Center Virtual Machine Manager service by using a domain account, and re-add all of your virtual machines.
    So, as soon as SCVMM 2012 Sp1 was released we decided that it was best to upgrade so we could utilise the new features of Server 2012 as a host.
    The upgrade worked a treat. VM's deployed, Server 2012 worked. Anyway, a few days after deployment we start to see errors relating to WinRM and permissions (See end of the post). After a quick trace around we found some failed services, usually on a host
    but sometimes it seemed to happen on the Library/Management server as well.
    So, our setup is as follows:
    Management/Library server = VMware  VM, Server 2012 standard, 6 GB memory, 4 vCPU's
    Hosts = HP DL360p G7, HP DL360 Gen8 (we have a few of these), Server 2012. We also have a DL380 G7 on Server 2008 R2 Enterprise that fails as well, so it seems the error isn't O/S specific (I'm picking a VMM issue).
    So I have tried many resolutions and now none of them work.
    We have no restrictions on group policy for the local admin, this can be set manually, and works for that matter.
    WinRM is working and the listening port is 5985 (I can see it working and listening via a "netstat -an")
    Also, I have ensured many many times that all of the required services are up and running (SCVMMAgent, VirtualDisk managerment, WinRM) and initially these where at fault and a simple restart of each service (or even a full start from dead) fixed
    it - Now it all fails. Even a library refresh fails. And all while each of the services required are up and running.

    So, I have now tried a reinstall of the management server & made some changes
    1- Changed the service account during the install.
    2 - Added the service account user to the local admins group of each host in question.
    3 - Tried "winrm /qc" .which lets me know its already up and running and configured. Although I must admit, I'm not 100% sure how to use WinRM. From what I can read, this is like an express setup and ensures you are up, running and listening.
    4 - Verified that WinRM is working of the right port (Listening ports dump below)
    5 - Verified that I can connect to each port required for the SCVMM Management server.
    BUT, it seems the error is still there and deployments still fail,
    although the library refreshes correctly now.
    Error (12710)
    VMM does not have appropriate permissions to access the Windows Remote Management resources on the server ( Myserver).
    Unknown error (0x80338105)
    NETSTAT Listening ports dump.
    PS C:\Users\nzadmin> netstat -an
    Active Connections
      Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
      TCP                LISTENING
      TCP                LISTENING
      TCP                LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING

  • Upgrade of scvmm 2012 sp1 to scvmm 2012 r2 fails with "Access to the path 'C:\ProgramData\VMMLogs\SetupWizard.log' is denied"

    I had a working scvmm 2012 sp1 installation, and am attempting to upgrade to 2012 r2.
    The old SCVMM product was removed (retaining the database), as well as ADK 8.0.  I then installed ADK 8.1.
    The install fails after a number of minutes with "Access to the path 'C:\ProgramData\VMMLogs\SetupWizard.log' is denied".  From my reading of the log, that was the only obvious failure, and that the VMM server MSI installed successfully. 
    It doesn't appear to get so far as to upgrade the database.
    The OS is Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard, with all updates applied.  I have tried the install many times, noticed that the McAfee virus scanner was pushed to the box at some point, so I removed it, but still no dice.
    12:18:58:LaunchMSI: MSI C:\Users\mscott\Desktop\mu_system_center_2012_r2_virtual_machine_manager_x86_and_x64_dvd_2913737\amd64\setup\msi\Server\vmmServer.msi succeeded.
    12:18:58:Doing Postinstall task for PangaeaServer
    12:18:58:ProcessInstalls: Install Item VMM management server was successful.  We will launch the post process delegate.
    12:19:47:Windows feature RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell already enabled, skipping
    12:20:15:Windows feature WindowsStorageManagementService already enabled, skipping
    12:20:41:Windows feature UpdateServices-API already enabled, skipping
    12:23:31:VMMPostinstallProcessor threw an exception: Threw Exception.Type: System.UnauthorizedAccessException, Exception.Message: Access to the path 'C:\ProgramData\VMMLogs\SetupWizard.log' is denied.
    12:23:31:StackTrace:   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
       at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath,
    Boolean checkHost)
       at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
       at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
       at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
       at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append)
       at System.IO.File.AppendText(String path)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.SetupFramework.CommonLogger.Log(String trace)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.SetupFramework.CommonLogger.Log(LogLevel level, String trace)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.SetupFramework.Trc.Log(LogLevel level, String trace, Object parameter1, Object parameter2, Object parameter3)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.SetupFramework.Trc.LogException(LogLevel logLevel, String customMessage, Exception exception)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.DBConfigurator.ExecuteScript(SqlContext ctx, String fileName)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.DBConfigurator.UpgradeDatabaseTables()
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.VirtualMachineManagerHelpers.CreateDB()
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.InstallItemCustomDelegates.PangaeaServerPostinstallProcessor()
    12:23:31:ProcessInstalls: Running the PostProcessDelegate returned false.
    12:23:31:ProcessInstalls: Running the PostProcessDelegate for PangaeaServer failed.... This is a fatal item.  Setting rollback.
    12:23:31:SetProgressScreen: FinishMinorStep.
    12:23:31:ProcessInstalls: Rollback is set and we are not doing an uninstall so we will stop processing installs
    12:23:31:SetProgressScreen: StartMinorStep.
    Mark E. Scott Jr.

    Perhaps relevant, perhaps not. This error shows up right after the above log snippet. I assumed it was an error with the rollback routine, but just in case, here it is:
    12:23:31:SetProgressScreen: StartMinorStep.
    12:23:31:ProcessInstalls: Install Item VMM management server has a Preprocessing delegate of PangaeaServerPreinstallProcessor.  Launching it now.
    12:23:31:GetSqlLoginName: TThe login name for the vmm server service is [DGSLAB\tfs-vmm]
    12:24:49:no HAVMM name detected in DB. Doing VMM Uninstall
    12:24:53:Start setspn.exe parameters  -D SCVMM/ DGSLAB\tfs-vmm
    12:24:56:Start setspn.exe parameters  -D SCVMM/tfsvmm1 DGSLAB\tfs-vmm
    12:25:00:DBConfigurationHander.SetupAsVMMServerRole() CarmineException : Threw Exception.Type: Microsoft.VirtualManager.Utils.FailedToAcquireLockException, Exception.Message: Unable to perform the job because one or more of the selected objects are locked by
    another job.
    To find out which job is locking the object, in the Jobs view, group by Status, and find the running or canceling job for the object. When the job is complete, try again.
    12:25:00:StackTrace:   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Utils.CarmineObjectLock.ExecuteAcquireLockSP(CarmineObjectLockType lockType)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Utils.CarmineObjectLock.AcquireLockWithRetries(CarmineObjectLockType lockType)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Utils.CarmineObjectLock.AcquireLock(CarmineObjectLockType lockType, Boolean doNotWaitForLock)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.Adhc.AgentServer..ctor(RemoteServer server, Guid serverID, Version agentVersion, VersionState agentVersionState, AgentPackageType agentPackageType, Boolean wsManOverSSL, Int32 wsManPort, Nullable`1 complianceStatusID,
    Nullable`1 mostRecentTaskID, Nullable`1 mostRecentTaskUIState, Guid taskID, CarmineObjectLockType lockType)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.Adhc.AgentServer..ctor(SqlRow row, Guid serverID, Guid taskID, CarmineObjectLockType lockType)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.Adhc.AgentServer.<>c__DisplayClass4.<GetInstance>b__3(SqlRow row)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.DbAccessHelper.GetFromCommand[_RetTy,_ColumnsTy](ReadOption readOption, SqlRetryCommand cmd, GetFromCommandWorker`1 worker)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.DbAccessHelper.HandleReadErrors[_RetTy](DbAccessDelegate`1 func, ErrorInfo notFoundErrorInfo)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.Adhc.AgentServer.GetOne(String computerName, GetFromCommandWorker`1 ctor, ConnectionProperties properties)
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.DBConfigurator.SetupAsVMMServerRole(Boolean isAssociate)
    12:25:00:InnerException.Type: Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.DBCorruptionException, InnerException.Message: Unable to connect to the VMM database because the database is in an inconsistent state.
    Contact an experienced SQL administrator whenever this error occurs. In some cases, it may be necessary to restore the VMM database. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Help and Support.
    12:25:00:InnerException.StackTrace:   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.SqlRetryCommand.ValidateReturnValue()
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.SqlRetryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
       at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Utils.CarmineObjectLock.ExecuteAcquireLockSP(CarmineObjectLockType lockType)
    Mark E. Scott Jr.

  • MDT 2012 Update 1 Boot Image Creation Fails in SP1

    I have my site server (SCCM 2012 SP1) installed on Server 2012 with the Windows 8 ADK installed (I've also tried installing the Win7 WAIK with no change to the below problem). It is hosting the site server, FSP, AIS, and Endpoint protection roles. I
    installed MDT 2012 Update 1 (build 6.1.2373.0) and installed ConfigMgr integration. I have a share
    \\siteserver\bootimages that I'm creating the boot image to and the system account has full control on both the NTFS and Share permissions. When I create the boot image I get an error almost immediately and
    a popup that the Microsoft.BDD.ElevatedProxy has stopped working. Details from the pop-up:
      Stopped working
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
      Problem Signature 01: microsoft.bdd.elevatedproxy.exe
      Problem Signature 02:
      Problem Signature 03: 50400c36
      Problem Signature 04: System.ServiceModel
      Problem Signature 05:
      Problem Signature 06: 4fee6b19
      Problem Signature 07: fb9
      Problem Signature 08: a7
      Problem Signature 09: G3DT0URDW53KGT4VJDEEQCRAUIFCNTLL
      OS Version: 6.2.9200.
      Locale ID: 1033
    The error in the boot image creation wizard is:
    Started processing.
    Creating boot image.
    Error while importing Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Task Sequence.
    System.ServiceModel.FaultException: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug>
    configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.
    Server stack trace:
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ThrowIfFaultUnderstood(Message reply, MessageFault fault, String action, MessageVersion version, FaultConverter faultConverter)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
    Exception rethrown at [0]:
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
       at INewBootImage.Create(String platform, String scratchSpace, String[] components, String[] extraContent, String wimFile)
       at NewBootImageClient.Create(String platform, String scratchSpace, String[] components, String[] extraContent, String wimFile)
       at Microsoft.BDD.Wizards.SCCM_ImportTaskSequenceTask.DoWork(SmsPageData smspageData, Dictionary`2 data)
    I haven't found anything online on this particular error, I've seen all the ones about MDT 2012 and ConfigMgr 2012 CU 1. Any ideas? Any logs that may be revealing to the cause of this error? I've tried removing integration components, uninstalling MDT, reboot,
    re-installing, etc, but same problem occurs each time.

    I just tried to create a new boot image again, the DISM.log file does not show any evidence of the attempt to create the boot wim, in fact nothing since 0800 this morning. The most recent logs are as follows:
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   PID=2252 TID=4312 Scratch directory set to 'C:\Windows\TEMP\'. - CDISMManager::put_ScratchDir
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   PID=2252 TID=4312 DismCore.dll version: 6.2.9200.16384 - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=2252 TID=4312 Leave CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=2252 TID=3088 Deleted g_internalDismSession - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=2252 TID=3088 Shutdown SessionTable - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=2252 TID=3088 Leave DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=2252 TID=3088 DismApi.dll:                                         
    - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=2252 TID=3088 DismApi.dll: <----- Ending DismApi.dll session -----> - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 20:22:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=2252 TID=3088 DismApi.dll:                                         
    - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 DismApi.dll:                                           
    - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 DismApi.dll: <----- Starting DismApi.dll session -----> - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 DismApi.dll:                                           
    - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 DismApi.dll: Version 6.2.9200.16384 - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 DismApi.dll: Parent process command line: C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Enter DismInitializeInternal - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Input parameters: LogLevel: 2, LogFilePath: (null), ScratchDirectory: (null) - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Initialized GlobalConfig - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Initialized SessionTable - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:50, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Lookup in table by path failed for: DummyPath-2BA51B78-C7F7-4910-B99D-BB7345357CDC - CTransactionalImageTable::LookupImagePath
    2013-03-03 22:02:51, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Waiting for m_pInternalThread to start - CCommandThread::Start
    2013-03-03 22:02:51, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=4172 Enter CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub
    2013-03-03 22:02:58, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=4172 Enter CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-03 22:02:58, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 CommandThread StartupEvent signaled - CCommandThread::WaitForStartup
    2013-03-03 22:02:58, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 m_pInternalThread started - CCommandThread::Start
    2013-03-03 22:02:58, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Created g_internalDismSession - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:02:58, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Leave DismInitializeInternal - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-03 22:03:57, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Enter DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 22:03:57, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 GetReferenceCount hr: 0x0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession
    2013-03-03 22:03:57, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Refcount for DismSession= 1s 0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession
    2013-03-03 22:03:57, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject
    2013-03-03 22:03:57, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=4172 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-03 22:03:57, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=4172 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject
    2013-03-03 22:03:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=4172 ExecuteLoop: Cancel signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-03 22:03:59, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=4172 Leave CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   PID=3544 TID=4172 Temporarily setting the scratch directory. This may be overridden by user later. - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   PID=3544 TID=4172 Scratch directory set to 'C:\Windows\TEMP\'. - CDISMManager::put_ScratchDir
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   PID=3544 TID=4172 DismCore.dll version: 6.2.9200.16384 - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=4172 Leave CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Deleted g_internalDismSession - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Shutdown SessionTable - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 Leave DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 DismApi.dll:                                         
    - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 DismApi.dll: <----- Ending DismApi.dll session -----> - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-03 22:04:39, Info                  DISM   API: PID=3544 TID=3672 DismApi.dll:                                         
    - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 DismApi.dll:                                           
    - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 DismApi.dll: <----- Starting DismApi.dll session -----> - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 DismApi.dll:                                           
    - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 DismApi.dll: Version 6.2.9200.16384 - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 DismApi.dll: Parent process command line: C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Enter DismInitializeInternal - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Input parameters: LogLevel: 2, LogFilePath: (null), ScratchDirectory: (null) - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Initialized GlobalConfig - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Initialized SessionTable - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:07, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Lookup in table by path failed for: DummyPath-2BA51B78-C7F7-4910-B99D-BB7345357CDC - CTransactionalImageTable::LookupImagePath
    2013-03-04 08:41:08, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Waiting for m_pInternalThread to start - CCommandThread::Start
    2013-03-04 08:41:08, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=4176 Enter CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub
    2013-03-04 08:41:09, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=4176 Enter CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-04 08:41:09, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 CommandThread StartupEvent signaled - CCommandThread::WaitForStartup
    2013-03-04 08:41:09, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 m_pInternalThread started - CCommandThread::Start
    2013-03-04 08:41:09, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Created g_internalDismSession - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:41:09, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Leave DismInitializeInternal - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-04 08:42:25, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Enter DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-04 08:42:25, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 GetReferenceCount hr: 0x0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession
    2013-03-04 08:42:25, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Refcount for DismSession= 1s 0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession
    2013-03-04 08:42:25, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject
    2013-03-04 08:42:25, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=4176 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-04 08:42:25, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=4176 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject
    2013-03-04 08:42:25, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=4176 ExecuteLoop: Cancel signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-04 08:42:25, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=4176 Leave CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   PID=1016 TID=4176 Temporarily setting the scratch directory. This may be overridden by user later. - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   PID=1016 TID=4176 Scratch directory set to 'C:\Windows\TEMP\'. - CDISMManager::put_ScratchDir
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   PID=1016 TID=4176 DismCore.dll version: 6.2.9200.16384 - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=4176 Leave CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Deleted g_internalDismSession - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Shutdown SessionTable - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 Leave DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 DismApi.dll:                                         
    - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 DismApi.dll: <----- Ending DismApi.dll session -----> - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-04 08:42:44, Info                  DISM   API: PID=1016 TID=1620 DismApi.dll:                                         
    - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:10, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 DismApi.dll:                                           
    - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:12, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 DismApi.dll: <----- Starting DismApi.dll session -----> - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:12, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 DismApi.dll:                                           
    - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:12, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 DismApi.dll: Version 6.2.9200.16384 - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:12, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 DismApi.dll: Parent process command line: C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:12, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 Enter DismInitializeInternal - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:12, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 Input parameters: LogLevel: 2, LogFilePath: (null), ScratchDirectory: (null) - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:12, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 Initialized GlobalConfig - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:13, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 Initialized SessionTable - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:13, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 Lookup in table by path failed for: DummyPath-2BA51B78-C7F7-4910-B99D-BB7345357CDC - CTransactionalImageTable::LookupImagePath
    2013-03-05 08:44:14, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 Waiting for m_pInternalThread to start - CCommandThread::Start
    2013-03-05 08:44:14, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=640 Enter CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub
    2013-03-05 08:44:32, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 CommandThread StartupEvent signaled - CCommandThread::WaitForStartup
    2013-03-05 08:44:32, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 m_pInternalThread started - CCommandThread::Start
    2013-03-05 08:44:32, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 Created g_internalDismSession - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:32, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=3140 Leave DismInitializeInternal - DismInitializeInternal
    2013-03-05 08:44:32, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=640 Enter CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-05 08:45:56, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 Enter DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-05 08:45:56, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 GetReferenceCount hr: 0x0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession
    2013-03-05 08:45:56, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 Refcount for DismSession= 1s 0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession
    2013-03-05 08:45:56, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject
    2013-03-05 08:45:56, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=640 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-05 08:45:56, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=640 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject
    2013-03-05 08:45:56, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=640 ExecuteLoop: Cancel signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-05 08:45:56, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=640 Leave CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   PID=4140 TID=640 Temporarily setting the scratch directory. This may be overridden by user later. - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   PID=4140 TID=640 Scratch directory set to 'C:\Windows\TEMP\'. - CDISMManager::put_ScratchDir
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   PID=4140 TID=640 DismCore.dll version: 6.2.9200.16384 - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=640 Leave CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 Deleted g_internalDismSession - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 Shutdown SessionTable - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 Leave DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 DismApi.dll:                                         
    - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 DismApi.dll: <----- Ending DismApi.dll session -----> - DismShutdownInternal
    2013-03-05 08:46:18, Info                  DISM   API: PID=4140 TID=1320 DismApi.dll:                       

  • Unable to install SCVMM 2012 - MSI error 1638

    Hi Folks,
    I am getting an installation error whilst trying to install the new version of SCVMM 2012.  I had an earlier version (2010 I think) install which I removed via Programs and Features (also removed database, share and program directories). 
    When I try and install the new version the log file shows
    Note: 1: 1729
    Product: Microsoft Web Deploy 3.5 -- Configuration failed.
    Windows Installer reconfigured the product. Product Name: Microsoft Web Deploy 3.5. Product Version: 3.1237.1762. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Reconfiguration success or error status: 1638.
    I assume that there are probably some left over registry settings or something, does anyone know how I can clean out the old system properly or fix the issue?

    Manually uninstall the "Microsoft Web Deploy 3.5" first from the "Programs and Features" works for me.

  • ProClarity 6.3 PAS install fails on Windows Server 2012

    We are trying to install PAS 6.3 on Windows Server 2012 and the install fails with the following error
    The following requirements are missing:
    Windows Server 2003 SP1
    We have successfully installed on Windows Server 2008 R2, so it really isn't a Windows Server 2003 SP1 issue.
    Has anyone successfully installed on Windows Server 2012?  Is there a way to force the installer not to check for the OS?

    I have a PAS server running in Windows 2012, by doing exactly the same pre-requisites  that you do in Windows 2008 r2 (iis, Framework, SQL ADO 2005 / 2008). With the Windows Server 2003 SP1 message you can avoid it by doing a really simple thing that
    is right click the setup file --> properties, and head to the "Compatibility Tab" and run it with compatibility mode Windows 7, also run it with Admin permissions. This let you pass by the message and let you install the product.  Remember, after  the
    installation, you need to check all the IIS config, folder permissions, that you did in Windows 2008 x64  installation. Also, the App pool needs to work with .NET 2.0 not 4.0. 
    Good luck! 

Maybe you are looking for