New Site, New server SCCM 2012 R2 install fails at sp_createlocaleinfo

Server 2012 R2 new build, SQL 2012, fresh install, SCCM 2012 R2 new install. All on one system. No clustering.
All the prerequisites check out OK. But the install fails at sp_createlocaleinfo:
INFO: SQL Server script: Create object spprocessdrsrecoveryversionmessage  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:27:56.167-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
INFO: SQL Server script: Create object sp_makesureintervalexists  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:27:56.198-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
*** -- ~-- Name         : sp_CreateLocaleInfo ~-- Definition   : SqlObjs ~-- Scope        : CAS_OR_PRIMARY ~-- Object       : P ~-- Dependencies
: <Detect> ~-- Description  : <Please provide a description for this object> ~-- ~CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CreateLocaleInfo @_ciid int, @digest xml(CIDigest) AS ~BEGIN ~ ~    if (exists (select 1 from CI_ConfigurationItems where
CI_ID=@_ciid and CIType_ID=21)) ~    begin ~       --It is a DT, only create localized info for default local ~       ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  (
~    N'' as app ~  ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description]) ~ ~   select ~    
@_ciid, ~      65535, ~     ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:DeploymentType/app:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)'), '') as Title, ~     ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:DeploymentType/app:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)'),
'') as [Description] ~      ~    end ~    else ~    begin ~  ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  ( ~    N''
as app ~  ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl,InfoUrlText, PrivacyUrl, UserCategories, Tags, Icon ) ~ ~   select ~    
@_ciid, ~     case ISNULL('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(10)'), '') when '' then 0 else ~    dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID('(./@Language)[1]',
'nvarchar(10)')) end as lcid, ~ ~'(app:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)') as Title, ~'(app:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)') as [Description], ~'(app:Publisher)[1]',
'nvarchar(512)') as Publisher, ~'(app:Version)[1]', 'nvarchar(512)') as [Version], ~'(app:ReleaseDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(64)') as ReleaseDate, ~ ~'(app:InfoUrl)[1]',
'nvarchar(1024)') as InfoUrl, ~'(app:InfoUrlText)[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)') as InfoUrlText, ~'(app:PrivacyUrl)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)') as PrivacyUrl, ~'app:UserCategories') as UserCategories, ~'app:Tags') as Tags, ~ ~     ( ~     select top 1'xs:base64Binary((./app:Data)[1])', 'varbinary(max)')
~     from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Resources/app:Icon') as icons(tc) ~     where ~'(./@Id)[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)') ='(./app:Icon/@Id)[1]',
'nvarchar(1024)') ~     ) ~     as Icon ~ ~   from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info') as cidigest(tc) ~   where dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID('(./@Language)[1]',
'nvarchar(10)')) != 0; ~ ~   --insert default info. ~   declare @defaultlocal nvarchar(20); ~ ~ ~  ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  ( ~    N''
as app ~  ) ~   select  @defaultlocal  = info.loc.value('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~          
') as info(loc) ~   where ISNULL(info.loc.value('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '') = ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/@DefaultLanguage)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '');
~ ~ ~  if  @defaultlocal is null ~  begin ~ ~    if exists (select  1 from @digest.nodes('declare namespace app="";
~           /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc) ~          
where info.loc.value('declare namespace app=""; ~          
(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') = 'en') ~     begin ~     set @defaultlocal = 'en'; ~     end  else if exists (select  1 from @digest.nodes('declare
namespace app=""; ~          
/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc) ~           where info.loc.value('declare namespace app="";
~           (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') = 'en-US') ~     begin ~      set @defaultlocal = 'en-US'; ~    
end else ~     begin ~     select @defaultlocal = lo from ( select  top 1  ISNULL(info.loc.value('declare namespace app="";
~           (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '')  as lo from @digest.nodes('declare namespace app="";
~           /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc)) as tdb ~     end ~  end ~
~  if not exists (select 1 from CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties lp where
lp.CI_ID=@_ciid and lp.LocaleID=65535) ~  begin ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties ( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl, UserCategories, Tags,
Icon ) ~   select CI_ID, 65535, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl, UserCategories, Tags, Icon from ~   CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties lp where lp.LocaleID = dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID(@defaultlocal)
and lp.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~   end; ~ ~ ~  --Expend categories. ~   ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~   ( ~    N'' as app ~  
) ~   insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientTags (CI_ID, LocaleID, Tag, [Type]) ~   select distinct tt.CI_ID, tt.LocaleID, RTRIM(LTRIM( cate.tag.value('(.)[1]', 'nvarchar(513)'))) as tag, ~   N'UserCategory' ~   from ~  
CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties  as tt cross apply tt.UserCategories.nodes('/app:UserCategories/app:Tag') as cate(tag) ~   where tt.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~  ---Expend tags. ~   ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~   ( ~   
N'' as app ~   ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientTags (CI_ID, LocaleID, Tag, [Type]) ~  select distinct tt.CI_ID, tt.LocaleID, cate.tag.value('(.)[1]',
'nvarchar(513)') as tag, ~  N'Tag' ~  from ~  CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties  as tt cross apply tt.Tags.nodes('/app:Tags/app:Tag') as cate(tag) ~  where tt.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~    end ~END ~  $$<Configuration
Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
*** [42000][701][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query. : sp_CreateLocaleInfo  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292
ERROR: SQL Server error: [42000][701][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query. : sp_CreateLocaleInfo  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292
Failed to execute sql command -- ~-- Name         : sp_CreateLocaleInfo ~-- Definition   : SqlObjs ~-- Scope        : CAS_OR_PRIMARY ~-- Object      
: P ~-- Dependencies : <Detect> ~-- Description  : <Please provide a description for this object> ~-- ~CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CreateLocaleInfo @_ciid int, @digest xml(CIDigest) AS ~BEGIN ~ ~    if (exists (select 1 from CI_ConfigurationItems
where CI_ID=@_ciid and CIType_ID=21)) ~    begin ~       --It is a DT, only create localized info for default local ~       ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  (
~    N'' as app ~  ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description]) ~ ~   select ~    
@_ciid, ~      65535, ~     ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:DeploymentType/app:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)'), '') as Title, ~     ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:DeploymentType/app:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)'),
'') as [Description] ~      ~    end ~    else ~    begin ~  ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  ( ~    N''
as app ~  ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl,InfoUrlText, PrivacyUrl, UserCategories, Tags, Icon ) ~ ~   select ~    
@_ciid, ~     case ISNULL('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(10)'), '') when '' then 0 else ~    dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID('(./@Language)[1]',
'nvarchar(10)')) end as lcid, ~ ~'(app:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)') as Title, ~'(app:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)') as [Description], ~'(app:Publisher)[1]',
'nvarchar(512)') as Publisher, ~'(app:Version)[1]', 'nvarchar(512)') as [Version], ~'(app:ReleaseDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(64)') as ReleaseDate, ~ ~'(app:InfoUrl)[1]',
'nvarchar(1024)') as InfoUrl, ~'(app:InfoUrlText)[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)') as InfoUrlText, ~'(app:PrivacyUrl)[1]', 'nvarchar(2048)') as PrivacyUrl, ~'app:UserCategories') as UserCategories, ~'app:Tags') as Tags, ~ ~     ( ~     select top 1'xs:base64Binary((./app:Data)[1])', 'varbinary(max)')
~     from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Resources/app:Icon') as icons(tc) ~     where ~'(./@Id)[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)') ='(./app:Icon/@Id)[1]',
'nvarchar(1024)') ~     ) ~     as Icon ~ ~   from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info') as cidigest(tc) ~   where dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID('(./@Language)[1]',
'nvarchar(10)')) != 0; ~ ~   --insert default info. ~   declare @defaultlocal nvarchar(20); ~ ~ ~  ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~  ( ~    N''
as app ~  ) ~   select  @defaultlocal  = info.loc.value('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') from @digest.nodes('/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~          
') as info(loc) ~   where ISNULL(info.loc.value('(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '') = ISNULL(@digest.value('(/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/@DefaultLanguage)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '');
~ ~ ~  if  @defaultlocal is null ~  begin ~ ~    if exists (select  1 from @digest.nodes('declare namespace app="";
~           /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc) ~          
where info.loc.value('declare namespace app=""; ~          
(./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') = 'en') ~     begin ~     set @defaultlocal = 'en'; ~     end  else if exists (select  1 from @digest.nodes('declare
namespace app=""; ~          
/app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc) ~           where info.loc.value('declare namespace app="";
~           (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') = 'en-US') ~     begin ~      set @defaultlocal = 'en-US'; ~    
end else ~     begin ~     select @defaultlocal = lo from ( select  top 1  ISNULL(info.loc.value('declare namespace app="";
~           (./@Language)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), '')  as lo from @digest.nodes('declare namespace app="";
~           /app:AppMgmtDigest/app:Application/app:DisplayInfo/app:Info ~           ') as info(loc)) as tdb ~     end ~  end ~
~  if not exists (select 1 from CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties lp where
lp.CI_ID=@_ciid and lp.LocaleID=65535) ~  begin ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties ( CI_ID, LocaleID, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl, UserCategories, Tags,
Icon ) ~   select CI_ID, 65535, Title, [Description], Publisher, [Version], ReleaseDate, InfoUrl, UserCategories, Tags, Icon from ~   CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties lp where lp.LocaleID = dbo.fnLShortNameToLCID(@defaultlocal)
and lp.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~   end; ~ ~ ~  --Expend categories. ~   ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~   ( ~    N'' as app ~  
) ~   insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientTags (CI_ID, LocaleID, Tag, [Type]) ~   select distinct tt.CI_ID, tt.LocaleID, RTRIM(LTRIM( cate.tag.value('(.)[1]', 'nvarchar(513)'))) as tag, ~   N'UserCategory' ~   from ~  
CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties  as tt cross apply tt.UserCategories.nodes('/app:UserCategories/app:Tag') as cate(tag) ~   where tt.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~  ---Expend tags. ~   ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ~   ( ~   
N'' as app ~   ) ~  insert into CI_LocalizedCIClientTags (CI_ID, LocaleID, Tag, [Type]) ~  select distinct tt.CI_ID, tt.LocaleID, cate.tag.value('(.)[1]',
'nvarchar(513)') as tag, ~  N'Tag' ~  from ~  CI_LocalizedCIClientProperties  as tt cross apply tt.Tags.nodes('/app:Tags/app:Tag') as cate(tag) ~  where tt.CI_ID = @_ciid ; ~    end ~END ~~ 
$$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
ERROR: Failed to execute SQL Server script: Create SQL object sp_createlocaleinfo~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
ERROR: SQL Server error: <>  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.027-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>
~~===================== Completed Configuration Manager 2012 Server Setup =====================  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-03-2014 12:28:09.136-60><thread=3292 (0xCDC)>

Yes I found your guide and followed it.
Stuck after 16 hours at LU_SoftwareList 
INFO: Extracted file D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AI\LU_CAL_ProductList.csv  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:27:57.606-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
INFO: Extracted file D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AI\watermark.txt  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:27:57.606-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
INFO: Successfully expanded CSV files  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:27:57.606-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
INFO: Starting data import data to table: LU_LicensedProduct  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:27:57.638-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
INFO: Successfully imported data to table LU_LicensedProduct  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:28:01.717-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
INFO: Starting data import data to table: LU_Category  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:28:01.717-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
INFO: Successfully imported data to table LU_Category  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:28:01.764-60><thread=520 (0x208)>
INFO: Starting data import data to table: LU_SoftwareList  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><01-04-2014 17:28:01.764-60><thread=520 (0x208)>

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    installed a SCCM 2012 R2 Primary site on a 2012 R2 server on the D: drive. Everything seemed to go well, however i am am now encountering issues with the SMS_NOTIFICATION_SERVER in that the site component manager is unable to install it. The status message
    viewer informs me that, "Site Component Manager failed to install this component, because the Microsoft Installer File for this component (bgbisapi.msi) could not install."
    When i check the Bgbsetup.log, i see the following lines: 
    <01/19/15 14:46:27> CTool::RegisterComPlusService: Failed to unregister D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll with .Net Fx 4.0
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    <01/19/15 14:46:30> Fatal MSI Error - bgbisapi.msi could not be installed.
    Having done a bit of reading, it seems a few other people have come accross this issue before:
    The solution for these folks seems to be to edit 2 files in the .Net folder,InstallUtil.exe.config and Regsvc.exe.config,
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    <loadFromRemoteSources enabled=”true”/>
    However, this hasn't worked for me and i'm still getting stuck with the same error messages. Since i'd really like to avoid reinstalling SCCM on the C: drive, can anyone suggest any possible solutions to this issue? 

    The MPsetup.log has this:
    <01/20/15 16:28:11>         ======== Completed Installation of Pre Reqs for Role SMSMP ========
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> Installing the SMSMP
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> Passed OS version check.
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> IIS Service is installed.
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> No versions of SMSMP are installed.  Installing new SMSMP.
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> Enabling MSI logging.  mp.msi will log to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log
    <01/20/15 16:28:11> Installing D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\mp.msi CCMINSTALLDIR="D:\Program Files\SMS_CCM" CCMSERVERDATAROOT="D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager" USESMSPORTS=TRUE SMSPORTS=80
    <01/20/15 16:28:12> mp.msi exited with return code: 1603
    <01/20/15 16:28:12> Backing up D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log.LastError
    <01/20/15 16:28:12> Fatal MSI Error - mp.msi could not be installed.
    and the MPmsi.log has this:
    MSI (s) (B0:E0) [16:37:14:660]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI23F6.tmp, Entrypoint: CcmRegisterPerfCounters
    [16:37:14] @@ERR:25001
    Internal Error 25001. 80070057
    MSI (s) (B0!F8) [16:37:14:676]: Product: BGB http proxy -- Internal Error 25001. 80070057
    CustomAction CcmRegisterPerfCounters returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    Had a go at removing the MP, disabled the UAC and reinstalling the MP. Same result unfortunately...The server is temporarily housed in a block GPO OU so group policy shouldn't be an issue. Thanks for all the help so far!

  • SCCM 2012 Client Install Failing ONLY on 8.1 Machines - Advice?

    Good morning,
    I've got a rather interesting situation.  We have a SCCM 2012 site configured for https, the site server is acting as the MP and DP, and we are installing the client via the SCCM 2012 Client GPO.  Our cert is an InCommon cert.  We have 4000+
    Windows 7 machines that are able to install the client.  We tested on a Window 8 machine and the client install works as well.  Whenever a Windows 8.1 machine tries to install it fails.  We have checked the boundaries (we can't specify IP ranges
    since we don't manage the whole network).  I can manually browse to the source files on the MP/DP.  The switches we use when installing via the GPO are /usepkicert /mp:[redacted] CCMHTTPSSTATE=63 SMSSITECODE=[redacted] SMSCACHESIZE=12288.  However,
    it always fails with:
    <![LOG[GetDPLocations failed with error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.329+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="12944" file="siteinfo.cpp:532">
    <![LOG[Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP 'https://[redacted]'. Error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.329+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2"
    thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11261">
    <![LOG[Failed to find DP locations from MP 'https://[redacted]' with error 0x80004005, status code 403. Check next MP.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.329+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2"
    thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11117">
    <![LOG[Only one MP https://[redacted] is specified. Use it.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.330+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10080">
    <![LOG[Have already tried all MPs. Couldn't find DP locations.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.330+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11146">
    <![LOG[MapNLMCostDataToCCMCost() returning Cost 0x1]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.332+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="12944" file="ccmutillib.cpp:5479">
    <![LOG[GET 'https://[redacted]/CCM_Client/']LOG]!><time="09:33:26.333+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="12944" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Failed to successfully complete WinHttp request. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 403)]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.366+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="12944"
    <![LOG[DownloadFileByWinHTTP failed with error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.366+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="12944" file="httphelper.cpp:1081">
    <![LOG[A Fallback Status Point has not been specified.  Message with STATEID='308' will not be sent.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.367+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1"
    thread="12944" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9763">
    <![LOG['Configuration Manager Client Retry Task' is scheduled to run at 03/13/2015 02:33:26 PM (local) 03/13/2015 07:33:26 PM (UTC) time with arguments ' "/usepkicert" "/mp:[redacted]" "CCMHTTPSSTATE=63" "SMSSITECODE=AHC"
    "SMSCACHESIZE=12288" /RetryWinTask:1'.]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.369+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="10100" file="wintask.cpp:315">
    <![LOG[CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="09:33:26.409+300" date="03-13-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="10100" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10879">
    Anyone have any idea why this is happening only on 8.1 machines?  I can't think of where else to check.  Thanks for any help.

    Okay, so I installed via the following:  ccmsetup.exe /usepkicert /source:C:\Client CCMHTTPSSTATE=63 SMSSITECODE=AHC SMSCACHESIZE=12288 and the client installed.  But you're right, the CCMMessaging.log is full of https errors.  I know it's
    something with the cert and I've even requested new ones from the CA.  However, why what is it about 8.1 that is causing the issues?  Like I said, we have 4000 machines using the same client authentication cert and they work.  I've cut and paste
    some of the log entries.  One thing to note is the \\[redacted]\sms_ahc\client\ccmsetup.exe in the beginning was using the internet FQDN.  Everything else is using the intranet location.  Does that provide any insight as to what is going
    \\[redacted]\sms_ahc\client\ccmsetup.exe /usepkicert /source:C:\Client CCMHTTPSSTATE=63 SMSSITECODE=AHC SMSCACHESIZE=12288
    <![LOG[Successfully sent security settings refresh message.]LOG]!><time="12:43:12.834+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:369">
    <![LOG[Successfully sent location services HTTPS failure message.]LOG]!><time="12:43:12.837+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:396">
    <![LOG[Post to https://[redacted]/ccm_system_windowsauth/request failed with 0x87d00231.]LOG]!><time="12:43:12.837+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="2" thread="5452"
    <![LOG[[CCMHTTP] ERROR: URL=https://[redacted]/ccm_system_windowsauth/request, Port=443, Options=63, Code=0, Text=CCM_E_BAD_HTTP_STATUS_CODE]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.880+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging"
    context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:297">
    <![LOG[Raising event:
    instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status
    DateTime = "20150316174512.883000+000";
    HostName = "[redacted]";
    HRESULT = "0x87d0027e";
    ProcessID = 8572;
    StatusCode = 403;
    ThreadID = 5452;
    ]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.883+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="event.cpp:715">
    <![LOG[Successfully sent security settings refresh message.]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.889+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:369">
    <![LOG[Successfully sent location services HTTPS failure message.]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.892+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="1" thread="5452" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:396">
    <![LOG[Post to https://[redacted]/ccm_system_windowsauth/request failed with 0x87d00231.]LOG]!><time="12:45:12.892+300" date="03-16-2015" component="CcmMessaging" context="" type="2" thread="5452"

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 Install fails at splash screen: Failed to create process of setupWpf.exe

    I can't seem to get past the initial install screen. When I click install I receive what is shown in the screen shot. The error in question is "Failed to create process of SetupWpf.exe" This is what I get after i click install. The error above
    that one "WinHttpReceiveresponse failed 80072ee7" is what I get when I tried to download the latest updates from the splash screen. It was on like update 44 of 56 when it failed but I am not sure I need to pursue that one. I cant even get the insall
    Phil Balderos

    I am also having the same issue..
    I can start the sccm 2012 installation piror to installing SQL 2012 SP1. Once SQL installation is complete, and try to install sccm 2012 -> issue occur. Is this a sql issue, or a sccm 2012 issue.. I have download the SQL 2012 and SCCM 2012 FROM MS
    twics.. I have rebuilt my lab twice already ...
    Any help, not sure what step I am missing....
    Hello Yuyut,
    This issue is related to CM12 (not nessarly a widly known issue) perhaps something with the ISO. The copy I was using was from our MSDN subscription which kept failing. I downloaded it twice and still same issue. Since  I am setting this up as a lab
    for testing purposes I just ended up downloaded the 180 day evaluation and has worked for me so far. So again this is not related to SQL as I have noticed.
    Thorsten did mention on this thred that I should check permissons of the account I was trying to install it from. That was not my issue but you could give that a look also.
    Phil Balderos

  • SCCM 2012 R2 Install - Reporting Services Point, Remote SRS Server

    Hi all,
    Here's a brief run down of the setup so far. SCCM 2012 R2 installed on Windows 2012 R2 (SCCM01). SQL 2012 back end is off box, on a separate cluster (SQL01C01). Reporting Services for SQL 2012 is due to be installed on a different server (SRS01).
    My question is, when I come to sort out Reporting Services in SCCM, will I simply need to add SRS01 into SCCM as a Site System Server and install the Reporting Services Point onto SRS01?
    I realise I could simply wait for the sql guys to sort the install of SRS and then test it myself but it might be a while before that gets done so I thought I'd ask....Thanks for the help

     will I simply need to add SRS01 into SCCM as a Site System Server and install the Reporting Services Point onto SRS01?
    Correct, although the other way around. Remember you have to make SCCM01$ a local administrator on SRS01.
    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Silently uninstall using sccm 2012 Manually installed software in my domain

    Dear All
    i am new to sccm 2012,
    we are experiencing headache issue in my domain users are roaming laptop users.
    we need to uninstall software silently using sccm 2012 configuration manager which software installed does not use sccm 2012(Manually installed by users).
    please share your valuable article and  suggestion according to this issue.....
    [email protected]

    The most important is that you have to inventory the applications that are installed and based on that you have to decided which applications you want to remove. For those applications you can create uninstalls in ConfigMgr.
    For some information:
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • How to check Edition of SCCM 2012 got installed ?

    Microsoft has two different System Center Suite 2012 licensing models
    System Center 2012 Standard 
    System Center 2012 Datacenter
    After installation How do I check what Edition of SCCM 2012 got installed?

    These are only licensing models. You do not select which to install. There is no difference in the binaries or after installation (it's not like Window Server where you can see this in Control Panel).
    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Replacing the primary site server, SCCM 2012 R2

    Setup is currently SCCM 2012 R2 with the primary site server on Windows 2008 R2 on a Hyper-V VM with a separate physical SQL server on 2008 R2 (Windows and SQL). I'm not making any changes to the SQL server at this stage.
    I want to completely replace the primary site server VM completely with a brand new VM using Windows 2012 R2.
    I was looking to run the SCCM setup and using the Expand an existing stand-alone primary into a hierarchy option but it wont let me do that due to "The site code you specified should not be the same as the primary site's site code".
    So seems this Expand an existing option isn't the right option for me?
    Do I just add the new server in the SCCM console and add all roles and test and then delete the roles from the old server?
    EDIT: I have 7 Secondary sites, so I dont want to just start over by doing some sort of backup and restore to the new server unless someone can tell me that wont break my hierarchy. 

    a backup and recovery is the correct way to do this, but there are a few things you should keep in mind.
    Do a backup of your current environment and shut everything down.
    install new vm, ensure the configuration is identical, (dns, hostname, etc...); install the same software and pre-requisites,
    do a recovery
    check the following links on how to do a backup and restore:

  • Procedure performing a "Retry Secondary Site" Operation in SCCM 2012 R2 Secondary Server

    Dear Brother,
    My SCCM 2012 R2 Secondary Site Server, unfortunately crashed and required to be restored, doing this I end up performing a "Retry Secondary Site Operation.
    One by one I am clearing out the errors but there are few remaining errors on the prerequisite checks:
    1.[Failed]:The logon account for the SQL Server service cannot be a local user account, NT SERVICE\<sql service name> or LOCAL SERVICE.  You must configure the SQL Server service to use a valid domain account, NETWORK SERVICE, or LOCAL SYSTEM.
    Actions Done: SQL Related Services use Logon As Domain Account "Microsoft-Domain\BillAdmin" , but still the above message still appears in the logs.
    Actions Done: None
    2.[Failed]:The collation of the site database does not match the collation of the parent site's database.  All sites in a hierarchy must use the same database collation.
    3.[Failed]:The site server might be unable to publish to Active Directory. The computer account for the site server must have Full Control permissions to the System Management container in its Active Directory domain. You can ignore this warning if you have
    manually verified these permissions. For more information about your options to configure required permissions, see
    Actions Done: None, as this machine is previously a working Secondary site for 1 Year already. So I do not suspect anything from the current related configuration.
    4.[Failed]: Either the user account running Configuration Manager Setup does not have sysadmin SQL Server role permissions on the SQL Server instance selected for site database installation, or the SQL Server instance could not be contacted to verify permissions.
    Setup cannot continue.
    Action Taken:  Domain Account "Microsoft-Domain\BillAdmin" has a
    Sysadmin roles and actually all the check boxes are chosen to acquire all SQL account roles" 
    5. [Failed]:Prerequisite checks complete with failure - check ConfigMgrPrereq.log
    in the root of the primary site server system drive.
    6[Failed]:Unable to complete secondary site server installation - check ConfigMgrSetup.log in the root of the secondary site server system drive.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> ********************************************
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> ******* Start Prerequisite checking. *******
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> ********************************************
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> Commandline :
    "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\smsexec.exe"
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> Check Type: Secondary site
     Site Server:,
     SQL Server:,
     SQL Named Instance: MSSQLSERVER,
     Install Folder: E:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\,
     Setup Source Folder: E:\Source\SCCM2012-R2
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> INFO: Executing prerequisite functions...
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> ===== INFO: Prerequisite Type & Server: =====
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> <<<RuleCategory: Access Permissions>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking access permissions...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:35> INFO: CheckLocalSys is Admin of <>.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:43>;    Site server computer account administrative rights;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:43> <<<RuleCategory: System Requirements>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:43> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking system requirements for ConfigMgr...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:43> INFO: Check Lanman service: <>.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:44>;    Check Server Service is running;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:45> INFO: OS version:601, ServicePack:1.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:46> INFO: Target computer is a Windows server.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:46>;    Unsupported site server operating system version for Setup;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:46>;    Domain membership;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:47> INFO: Free disk space on target
    \\\E$\. = 83157 MB
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:47>;    Free disk space on site server;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:47>;    Pending system restart;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:48> INFO: The server is not read-only domain controller.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:48>;    Read-Only Domain Controller;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:48> INFO: Check FQDN Length for site server: <>.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:48>;    Site Server FQDN Length;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:48> <<<RuleCategory: Dependent Components>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:48> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking dependent components for ConfigMgr...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:48>;    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (MSXML60);    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:49>;    Microsoft Remote Differential Compression (RDC) library registered;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:49> INFO: Checking Windows Installer version on
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:50> INFO: Path of Windows Installer is <\\\C$\Windows\system32\msi.dll>.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:51> INFO: Msi.dll version is: <5.0.7601.17807> .
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:51>;    Microsoft Windows Installer;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:51> INFO: Start Checking InstallSQLExpress on site server:, SQL Server instance MSSQLSERVER
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:51> INFO: SQL Server Express installation was not selected.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:51>;    SQL Server Express on Secondary Site;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:52>;    Existing Configuration Manager server components on site server;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:52>;    Firewall exception for SQL Server (stand-alone primary site);    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:52> INFO: SQL Server computer <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:52> INFO: SQL Server named instance <MSSQLSERVER>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:53>;    SQL Server service running account;    Error;    The logon account for the SQL Server service cannot be a local user account, NT SERVICE\<sql service
    name> or LOCAL SERVICE.  You must configure the SQL Server service to use a valid domain account, NETWORK SERVICE, or LOCAL SYSTEM.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:53> INFO: SQL Server computer <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:53> INFO: SQL Server named instance <MSSQLSERVER>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:53> INFO: Cannot connect to registry key.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:53>;    Dedicated SQL Server instance;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:53> INFO: CheckSQLCollationSecondary
    ?<12-27-2014 23:39:53> INFO: Collation on <> <SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:27> ERROR: failed to get collation from secondary site
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:27>;    Parent/child database collation;    Error;    The collation of the site database does not match the collation of the parent site's database.  All
    sites in a hierarchy must use the same database collation.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:27> INFO: Checking .NET framework versions 3.5...
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:28> INFO: .NET is installed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:28>;    Minimum .NET Framework version for Configuration Manager site server;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:28> INFO: Skipping check for .NET version, user did not select to install SQL Server Express for Secondary Site.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:28>;    Minimum .NET Framework version for SQL Server Express edition installation for Configuration Manager Secondary Site;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:28> INFO: CheckInstallSourceVersion <E:\Source\SCCM2012-R2>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:29>;    Setup Source Version;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:29> INFO:CheckInstallSourcePath <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:14>;    Setup Source Folder;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:14> INFO: Enter CheckSecSiteSqlOnSameMachine.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:14> INFO: Target secondary site Machine <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:14> INFO: SQL Server computer <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:14>;    SQL Server on the Secondary Site Computer;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:14> INFO:CheckSupportedFQDNFormat <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:15> INFO: NetBIOS <SECONDARYSITE2>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:15>;    Primary FQDN;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:15> INFO:CheckMachineAccountHasADAccess <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:40> ERROR: Site server does not have create child permission on AD 'System Management'
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:40> WARN: Site server does not have delete child permission on AD 'System Management'
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:40>;    Verify site server permissions to publish to Active Directory.;    Warning;    The site server might be unable to publish to Active Directory. The computer
    account for the site server must have Full Control permissions to the System Management container in its Active Directory domain. You can ignore this warning if you have manually verified these permissions. For more information about your options to configure
    required permissions, see
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:40> INFO:CheckRemoteWMIConnection <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48>;    Remote Connection to WMI on Secondary Site;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48> INFO: Check required collation of Sql Server.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48> INFO: LangID <409>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48> INFO: NOT primary site or CAS install, skipping check for reqired collation of SQL Server.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48>;    Required SQL Server Collation;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48> ===== INFO: Prerequisite Type & Server: =====
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48> <<<RuleCategory: Access Permissions>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking access permissions...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:42:48> INFO:RemoteCheckAdminOnSQL <>, SQL Server <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33>;    SQL Server sysadmin rights;    Error;    Either the user account running Configuration Manager Setup does not have sysadmin SQL Server role permissions
    on the SQL Server instance selected for site database installation, or the SQL Server instance could not be contacted to verify permissions. Setup cannot continue.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33> ===== INFO: Prerequisite Type & Server: =====
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33> <<<RuleCategory: Access Permissions>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking access permissions...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33>;    Administrative share (Site system);    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33> INFO:CheckSiteSystemtoSQLConnectivity <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33> INFO: Installing secondary site, skipping SQL Server connectivity check.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33>;    Site System to SQL Server Communication;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33> <<<RuleCategory: System Requirements>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking system requirements for ConfigMgr...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33> INFO: The rule 'Check Server Service is running' has been run on server '', skipped.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:34> INFO: OS version:601, ServicePack:1.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:35> INFO: Target computer is a Windows server.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:35>;    Unsupported management point operating system version for Setup;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:35> INFO: The rule 'Domain membership' has been run on server '', skipped.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:36> INFO: Windows Cluster not found on
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:36>;    Windows Failover Cluster;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:36> INFO: The rule 'Pending system restart' has been run on server '', skipped.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:36> <<<RuleCategory: Dependent Components>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:36> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking dependent components for ConfigMgr...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:36> INFO: The rule 'Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (MSXML60)' has been run on server '', skipped.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:36>;    IIS service running;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:45:35> INFO: CheckWebSvcExtnRemote, result:<7>.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:45:35>;    BITS installed;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:00> INFO: CheckWebSvcExtnRemote, result:<7>.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:01> WARN: BITS Service is not running on
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:01>;    BITS enabled;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:01>;    IIS HTTPS Configuration for management point;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:01> INFO: Stand-alone primary site or secondary site. Skip checking firewall settings for SQL Server
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:01>;    Firewall exception for SQL Server for management point;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:01>;    Administrative rights on management point;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:01> INFO:CheckV4ClientNotInstalled <>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:45>;    Client Version on Management Point Computer;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:45> ===== INFO: Prerequisite Type & Server: =====
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:45> <<<RuleCategory: Access Permissions>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:45> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking access permissions...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:45> <<<RuleCategory: System Requirements>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:45> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking system requirements for ConfigMgr...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47>;    Unsupported distribution point operating system version for Setup;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47> INFO: The rule 'Domain membership' has been run on server '', skipped.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47> INFO: The rule 'Windows Failover Cluster' has been run on server '', skipped.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47> INFO: The rule 'Pending system restart' has been run on server '', skipped.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47> <<<RuleCategory: Dependent Components>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking dependent components for ConfigMgr...>>>
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47>;    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (MSXML60) for distribution point;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47> INFO: The rule 'IIS service running' has been run on server '', skipped.
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47>;    IIS HTTPS Configuration for distribution point;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:47>;    Administrative rights on distribution point;    Passed
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:48> ***************************************************
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:48> ******* Prerequisite checking is completed. *******
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:48> ***************************************************
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:48> INFO: Updating Prerequisite checking result into the registry
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:48> INFO: Connecting to registry
    ?<12-27-2014 23:47:50> INFO: Setting registry values
    Well my question is what would be the best solutions as it bugs me for days now.

    ?<12-27-2014 23:44:33>;   
    SQL Server sysadmin rights;    Error;   
    Either the user account running Configuration Manager Setup does not have sysadmin SQL Server role permissions on the SQL Server instance selected for site database installation, or the SQL Server instance could not be contacted to verify permissions.
    Setup cannot continue.
    Did you install SQL server with a local account?
    ?<12-27-2014 23:41:27>;   
    Parent/child database collation;    Error;   
    The collation of the site database does not match the collation of the parent site's database. 
    All sites in a hierarchy must use the same database collation.
    Try this blog:
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Cannot Reinstall Site Server - SCCM 2012 R2

    We just upgraded to SCCM 2012 R2. Everything went fine until the one secondary site server failed to upgrade.  After fiddling for awhile we just wiped the site out, reinstalled the server and rebuilt the site (same Server Name and Site Code). 
    However, the fresh server is serving up the same errors as the old install attempt.  It would seem that there is something leftover preventing the install.  It is for sure not working because it cannot detect the .NET 3.5 and 4 we have installed
    on the server and instead returns an error on the prerequisite checks.  I tried using preinst.exe to delete the site and I took a look at the for the deletion list but there was nothing there.
    Has anyone had this trouble before?

    If I'm reading your comments correctly, I'm not sure what you were expecting preinst.exe to do for you. If a site fails to install due to not being able to pass the prereq checker, preinst has nothing to do with that.
    It sounds like the appropriate features are not enabled in Server Manager for the .NET 3.5 and 4.0. Have you checked the documentation library for the requirements for a server to become a secondary site? They should all be listed. Until you get all those
    additional features installed, then yes, you'll not be able to pass the prereq checker, and won't be able to install the computer as a site server.
    Wally Mead

  • SCCM 2012 R2 Install - SMS_NOTIFICATION_SERVER install fail - bgbisapi.msi could not install

    Installed SCCM 2012 R2 Primary Site on the D: drive on a Windows 2012 R2 server. The install went as expected but when I open the Component Status, there are a number of Error messages which pertain to the failed installation of the SMS_NOTIFICATION_SERVER:
    "Site Component Manager failed to install this component, because the Microsoft Installer File for this component (bgbisapi.msi) could not install."
    Here is the error from BgbSetup.log:
    <01/16/15 14:53:55> Installing the SMSBGB
    <01/16/15 14:53:55> Passed OS version check.
    <01/16/15 14:53:55> IIS Service is installed.
    <01/16/15 14:53:55> SMSBGB already installed (Product Code: {A78E8003-2307-4B70-B7CD-1A07C0A31D21}).  Upgrading/Reinstalling SMSBGB
    <01/16/15 14:53:55> New SMSBGB is the same product code.  This is a minor upgrade.
    <01/16/15 14:53:55> Enabling MSI logging.  bgbisapi.msi will log to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\bgbisapiMSI.log
    <01/16/15 14:53:55> Installing D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\bgbisapi.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vmaus CCMINSTALLDIR="D:\Program Files\SMS_CCM" CCMSERVERDATAROOT="D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration
    <01/16/15 14:54:04> bgbisapi.msi exited with return code: 0
    <01/16/15 14:54:04> Installation was successful.
    <01/16/15 14:54:04> CTool::RegisterComPlusService: run command line: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegSvcs.exe" /u "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll"
    <01/16/15 14:54:08> CTool::RegisterComPlusService: Failed to unregister D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll with .Net Fx 4.0
    <01/16/15 14:54:08> CTool::RegisterComPlusService: run command line: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegSvcs.exe" /extlb /tlb:"D:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.tlb" "D:\Program
    Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll"
    <01/16/15 14:54:12> CTool::RegisterComPlusService: Failed to register D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll with .Net Fx 4.0
    <01/16/15 14:54:12> Cannot register BGB server channel DLL D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll. Installation cannot continue.
    <01/16/15 14:54:12> Fatal MSI Error - bgbisapi.msi could not be installed.
    <01/16/15 14:54:12> ~RoleSetup().
    <01/16/15 14:54:21> ====================================================================
    From what I've read online this problem seems to be born of installing SCCm on the D: drive which throws dotNET. A few people seem to have had some luck with editing two of the dotNET files (regsvcs.exe.config and InstallUtil.exe.config) to include
    the following lines:
            <loadfromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
    In pursuit of a fix, I took backups of both files and then made the change to regsvc.exe.config but I was unable to do the same with Installutil.exe.config (opening the file in Admin Notepad would only let me Save As...).
    Can anyone suggest what the problem could be? Am I barking up the wrong tree with the config file editing? Any info/advice would be much appreciated.

    You could try to copy Installutil.exe.config and edit the copy-file. Then copy the edited file to replace the old file.
    Reference:ConfigMgr 2012 R2 – Notification Server Install Errors
    Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information
    to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
    Best Regards,

  • There is a problem connectiong to the specified reporting Server SCCM 2012 SSRS

    I'm Trying to install reporting services point SCCM 2012,  I configured the
    site system role without problems, but when I tried to configure the report options I get this error:
    "There is a problem connectiong to the specified reporting, please check the conection and make sure SQL Reporting Service is running on the especified server. "
    The reporting service is running on remote server, I'm using SQL SERVER 2008.
    Two Questions:
    1: Which is the cause of the error?
    2: Which right permissions must have the reporting services point account?

    Are you allowing port 1433 through the firewall?
    Which release of SQL Server are you using and have you applied the relevant minimum CU? Details here
    Which version of SRS is installed? If 10.50.1600.1 you will need to get this updated to above 2500 level.
    Paul |

  • SCCM 2012 R2 install client error

    I have installed SCCM 2012 R2 on server 2008 R2. I tried to deploy the SCCM client to a pc. Below is the error i get from the log file of the PC
    <![LOG[==========[ ccmsetup started in process 2892 ]==========]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.817-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1456" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9369">
    <![LOG[Running on platform X64]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.817-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1456" file="util.cpp:1809">
    <![LOG[Launch from folder C:\Windows\ccmsetup\]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.817-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1456" file="ccmsetup.cpp:717">
    <![LOG[CcmSetup version: 5.0.7884.1000]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.817-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1456" file="ccmsetup.cpp:723">
    <![LOG[In ServiceMain]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:3355">
    <![LOG[Running on OS (6.1.7600). Service Pack (0.0). SuiteMask = 256. Product Type = 1]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Ccmsetup command line: "C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1"
    thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:3580">
    <![LOG[Command line parameters for ccmsetup have been specified.  No registry lookup for command line parameters is required.]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:3752">
    <![LOG[Command line: "C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[SslState value: 224]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4376">
    <![LOG[CCMHTTPPORT:    80]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8549">
    <![LOG[CCMHTTPSPORT:    443]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8564">
    <![LOG[CCMHTTPSSTATE:    224]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8582">
    <![LOG[CCMHTTPSCERTNAME:    ]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8600">
    <![LOG[FSP:    ]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8652">
    <![LOG[CCMFIRSTCERT:    1]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8710">
    <![LOG[Config file:      C:\Windows\ccmsetup\MobileClientUnicode.tcf]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Retry time:       10 minute(s)]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4491">
    <![LOG[MSI log file:     C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs\client.msi.log]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[MSI properties:    INSTALL="ALL" SMSSITECODE="CHO" CCMHTTPPORT="80" CCMHTTPSPORT="443" CCMHTTPSSTATE="224" CCMFIRSTCERT="1"]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4493">
    <![LOG[Source List:]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4501">
    <![LOG[                  \\\SMSClient]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4508">
    <![LOG[                  \\TSCCM.TESTNET.AC.ZA\SMSClient]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4517">
    <![LOG[MPs:]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4520">
    <![LOG[        ]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4535">
    <![LOG[No version of the client is currently detected.]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.848-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2749">
    <![LOG[Updated security on object C:\Windows\ccmsetup\.]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.879-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9213">
    <![LOG[A Fallback Status Point has not been specified.  Message with STATEID='100' will not be sent.]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.879-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Running as user "SYSTEM"]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.895-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:1975">
    <![LOG[Detected 118408 MB free disk space on system drive.]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.895-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="util.cpp:600">
    <![LOG[Checking Write Filter Status.]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.895-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2002">
    <![LOG[This is not a supported write filter device. We are not in a write filter maintenance mode.]LOG]!><time="12:21:29.895-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Performing AD query: '(&(ObjectCategory=mSSMSManagementPoint)(mSSMSDefaultMP=TRUE)(mSSMSSiteCode=CHO))']LOG]!><time="12:21:30.020-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0"
    thread="1476" file="lsad.cpp:656">
    <![LOG[OperationalXml '<ClientOperationalSettings><Version>5.00.7884.1000</Version><SecurityConfiguration><SecurityModeMask>0</SecurityModeMask><SecurityModeMaskEx>224</SecurityModeMaskEx><HTTPPort>80</HTTPPort><HTTPSPort>443</HTTPSPort><CertificateStoreName></CertificateStoreName><CertificateIssuers></CertificateIssuers><CertificateSelectionCriteria></CertificateSelectionCriteria><CertificateSelectFirstFlag>1</CertificateSelectFirstFlag><SiteSigningCert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iteSigningCert></SecurityConfiguration><RootSiteCode>CHO</RootSiteCode><CCM>
    <CommandLine>SMSSITECODE=CHO</CommandLine> </CCM><FSP> <FSPServer></FSPServer> </FSP><Capabilities SchemaVersion ="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0" /></Capabilities><Domain
    Value="" /><Forest Value="" /></ClientOperationalSettings>']LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0"
    thread="1476" file="lsadcache.cpp:236">
    <![LOG[Unable to open Registry key Software\Microsoft\CCM. Return Code [80070002]. Client HTTPS state is Unknown.]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1"
    thread="1476" file="ccmutillib.cpp:373">
    <![LOG[The MP name retrieved is '' with version '7884' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>']LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120"
    date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="lsadcache.cpp:334">
    <![LOG[MP '' is compatible]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="lsadcache.cpp:339">
    <![LOG[Retrieved 1 MP records from AD for site 'CHO']LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="lsadcache.cpp:287">
    <![LOG[Retrived site version '5.00.7884.1000' from AD for site 'CHO']LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="siteinfo.cpp:575">
    <![LOG[SiteCode:         CHO]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2054">
    <![LOG[SiteVersion:      5.00.7884.1000]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2055">
    <![LOG[Ccmsetup is being restarted due to an administrative action. Installation files will be reset and downloaded again.]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.067-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1"
    thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2089">
    <![LOG[Only one MP is specified. Use it.]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.113-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10014">
    <![LOG[Searching for DP locations from MP(s)...]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.113-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10952">
    <![LOG[Current AD site of machine is Default-First-Site-Name]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.113-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="lsad.cpp:770">
    <![LOG[Local Machine is joined to an AD domain]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="lsad.cpp:714">
    <![LOG[Current AD forest name is, domain name is]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[DhcpGetOriginalSubnetMask entry point is supported.]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmiputil.cpp:117">
    <![LOG[Begin checking Alternate Network Configuration]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmiputil.cpp:1095">
    <![LOG[Finished checking Alternate Network Configuration]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmiputil.cpp:1172">
    <![LOG[Adapter {7B324A4B-C8EF-4EF2-9862-97959D800C82} is DHCP enabled. Checking quarantine status.]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Sending message body '<ContentLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00">
      <AssignedSite SiteCode="CHO"/>
      <ClientLocationInfo LocationType="SMSPACKAGE" DistributeOnDemand="0" UseProtected="0" AllowCaching="0" BranchDPFlags="0" AllowHTTP="1" AllowSMB="0" AllowMulticast="0"
        <ADSite Name="Default-First-Site-Name"/>
        <Forest Name=""/>
        <Domain Name=""/>
    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
    ']LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="siteinfo.cpp:96">
    <![LOG[Sending message header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1"><ID>{989E29EE-9AC7-4153-AE74-BD236430EEFD}</ID><SourceHost>SURVEILANCE</SourceHost><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:SURVEILANCE:LS_ReplyLocations</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>600</Timeout><ReqVersion>5931</ReqVersion><TargetHost></TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2014-04-16T10:21:30Z</SentTime><Body
    Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="1132"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>']LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="siteinfo.cpp:177">
    <![LOG[CCM_POST 'HTTP://']LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Failed to receive ccm message response. Status code = 404]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="1476" file="httphelper.cpp:1694">
    <![LOG[GetDPLocations failed with error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="1476" file="siteinfo.cpp:532">
    <![LOG[Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP ''. Error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[A Fallback Status Point has not been specified.  Message with STATEID='101' will not be sent.]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Next retry in 10 minute(s)...]LOG]!><time="12:21:30.129-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8767">
    <![LOG[Current AD forest name is, domain name is]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="1" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Domain joined client is in Intranet]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="lsad.cpp:1018">
    <![LOG[Current AD site of machine is Default-First-Site-Name]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="lsad.cpp:770">
    <![LOG[DHCP entry points already initialized.]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmiputil.cpp:75">
    <![LOG[Begin checking Alternate Network Configuration]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmiputil.cpp:1095">
    <![LOG[Finished checking Alternate Network Configuration]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="ccmiputil.cpp:1172">
    <![LOG[Adapter {7B324A4B-C8EF-4EF2-9862-97959D800C82} is DHCP enabled. Checking quarantine status.]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Sending message body '<ContentLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00">
      <AssignedSite SiteCode="CHO"/>
      <ClientLocationInfo LocationType="SMSPACKAGE" DistributeOnDemand="0" UseProtected="0" AllowCaching="0" BranchDPFlags="0" AllowHTTP="1" AllowSMB="0" AllowMulticast="0"
        <ADSite Name="Default-First-Site-Name"/>
        <Forest Name=""/>
        <Domain Name=""/>
    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
    ']LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="siteinfo.cpp:96">
    <![LOG[Sending message header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1"><ID>{E94533DE-45F4-43BC-94EA-F28627212DE4}</ID><SourceHost>SURVEILANCE</SourceHost><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:SURVEILANCE:LS_ReplyLocations</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>600</Timeout><ReqVersion>5931</ReqVersion><TargetHost></TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2014-04-16T10:31:30Z</SentTime><Body
    Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="1132"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>']LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="1476" file="siteinfo.cpp:177">
    <![LOG[CCM_POST 'HTTP://']LOG]!><time="12:31:30.258-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Failed to receive ccm message response. Status code = 404]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="1476" file="httphelper.cpp:1694">
    <![LOG[GetDPLocations failed with error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="1476" file="siteinfo.cpp:532">
    <![LOG[Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP ''. Error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[Failed to find DP locations from MP '' with error 0x80004005, status code 404. Check next MP.]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2"
    thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11051">
    <![LOG[Only one MP is specified. Use it.]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10014">
    <![LOG[Have already tried all MPs. Couldn't find DP locations.]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="1476" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11080">
    <![LOG[GET 'HTTP://']LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1476" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Failed to successfully complete WinHttp request. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 404)]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="1476"
    <![LOG[DownloadFileByWinHTTP failed with error 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="1476" file="httphelper.cpp:1081">
    <![LOG[CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="12:31:30.273-120" date="04-16-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="1456" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10813">

    From the above log file: "Failed to successfully complete WinHttp request. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 404)"
    404 = Not Found
    There are actually multiple 404's in there which leads me to believe your MP is not healthy. Have you reviewed it's health in the console (under the monitoring workspace).
    Jason |

  • Installing sccm 2012 error -prerequisites failed sql

    While I'm start installing the SCCM 2012 R2 in windows 2008 R2 ,
    SQL version : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP3) - 10.0.5500.0 (X64)   Sep 21 2011 22:45:45   Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation  Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (VM)
    I'm getting the error below  , Please advise what is the error below
    INFO: Attempting to load resource DLL...  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.223+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    Failed to connect HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL registry key for reading on SQL Server [].  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.239+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    WARNING: failed to retrieve port number for  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.239+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    WARNING: failed to retrieve port number for  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.239+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    INFO: Registered type SCCM2012.DDS.COM MASTER for master  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.239+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    INFO: Registered type SMS Master for master  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.239+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    INFO: Registered type SCCM2012.DDS.COM CM_CHK for CM_CHK  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.239+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    INFO: Registered type SMS ACCESS for CM_CHK  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.239+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    INFO: Attempting to load resource DLL...  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:50:26.239+420><thread=2800 (0xAF0)>
    *** [08001][17][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.621+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [01000][2][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.621+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** Failed to connect to the SQL Server, connection type: SCCM2012.DDS.COM MASTER.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.621+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    ERROR: Failed to connect to SQL Server 'master' db.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.621+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: Prerequisite rules for primary site fresh installation are being run.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.621+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: Verifying Configuration Manager Active Directory Schema Extensions.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.808+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: Found DS Root:CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=DDS,DC=com~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.839+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: Verifying Configuration Manager Active Directory Domain Function Level.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.839+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: Found Domain Function level: 4~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.855+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    Checking for supported version of WSUS (min WSUS 3.0 SP2 + KB2720211 + KB2734608)~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.870+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    Checking runtime v2.0.50727...~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.870+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    Did not find supported version of assembly Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.886+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    Checking runtime v4.0.30319...~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.886+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    Did not find supported version of assembly Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.886+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    Supported WSUS version not found~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.886+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: Checking Installed SMS componants  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.886+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    CTool::GetServiceAccount : Failed to get Service [MSSQLSERVER] start account on server []. Win32 Error = 1060.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.979+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    ERROR: Failed to get sql service account, Server:<>, instance:<>.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.979+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: 'User State Migration Tool' component of ADK is installed.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.995+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: File C:\Windows\smstsvc_test_4.exe does not exist. No zapping needed.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:29.995+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: test loop count:0.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:36.235+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: smstsvc_test_4 Return result <7>  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:51:36.235+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [08001][17][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:52:38.743+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [01000][2][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:52:38.743+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** Failed to connect to the SQL Server, connection type: SMS Master.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:52:38.743+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [08001][17][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:53:42.249+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [01000][2][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:53:42.249+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** Failed to connect to the SQL Server, connection type: SMS Master.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:53:42.249+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [08001][17][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [01000][2][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** Failed to connect to the SQL Server, connection type: SMS Master.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    ERROR: The current user does not have administrative rights on computer:  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    ERROR: Prerequisite checking stopped on this machine.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: Checking Windows Cluster.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    CWmi::Connect(): ConnectServer(Namespace) failed. - 0x8004100e~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: WMI namespace root\MSCluster not exists on  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: 'Windows Deployment Tools' component of ADK is installed.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: 'Windows PE' component of ADK is installed.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:54:42.885+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [08001][17][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:55:46.516+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [01000][2][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:55:46.516+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** Failed to connect to the SQL Server, connection type: TEST_ROLE_ACCESS.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:55:46.516+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [08001][17][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:56:47.090+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** [01000][2][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:56:47.090+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    *** Failed to connect to the SQL Server, connection type: TEST_ROLE_ACCESS.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:56:47.090+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: File C:\Windows\smstsvc_test_5.exe does not exist. No zapping needed.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:56:47.090+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: test loop count:0.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:57:53.186+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: smstsvc_test_5 Return result <-1>  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:57:53.186+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: Checking Windows Cluster.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:57:55.198+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    CWmi::Connect(): ConnectServer(Namespace) failed. - 0x8004100e~  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:57:55.198+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: WMI namespace root\MSCluster not exists on  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:57:55.198+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: File C:\Windows\smstsvc_test_6.exe does not exist. No zapping needed.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:57:55.432+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: test loop count:0.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:58:00.611+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: smstsvc_test_6 Return result <0>  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:58:00.611+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>
    INFO: is a 64 bit operating system.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><09-17-2014 16:58:02.639+420><thread=2956 (0xB8C)>

    ERROR: The current user does not have administrative rights on computer:
    So make sure that the user perfoming the installation AND the computer account if the site server is local admin on the remote server plus sysadmin in SQL.
    Torsten Meringer |

  • SCCM 2012 - Cannot install SCCM Client to workstation

    I have installed SCCM2012 and I'm trying to push out the SCCM client to workstations, but it's keep failing...
    I have setup discovery towards AD so all workstation is in SCCM console under Devices, but no SCCM client is installed on any workstations. I right click a workstation and select "install client" but nothing happens, no ccmsetup folder is ever
    created in c:\windows folder.
    I then checked the ccm.log on the SCCM server and found this:
    I don't understand whats wrong. Can anybody help?
    I checked WMI using the wbemtest, it works fine. I tested from the SCCM server and another workstation. No problems.
    BITS is enabled.
    No firewall is installed on workstation.
    The workstation is completely new installed.

    The error translates to "A security package specific error occurred." what if you try and install the client manually on the workstation? any errors then?
    Client Push has a lot of dependencies, that is why I prefer to use Jason Sandys startup script instead to deploy the client.
    -- My System Center blog -- Twitter

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