Suspend 20 Iterations Error in Soap Assess Response (ODS)

OPA Experts,
I'm trying to replace the default error message you receive when the inferencing cycle has errored-out after 20 iterations. I'm restricted to using ODS and none of the features of OWD. Using Java framework.
I've encountered this several times before and was able to stop via error() in the rules, but for this particular instance (see below), I can throw the error and view both this and the 20 iterations message in OPM (20 iterations in red box at top of OPM interface and custom error message in output window), but the soap assess response presents the 20 iterations (ThinkException) message and nothing else.
"This particular instance" means an illegal attribute value and relationship population in the same entity. E.g. TaxReturn entity --> <attribute>tax_filing_status = "Single" and <relationship>tax_filing_spouse populated. A person filing a tax return can only have a tax_filing_spouse populated when they have a tax_filing_status of "Married Filing Jointly".
What I've tried so far:
Catching and throwing the error via rules
ThinkException override (which isn't really possible but I thought I'd try anyway )
The request, in all of the above cases, only touches my empty constructors and none of my methods.
Here's one example (among many) of my log4j log (edited for space and readability purposes):
388 [http-] INFO  - Successfully created plugin factory: handleIllegalTaxRequest.HandleIllegalTaxRequest
8509 [http-] INFO  - User setting attribute i_return_filing-status, entity taxreturn, instance name 54f63ed31435527aebb709fac1417c00, session 1 to value 1
21080 [http-] INFO  - Engine inferring attribute o_per_pend-person, entity person, instance name SELF1120128911, session 1 to value true
21080 [http-] INFO  - Finishing inferencing on session 1
21081 [http-] TRACE  - In UnknownMemberListener
21083 [http-] ERROR  - Could not reach a determination for rulebase 'FakeNameOfRulebase'. Reason: Think cycle has not stabilised after 20 iterations.  This is probably due to a fault in the inferencing listener. Could not reach a determination for rulebase 'FakeNameOfRulebase'. Reason: Think cycle has not stabilised after 20 iterations.  This is probably due to a fault in the inferencing listener.
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
  at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
  at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
  at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
  at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
None of the inferencing responses in any of my logs present "tax_filing_spouse" I must assume it's getting hung up on this. If I change the tax filing status in the request, I get the correct assess response with 0 errors. I tried getDecisionReport() of InferencingEvent to verify, but as mentioned above, only my constructors are being touched and none of my methods.
Now, I could be approaching this incorrectly in my Java code, or there could be a way to catch and suspend this in the rules, but I've extended the capacity of my efforts and am about ready to throw my laptop out of the window. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really need it!!!!

Hi Mike,
I'm not really sure what you want to achieve, this error message means that your assessment results are invalid and none of the conclusions can be relied upon so you really need to fix the rules themselves. This error can be caused by a loop in the rule logic as well as a a problem with an inferrencing listener (as suggested in the error message). You can check for rule loops in OPM and / or use visual inspection as you know which attribute / value triggers the problem.
If you could share your rulebase and the source code for your UnknownMemberListener that may shed some light on the issue.
If you really need to change the error message to you SOAP clients you may need to implement a custom service but this is unlikely to be trivial.

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    Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 13:23:54 GMT
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    Connection: close
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xmlns:dsig=""><dsig:SignedInfo><dsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:CanonicalizationMethod><dsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:SignatureMethod><dsig:Reference URI="#Id-wS1xP_ArcYYXY4qkqYznI7_W"><dsig:Transforms><dsig:Transform Algorithm=""></dsig:Transform></dsig:Transforms><dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:DigestMethod><dsig:DigestValue>tr3NrozQWsKrvH38naIEnQXrzgQ=</dsig:DigestValue></dsig:Reference><dsig:Reference URI="#Id-1vPAqVSMhSLH3WiBQkTTfldz"><dsig:Transforms><dsig:Transform Algorithm=""><c14n:InclusiveNamespaces xmlns:c14n="" PrefixList="xsd n1"></c14n:InclusiveNamespaces></dsig:Transform></dsig:Transforms><dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:DigestMethod><dsig:DigestValue>AUWlqeyq6w5LQnggK5dT6flLUU=</dsig:DigestValue></dsig:Reference></dsig:SignedInfo><dsig:SignatureValue>Yx5Pre8VChTLOhPVln5xhO21dM93a2FPxQTsZY1BBIWlqeHkAEQqXvhI/EU459QZIGDOubLK0Z9AT0SRmDOgtnWNBT0duqveQ1Ippbd0hXaehW48ObrMIKnYfq5ub1kNYv9mslybPRZw9OaiijNmLfIty8qc8ctRV0lFwAjcQyk=</dsig:SignatureValue><dsig:KeyInfo><wsse:SecurityTokenReference><wsse:Reference URI="#Id-2DXBQHwdRE0oquWQV0mjtw1U"></wsse:Reference></wsse:SecurityTokenReference></dsig:KeyInfo></dsig:Signature><wsu:Timestamp xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="Id-wS1xP_ArcYYXY4qkqYznI7_W"><wsu:Created>2008-04-03T13:23:55.459Z</wsu:Created></wsu:Timestamp></wsse:Security></env:Header><env:Body xmlns:wsu="" env:encodingStyle="" wsu:Id="Id-1vPAqVSMhSLH3WiBQkTTfldz"><xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="" Type="" Id="Id-yMgwZrtQctSvW1mT1sDWdZ8D"><xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""></xenc:EncryptionMethod><xenc:CipherData><xenc:CipherValue>LB6IKwEJgvTPdPGNeIzcpjPjC9GXi3sou5PaCnF3m4x6ToA6gDV5Sw/ODnCEeqFURgWFX8ZgxYF9YJdyj7ERAifs8MNBh/rHCitT02mU8pirwGdqSXlfCX4KYsHtUnyiGKbbMCwvCCs4LgBPnx8tCN39aazA1Ge/5JPfwupYMU/lAbyajdP1qva/gxhMCqGkgAnQgB1TJDfARvDsJnx6p2zqKsnRnNreBFClyBG7GHeMvpnzg4poPCFlj2baIoK2CSQmVbPdcPk4rgg1PAWDQwIIzBCKpZjysHeb/sW9jObekbnn4mCnUdzjRERoklstpZNeWKi/jLEaNsIX1ixhsUyWIyknYGaBjDiiGqmS6BIO1RHu0SydiMv1L/FzIWgyO9VhilGdTWsVDP6CxljxTqg41bobuPazkjQHyBK9rCGQI9J/bjSiA2S6FBDHxhA6SfDjyhvGzDhGNLMd/***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</xenc:CipherValue></xenc:CipherData></xenc:EncryptedData></env:Body></env:Envelope>

    Any thoughts???
    Appreciate your input.

  • SOAP:1.023 SRT: Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ("ICF Error when receiving the response: ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR")

    Hello all,
    can you pls suggest me smth for this:
    I am running solman_setup and at phase 5.1 (Configure Web dispatcher) and I have errors:
    SOAP:1.023 SRT: Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ("ICF Error when receiving the response: ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR")
    L3 - Failed to reach test WS through System Settings (ICM/HTTPURLLOC)
    L2 - Failed to reach test WS through ICM
    I choosed: No SAP Web Dispatcher used
    What I did:
    1. re-created users SM_EXTERN_WS and SM_INTERN_WS
    2. added table HTTPURLLOC with the full hostname and the port
    3. created SSL server standard certificate in STRUST and its green
    4. instance profile>>add login/accept_sso2_ticket=1 and login/create_sso2_ticket=2
    Thx for any suggestion

    I read note 1094342 - ICM trace contains verification of the server's certificate
    and I installed in the IE browser the PSE saved from /strust
    Thx for any idea
    [Thr 140736729089792] *** ERROR during SecudeSSL_SessionStart() from SSL_connect()==SSL_ERROR_SSL[Thr 140736729089792]    session uses PSE file "/usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/sec/SAPSSLA.pse"[Thr 140736729089792] SecudeSSL_SessionStart: SSL_connect() failed[Thr 140736729089792]   secude_error 536872221 (0x2000051d) = "SSLAPI error"[Thr 140736731203328] NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 92 FALSE[Thr 140736729089792] >> Begin of Secude-SSL Errorstack >>[Thr 140736729089792] 0x2000051dSAPCRYPTOLIB SSL_connect[Thr 140736729089792] SSL API error[Thr 140736729089792] Failed to verify peer certificate. Peer not trusted.
    ][Thr 140736729089792] << End of Secude-SSL Errorstack[Thr 140736731203328] NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 92 TRUE[Thr 140736729089792]   SSL_get_state() returned 0x00002131 "SSLv3 read server certificate B"[Thr 140736731203328]   SSL_get_state() returned 0x00001180 "SSLv3 read client certificate A"[Thr 140736731203328] *** ERROR during SecudeSSL_SessionStart() from SSL_accept()==SSL_ERROR_SSL[Thr 140736731203328]    session uses PSE file "/usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/sec/SAPSSLS.pse"[Thr 140736731203328] SecudeSSL_SessionStart: SSL_accept() failed[Thr 140736731203328]   secude_error 536875078 (0x20001046) = "SSL API error"[Thr 140736729089792] No certificate request received from Server[Thr 140736731203328] >> Begin of Secude-SSL Errorstack >>[Thr 140736731203328] 0x20001046SAPCRYPTOLIB SSL_accept[Thr 140736731203328] SSL API error[Thr 140736731203328] received a fatal SSLv3 certificate unknown alert message from the peer[Thr 140736731203328] 0xa0600263 SSL ssl23_accept[Thr 140736731203328] received a fatal SSLv3 certificate unknown alert message from the peer[Thr 140736731203328] 0xa0600263 SSL ssl3_read_bytes[Thr 140736731203328] received a fatal SSLv3 certificate unknown alert message from the peer[Thr 140736731203328] << End of Secude-SSL Errorstack[Thr 140736731203328] <<- ERROR: SapSSLSessionStart(sssl_hdl=1315bf0)==SSSLERR_SSL_ACCEPT[Thr 140736731203328] <<- SapSSLErrorName()==SSSLERR_SSL_ACCEPT[Thr 140736729089792] <<- ERROR: SapSSLSessionStart(sssl_hdl=7fffcc023860)==SSSLERR_PEER_CERT_UNTRUSTED[Thr 140736729089792] <<- SapSSLErrorName()==SSSLERR_PEER_CERT_UNTRUSTED[Thr 140736731203328] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitServerSSL: SapSSLSessionStart returned (-56): SSSLERR_SSL_ACCEPT [icxxconn_mt. 1713][Thr 140736729089792] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitClientSSL: SapSSLSessionStart failed (-102): SSSLERR_PEER_CERT_UNTRUSTED {000f3a6b} [icxxconn_mt.c 1989][Thr 140736731203328] <<- SapSSLSessionDone()==SAP_O_K[Thr 140736731203328]      in: sssl_hdl   = 1315bf0[Thr 140736731203328]          ... ni_hdl = 92[Thr 140736731203328] NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 92/sock 41[Thr 140736729089792] <<- SapSSLSessionDone()==SAP_O_K[Thr 140736729089792]      in: sssl_hdl   = 7fffcc023860[Thr 140736729089792]          ... ni_hdl = 223[Thr 140736729089792] IcmConnConnect(id=15/14955): free MPI request blocks[Thr 140736729089792] MPI<5909c>85#7 GetInbuf -1 21d220 1757 (1) -> MPI_EOS: End Of Stream

  • Error with SOAP Request to calendar web service

    I'm sending the following SOAP request to a calendar web service to create an appointment in the calendar. The response returns what seems to be a syntax error ("The Create method did not have a proper element in the request") but I can't see the cause of the fault. Any suggestions on what it may be? It's an 11g DB.
    Many thanks
    POST /ocws-bin/ocas.fcgi HTTP/1.0
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    Content-Length: 993
    SOAPAction: SOAPAction: ""
    Connection: close
    <SOAP-ENV:Header><auth:BasicAuth xmlns:auth="">
    </auth:BasicAuth> </SOAP-ENV:Header>
    <SOAP-ENV:Body><cwsl:Create xmlns:cwsl=""><CmdId>ITS APPOINTMENT</CmdId><iCalendar>
    <vcalendar prodid="-//Oracle//Calendaring//Calendarlet//EN" version="2.0">
    <description>Calendar Body</description>
    <dtstart value="DATE-TIME">20102905T120000</dtstart>
    <location>Location of user</location>
    <summary>Incident ID - (name of user])</summary>
    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 08:22:16 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.2.4 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.4 OpenSSL/0.9.7a mod_fastcgi/2.4.6
    OCAS-ProcTime: 407
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" soap:encodingStyle="">
    <faultstring>The Create method did not have a proper element in the request</faultstring>
    <cwsl:Error xmlns:cwsl="">
    <LastMod>2007/05/30 21:13:25</LastMod>
    <Date>Thu May 27 09:22:16 2010</Date>

    I am having problem using dii client, while sending a
    request to c# webservice. error follows
    call.setOperationName(new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE,
    call.addParameter("String_1", QNAME_TYPE_STRING,
    ParameterMode.IN);Do you need another call to addParameter here?
    String[] params = { "02", "2004" };
    String result = (String)call.invoke(params);

  • Error in SOAP receiver

    Hello All,
    I am getting the below error in the sender communication channel for FILE - PI -SOAP scenario.
    i am using integrated configuration in configuration.
    "Transmitting the message using connection File_ failed, due to: Error encountered while executing mapping: Could not determine mapping steps for message c24a403b-b048-11e0-9c28-00001e07abf4."
    Specified operation mapping in the integrated configuration correctly. cache is also up to date.
    Could you please let me know what could be the issue.

    Hi ,
    Pleas make sure your system is PI 7.1 EHP1 otherwise you cant do this.
    also you cant use ABAP mapping or paremeterized mapping with AAE also dont able to see error message in SXMB_MONI
    I will suggest you to go with classical approach. or Atleast first test the end to end interace with classical ID IR approach.
    And then go with AAE for performance improvement
    Your error may be for response mapping for SOAP.
    Please set messaging.syncMessageRemover.removeBody" parameter to "false",in the SAP XI AF Messaging Service
    refer this help.
    This .property will allow you to  error analysis soap response.
    Do you have any fault message structure and mapping in SOAP receiver side?
    Do a dummy change in the maaping and activate and then do complete cache refresh0
    Delta Cache Refresh:
    CPA-Cache and Mapping Runtime Cache are updated independently, i.e.
    Mappings objects per activation/change are transferred to ALL Mapping Runtime Caches of all Advanced Adapter Engines
    CPA-Cache-Refresh is usually carried out after activation/change of directory objects. Objects are just transferred to the Advanced Adapter Engine where configured to be used
    Can be viewed in the Cache Monitoring of the RWB. (other monitoring is reused; no SXMB_MONI).
    Refer this:

  • Error capturing SOAP fault for Sync Messages

    We have a Sync interface which makes a Proxy call from ECC to PI and then PI makes Soap Sync call to Web application. We are having issues when handling Exceptions. Sender is getting misleading errors in response, even though they are application errors the proxy sender is getting error like MappingObjectNotFound.
    When debug the PI system, PI is truncating error info when it return the reponse.
    Below is the scenario of Synchronous interface:
    ECC(Proxy) -> PI(Soap Receiver Adapter) -> MasterDataApp-(Webserver)
    Below is the actual response from Webserver (Extracted via TCPGW sniffer):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <faultstring>*java.rmi.RemoteException: No Messages Found*</faultstring>
    <ns1:hostname xmlns:ns1=""></ns1:hostname>
    But PI receives this response payload like this :
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  XML Validation Inbound Channel Response
      <ns1:hostname xmlns:ns1=""></ns1:hostname>
    and then Sync Request mesasge fails with below error because of the unexpected response payload as shown above:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Call Adapter
    - <SAP:Error SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="">
      <SAP:P1>Object ID B0CC6B27847A368AA04F4171EF6460F4 Software Component 86524CE0304911DEAE48CC6C83461631</SAP:P1>
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>Mapping program is not available in runtime cache: Object ID B0CC6B27847A368AA04F4171EF6460F4 Software Component 86524CE0304911DEAE48CC6C83461631</SAP:Stack>
    Also in the response message see this error message:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--
    XML Validation Inbound Channel Response
    - <SAP:Error SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="">
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText>application fault</SAP:AdditionalText>
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="">hostname</SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage>
      <SAP:Stack />
    Please let me for any clues how to handle this error response.

    Hi Laxman,
    SOAP Adapter cannot handle fault responses. I understand your issue. You even want to send the errorneous response from the Webservice as a payload back to the sender. But because of application error from Webservice, you are getting an error in the response message (Mapping Not found). SOAP Adapter cannot handle application error (i.e you will not get the errorneous response in form of payload) . For details please read below:
    The receiver adapter expects a SOAP message as response. For synchrnous calls, a successful response should be returned with HTTP 200. In this case, the content of the SOAP body will be returned to the caller as the response payload. When some error occurs, the SOAP message may contain the SOAP fault element. In this case, when the fault detail element is not empty, its content will be returned as the fault payload in an application error message. For others, a system error message will be returned to the caller.
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    <m:GetLastTradePriceResponse xmlns:m="Some-URI">
    will result in an application response message with response payload
    <m:GetLastTradePriceResponse xmlns:m="Some-URI">
    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    <faultstring>SOAP Must Understand Error</faultstring>
    will result in a system error message.
    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    <faultstring>Server Error</faultstring>
    <e:myfaultdetails xmlns:e="Some-URI">
    <message>My application didn't work</message>
    will result in an application error message with fault payload
    <e:myfaultdetails xmlns:e="Some-URI">
    <message>My application didn't work</message>
    In order to send the erroneous response as a payload to the sender, you should develop flow in below manner:
    ECC(Proxy) -> PI --> ECC(Proxy)
    In PI make a SOAP lookup. The response of the SOAP lookup will contain the response given by the WebService (it can be a vaid response or an application error in WebService). Now map this response to the proxy...In this way you can handle the application error msgs from webservice..
    I hope this helps you...
    Rakesh Sharma

  • Web service error handling (SOAP 1023 SRT: ICM_HTTP_CONNECTION_FAILED)

    Hi there,
    When consuimng our web service, sometimes we get the error "SOAP 1023 SRT: Processing error when receiving the response: ICM_HTTP_CONNECTION_FAILED" and this happens when we can't connect to the other system. The requirement is to automatically resend the transaction after +/- 10 seconds. Is there somewhere on the web service settings that will enable us to achieve this without having a background job running every minute?

    <p> </p>
    <p>The first thing you should do is to check that your application server can reach the service your are trying to call. I suggest to try a:</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>telnet &lt;remote_service_url&gt; &lt;remote_service_port&gt;</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>from the command line of your server.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>You should get a blank screen if your server reaches the remote server and something like connecting to &lt;remote_service_url&gt; if you don't.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Joseba M. Iturbe</p>

  • Error occured while uploading to ODS.

    error occured while uploading to ODS  from R/3........
    Error message when processing in the Business Warehouse
    An error occurred in the SAP BW when processing the data. The error is documented in an error message.
    System response
    A caller 01, 02 or equal to or greater than 20 contains an error meesage.
    Further analysis:
    The error message(s) was (were) sent by:
    Second step in the update
    Check the error message (pushbutton below the text).
    Select the message in the message dialog box, and look at the long text for further information.

    Hi varun,
    thx's 4r reply
    I already check it in st22 transaction..... it's showing short dump.
        Exception condition "NOT_EXIST" raised.
    What happened?
        The current ABAP/4 program encountered an unexpected
    What can you do?
        Print out the error message (using the "Print" function)
        and make a note of the actions and input that caused the
        To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.
        You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administer
         termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion
        is especially useful if you want to keep a particular message.
    Error analysis
        A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLRSSM" raised the exception
        condition "NOT_EXIST".
        Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program
        in the hierarchy, processing was terminated.
        Short description of exception condition:
        For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use
    and  one more thing. i don't know about the locks can u plz clear about that locks......
    when i enter the sm12 then its asking
    Lock argument and table name
    4r wht perpose these thing's
    thank's in advance

  • Error in the Activation of ODS

    Hi all,
    I have problems activating one of my ODS, when I check the logs, I found the following errors:
    Request REQU_3YSFDYNAS6C41WUPRJW74XGVD, data package 000144 not correct
    No confirmation for request ODSR_3YSY3Q7MJONMWLYFQFCCABDM1 when activating the ODS object E_PCA3
    Communication error (RFC call) occurred
    Anyone had an idea what is wrong, and what I could do to activate this ODS. I have tried couple of times reloading and activating the ODS, but each, they have the same error when activating.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sriram,
    Here are the long text for the error.
    Request REQU_3YSW2M9BY9434CRX1XLOTELYH , data package 000092 contains errors with status 9 in                                                                                table 'RSODSACTREQ' but this data package is missing in the return                                                                           structure.                                                                               
    System response                                                                               
    The data package is entered in the return structure as incorrect.   
    And here is the long text for the  RFC error.
    System response                                                                               
    ODS object: E_PCA3                                                                               
    Package: 77                                                                               
    Task: 0077                                                                               
    Message(RFC): An SQL error occurred when accessing a table.                                                                               

  • BEA-382500: ALSB Service Callout action received SOAP Fault response

    Hi Friends...
    During the implementation of TUTORIAL: 2 Loan Example of AquaLogic Service Bus 2.1,
    I am getting fault response when testing the Proxy Service. Please help me in the following....
    <b>BEA-382500: ALSB Service Callout action received SOAP Fault response</b>
    <b>error: failed to load java type corresponding to t=LoanStruct@java:normal.client</b>
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.MarshalStreamUtils.addError(
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.MarshalStreamUtils.addError(
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.addError(
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.addError(
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.getPojoBindingType(
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.getPojoTypeFromXsiType(
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.RuntimeBindingType.determineActualRuntimeType(
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.unmarshalType(
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.SoapUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshalType(
    at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.EncodedDeserializerContext.unmarshalType(
    at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.BaseDeserializerContext.internalDeserializeType(
    at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.BaseDeserializerContext.deserializeType(
    at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapDecoder.decodePart(
    at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapDecoder.decodeParams(
    at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapDecoder.decodeParts(
    at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapDecoder.decode(
    at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapCodec.decode(
    at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleRequest(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.SoapProcessor.handlePost(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.SoapProcessor.process(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.BaseWSServlet$
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.BaseWSServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    I've been getting this problem as well. However, the thing that confuses me is that if I use the command-line client (as described in the tutorial), everything seems to work fine. However, if I use the test console, it fails to work (giving the fault described in an ancestor of this post).
    I've tried added a 'Rename' operation, but I just get the java1 namespace as well.
    If the problem was just the namespace issue as stated, wouldn't the command-line client have a similar problem?

  • Getting "OSB Service Callout action received SOAP Fault response" on trying to invoke a service using service callout

    I'm trying to invoke a search service using service callout . However on trying to test it , I'm getting this response
    <con:fault  xmlns:con="">
    OSB Service Callout action received SOAP Fault response
    <con1:ReceivedFaultDetail  xmlns:con1="">
    <con1:faultcode  xmlns:soapenv="">soapenv:Client</con1:faultcode>
    <con1:faultstring>Cannot find dispatch method for {}</con1:faultstring>
    Please help in resolving this error.

    you are calling wrong  the Service.
    ¿what kind of service do you have? RPC? Document?
    ir your target service its document, I recommend this:
    1. Test target service with OSB
    2. copy XML request and XML response from the test.
    3. use XML request format that you got at Step 2 in your source service and using it at your "Service Callout".

  • "ICF Error when receiving the response: ICM_HTTP_CONNECTION_FAILED"

    Hi all,
    In SMICM all the services are showing active, when I tried to run the webservices the following is the error that I am getting, have looked at different solutions on sdn.
    Also please find below the dev_icm file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
    - <asx:values>
      <SYSTEMFAULT href="#o112" />
    - <asx:heap xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:abap="" xmlns:cls="" xmlns:dic="">
    - <cls:CX_AI_SYSTEM_FAULT id="o112">
    - <CX_ROOT>
      <PREVIOUS />
      <KERNEL_ERRID />
      <ERRORTEXT>SRT: Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ("ICF Error when receiving the response: ICM_HTTP_CONNECTION_FAILED")</ERRORTEXT>
      <LANGUAGE />
    trc file: "dev_icm", trc level: 1, release: "640"
    sysno      00
    sid        CC5
    systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    relno      6400
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    139
    intno      20020600
    make:      multithreaded, Unicode
    pid        5848
    [Thr 5852] Thu Jan 15 23:09:17 2009
    [Thr 5852] ICM running on: dlwsdv11
    [Thr 5852] MtxInit: -2 0 0
    [Thr 5852] IcmInit: listening to admin port: 65000
    [Thr 5852] DpSysAdmExtCreate: ABAP is active
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)##10528#(1316)
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)##2969176#(14772)
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)##24000#(80)
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)#8000#(80)
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)##290000#(580)
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm)##0#(424)
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)##(38456/34360/64/184)
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY##(addr: 032C0040, size: 3381680)
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 032C0040
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 032C1B88
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 032C44A8
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 032C44D0
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 03599328
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 0359F0E8
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm_list at 035A1028
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 035A1040
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 035E7D10
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: system runs without vmc_adm
    [Thr 5852] DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 035E7D38
    [Thr 5852] CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 0
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 1
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 2
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 3
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 4
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 5
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 6
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 7
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 8
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 9
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 10
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 11
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 12
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 13
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 14
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 15
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 16
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 17
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 18
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 19
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 20
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 21
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 22
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 23
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 24
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 25
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 26
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 27
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 28
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 29
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 30
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 31
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 32
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 33
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 34
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 35
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 36
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 37
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 38
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 39
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 40
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 41
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 42
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 43
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 44
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 45
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 46
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 47
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 48
    [Thr 5852] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created worker thread 49
    [Thr 4204] IcmWatchDogThread: watchdog started
    [Thr 4248] ISC: created 400 MB disk cache.
    [Thr 4248] ISC: created 50 MB memory cache.
    [Thr 4248] HttpSubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpCacheHandler(slot=0, flags=12293) for /:0
    [Thr 4248] HttpSubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpSAPR3Handler(slot=1, flags=4101) for /:0
    [Thr 4248] HttpSubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpJ2EEHandler(slot=2, flags=1077253) for /:0
    [Thr 4248] Started service 1080 for protocol HTTP on host "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (processing timeout=60, keep_alive_timeout
    [Thr 4248] =================================================
    [Thr 4248] = SSL Initialization  on  PC with Windows NT
    [Thr 4248] =   (640_REL,Jul 16 2006,mt,ascii,SAP_UC/size_t/void* = 16/32/32)
    [Thr 4248]   SapISSLComposeFilename(): profile param "ssl/ssl_lib" = "D:\usr\sap\CC5\SYS\exe\run\sapcrypto.dll"
               resulting Filename = "D:\usr\sap\CC5\SYS\exe\run\sapcrypto.dll"
    [Thr 4248] =   found SAPCRYPTOLIB  5.5.5C pl24  (Jun 11 2008) MT-safe
    [Thr 4248] =   current UserID: I2\SAPServiceCC5
    [Thr 4248] =   found SECUDIR environment variable
    [Thr 4248] =   using SECUDIR=D:\usr\sap\CC5\DVEBMGS00\sec
    [Thr 4248] = Success    SapCryptoLib SSL ready!
    [Thr 4248] =================================================
    [Thr 4248] Started service 8443 for protocol HTTPS on host "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (processing timeout=60, keep_alive_timeou
    [Thr 4248] Started service 1025 for protocol SMTP on host "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (processing timeout=60, keep_alive_timeout
    [Thr 2464] MPI<4>1#3 Peak buffer usage: 1 (@ 64 KB)
    [Thr 2112] MPI<5>2#3 Peak buffer usage: 2 (@ 64 KB)
    [Thr 4248] Thu Jan 15 23:09:26 2009
    [Thr 4248] *** WARNING => IcmNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 9 seconds [icxxtool.c   1065]
    [Thr 4248] *** WARNING => IcmNetCheck: 1 possible network problems detected - please check the network/DNS settings [icxxtool.c
    [Thr 200] Thu Jan 15 23:09:36 2009
    [Thr 200] MPI<7>4#3 Peak buffer usage: 3 (@ 64 KB)
    [Thr 4092] MPI<9>6#3 Peak buffer usage: 4 (@ 64 KB)
    [Thr 1660] Thu Jan 15 23:09:40 2009
    [Thr 1660] MPI<b>8#3 Peak buffer usage: 6 (@ 64 KB)
    [Thr 3168] Fri Jan 16 00:02:52 2009
    [Thr 3168] *** WARNING => Connection request from (8/24/1) to host:, service: 4444 failed (NIECONN_PENDING)
    RM-T8, U24, 600 AVISHNU, GX280I576YB1S, 00:02:47, M1, W1, SEU_, 3/2 [icxxconn.c 2121]
    [Thr 3684] Fri Jan 16 00:04:40 2009
    [Thr 3684] Deactivated service 1080 for protocol HTTP on host: "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (timeout=30)
    [Thr 3804] Fri Jan 16 00:04:56 2009
    [Thr 3804] Deactivated service 8443 for protocol HTTPS on host: "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (timeout=30)
    [Thr 2664] Fri Jan 16 00:09:26 2009
    [Thr 2664] *** ERROR => IcmConnConnect: No service for protocol HTTP started [icxxconn.c   2007]
    [Thr 3516] Fri Jan 16 00:23:53 2009
    [Thr 3516] *** ERROR => IcmConnConnect: No service for protocol HTTP started [icxxconn.c   2007]
    [Thr 4116] Fri Jan 16 00:26:53 2009
    [Thr 4116] *** ERROR => IcmConnConnect: No service for protocol HTTP started [icxxconn.c   2007]
    [Thr 4112] Fri Jan 16 00:27:07 2009
    [Thr 4112] *** ERROR => IcmConnConnect: No service for protocol HTTP started [icxxconn.c   2007]
    [Thr 1684] Fri Jan 16 00:34:23 2009
    [Thr 1684] *** ERROR => IcmConnConnect: No service for protocol HTTP started [icxxconn.c   2007]
    [Thr 3516] Fri Jan 16 00:46:52 2009
    [Thr 3516] Reactivated service 1080 for protocol HTTP on host: "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (timeout=30)
    [Thr 3516] Reactivated service 8443 for protocol HTTPS on host: "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (timeout=30)
    [Thr 3468] Fri Jan 16 01:29:23 2009
    [Thr 3468] *** WARNING => Connection request from (9/25/0) to host:, service: 4444 failed (NIECONN_PENDING)
    RM-T9, U25, 600 SRAJEEV, GX_XP2BASE:0, 01:29:18, M0, W0, SEU_, 2/2 [icxxconn.c 2121]
    [Thr 1660] Fri Jan 16 02:00:47 2009
    [Thr 1660] Deactivated service 1080 for protocol HTTP on host: "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (timeout=30)
    [Thr 196] Fri Jan 16 02:00:57 2009
    [Thr 196] Reactivated service 1080 for protocol HTTP on host: "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (timeout=30)
    [Thr 2292] Fri Jan 16 02:13:41 2009
    [Thr 2292] Deactivated service 1080 for protocol HTTP on host: "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (timeout=30)
    [Thr 4108] Fri Jan 16 02:14:05 2009
    [Thr 4108] IcmChangeService: change service 1080 for HTTP to 8080
    [Thr 4108] Reactivated service 8080 for protocol HTTP on host: "dlwsdv11"(on all adapters) (timeout=30)
    [Thr 4208] Fri Jan 16 02:15:24 2009
    [Thr 4208] *** WARNING => Connection request from (8/24/3) to host:, service: 4444 failed (NIECONN_PENDING)
    Edited by: vishnuarigela on Jan 16, 2009 10:05 AM
    Edited by: vishnuarigela on Jan 16, 2009 10:20 AM

    Hi Olivier,
    I know its been more than an year since the last time I have posted on this thread.
    The problem still persists, I have made the necessary changes as you have suggested,
    made the necessary changes to the logical port number.
    The error has changed to no extended error message (SOAP_ESERVER).
    In sm21:
    SOAP Runtime: SOAP Runtime exception: 112 occurred in method XP_READ_TAG of class CL_SOAP_XP at position 1
    SOAP Runtime: Exception message: no extended error message (SOAP_ESERVER)
    ERROR 01:01:48: SOAP Application CL_SOAP_APPLICATION_CLIENT     
    Exception occurred in method XP_READ_TAG of class CL_SOAP_XP at 
    position id 1 with internal error id 112 and error text no      
    extended error message (SOAP_ESERVER) (fault location is 1 ). 
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have looked up on sdn, however was
    unable to find a solution.
    I have opened another thread under Netweaver Administrator with the subject SOAP Exception,
    I apologize if it was a mistake.
    Edited by: vishnuarigela on Feb 11, 2010 9:36 AM
    Edited by: vishnuarigela on Feb 11, 2010 9:37 AM
    Edited by: vishnuarigela on Feb 11, 2010 9:38 AM
    Edited by: vishnuarigela on Feb 11, 2010 11:46 AM

  • View the webservice soap request/response

    I am in wls81sp4. I have some webservice developed in workshop. And I created webservice controls for them. When the webservice is called in jsp, I couldn't see the request/response soap message on wls console even though I set -Dweblogic.debug.webservice=true -Dweblogic.webservice.verbose=true. I have another webservice, the client is the proxy, and I can see the message on console.
    How can I see the message from calling the control? Thanks

    HI Ronald,
    To get the SOAP Fault into your orchestration:
    1) On the Send port in BizTalk:
       a) WCF Adapter Properties, Messages tab: Propagate Fault Message = true
       b) WCF Adapter Properties, Messages tab: Inbound message body: Either use "soap:Body" or use a path that extracts your message OR /*[local-name()='Fault'] to get the SOAP fault
       c) "Enable routing for failed messages" - this has no impact on the SOAP Fault. So you probably want it set to true to handle real transmission errors (non SOAP faults).
    2) On the Send port within your orchestration
       - Select the operation & then "New Fault Message"
       - Set the message name to SoapFault (or whatever)
       - Set the message type to be the referenced schema: BTS.soap_envelope_1__2.Fault. (If this was a SOAP 1.1 operation you would use BTS.soap_envelope_1__1.Fault).
    3) In the Scope around your Send operation
       - Add new exception handler
       - Select "Exception Object Type" to the port-name.operation-name.SoapFault you created in step 2
       - Specify the object name, e.g. Fault
       - Fault is now the XML of the SOAP Fault & you can use XPath to get the Fault Reason and Message elements.
    How to catch and process SOAP faults
    MSDN has explained the process in detail:
    Using BizTalk Server Exception Handling. You can blindly follow it.
    Please mark as answer or vote as helpful if my reply does

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