WebServices 7.0 vs 9.2 compatibility impossible?

Having some simple, real-live use case:
1) WebServices developed under WL 7.0 and clients using them
2) Migration of such WebServices to 9.2.1 launched
The question is: Is it possible to do this the way that WSDL will not change (not change dramatically, because e.g. I don't care about the *.jws extensions in the endpoints and so on but the rest should stay exactly as it was before) and client's will stay untouched. Is it possible?

Aside from the support issues (which really say you should go to 9.2) an issue to keep in mind is whether you need connectivity to any older versions of Oracle. 9.2 doesn't support connectivity to any version older than 8.1.7. 9.0 does.
On the other hand you CAN get 9.2 to install on Red Hat 9.0, BUT I would not recommend using an unsupported configuration such as this for a production system, since if you ever need help from Oracle support, you will be out of luck.
But if it is for a test or development database, you can do it. Also refer to this web site for excellent info on installing Oracle on Linux:

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    thats work
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    thats work
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    <mx:WebService id="WS" wsdl="{wsdlurl}" ...
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    for what it's worth, I had a similar problem. The way I
    solved it was to build the webservice manually (not in mxml
    (<mx:WebService...>)). If done manaully, you can change the
    wsdl attribute (eg: myWebService = new WebService();
    myWebService.wsdl = wsdlurl;
    I hope this helps

  • SharePoint 2010 search webservices compatibility with SharePoint 2013

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    When we try to hit the SharePoint 2013 search service with the query developed in the Sharepoint 2010 , we are getting "System.Not supported" exception as response from server.
    Below is the search query we are using:
    "<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\">"
                + "<soap:Body>"
                + "<Query xmlns=\"urn:Microsoft.Search\">"
                + "<queryXml>"
                + "&lt;QueryPacket xmlns=\"urn:Microsoft.Search.Query\"&gt;"
                + "&lt;Query&gt;"
                + "&lt;Range&gt;&lt;StartAt&gt;1&lt;/StartAt&gt;&lt;Count&gt;50&lt;/Count&gt;&lt;/Range&gt;"
                + "&lt;SupportedFormats&gt;"
                + "&lt;Format&gt;urn:Microsoft.Search.Response.Document:Document&lt;/Format&gt;"
                + "&lt;/SupportedFormats&gt;"
                + "&lt;Context&gt;"
                + "&lt;QueryText type=\"MSSQLFT\"&gt; SELECT fileName,Title,Path,Write,SiteName,URL,FileExtension,isDocument,contentClass FROM scope() WHERE CONTAINS(Path, SITE_PORT)
    and (contentClass = 'STS_Web' OR contentClass = 'STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary' OR contentClass = 'STS_List_DocumentLibrary') ORDER BY lastModifiedTime DESC &lt;/QueryText&gt;"
                + "&lt;/Context&gt;"
                + "&lt;/Query&gt;"
                + "&lt;/QueryPacket&gt;"
                + "</queryXml>"
                + "</Query>"
                + "</soap:Body>"
                + "</soap:Envelope>";
    Please  help

    Hi Raghuramk,
    is the web service is a search query web service? if yes, i suppose sharepoint 2013 already deprecated,
    Search Query web service
    Description: The Search Query web service is deprecated in SharePoint 2013.
    In SharePoint Server 2010, the Search Query web service exposes the SharePoint Enterprise Search capabilities to client applications. This enables you to access search results from client and web applications outside the context of a SharePoint site.
    Reason for change: The Search Query web service is deprecated because the client object model (CSOM) and a new REST-based web service are available for developing Office-wide extensibility scenarios. The CSOM exposes the same functionality
    as the Search Query web service, and a larger set of functionality for stand-alone client applications.
    Microsoft Online Community Support
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • XFire and NW WebServices stack compatibility

    Would anyone used xFire as WS client/server to interact with XI WS implementation?
    Would you encounter any issues/problems implementing this configuration?
    Thanks in advance for your feedbacks.

    Thanks guys for your responses.
    Theoretically your are right, but the reality is often different... there were a lot of issues of interoperability between different WS stacks.
    My particular problem is related to WS Security for the messages encryption. The scenario is SOAP<->XI<->RFC. The SOAP client is xFire and calls a SOAP Sender Adapter on XI. The integration mode is request/response (synchronous).
    The signature works fine but I have an issue with the encryption…
    The following message is sent to XI:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" soap:mustUnderstand="1">
    <xenc:EncryptedKey Id="EncKeyId-15245345" xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#">
    <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-1_5"/>
    <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd">
    <wsse:KeyIdentifier EncodingType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary" <b>ValueType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-x509-token-profile-1.0#X509v3"</b>>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</wsse:KeyIdentifier>
    <xenc:DataReference URI="#EncDataId-14965598"/>
    <xenc:EncryptedData Id="EncDataId-14965598" Type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Content" xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#">
    <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc" xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#"/>
    <xenc:CipherData xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#">
    <xenc:CipherValue xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#">mlAp4/Ey2N51sbmG0NAsHKA1fgqQ18uICQTtuid11BjA9q1qBWB98IwjrDZhNH//73oLQXTjIrSB
    And XI is complaining about the KeyIdentifier:
    #1.5#000D9DDCB1D9006C000000080000207C0004372E21AF9856#1186571180022#com.sap.aii.af.security.impl.wsse.VerifyThread##com.sap.aii.af.security.impl.wsse.VerifyThread.VerifyThread.run()######0ad75560454011dc912f000d9ddcb1d9#SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_19##0#0#Error#1#/Applications/ExchangeInfrastructure/Security#Java###VerifyException. Key:
    #2#0600#com.sap.security.core.policy.exceptions.VerifyException: [_policy0600] Error during the generation of encryption element. Error was: java.security.cert.CertificateException <b>Unsupported value type in <wsse:KeyIdentfier>:http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-x509-token-profile-1.0\#X509v3</b>.
         at com.sap.security.core.securitypolicy.assertions.ConfidentialityAssertion.verify(ConfidentialityAssertion.java:416)
         at com.sap.security.core.policy.expressions.AllExpression.verify(AllExpression.java:149)
         at com.sap.security.core.policy.WSPolicy.verify(WSPolicy.java:43)
         at com.sap.security.core.ws.wss.WSSecurityImpl.verifyPolicy(WSSecurityImpl.java:204)
         at com.sap.security.core.server.ws.service.WSSecurityServiceImpl.verifyPolicy(WSSecurityServiceImpl.java:93)
         at com.sap.aii.af.security.impl.wsse.VerifyThread.run(VerifyThread.java:216)
         at com.sap.engine.frame.core.thread.Task.run(Task.java:64)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl5.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:79)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl5.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:150)
    Caused by: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Unsupported value type in <wsse:KeyIdentfier>:http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-x509-token-profile-1.0\#X509v3
         at com.sap.security.core.ws.wss.tokens.securitytoken.KeyIdentifierElement.equalsSubjectKeyIdentifier(KeyIdentifierElement.java:97)
         at com.sap.security.core.securitypolicy.assertions.ConfidentialityAssertion.verify(ConfidentialityAssertion.java:303)
         ... 8 more
    Would you have an idea what the issue is?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Reverse Compatibility and some positives

    At a purely personal level, I applaud Adobe for taking this step toward a subscription based model.  The archaic days of delivering SW in a box, on discs, is over and it needed a major commercial concern, such as Adobe, to take the first steps. Well done indeed, I’m sure many others will follow if this is a success. Also having access to the most up-to-date software at all times is an absolute necessity in today’s competitive environment. I've made the move and now subscribe.
    I do believe that the membership pricing mechanism needs some serious re-engineering. Excuse my cynicism but at the moment it looks like something drawn up by two blokes in a pub on the back of a *** packet. Woefully unsuitable for a delivery change of this magnitude. Indeed this is the major concern of just about everyone contributing to this forum.
    The above comments are rhetorical but I have two addressable concerns if I may:
    Has any thought been given to future [backward] compatibility? For example I may have developed a design for a major Client which he accepted and has been using same for a few years. He’s now come back to me for an adjustment to be made. As Adobe now maintains a dynamic update model, will the current SW be compatible with the older format. If not this could cause serious Client relationship issues moving forward.
    As implied in my first paragraph, having access to the most up to date SW is a great idea, however there are still many folks in areas where WEB access is not that great and to download > 1GB files at any one time would be well-nigh impossible, due to connection issues and/or very slow transfer speeds. I’m sure Adobe do not wish to isolate these people under the new model but what contingency plans are in place to handle this scenario ?

    1.) Should be a non-issue - all current versions will remain available for at least 5 versions to come, so in 2017 you should still be able to install and use CS6 in the cloud. The rest is not really relevant - whether or not the file formats will be compatible is only something the engineers can work on on a version-by-version basis and gauging how much effort it will take to maintain legacy compatibility beyond going one version back. Still, if you have access to the older versions, tip-toeing your way up to the latest version and re-saving updated files would be possible. The points in 2.) have been raised a couple of times and I'm sure Adobe will provide some form of offline install, possibly via the Enterprise Deployment channels/ Developer Center, but there's no definitive info yet.

  • It's impossible to install Windows 64 Bits on my Macbook Pro, why?

    Hey everybody,
    I was tryng for three days to install Windows (8 and 7 after) 64 bits version on my Macbook Pro and I can tell you that It's impossible...
    It's doesnt matter what I do, the PC does not recognize the bootable disk or usb for Windows.
    I followed these steps:
    - I downloaded the Windows 7 official ISO image to burn a DVD Setup after use the Boot Camp Assistant.
    - When I used the Boot Camp Assistant, I tried to "Download the latests Windows support software from Apple" but 2 minutes after I chose that option, the assistant alert me that the Server doesn't have the files anymore... so I had to simply use the install option BUT it requires that I put the Windows Installation CD on my PC and when I put it on it... the PC doesnt recognize it! My "solution": I mount a Virtual Drive with the ISO image of the DVD and now my Mac recognize the Installation CD so I can continue with the installation...
    - After that the PC was restarted and thats the last step that I reach because when It's tryng to start with the Installation Drive it's doesn't recognize... again!! A black screen appears with a text that say "Insert a bootable drive and press any key"... or something like that.
    So I'm stuck in this step because I was tryng to use another Installation CDs, burning it again and again, tryng with Windows 8 too and nothing happens.
    I tried to make an USB Bootable too but my Boot Camp Assistant doesnt have any option to make it (I read that some macbooks have an a 3rd option in his Boot Camp Assistant that prepare a USB with the ISO of any Windows Installation CD) so obviously whitout it was completely useless.
    I was tryng to make a bootable dvd with UDF format (cause I read that if the cd is not in that format It doesnt be recognize in Mac as a bootable drive...).
    What can I do? I know that Windows 32 Bits Systems run on my Mac but It should support 64 Bits Systems too (I was reading the compatibility of Boot Camp and Windows versions and It should run!).
    Please help me
    My Macbook Model is:
    Macbook Pro 13-inch, Mid 2010
    Processor 2,4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory 4 GB 1067 Mhz DDR3
    Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256MB
    Software: OS X 10.9.2 (13C1021)
    Boot Camp Version: 5.1.2 (481)

    you can just download the bootcamp drivers manually
    and you can't
    : I mount a Virtual Drive with the ISO image of the DVD
    bootloader time nothing can read virtual drives you need a real dvd with the iso burned on it or to do the usb install way
    have you tried to view some of the tons of youtube guides which show you step by step how to install windows on bootcamp ?
    https://www.google.dk/search?q=installing+windows+on+bootcamp&oq=installing+wind ows+on+boo&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.11252j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8#q= installing+windows+on+bootcamp&tbm=vid

  • Is there a way (script option, exporter option) to export a .psd/.psb file with nested layersets to another layered .psd file with a flat layer structure for greater compatibility? (i.e. CS6/CC/CC '14 to CS4 or older?)

    Just looking for a solution short of having to go in and manually delve through hundreds of layers and reorganize the .psd.  There's a lot of vector elements, layer effects and blending modes as well.  It'd be nice to see Adobe include an exporter for older Photoshop versions that can take a newer file and regenerate it making whatever necessary changes to maintain compatibility across older Photoshop versions and even for cross-compatibility.  I know that's not necessarily in their best interests for additional sales, but it is in the end-user's best interests when they collaborate with others across various file and application formats.

    The first problem here is Layer Styles, if I understand what you are trying to do correctly. You can have arbitrarily nested Layer Sets/Groups (each with its own Layer Style) that contain Layers with their own Layer Styles. This means that for a nested layer, you would have to take it's Layer Style and merge it with the containing Group(s) layer styles in the correct order. Then you have to do the same thing with Layer/Vector Masks and whatever else is involved. It's a non-trivial piece of work. It's not intractable, however.
    There is also the problem that some parts of the Layer Styles are binary blobs that make merging at the JS level impossible.
    If someone has implemented this, I would love to see the implementation.
    What you actually need may be a lot less complicated than the general case. If so, you may be able to find someone to help you out.
    I wish you luck.

  • Error while calling WebService inside ISchedulerTask.

    Env: NW 2004s
      I have a requirement of calling webservice frequently. I developed a portal project with scheduler, where the application gives a runtime error while calling/reading the property file (which is generated during the webservice proxy generation, without it webservice call is impossible).
    I have varified the ear file which contains all the required class files and config files including property file.
    portalapp.xml file looks like this.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <property name="SharingReference" value="usermanagement, knowledgemanagement, landscape, htmlb, exportalJCOclient, exportal"/>
        <service name="RFServiceWrapper">
            <property name="className" value="com.sap.netweaver.rf.wrapper.RFServiceWrapper"/>
            <property name="startup" value="true"/>
    Any input will be highly appreciated.

    Following is the error message:
    at <package>.AFFERAAFWSServiceImpl.<init>(AFFERAAFWSServiceImpl.java:10)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.wsdl2java.ServiceBase.loadProtocolsFromPropertyFile(ServiceBase.java:238)
    Reporting from Logs and Traces.
    Error Located @ following code inside AFFERAAFWSServiceImpl.java, which is a proxy class generated using apache axis
    input = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("<package>/protocols.txt");
    protocols.txt is another config file generated along with AFFERAAFWSServiceImpl.java, which is been used @ run time.
    FYI: All these files are present on ear file.

  • InvalidSecurity Error while accessing Webservice

    I am getting an "*InvalidSecurity*" error while accessing webservice.
    Below is the error, which I got while invoking the webservice :
    <faultstring>InvalidSecurity : error in processing the WS-Security security header</faultstring>
    Edited by: 1005832 on May 14, 2013 6:16 AM

    The error was generated on the endpoint and indicates that the SOAP request message had incorrect WS-Security information in its headers. The SOAP response message you included doesn't contain specific information about what is wrong (we wouldn't want to reveal too much to hackers, of course!).
    Without seeing the SOAP request message and the WS-SecurityPolicy that the endpoint requires, it's impossible to tell what's wrong.
    Other important information:
    - what version of WLS are you running?
    - is the endpoint a WLS JAX-WS or a WLS JAX-RPC web service?
    - is WS-Security configured using native WLS WS-Security (e.g. @Policy) or using OWSM WS-Security (i.e. @SecurityPolicy)?
    - what specific policy is being used to enforce security at the endpoint (the advertised WSDL for the endpoint should contain this)

  • Error while connecting to HTTPS WebService through Jdev

    I am having issues while trying to connect to a webservice that require SSL. Has anybody seen similar exception below or any suggestion/best practice docs of how to setup the cert?
    WARNING: Unable to connect to URL: https://itsolutions/AppIntegration/org/test/sendRequest.jpd due to java.security.PrivilegedActionException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
    java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is:
         HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: java.security.PrivilegedActionException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

    Dear All,I am getting this error while connecting to ASDM Please help.Your ASA Image has a version number 8.2.1 which is not supported by ASDM 6.1(3)Show Version.....User Access VerificationPassword:
    Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
    ASA-PT> en
    Password:ASA-PT# show verCisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 8.2(1)
    Device Manager Version 6.1(3)Compiled on Tue 05-May-09 22:45 by builders
    System image file is "disk0:/asa821-k8.bin"
    Config file at boot was "startup-config"ASA-PT up 12 days 0 hoursHardware:   ASA5520, 512 MB RAM, CPU Pentium 4 Celeron 2000 MHz
    Internal ATA Compact Flash, 256MB
    BIOS Flash M50FW080 @ 0xffe00000, 1024KBEncryption hardware device : Cisco ASA-55x0 on-board accelerator (revision 0x0)
                                 Boot microcode   : CN1000-MC-BOOT-2.00
                                 SSL/IKE microcode: CNLite-MC-SSLm-PLUS-2.03
                                 IPSec microcode  : CNlite-MC-IPSECm-MAIN-2.04
    0: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/0  : address is 0024.14d2.1582, irq 9
    1: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/1  : address is 0024.14d2.1583, irq 9
    2: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/2  : address is 0024.14d2.1584, irq 9
    3: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/3  : address is 0024.14d2.1585, irq 9
    4: Ext: Management0/0       : address is 0024.14d2.1581, irq 11
    5: Int: Internal-Data0/0    : address is 0000.0001.0002, irq 11
    6: Int: Internal-Control0/0 : address is 0000.0001.0001, irq 5
    <--- More --->ThanksTabrez
    Hi Tabrez,
    ASA5520 version 8.2.1 is supported with  ASDM 6.2(1 and above). Recommended: 6.2(3).check out the below link hope that c;ear out your query !!
    If helpful do rate the post

  • Pacman: impossible to determine root mount point /

    Hi all.
    Last week I tried to do a full system upgrade but didn't notice I was out of space. Pacman told me and didn't update anything, so everything was fine.
    I freed up some GB in the root directory but now I get this error (freely translated from Italian):
    error: impossible to determine root mount point /
    error: free space on disk not sufficient
    error: impossible to archieve requested operation (unespected error)
    It does so whatever I try to install or upgrade. I'm really lost and I don't know where and how to fix this since I don't understand what causes it. In the last weeks I haven't fiddled with the system much so there's nothing I may have broken.
    Please help!
    I am more than ready to give whatever informatio about the system you may require.
    For the last 4 or so months at the end of the shutdown phase I get something like:
    setting root filesystem read-only FAIL
    But it has never given any problem.
    I use squashfs for /usr and quick-init (yes I know it's dated, I need to try systemd) and some tweaks here and there, nothing major.

    Thanks all.
    This is the output of the required command:
    [adriano@myhost ~] sudo LC_ALL=C sudo pacman -S --debug p7zip
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.conf
    debug: config: new section 'options'
    debug: config: HoldPkg: pacman
    debug: config: HoldPkg: glibc
    debug: config: SyncFirst: pacman
    debug: config: Architecture: x86_64
    debug: config: IgnorePkg:
    debug: config: IgnoreGroup:
    debug: config: showsize
    debug: config: usedelta
    debug: config: totaldownload
    debug: config: new section 'core'
    debug: registering sync database 'core'
    debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 49: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': http://archlinux.mirrors.ovh.net/archlinux/core/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': http://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/archlinux/core/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': http://archlinux.polymorf.fr/core/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': ftp://archlinux.mirrors.ovh.net/archlinux/core/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/archlinux/core/os/x86_64
    debug: setlibpaths() called
    debug: option 'cachedir' = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: new section 'extra'
    debug: registering sync database 'extra'
    debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 53: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': http://archlinux.mirrors.ovh.net/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': http://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': http://archlinux.polymorf.fr/extra/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': ftp://archlinux.mirrors.ovh.net/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: new section 'community'
    debug: registering sync database 'community'
    debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 61: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': http://archlinux.mirrors.ovh.net/archlinux/community/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': http://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/archlinux/community/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': http://archlinux.polymorf.fr/community/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': ftp://archlinux.mirrors.ovh.net/archlinux/community/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/archlinux/community/os/x86_64
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: new section 'multilib'
    debug: registering sync database 'multilib'
    debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 64: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib': http://archlinux.mirrors.ovh.net/archlinux/multilib/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib': http://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/archlinux/multilib/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib': http://archlinux.polymorf.fr/multilib/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib': ftp://archlinux.mirrors.ovh.net/archlinux/multilib/os/x86_64
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib': ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/archlinux/multilib/os/x86_64
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: new section 'kde4-eyecandy-64'
    debug: registering sync database 'kde4-eyecandy-64'
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'kde4-eyecandy-64': http://archlinuxgr.tiven.org/kde4-eyecandy/x86_64
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.conf
    debug: loading package cache for repository 'local'
    debug: database path for tree local set to /var/lib/pacman/local/
    debug: adding 'gksu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-plasma' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-containments' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtextcat' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-poxml' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pango-perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ntrack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-paste' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vorbis-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ca-certificates-java' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vala' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cyrus-sasl-sql' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xev' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'conky' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ulatencyd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libnl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'make' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hal' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lm_sensors' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxdamage' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libglade' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libproxy' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cpufreqd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lucene' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cairo-perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libfontenc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tree' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mlocate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qscintilla' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libstdc++5' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fontconfig' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libogg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gpgme' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'psmisc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'diffstat' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcanberra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kbattleship' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-playwolf-elements' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kalgebra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cdparanoia' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xdg-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-archlinux' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mkinitcpio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-diagram' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'syslinux' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'texlive-latexextra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'zenity' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-util-linux' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'enca' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gdk-pixbuf2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-ct2n' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'flashplugin-beta' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'randrproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rpmextract' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pstoedit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kompare' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-social-news' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ed' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-calculator' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-bookmarks' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libjpeg-turbo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kolf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libgl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-akonadiconsole' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdetoys-kweather' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pmtools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-events' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qgit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kmahjongg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libpcap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pm-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeaccessibility-kmousetool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'downgrade' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'automake' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pkgstats' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libidl2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdocker' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-nowplaying' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'zlib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openal' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'apr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk-engines' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glib2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gcc-multilib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-readline' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-error' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-expat' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kcalc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdewebdev-kommander' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-luit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libpulse' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vlc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'unixodbc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-xcb-util' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxkbfile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dhclient' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxml2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'preload' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lcms' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-charselect' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-notes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libavc1394' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-ksnapshot' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-filewatcher' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk2+extra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-kruler' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-fuzzy-clock' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'oxygen-transparent-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-kimpanel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xf86-input-synaptics' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bespin-kdm-svn' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-numbertext' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-workspace' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cpuburn' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-marble' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgpod' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archlinux-themes-kde' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_ttf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gawk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glib-networking' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mplayer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pixman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_pango' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kdiamond' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libiodbc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xcmsdb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsigsegv' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'keyutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'conky-email' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdesktop' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libcups' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hwinfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxcomposite' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-fifteenpuzzle' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxss' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'scrnsaverproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xdriinfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'htop' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-bomber' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdc1394' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ode' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libwpd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdenetwork-kppp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dmxproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hunspell-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'docbook-xsl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ppl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'subtitleeditor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gsm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'desktop-file-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xwd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cairomm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-writer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'togglecompositing-plasmoid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-killbots' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kmozillahelper' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xinput' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-pango' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-gtk2-sexy' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'antlr2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qimageblitz' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gdbm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xwininfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kremotecontrol' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'links' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cloog-ppl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'run-parts' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xf86-video-vesa' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-unitconverter' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fuseiso' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'most' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdewebdev-kfilereplace' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdemultimedia-mplayerthumbs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmusicbrainz3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'enblend-enfuse' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libx11' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'binutils-multilib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'smpeg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxtst' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'alsa-plugins' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'procps' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xkbcomp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'prison' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-dbus-core' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-lcms' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wicd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kde-media-player' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-fonts-75dpi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'neon-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kjumpingcube' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rtmpdump' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'netcfg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ftgl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-freetype2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmal' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdelibs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-libkdepim' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pacmatic' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'quick-init' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-list-moreutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'docbook-xml' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xbill' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_mixer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxss' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdvdcss' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kwallet' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sudo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-klettres' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'patch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libgpg-error' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxcursor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sane' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxfont' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tidyhtml' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pinentry' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libqzeitgeist' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'freemind' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pylorcon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'beshadowed' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-base' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'util-linux' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wget' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'e2fsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cowsay' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gnupg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-draw' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kshisen' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wavpack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xfsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-contacts' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'stalonetray' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'jfsutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-smooth-tasks-kde-sc-46-hg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-nlpsolver' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'texlive-core' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-cairo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libwebkit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'smplayer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kbounce' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'poppler-qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'aldm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bedropped' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'obexftp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vigra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libjpeg-turbo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gocr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nightmode' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rp-pppoe' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'opencore-amr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libpciaccess' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mjpegtools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cln' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'aspell' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-characters' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxslt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'epson-inkjet-printer-escpr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeadmin-ksystemlog' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-server' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yakuake-skin-pixelnine' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_net' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'elfutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vbetool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-res-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gnutls' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ca-certificates' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxcb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-class-inspector' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bison' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pilot-link' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libx86emu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libldap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kernel26' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ntp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'db' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-kcolorchooser' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fontconfig-lcd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ttf-dejavu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bespin-svn-kde4style' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmysqlclient' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'orc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fontsproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dhcpcd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepimlibs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'polkit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kfourinline' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'usbmuxd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'grep' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'geogebra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xvidcore' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glib-perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plasma-theme-produkt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libofa' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'netcfggui' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'v4l-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeaccessibility-kmouth' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-dict' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-impress' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mutagen' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdemultimedia-kmix' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bash-xyne-common_functions' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kfilebox' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'audiofile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yaourt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pm-utils-screen-lock' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'easytag' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ebook-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xbitmaps' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gphoto2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'freetype2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xf86-input-evdev' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bash-completion' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libggz' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'oxygen-icons' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mime-types' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pmount' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'luaposix' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pyrit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dboxfe2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'phonon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libltdl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-nspr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'laptop-mode-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'logrotate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openldap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-frame' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rrdtool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-strigi-analyzer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'talloc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libusb-beta' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cdrkit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'eigen2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'popt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-kontact' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-gnutls' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dri2proto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'autoconf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'firefox' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'icu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python-imaging' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-desktopthemes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'id3lib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-atk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'giflib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sg3_utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'exiv2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xrandr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'shadow' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-kwrite' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wireless_tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libimobiledevice' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-filelight' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'beanshell' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-pixman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'unzip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'squashfs-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pacman-contrib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libdrm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xsetroot' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kblocks' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-colorschemes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xf86-video-intel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hdf5' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ktorrent' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeaccessibility-kmag' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hunspell' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kdepalettes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'silverlight-media-pack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-capture-tiny' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kapptemplate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ncurses' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pm-quirks' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plasma-theme-atelier' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-klines' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-chucknorris' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libvisual' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dbus' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kde-agent' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libbsd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ifplugd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-good-plugins' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libglapi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-server-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hsqldb-java' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-attr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-step' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libstdc++5' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-previewer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-runtime' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'curl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sentinella' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-xml-parser' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'videoproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cpufrequtils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cracklib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ksplash-theme-generator' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mpg123' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-kresources' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'less' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgpg-error' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'compositeproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgraphite' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-math' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-presentation-minimizer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libart-lgpl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-kscreensaver' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kwordquiz' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nettle' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-hitchhiker' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'smplayer-themes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kmtrace' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'redland' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-bdftopcf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcroco' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-cantor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openslp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'raptor1' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-wizards' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxrandr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'normalize' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'polkit-kde' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-leavenote' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ntfsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qrencode' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-datetime' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsoup-gnome' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nano' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archgames-mirrorlist' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'verynice' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-sounds' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'freeglut' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-tie-simple' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tdb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-timer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'autojump' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plasma-icontasks' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'asciidoc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'heirloom-mailx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libssh2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xpr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'module-init-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-fontconfig' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmpc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libgcrypt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-typo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-khangman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xkeyboard-config' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tar' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ktechlab' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ksplasherx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-parley' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'raptor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libfakekey' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kprofilemethod' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-javascript' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pygobject2-devel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-runtime' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lame' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kig' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'orbit2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libiec61883' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'blackglass-kdm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iana-etc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lua' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-ksquares' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgsf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'quilt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libfetch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xauth' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libirman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmspack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-mandelbrot' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'poppler-data' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgnome-keyring' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bootchart' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'jasper' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-mkfontdir' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'alsa-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'avahi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lzo2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'disktrim' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xkb-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxmu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-good' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'expac-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'krename' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xinit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'beclock' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libass' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtiff' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sqlite3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yakuake' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glassified-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-binary-clock' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxrender' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lcms2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-bovo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'skype' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcddb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sysfsutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'eject' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdashboard' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgksu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'partitionmanager' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cifs-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'x264' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glibmm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libjpeg6' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'autopano-sift-c' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ttf-liberation' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-bad' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bzip2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archlinux-themes-kdm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libshout' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'chmlib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'filesystem' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'grub-gfx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsoup' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xbacklight' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libftdi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-marble' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pacman-mirrorlist' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmp4v2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-printer-applet' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gvolwheel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libkexiv2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-rcairo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cyrus-sasl-ldap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pcmciautils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-exiftool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'coreutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gconf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-weather' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pangomm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python-notify' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lesspipe' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-pango' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'musicbrainz' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xrdb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'netpbm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdvdnav' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-kamera' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mediainfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'syslog-ng' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'texinfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libktorrent' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-palapeli' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'msr-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openssl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hal-info' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-dolphin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pth' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tzdata' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'networkmanager' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'thinkwatt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-comic' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-ktron' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'paconky' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'groff' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'copypath-servicemenu-kde4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plasma-themes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk2-perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'faad2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python-pygame' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-regexp-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-calc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-python' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'akonadi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cloog' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'flac' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'audiothumbs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdm-theme-generator' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'startup-notification' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdrm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxv' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ttf-ubuntu-font-family' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libusb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kiriki' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gpm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ntfs-3g' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wiper' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdbusmenu-qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pkg-config' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-blinken' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rsync' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdetoys-kteatime' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxklavier' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-bzip2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'udev' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-pattern' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'neon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xaw3d' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-gwenview' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-rememberthemilk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'usbutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glibc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgme' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libplist' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ttf-bitstream-vera' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-magnifique' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-umbrello' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-kdepasswd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxext' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-glibc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kernel26-headers' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kturtle' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mercurial' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kioslave' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-ktouch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qjson' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-kalarm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-base' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtirpc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'live-media' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kapman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rtfreader' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxml++' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hyphen-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xcursor-themes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-granatier' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'a52dec' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'newessence-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kbd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openssh' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-ksirk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libacpi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdiscid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmpeg2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'jack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'abs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-base-plugins' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qtgstreamer-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-kgamma' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kde-l10n-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxfixes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'speex' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'esound' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgssglue' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kblackbox' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-pastebin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-rssnow' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iscan-data' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'acl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxft' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-openssl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'shared-mime-info' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-virus' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fftw' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'enchant' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libogg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libqalculate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'facile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'faac' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeadmin-kuser' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hwdetect' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plotutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-validator' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-lokalize' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-gdk-pixbuf2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qca' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gputils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fixesproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mythes-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libasyncns' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gobject-introspection' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-ksudoku' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxaw' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'linux-firmware' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mysql-clients' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'conky-kde4-transparency' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libpng12' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nss' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxvmc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mdk3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mdadm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdewebdev-klinkstatus' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxfixes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-fonts-100dpi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'googsystray' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-gobject2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libldap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdmx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xkbevd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mupdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'zip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-beanshell' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'apache-ant' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'getmediainfo-servicemenu-kde4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'stress' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'shared-desktop-ontologies' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'befaded' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'atkmm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xdelta' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'firefox-i18n-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-fonts-misc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libtiff' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgcrypt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yakuake-skin-noname' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'crypto++' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-apps' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rtkit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-ktimer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'recordproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cryptsetup' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'scons' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'findutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libidn' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openjpeg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rootactions-servicemenu-kde4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-krb5' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcdaudio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-wiki-publisher' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ghostscript' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yajl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'librsvg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-spellcheck' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-udev' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libzip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'man-pages' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mcpp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libedit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libpciaccess' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gnuplot' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdedecor-aurorae-cupertino' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-font-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxau' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kbruch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libksba' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kde-login-themes-dont-wear' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cmatrix' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'system-config-printer-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sed' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'consolekit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-twm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libsm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-mkfontscale' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'automoc4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdenetwork-kdnssd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'playwolf-plasmoid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mozilla-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hwd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-life' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openobex' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gettext' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxinerama' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcups' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'isl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cpio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libical' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-cairo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kollision' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ppp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'chromium-stable-libpdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libvpx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xcursor-archcursorblue' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cyrus-sasl-gssapi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dcron' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libraw1394' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortunoid-plasmoid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-mediawiki' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeadmin-kcron' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdatrie' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-hunart' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'arch-artwork' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'i2c-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'liblrdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-flac' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'apr-util' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libebml' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pysmbc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kuiviewer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-microblog' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-jack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gdb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-knowledgebase' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmng' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcaca' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kwebkitpart' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-docs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdewebdev-kimagemapeditor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtkmm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'eggdbus' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libkipi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-iceauth' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-sweeper' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmtp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-systemloadviewer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtasn1' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'powertop-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-sdl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libmng' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libarchive' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libvorbis' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dropbox-servicemenu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-weatherstation' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'crunch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-konsolesessions' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'eventlog' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'licenses' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'schroedinger' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdemultimedia-kioslave' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'imlib2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-luna' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plymouth-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'printproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lirc-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'phonon-vlc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sysvinit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'quick-usb-formatter' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gperf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kbreakout' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-oooblogger' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-libnotify' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-params-util' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmpcdec' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'unrar' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'customizable-weather-plasmoid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gen-init-cpio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxcb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-ncurses' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libevent' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'intel-dri' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_gfx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebindings-smoke' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libassuan' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cabextract' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xrefresh' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'clucene' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-server-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgphoto2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lvm2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'net-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libglapi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libieee1284' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'soprano' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libsasl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archlinux-modern-ksplash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'inputproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'obex-data-server' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'acpid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-alien-sdl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsndfile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'saxon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kstartperf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dvd+rw-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamermm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kpatience' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wxgtk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xsensors' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'imake' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsexy' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mesa' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'aalib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'acct' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-montypython' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'phonon-gstreamer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-sqlite3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archlinux-special-wallpapers' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxdamage' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pcre' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'imagemagick' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kbugbuster' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wpa_supplicant' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mtools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'file' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxext' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gzip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'strigi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-emoticons' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxslt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libltdl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-ark' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-report-builder' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-libkmahjongg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-libkdegames' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'flex' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'attica' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtool-multilib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xmlrpc-c' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nspr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lapack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-sip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'freealut' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-glib2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'terminus-font' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'polkit-qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'carbon-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'g95' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-katomic' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'feh' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'taglib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mysql' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'postgresql-libs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gmp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxdmcp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openoffice-thumbnail-plugin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dosbox' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'acpi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ggz-client-libs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxpm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cups-pdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_perl-old' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tcp_wrappers' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-io-stty' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libx86' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'audiokonverter' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-klickety' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'texlive-bin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'liboil' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-alsa-lib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdv' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bluez' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'p7zip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-file-sharedir' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pciutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmodplug' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kpartloader' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-gtk2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'compat-wireless-patched' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'blackglass-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcdio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xcb-proto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'read-edid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fuse' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ethtool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yakuake-skin-plasma-oxygen-panel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-konsole' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxrender' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kgpg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kmines' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qtcurve-kde4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pygtk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pycups' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gcc-fortran' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libx11' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-styles' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-distribute' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-kfind' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dosfstools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmikmod' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xcursorgen' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rasqal' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-console' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'which' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pangzero' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-io-tty' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-bubblemon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iproute2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iputils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iso-codes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'blas' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xlsclients' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdvbpsi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-audioplayercontrol' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'aurvote' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kcharselect' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsamplerate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'djvulibre' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hugin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-gtk2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'diffutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'k3b' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-community' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pam' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ddcxinfo-a

  • How to resolve setPrefix() in SOAP(saaj API) with weblogic/webservices jar?

    I am facing a problem deploying a Web-Application in Weblogic containing SOAP related code.
    My environment is as below:
    1) Weblogic 8.1 SP2 server
    2) Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b05)
    3) A method is exposed as web-service
    4) A client program(which is a part of Action class of Webb-app) written with SOAP APIs containing the following section:
         MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
         SOAPMessage sm = mf.createMessage();
         SOAPPart sp = sm.getSOAPPart();
         SOAPEnvelope se = sp.getEnvelope();
    giving the following error at runtime:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError:
    at Client.main(Client.java:39)
    I am able to compile without any error/warning all the time.
    This is giving only when putting the saaj(jwsdp-1.4) jars along with weblogic/webservices jars in classpath.
    I am able to run the same application(outside Web-application as a stand-alone java program) without
    any error while not using weblogic/webservices jar in the classpath.
    The saaj jars needed to run without any error are:
    I thinks this is a compatibility issue. Please suggest to resolve it.
    Thanks in advance,

    I am facing a problem deploying a Web-Application in Weblogic containing SOAP related code.
    My environment is as below:
    1) Weblogic 8.1 SP2 server
    2) Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b05)
    3) A method is exposed as web-service
    4) A client program(which is a part of Action class of Webb-app) written with SOAP APIs containing the following section:
         MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
         SOAPMessage sm = mf.createMessage();
         SOAPPart sp = sm.getSOAPPart();
         SOAPEnvelope se = sp.getEnvelope();
    giving the following error at runtime:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError:
    at Client.main(Client.java:39)
    I am able to compile without any error/warning all the time.
    This is giving only when putting the saaj(jwsdp-1.4) jars along with weblogic/webservices jars in classpath.
    I am able to run the same application(outside Web-application as a stand-alone java program) without
    any error while not using weblogic/webservices jar in the classpath.
    The saaj jars needed to run without any error are:
    I thinks this is a compatibility issue. Please suggest to resolve it.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Installation and compatibility issues with photoshop CS4 - Win 8

    I recently purchased a new computer with Windows 8. I am experiencing issues when attempting to install the downloaded and upgrade copy of photoshop CS4. Initially unpacking the software presented issues, but I believe they've been resolved - specifically I had to change the folder attribute from read only  while unpacking, of course the tedium arose when this endeavor didn't seem to apply the new attributes to all subfolders and files. I percivered though by repeating it for each folder throughout. When I select the icon for the setup.exe file though the process ends as quickly as it began. I considered that it my have been seeking the previous version (in my case photoshop elements) so I sought to install it first, but as you may have guessed the old software is experiencing it's own compatibility issues. Does anyone know if photoshop CS4 will even work in Windows 8, and I hope someone will have already cleared this hurdle and can give me direction - please, I really am hoping for a life preserver here!
    Thankyou, Chris
    PS I did attempt to open one of the attached adobe reader files that came with the downloaded copy, but unfortunately they won't open prior to installation given they show the file size 0kb. I don't know if these files are simply acting as place holders for the cab files - or whether there remains an issue while unpacking the files to begin with.

    If the executable doesn't even run, it's either being shut down by some security stuff on your system or can't find a component. Impossible to tell. whiel there may be compatibility issues, on a more general level CS4 should run on Win 8...

  • [SOLVED] Enabling debug for ath9k in compat-drivers-patched from AUR

    Wireless card: TP-LINK TL-WN951N. lspci says that it is an Atheros AR5416 adapter [AR5008].
    Some background: I'm having the same issues as the OP in this thread, which references this bug report. The problem is that I get a 2000 ms ping every 30 seconds. So 2 seconds of inactivity every 30 seconds. I have the same wireless PCI card, as well. I need to fix this, because it's making online gaming impossible. I should also note that the card is working just fine in Windows 8, however. I am using net-auto-wireless. I have tried using wicd, enabling ath9k's nohwcrypt option, toggling the card's power save, installing the latest compat-drivers-patched from the AUR, toggling different settings in my motherboard's BIOS, and removing the antennae from the card. But nothing has made a significant difference.
    I think I'm really close now. I just have to disable ANI. But in order to do that, it seems that I need to enable debugging for ath9k. But this means that I need to either recompile a custom kernel, or somehow enable debug for ath9k in compat-drivers-patched from the AUR. I'd prefer the latter, as that means that I will have a more bleeding-edge driver. That, and I won't have to touch the kernel as much. What I want is described on this page. But it seems too complicated to me. Please let me explain.
    I've installed things from the AUR before, as mentioned above, and have properly configured my makepkg.conf for my system. So I'd like to use the CFLAGS and such that I've set. I don't understand how everything works in the PKGBUILD; I don't have much experience with sed and awk and regular expressions, and haven't done much shell scripting at all. It seems that at some point in the PKGBUILD, I need to enable debugging for ath9k before it is compiled. Apparently on the last page I linked to, I need to add:
    export CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG=y
    export CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUG=y
    to some config.mk file. I can only get access to the config.mk file after I install the package with pacman. I've tried adding those lines to my /etc/profile file, and checked, after a reboot, with "set", that those variables are indeed set. But the thing is, with these variables set in /etc/profile, when I run makepkg, makepkg fails with an error 2. I tried again and got the same error. I removed those lines from my /etc/profile, rebooted, tried makepkg again, and everything worked. So putting those lines in my /etc/profile is not the solution, and I feel like I'm doing something very stupid. What am I doing wrong?
    I should also note that I've tried to read the wiki page on compiling a custom kernel using ABS, but it seems to just say "get your custom configuration files" and then just continue (so it assumes that I should already be familiar with the configuration part). The PKGBUILD and Creating Packages wiki pages also seem to be a little... too advanced for me at this point in time.
    So how do I enable debugging for ath9k in compat-drivers-patched from the AUR? I'd prefer to stick with only editing the PKGBUILD and using makepkg, if possible.
    I've really tried to search the web and the arch forums on how to fix this problem myself, but alas, it seems that I need help this time. I greatly appreciate your time for reading my long post.
    I've made a lot of progress. I ended up removing the AUR package with pacman by invoking "pacman -Rsn compat-drivers-patched".
    Instructions for [almost] success: First, download compat-drivers-patched from AUR. Then move it to the "builds" directory (or "local", if using ABS). Extract the tarball. After the new directory is created, cd into it. Now here's the important part: run
    $ makepkg -so
    Then cd into src, cd into the directory inside src, then edit the config.mk file. Make sure these lines are uncommented (or created, if not already there):
    export CONFIG_CFG80211_DEBUGFS=y
    export CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS=y
    export CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG=y
    export CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUG=y
    Now run "cd ../.." to go back up two directories. Now run:
    $ makepkg -e
    # pacman -U <file that was produced>
    And I ran "mkinitcpio -p linux" just in case, but I'm not sure if that is necessary at all. I'm... not touching the kernel, right?
    Now I ran:
    echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/disable_ani
    But bash would say that the file or directory doesn't exist. Even if I prepend it with "sudo", I get the same results. I was only able to get the command to work if I logged in as root. I even put the line in my /etc/profile. The 2000 ms ping every 30 seconds is now GONE. HOWEVER! If I reboot and log in as a normal user, the problem is there again. If I reboot and log in as root, the problem is gone. If I then log out and then log back in as a normal user, the problem does not come back.
    So really, I can avoid the problem if I first log in as root, log out, and then log back in as a normal user. But this is a great inconvenience. I would much prefer if I could just log in as a normal user right after boot, and have everything working.
    Now, how do I get the command to automatically run at boot as root (without me having to log in as root), and work?
    UPDATE 2:
    I got it working. Putting the line in /etc/profile is not the solution. I created a custom systemd .service file.
    Put this into /etc/systemd/service (name it "disable_ani.service"):
    EDIT: Wow. I made a glaring typo here. It should be /etc/systemd/system/disable_ani.service
    ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/disable_ani"
    Then make sure to "sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/service/disable_ani.service", since root owns this file.
    Then run "sudo systemctl enable disable_ani.service".
    EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that there is a much simpler way than creating a custom service.
    Using a tmpfile:
    w /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/disable_ani - - - - 1
    Now ANI is persistently disabled between boots, even if I log in as a normal user right after boot.
    Thanks for reading.
    Last edited by vyu223 (2013-03-12 10:20:19)

    So zsh is telling you that the command didn't work, since it claims that there is no such file or directory. I had a lot of trouble with getting the echo command to work, as well. I found that if out of these lines:
    export CONFIG_CFG80211_DEBUGFS=y
    export CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS=y
    export CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG=y
    export CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUG=y
    If the first and second line above were not uncommented in the config.mk file, I couldn't leave the last line above uncommented as well, or else makepkg would fail and give me an error. So originally I had only the 3rd and 4th lines above uncommented/inserted in my config.mk. With that configuration, I could not get the echo command to work, no matter what. Have you uncommented or inserted all of the above 5 lines into your config.mk?
    After making sure all of the above 5 lines were in my config.mk, the echo command still didn't work, even if I preceded the command with sudo, or entered a su session. Bash would tell me that there was no such file or directory. I found that if I actually logged out of my normal user, and then logged back into the computer as root, the command would work. If your shell does not give you any feedback (particularly, "no such file or directory"), then the command worked. In order to get the command to run every time the computer boots, I used a systemd service, so that the command is issued as root. For some reason, it doesn't work if you put the command into /etc/profile.
    Oh, and it would probably be helpful to mention that for the compat-drivers-patched package from the AUR, the PKGBUILD checks to see what your _selected_drivers variable is before compilation. If you set _selected_drivers=ath9k, your compile times will be much shorter.

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    Hi Sebastian
    This article might help you, http://blogs.oracle.com/xmlpublisher/2009/12/dynamic_delivery_file_naming.html

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