10.4.3 + Metric Halo Mobile I/O 2882 OR ULN-2

Anyone with one of these audio interfaces and running 10.4.3? Please give all information possible as the purchase is down to either one of those two. Thanks.

Both sound great I've tested them both out but if you don't need all the inputs of the 2882 then definately go for the ULN2 much better analogue input (although the 2882 is great as well) - it's just really nice mic pres on the ULN2 very very clean I was very impressed. Not only clean, I mean not clean in a clinical way, very quiet pre's. How can I say it, well, as pre's go, they are the best built-into-an-interface pre's I've ever heard. Can't go wrong. The 2882 is great if you need those inputs, if not, get the ULN2.

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    Need help choosing an interface for Logic! I am predisposed to buy the Apogee but would like some opinions from this Forum.
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    1. Audio Quality
    2. Mic Pres
    3. Stability
    4. Overall Performance
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    Thanks in advance to all!
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    FWIW I tried the RME Fireface 800 and Ensemble side by side at great length in a studio using a G5 and Logic. Obviously this is just personal, but since they cost the same (the authorized reseller for both had priced the Ensemble at the same as the RME) and cost was removed from the equation it became about real-world performance and features.
    MIDI i/o was important. I also like the ability to send 8 channels of 96kHz over the dual light pipe channels and because I work in video a lot the Time Code Option was instrumental.
    While it's markedly uglier than the Ensemble, it fit my style of production and my workflow. You may not have the same experience.
    Even more importantly, the shop (solotech in Montreal FYI) was constantly harping on the fact that the guys at RME are the easiest to deal with of the lot and that any problem would be remedied with immediate replacement of the hardware without hassle, another selling point for me since I have never enjoyed the "we're getting to it" and "bring it in and we'll have a look at it" attitudes that some other cough companies have.
    I've also heard wonderful things about the Metric Halo, and, to boot, most of those who use the Ensemble are in love with it (sometimes in that dirty kind of way you'd wish I didn't just mention.)
    So ultimately, try'em all. At great length. See which one you really like. Ultimately, you could buy a $200 two channel firewire interface and if you pour your heart and mind into your music you'd still make better tunes than the rest of us with our fancy gear and soulless music.
    Macbook Pro C2D, Mac Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   FF800, Logic Pro

  • Daisy-chaining Metric Halo ULN-2 with G-Drive HDD...

    Hi all
    I have a Metric Halo ULN-2 which I use via Firewire on my iMac. The iMac is iMac 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo with 2Gb RAM (sadly, I don't think I can upgrade the RAM) and has only one Firewire Buss, so I am assuming, should I wish to use the G-Tech (G-Drive GEN 4) HDD with Firewire I need to daisy-chain.
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    Spheric is absolutely correct.
    Firewire bus speed is handled on a packet by packet basis. In fact every bus will have packets that run at s100 as that is part of the cycle start protocol that mediates isoch transfers and the Mac probes the config rom of all devices at s100. Actually that may not be precisely true for a link that has the 9-pin connection on both ends for FW800.
    Regardless, Firewire maintains a speed map that keeps track of the maximum speed available between any two nodes, and unless the device's driver specifically requests a lower transfer speed, packets will be transmitted at the maximum speed available on the link between the two nodes.
    So if a s800 device is connected via a 9-pin cable to the computer, it will communicate at s800 for packets between the computer and the device. If there is a s400 device in between the two s800 devices, then the PHY in the s400 device will limit the speed of the packets that pass through it and all traffic will be throttled to the s400 rate for all devices on the far side of the s400 device.
    The upshot of this is that if your computer has one port and you are not using a s800 hub, you are better off putting all s800 devices connected to each other and directly to the computer and then hang s400 device off the end of the chain.
    The concept that "connecting an s400 device to a Firewire bus at any point in the chain slows down all traffic on the bus to s400" is a persistent, but incorrect idea that has been floating around for a long time. But is absolutely not correct, and if you understand how the bus really works, you are able to get the maximum performance out of the bus.
    I suspect that the source of this idea is that while an s400 device is talking on the bus, the bus is going to run at s400. That's absolutely true. But s800 devices can communicate at s800 as long as they are connected by s800 links end-to-end.
    While I can't point you to a technical description about this on the web (other than the 1394 specification or the data sheets for the various s800 PHYs), I will say that I designed all the FireWire hardware, firmware and drivers for Metric Halo. What I explain above is correct.
    Best regards,
    B.J. Buchalter
    Metric Halo

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    I just got an email a couple of days ago and last week received email support within a day. I also use ChannelStrip.
    I also called the same support number and got through on the first ring two weeks ago.
    The phone line message is normal, as long as I've been a customer.
    But I would say your experience of support isn't normal. They have always been known for their quality support.
    In fact when I was looking for my ULN-2, they went out of their way to get one to me quickly.
    Perhaps post here in the hardware section:
    There are a lot users there who may have a better number or better info. I'm sorry but I've misplaced the direct number I had.
    I've dealt with Jason Desmond and Jon Stern at MH support. And like I said, they have always been great to deal with and seem to go out of their way to assist. Not to mention how great their products are.
    Perhaps the holidays this week and last have had an impact....

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    I have one. What's your problem? BTW, Metric Halo tech support is great. And they have an active and helpful mailing list([email protected]), with the developers answering questions.

  • Metric Halo Users (2882)..please help

    Hey guys,
    I use the Mobile I/O 2882.....
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    THe Problem:
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    thanx Justin and x4Sis

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    IMHO, and even without ever heard the MH stuff, I´d say you´ll notice an improvement in sound quality providing you already have great mics and preamps, and also good monitoring. But if your plan is to use the Rosetta as interface via Symphony or FW.... well: It works perfectly, but it`s a closed system. There´s no way you can add some other converters to the mix as you can do with the MH, because they don`t offer digital connections (yes they do, but then you can`t use the Apogee converters... so what`s the point?), and it doesn`t work with Aggregate Device neither. Because I had to sold the symphony system (loosing a nice bunch of $$$) and kept the Rosetta800 via ADAT to my RME FF800. Of course the Symphony system is somehow better, but I use lots of I/O and need something I can afford for non critical stuff, esp. when mixing... I record almost everything thru the Rosetta.
    just my 2 cents

  • All Metric Halo 2882 & ULN2 Users!!!!

    Picking up my 2882 today and trying to find out how people are powering there MH interfaces is it by firewire or power supply and firewire????
    I have G5 Powermac dual 2gig, let me know your thoughts thanks in advance, Karl..
    ps: I heard that using power supply some say you get a clearer sound & and you can't hot plug it
    G5 Dual 2Gig   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   4gb ram TC Powercore,

    Got it all hooked up now clarity & depth of this unit is simply amazing, i've been using M Audio Firewire 410 for last 2 years (God Forbid), when i hooked 2882 the level of sound coming out was really loud which i found out was to do with my 410 running at -10db and 2882 console was set to +4db which i also found out is the Professional standard.
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    So my question is, is it ok for me to keep all the mio console ins and outs at -10db will i lose gain from the noise floor dont really understand the reason behind the +4 & -10 maybe someone could explain?
    To me it sounds how it was before level wise maybe it also has something to do with my new balanced cables as with the 410 it was unbalanced so i had to use unbalanced cables.
    Is there a loss of benefit from running at -10db i dont know, would be nice if someone could enlighten me. Thanks for replys so far dont know what i'd do without advice from this forum.
    Thanks in Advance, Karl........
    G5 Dual 2Gig   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   4gb ram TC Powercore,

  • IMac firewire issues...

    Hi all
    I'm wondering, after having recent problems with using a Metric Halo Mobile I/O and a USB hard drive at the same time (massive latency issues, crackles, etc. in Logic Pro 7), if anybody has any more information on it.
    I read that there is only Firewire bus on the iMac that I have and that is the problem - is there any way around this or is my second Firewire socket just a waste of time when the Mobile I/O is connected?
    Any thoughts welcome! Or, of course, feel free to point me in the direction of any previous discussions I've missed.

    Most (all?) Macs have only a single Firewire bus, but that doesn't stop me, or others, from using a FW audio interface and a FW hardrive together.
    Your post says you were using a USB hard drive, that's totally different from Firewire.

  • Guitar Rig 3 problems :(

    I am using an iMac with 2Gb RAM and 1.83 dual Intel processors that hasn't had any problems before, and now when using GR3 (Rig Kontrol edition) on a number of tracks in Logic Pro 8, for no apparent reason, I am getting loads of pops, clicks, etc. when recording. If I record a guitar part without it then put it on the track with GR3 on, the clicks, etc. don't appear - only when I record using GR3. There are not loads of tracks playing, around 8.
    I have a Metric Halo Mobile I/O ULN-2 and have the Rig Kontrol connected simply by USB and use the MH as the soundcard.
    Does anybody have any idea how to get round this? GR3 sounds so much better than Guitar Amp Pro (for what I want) but I can't really use it
    Oh, I record in 24-bit, 44.1Khz. 128 buffer size (although tried at a number of settings to fix this). Software monitoring. Medium process buffer range. Not sure if anything else might help identify the problem!
    Any help welcome!
    Message was edited by: greenfeld69

    I would start by trying the i/o 2 with garageband in another user account to find out if it's a local or global problem.
    Then with the alesis plugged in make sure that all your settings in the audio/midi setup utility are correct for the device.
    A class compliant device means if they build the interface to a agreed upon spec it will be recognized and be able to use the apple driver (core audio). It did work because you were able to use it and change it's function when making it part of aggregate device.

  • Playing DVDs in 5.1 With Firewire Audio Interface Connected for Logic Pro

    This is exactly the same q as asked by plantwebguy in July 06, link
    I'm struggling to get an answer on this anywhere... I have Logic Pro running 5.1 Surround Mixes on a g5, using a Metric Halo Mobile IO Firewire audio interface - its 6 analog outs are connected to a M Audio LX4 powered surround system. It all works great - until... the problem is when I need to listen to DVDs with 5.1 soundtracks (for reference), or even HD trailers (with 5.1 soundtracks). With the Mobile IO selected as audio interface, DVDs only play in stereo. I think this is because the 5.1 soundtrack is only output thru the optical out - but connecting the optical out to the Mobile IO and selecting 'Digital out' on the g5 brings silence.. Im told this is because the MIO's optical in wont decode 5.1. I'm interested to hear from anyone with a Pro Audio interface - like a MOTU etc - who needs to switch between mixing their own music in 5.1 and then listening to DVDs in 5.1.. I cant be the first, surely?
    Plantwebguy said he solved his issue with VLC. Do we know if VLC willl decode 5.1 and then output it to the Interface via Firewire? I've searched the net for a Pro Audio interface with (1) 6 analog outs & mic inputs etc (2) firewire connection and (3) optical in that reads AC3/5.1 etc (rather than just ADAT).... nada. Sorry to be long-winded but I cant get a solution anywhere..
    Thanks in advance
    g5 dual 2.5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   Logic Pro/Mobile IO 2882 FW Interface/M Audio LX4

    This is exactly the same q as asked by plantwebguy in July 06, link
    I'm struggling to get an answer on this anywhere... I have Logic Pro running 5.1 Surround Mixes on a g5, using a Metric Halo Mobile IO Firewire audio interface - its 6 analog outs are connected to a M Audio LX4 powered surround system. It all works great - until... the problem is when I need to listen to DVDs with 5.1 soundtracks (for reference), or even HD trailers (with 5.1 soundtracks). With the Mobile IO selected as audio interface, DVDs only play in stereo. I think this is because the 5.1 soundtrack is only output thru the optical out - but connecting the optical out to the Mobile IO and selecting 'Digital out' on the g5 brings silence.. Im told this is because the MIO's optical in wont decode 5.1. I'm interested to hear from anyone with a Pro Audio interface - like a MOTU etc - who needs to switch between mixing their own music in 5.1 and then listening to DVDs in 5.1.. I cant be the first, surely?
    Plantwebguy said he solved his issue with VLC. Do we know if VLC willl decode 5.1 and then output it to the Interface via Firewire? I've searched the net for a Pro Audio interface with (1) 6 analog outs & mic inputs etc (2) firewire connection and (3) optical in that reads AC3/5.1 etc (rather than just ADAT).... nada. Sorry to be long-winded but I cant get a solution anywhere..
    Thanks in advance
    g5 dual 2.5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   Logic Pro/Mobile IO 2882 FW Interface/M Audio LX4

  • 16 bit or 24 bit and what sampling rate?

    Hi there
    I have a Metric Halo Mobile I/O ULN-2 and an Intel iMac dual processor with 2Mb RAM. Should I be using 24-bit recording because I'm capable of doing so or is there no real world benefit? Also, what about the sample rate?
    I'm producing music for CD and MP3.
    Any thoughts welcome!

    Always 24 bit. I'd rather have less tracks at 24 bits than more tracks at 16 bits. It's a difference most people, even non-musicians and engineers, can hear.
    Sample rate: Most people will pick a sample rate based on the delivery format (44.1 for CD, 48 for DVD, etc.) if you don't know where the files will end up, 44.1 or 48 are both fine for rock and pop. Personally, I like 48. I used to do everything at 44.1 because 99% of the recording I do is for bands putting out CD's, which have a sample rate of 44.1.
    Recently I have discovered that I like the way 48 sounds a little better. Maybe the machine likes it better, or something. I did a bunch of recording at 96 and 88.2 for a while but the files were huge and the extra dynamic range was not worth the extra trouble, IMO. That said, there are times when you'd want to use higher rates. In any case, I'm gonna say go with 24/48 unless there's a reason to use something else. I would also say experiment and listen so you are familiar enough with your gear that you'll know when to deviate from the norm.

  • Free album download - recorded entirely in Logic Pro 8...

    Hi all
    I'm giving away my album as a free download, it's an English take on country, folk, blues and rock.
    It was recorded entirely in Logic Pro 8 using a Metric Halo Mobile I/O ULN-2, a Neumann TLM-103 and not a lot else!
    Go to: http://www.stevemccormick.co.uk
    Any comments welcome.

    Apologies, I'm not actually from Ohm Force, just an avid fan
    Also, I'm more after comments on the YouTube page.
    Mega cheers, and sorry for the confusion!

  • A few questions about mobile recording (RME & MH & Hard drives)

    in a couple of months i will have enough for a laptop and a firewire interface.
    after quite a bit of obsessive research, it has come down to the metric halo MIO 2882--which i now favor as an option--and the rme fireface.
    I favor the metric halo because it is bus powered. this is actually the only thing that tipped the scales in favor of the metric halo, as the fireface has better preamps (apparently the 2882's pre's get hissy with high gain.)
    this brings me to my questions.
    1) if i run my rig off of battery power, i will not be able to use an external firewire drive. would i get acceptable stability from tracking to a 7200rpm internal drive? i understand that tracking to the system drive is ill advised, but what else is there to do?
    2)if it is ill advised to track to the internal hard drive, why shouldn't i just get the fireface and run everything from a power outlet? what use is having a bus powered interface when i can't track properly witout plugging my drive in anyway?
    3)how many owners of the 2882 track off of the powerbooks battery, and what has been your experience with this?
    Want Macbook Pro...badly   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Get anExpressCard/34 with a Firewire 800 input and run an external Fw800 drive off of that. (I assume that the ExpressCard isn't on the same bus as the FW400, but you might want to investigate that...) Before you get an external, do a few tests and record on the internal drive. See if the internal is adequate for your needs.
    Also, be sure to upgrade your MPB to have a 7200 rpm drive, the standard drive is the 5400 rpm.
    Concerning battery life... There isn't a lot of info on the new MBP battery life. In fact, you have to get to the specs page to get a mention of the battery info.
    I suggest doing a thorough search if this is a real concern. You can dim the screen and that dramicatically increases the battery life. I am not sure if the MPB have the same battery as the Powerbook, but for the old Powerbooks, you can purchase "tricked" out batteries that have a higher energy capacity.
    good luck with your MPB.
    Dual 1.8Ghz G5 PB G4 1Ghz LP7.1.1 Motu 896   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Reaktor 5.1 Reason 3.0.4 Live 5.0.2 Battery 2.1.1 Recycle 2.1

  • Internet Not in IP Mobile Router

    IOS to 15.4(3)M1 on IOS to 15.4(3)M1  with 4GEHWIC  card.  The interface Loopback255 is not in SHOW IP MOBILE ROUTER.
    Looking for advice or ideas?
    oco-na1306rw1#s run | sec ip mobile router
    ip mobile router-service roam
    ip mobile router-service collocated ccoa-only
    ip mobile router
    collocated single-tunnel
    mobile-network Loopback255
    mobile-network Loopback17
    register extend expire 10 retry 3 interval 5
    tunnel mode gre
    interface Loopback255
    ip vrf forwarding DMNR
    ip address
    joco-na1306rw1#sho ip int brief
    Loopback17          YES NVRAM  up                    up     
    Loopback255         YES manual up                    up 
    joco-na1306rw1#sho ip mobile router
    Mobile Router
        Enabled 03/05/15 14:26:12
        Last redundancy state transition NEVER
        Home Address Mask
        Home Agent Priority 100 (best) (current)
        Registration lifetime 65534 sec
        Retransmit Init 1000, Max 5000 msec, Limit 3
        Extend Expire 10, Retry 3, Interval 5
        Reverse tunnel required
        Request GRE tunnel
        Multi-path denied by HA, Requested metric: bandwidth
        Mobile Networks:                                                           ß Missing Loop255 here
                         Loopback17 (
        Status -Registered-
        Using collocated care-of address
        On interface Cellular0/0/0
        Tunnel0 mode GRE/IP

    bump :)
    title should say IP Subnet not showing in IP Mobile Router

Maybe you are looking for