10.4 SA OpenDirectory archive misses some users

I am migrating services from an Xserve G5 running 10.4.11 to an Intel Xserve running 10.5.6.
To move all users and groups from the G5 to the Intel, I've decided to backup the LDAP data and move it over, since I wanted to keep the passwords intact.
I archived the LDAP database on the old server using ServerAdmin's Archive feature. Then moved the sparseimage to the new server. Finally I used the Archive feature on the new server to load the LDAP data.
I opened up WGM and it all seemed to be fine until I noticed the total number of users at the bottom of the window. I was missing three users. I went back to the old server to check and they were there. I did a filter on the WGM and could not find the missing users. I looked up the users on the new server using the Directory.app to no avail.
What makes this happen? How do I migrate the missing users while keeping the passwords?

I've found out more technical info about this problem at AFP548.
Apparently in LDAP speak, records missing the sn attribute will not import into LDAP databases on servers newer than 10.4. I'm guessing sn is the surname entry under the Information tab for each user in WGM. The sn attribute was introduced to the Mac OS X server LDAP schema in 10.3.9.
That's was it! The 10.4 server that I'm working on started out as a 10.3 server. The sn attribute was added for all existing users to the LDAP database when I incrementally upgraded the OS to 10.3.9. But I had a template in WGM that I used to create new users that did not have the sn attribute. So any new users created using this template after the upgrade to 10.3.9, and even after the upgrade to 10.4, would be missing the sn attribute.

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    Some query elements that might be common would've got transported. Hence, even though the affected query was not transported some the elements it has might have been as part of the other query transports.
    Best way to prevent this happening, is to have a robust P2P (Promote to Production ) process, don't have users transport the queries and also develop them. Check for possible conflicts like these.

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    Well nevermind I solved it, but I'll say how in case someone has the same problem:
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    Best regards,
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    I remember hearing something like this, and had to do with :
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    Have the users that cannot see the task refresh the monitor to see if that helps.
    In the configuration for the task, with the parameters set to the version period and year (Feb. 2009), make certain that the consolidation frequency is up-to-date as well as the method assignments. I have experienced the method assignment missing when there are several different consolidation frequencies in play.

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    at Oracle.ldap.admin.Entry.getProp(entry.java:457)
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    Thank you for your reply. Please see below my answers to your questions:
    -> Do you see any pattern in the users (DN) that are unable to be displayed/login?
    Yes I do see some pattern. There is one change on the problem user's dn - the "\" after the last name is gone.
    Before: cn=smith\, john, cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com
    Now: cn=smith, john, cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com
    However I check in Active directory "\" is presented. In OID if I right click on cn=smith, john and try to delete it, I got a error message "LDAP: error code 34 - Error in DN Normalization". Is that caused by the missing of "\"?
    -> Does ldapsearch on these users (with all attributes) show something (special chars, etc)?
    ldapsearch on cn=cn=smith, john,cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com returns no objects:
    $ldapsearch -L -D "cn=orcladmin" -w "*****" -h host -p 389 -b "cn=smith, john,cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com" -s sub "objectclass=*"
    ldap_search: No such object
    ldap_search: matched: cn=Users, dc=abc,dc=com
    Ldap search on cn=smith\, john,cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com:
    $ldapsearch -L -D "cn=orcladmin" -w "*****" -h host -p 389 -b "cn=smith\, john,cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com" -s sub "objectclass=*"
    dn: cn="smith, john",cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com
    uid: [email protected]
    employeenumber: 916963
    cn: smith, john
    registeredaddress: 512
    krbprincipalname: [email protected]
    orclsamaccountname: ABC.COM$JSmith
    sn: johnsmith
    displayname: John
    orclobjectguid: lJO0N+8H4UW/30yHukSfsw==
    orclobjectsid: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAohxTYWIV3XFeP55cYjwAAA==
    orcluserprincipalname: [email protected]
    objectclass: oblixorgperson
    objectclass: inetorgperson
    objectclass: orcluserv2
    objectclass: person
    objectclass: orcladuser
    objectclass: organizationalPerson
    objectclass: top
    -> Do you see the same behavior when you use any generic LDAP browser (Ex: Apache Directory Studio) instead of ODM?
    I don't have Apache Directory Studio installed yet. I will try that later.
    -> Does the changelog for the particular synch (for the affected users) show something?
    Here is what I found in ActiveChgImp.aud
    (weeks ago)
    97426524 : Success : MODIFY : cn=smith\, john,cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com
    (Recently change - The back slach after smith was gone, and "" showed up)
    97469970 : Success : MODIFY : cn="smith, john",cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com
    -> If login to OAM is possible, can the user modify his/her profile, and does it save the changes? If it does, can you try logging in to apps?
    This user can log into OAM identity system, but when I click on "My profile" under "User manager", I got a error message "You do not have sufficient access rights".
    If I log into identity system as orcladmin, I was able to modify it and save the changes. But in OID the user is still not displayed. Same error message. When I tried to add it as administrator, I could search on it, add it, but when I press "done", it didn't show up on the admin list. The users that can be displayed in OID can be added to admin list without a problem.

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    Edited by: 801473 on Oct 11, 2010 4:59 AM

    HI Preetham,
    You can take a look at the selection and identification you have made in the multiprovider definition. Most of the cases of a multiprovider report not fetching any data relates to missing identifications of base chars.
    For testing purpose also try to include the the InfoProvider in your query so that you can see what data somes from which base cube.
    Hope this helps...

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    This is now an issue with our external Auditors.
    We are on GRC 5.3 SP 13.

    Hi Bob,
    VIRSA_CC_ACTUSAGE holds information on the transactions executed by users and it gets the data from STAD. Did you notice the time user has spent in the MI31 transaction code (I know even if the user hasn't spent more time, it should be recorded), but this another step to isolate the issue.Also, check SM21 logs on that specific day, and see if there are any events registered during that time related to STAD. I think it was not able to collect the data.
    Also, check VIRSA_CC_ALTCDLOG. This is the Alter log table that stores information of ACTUSAGE. The purge utility will only delete the data from the ACTUSAGE, but it remains in the ALTCDLOG.
    Refer to SAP Note 1512020 for additional details on the Alert files.
    Hope this helps!!

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    Any input of as why this happens?

    Hi All,
    I had experienced this type of problem as well, just to share it could be that the Identity of the Portal user misses a role which can be solved by any user assigning the identity in their identity management or it could also be the connection status of the UWL to the backend, there should be at least two connection statuses for workflow items to get into the UWL I could not recall it but I would post it here once I have the access to our system again.

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    So, I booted off the Leopard DVD and performed the Password Reset from the Utility Menu, as mentioned in other threads. I selected System Administrator (root) changed the password.
    And to top it off, we just had an EARTHQUAKE... Preliminary 5.6 magnitude, centered 9 mi NE of San Jose, CA.
    Restarted and logged in via the "Other" user login and used Root and the new password. This allow me to get back and download the new updates. However, the updates didn't help.
    So, I went back and tried to created a new user with Admin privileges. I used the same user name, short name, and password as my previous account. I got the message about using the existing folder for the "new" user and I clicked Yes/OK. After a wait, the new account was created! YEAH!
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    So, how do I get rid of the "Other" user login?

    Please mark this post and the other one you posted on the same subject as solved.

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    We have a workflow task that correctly show in the user inbox but is not executable by some users, we have two users with the same roles, and one is unable to execute the task when it is workflowed into his/her inbox. we have checked if this is an authorization issue and found nothing.
    We debugged through program SAPLRHW1 under include LRHW1F02 subroutine READ_ORG_BUFFER, it imports TASK_INFO_BUFFER from the shared memory(see code below) and come back with a number of tasks that the system user can execute. We have task TS&&&&&&&& as a general task but some of the users cannot execute it.
    Please advise of what could be the cause of this and the possible solution.
    using shared memory
                     FROM SHARED BUFFER INDX(RH) ID ACT_KEY.
    Edited by: Kamanga Thabiso on Dec 15, 2011 5:33 PM

    Hi All,
    I had experienced this type of problem as well, just to share it could be that the Identity of the Portal user misses a role which can be solved by any user assigning the identity in their identity management or it could also be the connection status of the UWL to the backend, there should be at least two connection statuses for workflow items to get into the UWL I could not recall it but I would post it here once I have the access to our system again.

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    I really hope a forum admin reads this!
    Oracle Utilities was a very active forum and for some reason was archived and now users can't post there. Consequently Users are now posting Utilities-related questions in random places and they are not getting any replies. e.g. in the Insurance place.
    @admin: can you make sure a new group is created?

    It may be you got no responses here because your questions really belong in other forums:
    PS Since Backup has a QuickPick for the iWeb Domain file, I am puzzled how you could not find it to back it up.

  • All email shows up on OWA, but some users are seeing constant "updating this folder".

    Im having an issue in our environment where some users aren't getting new email.  It's hit or miss, for example mine works perfectly both incoming/outgoing. 
    ON a few of them I tried logging into their owa online account and all the emails show up...so it's still there/on the server, but when we open up outlook when logged in it does not update their inbox.  I tried going into control panel, mail, and deleting
    the local profile/adding a new profile and after it autodiscovers/populates the acccount it sits at an empty mailbox and says "Updating this folder" and shows it as connected to microsoft exchange.
    I need some help here, thank you

    It seems like Outlook connection issue, please check account settings between worked Outlook client and problematic outlook client.
    Meanwhile, please check the following settings of outlook.
    Close Outlook and start control panel, double-click the Mail icon.
    Click the E-mail Accounts button,  choose the account and double-click it.
    Check the server name and User name are correct, and check box
    Use Cached Exchange Mode. Then click More Settings.
    Under Advanced tab, check box Use Cached Exchange Mode
    and Download Shared folders.
    Under Security tab, Check the box "Encrypt data between Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange."
    Under Connection tab, check the box "Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP" and click
    Exchange Proxy Settings.
    Make sure the following selections and input the listed information:
    "https://" field and check the box "Connect using SSL only."
    Check the box "Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in their certificate" then check the field below.
    Check the boxes (On fast/slow networks) "connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP."
    From the authentication drop-down menu, select NTLM Authentication.
    Click OK -> OK -> Next
    Best Regards.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    TechNet Community Support

  • Some users are experiencing difficulty opening certain docx files sent as email attachments. These files contain content controls to protect data in the document. Could someone please confirm that the content controls are the reason the files won't open.

    Some users are experiencing difficulty opening certain docx files sent as email attachments. These files contain content controls to protect data in the document. Could someone please confirm that the content controls are the reason the files won't open.
    These files open correctly when sent as doc files.

    Congrats to Saeid, Ronen, and Ricardo! Big thank you to all our contributors!
     Transact-SQL Technical Guru - February 2015  
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    Durval Ramos: "Very well structured and with examples that clarify how a T-SQL statement can change the data output order."
    Richard Mueller: "Good use of Wiki guidelines and great examples."
    Ronen Ariely
    Free E-Books about SQL and Transact-SQL languages
    Richard Mueller: "An excellent collection and a great idea."
    Durval Ramos: "A good initiative. Very useful !!!"
    Ricardo Lacerda
    Declare Cursor (Transact-SQL) versus Window with Over - Running Totals
    - Accumulated Earnings
    Durval Ramos: "The "Window function" sample was well presented, but it was unclear how the chart was generated."
    Richard Mueller: "A new idea that can be very useful. Grammar needs work"
    Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
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    Emiliano Musso
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    Richard Mueller: "Clever solution with good code examples."
    Durval Ramos: "You need add more details about development of the idea and create a "Conclusion" section to easy understanding."
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    Maheen Khizar (Bint-e-Adam)
    Durval Ramos: "In some situations, It's need to consume and format HTML tags for a UI, but It's important to remember that Best Practices recommend this formatting process preferably in Presentation Layer"
    Richard Mueller: "A great new idea. Some features need more explanation. Avoid first person."
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

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    missing some function on photo editing on iphone5

    Hi crtravis55,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    It's possible that your iOS apps may have been moved.
    Page 139 of the iPhone User Guide will show you how to reset the Home Screen layout:
    Go to Settings > General > Reset, then choose an option:
    Reset the Home screen layout: Returns the built-in apps to their original layout on the Home screen.
    I hope this information helps ....
    Have a great day!
    - Judy

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