10.5.3 fighting with iDisk

Immediately after installing 10.5.3 on my mac pro, started having connection problems and hangs with iDisk. Every time the machine was stuck in a hang pattern, the activity monitor showed syncing or dot mac syncing to be running continuously at the top of my processes. Files on the idisk started behaving erratically as well.
Tried repairing permissions, repairing disk starting up from CD, turning off automatic syncing of idisk and turning off the feature that allows it to stay active even when not connected. No improvement. Also tried starting up in safe mode and still had the problem.
Ended up downgrading back to 10.5.2 and all is well again.
Anyone else having similar problems or come up with a fix?

Anthony Caltabiano wrote:
Why does iDisk suck so bad?
Maybe you are using it in the extraction mode?
I’m running 10.5.4 and have a “mobileme” account. Sometimes when I try to access my iDisk through the finder it just sits and does nothing. For eternity. Won’t show up. I can access it through the web, but I cannot get to it through the finder. It’s infuriating.
I can force it usually, by cutting my wireless connection & then relaunching finder, so that the finder is forced to “drop the line” so to speak. Then when I turn wi-fi back on I can usually get right to it. But still. I shouldn’t have to drop everything else I’m doing, lose my connection to my little network and the internet & my time capsule & my speakers every time I need to access the iDisk.
This is neither the iDisk nor the MobileMe forum, nor the TimeCapsule forum
They are all elsewhere.
This is the Leopard Install and Setup user-to-user forum.
MobileMe forum is here http://discussions.apple.com/category.jspa?categoryID=116
TimeCapsule forum is here: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1253
iDisk forum is here: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=963
I hope this helps.

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    thanks for the answer.
    - What do you mean by 'it doesnt work'? If ScoreL1 is equal to 1 then count(Contactid) does not return a value?
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        "ID"                  VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROJECT_NUMBER"      VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROJECT_NAME"        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "DESCRIPTION"         VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROJECT_TYPE"        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "CUSTOMER_NAME"       VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
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        "PROGRAMS_FSR"        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE)
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        "ID"                        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PERSON_SSO"                VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "FIRST_NAME"                VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "LAST_NAME"                 VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_HOURS"             VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "FISCAL_YEAR_WEEK"          VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "ORG_TIER2_NAME"            VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "ORG_TIER3_NAME"            VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_REASON"            VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHERING_STATUS"         VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "ORG_TIER4_NAME"            VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "TIER4_MANAGER_NAME"        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_CODE"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PERSON_COUNT"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "HOUR_TYPE"                 VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "APPLIED_FLAG"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "COST_CENTER_CODE"          VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_CLASS"             VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_SUB_CLASS"         VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROGRAM_TYPE"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PAYCODE_NAME"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PAY_CODE"                  VARCHAR2(500 BYTE)
        TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY "XE_FTP" ACCESS PARAMETERS ( records delimited BY newline skip 0 fields terminated BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION ( 'tbl_ate_jun.csv' )
      ) ;basically in tbl_ate_jun it has all the user ids (person_sso)
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    here is the code so far but i just cant get it right, it never shows all sso's, each select individually works fine, but cant combine, doesnt work right.
    select a.person_sso,NVL(sum(b.applied_hours),0),NVL(sum(c.office_hours),0),NVL(sum(d.programs_hours),0),NVL(sum(e.total_hours),0),NVL(sum(f.diff_hours),0)
    tbl_ate_jun a,
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as applied_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as applied_hours
    tbl_ate_jun.voucher_code IN (select project_number from tbl_pd_jun
    where Office_FSR IS NULL AND Programs_FSR IS NULL)
    and tbl_ate_jun.voucher_code=tbl_pd_jun.project_number
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as office_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as office_hours
    tbl_pd_jun.Project_Number=tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Code AND tbl_pd_jun.Office_FSR = 'Y'
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as programs_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as programs_hours
    tbl_pd_jun.Project_Number=tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Code AND tbl_pd_jun.Programs_FSR = 'Y' 
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as total_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as total_hours
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as diff_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as diff_hours
    WHERE voucher_code NOT IN (select project_number from tbl_pd_jun)
    and a.person_sso=c.office_sso
    and a.person_sso=d.programs_sso
    and a.person_sso=e.total_sso
    and a.person_sso=f.diff_sso
    group by a.person_ssoplease help. not every column will be populated with a sum of data, some would be empty if it didnt apply to that sso.
    Edited by: Jay on Aug 10, 2011 7:45 AM

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    select a.person_sso,b.applied_sso,b.applied_hours from
    (tbl_ate_jun) a
    full outer join
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as applied_sso,
    sum(tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours) as applied_hours
    tbl_ate_jun.voucher_code IN (select project_number from tbl_pd_jun
    where Office_FSR IS NULL AND Programs_FSR IS NULL)
    and tbl_ate_jun.voucher_code=tbl_pd_jun.project_number
    group by tbl_ate_jun.person_sso)b on a.person_sso = b.applied_sso
    but I get an error "No more data to read from socket"

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    2) For those who fortunatly have the Submit Button, another odd thing happens:
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    Do you have any clue from where this address is pulled ???? We checked the identitity Info in the Adobe installation at the users computers, the email and name entries are correct there.....
    Please help !!!

    I am pretty sure the answer is in the script. I have put together pieces of script from other suggestions and I am pretty sure I have ascrewed something up  along teh way. I have looked at the attached link and that is where I got some of the script you see below. I am sure you will refer to me as the hatchet person who chopped the script up. sorry. (It is in the Mouse Up) This does work, sort of...It will give the user the message that the required fields are not filed in if they are blank, but it will send the email, but without the custom message in the subject line.
    if (employeename.rawValue != null || employeename.rawValue != "") {
    vSubject  = "Form completed by " + employeename.rawValue;
    vBody = "The form has been sent by " + employeename.rawValue;
    if  (completedate.rawValue != null || completedate.rawValue != "") {
    vBody   = vBody + " on " + completedate.rawValue;
    if  (EmployeeID.rawValue != null || EmployeeID.rawValue != "") {
    vBody = vBody + " Your ID is: " + EmployeeName.rawValue;
    var oDoc = event.target;
         bUI: false, 
         cTo: "[email protected]",     cSubject: "Statement from " + EmployeeName.rawValue + "

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    Try this app: http://tyorex.com/iWorkConverter
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