10.6.4 Server & iMacs deployment via NetBoot from server

Hi, I have a lab of new 27" iMacs to deploy & a 10.6.4 XServer.
I require help in this.
From studying various sources I have setup one iMac with all our software and created a Disk Utility image by connecting this to the Xserver via FireWire cable.
I have used System Image Utililty to create a new NetRestore Workflow (the NetInstall option is grayed out).
The subsequent image is default enabled in Server Admin NetBoot settings.
However when booting iMac 'N option' the world icon appears followed by an apple logo & then the iMac does nothing.
The server logs shows BSDP DISCOVER & BSDP OFFER sent.
Please advise what am I doing wrong and can someone provide some instructions of how to deploy images from 10.6.4 server.

Possibly a DHCP issue as the target Mac needs to acquire an IP
From the System Image manual page 44 http://manuals.info.apple.com/enUS/SystemImagev10.6.pdf
Step 3: Set up DHCP.
NetBoot requires that you have a DHCP server running on the local server or on another server on the network. Make sure you have a range of IP addresses sufficient to accommodate the number of clients that will use NetBoot at the same time. For more information about configuring DHCP, see Network Services Administration.

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    The support rep really didn't have an answer for me.
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    We'd like to avoid needing to go VDI instead of RDS if possible.
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    Thank You.

    The only link I have is http://forums.adobe.com/community/download_install_setup/creative_suite_enterprise_deploym ent
    Otherwise, Adobe contact information - http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html since this forum is about the "regular" Cloud

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    Hi Ben,
    because applet can not visit web container's certain directory(as /web-inf/classes) for security reason, so, put those applets' classes and their appropriate directory into a public (visitable) web path (like, /)
    use "codebase" attribute in your html applet tag pointing to them. it should work.
    like :
    |- theme
    |- WEB-INF
    | |- classes
    | |- applets (compiled applets)
    | |- servlets (compiled servets)
    |- index.html
    |- applets
    | |- SpreadsheetApplet.class
    <applet code=applets.SpreadsheetApplet codebase=http://yourhost/>

  • Deploying via powershell command from AppV Management Server 5.0

    Hello All,
    Good day!
    I am having hard time in deploying an application from AppV Management Server 5.0 using Powershell command.
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    Import-AppvServerPackage -PackagePath "<Path of .appv file>" –DynamicDeploymentConfigurationPath "<Path of DeploymentConfig.xml"> | Publish-AppvServerPackage -Verbose | Grant-AppvServerPackage -Groups "domain\AppV_Users"
    is there anything wrong in the command which I used?
    When I run, am receiving this error.
    Import-AppvServerPackage : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name
    At line:1 char:126
    + ... 1.0.3333.appv" –DynamicDeploymentConfigurationPath '\App_DeploymentConfig.xml'  ...
    +                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Import-AppvServerPackage], ParameterBindingException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Microsoft.AppV.Server.Cmdlets.ImportAppvServerPackageCommand
    whereas this command works, without DynamicDeploymentConfigurationPath
    Import-AppvServerPackage -PackagePath "<Path of .appv file>" | Publish-AppvServerPackage -Verbose | Grant-AppvServerPackage -Groups "domain\AppV_Users" -Verbose
    How do I direct my application to take the DeploymentConfig.xml file though powershell.
    I even tried to Import this xml from AppV Management console, even it did not work for me. 
    Kindly help me, your inputs needed.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance!

    Hi Falko,
    Thanks for your response.
    As you said, I tried to import the package and used set-appvserverpackage
    PS C:\Users\Administrator.xxxxxxxxxxx> Import-AppvServerPackage "\\appv\Content\Filezilla\Filezilla.appv"
    Id               : 15
    Name             : Filezilla
    Description      :
    PackageGuid      : e8720679-cc41-4578-98a4-32a382f790ef
    VersionGuid      : 296708bc-e07d-474a-bb46-1f09d9779a4c
    Version          :
    Enabled          : False
    Applications     : {}
    Entitlements     : {}
    ConnectionGroups : {}
    PackageUrl       : \\appv\Content\Filezilla\Filezilla.appv
    import was successful, when I try Set-Appvserverpackage am receiving the following error
    PS C:\Users\Administrator.xxxxxxxxxxx> Set-AppvServerPackage -DynamicDeploymentConfigurationPath "\\appv\Conte
    nt\Filezilla\Filezilla_DeploymentConfig.xml" | Publish-AppvServerPackage -Global
    Set-AppvServerPackage : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Set-AppvServerPackage -DynamicDeploymentConfigurationPath "\\appv\Content ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-AppvServerPackage], ParameterBindingException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.AppV.Server.Cmdlets.SetAppvServerPackageCommand
    I am going wrong somewhere...

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          <StartProcess RunInVirtualEnvironment="true">
            <ApplicationId>[{AppVPackageRoot}]\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe</ApplicationId>
            <Arguments>adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --provfile=[{AppVPackageRoot}]\..\Scripts\prov.xml</Arguments>
            <Wait RollbackOnError="false" />
            <Arguments>[{AppVPackageRoot}]\..\Scripts\VFSCACLS.vbs -guid 6d0756af-b755-493b-8cee-4299e8666978 -error -name "Adobe Photoshop CS6"</Arguments>
            <Wait RollbackOnError="false" />
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    Can someone help please?

    If deploying the application to the user, and the configuration file is updated as part of the content and distributed to the DPs, and then downloaded to the client and the client is enabled to run scripts - no I never had that issue.
    If I had something which didn't work I would usually verify what is on the Distribution Point?
    You can download the SCCM 2012 R2 toolkit to verify what is on the DPs;
    If it is deployed to the client - it means you can read the client log-file from SCCM. See the AppEnforce.log as a potential candidate;
    If it gets properly parsed by the App-V Client you can check the App-V event logs, see Tim Mangans blog post about enabling further debug-logs;
    As I can't see what is happening within your Environment I would redo all the steps and verify what the results were of each step. If one step fails, I would then post what step I had performed up until that point, what the result were of each step and what
    was happening within the final step that I would consider a failure.
    Nicke Källén | The Knack| Twitter:

  • Pointer slow when deployed via Citrix XenApp

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    We have raised the issue separately with Citrix themselves, but I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this issue and what, if anything the resolution was?

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    Follwing products have been installed:
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    2. webas 640, sp8
    3. ep6 sp3
    4. ep6 sp6
    5. But now it struggles - I have problems with applying the <b>patch 9 to webas</b> , the steps until to "deploy online" were sucessfull, but the step <b>"deploy via SDM/J2EE" has an error</b>. In the SAP MMC the process SDM was yellow, and stopped. The file callSdmViaSapinst.log shows:
    <i>Nov 24, 2004 8:48:18 AM  Info: SDM operation mode successfully set to: Integrated
    Nov 24, 2004 8:48:18 AM  Info: Initializing Network Manager (50017)
    Nov 24, 2004 8:48:19 AM  Info: Checking if another SDM is running on port 50018
    Nov 24, 2004 8:48:19 AM  Error: Could not start SDM - another Server may be running already.
    Nov 24, 2004 8:48:19 AM  Error: Another SDM is running already for this SDM_HOME directory. Exiting. Throwable: com.sap.sdm.client_server.launch.SDMRunningException Throwable message: Another SDM instance is running on this host</i>
    So I stopped the SDM with <i>stopserver</i>, started it again with start <i>sdm jstartup "mode=standalone"</i>
    and restarted sapinst - now it worked until the component com.sap.rprof.remoteProfile , now I have the message:
    <i>ERROR: NOT updated. The Deploy Service returned the following error: For detailed information see the log file of the Deploy Service. Exception is:
    com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.P4ConnectionException: Possible problem: no available running server node. Check your running servers.</i>
    What now ? I stopped the server, restarted the sapinst from the beginning - the same result. Whats wrong ?
    Thanx a lot,

    I had this same SDM issue during an install. I simply stopped and started the instance. and then restarted the install.
    However I would review the consiole logs and see why the server would not be running. If the server starts up and then dies it is probably something related to the java paramters. If you changed the paramters via configtool and you properly apply them, I would restart the instance and then kick of install again...
    This process worked for me.
    Hope this helps,

  • Deployment via JDev works, OEM - File Upload not!?

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    Deploying via OEM - File Upload to same OC4J ends in error:
    In XYZ.war missing Standard-Deployment in WEB-INF/web.xml
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    Thanks, appreciate your help.

    Herko_ter_Horst wrote:
    And you think using HTTP magically allows you to upload a file to the server without a username and password?My friend I believe you need a good reading skills apart from devicing ur own sarcastic replies :)
    Well here is an idea for you.
    Try Mounting /Map the remote storage location / drive to the Application Server Machine and try saving files using mapped location.What i adviced OP is to choose / decide his own remote storage location / medium and have asked him to map it as network drive or mount the respective storage location and asked him to program his application such that for every valid multipart request the application saves respective file in the respective mapped drive or mounted location.
    Now this was done just to address his motive for maintaining a remote repository for file storage which was
    The next stage is to move it from the webapps server to another server.And i hope someone need not become a magician to solve this :)
    NOTE: This would involve very little bit change in application source.To me all it calls for is change in repository location.

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    [11:09:55 PM] ---- Deployment started. ---- [11:09:55 PM] Target platform is (Weblogic 10.3). [11:09:55 PM] Running dependency analysis... [11:09:55 PM] Building... [11:10:04 PM] Deploying profile... [11:10:04 PM] Updating revision id for the SOA Project 'bpm_poc_project.jpr' to '1.0'.. [11:10:04 PM] Wrote Archive Module to /xyz/home/abc/jdeveloper/mywork/bpm_poc_app/bpm_poc_project/deploy/sca_bpm_poc_project_rev1.0.jar [11:10:04 PM] Deploying sca_bpm_poc_project_rev1.0.jar to partition "default" on server AdminServer [http://localhost:7001] [11:10:04 PM] Processing sar=/xyz/home/akrishn2/jdeveloper/mywork/bpm_poc_app/bpm_poc_project/deploy/sca_bpm_poc_project_rev1.0.jar [11:10:04 PM] Adding sar file - /xyz/home/akrishn2/jdeveloper/mywork/bpm_poc_app/bpm_poc_project/deploy/sca_bpm_poc_project_rev1.0.jar [11:10:04 PM] Preparing to send HTTP request for deployment [11:10:04 PM] Creating HTTP connection to host:localhost, port:7001 [11:10:04 PM] Sending internal deployment descriptor [11:10:04 PM] Sending archive - sca_bpm_poc_project_rev1.0.jar [11:11:26 PM] Received HTTP response from the server, response code=500 [11:11:26 PM] Error deploying archive sca_bpm_poc_project_rev1.0.jar to partition "default" on server AdminServer [http://localhost:7001] [11:11:26 PM] HTTP error code returned [500] [11:11:26 PM] Error message from server: There was an error deploying the composite on AdminServer: javax.ejb.EJBException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.2.v20101206-r8635): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "SUBTYPE": invalid identifier
    Error Code: 904 Call: SELECT PROCESSID, ORGANIZATIONALUNITID, HASGLOBALCREATIONTASKS, TARGETNAMESPACE, COMPOSITENAME, STATUS, SCALABEL, PROCESSNAME, LABEL, DOMAINNAME, COMPOSITEDN, PROCESSTYPE, CREATIONDATE, SUBTYPE, REVISION, UNDEPLOYDATE FROM BPM_CUBE_PROCESS WHERE (((((DOMAINNAME = ?) AND (COMPOSITENAME = ?)) AND (REVISION = ?)) AND (SCALABEL = ?)) AND (PROCESSTYPE = ?)) bind => [default, bpm_poc_project, 1.0, soa_347b99f8-fa8d-4671-a2f8-2b5446723ab2, BPMN] Query: ReadAllQuery(name="CubeProcess.findCubeProcessesInComposite" referenceClass=CubeProcess sql="SELECT PROCESSID, ORGANIZATIONALUNITID, HASGLOBALCREATIONTASKS, TARGETNAMESPACE, COMPOSITENAME, STATUS, SCALABEL, PROCESSNAME, LABEL, DOMAINNAME, COMPOSITEDN, PROCESSTYPE, CREATIONDATE, SUBTYPE, REVISION, UNDEPLOYDATE FROM BPM_CUBE_PROCESS WHERE (((((DOMAINNAME = ?) AND (COMPOSITENAME = ?)) AND (REVISION = ?)) AND (SCALABEL = ?)) AND (PROCESSTYPE = ?))"); nested exception is: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.2.v20101206-r8635): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "SUBTYPE": invalid identifier
    Error Code: 904 Call: SELECT PROCESSID, ORGANIZATIONALUNITID, HASGLOBALCREATIONTASKS, TARGETNAMESPACE, COMPOSITENAME, STATUS, SCALABEL, PROCESSNAME, LABEL, DOMAINNAME, COMPOSITEDN, PROCESSTYPE, CREATIONDATE, SUBTYPE, REVISION, UNDEPLOYDATE FROM BPM_CUBE_PROCESS WHERE (((((DOMAINNAME = ?) AND (COMPOSITENAME = ?)) AND (REVISION = ?)) AND (SCALABEL = ?)) AND (PROCESSTYPE = ?)) bind => [default, bpm_poc_project, 1.0, soa_347b99f8-fa8d-4671-a2f8-2b5446723ab2, BPMN] Query: ReadAllQuery(name="CubeProcess.findCubeProcessesInComposite" referenceClass=CubeProcess sql="SELECT PROCESSID, ORGANIZATIONALUNITID, HASGLOBALCREATIONTASKS, TARGETNAMESPACE, COMPOSITENAME, STATUS, SCALABEL, PROCESSNAME, LABEL, DOMAINNAME, COMPOSITEDN, PROCESSTYPE, CREATIONDATE, SUBTYPE, REVISION, UNDEPLOYDATE FROM BPM_CUBE_PROCESS WHERE (((((DOMAINNAME = ?) AND (COMPOSITENAME = ?)) AND (REVISION = ?)) AND (SCALABEL = ?)) AND (PROCESSTYPE = ?))"): EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.2.v20101206-r8635): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "SUBTYPE": invalid identifier
    Error Code: 904 Call: SELECT PROCESSID, ORGANIZATIONALUNITID, HASGLOBALCREATIONTASKS, TARGETNAMESPACE, COMPOSITENAME, STATUS, SCALABEL, PROCESSNAME, LABEL, DOMAINNAME, COMPOSITEDN, PROCESSTYPE, CREATIONDATE, SUBTYPE, REVISION, UNDEPLOYDATE FROM BPM_CUBE_PROCESS WHERE (((((DOMAINNAME = ?) AND (COMPOSITENAME = ?)) AND (REVISION = ?)) AND (SCALABEL = ?)) AND (PROCESSTYPE = ?)) bind => [default, bpm_poc_project, 1.0, soa_347b99f8-fa8d-4671-a2f8-2b5446723ab2, BPMN] Query: ReadAllQuery(name="CubeProcess.findCubeProcessesInComposite" referenceClass=CubeProcess sql="SELECT PROCESSID, ORGANIZATIONALUNITID, HASGLOBALCREATIONTASKS, TARGETNAMESPACE, COMPOSITENAME, STATUS, SCALABEL, PROCESSNAME, LABEL, DOMAINNAME, COMPOSITEDN, PROCESSTYPE, CREATIONDATE, SUBTYPE, REVISION, UNDEPLOYDATE FROM BPM_CUBE_PROCESS WHERE (((((DOMAINNAME = ?) AND (COMPOSITENAME = ?)) AND (REVISION = ?)) AND (SCALABEL = ?)) AND (PROCESSTYPE = ?))"); nested exception is: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.2.v20101206-r8635): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "SUBTYPE": invalid identifier
    Can someone give some pointers ?
    Edited by: 853032 on Apr 18, 2011 11:22 PM

    If you can, the best way would be to to change the column name from SUBTYPE to something that isn't a SQL reserved key word.
    You might get around this particular problem by adding @Column(name = "\"SUBTYPE\"") on your attribute. This will force eclipselink to add quotation marks in the generated SLQ, but I think it will cause problems when it comes to some more complicated queries.
    In my opinion, the only safe way here is to not use column names that are in conflict with SLQ reserved key words.

  • I receive a not connected to the internet message several times daily on my iMac connected via airport to a time capsule which accesses the internet via cable modem.. When I input my password to enter network preferences, the connection re-establishes.

    I receive a "not connected to the internet message" several times daily on my iMac connected via airport to a time capsule which accesses the internet via a cable modem. Software/firmware is up to date on the iMac (OSX 10.6.8)  and Tme Capsule(7.5.2). Browser is Safari 5.1.
    When I input my password at the prompt to enter network preferences, all the lights go green (ie... ethernet, ISP etc.) and the connection re-establishes immediately and states "the connection appears to be working normally".
    It more of a nuisance than anything and seems to have started ocurring over the past couple of months. I also have a windows XP box also connected to the same cable modem that I never have internet connectivity issues with. I've verified all the physical aspects of the connections and can't see any evidence of any actual drops in the modem logs. I suspect it is just an intermittent communication loss between the Imac and the Time Capsule, but I am not very familiar with Mac equipment yet.
    Just wondering if anyone has experienced a similar problem and what you did (if anything) to resolve it?

    The AirPort Express will connect to your existing wireless network if the network is using WPA2 Personal or WPA/WPA2 Personal wireless security settings.
    So, it can join the network as a client and then provide an Ethernet signal to your Time Capsule.
    Be sure to configure the Time Capsule to operate in Bridge Mode so that it will be operating on the same network.

  • Printing to a printer connected to an iMac via network from Vista PC

    I have a Canon PIXMA MP610 connected to a new iMac (Leopard) via USB it works fine on the iMac. I shared the device on the iMac as instructed in the Apple help section. On my network, I have 2 Dell laptops running Vista Ultimate. I installed the lasted drivers on the Dells and was able to find the shared printer on the network and successfully add it to both Dell PCs. The pc's can see status (i.e. ready, idle, etc..) and even ink and paper status. When I try to print to the printer, the document spools in the queue, but then just disappears and nothing comes out of the printer.
    Please help!

    I just learned that Mac's printer is shown to network as a *PostScript printer* regardless of its type. The guide http://www.ifelix.co.uk/tech/3012.html (for Windows XP) tells how you have to define your printer's name. But you must select a driver for a Apple printer (b/w of color matching yours), don't use the printer's native driver (unless it is a PS printer).
    There is no Apple drivers available in my Vista Premium. But fortunately PostScript is well standardized and you can select from any of PS-drivers. i took +HP Color LaserJet 4700 PS+ and now my +Epson Stylus Photo 870+ works fine!

  • Connect Mac Mini 2011 to iMac 2011 via Thunderbolt

    Is it possible to connect the new Mac mini 2011 to the new iMac 2011 via Thunderbolt to use the Display Target Mode of the iMac ?

    See Target Display Mode And Thunderbolt.

  • Lync 2013 x64 silent client deployment via SCCM 2012 SP1

    Greetings everyone!
    I ran into a problem with Lync 2013 x64 silent deployment.
    I need to provide every workstation with Lync 2013 client, so i decided to use deployment via SCCM 2012 sp1.
    I created 2 msp files with OCT, one based on x86 Office 2013 Proplus, and other based on x64 Office 2013 Proplus.
    Added them as applications to sccm software library.
    Deployment of Lync 2013 x86 application was a success with over than 80% compliance. 
    But all Lync 2013 x64 automatic installations finish with different errors.
    I created special device collection for workstations with office 2010 x64 and 2013 x64, because i can't install other architecture products once it has x64 product installed.
    My membership query-rules for this collection:
    Office 2013 x64
    select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE on SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE.ResourceId
    = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where UPPER(SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE.SoftwareCode) = "{90150000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}"
    Office 2010 x64
    select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE on SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE.ResourceId
    = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where UPPER(SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE.SoftwareCode) = "{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}"
    My application deployment type points to setup.exe in office 2013 x64 installation folder, where i created msp file in updates folder via OCT and edited config.xml file in proplus.ww folder.
    So my installation program looks like this setup.exe /adminfile updates\1lync.msp /config proplus.ww\config.xml
    The same configuration works with Lync 2013 x86 deployment, except other setup folders.
    When i try running installation program setup.exe with /adminfile and /config parameters locally, it installs successfully without errors or warnings.
    I'm trying to find out problem source, does anyone have ideas what I am doing wrong?
    Also i'm trying to reduce office 2013 installation folder size, what subfolders are necessary for Office 2013 proplus installation (still installing only lync with common files and tools)? Because now 3.5 GB package is quite hard to distribute to sccm secondary
    sites with deployment point.
    Thanks in advance.

    Here are some tips and tricks for your reference.
    Tips and Tricks: Deploying Lync 2013 client using SCCM 2012 | Lync 2013 Client Customization for SCCM 2012 Deployment Package
    Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Adobe Reader Touch Enterprise deployment via sideloading

    This posting in the Adobe Reader Touch http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1168369 from March 2013 is the same issue, has Adobe made any decisions to allow sideloading deployments yet?
    I checked the licensing page https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=distribution_form&pv=rdr and there is no options yet for Windows Apps, and the download page at http://get.adobe.com/reader/enterprise/ also lacks an option for Windows Apps.  The Enterprise FTP ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/ download site also appears to lack a windows app option, so I assume I've exhausted all possibilites and there is currently no way to deploy via sideloading.

    Not supported yet.

  • Can Adobe Air 3.1 be deployed via Group Policy?

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    We are trying to deploy the Salesforce.com Desktop Chatter application.  Any helpful info is greatly appreciated.

    Hi Kevin,
    I replied via email yesterday, but in case anyone else is following along here's what I said:
    For GPO deployment, we don't officially "support" it (ie. we don't test for it internally), however I did run across this recent post where an admin had success.
    Hope this helps,

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