10.6.8 - Worst upgrade ever?

Breaks everything. I held out on the upgrade for months, was a good decision. Massively under tested, unprofessional upgrade from Apple.
List of things so far I that I have found to be broken:
- Mail
- iTunes (also upgraded, now I have to add my library again)
- System Preferences (not all, but quite a few)
- Dock
- Microsoft Remote Desktop (all recent connections are gone)
- Finder customizations all gone
Apple's in a rush...

Thanks for the correction, but for the intents and purposes of the poster's question it didnt matter much at all and my response was more of a side-note than anything else, hence the deseved eyeroll for the ridiculous focus on wording. I'm surprised in your effort for picking nits that you didnt catch that the OP called the 10.6.8 update an "upgrade," but c'est la vie, and I guess we only see error where we want to see it.

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    Actually few users are having problem., Only the users with problems report them Users with no problem do not post.
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
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    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
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    -  Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    TThis has to be the worst update ever. My Mac (if it loads...50% success), boots slowly, is incredibly sluggish, and completely unusable.

    Don't shout. Yes, we will be seeing an update soon. Version X.1 is always released just a few weeks after the initial release. Apple tries to repair the most disruptive bugs in that first update, and does more finetuning in the second, which usually is released about two or three months after the initial release. That's the usual routine.
    On some Mac's people seem to have performance issues like yours. I understand your not happy, but I suggest you'll be patient some more and update when 10.1 or 10.2 comes out. When it does run smooth on your machine, you'll find out it's the best upgrade (it's an upgrade, not an update) since many years.
    Do as Canyonlight wrote in the fourth entry of this topic. Just use you backup and go back to Mavericks and wait it out. Nothing wrong with that. Upgrading is not a necessity but a choice.

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    Then those user interface "upgrades" ... death by a thousand cuts. Drop a file into PS? It's docked, even though I always work with floating windows. So I gotta tear it away, EVERY TIME. No choice in preferences.
    And finally there's the "slow fuse". I'll work for an hour or two, and then BOOM. CS4 suddenly and completely loses track of where my mouse is, how fast it's moving, which buttons I've clicked, or where I've positioned the cursor. I'll start a selection box in the middle of an image and it snaps one edge to a random margin. Or the box defaults to a pixel-wide line. Or the brush size balloons to 500 pixels in diameter. Or the image zooms to 800% even though I'm not anywhere near the zoom tool.
    There is NO WAY to work at this point, so I have to shut down PS, restart it and relight the slow fuse, working feverishly until things go haywire again. Now, this is NOT an issue with my hardware or the mouse. I've upgraded mouse drivers, tried two new mice (corded and wireless), all fruitless. These mouse issues don't occur in any other applications and I run some high-end CAD apps on this box.
    OK, I'm done for now. Rant over. I feel a little better, getting it out of my system. I'll keep hoping Adobe will eventually address some of the more common issues.
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    Anyway, thanks for listening. I'm gonna grab a beer and go hum a pleasant tune in the dark.

    >But, in the immortal words of Comic Book Guy, I'm compelled to say that CS4 is the "worst Photoshop ever".
    >I've been a PS user since version 3.0, have upgraded to every version since
    I too have used PS since ver 3.0 and have upgraded to every edition except when they had an x.5 release. I've just upgraded to an i7 machine with 6 GB DDR3 and a Saphire ATI 4850 with 1 GB of RAM. My system and programs are on a 10,000 RPM VelociRaptor and I have two other 1T Seagates (all SATA II). I'm running 32 bit XP Pro SP 3. I had a few problems with the initial CS4 release and my original video drivers with OpenGL support, but since upgrading to the latest versions and optimizing my system per the Adobe instructions (Optimize performance of Photoshop CS4 on Windows XP and Vista), I've never had better Photoshop performance and have not seen the need to use RAID.
    There must be something wrong with your system. You don't say what graphics card and driver you are using, but, as others have pointed out, many problems are related to the video card and driver. As to the mouse, what mouse are you using and are you using the built in windows drivers or the additonal software provided by the mouse vendor? I've had some trouble with my desktop Logitech wireless USB mouse. Windows will happily allow more than one mouse to be operative. I have an inexpensive Logitech USB mouse for laptops. When I have trouble (currently resolved), I would merely plug in the USB laptop mouse, which uses the built in Windows drivers and use the extra mouse, avoiding any need to reboot.

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    Dialing and recieving changes which had been done in ios 7.1 is worst than ever why you making it smaller make it bold like before as in ios 6.

    Tell Apple yourself:
    We don't work for Apple, and they do not monitor this forum.

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    Very unsatisfied with your product.
    Don Quixote 

    I want to join the fun here and list all the different reasons why I'm very unsatisfied with this phone.
    The actual phone part of this phone is pretty slow.  It accepts a phone number almost 3 times slower than I can type it in.  Even typing a name on their handy search bar takes forever to get a result.  If I type to fast, it just ignores a couple of my numbers so I have to delete and retype, at the same super slow pace.  I'm guessing that it searches all sorts of contact and history lists to give me cool suggestions, and that's what makes it so slow.  Either way, it irritates me to no end that the basic reason I have this thing is slow as dirt.
    All 3rd Party and Blackberry apps require the Blackberry data service.  Even though there's WIFI on this phone, you simply can't connect to anything except the Browser (and even the Browser requires some setting changes to bypass the upsell screen).  This phone CAN do 3rd party services and other applications without the Blackberry data service, but they just don't allow you to.
    Sometimes my phone just turns off.  I don't normally mind the 3 minute boot up process, but when I'm in the middle of something and my phone turns off for no reason, it just compounds my frustration.
    The keyboard freezes up all the time.  After a good 1-5 minute "please wait clock", I finally get a message saying there was an error and my input application had to be reset.  Sometimes it doesn't quite reset all the way and I have to pull the battery and again wait for the long boot up process.
    Its a little unreliable.  Besides the phone turning off at random and the keyboard freezing, I still have problems other problems.  My bluetooth turns off and sometimes doesn't come back.  Once I had to get a new phone sent to me in order to correct that problem.  Pressing buttons doesn't always get a response, especially the green "call" button.  If the phone is bogged down, it just ignored commands, which is pretty frustrating especially if you press a button and accidently double enter a command that is both the "on" and "off" options.  Also, sometimes the screen fades out (like its suppose to) but doesn't come back when you press keys.  Or the external notifications just don't turn on.  It somestimes just doesn't read my memory card.  The zoom feature on my camera also got stuck.
    Other small gripes involve having no caps lock, the SureType never learning from my typing ("Hey" always goes out as "Get"), its overall slowness, the looseness of the back casing, the low quality camera, and so much more.
    I don't suggest this phone to anyone.

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    Worst phone EVER.  DO NOT BUY.
    * Constantly reboots
    * Constantly drops data connection
    * Totally ignores third-party email for about an hour on its own which is absolutely CRITICAL.
    * Will only get email immediately when its powered down, then up.
    * 3G coverage blows.
    I HATE AT&T and APPLE, but I miss my iPhone already and its only been a week.  But it WORKED, ALWAYS.
    They should renamer this the ROID X, because it is a PITA ***!
    I had a bag phone in the '90's that worked better than this.

    gerio wrote:
    SKH. Can you read? I have my doubts.
    There is a difference in asking someone to not make generalizations and asking someone to calm down. I did the former. As I am doing to you. The both of you are calling people like me liars. Fair?
    And both of you need to exchange your phones and stop kicking the general population in the teeth because we have phones that work. Geri O
    Gerio??? Can I give you negative Kudo's for that one? 
    SKH was on YOUR side!!!  Wow.  He did NOT ask you to calm down he said to "ignore the people telling you to calm down and exchange the phone.
    You are one paranoid bloke.

  • Worst update ever! On my Vista everything is wrong! Back button never active; If I want open pages as new tab it opens new window; FF starts with blank page instead of Google; No url address shown on status bar when I move mouse arrow on the link etc

    Worst update ever! On my Vista everything is wrong! Back button never active; If I want open pages as new tab it opens new window; FF starts with blank page instead of Google; No url address shown on status bar when I move mouse arrow on the link etc.. Please Help!

    Try the Firefox SafeMode to see how it works there. <br />
    ''A troubleshooting mode, which disables most Add-ons.'' <br />
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default Theme.)''
    * You can open the Firefox 4.0+ SafeMode by holding the '''Shft''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or use the Help menu item, click on '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' while Firefox is running. <br />
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut (without the Shft key) to open it again.''
    '''''If it is good in the Firefox SafeMode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. <br />
    ''When you figure out what is causing that, please let us know. It might help other user's who have that problem.''

  • SL to Lion Upgrade Stall - Does Upgrading ever work?

    I've been running Server across several versions. 
    Thought I'd try upgrading from Snow Leopard to Lion, despite the fact that NONE of these upgrades ever work.
    Apple didn't let me down - the upgrade to my Snow Leopard server stalls at "Upgrading Services" and won't proceed past this point.
    I of course have a bootable backup, so I'm still in business but I need to have some clues from an experienced upgrader what I might do to assist this process to complete.
    Alternatively, I may have to consider a migration although I'm not particularly experienced at this kind of server operation.

    We have not been able to upgrade this server.  We've tried on three separate occasions - once while working the problem with medium-level Apple engineering in Austin.  We are running on a couple dozen users, with minimal services - mail, DNS, DHCP, and address book as you.
    We've tried upgrading both the server drive, as well as the backup drive.  Both stall during the upgrade and it never completes.
    We've also tried once after 10.7.2 came out, downloading Lion and Lion server fresh thinking/hoping that the bugs would have been squashed. 
    No dice.
    In the current financial climate we're unwilling to pay a consultant to migrate everything to a new installation, and put up with the inevitable service disruptions and instability that generally occurs during this process.  Our current Snow Leopard server is rock-solid after a rocky period early on.
    A agree that Apple seems to be disinterested in these issues now - perhaps if the server ran on the iPhone we'd have more luck getting support!

  • C3-01 The Worst phone ever nokia released....

    C3-01 The Worst phone ever nokia released....bcz of no poor software,does not provide basic functions where other cheap phone do,
    touch screen Problem...and so on....

    I contributed to this thread earlier:
    Since then I've resolved the WAP problem; but as the OP has stated, the problems I've had with mine have been far and away more than all the phones I've had in the past -combined!
    It fails on calls (I'm paying of the call, but nothing can be heard)..Today my touchscreen decided to go AWOL. and locked up..so I took out the battery, same again..then the battery AND the SIM card. Same again..It wouldn't unlock, the only buttons that worked were the push button ones...Then it decided it would work a little, and auto scrolled (Yes really!) the side bar..The it defaulted to the help screen without being touched (Battery out again)...then it worked as it should..but now...if I try to press an icon, it moves up the screen as I press it, so I can't actually open (for example) messages or my address book. If I hold the menu icon down for three seconds, it will eventually open up, but the rest won't..but it might all change in an hour or two..So yes, i agree with the original message it is probably the worse phone Nokia has released.

  • Beyond frustrated with worst computer ever

    I think I may have the most unlock/worst macbook pro ever created. Hang with me here.
    Background: Back in February my computer started becoming unresponsive and i went to the Apple store and turns out i had a dent in the side of my computer, an impact that likely busted the hard drive. Got that fixed and my computer ran great.....until about three weeks ago. Same thing started to happen again (stuff stopped working, lots of pinwheels, computer becoming completely unresponsive), I take it in again and lo and behold, there is another dent in the side of the computer, damaging the hard drive.....again. My computer barely leaves my desk other than to take it to class in a protective case, so this is perplexing to me, but i get it fixed anyways.
    Everything is all good for a day or two and it starts happening again. Great. The pinwheel shows up constantly, pages stop loading and crash almost every page...forcing me to manually power down the computer almost every time with the power button. Computer isn't even usable at this point. I go in to the apple store....again....and they tell me the last repair missed the real problem: the cable attaching to the hard drive. They fix this for free and i'm excited because this should be my ticket to a workable computer! Two days later....same problems again. Computer functions briefly well, then just completely freezes up, pages start crashing, and buttons (wifi, battery, finder arrow keys) start vanishing. I call Apple this time, on the phone, and they tell me what the 'REAL' problem is! When they went to fix the hard drive, they copied a portion of my hard drive onto it to save some of my info, and that portion was likely corrupted and so THAT is the problem! I deleted my hard drive info with the help of the Apple guy and reinstalled the OS software, in essence a brand-new computer and OS system.....with a week old hard drive.
    Everything was going great, computer was running faster than ever for a few days and occasionally a page would crash or computer would become unresponsive every ten or so hours, nothing like before, so I thought 'this is normal, my computer is finally okay. Last night, the same problems from before came back. The pinwheel progressively appeared more, pages started crashing almost every load, it took 10-15 min for my computer to start up and for the apps to show up, buttons (their text) on the top right of the screen and on finder are completely gone...again, the app store doesn't load and just produces a grey screen, etc, etc. My computer is fast for about half an hour, then just becomes completely unresponsive again and I have to manually power it down.
    Chrome also loses all my log-ins every time the computer gets turned off, despite my settings being set to 'remember me' and in the past never having this problem.
    tl;dr my computer has been 'repaired' three separate times in the last two weeks with three different solutions and is still at times completely unusable, crashing, buttons vanishing, etc. Worst computer ever. What is the issue?

    When you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • New update on my iTunes 8.2 computer. Sync my iPads on the computer missing playlist on my computer ??? Need help. Worst update ever   

    new update on my iTunes 8.2 computer. Sync my iPads on the computer missing playlist on my computer ??? Need help. Worst update ever   

    Hello there, dancingteacher.
    Removing and re-installing iTunes can be a challenging endeavor and has to be done in a very particular way. The following Knowledge Base article provides a clear, step-by-step process of removing iTunes:
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    The "Additional Troubleshooting" section also includes a link to updates and conflicts with software for your Windows Operating System as well.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Bbz10 worst phone ever built.

    How do I send an email to black berry to complain about the shocking products.

    i too feel its the worst phone ever..i have used all the brands of phone...range starting from as FLY, sony, samsung, nokia and iphone....this is the only brand i had nt used...so i bought it with huge expectation...although withing 45 days of buying the phone...the phone conked...it was restarting itself and then permanently dead...wasnt going ahead of 23% of loading......so had to wait another 45 days to get replacement [so called new phone]and now again on 6th march,2015, i have given the phone to service center..service promises to call back on same day to inform, which they never do...next day when i called,came to know again hardware issue...and again will get phone replacement...now i dont wont Z10 at all....now phone is in warranty they will replace it but what about later...if i buy a new phone...i assume for atleast 2 years the phone shouldnt have problem...if i have ti visit service center ervery 45 days or 6 months after getting replacement phones then what is the point of buying new phone???worst part when i wnet first time, i was never informed by service center that we can get standby phone...45 days without office mails...this time they gave me BB curve, again first trackball wasnt working...and the again another phone was given in which i was told i cant download any apps...and worst again no mails...i though BB was known as business phone so that we can be connected 24X7 with mails....but with such kind of phones where we cant download anything cant use mail or hotspot how will we work????really disappointed with BB

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