1080p System Requirements

I have one of these new Panasonic cameras that films in 1080p at 50fps. Great, plays on the TV nicely and to get it on the Mac, I use Rewrap2M4V. To edit the stuff, I had been opening those files directly in iMovie 06 and editing on a 720p25 timeline which works pretty well - Slightly annoying that FCE 3.5 (which I have) doesn't have a similar frame rate, only 30fps for 720p.
Suddenly I've discovered the App Store and iMovie 11 for just £8 - Am giving it a go as I've heard good reviews, but have never really gotten on with 08 or 09 - So far so good, and I can use MPEG Streamclip to transcode to AIC at 720p50 which IM 11 will accept.
And so, my question .........
My computer is a 4 year old iMac, with an Intel Core Duo at 1.83Mhz. Not great, but still holding its own. It plays 720p50 perfectly well in AIC. For sure, as I expected, the m4v files at 1080p50 are just too much for it, the video is not too bad, a bit jerky, and the sound stutters. But its not that bad. It makes me think that I wouldn't need much of an upgrade to play full quality 1080p at the full 50fps and yet those in the know seem to suggest i7 processors and quad core at that.
Does anyone have any experience of playing this 'slightly higher than AVCHD' top spec video on anything less than a quad core ?? i5 or even i3 perhaps ?? Does it work fluidly for viewing and editing ?

And the answer is .............
Followed AppleMan's advice, having found myself in an Apple Store just the other day without a file I could test annoyingly. Made a special trip in today with 2 files - First a native 1080p50 mts file straight from the camcorder, and second a m4v repackaging of the same file.
On my computer (an old Core Duo) the mts file isn't recognised by anything other than Movist, which gives it a good go, but the frame rate is quite stuttering. The m4v file again produces the same result but at least it can be imported into iMovie 06 or 11 where it is converted to an AIC file which plays fine.
In the Apple Store, tried the files on a MacBook Pro i5 and was pleasantly surprised that both files played very fluidly. No problems. So, trying my luck, stepped next door to an iMac i3 and again the files played with maybe a hint of dropped frames. Still very watchable, and with Movist, looking at the achieved frame rate, I was getting 48 - 50fps average for the 50fps footage, so it was easy to work with and difficult to understand why the camcorder box suggests a Quad Core i7 processor.
At present I am transcoding everything into AIC as my computer just can't cope with the high compression with 1080p50, but if my tests are to be believed, I could by an i5 iMac and with a simple repackaging to m4v, I should be able to work with the basic files in iMovie at full quality.
I did find that the m4v files had no sound, and I assume this is to do with the need for Perian when using Alan's Rewrap2m4v script. I thought this was just for the conversion, but obviously it needs Perian for the audio play back

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    Good luck & happy computing!

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      Application Version:
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      Fault Module Name: BMDCOD~4.DLL
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    Welcome to the forum.
    As mentioned, all things MPEG-2 are disabled in the trial. Now, if you have MJPEG, this ARTICLE might, or might not, be of help. Even with the correct MJPEG CODEC installed, the limitation with MPEG might eliminate editing MJPEG too.
    Good luck, and remember to fully test CS5, Adobe offers a full, 30-day money-back guarantee. Once you buy it, if you do not like it, just return it within 30 days, and you get your $ back.

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    MSDN subscription licenses for SharePoint aren't, as far as i know, for use as production devices. This means that whilst you can use it for testing and development you can't use that license for the SharePoint server that you'll all be using.
    As such I think you will need to buy a SharePoint 2013 server license. The same goes for SQL, Windows etc.
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    2) Possibly. As long as Amazon can host a domain for you it should be possible.
    3) Pass. Microsoft prefer you to use Azure and most of my training and experience is with that.
    4) High. 4 cores, 24GB of RAM minimum.
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    Thank you.

    1 and 2 is possible
    3 is not
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    2.33GHz Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon® 64 2800+, or faster processor
    Microsoft® Windows® XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with  Service Pack 3; Windows Server® 2003 or 2008; Windows Vista® Home  Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (including 64-bit editions)  with Service Pack 2; or Windows 7
    512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
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               Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
           System Model: Compaq Presario CQ60 Notebook PC
                   BIOS: PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.1    
              Processor: AMD Athlon Dual-Core QL-65 (2 CPUs), ~2.1GHz
                 Memory: 2814MB RAM
              Page File: 1858MB used, 3993MB available
            Windows Dir: C:\Windows
        DirectX Version: DirectX 10
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
         DxDiag Version: 6.00.6001.18000 32bit Unicode
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    Yes- I've had some lower price pc's using an Adobe AIR app and can tell the difference.
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    These computers are under 2.0 GHz and the app seems to freeze up on occassion or run slower.

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    my laptop:
    Win 7 64 bits
    Intel Core 2 Duo CPU  
    P7450 2.13 GHz
    4 Go RAM
    ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series
    Could you please tell me your opinion?
    thanks a lot

    The graphics card will work for normal OpenGL acceleration, but not anything else. Anything with CUDA will require an NVidia card. Read the system specs here and here. What's not listed there, is not supported for GPU accelerated raytracing or Mercury Playback. It's that simple. All that aside, it's simply not gonna be fun to run eitehr of the programs on your system. The processor is just weak and 4GB is not much on a 64bit system.

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    I don't want to try a newer version and then have a hard fishing of the earlier version which works.

    Just change the version number of following links
    like this
    * http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/3.6/system-requirements/
    * http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/7.0/system-requirements/
    * http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/5.0/system-requirements/
    * http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/8.0/system-requirements/

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    Hi there
    I got the following message when trying to install Photoshop CC, "You are running an operating system that Photoshop no longer supports. Refer to the system requirements for a full list of supported platforms."
    I use Windows Vista so not sure what I need to do now! Any help would be much appreciated thanks.

    Photoshop CC only runs on Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. Not Vista.
    System requirements | Photoshop

  • Final Cut Studio 2 Minimum System Requirements

    Help me Obi Wan Kenobi....You're my only hope
    I own a Dual 867 MHz Power PC G4 with 1.25 GB of ram and want to purchase Final Cut Studio 2, OS X v10.5 Leopard and Adobe Photoshop CS3. I know Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Leopard are compatible, However what concerns me is Final Cut Studio 2. These are the Minimum System Requirements stated [A Mac computer with a 1.25GHz or faster PowerPC G4 or G5, Intel Core Duo, Intel Core 2 Duo, or Intel Xeon processor] So my question is would Final Cut Studio 2 work efficiently or even at all on my computer? My thinking is with collectively 1734 GHz power it should work, But i could also be delusional. I really would hate to end of buying it only to find put it won't work.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    If you're LUCKY, you might find a replacement processor card for your MDD Powermac G4 - (ideally dual 1.42GHz) - maybe eBay? - maybe from a Mac "breakers yard"? or someone selling off parts from a blown motherboard example?
    It's a drop-in replacement, assuming you're OK with a screwdriver and replacement thermal paste.
    Edit: Hey! There you go:
    (Actually, you might be better putting that money towards a MUCH better Mac.)

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    Hello everyone,
    I have this Windows 8.1 tablet/laptop kind of thing in my hands. I have been asked to have a copy of PS. I actually was asked to directly just pirate it, but a 3-4 month subscription didn't look much expensive to me, so I won't. I either will buy it or won't have it at all, depending on the answer to this question:
    Can this device handle PS CC?
    Intel Core i5-3337U CPU
    1.80 GHz (4 CPUs)
    Windows 8.1 OS
    4096 MB of RAM
    DDR3 at 1600 MHz
    128 GB of disk space
    SSD through SATA2
    ~40 GB free
    1920 x 1080 display
    Intel HD Graphics 4000
    Integrated & Shared
    This is what I'm worried about the most
    For full list of disclosed specs: http://www.samsung.com/us/computer/pcs/XE700T1C-K01US#key-specs
    Now the System Requirements page for PS CC: https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/tech-specs.html
    Are the specifications of the device I have are good enough? Specifically on the aspects of Processor and the GPU, which I don't have any at all in reality...
    I can always try the product before buying it, but I wanted to ask about it before even trying it.

    4 GB is the absolute minmum to launch Photoshop, 8 GB the minimum to run it well.
    You cannot underestimate the HUGE importance of having enough available contiguous scratch disk space, as well as enough HS space for the swap files of the OS.
    The rule of thumb I follow to figure out scratch space says to figure on 50 to 100 times the size of your largest file ever multiplied by the number of files you have open.  I have seen the scratch file exceed 800 GB once, an admittedly rare occurrence, but it often exceeds 200 GB when stitching large panoramas and the like.
    As an example—and stressing that I'm aware that others have even more scratch space than I do—I keep two dedicated, physically separate hard drives as my primary and secondary Photoshop scratch disks and a lot of GB free on my boot drive for the OS.  I also have 16 GB of RAM installed.
    Additionally, if you only have a single HD, i.e. your boot drive, you'd need it to be large enough to accommodate both the swap files of the OS as well as Photoshop's scratch.

Maybe you are looking for