fails on win 2008 - inst-07407: Unable to detect ... jvm bits

Hi I am trying to patch my win2008 server (64 bit) from to
During the first try I got an error like 'cannot install using a 32-bit jvm' event though there was a 64 bit JVM on the machine in the PATh and JAVA_HOME.
So I decided to uninstall the 32-bit JVM.
Since then I get the error
INST-07407: Unable to detect machine platform or JVM bits
I added a Jrockit JVM to the system, no change.
Any idea where OBIEE is searching for the JVM? My environment shall be properly set to the 64 bit JVM.
Edited by: knherzog on 16.06.2011 06:36

I hit the same error. It's JDK related.
The following jdk was already installed on the server:
$ java -version
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0-b09, mixed mode)
I installed Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2
I tried to install Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer and hit that error.
I uninstalled Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2
I installed the following jdk (a support version!):
$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)
I re-installed Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2
I then installed Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer and it was successful.

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    Action ended 11:01:31: InstallExecute. Return value 3.
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    MSI (s) (80:20) [11:01:31:967]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
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    Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin\)
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    UninstallDpmFilter: Deleting ForceFixupRegKey best effort.
    InstallComponent return code = 0x00000000
    UninstallDpmFilter return code = 0x0

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    2CAC 16F4 12/22 07:01:29.331 10 main.cpp(144)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x00000000] DetectDPM: completed
    2CAC 3350 12/22 07:01:31.795 10 main.cpp(2427)   NORMAL CreateDPMRAService started
    2CAC 3350 12/22 07:01:31.795 10 main.cpp(2323)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070424] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : (HANDLE)(schService = OpenServiceW( schSCManager, strServiceName.PeekStr(), (0x00010000L) | 0x0020
    | 0x0004 | 0x0002))
    2CAC 3350 12/22 07:01:31.795 10 main.cpp(2336)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070424] DeleteServiceByName for service[DPMRA] failed
    2CAC 2B78 12/22 07:01:31.811 10 main.cpp(3586)   WARNING Failure in getting members of local group DPMRATrustedMachinesGroup
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    2CAC 2068 12/22 07:01:31.920 10 main.cpp(1172)   NORMAL Hr: = [0x00000000] SecUtils::GetMachineOrAccountSid domain.local\SYSCTR01 returned
    2CAC 2068 12/22 07:01:31.936 10 main.cpp(3517)   NORMAL The Distributed COM Users group name = [Distributed COM Users]
    2CAC 1EF4 12/22 07:01:31.951 10 setupdpmfltr.cpp(857)   NORMAL dpmfltr driver path [C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dpmfilter.sys]
    2CAC 1EF4 12/22 07:01:31.951 10 setupdpmfltr.cpp(981)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())
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    2CAC 1EF4 12/22 07:01:31.951 10 setupdpmfltr.cpp(874)   NORMAL dpmfltr is not present
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    2CAC 27E0 12/22 07:01:31.967 10 setupdpmfltr.cpp(597)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x800706f7] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())
    2CAC 27E0 12/22 07:01:31.967 10 setupdpmfltr.cpp(611)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x800706f7] Dpmfilter AddCatalog failed
    2CAC 3048 12/22 07:01:31.983 10 setupdpmfltr.cpp(753)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x800706f7] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())
    2CAC 3048 12/22 07:01:31.983 10 setupdpmfltr.cpp(762)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x800706f7] Dpmfilter RemoveCatalog failed
    2CAC 2518 12/22 07:01:31.983 03 miscellaneousutils.cpp(587)   WARNING Couldn't delete the Reg Key "ForceFixup"
    2CAC 2518 12/22 07:01:31.983 03 miscellaneousutils.cpp(583)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : reg.DeleteValue(L"ForceFixup")
    2CAC 313C 12/22 07:01:32.029 10 main.cpp(1951)   WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070426] StopService failed for service[DPMRA] and returned

  • Oracle Forms on Win 7 64-bit  JVM bits error

    Trying to install Oracle Forms on Win 7 64-bit and keep getting INST-07407: Unable to detect machine platform or JVM Bits.
    I read somewhere where having spaces in the JDK install path causes problems so I changed the path to c:\oracle\java instead of C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_24. I do have a 64-bit JDK installed. What else could be causing this error message? Opening an Oracle service request has been zero help - hoping for help here. I have set JAVA_HOME and added the java home to the end of PATH. I can start and stop the weblogic server at middleware home C:\Oracle\middleware_oraforms.
    c:\Oracle\Java\bin>java -version
    java version "1.6.0_24"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode)
    c:\Oracle\Java\bin>echo %JAVA_HOME%
    c:\Oracle\Java\bin>echo %PATH%
    rogram Files (x86)\AMD APP\bin\x86_64;C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\bin\x86;C:\
    PowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\
    Program Files (x86)\WinMerge;C:\Program Files (x86)\Rational\common;C:\Program F
    iles (x86)\Hummingbird\Connectivity\11.00\Accessories\;;C:\Program Files (x86)\R
    ational\ClearCase\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn
    \VSShell\Common7\IDE\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn
    \;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\M
    icrosoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;*C:\Oracle\java*
    ProgramGroupName=BEA WebLogic Platform 10.3 (Integrated Build)

    First, there is no need to relocate the system jdk. Part of your problem is more likely the result of a known limitation which is caused by the System PATH and/or CLASSPATH containing special characters like the parenthesis in (x86). So, do the following:
    Before you start, be sure that your machine has a static IP address. If it does not, you will need to install the Windows loopback adapter. Read the Installation Guide and System Requirements for more details.
    1. Clean up from your failed installation attempts. Be sure to also remove the C:\bea folder assuming no other product is using WLS.
    2. Uninstall the 64bit jdk then reinstall it where you prefer it. I would recommend its default location.
    3. Open a Notepad session and leave it open as a holding place to paste the following information.
    4. Open the System properties. Computer > right mouse click > Properties > Advanced System Properties > Environment Variables
    5. Locate PATH in the system variables and cut all of the values to the clipboard and paste them in the Notepad session you just opened above. Save this information for later.
    6. In the PATH value, set it to the following, be sure that the path to the jdk is correct for your installation:
    <blockquote>%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_37\bin</blockquote>
    7. You will need the "generic" WLS download if you plan to run 64bit. This will be a jar file rather than an exe. Assuming you are using WLS 10.3.6, open a DOS window and start the installer as follows:
    <blockquote>java -jar C:\PathToJar\wls1036_generic.jar</blockquote>
    After you have completed the WLS installation and the FMw installation and configuration, you can reset your PATH back to the way you desire.

  • Unable to scan and install windows updates on Win 2008 R2 server

    I've encountered some of my win 2008 servers are unable to scan and receive windows updates from SCCM 2012. Browse through the logs and found some error code related to
    0x80244023. Excerpt from the WindowsUpdate and WUAHandler is as below. Searched the net and found some workaround which is to rename the registry key
    WinHTTPSettings to WinHTTPSettingsx (by adding x at the end of the string)
    under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Internet Settings -> Connections.
    I've did just that on the effected servers and after running again the Software Update Scan Cycle action, it is now able to scan and install the updates. My questions is, based on you guys experience, is there any repercussion (apart from enable to install
    software updates) that I could encounter in changing the registry key value WinHTTPSettings?
    <![LOG[Scan results will include all superseded updates.]LOG]!><time="04:04:40.982-480" date="09-20-2014" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="872" file="cwuahandler.cpp:2913">
    <![LOG[Search Criteria is (DeploymentAction=* AND Type='Software') OR (DeploymentAction=* AND Type='Driver')]LOG]!><time="04:04:40.982-480" date="09-20-2014" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1"
    thread="872" file="cwuahandler.cpp:2916">
    <![LOG[Async searching of updates using WUAgent started.]LOG]!><time="04:04:40.988-480" date="09-20-2014" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="872" file="cwuahandler.cpp:579">
    <![LOG[Async searching completed.]LOG]!><time="04:05:06.262-480" date="09-20-2014" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="8112" file="cwuahandler.cpp:2068">
    <![LOG[OnSearchComplete - Failed to end search job. Error = 0x80244023.]LOG]!><time="04:05:06.263-480" date="09-20-2014" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="3"
    thread="872" file="cwuahandler.cpp:3064">
    <![LOG[Scan failed with error = 0x80244023.]LOG]!><time="04:05:06.263-480" date="09-20-2014" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="3" thread="872" file="cwuahandler.cpp:3520">
    2014-09-20 06:04:03:506  552 634 PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
    2014-09-20 06:04:03:506  552 634 PT   + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =
    http://"SCCM Server":8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:166  552 634 PT WARNING:
    GetConfig failure, error = 0x80244023, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code = 504
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:166  552 634 PT WARNING:
    PTError: 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:166  552 634 PT WARNING:
    GetConfig_WithRecovery failed: 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:166  552 634 PT WARNING: RefreshConfig failed: 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:166  552 634 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:166  552 634 PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:166  552 634 PT WARNING: SyncServerUpdatesInternal failed: 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:166  552 634 Agent   * WARNING:
    Failed to synchronize, error = 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:170  552 634 Agent   * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:170  552 634 Agent *********
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:170  552 634 Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = CcmExec]
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:170  552 634 Agent *************
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:170  552 634 Agent WARNING:
    WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:171 5752 de4 COMAPI >>--  RESUMED  -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = CcmExec]
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:172 5752 de4 COMAPI   - Updates found = 0
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:172 5752 de4 COMAPI   - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000, Result code = 0x80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:172 5752 de4 COMAPI ---------
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:172 5752 de4 COMAPI --  END  --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = CcmExec]
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:172 5752 de4 COMAPI -------------
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:172 5752 de4 COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to earlier error, hr=80244023
    2014-09-20 06:04:25:172 5752 de4 COMAPI FATAL:
    Unable to complete asynchronous search. (hr=80244023)
    2014-09-20 06:04:30:171  552 634 Report REPORT EVENT: {37DD5321-4FD5-4024-9C84-1FB9C04D4A5A} 2014-09-20 06:04:25:169+0800 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80244023 CcmExec Failure Software
    Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x80244023.

    If SCCM is setup correctly and your boundaries are correct then once you deploy updates the agents will pick them up.
    Also make sure you SUP role has the FQDN set. Lastly if you are using port 8530 make sure it is open.
    Hope this helps. Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Macbook 2008 unable to detect the 4 gen iPod or iPad

    The macbook 2008 model is unable to detect iPod or iPad of 4th Generation.
    I am unable to upgrade the OS software and unable to install any new software. (.dmg)
    Help me.

    What OS on the computer?
    What version of iTunes?
    Why are you unable to upgrade your OS.

  • Doc to PDF conversion failed for Acrobat 9  on IIS7/win 2008 system

    I wanted to convert a doc to PDF. But getting error when PDF distiller initialized.
    Error : 006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~80080005
    at statement  : Set Obj = server.CreateObject("PdfDistiller.PdfDistiller.1")
    This is done is classic ASP.
    This works perfectly fine on IIS6/win 2003 with Acrobat 5 . but getting error on production server where IIS7/win 2008,Acrobat 9 is installed.
    I have added all the necessary permissions.
    What could be the problem?
    Any help would be appriciated.

    But the same thing is working fine for Acrobat distiller 5 on IIS 6 and Win 2003.
    With Acrobat 5,printer installed is called Acrobat Distiller and with Acrobat 9, printer installed is called Adobe PDF. This should not affect the distiller functionality/execution  I think.
    Manual Doc to PDF conversion works, means if document is passed to Adobe PDf it converts the doc to PDF.
    Somehow automation is not working failing at statement
    Set oDistiller = CreateObject("PDFDistiller.PDFDistiller.1")
    Could there be case that Acrobat 9 doesn't support automation or need license or so?

  • LMS 3.2 on Win 2008 Server - Web Server Issue

    I just installed LMS 3.2 on Windows 2008 Server Standart X64 and the CiscoWorks Web Server service does not start (Apache service is down but Tomcat up).
    All other services seem to be correctly started even if this is quit long.
    When I try to manually start the Apache Service with "pdexec Apache", i got :
    ERROR:Get reply from server failed:
    ERROR: Daemon Manager startup in progress. Please wait.
    When the deamon is up, the second line disapeared but apache is still not responding and of course, the URL is unreachable.
    This is a HP Proliant Server with 12Go RAM, is there a maximal size for the paging file ?
    I did not modify TMP and TEMP variable, should I have done it before the installation ?
    it appears to be some service startup issue on win 2008, is there bug fix or work around ?
    pdshow attached
    Thanks for your help, this is quit urgent.

    >>>  is there a maximal size for the paging file ?
    There's indeed a swap file issue with Win 2008. See the first reply in this thread for corrective action: https://supportforums.cisco.com/message/675893#675891
    Though it may not apply, because you've installed LMS 3.2 ok, since you seem to be aware of it, the TMP/TEMP variables do need to be shortened, as noted in this post: https://supportforums.cisco.com/message/677383#677383
    Is your Win 2008 Server running any Microsoft Service Packs? Because AFAIK Win 2008 SP2 is not yet supported, and no one seems to have any luck on it with LMS 3.2 yet.
    After LMS 3.2 is up and running, if you can't log in to the web GUI, you might be running into the CSCtb17186 bug, described in this post: https://supportforums.cisco.com/message/676256#676256

  • Silent Installation Adobe Acrobat 9 Win 2008 R2

    I have a problem with the silent installation of Adobe 9 under Win 2008 R2. I have created an admin installation with all hotfixes including 9.3.2 german.
    When I install. The installation fails with 1603. In the log i found the following errors:
    Property(S): UnsupportedOS_DotNet = The installation of [BrandName] on a 64-bit Windows operating system requires that you first install the following package from the location indicated below:
    - Package: Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 x64
    - Location: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=
    Property(S): HotFix64_Link = http://www.adobe.com/go/ms_kb930627
    Property(S): ADOBE_ACROBAT_DOCUMENT = Adobe Acrobat Document
    Property(S): UnsupportedOS_HotFix = Acrobat requires an update for this 64-Bit operating system.  The update can be found at http://www.adobe.com/go/ms_kb930627.  Please update your system and run setup again. Setup will now terminate.
    Both Hotfixes are not available under win 2008r2. Dotnet 3.5sp1 is already installed and the other hotfix is not for R2.
    What can I do?
    thanks in forward!

    Hi John,
    Acrobat 9.3.2 is certified for W2008R2

  • CF8 (64bit) on Win 2008 Ent - JRun crashes (503 err) when files copied

    We have recently upgraded some of these servers to Win 2008 with CF8 64 bit.  On these machines (especially when pushing CFCs over), the machine shows 503 errors until JRUN service is restarted.
    We are using a custom script that uses RoboCopy to push files to a number of servers in a web farm.  The script pushes code to both CF7 (Windows 2003) and CF8 (Windows 2003 and Windows 2008) servers.  There are no issues on any of the Windows 2003 servers.  After most deployments, the Windows 2008 servers start throwing 503 errors...
    There are no errors listed in the CF or JRUN logs -- or in the Windows Application, System, or Security logs.  The CF logs just 'stop'...
    The server is responsive from the console.  Jrun is not using an inordinate amount of memory (~300mb) and the processors are fine (~2%).
    The JVM being used is Sun (64bit) 1.6.0_13 (we also have one on 1.6.0_17 as a test); they all present the same issue. We are running CF 8.0.1 (no hotfixes installed).
    Has anyone had a similar problem?
    Any ideas would be appreciated...

    Some clarification...
    We have tried a number of things - but it looks like this happens most consistently when pushing updates of CFC files that are in heavy use.  A short bit after the updated file is copied to the server - connections start to fail and 503 errors are returned by the CF server.
    CF ADMIN still runs fine.
    I think there has to be something locking these files - something specific to Windows 2008; because we use the same deployment scripts on CF8 servers running Windows 2003 and there are no issues...
    Any ideas?

  • ORA-01017 with Managed Provider  Bug with ODP on Win 2008 R2?

    I'm experiencing some trouble with the manage provider and I can't seem to figure out what's causing the issue.
    At first, the Managed Provider seemed to be a drop in replacement for the Unmanaged Provider.  However, when we moved some code to our testing environments, the application started failing with a 'Logon Denied' error.
    Our dev machines are 64 bit Win 7 and our test machines are Win 2008 R2.  The DEV machines do not have any trouble connecting to the database with the identical connection string used in the test environment.  I can connect to the database using sql plus with the connection string used in the application.
    I'm at a loss on how to trouble shoot this.

    App does not run in share drive, runs on operating system D:drive (However, I do access the Win 2008 via Citrix Desktop)
    Removed the canned tags created by Visual Studio from app.config which removed the app.config error noted earlier,
    recompiled, and ran app from test directory with this app.config and then app failed with this trace file
    As reminder:
    No installation of Managed Driver, so machine config should be clear of managed driver settings.
    Used XCOPY version of .60 beta, keeping the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora copied from server Oracle Client > network > admin folder
    along with the three managed driver files in the test application folder.
    Not using transactional services.
    App is just simple test of managed driver calling list of tables with SELECT table_name FROM all_tab_cols and placing in List
    App environment is WPF .NET Classic 4.0
    OS is 64-bit Windows 2008R2
    From trace file, looks like YES as I submit the SID MYDB to the connection string builder and Managed Driver adds (as it should) the domain name .WORLD
    Also as reminder, this app works just fine with UNMANAGED driver compile in same environment.
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <section name="oracle.manageddataaccess.client" type="OracleInternal.Common.ODPMSectionHandler,Oracle.ManagedDataAccess" />
         <remove invariant="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" />
         <add name="ODP.NET,Managed Driver"  invariant="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client"   description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver"   type="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory,
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
       <version number="*">
           <setting name="TNS_ADMIN" value="D:\ME\testapp"/>
           <setting name="TraceFileLocation" value=" D:\ME\testapp"/>
           <setting name="TraceLevel" value="7" />
           <setting name="TraceOption" value="1"/>
      <version number="">
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.006660 TID:1   (CFG) (ENV)      Machine Name : Win2008Svr
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (ENV)      User Name : ME
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (ENV)      OS Version : Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (ENV)      64-bit OS : True
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (ENV)      64-bit Process : True
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (ENV)      .NET Runtime Version : 4.0.30319.1008
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (VER)      Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver Version :
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (.NET)     TraceOption : 1
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (.NET)     TraceFileLocation : D:\Me\testapp
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (.NET)     TNS_ADMIN : D:\Me\testapp
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.022285 TID:1   (CFG) (.NET)     TraceLevel : 7
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.037911 TID:1   (CFG) (SQLNET)   SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES : (NTS)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.037911 TID:1   (CFG) (SQLNET)   NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN : (WORLD)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.037911 TID:1   (CFG) (SQLNET)   mydb.world : (DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = MYDB)))
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.037911 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.053536 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.053536 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.069161 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnection.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.084786 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) ConnectionString.GetCS()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.084786 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) ConnectionString.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.100412 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) ConnectionString.Parse()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) ConnectionString.Parse()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) ConnectionString.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) ConnectionString.GetCS()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnection.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleCommand.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleCommand.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) OracleParameterCollection.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) OracleParameterCollection.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleParameterCollection.Clear()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleParameterCollection.Clear()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleParameterCollection.Add()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (SVC) (ENT) OracleParameter.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PRI) (SVC) (EXT) OracleParameter.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleParameter.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleParameter.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleParameterCollection.Add()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleParameterCollection.Add()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.116037 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleParameterCollection.Add()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.131662 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnection.Open() (conid=17792110) (state=Closed) (sessid=0) (implid=0) (oper=open)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.131662 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) OracleConnectionDispenser`3..cctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.131662 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) OracleConnectionDispenser`3..cctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.131662 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.147288 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) PoolManager`3.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.147288 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) PoolManager`3.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.147288 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) PoolManager`3.Initialize() (pmid=18437496) (txnctxid=18437496)  (constr=PERSIST SECURITY INFO=True;USER ID=ME;DATA SOURCE=MYDB.WORLD;)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.147288 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) ConnectionString.Secure()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.147288 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) ConnectionString.Secure()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.147288 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) PoolManager`3.Initialize() (pmid=18437496)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.147288 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.CTOR) (poolid:31719739) (OracleConnectionDispenser`3.GetPM)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.162913 TID:1   (PRI) (TUN) Tuning thread started.
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.162913 TID:1   (PRI) (TUN) OracleTuningAgent::Register(): Registered pool PERSIST SECURITY INFO=True;USER ID=ME;DATA SOURCE=MYDB.WORLD;PASSWORD=
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.162913 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) OraclePoolManager.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.178538 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) PoolManager`3.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.178538 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (ENT) PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.194164 TID:1   (PRI) (SVC) (ENT) OracleConnectionImpl.Connect() (oper=connect) (pmid=18437496) (sessid=-1) (implId=19162058) (intxn=False) (app=False) (dtc=False) (put=False)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.194164 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.CTOR) (poolid:1) (parentpoolid:31719739) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.241039 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:1)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.303541 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:2)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.303541 TID:1   (NET)      NS Handshake completed successfully
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.303541 TID:1   (NET)      Negotiated SDU size = 8192
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:3)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.GET) (poolid:31719739) (key:8192) (bufid:3) (count:0) (ConOraBufPool.Init)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.PUT) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:3) (count:1) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:4)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.GET) (poolid:31719739) (key:8192) (bufid:4) (count:0) (ConOraBufPool.Init)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.PUT) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:4) (count:2) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:5)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.GET) (poolid:31719739) (key:8192) (bufid:5) (count:0) (ConOraBufPool.Init)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.PUT) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:5) (count:3) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:6)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.GET) (poolid:31719739) (key:8192) (bufid:6) (count:0) (ConOraBufPool.Init)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.PUT) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:6) (count:4) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:7)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.GET) (poolid:31719739) (key:8192) (bufid:7) (count:0) (ConOraBufPool.Init)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.PUT) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:7) (count:5) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:8)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.GET) (poolid:31719739) (key:8192) (bufid:8) (count:0) (ConOraBufPool.Init)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.PUT) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:8) (count:6) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:9)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.GET) (poolid:31719739) (key:8192) (bufid:9) (count:0) (ConOraBufPool.Init)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.PUT) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:9) (count:7) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (ALLOCATION) (bufid:10)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.GET) (poolid:31719739) (key:8192) (bufid:10) (count:0) (ConOraBufPool.Init)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.PUT) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:10) (count:8) (OracleConnectionImpl.Connect)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.GET) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:10) (count:7) (OraBufWriter.Initialize)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.319166 TID:1   (PRI) (SVC) (ENT) OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.334791 TID:1   (PRI) (TTC) (ENT) TTCProtocolNegotiation.WriteMessage()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.334791 TID:1   (PRI) (TTC) (ENT) TTCMessage.WriteTTCCode()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.334791 TID:1   (PRI) (TTC) (EXT) TTCMessage.WriteTTCCode()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.334791 TID:1   (PRI) (TTC) (EXT) TTCProtocolNegotiation.WriteMessage()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.334791 TID:1   (PRI) (TTC) (ENT) TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.334791 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (COBP.GET) (poolid:1) (key:8192) (bufid:9) (count:6) (OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (TTC) (ERR) TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse() OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005):
       ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork()
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.Read(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.MarshallingEngine.UnmarshalUB1(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) OracleException.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) OracleError.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) OracleError.ctor()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (TTC) (EXT) TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (SVC) (ERR) OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation() Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005):
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005): ORA-03135: Connection lost contact --->
    System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork()
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.Read(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.MarshallingEngine.UnmarshalUB1(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(OracleTraceLevel level, OracleTraceTag tag, Exception ex)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (SVC) (EXT) OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) OracleConnectionImpl.Connect()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (SVC) (ERR) OracleConnectionImpl.Connect() Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005):
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005): ORA-03135: Connection lost contact --->
    System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork()
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.Read(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.MarshallingEngine.UnmarshalUB1(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(OracleTraceLevel level, OracleTraceTag tag, Exception ex)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.Connect(ConnectionString cs, Boolean bOpenEndUserSession)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) OracleConnectionImpl.Connect()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (SVC) (EXT) OracleConnectionImpl.Connect() (oper=connect) (pmid=18437496) (sessid=-1) (implId=19162058) (intxn=False) (app=False) (dtc=False) (put=False) (pooling=True)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PUB) (CP) (ERR) PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR() Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005):
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005): ORA-03135: Connection lost contact --->
    System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork()
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.Read(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.MarshallingEngine.UnmarshalUB1(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(OracleTraceLevel level, OracleTraceTag tag, Exception ex)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.Connect(ConnectionString cs, Boolean bOpenEndUserSession)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR(Int32 reqCount, Boolean bForPoolPopulation, ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR() (pmid=18437496) (total=0)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) PoolManager`3.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PUB) (CP) (ERR) PoolManager`3.Get() Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005):
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005): ORA-03135: Connection lost contact --->
    System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork()
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.Read(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.MarshallingEngine.UnmarshalUB1(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(OracleTraceLevel level, OracleTraceTag tag, Exception ex)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.Connect(ConnectionString cs, Boolean bOpenEndUserSession)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR(Int32 reqCount, Boolean bForPoolPopulation, ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.Get(ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) PoolManager`3.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) PoolManager`3.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) OraclePoolManager.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PUB) (CP) (ERR) OraclePoolManager.Get() Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005):
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005): ORA-03135: Connection lost contact --->
    System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork()
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.Read(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.MarshallingEngine.UnmarshalUB1(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(OracleTraceLevel level, OracleTraceTag tag, Exception ex)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.Connect(ConnectionString cs, Boolean bOpenEndUserSession)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR(Int32 reqCount, Boolean bForPoolPopulation, ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.Get(ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OraclePoolManager.Get(ConnectionString csWithNewPassword)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) OraclePoolManager.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) OraclePoolManager.Get() (pmid=18437496)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.366042 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PUB) (CP) (ERR) OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get() Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005):
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005): ORA-03135:
    Connection lost contact ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork()
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.Read(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.MarshallingEngine.UnmarshalUB1(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(OracleTraceLevel level, OracleTraceTag tag, Exception ex)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.Connect(ConnectionString cs, Boolean bOpenEndUserSession)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR(Int32 reqCount, Boolean bForPoolPopulation, ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.Get(ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OraclePoolManager.Get(ConnectionString csWithNewPassword)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get(ConnectionString cs, PM conPM, ConnectionString pmCS, SecureString securedPassword, SecureString securedProxyPassword)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PRI) (CP) (EXT) OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) OracleConnection.Open()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PUB) (ERR) OracleConnection.Open() Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005):
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005):
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.Network.ReaderStream.Read(OraBuf OB)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.GetDataFromNetwork()
       at OracleInternal.TTC.OraBufReader.Read(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.MarshallingEngine.UnmarshalUB1(Boolean bIgnoreData)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(OracleTraceLevel level, OracleTraceTag tag, Exception ex)
       at OracleInternal.TTC.TTCProtocolNegotiation.ReadResponse()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.DoProtocolNegotiation()
       at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.Connect(ConnectionString cs, Boolean bOpenEndUserSession)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR(Int32 reqCount, Boolean bForPoolPopulation, ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.Get(ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OraclePoolManager.Get(ConnectionString csWithNewPassword)
       at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get(ConnectionString cs, PM conPM, ConnectionString pmCS, SecureString securedPassword, SecureString securedProxyPassword)
       at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) OracleConnection.Open()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnection.Open() (conid=17792110) (state=Closed) (sessid=0) (implid=0) (oper=open)
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleCommand.Dispose()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleCommand.Dispose()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnection.Dispose()
    2013-07-22 11:08:32.381667 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnection.Dispose()

  • Planning on win 2008 R2 64 bit

    hi Planning experts,
    I need you suggestion,
    I am trying to install Planning (x64) on Win 2008 R2 (x64) but getting error mentioned here for your reference, Please help.
    Checking if the file exist and have read permissions: C:\Users\admin... Ok
    User home have to exist for successful installation.
    Checking User Account Control (UAC) state...
    User Account Control is enabled. Installation may lead to unpredictable results
    and thus will be stopped.
    EPMINS-01001: One or more preinstallation checks failed. Correct the errors befo
    re continuing with the installation.

    Great Help.
    in fact i already tried earlier but not good interface.
    It always shows Turn ON UAC. I mean no option to turn off; May be new to 2008 R2

  • Weblogic Win 7 Win 2008 serv Down Server issue

    I have now gone through the process of installing BAM/Weblogic Soa suite on 4 machines 1 (win 2008 r2 8 gig virt ) 1 (win 7 8 gig physical) 2 (win 2003 4 gig virtuals)
    On both win 7 and win 2008 My SO-servers are always down in enterprise manager and are displaying strange issues and are not working properly etc etc
    on both Win 2003 servers all is good so far
    My log differences between working and non working is as follows (it is the same in both > 2003 machines)
    I have followed install instructions from "getting started with Oracle BPM suite 11gr1 to the letter. Can anybody point me in the right direction before I have to downgrade my powerful dev servers to 2003
    Thanks in advance
    ####<20/01/2011 12:56:02 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <B1KNOXD0219> <soa_server1> <MDSPollingThread-[soa-infra, jdbc/mds/MDS_LocalTxDataSource]> <<anonymous>> <> <784b23fd73baa658:6c029fc9:12da115cf0b:-7fff-0000000000000029> <1295488562407> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "mds-soa", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    ####<20/01/2011 12:56:02 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <B1KNOXD0219> <soa_server1> <FabricScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread> <<anonymous>> <> <784b23fd73baa658:6c029fc9:12da115cf0b:-7fff-000000000000001f> <1295488562844> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "SOALocalTxDataSource", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    ####<20/01/2011 12:56:15 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <B1KNOXD0219> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <BEA1-0ACE3227F0A9B56A0C4D> <784b23fd73baa658:6c029fc9:12da115cf0b:-7fff-0000000000000044> <1295488575281> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "OraSDPMDataSource", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    ####<20/01/2011 12:56:20 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <B1KNOXD0219> <soa_server1> <weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@3a1a025> <<anonymous>> <BEA1-0AE33227F0A9B56A0C4D> <784b23fd73baa658:6c029fc9:12da115cf0b:-7fff-000000000000001b> <1295488580687> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "SOADataSource", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    ####<20/01/2011 12:56:26 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <B1KNOXD0219> <soa_server1> <MDSPollingThread-[owsm, jdbc/mds/owsm]> <<anonymous>> <> <784b23fd73baa658:6c029fc9:12da115cf0b:-7fff-0000000000000021> <1295488586359> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "mds-owsm", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    ####<20/01/2011 12:56:56 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <B1KNOXD0219> <soa_server1> <MDSPollingThread-[owsm, jdbc/mds/owsm]> <<anonymous>> <> <784b23fd73baa658:6c029fc9:12da115cf0b:-7fff-0000000000000021> <1295488616389> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "mds-owsm", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    ####<20/01/2011 1:00:04 PM EST> <Warning> <RMI> <B1KNOXD0219> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <784b23fd73baa658:-332ffd3a:12da115b71e:-8000-0000000000000063> <1295488804241> <BEA-080003> <RuntimeException thrown by rmi server: javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.invoke(Ljavax.management.ObjectName;Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.rmi.MarshalledObject;[Ljava.lang.String;Ljavax.security.auth.Subject;)
    javax.management.RuntimeErrorException: java.lang.Error: IP Helper Library GetIfTable function failed.
    javax.management.RuntimeErrorException: java.lang.Error: IP Helper Library GetIfTable function failed
         at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.rethrow(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:858)
         at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.rethrowMaybeMBeanException(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:869)
         at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.invoke(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:838)
         at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.invoke(JmxMBeanServer.java:761)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$16.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:449)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.invoke(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:447)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXContextInterceptor.invoke(JMXContextInterceptor.java:268)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$16.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:449)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.invoke(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:447)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.SecurityInterceptor.invoke(SecurityInterceptor.java:444)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServer.invoke(WLSMBeanServer.java:323)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder$11$1.run(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:663)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder$11.run(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:661)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.invoke(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:654)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.doOperation(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1426)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.access$200(RMIConnectionImpl.java:72)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl$PrivilegedOperation.run(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1264)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.doPrivilegedOperation(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1366)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.invoke(RMIConnectionImpl.java:788)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(BasicServerRef.java:590)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$1.run(BasicServerRef.java:478)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:147)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(BasicServerRef.java:473)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.wls.WLSExecuteRequest.run(WLSExecuteRequest.java:119)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
    Caused By: java.lang.Error: IP Helper Library GetIfTable function failed
         at java.net.NetworkInterface.getAll(Native Method)
         at java.net.NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(NetworkInterface.java:282)
         at oracle.dms.util.NetUtil.<clinit>(NetUtil.java:56)
         at oracle.dms.table.RowSupport.castValueType(RowSupport.java:337)
         at oracle.dms.table.RowSupport.updateValue(RowSupport.java:297)
         at oracle.dms.impl.producer.J2EETableSource.updateValue(J2EETableSource.java:288)
         at oracle.dms.impl.producer.J2EETableSource.updateRow(J2EETableSource.java:214)
         at oracle.dms.impl.producer.J2EETableSource.getTable(J2EETableSource.java:144)
         at oracle.dms.table.MultiTableSource.getTable(MultiTableSource.java:107)
         at oracle.dms.table.TableSource.getTables(TableSource.java:224)
         at oracle.dms.aggregator.Storage.getTables(Storage.java:642)
         at oracle.dms.aggregator.Storage._getTables(Storage.java:517)
         at oracle.dms.aggregator.Storage.getTables(Storage.java:392)
         at oracle.dms.table.TableSource.getTableGroup(TableSource.java:238)
         at oracle.dms.jmx.app.ServerAggreMBeanImpl.getTableGroup(ServerAggreMBeanImpl.java:206)
         at oracle.dms.jmx.app.ServerAggreMBeanWrapper.invokeOperation(ServerAggreMBeanWrapper.java:94)
         at oracle.dms.jmx.app.ServerAggreMBeanWrapper.invoke(ServerAggreMBeanWrapper.java:71)
         at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.invoke(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:836)
         at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.invoke(JmxMBeanServer.java:761)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$16.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:449)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.invoke(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:447)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXContextInterceptor.invoke(JMXContextInterceptor.java:268)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$16.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:449)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.invoke(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:447)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.SecurityInterceptor.invoke(SecurityInterceptor.java:444)
         at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServer.invoke(WLSMBeanServer.java:323)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder$11$1.run(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:663)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder$11.run(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:661)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
         at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.invoke(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:654)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.doOperation(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1426)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.access$200(RMIConnectionImpl.java:72)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl$PrivilegedOperation.run(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1264)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.doPrivilegedOperation(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1366)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.invoke(RMIConnectionImpl.java:788)
         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(BasicServerRef.java:589)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$1.run(BasicServerRef.java:477)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:147)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(BasicServerRef.java:473)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.wls.WLSExecuteRequest.run(WLSExecuteRequest.java:118)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)

    Could you please paste the full error message here or share a screenshot with us so we can better know what happened?
    Regarding to "Sens Server error messge", I think it might be related to Sens Service (System Event Notification Service), so when you're able to logon to the PC, run "services.msc", then scroll down to "System Event Notification Service", make sure it is
    started, and startup type is set to "Automatic".
    Please also refer to this KB, and check if it is helpful for this issue.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • LDAP Corporate Directory lookup won't work on Win 2008 64-bit

    I just spent like 20 hours chasing this problem so I thought I'd post the solution here.
    We host the IP Phone Corporate Directory on a Win 2003 web server and it works fine, but failed when we tried to move it to a Win 2008 server.
    When the multidirectory.asp or localizeddirectory.asp script is run, it fails on this line:
    var s = new ActiveXObject("LDAPSearch.LDAPSearchList");
    If you try to access the service from a browser like this:  http://myserver/CiscoIPServices/ASP/localizeddirectory/localizeddirectory.asp you'll get an error something like this:
    XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
    Location: http://myserver/CiscoIPServices/ASP/localizeddirectory/localizeddirectory.asp
    Line Number 1, Column 26:
    View the page source and you'll see something like this:
    <font face="Arial" size=2>
    <p>Microsoft JScript runtime </font> <font face="Arial" size=2>error '800a01ad'</font>
    <font face="Arial" size=2>Automation server can't create object</font>
    <font face="Arial" size=2>/CiscoIPServices/ASP/localizeddirectory/localizeddirectory.asp</font><font face="Arial" size=2>, line 51</font>
    If you configure IIS to send detailed error messages to the browser, disable user-friendly error messages on your browser, and change
    Response.ContentType from "text/xml" to "text/html" in the ASP script, you'll see the REAL error:
    Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a01ad'
    Automation server can't create object
    /CiscoIPServices/ASP/localizeddirectory/localizeddirectory.asp, line 51
    Microsoft provides this, which is may be of help for some issues, but not this one:
    This '800a01ad' error is discussed in quite a few other posts on this forum (search for LDAP COM, or COM ERROR, or LDAPSEARCH) but I could not find anything about win 2008.
    In the end I discovered the problem is that the Cisco DLL (LDAPSearch.dll) is 32-bit but Win 2008 is running in 64-bit mode.  To fix it:
    Run Server Manager
    Navigate to IIS manager --> Application Pools --> DefaultAppPool
    Edit Advanced Settings
    Change "Enable 32-bit applications" to True
    I hope this helps someone!

    timbo66, you're really great guy: you've saved my brain from explosion
    Thanks a lot! You solution really works!

  • DSC error while pushing to win 2008 r2 node

    I'm starting to "play" with Powershell DSC. 
    Right now I'm testing the push mode: I created a basic configuration with a few resources to test (file, script, package, etc.). Push to a win 2012 R2 node is working without any problem. Push to a win 2008 r2 node gives me the error:
    The connection to the specified remote host was refused. Verify that the WS-Management service is running on the remote host and configured to listen for requests on the correct port and HTTP URL.
        + CategoryInfo          : ResourceBusy: (root/Microsoft/...gurationManager:String) [], CimException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80338112
        + PSComputerName        : servername
    Node is win 2008 r2, all updates, wmf 4.0. "Enter-PSSession" is working, WinRS is working.
    I'm not sure what to look for so any help would be appreciated.

    No error on the remote node.
    On the server I have those errors in Windows Remote Management:
    The WinRM protocol operation failed due to the following error: The connection to the specified remote host was refused. Verify that the WS-Management service is running on the remote host and configured to listen for requests on the correct port and HTTP
    WSMan operation Get failed, error code 2150859026
    I also noticed this informational event:
    WSMan operation Invoke started with resourceUri
    Does it means the remote node needs to access this URL?
    That is a good question.  Many schema reesources are located locally so they do not need to be retrieved.
    THat is pretty explicit.  Are you on a different subnet?  Is the firewall open for all remote management and WinRM
    Are you going through a proxy?  Are you using an netbios name or an FQDN.  Note that an IP address might not work here.
    Yes, server and node are on a different subnet, but in the same domain. network firewall is temporary wide open between the 2 servers. There is no internal proxy, however external access uses one. I'm using the FQDN.
    For the record here is the MOF file for the node (some info obfuscated):
    @GenerationDate=11/27/2014 11:00:14
    instance of MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration as $MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration1ref
    ResourceID = "[File]FirstTest";
     Ensure = "Present";
     Contents = "This is a Test";
     DestinationPath = "c:\\temp\\FirstTest\\File.txt";
     ModuleName = "PSDesiredStateConfiguration";
     SourceInfo = "C:\\DSC\\firsttest.ps1::6::3::File";
     ModuleVersion = "1.0";
    instance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument
     GenerationDate="11/27/2014 11:00:14";

  • Problem with installing R12  with Win 2008 (Rapidwiz

    I could really use someones help.
    I did a download recently of Oracle Financials R12 for windows (I'm using WIN 2008 server) which contained version Rapidwiz. I was unable to get it to work as individual DVD's which is fine, I build the staging area and had better results.
    The first error I encountered was the release contained JRE 1.6 but the install referenced 1.5. I took a suggestion that I saw to copy the directory and rename it which worked just fine.
    The next error I encountered came during the database install. There was some problem with the database service. It sounds similar to a problem discussed about just the database not related to Oracle Financials but the "fix" to just start the database doesn't seem to apply.
    Below is the Rapidwiz log. The warning first mentioned is to check to be sure that the Administrator user being used in the install belongs to the administrator user group which of course it does.
    I've brought to the top of the log, the error that I think is occurring. Please help me install, I'm trying to evaluate the software but having trouble with just the install is concerning.
    Brought up from log
    C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp>REM Set user to the ORA_DBA group
    C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp>NET LOCALGROUP ORA_DBA /ADD /COMMENT:"Members can connect to the Oracle database as a DBA without a password"
    C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp>NET LOCALGROUP ORA_DBA TOBEY\Administrator /ADD
    DIM-00019: create service error
    O/S-Error: (OS 1388) A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type.
    C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp>if 75 == 0 goto :INSTSRV_OK
    C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp>echo "Cannot install service for database ORACLE_HOME\n";
    "Cannot install service for database ORACLE_HOME\n";
    RW-50010: Error: - script has returned an error: 75
    RW-50004: Error code received when running external process. Check log file for details.
    Running Database Install Driver for VIS instance
    Rest of log available if it would help. Thanks!

    Thanks for the starting point.
    The user I am using for the install is Administrator and I confirmed using the NET command that Administrator is a member of the Administrators group and the Domain user group.
    C:\StageR12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>net user administrator
    User name Administrator
    Full Name
    Comment Built-in account for administering the computer/dom
    User's comment
    Country code 000 (System Default)
    Account active Yes
    Account expires Never
    Password last set 5/24/2011 6:31:40 PM
    Password expires 7/5/2011 6:31:40 PM
    Password changeable 5/25/2011 6:31:40 PM
    Password required Yes
    User may change password Yes
    Workstations allowed All
    Logon script
    User profile
    Home directory
    Last logon 6/1/2011 8:23:40 AM
    Logon hours allowed All
    Local Group Memberships Administrators       ora_dba
    Global Group memberships Domain Users         Schema Admins
    Enterprise Admins    Domain Admins
    *Group Policy Creator
    The command completed successfully.
    I still get the warning message about the user account but continue as other posts indicate.
    Still get get the error.
    The Oracle VIS VSS Writer Service service is starting.
    The Oracle VIS VSS Writer Service service was started successfully.
    Instance created.
    DIM-00019: create service error
    O/S-Error: (OS 1388) A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type.
    C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp>if 75 == 0 goto :INSTSRV_OK
    C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp>echo "Cannot install service for database ORACLE_HOME\n";
    "Cannot install service for database ORACLE_HOME\n";
    RW-50010: Error: - script has returned an error:75
    RW-50004: Error code received when running external process. Check log file for details.
    Running Database Install Driver for VIS instance
    instantiate file:
    I see that there is a version of Rapidwiz beyond my, is this required to get around this?
    Is there another cause of this error?
    Am I understanding the assignments to administrator correctly?

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