120 Gig IPOD Itunes erased all music on ipod multiple times.

I have had a 120 GIG Ipod for several years now with no problems whatsoever. Filled up about 80 gigs of music. Recently when putting more music on my Ipod, iTunes started to put the songs on slowly. I'm talking it would take 10 minutes to put a single song on, when before it would only take mere seconds. Then once the sync failed, and I eject the Ipod, every single thing on it was completely erased. This has happened more than once now, even when I restored the Ipod, it continues to occur. I find this truly ridiculous. I have seen many sites where something like this has happened and there are some solutions (IE auto sync check box, etc) and I assure you I have proper settings, manually managing my music etc, and there is no way at all period, that this should be happening. I am pretty close to just wailing this thing on the ground and never buying another Apple product, so can someone please help me out before that happens. Thank you in advance.

My guess would be that there is an area of the hard drive that is failing. The delay comes when iTunes tries to read back data that has been placed there. If it can't read the data reliably then at some point it will fall over. Here's how to check things out...
*Check your iPod with Diagnostics Mode*
It's possible that your iPod's hard drive has started to fail. Take your iPod and place your right thumb on the centre SELECT button and your left on the top MENU button. Press down both thumbs for about 6 seconds until your iPod reboots. Immediately move your left thumb around to the rewind button |<< on the left and hold this down together with SELECT for a further 6 seconds. Your iPod should now switch into Diagnostic Boot mode. Press MENU for *Manual Test*, then select *IO > HardDrive > HDSMARTData* to reveal your stats. For comparison here are mine for my 2 year old 6th Generation Classic:
Retracts: 889
Reallocs: 12
Pending Sectors: 0
PowerOn Hours: 2202
Start/Stops: 894
Temp: Current 24c
Temp: Min 10c
Temp: Max 50c
Take a note of your results. When finished press *SELECT & MENU* for 6 seconds to reset the iPod again.
With modern disc drives sectors are no longer marked bad by a disc scan, if the SMART firmware detects a sector it has trouble accessing it will attempt to invisibly reallocate it to a spare area of the disc.
Note that I've only 12 remapped sectors and none pending. To help explain what the numbers mean here is an extract from the Wikipedia S.M.A.R.T. article:
*Reallocated Sectors Count*
Count of reallocated sectors. When the hard drive finds a read/write/verification error, it marks this sector as "reallocated" and transfers data to a special reserved area (spare area). This process is also known as remapping, and "reallocated" sectors are called remaps. This is why, on modern hard disks, "bad blocks" cannot be found while testing the surface – all bad blocks are hidden in reallocated sectors. However, as the number of reallocated sectors increases, the read/write speed tends to decrease. The raw value normally represents a count of the number of bad sectors that have been found and remapped. Thus, the higher the attribute value, the more sectors the drive has had to reallocate.
*Pending sector count*
Number of "unstable" sectors (waiting to be remapped, because of read errors). If an unstable sector is subsequently written or read successfully, this value is decreased and the sector is not remapped. Read errors on a sector will not remap the sector (since it might be readable later); instead, the drive firmware remembers that the sector needs to be remapped, and remaps it the next time it's written.
Large numbers of Reallocs or Pending Sectors would suggest your drive is failing and that you may need to repair or replace your iPod. Check your stats after another attempt to update your iPod. If the numbers increase that again points to hard drive failure. While it won't be good news at least you'll know it isn't some random software problem and you can decide what to do next.
If your iPod is OK then this trick may help you get your data on to it.
*Break up large transfers*
In iTunes select the menu item *File... New Smart Playlist*. Change the first drop-down box to Playlist, the next to is and the next to Music or whatever playlist holds the bulk of the content you want on your device. Tick against *Limit to*, type in say 10, then change the drop-down to GB, and set the last drop-down to artist. When you click OK you can enter a name for the playlist, e.g. Transfer. Now sync this playlist to your iPod rather than your entire library. When the sync is complete modify the rule ( *File... Edit playlist* ) to increase the size by your chosen amount, then sync and repeat. You can experiment with different size increments, if it doesn't work just choose something a bit smaller until it works each time. Before long you should have all your music on your iPod. Once that's done you can move on to other media such as podcasts, videos, photos, playlists etc.

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    Security Software and Related Troubles
    http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3125          Basic Troubleshooting
    http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3297          Advance Troubleshooting
    http://support.apple.com/kb/ts1629          Ports List
    Check correct date, time, and timezone.
    Log in as administrative user account
    Verifiy iTunes updated
    Update Operating System “OS” (Ms Windows, Mac OSX)
    Update Modem / Router firmware
    Update security software (Antivirus, Firewall)
    Remove Outdated Security Software (Always restart afterwards)
    Remove Mobile Software not used anymore
    (Motorola, Android, Nokia, Sony, Blackberry)
    Add Apple programs to firewall permissions
    Allow Ports 80, 443, 3689, 5297, 5298, 5353, 8000-8999, and 42000-42999
    Permit Domains - apple.com , edgesuite.net , mzstatic.com
    Disable Security Software
    Remove Security Software (restart!)
    Delete “Hosts” file and restart, or edit and save.
    Check Browser Settings: Use SSL3, TLS1, Auto Detect, No Proxy Settings
    Reinstall itunes FOLLOWING ARTICLE while all security off / disabled or completely removed.

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    The ipod is not a backup/storage device.
    You need to copy everything from your old computer to your new one.
    The Apple store will do this for you,  you can call apple support and they will help you, you can use google.

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    hI, bella
    I also met this issue a few days ago and I finally find out how to transfer music from iPod to computer:
    1. Plug your iPod in and wait for the computer to recognize it.
    2. Open up 'My Computer' and under 'Devices With Removable Storage', double click and open apple iPod.
    3. Click on 'Tools' at the top of the window and drag down to 'Folder Options'.
    4. Under the 'View' tab, find the subfolder called 'Hidden files and folders'.
    5. Select the option 'Show hidden files and folders'.
    6. Click 'OK'.

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    Yes by:
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    However, you can make this computer the syncing computer by:
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    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    - Transfer other music by using a third-party program like one of those discussed here:
    Copy music
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    - After everything is on the computer connect the iPod to the computer and make a backupo by right clicking on the iPod under Devices in iTunes and select Back Up
    - Restore the iPod from that backup
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    You can only drag and drop if you have iTunes configured to manually manage music. With the iPod connected to the compute go to the Summary pane for the iPod and check the box under Options that says sync only checked songs and videos.

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    I didn't reply for a long time because the synchronisation randomly worked the next day. But now I'm trying to sync again and I'm having the same issue.
    So... iTunes tells me there's not enough space to synchronise. I have 25GB of music in my library, 20GB of which is on the device from my last sync. I want the 5GB of new music to be transferred onto the device. There's 18GB free space.
    As you suggested, I tried to unsync all music. When I unchecked 'sync music', the blue audio portion of the storage bar dropped to zero, but when I clicked 'Apply', it went through a syncing process in which the original blue audio section just reappeared.
    Now the 'sync music' box is unchecked, with 25GB of music still showing up on the usage bar and when I click 'sync', it tells me there's not enough free space (despite the grey portion of the usage bar reading 18GB). It says I need another 7GB, which would be about right if it was trying to add my full library to what's already on the device rather than just syncing the new stuff.

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    from what i understand, the procecess is similar on both mac and pc, so i'll try help you here. have you set your preferences to "automatically update all"?
    Yes i have.
    if this isn't working, maybe try moving one that you are certain is in the correct format, manually. import it from scratch to your itunes, and then copy it to the ipod.
    If i click 'import files' the only files it comes up with are text file. Should it be doing this?' So the only files i can import are written documents :/
    If i select 'add files' it dosnt add them to my libary at all.
    I tryed what you said, i deleted my movies then loaded one into my libary which i no is in the right format but it still said that it is unable to put into my ipod.
    Thanks for trying to help by the way :]

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