2 cursors issue

I have installed Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter on a physical server and now I have 2 cursors : one from the host's operating system (WS2012) and another one from my installation machine. Any ideas how could I fix this? Thank you! 

sorry I don't understand what you mean.
you said you installed server 2012 on a physical server - but then you say you have a cursor from the server and the installation machine?
what do you mean by installation machine?
Denis Cooper
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  • Windows 7 displays error message when exiting +cursor issue

    Two issues here. CS5 Phoshop on Wind 7 64 bit.
    Physical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 3073 MHz
    Built-in memory: 12279 MB
    Free memory: 9577 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 10934 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 80 %
    Image tile size: 128K
    First issue is since the latest automatic Adobe update (why fix what isn't broken?) Every time I now exit Photoshop I get the message "Adobe QT Server has stoped working" and occasionally it happens when I exit bridge. Indesign is also behaving badly. I can no longer start a previous document from file manager without ID crashing out.
    The other is the cursors in Clone and erase lose their edge (become invisable) for no reason - well not quite. Noise Ninja crashed Photoshop when I tried to use it. I reinstalled it and all is well. The cursor issue seems to be intermittant but came back (for no reason) after I reinstalled NN. I can't seem to change the cursor, no matter what I do. The problem is now seriously affecting how I work. Almost enough to go back to Win XP which ran CS5 Photoshop flawlessly.
    Any help will be gratefully accepted.

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    doug87510 wrote:
    The recent problem is the entire outline of the cursor (including the crosshair in the middle) was missing at any size of cursor. All I had was exactly what I'd get if I used a real spraygun.
    Well, that issue is simply a matter of hitting the Caps Lock key.  When Caps Lock is on, you'll see the cursor outline, and when it is off you'll see a crosshair.  That's a feature, not a bug.
    Glad to hear the 11.1 drivers are out.  I will download them and try them now myself.
    Regarding "Adobe QT" crashing...  QT brings to mind QuickTime, though that is Apple, not Adobe.  Do you have Apple QuickTime installed?
    Regarding memory usage, with 12 GB of installed RAM, you should be able to set Photoshop to use 90% or more in Edit - Preferences - Performance.

  • Different cursor issue in CS4 and Window7 x64 Ultimate....

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    I have built a few PCs and have been doing computers since the  early 80's. This is pissing me off! I've tried everything and done a lot of  research.
    I have Windows7, 64 bit Ultimate, with the latest updates. I have a  almost new MSI (Nvidia), 9800 GT graphics card and fancy dual monitors. Photoshop PS4 (version  11.01), and... what else? A PC that was not giving me issues (in  Photoshop), till I loaded Windows7!
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    I cannot get the 196.21 driver to install. Windows says I have the  latest.
    Now, I have read about people with partial cursor issues in PS, but nobody  with my problem. Such a pisser that you don't know if it is Nvidia,  Windows7 or Photoshop.
    Lastly, I tried turning off "Enable OpenGL drawing".

    The 3 cursor problem could by this advice supplied recently by dec9.  "You have your computer Display settings set higher then 100 DPI. Change it to 100 percent or lower."  That worked for the other poster.
    I have seen posts that stated user had to go in and "scrub" out the old drivers as an update was just not overwriting the old one completely.  Not a computer geek so hope this helps.

  • Mouse cursor issues (changes back to arrow)

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    I use the latest MacBook Pro 13-inch with Yosemite.
    Many thanks.

    Same problem.
    My setup:
    MBP running OS X 10.9
    Apple TV running 6.0 (6646.65)
    Samsung HD TV
    It's only happening when I have mirroring turned on (not extended desktop), and when I have the mirrored resolution set to match the TV. The TV has a larger viewing area than my Macbook Pro. My MBP screen resolution is set to "Scaled: Best for retina"
    This started happening after the update to Mavericks.
    This solved it for me: I had Air Display running in the background, and the new version of Air Display automatically tries to connect to devices when it's running. My iPad is out, and I think Air Display might have been trying to connect to it. I quit Air Display and the cursor issue is gone.
    Message was edited by: brassknucklenerd

  • Cursor issues in Word and Outlook after Adobe 9 pro trial download - any advice  - really annoying!

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    Getting very annoying!
    can also only highlight text for copy and paste using arrows and shift - not mouse click hold. have to then cut and paste using edit not RH mouse click.
    I run windows vista home and office version 2003,
    help or i'll have to go back to foxit!

    Hi and thank you!
    I had a trial of Adobe a year ago, maybe more. It did the same thing then i remember. Then i bought the Foxit subscription and completely got rid of adobe and the cursor issue went away. I am 100% sure it was the Adobe download that did it.

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    Thank you for your time and help. --- Chrisanne
    [Moderator edit to remove serial number.]

    Hi Chrissane!
                  I have read some posts about cursor issues. You can try doing a power cycle by removing all power by removing everything connected to the laptop then turn it on pressing F2 immediately and it goes to a setup screen where you can hit defaults by pressing f9 then enter and f10 to save and exit. after it restarts, log in with your pin then once you have your desktop back, press f5 only once then wait for atleast 30 seconds and try your cursor to see if its works already. Hope this helps! Have a great weekend!

  • Windows 7 and blinking cursor issue...

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    When I got home, I booted up Windows 7 and now all I get is it boots to a black screen with the cursor.  I ran the repair utility, tried safe mode and it says no errors are found, however, it still won't load.  I haven't figured out why it booted up the first time I got the computer back but now it won't do anything.  I never got a chance to back everything up because my computer was damaged from liquid damage, but I can still see all the files on my Bootcamp partition through finder from the Mac side.
    I don't know exactly why it's doing this or what to search to find an answer to the problem.  When I first got my MBP, I installed Windows 7 through and upgrade disc from my job, so I don't know what my next steps should be. 
    Other steps:
    Tried WinClone to copy the drive and it gave me an error message on the log.
    Tried to run system repair several times and it came back with no errors.  Same for memory diagnostic tool.  Everytime I run the repairs, it finds no errors but still boots up to the black screen with cursor.  Ugh, this is so frustrating. 
    Right now I have most of my files backed up on my external drive, but I still want to find a way to clone the drive and then it looks like my only choice is to do a clean install.  How do I do that? Someone else set up the partition for me when I got my computer, so I don't know how to remove the version of Windows 7 to do a clean install or if I have to start messing with the partition.  I only have an upgrade disk.
    Any more thoughts?  I thought about calling AppleCare but I doubt they'd help since it's Windows 7, but it was not doing this before the repair.  I guess I'm lucky I still have access to the files.

    Leeopard huh?
    You need Snow Leopard w. 10.6.x to get 3.0.
    If it works and no issues fine though probably the first time I have read someone did.
    BC 2.2 was more about XP and some support for Vista.

  • Cursor issue - strange text on screen

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions,
    Those symptoms could unfortunately indicate video hardware trouble. Take a look at this old thread in the iMac G5 forum (there are a number of similar threads there as well):
    [Small lines / dots over parts of screen|http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1874655]
    Is your display similar to the image link in the first post there? See the other posts in that thread as well.
    What kind of computer are you using? Other models can have similar video hardware issues, but iMac G5s are particularly susceptible to these, my own previous computer included.
    Your own problem still could be from a software issue, but I would run Apple Hardware Test - it should be on one of the the original install discs that came with your computer.

  • IOS 8.1 Photos and/or Messages cursor issue

    I select a photo within the Photos app on my iPhone 5s or my iPad2
    Then click the little 'share arrow' and choose Messages app as the sharing method
    The photo selected does show up in the Messages 'message composition' window
    However the cursor, instead of being to the right of "To:" shows up to the left of "To:".  Happens every time.
    Submitted to Apple as a bug however I am open to ideas to fix the issue.

    I just replied on a similar thread. I also have this issue. When I either compose a new message or text a photo, my cursor is to the left of the "To:" field, but types in the appropriate area and sends without problems. It doesn't seem to affect texting capabilities, but it is annoying that the cursor is not perfectly aligned after the "To:" field.
    I tried quitting the text application by swiping out of range, and resetting my device but to no avail. I called Apple Support and am expecting a call back from them in a few hours, when it is more convenient for me to have them try to isolate the problem.
    It appears that others are having the same issue. It seems that whenever a new software update is downloaded, more problems or problems where there were none occur.

  • Open Cursor Issue because of file browse Item - Is this a Bug in APEX 3.2

    Hi All,
    I am using file browse Item to upload file into the database at two places in my application, but it seems whenever I am submitting those two pages, with file path or without file path, its opening an cursor which remains open after that, because of this open cursor count in the application is getting exceeding every time.
    For testing this I have made an dummy page containing just file browse item and submit button, and still it is increasing the open cursor count.
    Is this a bug in Apex file browse item or there is some other way to handle this.
    Please kindly help me in the above issue as this is affecting the production application.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: user11204334 on Dec 5, 2010 9:57 PM
    Edited by: user11204334 on Dec 5, 2010 9:58 PM

    One observation, Apex is switching the Session ID after one got killed ? I was working on Apex page with browse Item to test open cursor count,
    after killing the SID (227) on which the open cursor count was getting increase, it APEX automatically switches to new SID(149) for that session.
    Now the problem is even if I have two SID's and one hits the maximum open cursor count, It is not switching to other SID instead the whole application becomes unavailable.
    opened cursors current 20 14 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 149 74 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 194 71 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 211 5 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 227 325 APEX_PUBLIC_USER Killed
    opened cursors current 244 15 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 20 14 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 149 76 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 194 71 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 211 5 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 244 15 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    Please kindly help in this.
    Thanks in Advance
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: user11204334 on Dec 8, 2010 1:02 AM

  • Cursor issues, stuck on click and drag mode.

    My cursor is stuck on click and drag mode.I assumed issue was faulty track pad. Purchased a magic mouse, and initially it was fine then the same issues started occurring. Is this a virus? Ran disk repair and permissions repair , no change.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you boot, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a Fusion Drive or a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually login automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, reboot as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • Xy graph cursor issue

    I am having a weird issue with cursors on XY Graph. I am unable to grab the cursor and even when I manually put the X value in the cursor legend, the cursor sometime go to go to that X value. And the issue is very intermittent. The cursors work sometimes without any issue and sometimes I just cant grab and move them.
    I have attached the vi here that I am having an issue with. Could anyone take a look at it and let me know if you are also having the same issue as me. See if you are able to move the cursors, snap cursor to different plots and still able to move the cursors.
    Go to Solution.
    XYGraphCursorIssue.vi ‏50 KB

    It looks like you're trying to make the third cursor on the list show the delta between the second and the first, right? i.e. Delta = Cursor1 - Cursor0
    If this is what you want, change the ActCrsr index value on the second property node to a value of "2". It is currently "1".
    This will set the Delta cursor to the be difference values that are calculated.
    What's happening right now is you're subtracting Cursor0 from Cursor1 and then assigning that difference back to Cursor1. If this is done a few times in a row, you end up just dropping Cursor1 to (0,0).
    LabVIEW Professional 2014

  • Cursor Issues with Snow Leopard

    I am having two cursor-related issues with my mid-2010 MBP, running 10.6.7.  Both problems are intermittent and occur with either the built-in trackpad or the external Magic Trackpad.
    Problem #1:  Cursor movement is normal, however if I attempt to click on a window to bring it to the front, or click on the red button to close a window, or click on a menu item, nothing happens.  Short-cut keys work normally.  Application Switcher works normally.  Thus far, my only solution is to Shut Down the computer and then re-Start it.
    Problem #2:  After a short absence from the computer, I could not find the cursor.  Using the Control 2-finger Zoom, I determined that the cursor was at the upper-right corner of the MBP screen (I do have a second monitor.)  Realizing where the cursor was, I tried to move it.  The cursor would only move away from the corner by less than an inch and then would snap back into the corner.  I performed a Shut Down (could not get to Restart) and Start, which resolved the problem.
    Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Another update and an easier work-a-round.
    Both problems appear to be "solved" by unplugging the USB cable to my Apple keyboard and mouse.  At that point, I do have control from the MBP trackpad.  If I re-plug in the USB cable, things go back to normal.
    My configuration is:  an external keyboard and mouse (not normally used) connected to the MBP by USB cable (this is the cable that I have to disconnect); and a Magic Trackpad connected by Bluetooth.
    The work-a-round of disconnecting the USB cable is simple enough, but I am still interested if anyone has thoughts on what might be causing the issue in the first place.
    Thanks again for any suggestions.

  • Songs cut 25 sec before the end - Time cursor issues

    Hello !
    As all for you, I've just downloaded itunes 7. No special problem until today, where I discovered two anoying (but not terrible) bugs:
    1) The time cursor when playing a song is unstable. If I want to listen to a song from 2'22 minutes, i bring the cursor with the mouse at 2'22 to play. But if I clip and drag the cursor, the cursor simply keeps going backwards in time until it reaches the song starting point. I've tried it with the different views... Have you noticed it too?
    2) A few of my songs are cut 25 or 30 before the end. If I bring the time cursor over the last 30 seconds of these songs, it directly goes to the next song (or even the song after the next one). This is quite annoying. I've to mention that all my song aren't gapless. I turned the fade option off. But it keeps cutting these 15-20 songs end. Does somebody have an idea about that issue??
    Thank you
    Regards, Jonathan

    Delete it, click here, and follow the instructions.

  • Weird SQL server cursor issue

    Hi All.
    I have a stored procedure which can be seen below. The way it should work is that it should loop through a lot of all the databases on the SQL instance and pass the details onto another stored procedure. The stored procedure is called from SQL agent,
    and what i am finding is that when executed from SQL agent it only calls 2 databases. The first 2 on the list. There are 6 other databases, it ignores them. If I call the stored procedure from outside of SQL agent, then it covers all the databases that
    it should cover. Its really strange and I cannot think of why we have this behaviour.
    When I run thesame duplicate setup on UAT, it works fine. Everything in terms of the stored procedure is exactly thesame. I am only seeing this issue on production. Any ideas please.
    CREATE procedure [dbbackup].[spbackup_databases] (@BackupSysyemDB bit = 1,@BackupUserDB bit = 1, @BackupType char(1) = 'D', @BackupDB varchar(128) = NULL )
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupID [uniqueidentifier]
    DECLARE @ActiveEnabled char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupDb varchar(128)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupOrder tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupDirectory nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupType nvarchar(15)
    DECLARE @ActiveFullRetainHours int
    DECLARE @ActiveDiffRetainHours int
    DECLARE @ActiveLogRetainHours int
    DECLARE @ActiveVerifyBackup char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveCompress char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveCopyOnly char(1)
    DECLARE @BackupBlocksize int
    DECLARE @ActiveChangeBackupType char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupSoftwareID tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveEnableChecksum char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupBlocksize int
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupMaxTransferSize int
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupStripes tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveCompressionLevel tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupDescription nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ActiveThreads tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveThrottle tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveEncrypt char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveEncryptionAlgorithm varchar(30)
    DECLARE @ActiveServerCertificate nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ActiveEncryptionKey nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupReadWriteFileGroups char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveOverrideBackupPreference char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveLogAction char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveExecuteAction char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupBufferCount int
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupSystemDb varchar(128)
    DECLARE @ActiveSystemBackupDirectory nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @SystemBackupType char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveSystemVerifyBackup char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveSystemFullRetainHours int
    DECLARE @ActiveRetentionHours int
    DECLARE @DefaultEnabled char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupOrder tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupDirectory nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupType char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultFullRetainHours int
    DECLARE @DefaultDiffRetainHours int
    DECLARE @DefaultLogRetainHours int
    DECLARE @DefaultVerifyBackup char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultCompress char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultCopyOnly char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultChangeBackupType char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupSoftwareID tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultEnableChecksum char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupBlocksize int
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupBufferCount int
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupMaxTransferSize int
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupStripes tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultCompressionLevel tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupDescription nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultThreads tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultThrottle tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultEncrypt char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultEncryptionAlgorithm varchar(30)
    DECLARE @DefaultServerCertificate nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultEncryptionKey nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupReadWriteFileGroups char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultOverrideBackupPreference char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultLogAction char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultExecuteAction char(1)
    DECLARE @BackupDirectory nvarchar(255)
    DECLARE @Error int
    DECLARE @ErrorMessage nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @ErrorMessageOriginal nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupKeysFolder nvarchar(maX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupCertificatesFolder nvarchar(maX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupSystemDbsFolder nvarchar(maX)
    DECLARE @DefaultSnapshotLocation nvarchar(maX)
    -- Initiate Backup Configuration Default Values
    EXEC dbbackup.spinitiatebackup
    -- Load defaults and insert into table if not present.
    -- The default is full database backups as standard
    @DefaultEnabled = [Enabled]
    ,@DefaultBackupOrder = [BackupOrder]
    ,@DefaultBackupDirectory = [BackupDirectory]
    ,@DefaultBackupType = [BackupType]
    ,@DefaultFullRetainHours = [FullRetainHours]
    ,@DefaultDiffRetainHours = [DiffRetainHours]
    ,@DefaultLogRetainHours = [LogRetainHours]
    ,@DefaultVerifyBackup = [VerifyBackup]
    ,@DefaultSnapshotLocation = [DBCCFolder]
    ,@DefaultCompress = [Compress]
    ,@DefaultCopyOnly = [CopyOnly]
    ,@DefaultChangeBackupType = [ChangeBackupType]
    ,@DefaultBackupSoftwareID = [BackupSoftwareID]
    ,@DefaultEnableChecksum = [EnableChecksum]
    ,@DefaultBackupBlocksize = [BackupBlocksize]
    ,@DefaultBackupBufferCount = [BackupBufferCount]
    ,@DefaultBackupMaxTransferSize = [BackupMaxTransferSize]
    ,@DefaultBackupStripes = [BackupStripes]
    ,@DefaultCompressionLevel = [CompressionLevel]
    ,@DefaultBackupDescription = [BackupDescription]
    ,@DefaultThreads = [Threads]
    ,@DefaultThrottle = [Throttle]
    ,@DefaultEncrypt = [Encrypt]
    ,@DefaultEncryptionAlgorithm = [EncryptionAlgorithm]
    ,@DefaultServerCertificate = [ServerCertificate]
    ,@DefaultEncryptionKey = [EncryptionKey]
    ,@DefaultBackupReadWriteFileGroups = [BackupReadWriteFileGroups]
    ,@DefaultOverrideBackupPreference = [OverrideBackupPreference]
    ,@DefaultLogAction = [LogAction]
    ,@DefaultExecuteAction = [ExecuteAction]
    FROM [dbbackup].[backupconfig]
    INSERT INTO [dbbackup].[db_backupconfig]
    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases s
    WHERE s.name not in (select BackupDb from dbbackup.[db_backupconfig] where BackupType = @BackupType)
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsSuspect') = 0
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsShutdown') = 0
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsOffline') = 0
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsInLoad') = 0
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsInRecovery') = 0
    AND isnull(DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsNotRecovered'),0) = 0 -- 2012 bug
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsReadOnly') = 0
    AND [s].name NOT IN ('master', 'msdb', 'model', 'distribution', 'tempdb')
    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR
    FROM [dbbackup].[db_backupconfig] bc
    INNER JOIN [dbbackup].backuptype bt ON bt.BackupType = bc.BackupType
    LEFT JOIN sys.databases [s]
    ON [s].[name] collate database_default = [bc].[BackupDb]
    WHERE [Enabled] = 'Y'
    AND bc.[BackupType] = @BackupType
    AND (@BackupDB is NULL OR bc.[BackupDb] = @BackupDB)
    AND @BackupUserDB = 1
    ORDER BY [BackupOrder] ASC
    OPEN db_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor
    SELECT @ActiveRetentionHours = CASE
    WHEN @ActiveBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN @ActiveDiffRetainHours
    WHEN @ActiveBackupType = 'LOG' THEN @ActiveLogRetainHours
    WHEN @ActiveBackupType = 'FULL' THEN @ActiveFullRetainHours
    IF (@ActiveBackupSoftwareID = 1) SET @ActiveBackupSoftwareID = NULL
    SET @ActiveBackupDescription = 'Backup for ' + @ActiveBackupDb + ' Type = ' + @BackupType + ' ON ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),GETDATE(),113)
    select @ActiveBackupDb,
    EXEC [dbbackup].[spbackup_db]
    @Databases = @ActiveBackupDb,
    @Directory = @ActiveBackupDirectory,
    @BackupType = @ActiveBackupType,
    @Verify = @ActiveVerifyBackup,
    @CleanupTime = @ActiveRetentionHours,
    @Compress = @ActiveCompress,
    @CopyOnly = @ActiveCopyOnly,
    @ChangeBackupType = @ActiveChangeBackupType,
    @BackupSoftware = @ActiveBackupSoftwareID,
    @CheckSum = @ActiveEnableChecksum,
    @BlockSize = @ActiveBackupBlocksize,
    @BufferCount = @ActiveBackupBufferCount,
    @MaxTransferSize =@ActiveBackupMaxTransferSize,
    @NumberOfFiles = @ActiveBackupStripes,
    @CompressionLevel = @ActiveCompressionLevel,
    @Description = @ActiveBackupDescription,
    @Threads = @ActiveThreads,
    @Throttle = @ActiveThrottle,
    @Encrypt = @ActiveEncrypt,
    @EncryptionAlgorithm = @ActiveEncryptionAlgorithm,
    @ServerCertificate = @ActiveServerCertificate,
    @ServerAsymmetricKey = @ActiveEncryptionKey,
    @EncryptionKey = @ActiveEncryptionKey,
    @ReadWriteFileGroups = @ActiveBackupReadWriteFileGroups,
    @OverrideBackupPreference = @ActiveOverrideBackupPreference,
    @LogToTable = @ActiveLogAction,
    @Execute = @ActiveExecuteAction
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor
    CLOSE db_cursor
    DEALLOCATE db_cursor
    -- Deal with system databases
    -- Read parameters
    IF (@BackupSysyemDB = 1)
    SELECT @ActiveBackupSystemDb = sysbk.[BackupDb],
    @ActiveSystemBackupDirectory = sysbk.[BackupDirectory],
    @ActiveSystemVerifyBackup = sysbk.VerifyBackup,
    @ActiveSystemFullRetainHours = sysbk.[FullRetainHours]
    FROM [dbbackup].[system_backupconfig] sysbk
    EXEC [dbbackup].[spbackup_db]
    @Databases = 'SYSTEM_DATABASES',
    @Directory = @ActiveSystemBackupDirectory,
    @Verify = @ActiveSystemVerifyBackup,
    @CleanupTime = @ActiveSystemFullRetainHours,
    @BackupType = 'FULL'

    Does your SQLAgent account has enough permissions to do this? Is SQLAgent given sysadmin permissions?
    Which account does you use in SSMS to run this stored procedure?
    Regards, Ashwin Menon My Blog - http:\\sqllearnings.com
    It has the permissions as its sysadmin, if it didnt then the 2 data sets would not be returned. for some reason its only looping twice. could this be something to do with the cursor type ?

  • Strong type cursor ISSUE Question.

    I have qUestion - Why the strong type cursor during compilation check only the COUNT of values and if ALL types defined in RECORD exist in query?
    THIS IS STRONG TYPE CURSOR? A Can write code like below without compilation error! In this case what for me this STRONG TYPE CURSOR? How to avoid this issue ?
    Thanks in advance !
    TYPE r_Component is record( MODULE_NB char(3),
    SERIAL_NB varchar2(30),
    TIMESTAMP date,
    INPUT_MODE char(1),
    Synchronization char(1) );
    type CursorComponents is ref cursor return r_Component;
    Function F_SelectComponentTag
    return CursorComponents;
    END B_FIS_EQS_2;
    Function F_SelectComponentTag
    return CursorComponents IS
    C1 CursorComponents;
    Open C1 for
    from dual;
    return C1;
    END F_SelectComponentTag;
    END B_FIS_EQS_2;

    That's just how it's implemented.
    SQL pretty much doesn't know PL/SQL records exist so a cursor can't ever actually return a PL/SQL record.
    It can however return a result set with the same number of columns and datatypes and that is what is being checked.
    I would have to agree that this is probably not exactly what strongly typed generally means in programming.

Maybe you are looking for

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