2 ibook colors questions

where would i find the MAC for the wireless internet card?
is it possible to change the CD drive to a DVD drive? if possible how much?

where would i find the MAC for the wireless internet card?
I know the Media Access Control address is typically in the battery bay with the serial number of the computer for most Apple notebooks.
is it possible to change the CD drive to a DVD drive? if possible how much?
Yes for those models that shipped with both DVD and CD as options. See http://www.mcetech.com/ and http://www.iresq.com/ as well as http://www.macsales.com/ for possible upgrade paths.
Message was edited by: a brody

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    Hi. The way I'd do it would be to use the font metrics to find the length of a string and draw a rectangle and then drawstring over the rectangle. If you want an example, I can post it although I suspect theres a better way.

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    I can't see where in YOUR css that light green colour is coming from?
    That's why I'm suggesting it may be Tripod taking over your page a bit. Unfortunately you pay a price for FREE web hosting and in the case of Tripod they cram your page with 'unwanted' adverts. The light green is behind the advert which appears at the foot of the page.
    If I take just your html and css then the page works ok to the point whereby you can see the left and right column colors.
    If you haven't introduced the light green color into your page then someone else did and that someone else is Tripod.

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    I don't know if iBooks is the best application for reading pdfs on the iPad, but that's what my client uses. Both books were created in Adobe InDesign. I'm posting this also to the Adobe Forums, but any insight here would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    In the first case, that might be the expected behavior. It seems in iBooks, pdfs don't have the option to go to a certain page # only as you have it with Adobe Reader. It just puts the number in the general search and brings all results containing that number. Regarding the second case, I have no idea why is showing audrey-small.

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    That, Welcome to the discussion area!
    1) I came across a cheap (read: free) adapter...
    You will need Apple's Apple Video Adapter (M9109G/A).
    2) Is there any way to use the screen as nothing but a display device?

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    Laptop PC or MAC? my 2cent....
    We have many Laptop here Acer, Compact, Hp, others.. and Mac.
    The Mac we got around 5-7 years ago are still working!
    A writer just changed is first Mac laptop (first generation must be over 9 years old!!! The Hard drive can get noisy this tells you that you are due for a changed. Anyway in Oct. 2001 the biggest HD was 48G for a Laptop 2.5" - Today you find 100G for $160 (pageComputer.com. Rules of thumb, 4 years is the limit for a HD. Regardless MAC or PC. Before 2002 the MAC had IBM Hard Drive! Anyway, the look, the care for the CPU, the Add on, Programs, well just simply better for Mac in General. PC are find too but they are PC, Ok for iTunes and the Web usage and Microsoft application but even having your Mac is not like owning a PC. We still have a nice LOOKING Shell iBook Tangerine working for Web etc.. (second generation)we gave it to our kids.
    My Laptop is 4 years old PowerBook G4 titanium, still love it today. What I do hate about it? the technology is growing so fast that the Laptop does not have what the new one has today inside it! Someone her got the Dell 17", nice machine got most of it! a good screen and a good price too. Well Apple will have the Intel... then I will get another then with Intel but still a Mac. therefore did you ever find yourself behind the wheels of a nice car? like RR, Bentley, etc... well you got the feeling... it is like buying your Mac! See how CompUSA store is presenting all PC comparing to the MAC line. Movies, Magazine ad, TV show always are showing Mac products without PAYING them for it!!!!!!!!
    Ahhh! Software issues? well let me tell you that is it true that PC have 10's of thousand more Stuff (junk)and Free (with some virus). The real programs and the one you need and all utilities are there by the bumdle for you Mac. Do not forget the OS is Unix, you can control Linux (all are free - not the best looking apps), or start a PC without quitting your Mac (Virtual PC like) although not as fast but very impressive (for a show off).
    1- get all the RAM you can get (see Froogle.com, buy a MacAddict Mag or MacWorld - published by PCWorld look at the last pages,
    2- get the biggest HD, get the DVD-R (good for Backup). For a Laptop I like to spend the most $$$ every 5 years. For a Station Tower the one just under the best model (technology is just going to fast, that the money spent on the top model is not well spent)
    3- Yep! agree on the external HD. Dot Mac is cool for backup too! but do buy an external HD for real back up. or a nice Ipod as a back up? (bad idea, you loose it... you are dead)
    4- I did look at prices the other day if you spend lot of money on either one.. the price will be the same! I spent 4 years ago $3650 for the top of the line Laptop. Today is the same price. For the cheapest the Mac start at $950 and PC you can find them just a bit less (Dinner pockect money for 4 years of pleasure?)

  • JButton background color question

    Hi everybody,
    I have a feeling I'm going to get slammed for this, but I have to ask a very general question and hope for an answer.
    I have a JDialog on which buttons don't seem to hold their background color. That is, when I use setBackground, the only color change I get is a very thin outline of the color, and the rest of the button is white. The strange thing about the button is that the white center actually seems transparent--if I change the panel the button is on to another color besides white, the center of the button turns that color.
    I've tried to solve this problem with setOpaque( true ), setContentAreaFilled( true ), setBackground( color ), setForeground( color ), and I'm pretty sure every combination of those.
    Unfortunately, I haven't been able to reproduce this in a test case, so I can't give a SSCCE, although I've tried for a while now to make one.
    So...has anyone ever run into a problem like this and can give me some advice? I'm sorry I can't be more specific, if anyone has a question I'll do my best to answer.

    I have a feeling I'm going to get slammed for this, but I have to ask a very general question and hope for an answer.Why would people be harsh on you? The only risk you take is: vague question => vague answer (or random).
    So...has anyone ever run into a problem like this and can give me some advice? I'm sorry I can't be more specific, if anyone has a question I'll do my best to answer.Never seen that myself, so I'll add a few random questions/thoughts:
    I have a JDialog on which buttons don't seem to hold their background color. That is, when I use setBackground, the only color change I get is a very thin outline of the color, and the rest of the button is white.- are you using a custom JButton subclass? If yes are you certain the subclass does not override paintComponent()?
    - If not, the button is painted by its ButtonUI. Can you tell which UI class is used (sysout(+theButton.getUI()+)?
    The UI is set according to the LookAndFeel.
    - Do you set any special LookAndFeel (+UIManager.setLookAndFeel(...)+, or look and feel's UIDefault properties in your app (generally that is done at startup)?
    - If not, can you tell the current look and feel when you bring up the dialog (+UIManager.getLookAndFeel(...)+, although that can be inferred from the ButtonUI subclass' name.
    I've tried to solve this problem with setOpaque( true ), setContentAreaFilled( true ), setBackground( color ), setForeground( color ), and I'm pretty sure every combination of those.FYI, the ButtonUI paints the button however it sees fit; in particular it doesn't have to respect the colors, opacity, filling... properties.
    - are you using a custom JDialog subclass (probably, as that's generally how people write dialogs; not the best way IMHO, but there are cases where this is hard to avoid).
    I see you can't provide an SSCCE right ow, but maybe you can try to narrow the list of suspects in your side?
    - Do you reproduce the same problem at startup, if you bring the JDialog up as soon as possible?
    - Do you reproduce the problem with a mere JOPtionpane.showMessageDialog(..., theButton,...)?
    - Do you reproduce the problem outside of the JDialog context (I see you mention using a different JPanel, but is that in the dialog or somewhere else?
    Good luck with your investigations.
    Edited by: jduprez on Sep 30, 2009 8:20 AM

  • Discmakers Project: Color Question

    Using Photoshop and Illustrator CS3 I'm wrapping up a project for a Discmakers digipac. My color management settings are synced...setting: North American General Purpose 2. All my linked images are 300 dpi. The photos were originally RGB then desaturated in Photoshop and given a sepia tone, then saved as CMYK as required by the printer. Everyting looks fine in both Adobe programs but the photos have a strong green tint in any other program. Actually, the same is true for any CMYK desaturated photo. Greyscale black and whites look fine.
    My question is: when this goes to the printer will I get the colors I see in Illustrator or the green tinted ones?
    I'd be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks.
    This is a link to the Discmakers guide:

    I'm guessing you'll get the color seen in Illustrator.  Not all applications are color managed and preview images are unreliable at best.  You should, for your own piece-of-mind, have the job contract proofed ( see a local reputable print shop ) before sending it off to the print vendor.  You should also supply a contract proof along with the disk so that the print provider has something to match.  Then, when the provider runs the file ( get their workflow specs before you have it proofed on your end ) through their prepress department's equipment, they can supply you with a matched proof of their own and, with any luck, they both match and it's off to the races.

  • Color question

    Running Photoshop CS3 intel mac leopard. I made a .psd file with spot PMS 307 chosen from the PMS picker, not as a separate channel. I made another file at home on a imac running 10.4.11 CS2 with PMS 307 chosen the same way. Both are RGB files, both have color management off. The colors did not match. Anyone know why?

    >This was an RGB question that has been blow all out of proportion and I thank you for pointing that out. The CMYK only comes in because of the pantone picker, used to match a logo color.
    Please understand that the folks here are trying to understand what you are seeing and what you are trying to do. In your posts #3, #5 and #26, you clearly refer to commercial printing and unmanaged color.
    CMYK and Pantone are not Web color associations. And RGB, CMYK, and Pantone spot colors all have different color spaces/gamuts. You cannot get an exact color equivalents across the board in these color spaces. And there are gamut differences between sRGB, Adobe RGB and all the other RGB spaces you can access in Photoshop.
    So I'm confused as to what it is exactly that you want to do with the images, in other words, how they are going to be used and seen when all is done.
    We can't be sure you have your monitors properly calibrated (the most important first step to color management). And you seem to be assigning your (unique) monitor profiles to your work. I can't say for sure that I follow your workflow.
    So, let me ask a few questions:
    1. Are your monitors hardware calibrated to 6500°K with a 2.2 gamma?
    2. How are the images in question going to be used? Commercial offset, desktop printer, Website, etc.?
    3. What color space are you assigning or embedding or... with your images? Is it sRGB?
    4. Which Pantone color are you using (and is it for coated, uncoated, or matte paper)? And if you are going for Web, why are you working with Pantone colors instead of RGB or hexadecimal?
    5. Have you read G Ballard's excellent color management basics? Do you have any questions?
    6. Can you post a link to a screen shot of your color setup if you are preparing art for print?
    7. Can you post a link to a screenshot of the mismatched images and describe how you arrived at the colors?
    You can go to the free http://.www.pixentral.com to upload the images in question, and copy the link (per pixentral's instructions) back here.
    Thank you.

  • Color question (Pantone to PDF)

    This is probably more of an Adobe Distiller question, but
    I'll ask
    I whipped up a logo design for a client and they love it. I
    just eyeballed
    on-screen colors and told them that they'll have to sit down
    with the
    Pantone Swatch book and pick the specific colors they want to
    They ended up matching the swatches to the on-screen colors I
    picked and
    that's what I used.
    I then created a PDF (press optimized) of said FH file. Now
    the colors look
    completely different on-screen (though, obviously, they are
    the correct
    pantone colors and as long as the printer isn't an idiot,
    they'll look fine
    on the t-shirts).
    The question I have is why do on-screen matched pantone
    colors not actually
    match on screen when used?

    As you requested Darrel, here is my best answer to this
    question. (I
    didn't answer before because I'm not 100% able to back up my
    answer with
    facts and typically leave it up people who are.)
    The colors are not matching simply because all applications
    colors differently. I can open up the same PDF in Acrobat 4
    and 8 as
    well as Preview and get three different color schemes. Each
    program has
    it's own method of rendering colors on screen. Now you
    transfer that
    same PDF to someone else's computer with a different monitor,
    video card and different operating system and you've got a
    real mess.
    There is not guaranteed way to deliver color on screen. If
    you spend
    some money and a lot of time you may be able to get FreeHand,
    and your desktop printer to agree (more or less) but you can
    about much else.
    Moral of the story? Never buy clothes online that you haven't
    seen in
    P.S. Even on press, Pantone or process, you are going to get
    variations. If you are printing a t-shirt it better be white,
    the colors will vary just by virtue of the color they are
    printed on and
    even just LOOK different because of the color next to it.
    darrel wrote:
    > This is probably more of an Adobe Distiller question,
    but I'll ask
    > anyways...
    > I whipped up a logo design for a client and they love
    it. I just eyeballed
    > on-screen colors and told them that they'll have to sit
    down with the
    > Pantone Swatch book and pick the specific colors they
    want to use.
    > They ended up matching the swatches to the on-screen
    colors I picked and
    > that's what I used.
    > I then created a PDF (press optimized) of said FH file.
    Now the colors look
    > completely different on-screen (though, obviously, they
    are the correct
    > pantone colors and as long as the printer isn't an
    idiot, they'll look fine
    > on the t-shirts).
    > The question I have is why do on-screen matched pantone
    colors not actually
    > match on screen when used?
    > -Darrel

  • IBooks search question

    My question regards search results in iBooks. This is for 2 books in pdf format.
    In the first book, when I search for a particular number, the search results show 1) page number results and 2) text results containing the number. Shown below.
    In the second book, when I search for a particular number, the search results 1) page number results and 2) text results containing the number PLUS a word next to it ("audrey-small"). Shown below.
    Has anyone else experienced this with reading pdfs in iBooks? I don't know if iBooks is the best application for reading pdfs on the iPad, but that's what my client uses. Both books were created in Adobe InDesign. I'm posting this also to the Adobe Forums, but any insight here would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    I realized I didn't ask my question properly. Here it is:
    Is there any way (either in iBooks or InDesign or Acrobat) I can tweak data so that search results for numbers come up ONLY with numbers (such as "72" in the 2nd example) instead of numbers and words (such as "72" and "audrey-small" in the 2nd example).
    Thank you!

  • Student! Powerbook 15" or Ibook 14", questions?

    I'm a student about to go to college, and recently have been won over by the mac OS from friend and visit to Apple Store.
    I'm not sure whether an ibook 14" or powerbook 15" would be a better choice? and have a few questions that would affect my choice!
    -Is the overheating problem really bad with the 15" powerbook? (i was set on getting this model but after having read about this problem, seems quite bad???)
    -Is the screen resolution on the 14" ibook bad?
    -Is the ibook 14" realtively fast at dvd encode, cd rip etc? (the processing speed made me look at powerbook more)
    -Is the 128MB Video upgrade worth getting for powerbook?
    -Is the widescreen worth getting over ibook's screen, when am big DVD fan? or do DVD's play well on ibook?
    Please help!

    Is the overheating problem really bad with the 15" powerbook? (i was set on getting this model but after having read about this problem, seems quite bad???)
    Don't know check the powerbook discussions
    Is the screen resolution on the 14" ibook bad?
    Not at all. The number of pixels is the same as on the 12" however so there is a little debate over the crispness of the image but I think it's great.
    Is the 128MB Video upgrade worth getting for powerbook?
    I would love to have 128mb and if you go with a powerbook and you use graphics heavily (games, photoshop, imovie, video etc.) definetly go for it although it may contribute to the heat factor.
    Is the widescreen worth getting over ibook's screen, when am big DVD fan? or do DVD's play well on ibook?
    DVD's play as well as the do on most pc's and with the proper connection to a tv you'll get a great picture. A Powerbook seems to be an expensive choice for playing DVD's. As an substitute for a tv/dvd player the ibook or powerbook (ie in a dorm room) will be just fine. Keep in mind that a widescreen dvd will still have bars above and below on a widescreen 15" powerbook.
    For my money the ibook is the better deal. If you want you can use the money you save to buy a nice 21" widescreen lcd tv and a dvd player for your movie collection. Having said that if you are a big gamer or heavy graphics user the powerbook may be a better choice (a tower is even better for these types of operations). It really depends on what you plan to use it for.
    Good luck with your decision

  • Select color question.

    Hello everyone, I am a new member. My question is, is it possible to create an action in the action palette which chooses a specific color I want , instead of doing it manually with the magic wand?
    For example something like "Set selection all blacks"?
    Thank you in advance for your answers.

    It might be possible to automate some color selections using Select>Color Range.

  • Share files in ibook - networking question

    Hello, I have a networking question.
    I have a brand spakin' new 13' MacBook Pro and an older 14' iBook G4 (with a broken airport wireless card).
    My internet is set up so that I have the modem connected to a "wired" ethernet hub, then to an airport express. This way I have wireless for my new MacBook Pro, and I can connect my old iBook to the internet with a ethernet cable.
    Herein lies my question: I want to access all my files on my ibook from my MacBook Pro. I've tried the file sharing and etc on system preferences, but for some reason it still doesn't work. I believe its because they are on different networks? (one wireless, one wired?)
    Any ideas to make my ibook a simple file server.

    Try repairing disk permissions.
    *"The external HD has two partitions, one is a backup of the ibook, and the other has mixed media. When I access my ibook over the network, Only the backup partition appears, and not the mixed media partition. "* Try repairing permissions but not sure if that's going to work. Can't hurt to try.
    Launch Disk Utility. Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.
    Also, your profile indicates you are running 10.4.3. If that is the case, you might want to run Software Updates (from the Apple Menu , then click Software Updates.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Konsole shell color question?

    Hello, All
    First, I am new here with Arch, actually I have only installed it twice two different computer. My problem,question persists on both of them.  I have look though the forum
    till my eyes bug out, I just haven't seen the neon sign that has my answer on it, so I thought I would ask. By the way, I 'm very impress with the way Arch runs.. hats off to devs.
    My question, When I click on the icon (or menu) for Konsole  it launches and works as it should but, the colors are always reset to shell's colors  witch is white background with green text. It acts like another program or file is controlling the color part, cause if I change to a linux console new session the colors I want for konsole are remembered.  Thanks for being so patient with us arch newbies, gypsy

    locate konsolerc
    I don't know? Where do I need to put it, or where's should it be ? I also notice kdmtheme(manager) doesn't work right either, maybe that's a clue. Thanks,gypsy

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