2 internal PCI-e based devices on "2014" MBPs??

Is it possible to have 2 internal pci-e based devices on "2014" MBPs?
And why not?
One from which to "Boot."
The other from which to store the active user folder, or to designate as a file destination from software.
(No optical drive leaves no "professional" options, especially when Time Machine is not possible on location.)
(Yes, I do know what Thuderbolt is, as well as that protocol's available devices, including bus-powered Thunderbolt devices... 
Notwithstanding, because Thurderbolt is OUTSIDE of the MBP's body underscores the original point of my question:
Is it possible to have 2 internal pci-e based devices on "2014" MBPs?
And why not?)
(Meanwhile, Apple is coming up with comments like what the current iOS 7 displays when modular devices are attached that are not manufactured by Apple : "The cable or accessory is not certified and may not work reliably with this iPhone."  Does this exemplify unfortunate harbingers of something I hate to admit about Apple?  What ever happened to "Think Different?"
(Does this mean having a "logistics" guy at the helm, Apple will no longer maintain its edge?)
(Thankfully I am comfortable in Linux, Windows, and OSX for a possible coming switch after 27 years of devotion to Apple products.)

Cost. Cost of TB2 drive case or even PCIe controller and box depending.
SSD was tested - by Barefeats - using a pair and comparing different setups, best we have for right now.
December 31st, 2013 -- Slowest 'late 2013' Mac Pro 4-core versus Fastest 'late 2013' iMac 4-core
December 28th, 2013 -- Does Final Cut Pro X 10.1 render faster on Mac Pro towers with Dual AMD GPUs? What about Motion 5.1?
December 27th, 2013 -- Promise Pegasus2 R4 Thunderbolt 2.0 RAID 0 box with four 6Gbps SSDs
December 19th, 2013 -- 'late 2013' Mac Pro 12-core 'tube' versus older Mac Pro 12-core towers running Geekbench 3
December 16th, 2013 -- ThunderTek/PX Thunderbolt-to-PCIe Expansion Chassis: 'Migration Assistant'

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    Ok here is a brief answer to your question if it is a Linux HCL modem then you can search on google or check out http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/ for information.
    If it is a winmodem then you pretty much have a worthless modem for running any type of Unix/Linux. However you should be able to buy a Serial Modem for around $30-$50 USD that is compatible with almost anything since they have been around forever and use a different communication scheme than PCI.

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    With Regards,

    Yes, the focus with ML is certainly on trying to get people who have iOS devices to switch to using Apple computers.
    For long-time devotees of OS X like us, there's not much in it. Snow Leopard was still a far more versatile and more widely compatible OS than either 10.7 or 10.8. If you're on 10.6.8. I would think twice about upgrading.
    However, I think if you're on 10.7 already, it's worth upgrading to 10.8, simply because ML seems to be more stable and more refined. They have fixed some of the annoying things in Lion (like you can now put Devices back to the top of the Finder sidebar, Resume is turned off by default, 'Save As' has been resurrected, Launchpad actually has a filter bar etc etc.). Some of the apps are better too - some nice new features in Preview for editing and Safari has an all-in-one address/search bar).
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    Hi SAPgurus,
    I have been facing one issue i.e creation of internal table dynamically based on the date range entered in the selection screen. For example the date range I am giving as 06/2006 to 08/2006, it should display the Fieldcatelog dynamically, this part i have completed but the only issue I am facing is to populate the sales data into that fields.
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    <b>CSR    District   06/2006  07/2006  08/2006  totals</b>      
    Shiva      New York                             10.00
    Shiva      new york                             30.00
    Shiva      new york                             40.00
    but it should display like this
    <b>CSR    District 06/2006 07/2006 08/2006 totals</b>
    Shiva  New York  10.00   30.00 40.00
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    Thanks & Regards,
    Sivaram Kandula

    Hi Sivaram,
                 I also got the same requirement . i saw rich and your code whatever you have uploaded.i have created dynamic internal table but i am facing the issue to populating the data to my dynamic internal table.
    Sivaram, can you please explain your code after this.
      LOOP AT tab_item.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 1 OF STRUCTURE <dyn_wa> TO <dyn_table>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE <dyn_wa> TO <dyn_table>.
    *    <dyn_wa> = tab_item-bztxt.
    *    <dyn_wa> = tab_item-total.
    *    APPEND <dyn_wa> TO <dyn_table>.
    **    <dyn_wa> = tab_item-total.
    **    ASSIGN tab_item-bezei  TO <dyn_wa>.
    *  APPEND <dyn_table>.
    how you are puting the loop at tab_item. but tab_item is already commented.
    can you send me the code after that.
    i am sending some part of my code.
    CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
         it_fieldcatalog = gt_fCAT1
         ep_table        = new_table.
    ASSIGN new_table->* TO <dyn_table>.
       create data new_line like line of <dyn_table>.
       assign new_line->* to <dyn_wa>.
    select vbeln
            from vbrk
            client specified
            into table gt_vbrk
            where mandt = sy-mandt
            and fkart in ('ZF5','ZFR')
            and vkorg = '1100'
            and vtweg = '20'
            and fkdat in s_fkdat
            and spart = '06'
            and fksto = ' '.
       if gt_vbrk[] is not initial.
      select  vbeln
              from vbrp
              client specified
              into table gt_vbrp
              for all entries in gt_vbrk
              where vbeln = gt_vbrk-vbeln
              and werks in s_werks
              and matnr in s_matnr.
    select mnr ltx spras from t247
    into table it_t247
    where spras = 'E'.
    data: lv_month1 type vbrp-prsdt,
           name1(3) type c,
           s_month type string,
            s_month1 type string,
             s_month2 type string.
    *      lv_netwr1 type vbrp-netwr,
    *          lv_mwsbp1 type vbrp-mwsbp.
          loop at gt_vbrp into gs_vbrp.
            gs_final2-matnr = gs_vbrp-matnr.
            gs_final2-arktx = gs_vbrp-arktx.
            gs_final2-fkimg = gs_vbrp-fkimg.
           lv_month1 = gs_vbrp-prsdt.
            read table it_t247 into wa_t247 with key mnr = lv_month1+4(2).
            if sy-subrc eq 0.
            name1 =  wa_t247-ltx.
             concatenate  name1
                       lv_month1(4) into s_month SEPARATED BY '_' .
             gs_final2-month = s_month.
              lv_netwr1 = gs_vbrp-netwr.
            lv_mwsbp1 = gs_vbrp-mwsbp.
            gs_final2-MONTH_QTY = S_MONTH1.
            GS_FINAL2-MONTH_VAL = S_MONTH2.
            gs_final2-value = lv_netwr1 + lv_mwsbp1.
           append gs_final2 to gt_final2.
           clear: gs_final2. "lv_name2.
           if gt_final2[] is not initial.
             sort gt_final2 by matnr month ascending .
             loop at gt_final2 into gs_final2.
            gs_final2_01 = gs_final2.
         collect gs_final2_01 into gt_final2_01.

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    hi Experts,
      I have table yprod_cat. It has product categories.
      In my ABAP program I need to create internal table dynamically based on the number of entries in the table.
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      2. Micro
      3. Syst
    Then create three (3) internal tables.
    How can we do this? Any sample code will be very usefull
    Thanks & Regards
    Moderator Message: No sample codes can be given. Please search for them or work it!
    Edited by: kishan P on Jan 19, 2011 4:22 PM

    Our APEX version is 4.2We are using below SQL query to display radio groups dynamically..
    SELECT APEX_ITEM.RADIOGROUP (1,deptno,'20',dname) dt
    FROM dept
    ORDER BY 1;
    Created a form using SQL type and given abouve SQL query as source.. But when we run the page, there were no radio groups displayed in the page..
    Below is the output of the query..
    <input type="radio" name="f01" value="10" />ACCOUNTING
    <input type="radio" name="f01" value="20" checked="checked" />RESEARCH
    <input type="radio" name="f01" value="30" />SALES
    <input type="radio" name="f01" value="40" />OPERATIONS
    If Tabular Form:
    Edit Region > Report Attributes > Edit Column > Change the Column type to "Standard Report Column"
    If normal Page Item:
    Edit Page Item > Security > Escape special characters=No.
    Pl read the help on that page item to understand the security risk associated with =NO.
    Edited by: Prabodh on Dec 3, 2012 5:59 PM

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    Target Disk Mode would provide a direct connection between the two Macs:
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    DMA Performance Improvements for TIO-based Devices
    Can I apply the procedure to NI-DAQmx 9? These ini-files dont seem to exist anymore in the newer version.
    Best, Viktor

    Hi Viktor,
    this page is 7 years old and doesn't apply to the DAQmx.
    Regards, Stephan

  • SSCM 2012 R2 IP Subnet based Device Collection

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    Shailendra Dev

    Hello, As has already been mentioned this will require the SCCM client to be installed on the workstations to pick up the IP address and may require a Hardware Inventory cycle to have been ran (not 100% certain of the HW Inv requirement, give it a try without
    and see!).
    Create the collection as you would normally.
    right click the collection and select properties. Click into the membership rules tab
    select add rule > query rule
    Type a name "IP Subnets" and then click "Edit query statement"
    Click "Show Query language at the bottom and enter the below query making changes to the IP address.
        select *  from  SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.IPSubnets like "172.16.5%"
    Update the collection membership. Job done.
    I am not sure how whether this information will remain bang up to date e.g. if a machine moves subnets it may not instantaneously update the data in the database regarding IP subnets.

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    waiting for your help....
    Vivek Mishra

    What is it from a business perspective that you are trying to accomplish?
    What are you going to do with this data once you get it into the format you're envisioning?
    Are you anticipating creating a collection of REC_SET records? Is there a reason that you're not using an associative array keyed on the c2 value (assuming collections are even appropriate to the problem you're trying to solve)?

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    Following are the details of SoftPhone followed by us:
    Sjphone: SJphone CE .cab (http://www.sjlabs.com/sjp.html)
    Could you please suggest us on followings:
    1.      Does Window Embedded Compact-7 based device support VOIP features?

    This forum is for POSReady. Please try one of the Windows CE forums:
    www.annabooks.com / www.seanliming.com / Book Author - Pro Guide to WE8S, Pro Guide to WES 7, Pro Guide to POS for .NET

  • Multiple IP Subnet Based Device collection

    Hi ,
    I have created Single IP Subnet based device Collection as below WQL.. and its working with
    is like Operator and Value as
    can you please suggest what would be the value if i have to create the Device collection upon 2 Subnets  of and
    Currently i am able to enter only one IP Subnet in value txt box..
    Shailendra Dev

    You've got to use is like because the field you're checking on contains an array. In your new scenario use
    192.168.1% to cover both subnets, but do keep in mind that it will also include all other subnets that start like that. In case you only want those two subnets simply create two separate membership rules.
    My Blog: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • VXI Register-based versus Message-based Device Communications

    DAQ application using LabView 8.6 communicating with VXI chassis with multiple cards (both register and message based devices).  Register-based devices randomly stop communicating (after many hours at 200 scans/sec) while message-based devices continue to communicate.  Currently searching for the cause and a resolution to the problem.

    Thanks so much for your response.
    Our application (after initial setup and configuration of data communication cards in  the 2 VXI chassis) enters an overall loop which contains many separate individual loops which carry out the data communication with the various individual cards.  Some of these individual loops contain counters which increment each time through the loop.  This overall loop continues until the operator interrupts it.  We have been running the executable of the code so when we encounter the problem it is difficult to get much in the way of details of what's exactly happening.  We are now planning on running the source code so if the problem occurs we could possibly get more information about what is happening.
    1.  By stop communicating I mean that the some of the counters that I mention above go to zero which indicates that particular loop is somehow "hung-up" and not incrementing the counter. 
    2.  When we encounter the problem we have to exit the program, reboot the computer and start the program again.  We have to reboot the computer because after the problem occurs we try to run Resman and we get the error "Unable to initialize ni-vxi driver".  I researched this error and found information in the Resman Troubleshooting Guide which mentioned the possibility of a conflict between the NI-VXI device driver and some other memory resident program or device driver.  The guide recommended adding lines to the config.sys and system.ini files to exclude the VXI device driver region of memory (0xD000 - 0xEFFF) from other device drivers (MS-OS).  We did this but we still had the problem.
    3.  We have not tried changing the scan rate (currently 200 scans/second) for the cards but the problem occurs at very random times (anywhere from a few hours to 24+ hours).

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    Is there anyway possible to get 10.8 running on this laptop?

    kbiddleproductions wrote:
    I dont want to give any bad advice and mess something up for you, but i would google creating disk partitions and maybe by creating a new one or erasing the one on there may help with that process...again not to sure on the matter but give it a search
    Thanks for chiming in.
    I appreciate your comment but I already fully understand the dirty details of dual booting.  I have two partitions already, one for 10.10 and one for 10.8 (currently blank).  I successfully restored my 10.8 DMG but when I tried to boot to it, I got the circle with a line through it.  I got the same circle when I tried to boot to a 10.8 USB install stick.
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    Just as the question says

    Does AirPrint work with all kinds of printers with moden usb capability.
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    If the printer is not AirPrint compatible, it still might be possible to enable printing by installing an App like Print Central on the iPad, iPhone, or iPod.
    PrintCentral Pro for iPhone/iPod Touch - iTunes - Apple
    Does it also work with android based devices?
    I would be surprised if it did, but best to ask that question on an Android support forum.

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