302 Redirect Error

I am getting a 302 redirect message when I send a HTTP POST command to a server. I can access the url directly and login just fine. Is it possible that I am getting a 302 due to either authentication or encoding issue? I am using basic authentication in the header and the content-type is form-urlencoded.

I can access the url directlyWhat does "directly" mean? If it means it works in your browser, that's because browsers take care of redirects for you.
Or does it mean something else?

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    If your load balancer is forwarding requests from one port to another, it should also rewrite the port number in Location header fields returned from Web Server. You can check your load balancer's documentation for details on how to configure your load balanacer.
    If for some reason it's not possible to correctly configure your load balancer, you can override the port number Web Server will use in redirects by editing the servername attribute in server.xml. In your case, you would specify servername="www.mysite.com:80".

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    I think the message is misleading. HTTP 302 meaning is that the url specified in not found or invalid for that service. You might want to check with external system that the specified URL in the SOAP receiver communication channel is right? Also you can find the URL from the WSDL itself. Similar test do it outside PI using the SOAPUI or XMLSPY and see the response error.

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    $r->headers_out->{'Location'} = $url;
    I'm using Apache 1.3.37 and mod_perl 1.30.
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     protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Uri redirectUrl;
                switch (SharePointContextProvider.CheckRedirectionStatus(Context, out redirectUrl))
                    case RedirectionStatus.Ok:
                    case RedirectionStatus.ShouldRedirect:
                        Response.Redirect(redirectUrl.AbsoluteUri, endResponse: true);
                    case RedirectionStatus.CanNotRedirect:
                        Response.Write("An error occurred while processing your request.");
    It's always executing the case RedirectionStatus.CanNotRedirect. Why?
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    Please let me know why I'm having this redirection error.

    For a better troubleshooting,
    I suggest you do as the following:
    Debug the code step by step to find the reason of the issue.
    For the remote debug your app from Windows Azure, you need to download Azure SDK:
    After installing the SDK, it will have “Attach Debugger” for Azure web site, you
    also need to set "Attach Debugger" to on in the Windows Azure Management Portal
    More detailed information about how to debug provider-hosted app:
    Best regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if
    they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    Are the sites working in IE?? You can consider the [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/reset-firefox-easily-fix-most-problems Reset Firefox] feature via '''Help''' ('''Alt''' + '''H''') > '''Troubleshooting Information'''.
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    [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Managing-profiles Managing profiles]
    [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Profiles?s=profile&r=2&e=sph&as=s Profiles Howto]

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    any insight would be great.

    This might help: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00353.html

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    HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
    Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
    Location: http://bi.domain.com/xmlpserver/
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 00:34:21 GMT
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    Thanks in advance,

    If your load balancer is forwarding requests from one port to another, it should also rewrite the port number in Location header fields returned from Web Server. You can check your load balancer's documentation for details on how to configure your load balanacer.
    If for some reason it's not possible to correctly configure your load balancer, you can override the port number Web Server will use in redirects by editing the servername attribute in server.xml. In your case, you would specify servername="www.mysite.com:80".

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  • Netcfg-wpa_actiond ambiguous redirect error

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    I do run into a peculiar problem however when trying to use net-auto-wireless. I have installed netcfg, ifplugd, wpa_actiond and wpa_supplicant, as well as netcfgGUI (I like to see that I'm connected and to which network).
    During the boot procedure I get the message "/usr/bin/netcfg-wpa_actiond: line 64: $WPA_CONF: ambiguous redirect"
    In rc.conf I have the relevant lines:
    #INTERFACES=(!eth0 !wlan0)
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng hal net-auto-wireless net-auto-wired !network !networkmanager ...
    The computer is an Eee PC 901, using the rt2860sta module. The rt2800pci and rt2x00pci modules are blacklisted.
    netcfg itself works just fine when trying to connect manually via the command line or netcfgGUI, but for completeness sake here's a copy of one of my profiles (all profiles are the same, except for the ESSID):
    DESCRIPTION='A simple WPA encrypted wireless connection'
    KEY='secret wpa passphrase'
    The strange thing is that on my girlfriend's Eee PC (also a 901), net-auto-wireless works just fine. It's configured exactly the same, the only difference being that she runs KDE 4.4 whereas I run Openbox 3.4
    What am I missing?
    EDIT: corrected error message
    Last edited by MrE (2010-04-18 20:40:00)

    Re configsection, see this thread: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=91439
    I'm using configsection with no issues. Incidentally, I'm also using a 901.
    The ambiguous redirect message is on a line of code that redirects output to $WPA_CONF which should be (in mine and your case) should be
    The redirect error normally occurs when a wildcard is used or spaces exist in the filename and it hasn't been surrounded by quotes. I note that the line involved doesn't wrap $WPA_CONF so if it has spaces it might cause an issue. You should check the contents of the /tmp/wpa-wlan0 folder and see whether a spurious characters are in there. The function that creates it should remove spaces, but there's a comment in it pointing out that quotes should still be used.
    You could insert a line into /usr/bin/netcfg-wpa_actiond (back it up first) to echo $WPA_CONF to a file:
    echo "$WPA_CONF" > /tmp/wpafilepath
    And see if there's an obvious error there.
    If there's nothing obvious, you could try three things:
    1) Edit /usr/bin/netcfg-wpa_actiond (back it up first) and change line 64 from:
    echo -e "network={ \n$config \nid_str=\"$profile\" \n}" >> $WPA_CONF
    echo -e "network={ \n$config \nid_str=\"$profile\" \n}" >> "$WPA_CONF"
    If that works, report it as a bug and submit the suggested fix.
    2) Try config section.
    3) Try wpa-config which involves using wpa_suplicant.conf. This will avoid that line of code altogether.
    It might be worth reporting it as a bug as netcfg set-up the file, so it should be able to write to it.
    Have to rush off, so unable to proof-read the above. Apologies there are any errors.
    Last edited by skanky (2010-04-23 10:56:25)

  • Why the initial 302 redirect?

    I've been knocking around this problem with BEA for awhile now, with no
              resolution yet. Why does the initial request to my site first get a 302
              redirect page that then leads to the actual page I wanted served
              (index.jsp)? I don't have it configured to do any redirect, and the BEA
              engineers have told me that this is simply the way weblogic and other
              appservers are designed. DO most of the other appserver do this? Why can't
              it just be made to return the requested page right up front? They (the BEA
              engineers) claim that weblogic cannot be configured to do this.
              Oh, and the reason I ask is that we've been advised of problems with
              crawlers not following these redirect pages. Don't know if I believe that
              or not.

    Hi himanshu1979,
    <jsp:farward> is compulsary
    String destination;
    /* construct your destination url as you like */
    Browser is showing ur jsp from the cache.
    So you can instruct the browser not to do that by using
    Developer TechnicalSupport,
    Sun MicroSystem,India.

  • Error opening link to file from email message - Redirect Error

    Here is on example of this problem:
    I get an e-mail message with text with some links, when a click the text the browser opens and displays this message: Redirect Error
    On the PlayBook, I copied the hyper link from the text on the e-mail message and pasted it on a word document and this was the result:
    Reading the same e-mail massage on my desktop PC I did the same thing and this was the result:
    On my desktop there is no problem and I’m redirected to the file but something is happening when a click that same link from de Playbook native mail.
    Thank you for your help.

    They appear to be different links. But I was able to open the pdf file. I was not able to understand it because it is not my native language but it was from herbalist.
    Be a Shepard and not an iSheep.

  • Terminal error - what is a redirection error?

    When I launch Terminal I get the following error:
    -bash: redirection error: cannot duplicate fd: Too many open files
    I can't find any info on this, any help appreciated.

    One of your bash dotfiles is corrupt. It was probably some open source 3rd party software that attempted to set something up for you.
    Create a new, admin account on your machine. Log in to that. Then run terminal on that account. From there, you can use sudo to go into the old account and fix the dot files. If it isn't obvious what the problem is, you can just copy your dotfiles from the new account to the old, changing permissions as appropriate.

  • Redirect errors, also JAR woes

    Two mysteries:
    1. How do you redirect runtime errors to a file instead of to the default output(the screen)?
    2. My JAR files executes, but none of the images are showing up. I see that the images are bound in the JAR file when I do the "jar tf" command. Also some of my functions are not operational. I used the Manifest with the line "Main-Class: MyProgramName.jar"
    It seems as though I may need to bind the java packages into the JAR too. The JAR is a small application for download from my site. What do I have to do to make the jar work? The online documentation is cryptic!
    Thank you

    Fixing Main-Class: MyProgramName did not fix the
    problem. If the native api is included in the JVM,
    what would make everything in the image/* directory
    not show up? It's in the relative directory under the
    main dir. IE:That depends. It depends on whether that directory is in the jar file or outside it, and it depends on how your code is trying to read it. And what do you mean by "the native api is included in the JVM"?
    Also when I click on a component a jdialog is supposed
    to open. This is not happening with my jar app.Probably because it isn't starting at all -- but again, that's just a guess.
    How do I redirect errors from standard output to a
    System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(...)));

  • 302 Redirect Location Header Rewrite not working with code upgrade

    We have a portal webservice hosted by an ACE4710. It has two services (www/https) on the same IP
    One is a redirect service that redirects all requests to tcp/80 on this ip to the other which is a 'standard' https proxy service.
    The backend servers are http only. Externally everything needs to be https.
    So we have an ssl proxy and Location header http to https rewrite on the https service.
    The configuration below operates correctly on v5_1_2.
    But with a code upgrade to 5_3_1b, the Location header rewrite does not work.
    We've tried several different configurations and even 'ssl url location rewrite ".*". It just looks like the ACE is completely ignoring the configuration to rewrite the Location field.
    Reverting to the older code fixes the problem.
    Problem seen:
    Here is the problem as seen on the *client*. The 302 redirect Location header is NOT rewritten:
    Response headers:
    HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND
    Server: nginx
    Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 10:59:43 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Content-Length: 295
    Connection: keep-alive
    Location: http://website.liveportal.nhs.uk/homepage/information
    Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
    Set-Cookie: information=35a7831d-928d-4122-aef3-39ef48ac4440; Path=/; secure; HttpOnly
    X-Frame-Options: DENY
    HTTPSampleResult fields:
    ContentType: text/html; charset=utf-8
    DataEncoding: utf-8
    Config extract:
    1) Set up the servers (4 normal on tcp/80 and one for a redirect)
    rserver host WEBSERVICE-1
      ip address
      conn-limit max 200000 min 160000
    ...and the same for the other three
    rserver redirect PORTAL_REDIRECT
      webhost-redirection https://%h/%p 302
    2) Set up the server farms
    serverfarm host PORTAL_LIVE
      probe webping
      rserver WEBSERVICE-1 80
      rserver WEBSERVICE-2 80
      rserver WEBSERVICE-3 80
      rserver WEBSERVICE-4 80
    serverfarm redirect PORTAL_HTTP_REDIRECT
      rserver PORTAL_REDIRECT
    3) Setup the ssl proxy and a location rewrite to https for responses from the servers
    action-list type modify http HTTPS_LOCATION
      header rewrite response Location header-value "http://(.*)" replace "https://%1"
    ssl-proxy service WEB_SSL_PROXY
      key webportal.key
      cert webportal.crt
      chaingroup root-chain
      ssl advanced-options SSL-SECURE-STRONG-WEB
    4) Set up the L4 services
    class-map match-all PORTAL_HTTP
      2 match virtual-address tcp eq www
    class-map match-all PORTAL_SSL
      2 match virtual-address tcp eq https
    5) Setup the policy maps - one for the reals servers with header rewrite for redirects
    policy-map type loadbalance http first-match PORTAL_HTTP
      class class-default
        serverfarm PORTAL_HTTP_REDIRECT
    policy-map type loadbalance http first-match PORTAL_SSL
      class class-default
        serverfarm PORTAL_LIVE
        action HTTPS_LOCATION
    6) Create the service policy
    policy-map multi-match EXTERNAL-SERVICES
      class PORTAL_SSL
        loadbalance vip inservice
        loadbalance policy PORTAL_SSL
        loadbalance vip icmp-reply
        appl-parameter http advanced-options PARAM-HTTP
        ssl-proxy server WEB_SSL_PROXY
      class PORTAL_HTTP
        loadbalance vip inservice
        loadbalance policy PORTAL_HTTP
        loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    7) Apply to the interface
    interface vlan 211
      description External Access
      ip address x.x.x.x
      alias x.x.x.x
      peer ip address x.x.x.x
      access-group input PERMIT-ALL
      service-policy input EXTERNAL-SERVICES
      no shutdown

    I found that the v5_3_1b code seems to need a bit of extra configuration and it now works ok.
    parameter-map type http PARAM_HTTP
    header modify per-request
    no persistence-rebalance

Maybe you are looking for