3rd Party Installers non-operational in MntnLion. (Not SysPrefs related)

Hi there, guys.
My current setting in SysPrefs is to allow intallation for apps downloaded from Anywhere. However. I have a whole bunch of installers that does not work at all. (All licensed and ligit downloads from 3rd party Developers). One of which is Adobe CS6 Production premium. I have a whole bunch of random fluke-outs during installation processes ranging from disk images failing to mount due to "illegal search" (Adobe CS6 installer) to installer apps that just quit on me once loaded...
I originally thought it was because I saved the installers to a drive where I'm installing from (Which used to work fine for Lion). But now even a fresh download from Adobe CS6 installers is non-operational...
It seems that OsX thinks PREVIEW created these files. Which is odd since it surely did not. And I'm expecting this is part of the problem.
I'm experiencing this across 3 different Macs including 2 8-cores (MPro 5.1 & 3.1) and my MBpro (5.1).
This is VERY annoying. Any advice would be really welcome...

It seems that OsX thinks PREVIEW created these files.
Select one of the installer packages in the Finder and Get Info (cmd-I).
In the Open With section, make sure Installer is selected. If it is not available in the popup menu, choose other and you'll find Installer in the /System/Library/Core Services/.

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    Please review the following notes for more information:
    550388     FAQ: Customizing of third-party and individual Pos
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    On creating Purchase order for requirement created for a customer sales order stock, if the customer sales order stock is not valuated, this means a Consumption ( GBB ) account is involved here. If the posting is a consumption account, SAP allows the user to decide whether it should be autotmatically or manually entered. Because of this option, system need this account to be set with Field 'Automatic posting only' to ' '.
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    postings. Normally this is automatically derived during PO creations. No manual enterring is allowed. Thus if it is correct to set this account with field Automatic posting only' setting to 'X' in FI settings.
    Please read the note 37563.
    Please check if note 842977 is present in your system.

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    There can be multiple reasons for this.
    You have not mentioned the material type. Anyhow, first check Material Master 
    Purchasing view> GR Processing Time field
    Sales / general Plant > Set up time and processing time field
    If MRP views are maintained
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    Hope this helps.

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    I think it'll be better to restore your system using time machine to an earlier state...but i too am clueless to what exactly is the problem...try listing down the changes you made just before the problem started and if possible post them up here so that a more informed suggestion can be given

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    PC00_M99_URMUP- Create Posting Run
    PCP0 - Process Posting Run
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    Your advice will be greatly appreciated.
    Brenda Goodwin
    IT System Analyst
    Roche Diagnostics Operations, Inc

    Thank you for your suggestion.  My configuration was correct.  The issue was a system issue in which was forwarded to SAP for immediate attention.  To correct my issue, I had to apply SAP Note 1039104 - GEN:  No Posting run number for 3PR posting run (RPURMP00).
    Kind Regards,
    Brenda Goodwin

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    1. Discovery supports many non-CDP modules such as ping sweeps, ARP cache lookups, and routing table lookups.  However, Topology Services still requires CDP to build interconnections between devices.
    2. Yes, non-Cisco devices will show up on the Topology Map with a generic icon.
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    Please help me, anybody. I know this has been an issue for those with 2.0.1. Here are my questions:
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    -How can I stop the crashing of 3rd Party Apps, as well as the erase of music and videos?
    -Can I do this, so I don't have to restore?
    Any help would be appreciated,
    Thank you in advance,

    This is happening to a lot of people. Check out the discussions all the way back even prior to August.
    No one seems to know the cause but there are many solutions offered to try. You will have to restore or do a full recovery depending on your situation. Again...lots of advice on how to do both in prior discussions.
    Do not restore from a back up. Rather, set your ipod up as a new ipod and give it a new name. Begin by loading your music and videos etc. from your stored library on your pc. You'll find your itouch works like new.
    Next before loading in any applications, review the app store pages selling each app and determine which ones have bugs and crashing issues they are working on or have corrected in their app updates. I've narrowed it down to possibly Advent, Aurora Feint or Converter in my case. We have over 90 free and purchased apps in our library but we have kept it to a bare minimum or 25-30 apps.
    I've also read somewhere in these discussions that the larger mb apps could be at issue with the 2.0 and 2.0.1 updates and something to do with firmware updates? Sorry but I'm not real saavy with the technical side of it but i can tell you that between our two ipod touches we restored/recovered over 16 times from 8/04 to 8/10 because of crashes.
    So far we've been lucky and have been up an running bug free for 3 days. Also, one app started acting strange after i tested it upon syncing so i connected back up to the pc and removed it...that's when i checked online and saw it too had crash issues they were working on.
    They say you can have as many apps as you want on your itouch, so far i'm not testing that theory again...we're taking it slow and choose only what we really really want on our ipod...some say stay away from the gimmicky apps but we have a few on ours that are still working well, crazy lighter, iguide, itarot, campfire, magic8ball...so trust yourself and those that have provided info as well in previous discussions.
    try to find the post from dbmandrake re workarounds for 2.0.1 app install crashes dated 8/9/08...it made sense and got me rolling again.

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    We have a requirement for sending Over Days Due  Collection work list item to Third Party from Collections Management.
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    Please provide details in a step wise.

    Please see my reply here.....
    Will the 3rd party have access to SAP?  --  Not known at the moment.  What if 3rd party has access to SAP it will be interface right?   if it's not does it become the solution of uploading the file obtained from the 3rd party into SAP?
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    Kindly add your comments....

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    Now i'm missing my 3rd party plug-is which i have not installed yet.
    Stylus RMX
    Maschine is in the mail and i may jump at the Komplete 6/Kore 2 bundle sale.
    What should i expect with 3rd party plug-ins and Logic 9.1.1, am still in 32bit mode, but lots of horror stories about noise on first note, crashes etc.
    I bought this system for film scoring kinda stuff, so internal logic instrumenst are not enough for me.
    Please advise.

    I would suggest to make sure Logic is in 32bit mode when you first run it after installing your plug-in's. I had the darndest time trying to get my Komplete and Sample Tank's to show up- then it dawned on me that I was in 64-bit. Ran in 32-bit and the plug in manager found all the 3rd party stuff.
    Once you have it installed (remember that a lot of plug-ins should be ran first in their standalone mode to authorize)- switch back to 64-bit and all should be good (for the most part).

  • Hi: My wife has mail sent from a 3rd party email account. When she attempts to trash these emails 2 things happen. The message goes in the trash and an error message happens..Trash-home email. Operation could not complete. File exists.

    Thanks in adavnce for any help you can offer to solve the above issue with Mac mail on my wifes' MacBook.
    Michael Stryker

    I should also mention thatthe issue is with Mac Mail, which is where the messages are being forwarded to from the 3rd party email account.,......sorry for any confusion.
    This is a problem that cropped up recently, i.e., previous to the past couple of weeks, she had no issues with trashing email.

  • Unicode Errors - Interface with non-Unicode 3rd party system

    Does anyone have an experience working with an interface between a Unicode SAP system and a non-Unicode 3rd party system? Would appreciate your input on existing data declaration and logic (prior to SAP Unicode conversion), if changes need to be made to the character types and upload/download functions.
    We are doing our testing in a newly converted Unicode system which has interface sending files through SAP Business Connector, and uses TDAccess/COMM-PRESS to encrypt the payment file.
    We are getting an COMM-PRESS error that it's not able to get the private key
    ERR=>RC=107#Error building signature segment (S1A/S2A) ERR=>#Error getting private key: #PUBLIC KEY FINGERPRINT = , rc = 524
    The issue seems to be that the passphrase is not received correctly in COMM-PRESS (codepage 1100) from Unicode SAP (codepage 4102). The passphrase is uploaded from a text file (codepage 1100?) to T_PPLOC and then to W_PPLOC.
             FLINE(64) TYPE C,
           END OF T_PPLOC.
            FILENAME                = W_FILENAME
            FILETYPE                = 'BIN'
            DATA_TAB                = T_PPLOC
        LOOP AT T_PPLOC.
    Comparing the results between a Unicode and non-Unicode system, the uploaded passphrase is different because of the codepage. But even if I convert the passphrase first from 1100 to 4102 codepage, it still fails.

    Try this by sending value to the CODEPAGE parameter of the function module GUI_UPLOAD.

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