5.1 (or 6.1) Speakers for a G5?

I have a G5 quad on order and want to get a set of 5.1 speakers for it. It seems that the new Mac only has a two channel stereo out jack and a optical out jack. I have a set of powered 5.1 speakers now but they don't have optical inputs and it seems most (however not all) use three stereo mini plugs for the signal from the computer. Does anyone out there have a suggestion for getting 5.1 or 6.1 audio out of my new Mac without getting a full blown receiver?

...it seems most (however not all) use three stereo mini plugs for the signal from the computer.
This is designed for a sound card (most PC's) that processes the various 5.1 surround sound formats and then just delivers the line level output to powered speakers.
You can get a M-Audio card, but the outputs don't match, you'll have to fanagle it and OS updates will cause you headaches. Also there is many surround sound formats used by DVD movies; Dolby, DTS, ProLogic, D2Audio etc. So what ever you select should be able to handle the decoding.
With a M-Audio card your processors will be taxed for the decoding most likely. Another negative. Another negative is the M-Audio card does not provde amplification, just line output. You'll be buying cables.
The PowerMac G5 has optical Toslink outputs with un-decoded 5.1 signals, it's actually best to have a seperate reciever to do the decoding as you can select from so many options for superior sound. Also you can hook up other devices to the reciever to manage all your sound to your 5.1 surround sound setup.
For instance I went the M-Audio route, it was a royal pain and it was still analog output, I was getting noise in the channel. There was delays and pains with OS updates.
So I opted for quality, and went with a nice Harmon/Kardon DPR 2005 with their matching HKTS-14 5.1 speakers at 120 watts each and 200 watts for the subwoofer.
I get 100 dB in the center with no distortion, the sound is incredibly sharp, powerful and clear. Even from iTMS music.
If your spending the money for a Quad, a mere $1200 more for a great sound system (not just from Harmond Kardon mind you, I get no comp for mentioning their products) is a small price to pay. Search online for best price. Make sure you get a remote, the G5's master sound may be disabled (mute works though)

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    saham wrote:
    I conclude that I cannot use any 5.1 Computer Speaker sets that go with my Macbook Pro 13 and get a real Dolby sound,right?
    "Computer speakers" Basically no. They mosty are either stereo analog (for music playback) or 5.1 gaming PC speakers that are married to a 5.1 sound card for PC towers.
    You would have to have a stereo reciever and 5.1 speakers that can accept:
    1: Toslink optical inputs
    2: Decode Dolby Surround Sound
    3: The media your playing back must have a Dolby sound option.
    Most 5.1 computer speaker setups are for gaming PC towers and takes a sound card that does the processing for each channel, has three analog wires
    Wire 1: Left and Right front channels
    Wire 2: Left and Right rear channels
    Wire 3: Subwoofer and center, common ground (returns all the used electrons to complete the loop)
    Your Mac has none of these, it's just a stereo analog, 2.0, a left and right channel, common ground (three sections on the plug)
    So no you can't use a PC based 5.1 system on a Mac, unless you bridge the first two wires either with adapters or splicing the cables. Then it's not true surround sound, just two stereo channels that fills the room with sound.
    With true surround sound, you can hear people creep up behind you, bullets whizz by your face, planes flying past overhead. It's a more immersive experinece.
    So unless the "computer 5.1 speakers" has it's own Toslink optical inputs and decodes Dolby (and other) surround sound formats, has a built in amplifier to power speakers, then no. As most 5.1 comptuer speakers are designed for PC 3D gaming, thus inexpensive.
    The Mac market for 3D gaming is rather small, tiny in fact. I haven't seen any "computer speaker" setup with the required stuff to playback true suround sound.
    Mac's are used for music and video production, that's why they have the better optical ports.
    Your just going to have to buy a home theater system to playback Dolby 5.1

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    Ran into the same problem with my old 5.1 speakers. They used the analog 3 cable connector.
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    Hi Bryan
    I think it depends on where your iMac is setup!
    If your iMac is setup in your den or family room and you allready have a nice stereo system just pickup a mini headphone to RCA adapter and RCA cables and hook it up. If you do not have a decent stereo then yes the Bose or an upper end 5.1 system is the way to go.
    [Mini Stereo To RCA|http://www.nextag.com/Cables-to-Go-Mini-87727346/prices-html?nxtg=10c4e0a24 051e-A3F9D6FEEE79567F]
    If your iMac is setup in a small office, any of the 2.1 systems would sound real nice for a-lot less cash. I have a Creative Inspire 2.1 system in my office, the satellite speakers are in the corners of the room (instead of blaring in my face) and the Sub under my desk. The setup sounds great, it has good R & L channel separation and the sub rumbles/thumps the floor real nice.
    [Creative Inspire|http://us.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=4&subcategory=27&p roduct=15773]
    [Other 2.1 systems|http://www.nextag.com/2.1-speaker/search-html]
    [And 5.1 systems|http://www.nextag.com/5.1-speaker-systems/search-html]
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    best computer speakers for very little money are a set of Klipsch
    For $200 you get fantastic audio and you can dial them up to rattle the house
    http://www.amazon.com/Klipsch-ProMedia-Certified-Computer-Speaker/dp/B000062VUO/ ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1391660686&sr=1-1&keywords=klipsch+computer
    their extremely high rating speaks for themselves
    I have a set.   Even best buy carries them.

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