5 SATA drives

I just purchased a K8N Diamond board, and am having trouble getting Windows to recognise one of my SATA drives.
I have 5 SATA drives, connected to SATA 1 - 5.
BIOS recognises all 5 drives, however XP only sees 4 of them.
I have the 5th drive set as SATA in BIOS (Silicon Image) - and if I swap the drive one of the others its then recognised by Windows.
However Windows only ever sees 4 drives.
Very frustrated in getting this to work -  any ideas????

SATA1-SATA4 ports are controlled by nvidia chip. If you do not plan to set up RAID, there is no need to install extra driver. As long as you connect the HDDs to them, all HDDs should be recognized in Standard CMOS Features/OS.
However, SATA5-6 are controlled by Silicon3132 chip, if you do not plan to set up RAID, refer to the following, which might help you in some way.
1. In BIOS, set Integrated Peripherals-->Onboard Device-->Onboard Sil3132  RAID-->Disabled; OnBoard Sil3132 Mode-->SATA, Save&exit setup;
2. Enter OS, check Device Manager if there is a yellow mark named Mass Storage controller. If have, please install Silicon driver manually(right click the yellow mark and select Update driver.., then install the driver from know directory). Then the HDD in SATA5/6 should appear in Disk Management. You can find the driver for the following link.
Good Luck!

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    Of course... I didn't want to bore you with the details... but I can do that ;)
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    Read Moan Guide 1st
    You need to limit your SATA2 drive to SATA1 mode(since your board doesn't support SATA2), that can be done with HDD jumper configuration:
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    - Support HDD size over 136.9GB.

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    [ 3013.249525] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x7ff SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen
    [ 3013.249532] ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249539] ata1.00: cmd 60/08:00:78:b8:ba/00:00:24:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 4096 in
    [ 3013.249539] res 40/00:00:00:4f:c2/00:00:00:00:00/40 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249543] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249545] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249559] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:08:b8:60:7b/00:00:29:00:00/40 tag 1 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249559] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249562] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249564] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249568] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:10:c0:60:7b/00:00:29:00:00/40 tag 2 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249568] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249570] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249572] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249576] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:18:c8:60:7b/00:00:29:00:00/40 tag 3 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249576] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249578] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249580] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249585] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:20:48:12:d7/00:00:18:00:00/40 tag 4 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249585] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249587] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249589] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249593] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:28:28:63:38/00:00:19:00:00/40 tag 5 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249593] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249595] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249597] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249601] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:30:28:6f:38/00:00:19:00:00/40 tag 6 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249601] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249603] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249605] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249609] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:38:28:98:ae/00:00:25:00:00/40 tag 7 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249609] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249611] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249613] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249617] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:40:d8:79:3b/00:00:25:00:00/40 tag 8 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249617] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249619] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249621] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249625] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:48:08:98:b6/00:00:18:00:00/40 tag 9 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249625] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249627] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249629] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3013.249633] ata1.00: cmd 61/08:50:10:98:36/00:00:19:00:00/40 tag 10 ncq 4096 out
    [ 3013.249633] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3013.249636] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3013.249640] ata1: hard resetting link
    [ 3013.575549] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
    [ 3013.576784] ata1.00: ACPI cmd 00/00:00:00:00:00:a0 (NOP) rejected by device (Stat=0x51 Err=0x04)
    [ 3013.578334] ata1.00: ACPI cmd 00/00:00:00:00:00:a0 (NOP) rejected by device (Stat=0x51 Err=0x04)
    [ 3013.578588] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
    [ 3013.592223] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592233] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592238] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592242] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592246] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592250] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592254] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592258] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592263] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592267] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592271] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3013.592302] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592306] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.592310] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592313] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.592320] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.592323] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592342] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592351] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592353] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.592358] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.592361] cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 24 ba b8 78 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.592376] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 616216696
    [ 3013.592414] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592417] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.592421] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592423] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.592428] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.592431] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592449] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592458] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592460] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.592465] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.592467] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 29 7b 60 b8 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.592482] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 695951544
    [ 3013.592505] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592508] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.592512] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592514] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.592519] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.592522] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592540] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592549] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592551] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.592556] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.592558] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 29 7b 60 c0 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.592572] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 695951552
    [ 3013.592583] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592586] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.592589] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592592] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.592597] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.592599] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592618] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592626] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592628] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.592632] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.592635] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 29 7b 60 c8 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.592649] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 695951560
    [ 3013.592665] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592668] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.592671] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592673] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.592678] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.592684] Aborting journal on device dm-0-8.
    [ 3013.592701] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:4476: Journal has aborted
    [ 3013.592687] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592723] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592729] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592730] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.592733] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.592735] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 18 d7 12 48 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.592744] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 416748104
    [ 3013.592752] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 266057
    [ 3013.592760] EXT4-fs warning (device dm-0): ext4_end_bio:250: I/O error writing to inode 5902184 (offset 258048 size 4096 starting block 266057)
    [ 3013.592766] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592768] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.592771] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592772] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.592776] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.592778] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592790] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592795] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592797] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.592800] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.592801] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 19 38 63 28 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.592811] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 423125800
    [ 3013.592817] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 1063269
    [ 3013.592822] EXT4-fs warning (device dm-0): ext4_end_bio:250: I/O error writing to inode 5898577 (offset 970752 size 4096 starting block 1063269)
    [ 3013.592842] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592845] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.592849] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592851] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.592856] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.592859] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592877] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592885] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592887] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.592892] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.592894] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 19 38 6f 28 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.592908] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 423128872
    [ 3013.592915] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 1063653
    [ 3013.592922] EXT4-fs warning (device dm-0): ext4_end_bio:250: I/O error writing to inode 5902187 (offset 1171456 size 4096 starting block 1063653)
    [ 3013.592931] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592934] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.592937] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592940] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.592945] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.592947] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592966] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.592974] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.592976] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.592980] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.592983] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 25 ae 98 28 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.592997] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 632199208
    [ 3013.593006] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 27197445
    [ 3013.593018] EXT4-fs warning (device dm-0): ext4_end_bio:250: I/O error writing to inode 6425165 (offset 151552 size 4096 starting block 27197445)
    [ 3013.593028] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593031] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.593034] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593037] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.593042] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.593045] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.593063] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.593071] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593073] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.593078] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.593085] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:4476: Journal has aborted
    [ 3013.593089] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 25 3b 79 d8 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.593104] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 624654808
    [ 3013.593111] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 26254395
    [ 3013.593115] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
    [ 3013.593126] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593129] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.593132] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593135] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.593140] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.593142] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.593161] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.593169] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593171] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.593175] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.593178] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 18 b6 98 08 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.593192] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 414619656
    [ 3013.593198] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 1
    [ 3013.593201] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
    [ 3013.593211] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593213] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3013.593217] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593219] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3013.593224] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3013.593227] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.593245] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3013.593253] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3013.593256] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3013.593260] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3013.593262] cdb[0]=0x2a: 2a 00 19 36 98 10 00 00 08 00
    [ 3013.593277] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 423008272
    [ 3013.593283] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 1048578
    [ 3013.593286] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
    [ 3013.593298] ata1: EH complete
    [ 3013.595707] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0) in ext4_dirty_inode:4603: Journal has aborted
    [ 3013.596581] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_journal_start_sb:370: Detected aborted journal
    [ 3013.596591] EXT4-fs (dm-0): Remounting filesystem read-only
    [ 3020.421558] journal commit I/O error
    [ 3020.421570] journal commit I/O error
    [ 3020.421574] journal commit I/O error
    [ 3020.421578] journal commit I/O error
    [ 3020.421581] journal commit I/O error
    [ 3147.052191] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0xf SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen
    [ 3147.052197] ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3147.052209] ata1.00: cmd 60/50:00:d0:48:99/00:00:1c:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 40960 in
    [ 3147.052209] res 40/00:00:00:4f:c2/00:00:00:00:00/40 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3147.052212] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3147.052213] ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3147.052218] ata1.00: cmd 60/18:08:28:49:99/00:00:1c:00:00/40 tag 1 ncq 12288 in
    [ 3147.052218] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3147.052220] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3147.052221] ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3147.052226] ata1.00: cmd 60/88:10:48:49:99/00:00:1c:00:00/40 tag 2 ncq 69632 in
    [ 3147.052226] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3147.052228] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3147.052229] ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
    [ 3147.052234] ata1.00: cmd 60/20:18:00:a4:ba/00:00:24:00:00/40 tag 3 ncq 16384 in
    [ 3147.052234] res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
    [ 3147.052236] ata1.00: status: { DRDY }
    [ 3147.052239] ata1: hard resetting link
    [ 3147.378368] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
    [ 3148.066853] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/5a:00:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) succeeded
    [ 3148.069139] ata1.00: ACPI cmd 00/00:00:00:00:00:a0 (NOP) rejected by device (Stat=0x51 Err=0x04)
    [ 3148.069393] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
    [ 3148.080059] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3148.080066] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3148.080071] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3148.080075] ata1.00: device reported invalid CHS sector 0
    [ 3148.080112] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080114] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3148.080117] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080118] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3148.080123] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3148.080125] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3148.080136] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3148.080140] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080142] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3148.080145] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3148.080146] cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 1c 99 48 d0 00 00 50 00
    [ 3148.080156] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 479807696
    [ 3148.080170] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080171] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3148.080173] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080175] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3148.080178] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3148.080180] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3148.080190] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3148.080195] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080196] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3148.080199] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3148.080200] cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 1c 99 49 28 00 00 18 00
    [ 3148.080209] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 479807784
    [ 3148.080216] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080218] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3148.080220] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080221] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3148.080224] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3148.080225] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3148.080236] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3148.080241] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080242] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3148.080245] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3148.080246] cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 1c 99 49 48 00 00 88 00
    [ 3148.080254] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 479807816
    [ 3148.080267] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080268] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [ 3148.080270] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080272] Sense Key : 0xb [current] [descriptor]
    [ 3148.080274] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [ 3148.080276] 72 0b 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [ 3148.080287] 00 00 00 00
    [ 3148.080291] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]
    [ 3148.080293] ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0
    [ 3148.080295] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB:
    [ 3148.080296] cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 24 ba a4 00 00 00 20 00
    [ 3148.080305] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 616211456
    [ 3148.080315] ata1: EH complete
    I have experimented, and found that if I turn off NCQ on the kernel command line in my bootloader (libata.force=noncq), that it takes longer before the problem occurs.  Though, if I write enough to the second drive, it does still happen after a while, just greatly reduced its chances of happening.
    Is it possible that the old drive (sdb) is causing the problem?  I noticed that it is much noisier than I remember when the drive head moves around.
    Another curiosity while I was trying to duplicate the problem:
      - I start a large file copy from sda -> sdb
      - At the same time in another terminal, I do "find / -print"
      - When I hear the drive 2 head moving, it pauses the output of the "find" command.
    Every time I hear the head move, I see the find output pause.  Its almost like the drive seek on drive 2 causes the whole Sata controller to pause while the head moves.  Very odd!
    Anyone have any ideas?   I think the next thing I will try is borrow a drive from another machine, and do the big write to it to see if I get the same results.
    If it is of any help, here is some more info on the laptop:
    00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family DRAM Controller (rev 09)
    00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200/2nd Generation Core Processor Family PCI Express Root Port (rev 09)
    00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family MEI Controller #1 (rev 04)
    00:1a.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #2 (rev 05)
    00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05)
    00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev b5)
    00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 3 (rev b5)
    00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 4 (rev b5)
    00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 6 (rev b5)
    00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #1 (rev 05)
    00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation HM67 Express Chipset Family LPC Controller (rev 05)
    00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 6 port SATA AHCI Controller (rev 05)
    00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family SMBus Controller (rev 05)
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1251 (rev a1)
    01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF116 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)
    07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR8151 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)
    0d:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250 (rev 5e)
    13:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5209 PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01)
    13:00.1 SD Host controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5209 PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01)
    19:00.0 USB controller: NEC Corporation uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev 04)
    cat /proc/interrupts:
    0: 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-edge timer
    1: 958 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-edge i8042
    8: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-edge rtc0
    9: 1675 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-fasteoi acpi
    12: 12257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-edge i8042
    16: 24769 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-fasteoi ehci_hcd:usb1, mmc0, nvidia
    17: 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-fasteoi snd_hda_intel
    19: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-fasteoi rts_pstor
    23: 1937 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-fasteoi ehci_hcd:usb4
    41: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge xhci_hcd
    42: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge xhci_hcd
    43: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge xhci_hcd
    44: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge xhci_hcd
    45: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge xhci_hcd
    46: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge xhci_hcd
    47: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge xhci_hcd
    48: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge xhci_hcd
    49: 19406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge iwlwifi
    50: 36099 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge ahci
    51: 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge mei
    52: 386378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge snd_hda_intel
    53: 56803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI-edge eth0
    NMI: 34 5 19 5 18 4 13 4 Non-maskable interrupts
    LOC: 77964 17705 161241 14302 187823 16150 56845 12750 Local timer interrupts
    SPU: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spurious interrupts
    PMI: 34 5 19 5 18 4 13 4 Performance monitoring interrupts
    IWI: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRQ work interrupts
    RTR: 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APIC ICR read retries
    RES: 13721 7023 304 110 175 110 213 123 Rescheduling interrupts
    CAL: 6941 7677 2774 7670 5804 7568 7655 7673 Function call interrupts
    TLB: 366 545 268 179 310 272 212 166 TLB shootdowns
    TRM: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thermal event interrupts
    THR: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Threshold APIC interrupts
    MCE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Machine check exceptions
    MCP: 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Machine check polls
    ERR: 0
    MIS: 0
    smartctl --all /dev/sda
    smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573 [x86_64-linux-3.5.3-1-ARCH] (local build)
    Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net
    Device Model: ST9500423AS
    Serial Number: 5WS354LM
    LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 044bb741b
    Firmware Version: 0005DEM1
    User Capacity: 500,107,862,016 bytes [500 GB]
    Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
    Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
    ATA Version is: 8
    ATA Standard is: ATA-8-ACS revision 4
    Local Time is: Thu Sep 13 15:26:14 2012 CDT
    SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
    SMART support is: Enabled
    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
    General SMART Values:
    Offline data collection status: (0x00) Offline data collection activity
    was never started.
    Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
    Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
    without error or no self-test has ever
    been run.
    Total time to complete Offline
    data collection: ( 0) seconds.
    Offline data collection
    capabilities: (0x73) SMART execute Offline immediate.
    Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
    Suspend Offline collection upon new
    No Offline surface scan supported.
    Self-test supported.
    Conveyance Self-test supported.
    Selective Self-test supported.
    SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
    power-saving mode.
    Supports SMART auto save timer.
    Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
    General Purpose Logging supported.
    Short self-test routine
    recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
    Extended self-test routine
    recommended polling time: ( 105) minutes.
    Conveyance self-test routine
    recommended polling time: ( 3) minutes.
    SCT capabilities: (0x303f) SCT Status supported.
    SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
    SCT Feature Control supported.
    SCT Data Table supported.
    SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
    Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
    1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f 113 099 006 Pre-fail Always - 54715920
    3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0003 098 098 085 Pre-fail Always - 0
    4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 099 099 020 Old_age Always - 1114
    5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 100 100 036 Pre-fail Always - 0
    7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 069 060 030 Pre-fail Always - 10214892
    9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 098 098 000 Old_age Always - 2030
    10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0013 100 100 097 Pre-fail Always - 0
    12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 100 100 020 Old_age Always - 559
    184 End-to-End_Error 0x0032 100 100 099 Old_age Always - 0
    187 Reported_Uncorrect 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
    188 Command_Timeout 0x0032 100 098 000 Old_age Always - 8590065667
    189 High_Fly_Writes 0x003a 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
    190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022 053 049 045 Old_age Always - 47 (Min/Max 47/51)
    191 G-Sense_Error_Rate 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 17
    192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 871
    193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 039 039 000 Old_age Always - 122293
    194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 047 051 000 Old_age Always - 47 (0 17 0 0 0)
    195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered 0x001a 113 099 000 Old_age Always - 54715920
    197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
    198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0010 100 100 000 Old_age Offline - 0
    199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x003e 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
    240 Head_Flying_Hours 0x0000 100 253 000 Old_age Offline - 67229123085518
    241 Total_LBAs_Written 0x0000 100 253 000 Old_age Offline - 1947733828
    242 Total_LBAs_Read 0x0000 100 253 000 Old_age Offline - 2798982459
    254 Free_Fall_Sensor 0x0032 001 001 000 Old_age Always - 899
    SMART Error Log Version: 1
    ATA Error Count: 8 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)
    CR = Command Register [HEX]
    FR = Features Register [HEX]
    SC = Sector Count Register [HEX]
    SN = Sector Number Register [HEX]
    CL = Cylinder Low Register [HEX]
    CH = Cylinder High Register [HEX]
    DH = Device/Head Register [HEX]
    DC = Device Command Register [HEX]
    ER = Error register [HEX]
    ST = Status register [HEX]
    Powered_Up_Time is measured from power on, and printed as
    DDd+hh:mm:SS.sss where DD=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
    SS=sec, and sss=millisec. It "wraps" after 49.710 days.
    Error 8 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2017 hours (84 days + 1 hours)
    When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
    After command completion occurred, registers were:
    04 71 09 a9 00 80 e0 Device Fault; Error: ABRT
    Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
    CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
    a1 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:21:04.438 IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:21:04.438 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 05:21:04.124 NOP [Abort queued commands]
    a1 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:59.118 IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:59.118 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    Error 7 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2017 hours (84 days + 1 hours)
    When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
    After command completion occurred, registers were:
    04 71 09 a9 00 80 e0
    Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
    CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:21:04.438 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 05:21:04.124 NOP [Abort queued commands]
    a1 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:59.118 IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:59.118 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 05:20:58.805 NOP [Abort queued commands]
    Error 6 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2017 hours (84 days + 1 hours)
    When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
    After command completion occurred, registers were:
    04 71 09 a9 00 80 e0 Device Fault; Error: ABRT
    Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
    CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
    a1 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:59.118 IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:59.118 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 05:20:58.805 NOP [Abort queued commands]
    a1 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:58.761 IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:58.725 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    Error 5 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2017 hours (84 days + 1 hours)
    When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
    After command completion occurred, registers were:
    04 71 09 a9 00 80 e0
    Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
    CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:59.118 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 05:20:58.805 NOP [Abort queued commands]
    a1 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:58.761 IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:58.725 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    2f 00 01 10 00 00 a0 00 05:20:58.724 READ LOG EXT
    Error 4 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2017 hours (84 days + 1 hours)
    When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
    After command completion occurred, registers were:
    04 71 09 a9 00 80 e0 Device Fault; Error: ABRT
    Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
    CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
    a1 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:58.761 IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
    ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00 05:20:58.725 IDENTIFY DEVICE
    2f 00 01 10 00 00 a0 00 05:20:58.724 READ LOG EXT
    61 00 08 ff ff ff 4f 00 05:20:58.724 WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    61 00 08 ff ff ff 4f 00 05:20:58.724 WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
    SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
    Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error
    # 1 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 6 -
    # 2 Short offline Aborted by host 90% 1 -
    SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
    1 0 0 Not_testing
    2 0 0 Not_testing
    3 0 0 Not_testing
    4 0 0 Not_testing
    5 0 0 Not_testing
    Selective self-test flags (0x0):
    After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
    If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
    smartctl --all /dev/sdb
    smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573 [x86_64-linux-3.5.3-1-ARCH] (local build)
    Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net
    Model Family: SAMSUNG SpinPoint M6
    Device Model: SAMSUNG HM320JI
    Serial Number: S16LJF0QB02815
    LU WWN Device Id: 5 0f0000 001202815
    Firmware Version: 2SS00_01
    User Capacity: 320,072,933,376 bytes [320 GB]
    Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
    Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
    ATA Version is: 7
    ATA Standard is: ATA/ATAPI-7 T13 1532D revision 0
    Local Time is: Thu Sep 13 15:27:10 2012 CDT
    SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
    SMART support is: Enabled
    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
    General SMART Values:
    Offline data collection status: (0x00) Offline data collection activity
    was never started.
    Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
    Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
    without error or no self-test has ever
    been run.
    Total time to complete Offline
    data collection: ( 110) seconds.
    Offline data collection
    capabilities: (0x5b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
    Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
    Suspend Offline collection upon new
    Offline surface scan supported.
    Self-test supported.
    No Conveyance Self-test supported.
    Selective Self-test supported.
    SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
    power-saving mode.
    Supports SMART auto save timer.
    Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
    General Purpose Logging supported.
    Short self-test routine
    recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
    Extended self-test routine
    recommended polling time: ( 110) minutes.
    SCT capabilities: (0x003f) SCT Status supported.
    SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
    SCT Feature Control supported.
    SCT Data Table supported.
    SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
    Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
    1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f 100 100 051 Pre-fail Always - 0
    3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0007 252 252 025 Pre-fail Always - 2562
    4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 810
    5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 252 252 010 Pre-fail Always - 0
    7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000e 252 252 051 Old_age Always - 0
    8 Seek_Time_Performance 0x0024 252 252 015 Old_age Offline - 0
    9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 092 092 000 Old_age Always - 4842
    10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0032 252 252 051 Old_age Always - 0
    12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 440
    191 G-Sense_Error_Rate 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 154
    192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 71
    194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 073 073 000 Old_age Always - 55 (Min/Max 17/55)
    195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered 0x001a 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 1
    196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032 252 252 000 Old_age Always - 0
    197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0012 252 252 000 Old_age Always - 0
    198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0030 252 252 000 Old_age Offline - 0
    199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x0036 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
    200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate 0x000a 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
    201 Soft_Read_Error_Rate 0x0032 252 252 000 Old_age Always - 0
    223 Load_Retry_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 534
    225 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 077 077 000 Old_age Always - 236803
    SMART Error Log Version: 1
    No Errors Logged
    SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
    No self-tests have been logged. [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t]
    Note: selective self-test log revision number (0) not 1 implies that no selective self-test has ever been run
    SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 0
    Note: revision number not 1 implies that no selective self-test has ever been run
    1 0 0 Not_testing
    2 0 0 Not_testing
    3 0 0 Not_testing
    4 0 0 Not_testing
    5 0 0 Not_testing
    Selective self-test flags (0x0):
    After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
    If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
    Last edited by johni (2012-09-16 00:46:54)

    It appears my drive one really is failing.  It was the first drive and not the second making the loud head seek sound.  I borrowed another drive from a friend, and copied my drive one to it.   No problems with the new drive in place.

  • Which 1TB (or bigger) SATA drive is the coolest/quietest/least power-hungry

    I have a Power Mac G4 Dual 1.25 GHz MDD (it's this model here) which (as it's unmodified) runs very hot & noisy much of the time.
    What doesn't help is that I have 3 hard drives installed. 2 of these (including the boot drive) are IDE (80 GB & 120 GB), and are attached to the cables at the front of the machine (am I right in thinking that this is the ATA-66 bus?). The third is a SATA drive (250 GB) connected to one of the sets of cables at the back of the machine (the ATA-100 bus?) via an IDE -> SATA adapter (not a PCI card).
    This adapter took me many weeks of research to track down (& order online from the USA) as there didn't appear to be (at the time - a few years ago) anyone here in the UK that made or sold these adapters. (The opposite adapter - IDE drive to SATA cable - was freely available ironically, even in my local electronics shop). The physical size of the adapter means that I can't sit one of the other drives in the empty drive bay at the back of the machine.
    A few months ago, as I was almost out of hard drive space, I decided to get a new (SATA) drive to replace the existing 3 drives. As well as giving me lots of capacity, one drive is going to use less power than 3, give off much less heat than 3, and hopefully reduce the fan noise.
    Incidentally, I've found many good articles on reducing heat/power consumption/noise in MDD Macs - see here, here, here, here & here.
    At the time, 1TB was the largest size available. After much research, along with some forum postings - see here & here - I decided to go for the Samsung Spinpoint F1 drive, which is currently quite cheap - see here.
    However, I recently discovered that Seagate now makes a 1.5 TB drive, which would obviously be preferable - see here & here although it is much more expensive - see here.
    However, there are many reports of problems with the Seagate drive - see here, here & here.
    What I'm wondering is if there are any drives that are bigger than 1TB apart from the Seagate?
    If not, would people recommend that I chance going for the Seagate, and hope that I don't have the problems, or that I'll be able to flash the firmware at some future point to sort the problem if it occurs (I have Virtual PC 7.0.2 installed, running Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 - would this enable internal hard drives to have their firmware updated?) or should I just play safe and go for the Samsung, even though it's "only" 1TB?
    The largest capacity money can buy is my primary concern, followed by low power usage, low heat output & low noise.
    Many thanks.

    Thanks for the info.
    I don't really see the point in the expense of a PCI card when the IDE -> SATA adaptor works fine, and if I bought a PCI card, I'd then feel obliged to go through the hassle of selling the adaptor on eBay to try to recoup part of the cost of the PCI card.
    I should have mentioned before that I want to format my new drive as a single partition, in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format, and to boot from it. I only want the new drive in the Mac - I don't want any other drives in there. Apart from increased capacity & performance, and reduced power consumption, heat & noise - the main point of getting the new drive is so that there is only one drive in my Mac. Having more than one is a complete pain for me.
    At the moment, despite having "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" unchecked in the Energy Saver pane of System Preferences, all 3 drives spin down very soon after they stop being accessed, which means an infuriating delay (& spinning beach ball) when they spin up again. One or more of them spinning up even interrupts music playing sometimes, and when I go to shut down the computer, if they are spun down but mounted on the desktop, they spin up again before they spin down as part of the shutdown procedure! Also, with more than one drive, I can't tell which drive a file/folder is on just by looking at it, if it's on the desktop.
    As far as Other World Computing goes, they may ship to the UK, but by the time the international shipping charges are added, I very much doubt if the total cost of a new drive would work out cheaper than ordering from a UK supplier & getting free shipping.
    Another potential problem I've discovered with the Seagate drive is actually a quote from the Other World Computing website that's reproduced in comment number 66 (on page 3) of the MacRumors Forums thread that I gave the link to in my initial post. Basically it says that if you format the Seagate drive as a single partition on a Mac, the performance isn't acceptable. It's apparently fine though if it's partitioned in 2 equal size volumes, or if you format it as an NTFS or FAT32 drive. Neither of these work-arounds are any use to me though.
    Everything so far suggests that I should just go for the Samsung 1 TB drive, but I'm hesitant to do so until it's confirmed to me that there aren't any other drives out there that are bigger than 1 TB apart from the Seagate, and also, knowing my luck, the day after I buy the Samsung, Western Digital or Hitachi or someone will bring out a flawless 1.5 TB drive for not a lot more money, and I'll be kicking myself for ending up with only 2 thirds of the capacity than I could have had...

  • How to connect a SATA Drive in a G4 MDD Desktop Mac?

    Due to much more needed harddisk space for music production on my G4 1.25 GHz Dual PC, I ordered and just received a SATA 500 GB internal Harddiskdrive.
    Under "About This Mac" in the System Profiler I get a list of all my internally already connected ATA Drives. But there is also a (empty) category available, named "Serial-ATA" which I strongly assume stands for SATA. I further think once such a category is existing I should be able to connect a SATA drive.
    1. Can I connect the new SATA HD internally in my Dual G4 or must I use the Drive as an external Firewire Drive (of course in a special housing)?
    2. If it is possible to built in a SATA drive, must I buy an adapter in any form, because the interface on the SATA drive is different from the cable endings in my Mac?
    3. If so, what is such an Adapter be called (from Inerface A name to Interface B name) and do I get it at an electronic store?
    4. Is there anything crucial I do need to know regarding this matter (maybe voltage compatibility, adjustments on SATA drive or in my Macintosh G4, etc.)?
    5. And if it should not be possible to use the HD internally (as in question 1.), are there housings with Firewire 800 connectors available for SATA drives which I can use?
    I would be very glad for your specialist help! Thank you!
    G4 1.25 GHz Dual PowerPC 1 MB L3 cache processor · 1.25 GB DDR SDRAM ·   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   · 19" CRT ƒAQTOR 19+ Monitior · AD/DA Converter MOTU Traveler

    Thank you all (Malcolm Rayfield · The hatter · Rodney Culling) so very much. I thought I would be lost and stuck - on contrary I got your huge help.
    Unfortunately I bought already the SATA 7200.10 and it had been delivered. But I am very happy to hear that there are PCI SATA cards available and I preferably would like this solution to have the Drive as an internal drive. It is for me easier to tame the noise not having an additional drive in my Mini recording studio.
    I will investigate into the prices of those cards and only do hope that the price for such PCI SATA cards are not to expensive otherwise my bread deliverer (boss) will refuse. He was already not excited to hear I ordered a SATA drive but there was no ATA anymore available at my usual source and if I later upgrade to a G5 I can take the drive with me. I only will have then the reverse situation using some of my older ATA drives in a new G5.
    Thanks a million again for your kind and unexpected fast help. Thanks!
    G4 1.25 GHz Dual PowerPC 1 MB L3 cache processor · 1.25 GB DDR SDRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   · 19" CRT ƒAQTOR 19+ Monitior · AD/DA Converter MOTU Traveler

  • I have a MDD dual 1.25ghz processors and I would like to know which sata drives will work with the Sonnet Seria ATA pci card?

    Which sata drives will work with the Sonnet Tempo Serial ATA card?

    Pretty much any of the SATA 3.0 Gbps drives.
    Western Digital Black and Blue and Hitachi 7K drives are all good choices.
    If you try a SATA 6.0 Gbps drive, it will need to be jumped to limit to SATA 3.0 Gbps.

  • No longer can write to my external SATA drive...

    I was editing in FCP Studio 2 on a my MacPro 2x2.8 Quad Core, running MacOS 10.5.2, connected to a Highpoint X4 SATA drive, via the Highpoint RocketRaid 2314MS card. At some point the MAC detected a problem with the drive, and apparently it has changed the drive to read only. My timeline plays OK, but a lot of clips are marked as off-line, although I re-rendered them and they play. I ran the internet verification check from Highpoint, and it said the drive was normal. MAC disk utility will not let me change permissions on the external SATA. What should I do? Edit deadline approaching...there goes the weekend.

    Well, the tech-support guy at Highpoint was going to e-mail me some steps, after he talked with someone about some MAC procedures. He thought that I would have to insert some code. There are three UNIX files on the drive that are trying to"fetch" something. Since my permissions have changed, I can't delete them. The e-mail from tech support never arrived last night. I'm in tthe CST zone, so it's still about two hours until Highpoint opens their doors. The RAID warning lights gave never changed from green to red. No beeps or chirps either. The on-line drive verification that took 3 hours, said the drive status was Normal.

  • Hp pavilion g7 notebook - DVD RAM GT80N SATA Drive

    After upgrading from Win 8 to 8.1 my  DVD RAM GT80N SATA Drive is no longer recognized by my laptop.
    Any ideas how to resolve this issue?
    Regards ... John
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi John,
    Open windows Control Panel, open Device Manager, expand DVD/CD-ROM Drives, right click the drive and select Uninstall - when this has completed, restart the notebook and let Windows fully load for a couple of minutes before checking if it's now listed correctly.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

  • After upgrading from Win 8 to 8.1 my DVD RAM GT80N SATA Drive is no longer working

    After upgrading from Win 8 to 8.1 my  DVD RAM GT80N SATA Drive is no longer recognizing discs. When I first put a disc in the drive runs for a bit and then stops. I've tried updating the driver but it says it has the most current driver. Under manage, it does not show any error codes and it says it is working correctly. I've looked at the regedit and it does not have any of upper and lower filters. I've tried disabling, rebooting, and reenabling. What am I missing? Another issue I've had since upgrading is that my network adapter needs reset several times a day in order to remain connected to wifi.

    Hey hvbnfrgvn,
    Thank you for the information on your HP Pavilion g7-2270us Notebook PC.
    I suggest following the steps in this document for Drive Cannot Read Discs (Windows 8).
    If your CD/DVD Drive Is Not Detected (Windows 8), follow the steps in this document.
    I hope this information helps, please keep me posted on how it goes.
    Best of luck and have a great day!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

  • SATA drive no longer recognized???

    Hello all,
    I got the MSI Neo4 Platinum & A64 3000+ RevE and it was running fine. Then, last week, my board stopped recognizing my Samsung 160GB SATA HD. The drive is OK, I hooked it up to a friend's comp and it booted up normally. But now, It does not recognize the SATA drive in BIOS. I also have an old IDE drive (40GB Quantum Fireball...seriously) hooked up and the MB recognizes that drive. So, is this an RMA case or am I missing something? I've tried new SATA cables and all 4 SATA ports and different power leads. I don't have an extra SATA HD lying around that I could test the board with, so is there another way to make sure the SATA ports are operational? I was thinking about trying to find a SATA to USB connector and try the ports with my keychain flash drive. Think that would work just to test the ports?
    Thanks in advance

    OK more frustration,
    So, my friend lent me a 160GB Seagate Barracuda SATA drive to test. Neither his drive nor my drive show up in SATA ports 1-4. When I attach either drive in ports 5-8 (the Silicon Image RAID ports), I get a message as the BIOS is closing - when you get the screen saying to press F4 to enter RAID setup - that says "No valide device"  Must be Italian? But the name of whichever drive I had in those ports is listed...so at least the motherboard can see the drive in those ports, just can't use it. So maybe the SATA ports 1-4 are fried? But why are the drives Invalide in the SATA ports when they're definitely functional?
    Here's what I don't understand though... In the "Standard CMOS Settings" menu in the BIOS, under the date/time, I see 4 listings all for IDE (>IDE Primary Master, >IDE Primary Slave, etc.) but no listings for SATA. My HD used to show up in that menu, but I don't remember if it was under "IDE master" or "SATA master" Does anyone know what that should look like?
    The drive doesn't show up in the "Boot Order" either.
    Any ideas?

  • Sata drive is not recognized by XP

    I have a neo865 and the problem is I can't get XP to recognize more then 130 gbyte of a 250 gbyte SATA drive even after loading the driver that came with the motherboard.  Does anyone know a workaround

    You need XP with Service Pack 1 to work with a boot driver larger than 137G. See this for how to get around it:

  • Do i need to do "something" for my mac mini to see my sata drive?

    Hi guys
    Problem: After replacing a failing HDD, I have connected a sata cable from inside my mini to an external sata drive and my mini does not recognise my new drive as an internal drive or in disk utility.
    Modification: I have removed my failing internal 320 gb HDD and am presently booting up via an external USB drive.  I have modified a sata to esata cable so that it fits the internal sata connection of the mini. ( i have carefully cut excess plastic off the sides of one end, so that it fits into the connection. )  I have a 1.5tb sata drive inside an external sata/firewire/usb enclosure.  The drive has been mac formatted on another machine, with 3 partitions (boot, back up & media)
    Tests: In disk utility, i can not view my sata connected drive. However, when i connect the drive via firewire or usb, the drive is recognised and all 3 partitions show up. Disk Utlity shows that this connection is made via USB/Firewire.
    System Info: 2008 Mac Mini 2ghz with 2gig Ram.  Did have a 320gb internal Drive, but it crashed.  Replacing it with a western digital 1.5tb sata hard drive. The enclosure is a standard non branded silver enclosure.  There is no physical switch on the enclosure that controls the connection type. The cable is a regular sata to esata cable.
    Do i need to do anything for my mini to recognise this new drive?
    Thanks for reading

    After re-watching the Youtube clip that i followed, i think i have modified the wrong cable.
    The cable that i modified is this sata to esata cable
    The cable on the YouTube clip looks like the metal connectors are like a series of long rectangles. As does the connector on the broken hard drive that i have.  The cable i am using, the metal connector points are a series of small dots/balls at the ends.
    The Youtube clip makes his own sata enclosure, where as i am using an enclosure that already has the connections.
    Can anybody advise what connectors then, i should use, if i am using the wrong one.
    Thanks alot

  • HELP !  Two SATA drives in an external enclosure RAID ZERO.  Need data recovery.

    What a nightmare !     My neighbor died from esophageal cancer and the funeral is in one week.  He left behind a G5 2.5 DP tower with a dead motherboard, and he put the two 640 GB SATA drives in an Other World Computing external enclosure Mercury Elite Pro Dual) weeks before  he expired.  He got access to these drives in this enclosure.  (External RAIDs are a no-no).
    His grieving wife wants pictures extracted from the drives.  There is no known back up and the G5 tower cannot be found.
    When connecting the external enclosure by FW800 or USB3, the need to format flag pops up.  Disk Utility shows one 1400 GB drive "unformatted".    The DIP switches on the enclosure are set to RAID 0.   Several data recovery programs find files, but of course any jpg over 50kb looks like venetian blinds,  Tried Data Rescue 3, and the drive depicted as 1280 GB does not divide using expert features and the command key, thus a RAID SET for emulation cannot be formed.  See here: See here: http://www.prosofteng.com/blog/recovering-data-from-a-apple-raid-using-data-resc ue-3-by-prosoft-engineering-2/ 
    What to do now to recover jpg's intact and ASAP ?
    1.  Try another enclosure ?
    2.  Insert these drives into my personal G5 tower ?
    3.  Try different data recovery software ?
    4.  Which software other than Data Rescue will recover from two drives in one external enclosure believed to be RAID ZERO ?
    Thank you.

    Yes, if and when the tower can be located and retrieved.   In one communication it was described as a G4, in another, a G5.
    Turns out that a single external drive was found, so suspect that is the boot drive.  In the mean time, am doing an emulated recovery (two sets) using two converter boxes to isolate the two SATA drives, assuming RAID 0 and 32kb striped,   The two sets and because the drive order is unknown.   The first recovery is almost completed.
    BTW, OWC rep stated that the two drives cannot be read in their dual SATA enclosure.  The rep stated that the drives would have to be reformatted while in thier enclosure, then use.  Tried two enclosures to see if they would read the drives independently, and one brand had a silly interface.   One has to put in two "dummy drives" (or ones in which the data is not important) and then convert the electronics (reset switch + power button) to RAID 0.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Lost keyboard shortcut for render

    In the last two Premire Elements 10 projects I have started, the keyboard shortcut for rendering (return) is no longer operational.  In the Keyboard Customization menu, this choice is grayed out and I can't select it. Any shortcuts for fixing this? 

  • Problem in Restricting Storage Type in LT05

    Hi Gurus, I am working on LT05 transaction. Right now if i enter Warehouse No and Posting Change No i am getting 2 line items in Stock in Storage Types i.e Storage Types 915 and TOT. My functional consultant requirement is to restrict 915 and other 9