6070 IR connection breaks when transfer data

Hi everyone, i connected my 6070 via IR adapter and with Nokia PC Suite and everyting is fine until i try to copy, backup or move files from my phone to pc. Then connection breaks and i can't reconnect. Is there anyone that solved that problem. Thanks

If I understand you correctly, you want the MaPageController to have access to the username and password from the ConnexionController.
Add userName and password fields in your MaPageController class, and define a constructor to initialize them:
public class MaPageControlleur implements Initializable {
   private Stage myStage;
     private final String userName ;
     private final String password ;
     public MaPageController(String userName, String password) {
          this.userName = userName ;
          this.password =  password ;
   public Stage getMyStage() {
    return myStage;
   public void setMyStage(Stage myStage) {
    this.myStage = myStage;
   public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
Then initialize the controller in your ConnexionController's handler method as follows:
private void handleButtonValiderAction(ActionEvent event) throws Exception {
    // le scene et son stage(windows)
    Stage stage = (Stage) ((Node) (event.getSource())).getScene()
      .getWindow();// new Stage(); 
    stage.setTitle("Ma Page");
     FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/MaPage.fxml"));
     loader.setController( new MaPageController(user_id.getText(), password.getText());
     Parent root = (Parent) loader.load();
//   Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(
//     "/MaPage.fxml")); 
    Scene scene = new Scene(root);
Finally, remove the fx:controller attribute from MaPage.fxml.

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    Hello Smeebo,
    Thank you for asking your question! It sounds like your iPhone is not recognzied in iTunes when you connect it to back it up, or update the device. I would try the troubleshooting in either of these 2 articles depending on what operating system you have:
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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

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    Connecting to probe.filezilla-project.org
    Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready
    USER FileZilla
    Response: 331 Give any password.
    Response: 230 logged on.
    Checking for correct external IP address
    Retrieving external IP address from http://ip.filezilla-project.org/ip.php
    Checking for correct external IP address
    IP ch-a-bj-fg
    Response: 200 OK
    PREP 52470
    Response: 200 Using port 52470, data token 1871898076
    PORT 27,0,19,56,204,246
    Response: 200 PORT command successful
    Response: 150 opening data connection
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    Status:          Resolving address of amyhoney.com
    Status:          Connecting to
    Status:          Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    Response:          220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
    Response:          220-You are user number 12 of 500 allowed.
    Response:          220-Local time is now 04:05. Server port: 21.
    Response:          220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
    Response:          220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
    Command:          USER 5475****
    Response:          331 User 5475**** OK. Password required
    Command:          PASS ********************
    Response:          530 Login authentication failed
    Error:          Critical error
    Error:          Could not connect to server
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    Can someone walk me through fixing this? And I do mean 'walk me through'. I'm not a tech-savvy nerd who knows all the lingo, I just know the basics so sorry if my ignorance offends you.

    First be sure login and password are OK. Sometimes the address starts wit "http://..." and sometime starts with "ftp://...". Try both normal FTP access and Scure FTP access (SFTP). At the end, contact the site's provider.

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    2. click "attach a file"<br>
    3. select a file in the file dialog box & click OK<br>
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    When this happened, I tried attaching the same file to an email using a *different* Gmail account, and it worked. <br><br>
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    Connect to remote instance
    Add a linked server
    Many Thanks & Best Regards, Hua Min

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