6680 - Curious about the top openings

Sorry if this question has been asked before but I couldn't find any information:
The 6680 has three 'openings' on the top edge - a thin slot about 2cm long and a couple of small square orfices. I am guessing that all three are for sound output, but I just wondered if they were actually intended for some demon plug-in device instead!
Can someone satisfy my curiosity?

No plug-in devices. Just sound output (speaker).

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    Keaten wrote:
    Yea I would have to say wait until the release of IOS 5, because the phone will probably run it a lot smoother. I mean go ahead and buy the Iphone 4 if you are dying to have it, because you can just update it which is no big deal at all, but it would be the smarter thing to wait for the new updates.
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    Have to disagree here, Apple have not even announced an iphone 5, it is pointless to speculate that we will see one or not see one until Apple actually releases a statement. ios was built and tested on the iphone 4 so there will not be any slowdown or laggyness compared to a phone that has not been released yet.
    If we are advising potential apple product buyers then we should not be putting them off buying a iphone 4 on speculations alone. Just because apple have for the last few years released an iphone every june/july does not mean then have to stick to this approach.
    Apple have not issued any statement regarding an iphone 5, until this time it does not exist, only in heresay on the internet.
    Any one looking to get an iphone 4, to you i would say waiting until ios 5 is released is a personal choice, no matter if you wait or not you will be able to update via itunes. One way or another in the future you will have to do an ios update via itunes whether this is the 5.0 software or 5,2,1.
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    CalebWynn wrote:
    Ds Store,
    I've noticed on my MBP that the fan idles around 2000 RPM as well and moves from there. I am assuming that because they're different machines, they're going to run at different temperatures.
    The MBP have a minimum 2000 RPM fan speed because the fans are smaller and the case if more compact, so the airflow has to be naturally higher.
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    Far as the CPU's, that's a different animal. Intel makes them and they all have heat tolerances ever since they hit the thermal wall, so it makes economic sense to keep the heat down for both desktop and laptop processors instead of seperate production, economies of scale and all that.
    The heat issue is why Apple and IBM split over the PowerPC, they couldn't advance the RISC architecture and keep the heat down for laptops.
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    So the CPU temps one can get a eyeball on what would be the ideal and 100-120ºF at idle is about right. Mine is about 95-100 F at idle because of the fan tweak.
    Now the GPU temps are another story, the iMac has a larger GPU and screen than the MBP's, so it's understandable the temps could be a bit high there, as well as the power box being insdie the case, unlike the MBP where it's a brick on the wire.
    I recommend the 1000 increase in minimum fan speed to keep the machine a bit cooler than what your "burning the hand" comment, but I basically see your temperatures as being normal for what you have.
    Your concerns are like others who expressed the same, it's more in the "personal preference" zone than a actual problem with overheating.
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    Adobe is looking for participants for a brief (~1 hour) work observation and interview. Participants must meet the following criteria:
    Dreamweaver CS4 user (beginner to advanced -- no CS3 users please)
    Curious about Spry, but have never used Spry widget features in Dreamweaver
    You know what an Accordion widget is from other sites, but have never inserted or edited one in Dreamweaver
    Familiar with CSS styling and how it works
    We are offering a small incentive to those willing to help us complete this study.
    If you meet these requirements and would like to participate, please contact me at [email protected]
    In your email, please confirm that you are a Dreamweaver CS4 user, that you have never inserted a Spry Accordion, and that you are comfortable working with and editing CSS.

    To bad I fail on nearly all the criteria, I'll pass alone the message.
    Good luck with the search.

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    I'm facing a problem in my WAD web template. Hope you guys can give me a hand.
    In my web template, there is analysis item A and B.
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    For example:- Top 3 customers in table A and all customers in table B
    Table A                                            
    Customer       Purchase rate             
    c3                  100%                             
    c1                  100%                            
    c5                  100%                                                                               
    Table B
    Customer    Purchase rate
    c2              100%
    c3              100%
    c4              100%  
    c1              100%
    c5              100%
    c6              81%
    c7              58%
    In this example, table a and b have selected different customers for 1st to 3rd position, i'm trying to make them showing identically. Any suggestion?
    Perhaps you guys can give me some idea on how does the top N condition determine the TOP 3 customers if there is many customers with 100% purchase rate as in this case.
    Thanks a lot,
    Edited by: Eric Tan on Aug 12, 2008 10:49 AM

    When u create conditions, you have tab called CHARACTERISTIC ASSIGNEMENT.& other is GENERAL..which is like in what way you want to create conditions i.e based on which characteristic or whole characteristic in rows etc...you try choosing those option in that tab, so that you can find some ideas..

  • About the top end of Metadata panel

    I want to know that the different Icons on the "Dashboard" or whatever we call the top end of Metadata panel. The smallish white rectangle with a good bit of info inside and next to it a grey rectangle with more details. (See inlined image below)
    I scanned a while in the help file but haven't come up with a discription of all the various icons and what they mean... I suspect it might vary by camera too so more complications.
    The one thats bugging me now is incuded below; what does the the human figure mean?  And further where can I get a detailed discription of what all the different icons that might appear in that white rectangle might mean?

    It's called the metadata placard.  There's a good description in the Bridge help pdf.  The position where the human figure is located contains an icon for white balance.  That white balance icon represents 'custom.'  Look in help url below and search on 'metadata placard.'

  • On my work pc only, I cannot click on links in the upper part of the screen while using firefox. This "dead area" affects only about the top 20% of the page, while below that I can click on all links.

    This does not happen on my laptop computer or on any other program my work computer runs.

    That problem can be caused by the Yahoo! Toolbar or the Babylon extension that extents too much downwards and covers the top part of the browser window and thus makes links and buttons in that part of the screen not clickable.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • Firefox wont let my mouse click on the top part of a web page it wont let the mouse curso recognize a link and wont let me click on links in about the top 2" of a web page

    if I am looking at a webpage doesnt matter which one and I move the cursor to a link in the top 2" or so of the page it will not recognize that it is a link and let me click on it the cursor stays just as the arrow and doesnt switch to the hand to let me click and open the link

    that was it I somehow figured it out right after I posted the question up here all I did was right click on the gray part of the tool bar and unchecked yahoo so it wouldn't show up thanks for the help.

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