A blank applet

I display a JInternalFrame inside a JApplet; during the process of bringing up the JInternalFrame window, I checked for input data. If no data is provided, I pop up
a modal dialog to notify the user to enter data. Unfortunately, I do not see my JInternalFrame window behind the modal dialog. All I see is a blank JApplet until I acknowledge the modal dialog. Is there anyway I can display my window with all its components then display the model dialog on top of it?
Thanks very much for your help

Is the code to bring up the dialog inside the paint() or paintComponent() method of the internal frame?
I'd think that it shouldn't be.

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  • Blank applet screen

    My code is the following
    package Exercise4.Exercise4a;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class Door extends java.applet.Applet {
    /** Creates a new instance of Door */
    int x;
    int y;
    public void init()
    public Door()
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    public Door(Point aPoint)
    x = (int)aPoint.getX();
    y = (int)aPoint.getY();
    public void paint(Graphics graphics)
    graphics.drawRect(0 + x ,0 + y, 20,30);
    graphics.fillOval(15 + x,15 + y ,5,5);
    public static void main(String args[]){
    package Exercise4.Exercise4a;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Exercise4a extends java.applet.Applet {
    //Graphics b;
    public void init() {
    Point a = new Point(0,0);
    Door door = new Door(a);
    //door.paint (b);
    When i run this code I get a blank screen. What can I do to fix this? If i use door.paint(b); I get a null pointer error.I am trying to learn java on my own and am going through I tutorial I found on the internet but cannot get it to work. Any helpwould be appreciated. If my form isn't correct also let me know about this.

    OK thanks for your help, sorry I have not replied sooner but I have been busy. I cannot get either to work but it makes sense that it should work.I want to use your first options as I really want to show my graphics multiple times here is my current Exercise4a class:
    package Exercise4.Exercise4a;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Exercise4a extends java.applet.Applet {
        Graphics b;
        public void init()
            b = this.getGraphics();
            Point a = new Point(0,0);
            Door door1 = new Door(a);
            door1.paint (b);
            Point c = new Point(20,0);
            Door door2 = new Door(c);

  • Safari 4.0.3 prints blank applet content

    On Windows XP and Vista, when I go to the following test case URL:
    Safari 4.0.3 will display the web page correctly along with the tiff image inside the applet. But when I click on Safari -> File -> Print, the tiff image is not printed.
    Firefox 3.5.5 -> File -> Print will print the tiff image correctly.
    Safari 4.0.3 on OS X 10.5.8 will also print correctly.
    Here are all the relevant files used by index.html:
    Message was edited by: pc2000

    I'm going to quickly check to see if I can get Safari 4.0.4 to load the page again. I had a lot of Java-heavy windows open when I tried to view the page, which may have contributed to the 4.0.4 crash. So I'll quit all Safari windows, relaunch Safari, and then try opening the page.
    Hah! Got it to load that time. The twain image *does not display* in 4.0.4.
    So perhaps *not entirely* a WebKit issue then.
    Do you have a "Develop" menu in your 4.0.3? If so, have you tried launching your Error console and then going to that page?
    I can see it flagging two errors in my Web Inspector:
    The HTML that caused this error was generated by a script. Unmatched </embed> encountered. Ignoring tag.
    ... and:
    Unmatched /div encountered. Ignoring tag.
    Message was edited by: b noir

  • Blank Applet

    Hi there!...
    I wrote this java code and see how an applet works. But When I try to view it through Internet Explorer version 6.0.2800.1106 I can only see a gray square and nothing else.
    I'm working with Win2k Pro. and j2dsk1.4. All my files are located in the same path.
    Can anyone tell me If I need an extra configuration or what's really going on here?
    import java.awt.Font;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class Palindrome extends Applet {
    Font f = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,25);
    public void paint(Graphics screen){
    screen.setFont(f) ;
    screen.drawString("HI WORLD!",50,25);
    }//Fin m�todo paint
    }//Fin clase Palindrome
    <title>Documento sin t�tulo</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <applet code="Palindrome.class" width="400" height="300">

    use the HtmlConverter.exe in the jdk bin directory to convert your html page with the
    correct tag for applet (wich is object NOT the depreciated applet).
    Than check the trace if it still doesn't work:
    To turn the full trace on (windows) you can start the java console, to be found here:
    C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4...\bin\jpicpl32.exe
    In the advanced tab you can fill in something for runtime parameters fill in this:
    -Djavaplugin.trace=true -Djavaplugin.trace.option=basic|net|security|ext|liveconnect
    if you cannot start the java console check here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\userName\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties
    I think for linux this is somewhere in youruserdir/java (hidden directory)
    add or change the following line:
    javaplugin.jre.params=-Djavaplugin.trace\=true -Djavaplugin.trace.option\=basic|net|security|ext|liveconnect
    for 1.5:
    deployment.javapi.jre.1.5.0_03.args=-Djavaplugin.trace\=true -Djavaplugin.trace.option\=basic|net|security|ext|liveconnect
    The trace is here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\your user\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\log\plugin...log
    I think for linux this is somewhere in youruserdir/java (hidden directory)
    Print out the full trace of the exception:
    try{...}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}

  • Blank applet using Sun JRE plug-in on 10g

    I have successfully run multiple forms using WebUtil with JInitiator on 10g DS and
    AS. I have been struggling with getting forms to show up in the applet when I try to
    use webutiljpi.htm. When I try to run a form from the builder, It loads an applet with
    a broken image icon in the upper left hand corner and the status bar reads:
    Loading Java Applet Failed...The java console gives me this(removed header stuff):
    Java Plug-in 1.5.0_12
    Using JRE version 1.5.0_12 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxx
    load: class oracle.forms.webutil.common.RegisterWebUtil not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.forms.webutil.common.RegisterWebUtil
    I looked in Metalink and found an article talking about the webutil.cfg file and
    assuring that the path to frmwebutil.jar isn't identified properly, but I think it is.
    Anyway, I'm stuck and I must be missing something easy. Here are the entries for
    my JInitiator and JPI configs and my default.env file. Any help would be greatly
    pageTitle=10g Development
    pageTitle=Assist - 10g Development

    Can you define
    WebUtilArchive=frmwebutil.jar,jacob.jar -- you use jacob.jar but it isn't in your classpath in your default .env . You must add it there too
    archive=frmall.jar,frmwebutil.jar,Jacob.jar -- remove frmwebutil an jacob.jar here
    pageTitle=10g Development
    codebase=c:\oracle\ora10g\forms\java --replace by codebase=/forms/java should be virtual directoryworkingDirectory=f:\oraapps\dev\assist\fmb10g\jason_conversion\
    this is a little messy ;-)
    should be
    then try again. Normally you even don't have to restart your OC4J
    Hope it helps

  • 2nd Class not displaying in applet on browser

    I have a very basic applet that consists of two classes, the applet itself and a gui component class that I created that is used in the applet. When I run it in the AppletViewer, I can see my gui component on the applet just fine. But when I try to run it in the browser, I can only see the applet but not the my gui component class. Both class files are in the same folder as the HTML page. I tried putting both classes in a jar file and using the archive attribute in the applet tag of the HTML file but that didn't help. I even tried putting the entire gui component class inside the applet class. It worked fine in the AppletViewer but not in the Netscape browser.
    I'm probably missing something really simple here but I can't figure out what it is. Anybody have any ideas?

    Okay, I've whittled the code down to the bare minimum. I have an applet with a single ProgressBar class on it. The applet is in the AIControl.class file and the ProgressBar is in the ProgressBar.class file, both in the same directory. When I run it in the AppletViewer, I see a half full blue progress bar at the bottom of the applet. When I run it in the browser, I only see the blank applet with no progress bar. I'm sure I'm missing something really stupid but I don't see it. Thanks all for your help.
    /************** AIControl.java ***************/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class AIControlPanel extends Applet
    ProgressBar prgProgressBar = new ProgressBar();
    public void init()
    /************* ProgressBar.java *************/
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ProgressBar extends java.awt.Canvas
    private int percentDone = 50;
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    double myWidth = getSize().getWidth() - 1;
    double myHeight = getSize().getHeight() - 1;
    g.drawRect(0, 0, (int)myWidth, (int)myHeight);
    g.fillRect(0, 0, (int)(myWidth*((double)(percentDone)/100)), (int)myHeight);
    The HTML file I'm using to run this applet in the browser is bare bones and is as follows:
    <TITLE>Autogenerated HTML</TITLE>
    <APPLET CODE="AIControlPanel.class" WIDTH=517 HEIGHT=431></APPLET>
    I don't think I can get much more bare bones than that...and it still doesn't work. Can anyone see what I'm missing?

  • Help with a simple Applet

    I am just starting Applets. This code compiles and a blank Applet displays but the Button object does not display. The HTML should be good because the blank Applet displays. Both files are saved in the same directory and my java code is compiled. Help?
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class WhosGreat extends Applet implements ActionListener
    Button btnGreat = new Button("Who's the Greatest?");
    Font LargeFnt = new Font("Times Roman",Font.BOLD,10);
    public void init()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String name = "Bugs Bunny";
    Label lblName = new Label("");

    I compiled your code and ran it. It did just what you said in Internet explorer but it worked just fine in Netscape7 and appletviewer.Just remember microsoft sucks:)

  • Applet how it works

    Hi all,
    I am new to Applet subject. Can anyone expain me what does repaint() method do in a applet creation. Which method is essential in applet creation.(just to create a blank applet without any contents)
    thanks in advance.

    The repaint() method doesn't have any special relationship with applets. It is used to tell the JVM to call the class's paint() method sometime in the near future. You use it when you have changed something that the paint() method uses and want it to be called to draw the new things in the component's display area.

  • Bug in htmlConverter plug-in url produced for 1.4.0+

    Hi all,
    Could you please let me know if you get this url
    java version "1.4.0"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)
    Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
    If you choose "Use any Java 1.4, or higher" at the bottom of
    htmlConverter GUI (after running htmlConverter), the codebase for IE autoinstall is produced
    This url is invalid.
    run htmlConverter on this file and check object tag's
    Character Coder
    Character Coder will appear below in a Java-1.4.0-enabled
    codebase = "/GUI/some_folder"
    code = "some_class.class"
    archive = "Jar_v1.0.0.jar"
    name = "Some jar"
    width = "256"
    height = "55"
    hspace = "0"
    vspace = "0"
    align = "middle"
    Should be:
    P.P.S. I filed a bug report, but the guy at bug "customer service" told me that he can't reproduce the bug. Well, i've repeated it under different options, and whenever i choose "Use any Java 1.4, or higher", i get the bogus url.
    I just don't wanna others lose 2 hours of their time to figure out what the problem is. Is this is a bug, lets help the bug control people fix it.

    I've read what you all have said about the buggy code that HTMLConverter creates. I used HTMLConverter to make my HTML code, and it looks just like what you've quoted, including the missing _0 in the codebase for downloading the Java Plug-In. But when I fix that manually in my HTML, it still doesn't prompt the user to download the new Plug-in! I know that my applet runs on a computer that has Java Plug-In 1.4.0 or higher installed, but if I uninstall the plug-in and then go to the link in IE again, all I get is the message "Done, but with errors." at the bottom of the IE window. If I move the mouse over the blank applet window, it says "load: class BathMine not found." But of course I know that it's there, since the applet runs fine if I then install the Plug-In and go to the same HTML page.
    I've had this happen on computers running Win2000, IE 6, Win2000, IE5.5, and WinXP, IE 6.
    Does anyone have any other ideas about what I might do to fix this other than just having a note on the page to people to download the proper plug-in?

  • 7 Hours left :(! I hate Java Forte SO MUCH. Please help! Not much time

    7 Hours left :(! I hate Java Forte SO MUCH. Please help! Not much time
    Ok I first Installed Java Forte cause I had to a Course and the teacher gave us an Exe which was 62 MB on a Disc and i ran it and put Java Forte On My Computer. I also put a JDK program on my computer through a Java book(Got a CD with it).I could do my Java at home but there was a massive problem. I am using Windows XP and if i used java, My Computer would never shut down cause java would always be running. So this got frustrating and i decided to uninstall it.(Also the Java Plug in decided to stop my java Yahoo chat on IE).When i uninstalled it, I am not sure if i deleted the folder, Did it through control panel(Add/Remove), Or use the uninstaller, I didnt think there was an uninstaller.
    Anyway there was still some jc.java and java Web Start folders and J2SDK folder on my HDD.
    A while later I get a big Java Assignment to do, I decide to install the Java again on my Computer, I go ahead and click the exe, It takes me to an intall place, I wait, Wait impatiently for 1 hour, It just froze on the install screen. I also tryed it on my old PC which had java, It froze But before it frose it said i already had it installed (Which it wasnt anymore). So i though maybe its the CD or something. So my friend gives me his CD and i try, Yet again it stayed like that for 2 hours. I was so frustrated. I ended up Going to control panel and removed the java Web Start and deleted the J2sdk FOlder and deleted the java Plug in from where it locates it.
    I then decide to install Java again but this time it takes me to the uninstaller? Why did it try to install from this exe but after i deleted stuff both CD's Mine and my Friends take to to the uninstaller? Well anyway i decided to Uninstall it like it said"Java Forte 3 and Some other little thing" Then i waited and it said Uninstall Complete. I double click the exe on the CD again and it takes me to the uninstaller again? I was like WTF? How do i install Java? Its just the biggest pain? Why is it taking me there instead of the actuall installer?
    Also I dislike other java programs as 1, You cant Execute the code cause its only HTML compatible and or you need the JDK files accosiated with the JCreator which i cant Understand.
    Also i got Jreal and it actually worked, But there is no uninstaller for it and it has no Removeal in the Control panel? Whats up with that? Also its good how it works. But for some reason it doesnt accept the code properly as the buttons and labels just appear everywhere and stay there even if i change forms and are messed up compared to when i run it on Java Forte at School.
    Also i have a Major Problem with Jreal as it states everytime i run an Applet "Start Applet is not Initialized?" And it shows a Blank applet? Whats up with this? I got no Errors and i think it said Exit Statement:1. But It worked before then i tryed it and it does this all the time for all my Java Program Applets. So I have no idea. It really frustrates me as it was working and i did no changes to the code and it wont let me test any more :(! Why is this happenning to me?
    Please help me in the best way you can, I dont have much time, 7 Hours to be Precise to do it in!
    Please if you can help me with any problems about installing or evening trying to be able to run Jcreator(Dont understand How to link it with JDK) or any good Java Programs to download that are easy to use(I dont have enough time to read). I couldnt understand CoffeeCup as it was HTML only? and only could run as a Web Page! But any help on Any of these problems that i suffer including Jreal How to Uninstall? Plus Mainly trying to get Java Forte Runnign as that was the only one that was properly showed the correct format of my Coding Applet.

    Awww :(

  • The browser is not displaying the forms run time

    I am using "Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)" and i have set mozilla as my default browser.I have downloaded jinitiator when i run my form it shows me blank applet with done,means it does not show me any output.Kindly help me.
    Any kind of help will be appericiated.

    Don't use Jinitiator, use Sun JRE.
    Then, be sure that you have the correct Java version in your formsweb.cfg.
    If you google for "oracle forms sun jre" you will find plenty of postings on how to set up the config file for IE and Mozilla.
    A tip: if you are sure all the clients have the correct jre version (e.g. 1.6.*), skip the version altogether in the Mozilla section:

  • Siebel 7.8 iHelp

    Could you please help me on a issue of Configuring iHelp in 7.8. Currently i am facing issue in Associating Screen for an iHelp. When i click New in Screen subtab of iHelp Administration, the applet is blank. I have mapped the required application to the iHelp.

    Hi ,
    If you see a Blank Applet in Administration>iHelp it means that proper responsibilies are not associated with you. Ask your Administrator to provide you that view to your responsibility.
    Neeraj Verma

  • How to close Internet Explorer from webforms?

    How can i close internet explorer when i click on the exit button in my form? when i click the exit button (exit_form working behind the scenes) the forms closes but leaves a blank applet window of IE behind, how can i incorporate closing IE from the exit button?

    Create a file called close.html
    Add in some java script to close a window
    //This is not the exact code but its roughly like this.
    Then in your POST_FORM trigger call web.show_document("close.html").
    Grant Ronald
    FOrms Product Management

  • Forms 6i to 10g migration and deployment

    I have successfully migrated my Forms from 6i to 10g. Now on the new Application server10g when i run/launch my Form modules every time it installs jinitiator, i accept that; then it displays dialogbox titled "Enter Network Password" with information regarding(Firewall, Realm, Scheme, username and password). Ok, when i enter my userid&password i get a blank applet with message "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:oracle.forms.engine.Main". I have unchecked Jinitiator proxies from control panel....
    What could be the problem here? I do appreciate any help in advance....

    I have admin privs on the Application server computer. Apparently all my forms are working on my local computer with Forms builder, the problem comes when put them on the server and run through Application server. It sounds like configuration problems but i checked formsweb.cfg which ive embedded below and it looks ok.
    Do i need to configure any other thing?
    # $Id: formsweb.cfg 15-apr-2005.13:17:30 pkuhn Exp $
    # formsweb.cfg defines parameter values used by the FormsServlet (frmservlet)
    # This section defines the Default settings. Any of them may be overridden in the
    # following Named Configuration sections. If they are not overridden, then the
    # values here will be used.
    # The default settings comprise two types of parameters: System parameters,
    # which cannot be overridden in the URL, and User Parameters, which can.
    # Parameters which are not marked as System parameters are User parameters.
    # These have fixed names and give information required by the Forms
    # Servlet in order to function. They cannot be specified in the URL query
    # string. But they can be overridden in a named configuration (see below).
    # Some parameters specify file names: if the full path is not given,
    # they are assumed to be in the same directory as this file. If a path
    # is given, then it should be a physical path, not a URL.
    # These match variables (e.g. %form%) in the baseHTML file. Their values
    # may be overridden by specifying them in the URL query string
    # (e.g. "http://myhost.mydomain.com/forms/frmservlet?form=myform&width=700")
    # or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)
    # System parameter: default base HTML file
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with JInitiator client
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with Sun's Java Plug-In
    # System parameter: delimiter for parameters in the base HTML files
    # System parameter: working directory for Forms runtime processes
    # WorkingDirectory defaults to <oracle_home>/forms if unset.
    # System parameter: file setting environment variables for the Forms runtime processes
    # Forms runtime argument: whether to escape certain special characters
    # in values extracted from the URL for other runtime arguments
    # Forms runtime argument: which form module to run
    # Forms runtime argument: database connection details
    # Forms runtime argument: whether to run in debug mode
    # Forms runtime argument: host for debugging
    # Forms runtime argument: port for debugging
    # Other Forms runtime arguments: grouped together as one parameter.
    # These settings support running and debugging a form from the Builder:
    otherparams=buffer_records=%buffer% debug_messages=%debug_messages% array=%array% obr=%obr% query_only=%query_only% quiet=%quiet% render=%render% record=%record% tracegroup=%tracegroup% log=%log% term=%term%
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # HTML page title
    pageTitle=Oracle Application Server Forms Services
    # HTML attributes for the BODY tag
    # HTML to add before the form
    # HTML to add after the form
    # Forms applet parameter: URL path to Forms ListenerServlet
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet archive setting for JInitiator
    # Forms applet archive setting for other clients (Sun Java Plugin, Appletviewer, etc)
    # Number of times client should retry if a network failure occurs. You should
    # only change this after reading the documentation.
    # Page displayed to Netscape users to allow them to download Oracle JInitiator.
    # Oracle JInitiator is used with Windows clients.
    # If you create your own page, you should set this parameter to point to it.
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Page displayed to users to allow them to download Sun's Java Plugin.
    # Sun's Java Plugin is typically used for non-Windows clients.
    # (NOTE: you should check this page and possibly change the settings)
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # EM config parameter
    # Set this to "1" to enable Enterprise Manager to track Forms processes
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter: indicates whether we allow
    # dynamic resource creation if the resource is not yet created in the OID.
    # Single Sign-On parameter: URL to redirect to if ssoDynamicResourceCreate=false
    # Single Sign-On parameter: Cancel URL for the dynamic resource creation DAS page.
    # Single Sign-On parameter: indicates whether the url is protected in which
    # case mod_osso will be given control for authentication or continue in
    # the FormsServlet if not. It is false by default. Set it to true in an
    # application-specific section to enable Single Sign-On for that application.
    # The parameter allow_debug determines whether debugging is permitted.
    # Administrators should set allow_debug to "true" if servlet
    # debugging is required, or to provide access to the Forms Trace Xlate utility.
    # Otherwise these activities will not be allowed (for security reasons).
    # Parameter which determines whether new Forms sessions are allowed.
    # This is also read by the Forms EM Overview page to show the
    # current Forms status.
    # EndUserMonitoring
    # EndUserMonitoringEnabled parameter
    # Indicates whether EUM/Chronos integration is enabled
    # EndUserMonitoringURL
    # indicates where to record EUM/Chronos data
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with
    # "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)
    # You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
    # by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.
    # Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change. The
    # default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
    # Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text
    # "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
    # a form. For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
    # a URL like "http://myhost.mydomain.com/forms/frmservlet?config=sepwin".
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 2: configuration forcing use of the Java Plugin in all cases (even if
    # the client browser is on Windows)
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 3: configuration running the Forms ListenerServlet in debug mode
    # (debug messages will be written to the servlet engine's log file).
    # Sample configuration for deploying WebUtil. Note that WebUtil is shipped with
    # DS but not AS and is also available for download from OTN.

  • IIS, Javascript, Signed Applet and ASP Blank Page Problem

    I'm having a problem using a Signed Applet in a site that runs in a IIS (Windows Server 2003).
    My aspx web page uses the applet to read my smart card and get information from it.
    This applet uses an auxiliar dll (stored in a second Signed Jar file) in order to read the information from my smart card.
    The way the solution is design:
    1) Aspx page is asked from server
    2) Internet Explorer recieve the page and asks the server for it content (images, applet, javascripts, etc)
    3) After this the JVM runs (console opens)
    4) After the Aspx page render fully a javascript register onload fires and call an applet method
    5) Applet receive the call and run the logic of the method:
         - reads the smart card;
         - calls Javascript function in order to fill aspx fields with information from smart card
         - calls Javascript function the simulates a click in a botton of aspx page (in order to call server side part sending data readed from smart card to server)
    5) The server makes some logic with the information receive and responds to client registering in aspx page a call to another Javascrit function
    6) The client received the asnwer from server and runs the Javascript function registered on step 5)
         This Javascript calls another method from applet and runs the following logic:
         - reads more information from smart card;
         - call javascript function in order to fill more fields of aspx page with the information readed
         - calls Javascript function the simulates a click in a botton of aspx page (in order to call server side part sending data readed from smart card to server)
    7) The server makes some logic and call another pages with no Applets
    8) Client asks for a second page with the same applet and we start with another logic express on steps 1);2);3),4);5) and then 7).
    This is all ok, until sometimes the server stop responding correcly for requests regarding this two pages with the Applet.
    When this happens the server just responds with a blank page.
         - with fiddler I can seer the request for the aspx page (that uses the applet)
         - but server responds with a blank html page
    The JVM doesn't fire.
    The IIS log don't show errors.
    The eventviewer doesn't show errors.
    The problem is solved with an IIS reset or a Application Pool reset.
    After a while the problem returns.
    This problem occours for other user in another machine, the server just stops responding correcly to request regarding pages with applets, the other pages still continue to work.
    If we disable Java Control Panel->Advanced->Java Plug-in->Enable the next-generation Java Plug-in the problem seend to stop, but we can't force all clients to disable this option right?
    Or there is a way to force the Applet to run with this option disabled?
    As anyone experience similar problem?

    This is all ok, until sometimes the server stop responding correcly for requests regarding this two pages with the Applet.
    When this happens the server just responds with a blank page.
    - with fiddler I can seer the request for the aspx page (that uses the applet)
    - but server responds with a blank html pageWell, if http requests look identical in case of success and failure (pay attention to cookies, etc) then it has to be something on the server side.
    It could be that server gets into this wrong state because of previous requests made by applet but it is hard to tell.
    I am not clear how old/new plugin can make a difference unless your applets run in the legacy mode (i.e. you are actually trying to reuse SAME instance of the applet when
    it is loaded next time).
    I'd start with
    1) carefully comparing good/bad sessions
    2) checking whether server will serve correct response to another client when it serves "bad" page for current client
    3) add debug statements to aspx - it is scripted page, may be some condition is not met and then it returns blank?
    4) record all http requests in one session until you get to "error" state and then use any http server testing tool to "replay" this set of requests.
    You should be able to get server into the same state without use of applet. Then you can try to tweak set of requests to see what makes a difference.

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