A few missing photos

I cannot add 2 specific photos to my book project.
I'd added all the pics previously, then changed my mind and deleted several. Now I want to add them back. I successfully added all but a few back to the book project by dragging them from an album.
However, a few of the photos did not reappear in the unplaced photos section. When i try to drag them again from the album or from the Last Roll, nothing happens. It is as if the book project thinks the photos are already there. But, I cannot access those photos from the unplaced pics
What do you suggest I try to get these pics into my book?

Welcome to the Apple Discussions. I experience that problem a long time ago and don't remember what corrected it. A first attempt would be to go to your User/Library/Caches folder and delete the iPhoto folder in there. It's only a cache folder and will be recreated when you next launch iPhoto.
If that doesn't help a workaround might be to duplicate those two files via the Photos->Duplicate menu and try using the new files in the book.
After you've completed and ordered the book I suggest you try downloading and installing the 10.4.7 COMBO updater followed by a repair of permissions. Best not to try anything until you've got your project behind you.
TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
Do you Twango?
G5 Dual Core 2GHz, 2G RAM, 250G HD; G4 Dual 1Ghz, 1.5G RAM, 80G HD,   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   22 LCD Display, 200G & 160G FW HDs, Canon S400, i850 & LIDE 50, Epson R200

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  • IPhoto Missing Photos, Unique Situation

    Hi everybody,
    I am in what I believe to be (after a bit of Googling and forum searching) in a unique position with my iPhoto Library. The library in question used to be maintained without keeping copies in the actual library (by using the relevant option in iPhoto Preferences), as I like to maintain my own folder hierarchy for the actual photo file storage. However, after a hard drive upgrade and the move to iPhoto '08, I decided I'd like to change this. Before moving to '08, though, I needed a way to get all my then-aliased photos into the library itself. So, I used a program called Synk (basically a backup program) which was able to resolve all the aliases to photos elsewhere and replace them with the actual photos in my iPhoto library.
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    I hope you didn't use Synk on the entire library package. Because it cannot parse the database file's contents which is the heart and soul of the library. I'm afraid you may not be able to resurrect the library.
    Since the links for the alias files are broken unless you can re-link each file you'll have to start over from scratch by creating a new, empty library and importing the photos again. I don't know of any application that can do that.
    Do you get a warning window when double clicking on a thumbnail indicating that the original file cannot be found and asks if you'd like to find it? If so, if you can find and re-link one photo in an event it may re-link all of the photos in that event as they are all in the same folder. But you have to be able to get to that warning window.
    If the above fails I strongly recommend you setup a "managed" library to prevent this type of problem again.
    You could run a managed library of all your photos on the external HD and have a smaller library on the laptop for the most current and those you need. You can use the paid version of iPhoto Library Manager to manage the multiple libraries and copy files via albums or event between the two while maintaining the keywords, comments and title.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • How do I recover missing photos in iPhoto 11?

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         Thanks for your help.
    Doug Chisholm

    Give these two fixes a try  to see if they can recover those missing photos.  But be sure to have a backup of your current library in case the results are not to your liking:
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button,                         
    and select the library you want to add from those in the selection window.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note 1: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments. However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost.
    Note 2:  Your current library will be left untouched for further attempts at a fix if so desired.
    Starting over from scratch with new library
    Start over with a new library and import the Originals (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from your original library as follows:
    1. Open the library package like this.
    2. Launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and, when asked, select the option to create a new library.
    3. Drag the subfolders of the Originals (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from the open iPhoto Library package into the open iPhoto window a few at a time.
    This will create a new library with the same Events (but not necessarily the same Event names) as the original library but will not keep the metadata, albums, books slideshows and other projects.
    Note:  your current library will be left untouched for further attempts at a fix if so desired.

  • Missing Photos after rename and organize Rolls

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    Otherwise, Please help me figure out how to get iPhoto to find my photos in their new / renamed Rolls.

    You made these changes in the Finder, yes?
    It is strongly advised that you do not move, change or in anyway alter things in the iPhoto Library Folder as this can cause the application to fail and even lead to data loss
    If you have made these changes in the finder, then I'm afraid that you'll either have to return things to the way they were or if you cannot then you'll need to create and populate a new library.
    To create and populate a new library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same film rolls and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, books, calendars etc.
    Move the iPhoto Library Folder to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library Folder on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual rolls to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library Folder on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.
    Rolls in the iPhoto Window (View -> Film Rolls) correspond exactly with the Roll Folders in the Originals Folder in the iPhoto Library Folder. You can move photos between Rolls, you can rename rolls, edit them, create them, as long as you do it via the iPhoto Window. Check out the Info Pane (wee 'i', lower left) the name and date fields are editable. Edit a Roll Name using the Info Pane, the Roll Folder in iPhoto Library Folder/Originals will also have the new name.

  • Iphoto 08 has missing photos and wheel of death

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    I have rebuilt the photo library and used the batchmod tool as described on another post. I have also searched for and removed alias links etc.
    Now at a loss as to next move. I have the photos on my old laptop running previous iphoto version plus a few older DVD backups.
    Is it anything to do with my old photo ipod?
    I could just delete the iphoto library and start over importing from scratch but what if it happens again? Any advice?

    It means that your main Library has a damaged database file.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

  • "Missing Photos" in Library section of Library

    Mac OS X 10.5.2, Lightroom 1.3.1.
    Somehow, I have an entry in the Library section of Library (this is not in the Folders section) which says I have about 6,000 missing photos. I'm trying to understand what this means. The photos are there, and I can right click on them and see the photos in the Finder.
    What do these 6,000 "missing files" refer to? Are they missing from the catalog? I was recently tinkering with the "Synchronize Photos" function as it looks like I have some cruft in the library where I tried to delete rejected photos, but only deleted them from the library and not from disk (I'd love to be able to easily doing this now... but I can't find how to do that either).
    Note these are NOT files that were moved outside Lightroom. These are not red folders... the files are there but Lightroom is calling them "Missing" for whatever reason. I can't see any reference to it in the documentation... but I haven't purchased a LR book so don't know where a good document for this is.

    Have a look at these two threads:
    It looks like this is a database problem/bug; the files are not really missing but Lightroom thinks that they are! If all the files reported as missing, still exist then you can correct the problem by removing them from the catalog. (If you try to re-import them (or a few of them), and check "Don't re-import suspected duplicates" on the Import Photos screen, Lightroom should not import any files; instead it should give you message saying that they already exist in the catalog.)

  • Missing Thumbnails and Missing Photos

    **** iLife!!
    I updated iphoto to 6.02, and now I'm getting blank spaces for a bunch of photos in the thumbnail section, and I'm getting the empty grey square with the exclamation point in regular sized photos.
    Everything was just fine before the upgrade.

    Yes, ditto. I have same problem as Ted if not worse with iPhoto 6.02. There must be 10000s of us out there which means that someone must have figured out a solution by now. Please!
    I followed Niantic's instructions but nada. I also updated my OS and followed the link to the Apple com article on images with !s but Show file got no response nor did show original file etc.
    Before I rebuilt the library I could click on some (but not all) the blank thumbnails and see the whole photo, but now all the blanks remain blank with the ! in the middle.
    Checking the missing photos I noticed two things that might help. First, a great wodge disappeared from those taken between July and September 2005. Although some were still showing.
    Of the other that went missing it seemed pretty random with a few here and there from the beginning of my library (2002) onwards.
    Also a bunch of photos I gave names to so I could identify them easily in the iPhoto library folders got jumbled in the library so they are now out of sync with when they were taken.
    Also some photos have renumbered themselves so 015_13 has duplicated itself as 015_12
    Also the dates are wrong (this must be pretty easy to fix), so for example photos I took in March 2006 say Jan 2005
    Also when I examine the file directory on iPhoto library none of the dates correspond to when I took them (one strand starts 1970) and many of the subfolders are empty (so I cant quite understand how they came to be created).
    Finally, yes I do have backups though I am not looking forward to the hours it will eventually take identifying all the missing photos by number and then reimporting one or several at a time.
    I already tried to do this with several different photos and each time it read: "Unreadable file: the following file could not be imported: users/etc/etc/IMG_xxxx.jpg (The file is in the iPhoto library folder). Please could someone translate what this means!
    Please excuse the length of this posting but I figured the more info I give the more likely there might be a clue for some bright spark to figure out what the xxxx is going on. Like Ted, my digital photo life was simple and peaceful until iLife 6 came along.
    I suspect that messy file management that was tolerated in my earlier version is no longer tolerated by this new version. Whatever the reason i am completely stumped. Over to you, Sherlock…
    iMac G5 (3.0) 512 MB   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Bought July 2005

  • What are missing photos

    Besides my main iPhoto library, I have a secondary library that holds 74.000 pix.
    I have now run this (huge)library through Duplicate Anihilator and it found (besides tons of duplicates which I then erased) a few thousand "missing photos".
    a) what are they?
    b) what should I do about them?

    Pol, missing photos are probably photos, were the original image file is missing. try to edit or export one of them, if you cant, the original is missing. You have only the preview of the version left. Sometimes you can reconnect the originals by rebuilding the library with iPhoto library manager. If not, drag the thumbnails of the images in question to a folder on your desktop to save the previews as jpegs.

  • Missing photos in iPad after syncing

    Using Photos, with REFERENCED files. Syncing ALL 5500 photos to my iPad. All albums are present in iPad but SOME albums are missing some photos. All in all, my Photos Library on my mac contains 5500 photos, and the list of photos on my iPad contains 4800 (missing 700 photos). No error message. When syncing in iTunes, I see photos going b: 1 of 5500, 2 of 5500... up to 4800 of 5500, then the progress bar jumps to completion instantly and the syncing stops normally.
    I did a sync to iPad with zero photo and a resync with Photos (success, as expected) to start afresh. Same error.
    I did a sync to a different iPad. Got a slightly different result, but still missing a few hundred photos.
    No iCloud syncing involved.

    The problem seems to be "self healing". I did 4 syncs in a row without success last weekend (always missing the same number of photos), but a few days later, one more sync, and now an additional several hundred photos are being transferred. I think I have them all now. Waving a dead chicken over the computer, while dancing, does work.

  • How to reset paths (NOT missing photos)

    I have created a new folder with all my photos. Within it are individual folders named by year (2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009...).
    I have several old catalogs with photos pointing to different files on several external HDs.  I want to relink them nice and neatly so that they all point to the photos on my newly created folder on a dedicated external HD.
    How can I relink all the photos? I've searched all over the internet but the only information that I can find are those related to "missing photos and question marks in the corner (and not just "resetting paths" as in Expression Media/iView).   I have attempted to FORCE the question mark and relink it that way but Lightroom will not find nearby files. It only finds photos taken on the same day.
    There must be some easy way like in Expression Media/iView to simply reset the path, i.e., manually relink in big batches (all photos in one folder).
    I'd be so grateful for any insight and solutions anybody could offer me.

    You've a couple of routes - for individual images, or for folders.
    With individual images, it depends on the image being missing. If it has a little question mark or exclamation mark in the corner in grid view, click the missing file marker and point to where the photo is now located. Ensure "Find Nearby" is ticked, and press OK. LR will read the filenames of other missing files and try to find them too. This route is no use if the image is not missing.
    With folders, you can right click any folder. You get a question mark if the folder is missing, and right click - "Find Missing Folder". If the folder is not missing, the context menu is "Update Folder Location". In each case you can now point to the new folder location.
    To make it easy on yourself, right click a parent folder and update its location. Its child folders will then be updated too.
    Does that help?

  • Missing photos in iPhoto '08 v. 7.1.3

    This is hardly a "new" topic on this discussion but after trying every recommendation I have been able to find, I am still no further forward so would appreciate any other suggestions that might be forthcoming.
    When iPhoto is launched it shows, at the foot, 17,528 items. Click on a thumbnail and one of two thing happens: either, and this is the good one, the photo launches normally or, and this is the other, up pops the greyed out area with the exclamation mark. If I understand that correctly it either means that the original photo is "missing" or that iPhoto is unable to link to it.
    An Info check on the iPhoto library shows 12.86 GB. However, on the originals folder only it shows 5.49 GB for 7,506 items.
    I have tried all the rebuild facilities offered by iPhoto. No change.
    I have installed iPhoto Library Manager and tried to rebuild the library using that: it hangs, showing "getting photo information"...which it doesn't. I had to close it using Force Quit.
    I have used the "extract photos" facility in that program - it tells me that 5,589 photos have been extracted.
    None of the figures tie up - and I'm not even clear if they are supposed to do so.
    The real mystery to me is that the "missing" photos seem entirely random: in a group of, say 10, photos which were imported together 1 or 2 might be missing, all might be, none might be. There is just no discernible "pattern" to the problem.
    So, two questions, really: (1) any bright ideas as to what to try next or what might be causing this and (2) if my library is terminally corrupted then it seems to me I should start a brand new library using the extracted photos as the basis then add others from CDs and DVDs, but in doing so is there a way of avoiding duplication?
    Thanks in anticipation...

    To create a library from scratch - which is what you need to do as you do have a damaged library:
    To create and populate a new library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Events and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    In the iPhoto Preferences -> Events Uncheck the box at 'Imported Items from the Finder'
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Event Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

  • How do I find my hidden/missing photos?

    On my iPhone4 my Camera Roll is showing 925 photos, which I have recently backed up to my computer. However iTunes shows I have 2103 photos using 4.47 gb. On my phone under settings>general>usage>photos & camera it shows that I have used 4.6 gb. And on my phone under settings>general>about>photos it shows 2,065.
    This is my 2nd iPhone, which replaced the 1st iPhone4 when it had a problem and stopped working.  I am missing a whole lot of pictures, and so the over 2000 number makes sense.  I just don't know how to find the hidden/missing photos.
    Can anyone help me with this?

    I think your numbers add up --- as follows:
    iTunes says you have 2.103 photos.  I claim they consist of:
    925 photos on your Camera Roll
    178 photos in your Photo Library
    1,000 photos in your Photo Stream
    2,103 total photos
    If you're having trouble finding the Photo Stream photos, maybe this will help:
    iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ

  • E book" it tells me that the bI have prepared a photobook, made a pdf and when I press "buy the book is missing photos on one ore more pages. The book does not miss any photos or text, all layouts are ok, the background color is ok. Can anybody help me?

    I have prepared a photo book, made a pdf and when I press "buy thhe book" it tells me that the book is missing photos on one ore more pages. The book does not miss any photos or text, all layouts are ok, the background color is ok. Can anybody help me?

    You are missing one or more photos - youprobably have a page background that requires a photo which is behind a page with photos on it - all pages must either have a photo or be a color - if you have a gray background it requires a photo - look through the book carefully and be sure to look at the background on any full page photos - you will find one or more missing photos

Maybe you are looking for