A Leopard Bug?

I believe there is a bug with OS 10.5. When I have Apple Works running for a while, the widow disappears, but the program stays on, I just can't see the session. I do see and can muse click on File, Edit, Format, etc. I quit and restart Apple Works, and it's the same thing. I have to restart the computer to get it to work properly. This also happens with Logic 8 and iCal. I didn't have this problem before I upgraded to Leopard. Please Help!!

I too am having problems with Appleworks after updating to Leopard. I am not able to open Appleworks at all. I get an error message: The application Appleworks quit unexpectedly. the options are Ignore, Report or Relaunch. When I try Relaunch I get the same message.
I made sure I updated to 6.2.9 Appleworks and have restarted my computer (MacBook) several times. I still can't get Appleworks to open.
Anyone have any ideas? I have a lot of files in Appleworks, they will not open in Pages, since they are drawing format in Appleworks.

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    Have the same problem with the Airport Disk. I can see the disk in Finder, but can't access it at all - even after "connecting" with a password.
    I did not have the same problem with my Airport account data; all remained intact for me - only the shared HD problem.
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    Not sure about the graininess as I have never seen it but it seems to be the same fix as for the curser being off by 10 pixels. cycle though the screen modes with the F key. this has nothing to do with Snow Leopard as it is present in both Tiger and Leopard as well.
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  • Snow Leopard Bugs

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    Any ideas?

    (1) Safari takes 20 to 30 seconds to load Apple's home page, and other pages with RSS. Pages with no RSS and no QT animation load fine.
    I'm not seeing anything like that here. Try posting over on the [Getting Online and Networking forum|http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1343], and be ready with more details about your networking setup.
    (2) I have no other software loaded yet other than Apple's. From time to time, after boot, the Trash bin will have an empty Recovered Files folder. No big deals. But it is irritating.
    This is normal. When any application leaves files in the temporary folder, those files get placed into a Recovered Files folder in the trash every time you log out. Applications should clean up after themselves, but many (even some Apple apps) don't do so appropriately.

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    Delete the iWeb preference file, com.apple.iWeb.plist, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder, repair disk permissions, reboot, launch iWeb and republish the site. See if that will make any changes. The black theme works for me in myTestPage .
    Can you give us the URL so we can examine it first hand?

  • Is this a normal Leopard bug?

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    It should not be happening. As for why... there are more than "a few" about networking and internet connections in the forum.
    They've had the mac for less than two months. Still very new.
    Maybe if you had a link to "Troubleshooting Internet Connections" and a link to how to setup Network control panel preferences.
    According to a quick glance at Google, Mercury Messenger could be an iChat program and 1.9 is the latest on VersionTracker.com which came out in October.

  • Another snow leopard bug?

    the day i installed it onto my macbook pro, i was unable to shutdown or restart my computer after several hours of use. i had to hold the power button to be able to shut down my computer.
    what happened prior to this was:
    - i installed 10.6
    - thinking i hadn't installed everything, i opted to (re)install some of the things in the optional folder (i was disappointed i no longer had quicktime pro, which i discovered after the fact that it got shifted to the utilities folder)
    - while installing these options i kept getting an error message relating to the file: CNQL1212_ClassicNotSeize.kext
    - after the install completed, thinking something might be wrong, i did a fresh install of 10.6
    - after several hours, i went to shut down my computer only to discover i couldn't
    anyone else have the problem of not being able to shutdown or restart???

    everything seems to be working fine now. it only happened the once.
    when i clicked to shutdown or restart, nothing happened - as though the shutdown and restart buttons had no more functionality. no error message, no freeze, no black screen. i could have continued to use to my computer normally, i just wasn't able to turn it off without holding the power button down.

  • New Snow Leopard Bug

    For some reason my iMac won't stay asleep. This is starting to bother me because my iMac is beside my bed and it wakes me up when I hear the hard drive spin back up. I counted at least 4 times last night that I heard it wake itself up (and me). I usually sleep my iMac at 10:00 pm manually. Here is log entries from console the first of 4 times it happened last night:
    May 13 22:00:29 adonis-rouses-imac DashboardClient159: no upcoming events
    May 13 22:00:29 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.Dock.agent97: 2010-05-13 22:00:29.552 DashboardClient159:a03 no upcoming events
    May 13 22:00:44 adonis-rouses-imac DashboardClient159: no upcoming events
    May 13 22:00:44 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.Dock.agent97: 2010-05-13 22:00:44.019 DashboardClient159:a03 no upcoming events
    May 13 22:04:26 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent4760: Debugger() was called!
    May 13 22:06:39 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow41: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep
    May 13 22:06:40 adonis-rouses-imac configd14: PMConnection mDNSResponder com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 1733 ms
    May 13 23:17:37 adonis-rouses-imac SyncServer4765: 6a209e0 |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
    May 13 23:17:37 adonis-rouses-imac airportd4771: _fastFinderContextInit: Starting auto-join with ssid 'Rouse Network'
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow41: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback will power on, Currenttime:5/13/2010 11:17:47.354 PM - Waketime:5/13/2010 11:17:35.970 PM = Deltatime:11.384119987
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac configd14: network configuration changed.
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac configd14: PMConnection AirPort configd plug-in com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 254 ms
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac configd14: PMConnection IPConfiguration com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 255 ms
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac webdavfs_agent1705: stream_transaction: CFStreamError: domain 1, error 49
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac webdavfs_agent1705: WebDAV server is no longer responding, will keep retrying...
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac webdavfs_agent1705: stream_error: Posix error 49
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac KernelEventAgent42: tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac KernelEventAgent42: tid 00000000 type 'webdav', mounted on '/Volumes/adonisrouse-1', from 'http://fileservices.me.com/adonisrouse/', not responding
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac KernelEventAgent42: tid 00000000 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac configd14: Sleep: Success - AC - Software Sleep
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac configd14: Wake: Success - AC - RTC
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac configd14: Hibernate Statistics
    May 13 23:17:47 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow41: askForPasswordBuiltIn after makekey, Currenttime:5/13/2010 11:17:47.974 PM - Waketime:5/13/2010 11:17:35.970 PM = Deltatime:12.004171014
    May 13 23:17:48 adonis-rouses-imac configd14: network configuration changed.
    May 13 23:17:50 adonis-rouses-imac webdavfs_agent1705: WebDAV server is now responding normally
    May 13 23:17:51 adonis-rouses-imac KernelEventAgent42: tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    May 13 23:17:52 adonis-rouses-imac mDNSResponder18: RegisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en1 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:0224:36FF:FEB9:DECD)
    May 13 23:17:54 adonis-rouses-imac AOSNotification138: AOSNotification XMPP session not connected - no ping sent
    May 13 23:18:18 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow41: in pamsmauthenticate(): Failed to determine Kerberos principal name.
    May 13 23:18:29: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    May 13 23:18:29 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow41: builtInAuthWindowDidResignKey
    May 13 23:18:29 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow41: handleUnlockResult, Currenttime:5/13/2010 11:18:29.695 PM - Waketime:5/13/2010 11:17:35.970 PM = Deltatime:53.724636018
    May 13 23:18:59 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow41: no spins reported for this wake
    May 13 23:18:59 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.backupd4795: Starting standard backup
    May 13 23:18:59 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.backupd4795: Backing up to: /Volumes/My Book/Backups.backupdb
    May 13 23:19:03 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.backupd4795: No pre-backup thinning needed: 2.68 GB requested (including padding), 831.59 GB available
    May 13 23:19:17 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.backupd4795: Copied 4032 files (19.1 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    May 13 23:19:18 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.backupd4795: No pre-backup thinning needed: 2.66 GB requested (including padding), 831.56 GB available
    May 13 23:19:23 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.backupd4795: Copied 2597 files (94 KB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    May 13 23:19:28 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.backupd4795: Starting post-backup thinning
    May 13 23:19:37 adonis-rouses-imac com.apple.backupd4795: Deleted backup /Volumes/My Book/Backups.backupdb/Adonis Rouse’s iMac/2010-05-12-222335: 831.57 GB now available

    I don't use the software. I have all software and firmware updates installed for this drive. Also the WDsmartware, has been hidden by me through a western digital installation. Last night I decided to unplug the usb cables for the drive to see if it would happen if the drive wasn't connected. It did.
    I pulled myself out of bed to get more system log files:
    May 15 01:21:11 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection AirPort configd plug-in com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 10619 ms
    May 15 01:21:11 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection IPConfiguration com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 10620 ms
    May 15 01:21:12 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection IPConfiguration com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 456 ms
    May 15 01:21:12 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    May 15 01:21:13 adonis-rouses-imac ntpd[31]: sendto( (fd=27): Can't assign requested address
    May 15 01:21:15 adonis-rouses-imac ntpd[31]: sendto( (fd=24): No route to host
    May 15 01:21:27 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection mDNSResponder com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 15383 ms
    May 15 02:21:28 adonis-rouses-imac SyncServer[617]: [6a209e0] |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
    May 15 02:21:54 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection mDNSResponder com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 15602 ms
    May 15 03:21:55 adonis-rouses-imac SyncServer[617]: [6a209e0] |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
    May 15 03:22:08 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    May 15 03:22:11 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection mDNSResponder com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 6042 ms
    May 15 05:10:09 adonis-rouses-imac SyncServer[617]: [6a209e0] |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
    May 15 05:10:09 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    May 15 05:10:11 adonis-rouses-imac mDNSResponder[18]: SSLHandshake failed: -9806
    May 15 05:10:19 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection IPConfiguration com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 246 ms
    May 15 05:10:25 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection mDNSResponder com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 5576 ms
    May 15 06:58:10 adonis-rouses-imac SyncServer[617]: [6a209e0] |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
    May 15 06:58:26 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: PMConnection mDNSResponder com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 5627 ms
    May 15 06:59:40 adonis-rouses-imac SyncServer[617]: [6a209e0] |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
    May 15 06:59:50 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: Sleep: Success - AC - Maintenance Sleep
    May 15 06:59:50 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: Wake: Success - AC - OHC2
    May 15 06:59:50 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: Hibernate Statistics
    May 15 06:59:50 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: Kernel configd com.apple.powermanagement.applicationresponse.slowresponse 5709 ms
    May 15 06:59:50 adonis-rouses-imac configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    May 15 06:59:50 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow[42]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback will power on, Currenttime:5/15/2010 6:59:50.293 AM - Waketime:5/15/2010 6:59:38.980 AM = Deltatime:11.313419938
    May 15 06:59:50 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow[42]: askForPasswordBuiltIn after makekey, Currenttime:5/15/2010 6:59:50.558 AM - Waketime:5/15/2010 6:59:38.980 AM = Deltatime:11.577649951
    May 15 07:00:08 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow[42]: in pamsmauthenticate(): Failed to determine Kerberos principal name.
    May 15 07:00:08 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow[42]: builtInAuthWindowDidResignKey
    May 15 07:00:08 adonis-rouses-imac loginwindow[42]: handleUnlockResult, Currenttime:5/15/2010 7:00:08.718 AM - Waketime:5/15/2010 6:59:38.980 AM = Deltatime:29.738359988

  • From Windows user: Leopard

    Hi all.
    I'm a typical Windows user, never had any Macs in my life. And my English is not perfect, sorry
    Being impressed by new iMac and all that hype around Leopard and having constant pressure from my kids and wife, I bought a brand new iMac 20", wireless mouse/keyboard and AirPort station. Brought it all home, installed included Leopard and was very excited.
    Now, three days later I'm sitting here, quite confused.
    What I want from my Mac is simple: a hub/controller for all our photos, music, videos, movies, etc. And a safe computer for my wife to read mail and go online and my kids to get crazy with games and stuff.
    The way I was going to set it up was this:
    1. Replace my existing router with AirPort.
    2. Set a certain space on one of my network drives for iTunes library, photos, etc. I was going to use RAIDed drive, so back up wasn't really needed, but I was thinking that Time Machine will cover all my future needs (if any) in terms of having all important things backed up safely.
    3. Load all my media on that drive and share it with all machines in the house, Windows or Macs (this isn't going to be the only Mac in the family).
    I bet you know already where I'm going with this. But first, Leopard bugs:
    1. Dashboard quit working for admin users (me and my wife) on the first day. But it works just fine for my kids. Still can't fix it. My wife is especially frustrated about this because she was going to use some of those items quite a lot.
    2. Eject button on keyboard and all eject buttons in Finder simply don't work. Period. The only way to eject a drive or image is to drag it to the Trash.
    3. AirPort setup was a pure nightmare. I plugged it in, connected it to the modem and the yellow light started to blink. I waited for 10-20 minutes, just in case, because manual says it should be steady green right from the start. Then fired its Utility on Mac, it didn't see AirPort at all. I installed Utility on one of Windows machines with the same result. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite comfortable with networking and everything was set up correctly. The only way I was able to "see" this thing is by wiring a Win machine to it and using Windows networking tool.
    4. After I finally managed it to work and all my machines were connected I plugged one of my USB drives into AirPort (just because I was curious). AirPort Utility couldn't see it, I mean it couldn't see the drive at all. I don't really need this but still can't fix it.
    5. And, of course , the whole notion of "image mounting" drives me completely NUTS. I understand that this is a different world with its own rules and stuff, but still... If I have a bunch of files on one drive and I want to copy them to some other drive and I don't want to do this manually, why CCC and SuperDuper ask me to "mount" some kind of a "disk image" (which, as I understood, could be "sparse"/good or "not sparse"/bad) and write those files to it? What happened with plain and simple "copy these freaking files to this freaking location"? :)))
    6. It turned out that Time Machine can work only with external drives. This is really strange. I know VERY FEW people who have only one computer. For those guys, having a separate FireWire or USB drive for each machine is a waste. The ONLY logical thing to do in this case is to have one drive/server on your network for all backups from all machines. Of course, this drive should be reliable (RAID or physical mirror). Also, having file versioning in Time Machine doesn't feel right. Modern drives are 200-300 Gigs. So, theoretically, if you have 200 gigs of files and all of them has been changed, you'd need at least 1 terabyte drive to store only 5 days' history. Not realistically, of course, but... They should explain it better, I think.
    7. I noticed bunch of other smaller things in Leopard that bother me but, in general, we like our Mac and I think that Apple will fix most of bugs in the next update or so.
    Now, a suggestion to Apple:
    My family got 20 gigs of music, 4 gigs of photos and "unsizeable" amount of movies. If you really want our business then give us a possibility to load all of this on a NAS drive, share it with all machines on local subnet with parental control and control it from any machine that has been set as "admin" machine. Or something alone these lines. I'm really sick and tired of going to my Mac just to wake it up in order to continue listening iTunes on my Win machine while I'm working. And I can't set it to "never sleep".

    Is this thing a full blown, non-scaled down Mac? Is the actual computer capable of everything that a regular, say, Macbook could do? Are there any disadvantages to it that hold it back from all the features?
    Yes, on the inside it's a full computer, just in a smaller package. The hardware is quite similar to what was in the MacBook in its previous generation.
    It's not deliberately "crippled" in any way.
    Also, at the $600 STANDARD tech spec settings, can I run OS X smoothly and use all basic apps with maybe some light movie editing (iMovie/Final Cut)? Will it be really slow or what?
    Sure can, and no, it won't be really slow. Encoding movies might take a few minutes longer. If anything slows you down doing basic tasks, it will be that the basic Mini comes with 1GB of RAM - you might feel that if you run multiple heavier applications at the same time.
    What version of OS X does the Mac mini come with? Leopard?
    Newly shipping ones will come with Leopard. Stores with old stock may sell you one that comes with Tiger or a Leopard upgrade disc.
    Hows the transition from a long time Windows user to OS X?
    Mostly smooth, and where there are differences, it's often surprising how much the OS X way "makes sense". Installing things takes a bit of getting used to, but once you work it out it'll become natural.

  • Cant Figure out if OS or Trackpad bug

    I am new to the glass mousepad and taken aback by its slow response. I dont know if its a snow leopard bug or my trackpad is faulty. Sometimes double and right clicking doesnt happen and i have to tap hard.
    Also another peculiar problem is that if I have to shut a window or a tab in safari, sometimes when I click on the "X" nothing happens. I have to try it a couple of times or minimise it and then shut it. Its quite irritating. Can some one pls tell me why this problem is arising
    The problem is also when I am connected throught Mighty Mouse. Basically if I have multiple tabs or active windows or docs etc opened. Clicking on the x doesnt work at times. I have to either minimise the tab/window in question and then click on x or click on another active tab/window and then go back to the one that get stuck.
    Sometimes the double click doesnt work either. Say if I click on the HD icon nothing will happen. I have to do it a couple of times to open a file or folder.
    You think its an os issue? If yes shall I do a clean install etc?
    I am just adding the link to the video which is a screenshot video recording of this issue. The Amazon tab doesnt shut. This problem is with all applications like text edit, preview etc

    Thanks for replying
    Both were unchecked and have checked the first one. Another poster in a diff forum had told me to change the double click speed. can someone pls tell me what the optimised speed would be? For some reason when the trackpad setting works in opposite. If I select the bar towards slow, it becomes fast and vice versa!

  • Airport express printing problem with Snow Leopard

    I am no longer able to print to my shared printer after upgrading to Snow Leopard. I get a message that starts with "communication failure the computer is no longer able to communicate with your printer". My network consists of a dual-band Airport extreme and an Airport Express. The dual-band Airport Extreme creates the network and is connected to the internet. The printer (HP LaserJet 1012) is connected to the AirPort Express. The AirPort express joins the dual-band Airport extreme network for the sole purpose of turning the HP LaserJet 1012 into a shared wireless printer. Everything was working fine before the upgrade to Snow Leopard. When I connect the printer directly to my MAC via USB, it prints fine. I can "see" the printer fine through bonjour when it is connected to the AirPort express, but I get a failure whenever I try to print to it. I have tried plugging and unplugging the device. I have effectively redownloaded the print-driver by connecting the printer directly to my MAC. It sounds like a Snow Leopard bug. Any suggestions for a work-around? Thanks.

    I upgraded to Snow Leopard and had difficulties connecting to my HP Photosmart 7150 printer through Airport Express. Apple setup found a 3rd party printer driver by Gutenprint, which I downloaded and the printer works. But like it did under Leopard. Under the 10.5 OS, a print command would send a wake up signal to the HP, which automatically turned off after a period of idleness, and then print. Under 10.6, there is no wake up and I need to manually activate the printer. I went to the HP web site hoping to find a "new" driver for 10.6 and HP has posted a message saying it does not and will not be providing print driver for 10.6. It then has a long list of HP devices that cannot or will not print with Snow Leopard. So those with no-printing issues should check your model against the HP driver listing. I believe this is a neat way for HP to force Mac users who upgrade or install 10.6 to buy a new printer for which HP has a 10.6 driver. At least I can print and the only inconvenience that I can see if the lack of that wake up signal. My wife says it won't hurt me if I have to get up and walk to the room with the printer to turn it on!

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