A macbook c2d or mbp c2d ?

i had a 2 15" mbp cduo and 1 17" mbp cduo and i returned them due to the whine and heat issues. i ended up settling for a cduo 20" and im happy with it. my questions is im a photoshop student and also a phot0 assistant. i been travelling alot more and using my 20"imac less. should I buy a c2duo macbook or mbpro? i know the mbp has the power but not sure if i should spend the extra thousand or so that it would cost? as a photoshop student can the mbook handle what i will be doing for a bout a year or so?

The MacBook will handle Photoshop fine, even under Rosetta if you put enough RAM in there. I'm sure once the universal version of CS3 is released it'll run it great. I think the issue you should consider with Photoshop is screen real estate. I use photoshop on a 20" cinema display and on the MacBook and I do find the MB screen can be a little bit restrictive. You definitely notice the difference in having those extra pixels on a bigger display.

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    I think people with a english keyboard won't have this problem.
    It might be interesting if other people will have the same problem,
    with non english keyboards.
    But if you have a english keyboard please feel free to test.
    Wrong keyboard mapping on a MacBook C2D 2.0 GHz. with german keyboard, when choosing chinese "Hanin" input with YiTian keyboard layout.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    A) MacBook C2D 2.0 GHz (white) with german keyboard
    B) MacOSX 10.4.8
    1. choose System Preferences - International - Input Menu
    2. select Traditional Chinese and only Hanin
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    9. close preferences of Hanin
    10. choose the Hanin symbol next to the system clock and select "Show Keyboard Viewer"
    11. type in TextEdit again 'y'
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    Actual Results:
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    PB G4, MacBook C2D, iMac C2D   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Well, I'm sitting here in my living room wirelessly connected, reading posts, listening to music, etc etc and I'm loving it. When watching HD video, the fans get louder but it's not unbearable like a desktop PC by any means. So far, I haven't found anything this MacBook can't do that my full-powered (and bulky) desktop system can do. The Core2Duo is plenty fast, the display is crisp, the wireless runs without a hitch, and even the trackpad works how it's supposed to. Laptops have come a long way.

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    Thanks un advance.

    I have the exact same problem you are describing. Randomly, I experience EXTREMELY slow connections. Sometimes the connection is so slow it seems I am not connected. I have had this problem since I bought my MacBook C2D in the fall. This problem has occurred at many different access points, including my netgear router, coffee shops, and several different universities.
    My husband owns a MacBook Pro, and sometimes we will be side by side on our computers, which supposedly have the same software (I am running 10.4.8 and currently have all the updates as does he), same processor, and he never has trouble with his wireless connection. So it is definitely my computer, not the routers.
    I have called Apple support twice to descirbe the problem. They suggested I send the computer in to get the airport card replaced. At this moment my wireless is working. However, this is the first time since yesterday morning that it has worked. I don't think apple will replace the card unless the problem can be reproduced. And the problem seems to be entirely random.
    I would be very happy if someone figures out what is wrong.
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Thanks for any input!

    I was wondering what is fastest. First second and
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    - Macbook C2D with 1 Gigabytes RAM
    - Macbook CD with 2 Gigabytes of RAM
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    1. MacBook CD w. 2 GB of RAM
    2. MacBook C2D w. 1 GB of RAM
    3. iMac G5
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    Many thanks in advance.

    i recomend buying one of these if your cds are damaged... http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=electronics-uk&field -keywords=cd%20repair&results-process=default&dispatch=search/ref=pdsl_aw_tops-2_electronics-uk_85861342&results-process=default?tag2=gb-en-google-21
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  • Trouble with built in iSight macbook C2D late 2006

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    Greets from munich, germany
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    Your new post is a good one, alex.
    (For other readers, this post is a follow-on to alex's first post at
    Sorry your problem is not fixed.
    Although it is unusual to need more than one hardware fix, I think you will need help from an Apple-Authorized Service Provider again.
    However, if you want to try reinstalling your Mac OS as recommended in the other forum, my suggestions on how to do that are in this Reinstalling Mac OS X link. As explained in that linked page, how long the update takes will depend on which update method you choose.
    As soon as you restart your Mac after the reinstall, repair permissions and apply the Combo Update. The Combo will update your MacBook to the latest version of Tiger in one step. Remember to repair permissions again as soon as you restart after applying the Combo Updater.
    This post by Stewart Holmes suggests that taking out the battery and leaving your MacBook unplugged for a longer time than you tried previously might be worth a try:
    My only remaining suggestion is that you contact Apple or your Apple-Authorized Service Provider for service. I have no other ideas.
    Anybody else have help for alex ... ?
    PowerBook 1.67 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.10)    G5 DP 1.8  External iSight</span<br>

  • New Macbook c2d en route -- how do i get files of its ancient predecessors?

    i ordered my c2d macbook from macmall. the rebates do look like a PITA, but they're substantial -- not only $100 on the computer, but $70 on Parallels which I ordered at the same time. i've bought from them in the past without troubles, and hope to have the same experience; if not, i still haven't paid a premium so worth the gamble. UPS says it's made it from memphis to knoxville so far, so half way home.
    my question though is how i'm going to get my files from my inspiron to my new macbook, and from an old performa i have to my macbook. the performa runs os9, so i understand that i can't use the migrate capabilities of osX. it doesn't have USB, much less firewire, so that route is out. so... if everything is connected through a router, hopefully my macbook will see the performa and i can just copy over? will it see the dell? i don't have a burner on either old computer, so can't do it that way. any tips?
    also, can i run OS9 on the macbook, so i can use some of the old software i have? i haven't seen anything on that. sure would add to my capabilities while i wait for versions of the sw that are made for the intel chip....
    thanks in advance.

    If the Performa has ethernet, then you can create a Net between your new MacBook and the Performa (using an ethernet cable, I don't think you'll need a crossover cable).
    You may be able to run OS 9 in your macbook via one emulation software, like Basilisk (emulates a 68K mac) or SheepShaver (emulates a PPC mac). You will also need your original OS9 disks and to extract your Performa's ROM.
    I stepped from a PowerBook 190cs to a MacBook and I've been able to run OS 7.5.5 via Basilisk and use some of my old software. I had some problems moving files from the older system to the new, because of the way OSX treats resources, so to move some old applications I recommend that you compress then (.zip or .sit).
    MacBook 1.83 GHz 1st Generation   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • 10.4.10 on a Macbook C2D:  What does it break?

    Anybody install 10.4.10 on a C2D MacBook yet? Did it break anything?

    It breaks my confidence in Apple being able to release a well tested update. See http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=4776149
    13,000 views, 200+ replies, Digg front page...um yeah, not so nice.
    Late 2006 c2duo Black Macbook (with iPop)   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

  • Macbook (C2D) + D-Link DIR-655:  Slow wireless N speed

    When I transfer a large file (around 1.3 GB), the speed fluctuates between 1.5 MB/s (12 Mbits/s) and 2.5 MB/s (20 Mbits/s). The Macbook according the Network Utility is connected at 130 Mbit/s. It's supposed to be at 300 Mbit/s. That's one problem. The other is, even if it is connected at 130 Mbit/s, it's still extremely slow.
    I am transferring files to/from a Linux Ubuntu server over Samba. When I connected through the wire, it flies, so I know it's not the configuration on the server. It's the wireless driver on the Macbook.
    What kind of average speeds of file transfer on the LAN are people getting? Can you please share? Is it normal to have wireless N and have 12 to 20 Mbit/s speeds?
    Can anyone from the Apple Wireless Driver team comment on this?
    Many thanks,
    Roy Assaly

    Some more information about the speed. It looks like playing with the TCP Window has dramatically increased the speed. Here is the data:
    $ iperf -s
    Server listening on TCP port 5001
    TCP window size: 256 KByte (default)
    [ 4] local port 5001 connected with port 37617
    [ 4] 0.0-10.1 sec 74.7 MBytes 62.1 Mbits/sec
    Ubuntu Server:
    roy@ubuntuserver:~$ iperf -c
    Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
    TCP window size: 16.0 KByte (default)
    [ 3] local port 37617 connected with port 5001
    [ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 74.7 MBytes 62.4 Mbits/sec
    So I knew that the TCP stack itself is fine. It had to be Samba. I used this for now:
    That got me to around 4.0 (32 Mbits/s) to 6.3 MB/s (50.4 Mbit/s) fluctuations. If anybody has better numbers, let me know.

  • Macbook C2D late 2006 RAM upgrade question.

    Hello everyone,
    I have a late 2006 Macbook and am planning to upgrade the RAM from 2GB to 4GB.
    From what I understand, my motherboard only supports 3GB, and I'm ok with that.
    My question is:
    Because 1GB will be left unused, will the OS use any of the extra GB towards my Intel GMA 950 GPU's 64MB of shared memory?
    I know the machine performs better graphically with with 4GB of RAM rather than 3, I was wondering if that extra GB of RAM is just used my my GPU rather than by the computer?
    Like, will I get more then 64MB of shared RAM?
    Thanks for reading, and I hope someone here has the same configuration as me, has added the 4GB, and could tell me if there is any GPU upgrade with the 4GB.

    Aaron Lowe wrote:
    Because 1GB will be left unused, will the OS use any of the extra GB towards my Intel GMA 950 GPU's 64MB of shared memory?
    No, the GMA 950 shares the 3 GB. Some have reported after testing that the MacBook is actually using 3.3 GB.
    I know the machine performs better graphically with with 4GB of RAM rather than 3, I was wondering if that extra GB of RAM is just used my my GPU rather than by the computer?
    Like, will I get more then 64MB of shared RAM?
    This is from the specs.
    +Memory available to Mac OS X may vary depending on graphics needs. Minimum graphics memory usage is 80MB, resulting in 944MB of system memory available on 1GB configurations.+
    The 64MB is a baseline because of the GMA 950 spec. The MacBook actualluy uses more and more is assigned as needed by the graphics.

  • Macbook c2d mid 2007 shuts off immediatly after AC unplugged

    Hi there,
    I have a macbook mid 2007 that shuts down immediately after it is unplugged from AC. I've tried the battery on another machine and it works fine as well as trying a known good battery in this machine.Also I've tried a known good AC adapter. Other things I have done are run the hardware test which shows no errors, reset the smc and Pram, repaired permissions etc. the battery appears normal in the menu bar and says it is fully charged.Also it Appears in system information as normal.coconut battery also appears normal with 275 cycles.I'm hoping the problem lies in the Battery Connector with Sleep Switch and not the logic board. Anyone had any experience with this problem?
    One other strange thing is that after unplugging the AC the system shuts down immediately, but once you plug it back in it starts without the power button being pressed.
    thanks so much for any advice.

    Hi Cory,
    Sounds like you've already done a lot of troubleshooting yourself. As you've confirmed via your troubleshooting it sounds like it's something under the hood.
    In terms of order of troubleshooting, it's probably worth checking out the MagSafe board after the Battery Connector/Sleep Switch. Both of those parts will run you less than $70, a whole lot cheaper than a logic board.
    I've been servicing MacBooks since the week they went public and I'd say 85% of the time it's the cable (for an issue like this) versus a logic board.

  • [SOLVED] MacBook (C2D) Microphone - need help

    Hi guys!
    As per the subject; I have a MacBook Core 2 Duo (rev 4.1) on which I'm running Arch64. Everything works really well (sound out and even iSight), apart from the microphone. It seems that whatever I do, I cannot get the built-in mic to work.
    I'm using alsamixer and I tink I have enabled and un-muted all necessary settings. Has anyone out there managed to get the mic on a recent MacBook to work, and if s - what did you do?
    [SOLVED]: Shortly after having posted the "bump" below, I got fed up and started to look into it a bit more. To check if the mic worked I used the Skype "Call Testing" feature, which - with hindsight - wasn't the brightest thing to do.
    So I installed audacity instead and started "playing" around with the various settings in Alsamixer. To cut a long (and boring) story short I eventually found some settings that worked (basically "max" out all settings). I can now record voice through the mic (Skype also seems to work), and I have sound out as well. I am a happy bunny.
    Last edited by nielsb (2008-10-07 09:31:24)

    realitycoup wrote:Hello, I seem to be having a similar issue on my Macbook and I was wondering if you could post your exact settings from alsamixer as well as audacity. Thanks.
    When I'm back home (on the road at the moment), I can post my alsactl file, that should (hopefully) do it for you.

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