a name #links cause left menu to close?

Hi there,
Just wondering if anyone knows a workaround for this issue:
On this page:
I have a link to this page:
http://factorycontrols.businesscatalyst.com/products/automation-systems/programmable-termi nals#nv
The link looks like this:
<li><a href="/products/automation-systems/programmable-terminals#nv">NV Programmable Terminal</a></li>
The code on the page I'm going to looks like this:
<a name="nv" id="nv"></a>
These links work great, especially if there are a lot of things on the page, making it a long page...
The left menu folds up/closes when these # links are used.
This is what the menu looks like with a normal link (i.e. not using the #nv at the end as in this example)
And this is what is looks like using the #nv link:  See how the menu is now "collapsed" by default?
Does anyone know a way around this??
Best Regards,

You can obtain that with tint2. I never tried but maybe you can create a shortcut to start tint2 showing all apps. Then you could close the app of your choice by right clicking on it. Another shortcut could kill tint2.
Besides, this way you wouldn't have to code anything. You would just need to configure openbox and tint2 properly.

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    I am able to modify the navigation menu just fine on project subsites, just not the PWA

    Will assume you are using PS2013. This is by design. The left navigation (Quick Launch) for PWA home page is controlled by a different setting. You can add your link by navigating to
    Server Settings >> Quick Launch
    Prasanna Adavi, Project MVP

  • Problem when trying to add a link to the left menu item!!!!

    Hi everyone,
    I am trying to put a new menu group on the left menu,with a link in that group for every one.On checking with the customization guide this is what i did
    for one link i did add the following lines in each of the files
    - menuGroup.Misc-Menu=Misc Menu
    - menuItem.Misc-Menu.My-Nomination=My Nomination
    2) xlDefaultAdmin.properties
    - menuItem.Misc-Menu.My-Nomination.link=mynomineefrm?showfrm
    3) repacked the war and the ear
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    Permission Denied to Assign Selected Menu Items
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    ERROR [SERVER] Class/Method: tcDataObj/eventPreInsert Error :Insert
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    ERROR [APIS] Class/Method: tcGroupOperationsBean/addMenuItems encou
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    Design Console > Form Information > add new
    Class Name Organizations.Merge
    Description Move users from one organization to another
    Type menuitem
    Add following to xlWebAdmin.properties, xlWebAdmin_en_US.properties
    mergeOrgs.button.display=Merge Organizations
    Even you have to assign first to System Administrator group
    First go to Manage Group
    Select System Administrator Group
    Select Menu Item
    Click Assign and select newly craeted Menu Item and click Confirm
    These are the steps to see the new menu item. To make this menu item working:
    you'll have to write action class, form bean class and you'll have to create JSPs and make their entry in struts-config as welll as in Tiles-def.xml
    Then your menu item will work.

  • Application link has vanished from left menu bar (used to be under Podcasts

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    iTunes also gave me a weird message about applications (I didn't realize it was a big deal so I didn't read it, something about saving over new applications with older applications) so I said no.
    The big issue - my applications link is now missing from the left menu screen (it used to be below the Podcasts link). I don't know how to update any applications or manage my applications without that link.
    Thanks in advance.

    iTunes prefs -> General.
    Under Show: tick Applications.

  • Collapsible Panels - Links to open one, and close others

    I am new to Dreamweaver and have been creating my site by
    learning as I go along. I have already read through all the other
    related topics associated with Collapsible Panels on this blog and
    have still not found an answer. I have been able to open and close
    Collapsible Panels by using links - but unfortunately, I need more
    than just opening and closing.
    On my site i have approximately 5 pages, all with the same
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    numerous Collapsible Panels) does however vary from page to page.
    What I need to try and figure out is:
    How can I open one collapsible panel and close all others? I
    have seen the one example which leads to my next question:
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    close all others use this grouping. Is there any other way of
    opening one and closing all others without grouping?
    Lastly, is it possible to set up a link that can be viewed on
    one page which when clicked opens the relevant page and collapsible
    panel? i.e. on my About Us page there is a link (using the Menu
    bar) for one of my several services on the services drop down menu
    (but services is on a different page with the same setup). When a
    viewer clicks on the specific service, is it possible to get the
    site to open the services page, and open the relevant collapsible
    panel (with all other Panels closed)?
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated - I have been
    searching for days now and cannot seem to find any
    answers/directions in laymans terms.
    Kind regards,

    wlsjoh013 wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I am new to Dreamweaver and have been creating my site
    by learning as I go
    > along. I have already read through all the other related
    topics associated
    > with Collapsible Panels on this blog and have still not
    found an answer. I
    > have been able to open and close Collapsible Panels by
    using links - but
    > unfortunately, I need more than just opening and
    > On my site i have approximately 5 pages, all with the
    same header and Menu
    > bar. The Information (that i have presented in numerous
    Collapsible Panels)
    > does however vary from page to page. What I need to try
    and figure out is:
    > How can I open one collapsible panel and close all
    others? I have seen the one
    > example which leads to my next question:
    This page has an example that has a link that can open and
    close a panel:
    http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/collapsiblepanel/collapsible_panel_sample. htm
    One way to do this would be to have a single link that would
    open one of your panels using the code, but then add to it code
    that closes each of the other panels, for example:
    <a href="#"
    onclick="CollapsiblePanel4.open();CollapsiblePanel5.close();CollapsiblePanel6.close();">O pen
    4, close 5 and 6</a>
    To make this work, you'll need to look that the panel
    constructors at the bottom of your page and make sure to match up
    the panel variable names i.e. "var CollapsiblePanel1 =...." the
    variable is CollapsiblePanel1.
    You could also write a function that gathers together the
    various panels you have on the page and then pass to it only the
    panel that you want kept open. For now, though, it might be best to
    use the above method, given your expertise. And taking that even
    further, you could apply the function call unobtrusively. Both the
    function call and the unobtrusive part you can work on later to get
    this working for now.
    > How can I group Panels? Some examples of how to open one
    and close all others
    > use this grouping. Is there any other way of opening one
    and closing all
    > others without grouping?
    This is a little confusing, on one hand you ask about how to
    group, but then ask how not to group. There is a concept of a
    collapsible panel group:
    http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/collapsiblepanel/CollapsiblePanelGroupSamp le.html
    But there is another type of group, that may be more what
    you're looking for, and that's an Accordion panel, which is similar
    to the collapsible panel group, with the exception that it can only
    have one panel open at a time.
    > Lastly, is it possible to set up a link that can be
    viewed on one page which
    > when clicked opens the relevant page and collapsible
    panel? i.e. on my About Us
    > page there is a link (using the Menu bar) for one of my
    several services on the
    > services drop down menu (but services is on a different
    page with the same
    > setup). When a viewer clicks on the specific service, is
    it possible to get
    > the site to open the services page, and open the
    relevant collapsible panel
    > (with all other Panels closed)?
    Probably the easiest way to do this particular one would be
    to make sure that you have all of the panels set to be closed when
    the page loads, and then take a look at the code for the last
    example on this page:
    That example uses a tabbed panel, but the concept is the
    same, use a URL parameter to determine what to show. You'll need to
    link in the SpryURLUtils file in the Spry download package (look in
    the includes folder):
    Essentially, your link will look similar to:
    Then your code could look something like:
    var params = Spry.Utils.getLocationParamsAsObject();
    var CollapsiblePanel1 = new
    {contentIsOpen:(params.panel==1 )} );
    var CollapsiblePanel2 = new
    {contentIsOpen:(params.panel==2 )} );
    Basically what this is doing is creating an object from the
    URL parameters. Then for each of the panels the constructor has
    code that determines whether or not to expand the panel when the
    page loads. So it checks the value of params.panel to see if it
    matches 1 (for the first one), if it does, then that means that
    contentIsOpen is set to true, if it is some other number or is not
    present at all, then that means that the panel is closed. This
    would then be repeated down the line for how ever many panels you
    want to operate like that.
    Danilo Celic
    | WebAssist Extensioneer
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • DW CS4 left menu

    I'm taking over an already designed website. I'm complete new
    to DW, so please bear with me.
    I have a left menu that appears on all pages that I edit as a
    separate .php file. The "home" link on this menu works on some of
    the web pages and not others, even though all files have been saved
    and put, and they all have the same .php menu file attached to them
    (I can see the location of the file in DW and it is the right one;
    it also takes changes I make, like font etc...: once I check it out
    online the changes I made are in effect). But the link to "Home"
    still doesn't work and is pointing to almost the right page but it
    adds a folder name (it seems to add the folder name in which the
    page is in). E.g.: On page A, "home" should point to
    http://abc.com/index.php but
    instead points to
    Now this folder A exists in my files, but there is no index.php in
    it... It's doing that on a few pages and not others...
    I appreciate the help to get me in the right direction.

    All of the links in the include files MUST be root relative,
    not document
    relative. That's clearly the source of your problem.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Cobejero" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gpoefa$78g$[email protected]..
    > I'm taking over an already designed website. I'm
    complete new to DW, so
    > please
    > bear with me.
    > I have a left menu that appears on all pages that I edit
    as a separate
    > .php
    > file. The "home" link on this menu works on some of the
    web pages and not
    > others, even though all files have been saved and put,
    and they all have
    > the
    > same .php menu file attached to them (I can see the
    location of the file
    > in DW
    > and it is the right one; it also takes changes I make,
    like font etc...:
    > once I
    > check it out online the changes I made are in effect).
    But the link to
    > "Home"
    > still doesn't work and is pointing to almost the right
    page but it adds a
    > folder name (it seems to add the folder name in which
    the page is in).
    > E.g.: On
    > page A, "home" should point to
    http://abc.com/index.php but
    instead points
    > to
    Now this folder A exists in my files,
    > but
    > there is no index.php in it... It's doing that on a few
    pages and not
    > others...
    > I appreciate the help to get me in the right direction.
    > Thanks,
    > Caroline

  • [svn] 949: Bug: BLZ-96 - When sending a HttpService request from ActionScript with multiple headers with the same name , it causes a ClassCastException in the server

    Revision: 949
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-27 07:12:59 -0700 (Thu, 27 Mar 2008)
    Log Message:
    Bug: BLZ-96 - When sending a HttpService request from ActionScript with multiple headers with the same name, it causes a ClassCastException in the server
    QA: Yes - try again with legacy-collection true and false.
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Pass
    Details: Another try in fixing this bug. When legacy-collection is false, Actionscript Array on the client becomes Java Array on the server and my fix yesterday assumed this case. However, when legacy-collection is true, Actionscript Array becomes Java ArrayList on the server. So added code to handle this case.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    blazeds/branches/3.0.x/modules/proxy/src/java/flex/messaging/services/http/proxy/RequestF ilter.java

    Hi all!
    Just to post the solution to this if anyone ever runs accross this thread...
    For some reason i had it bad the first time, don't have time right now to see why but here is what worked for me:
    HashMap primaryFile = new HashMap();
    primaryFile.put("fileContent", bFile);
    primaryFile.put("fileName", uploadedFile.getFilename());
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("primaryFile", primaryFile);
    HashMap customDocMetadata = new HashMap();
    HashMap [] properties = new HashMap[1];
    HashMap customMetadataPropertyRoom = new HashMap();
    customMetadataPropertyRoom.put("name", "xRoom");
    customMetadataPropertyRoom.put("value", "SOME ROOM");
    properties[0] = customMetadataPropertyRoom;
    customDocMetadata.put("property", properties);
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("CustomDocMetaData", customDocMetadata);
    Basically an unbounded wsdl type is an array of objects (HashMaps), makes sense, i thought i had it like this before, must have messed up somewhere...
    Good luck all!

  • [svn] 931: Bug: BLZ-96 - When sending a HttpService request from ActionScript with multiple headers with the same name , it causes a ClassCastException in the server

    Revision: 931
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-26 11:31:01 -0700 (Wed, 26 Mar 2008)
    Log Message:
    Bug: BLZ-96 - When sending a HttpService request from ActionScript with multiple headers with the same name, it causes a ClassCastException in the server
    QA: Yes - we need automated tests for this basic case.
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Pass
    Details: RequestFilter was not handling multiple headers with the same name properly.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    blazeds/branches/3.0.x/modules/proxy/src/java/flex/messaging/services/http/proxy/RequestF ilter.java

    Hi all!
    Just to post the solution to this if anyone ever runs accross this thread...
    For some reason i had it bad the first time, don't have time right now to see why but here is what worked for me:
    HashMap primaryFile = new HashMap();
    primaryFile.put("fileContent", bFile);
    primaryFile.put("fileName", uploadedFile.getFilename());
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("primaryFile", primaryFile);
    HashMap customDocMetadata = new HashMap();
    HashMap [] properties = new HashMap[1];
    HashMap customMetadataPropertyRoom = new HashMap();
    customMetadataPropertyRoom.put("name", "xRoom");
    customMetadataPropertyRoom.put("value", "SOME ROOM");
    properties[0] = customMetadataPropertyRoom;
    customDocMetadata.put("property", properties);
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("CustomDocMetaData", customDocMetadata);
    Basically an unbounded wsdl type is an array of objects (HashMaps), makes sense, i thought i had it like this before, must have messed up somewhere...
    Good luck all!

  • Sharepoint 2013 - Remove "Recent" from left menu

    Hello All -
    My client has requested that she be able to remove (or hide) the "Recent" menu header from the left menu in Sharepoint 2013. This is for specified site collections/sites/pages, not farm-wide.
    So far, I've tried to do this via JQuery by adding the following code
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    via both a script web-part and via a content editor web-part (using embed code), but to no avail. I've also tried adding the code above to a .js file (without the script tags) and calling it as
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/menu.remove.recent.js"></script>
    instead, but it still doesn't work.
    I've checked the page source and I can see the script is included. The "Recent" menu item however, is still there. My prefered solution would be to hide the menu item rather than remove it - I suspect removing it will probably cause issues as Sharepoint
    likely expects it to be there.
    There's no requirement to use JQuery - it just seemed to me to be the best way. I would also rather not edit master pages unless there's no other choice.
    Any ideas?

    Hi xida,
    You need to reference the JQuery library, then add the code in the Content Editor Web Part in the view page (e.g. AllItems.aspx) of the Pages library, then the "Recent section" will be hidden when you access this AllItems.aspx page.
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Want to disable one of the sub link in top menue "Goto"

    Hi All,
    Can anyone tell me a way of disabling the sub link of Goto link in top menu.
    ex: Goto > Cost > Analysis ("Cost" I want to disable) this you can find in COR3 - Process Order Header screen.
    Edited by: Dineshv on Jun 7, 2011 6:52 AM

    Hi Martin Voros,
    What you are saying is wrong i guess. Because in our company some times users complaining that they can't save reports as a local file since the "List > Save > Local File" link is disable (ash color). Once i give the autherization for object S_GUI field name ACTVT = 61, they can go ahead with that and save it as a local file.
    Like wise if some one tell me the obect for "Goto > Cost > Analysis" that is enough i beleive.

  • Apple TV disappears from the left menu in iTunes

    Hi, I recently purchased an Apple TV and set it up and started synching everything. I stopped it when it was doing Pictures and from that moment, it disappeared from the left menu. When I go into Edit --> Preferences and click on Apple TV tab, it says that I have an Apple TV connected to iTunes and has a status of Syncing.
    Does anyone have any experience with this?
    Let me know. Thanks

    Having just spent an hour reading about this problem I have a potential path to a solution.
    When I ping appletv.local my system returns an ip address of
    I know very well that it is actually on
    There is a well known bug on vista that messes up the bonjour routing table so do we have a similar bug in osx/itunes/appletv?
    I have done a lot of searching to find a way to manually update the ip address that osx uses to resolve the bonjour name of the appletv, but no joy. I'm not a total unix geek so am a bit stuck.
    Anyone out there offer any help?
    PS I am hoping that this is the key reason that it's going wrong. There are so many people reporting so many different issues with this and fixes so many different ways I suspect that all their uninstalls/reboots/resets/blah blah are accidentally resetting the address that itunes is using to look up the appletv.
    Just one more thought: If you want to try this out for yourself open Terminal and type in 'ping appletv.local'
    (without the quotes) and see what you get, if you get a timeout message then your mac can't see your appletv. You should also get the ip address at the top. If it's then it's looking in the wrong place.
    Here's hoping I'm on to something!

  • How to make the Applicant name link disabled in the webform of oracle apps

    In iRecruitment module,i have created a new responsibility with the name "irecruitment - interview" the menu attached with the responsibility is "Irc Employee Menu" and the functions and menu excluded are "Irc Employee Applicant Home Page","Irc Employee Home Page","IRC Employee Candidate Application Menu","Irc Employee Referral Application","Irc Interviewer Application".
    When i click on the responsibility the applicant names come,and on the applicant name link is there,on clicking onto the applicant name the other information of the vacancy also becomes visible,i want that the applicant name should be visible but the link link which is coming onto it should get disabled.
    In order to achieve this i have gone to personalisation and under the "Applicant Name" i set the "Popup Enabled" to "false" at the responsibility level.But it is not working out.
    Please tell me how can i achieve this.

    Hi Avaneesh,
    When i goes to the personalisation in the "Destination URI" at all the levels i can only see "inherit" written how to remove the "URL" as specified by you.
    Please reply
    Best Regards

  • Left menu in web browser (e-Procurement site) is a mess!!!

    Hello people,
    When I enter in e-Procurement site, the left menu is a mess!!!
    Some items appears repeated and others I have no access.
    Do you know what and where I can check to solve this?
    Thank you!

    Talk to your basis person about this.
    The role attached to your system profile in SU01 is having major issues. Ask the Basis person to provide access to SU53 tcode for the mean while to your user.
    Once given SU53 access, Logon in SAP GUI,  wwith the same user, instead of e-procuremnt site and then Try to execute the tcodes in GUI. If there is some autorization errors. Immediately execute SU53 afterwards, to get the name of the authorization objects.
    Provide the screen shot details to BASIS, so that the Basis can provide you the relevant authorization to the transaction in SAP. 
    Then once this is done by BASIS, you can try out the same will work in web also.
    Hope this will definitely help.
    Please reward suitable points.
    - Atul

  • Spotify segfaults when hovering left menu

    Hi there!
    I have a problem where Spotify's native Linux client constantly segfaults as soon as i hover the left menu. As far I found out it seems to be a problem with the new QT 4.7 and Spotify. Anyone found a good workaround or solution for this?
    Last edited by Ginux (2010-10-17 08:41:32)

    Putting your page through the html validator bought up a few errors
    The most important error is that the page isn't using a doctype.  This could account for the bugginess of the page.  A page without a doctype will render CSS in quirks mode and not display the page as intended in some browsers.
    Please insert a doctype at the top of the document, then put the page through the validator again to see what errors remain, fix those, and hopefully the page will load OK.  I didn't look at the navbar images, but make sure that they are optimized for the web, because that can also cause a slow down on loading them.
    I recommend using the transitional doctype.

  • Dynamic left menu plus different action on each....

    Hi everyone. I am making a dynamic left menu using a datatable and links in it.
    I am using an xml file to read all the attributes associated with a link like label, id etc.
                        value="#{sampleMB.menu}" var="menu">
    <h:commandLink value="#{menu.label}" onclick="#{menu.onclick}" styleClass="subItem" action="??????????"></h:commandLink>
    The problem is how to assign the action from xml file here because the action attribute accepts a method with
    syntax String mathodname(). So I am not able to put something like #{menu.action} where action is a variable
    whose value I can read from xml.

    Thanks for the reply but can u please elaborate a bit more with some code. I hope u've understood my problem clearly.
    You can directly write a string in action like ::
    <h:commandButton value="Submit" action="myaction"></h:commandButton>
    where myaction can be mapped to anything in your navigation rules in faces-config
    But you cannot do something like this ::
    <h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{sampleMB.strMyAction}"></h:commandButton>
    where strMyAction is actually a String variable. It gives an error like "Expression must be a method expression but is a value"
    See I am reading all the attributes associated with the commandButton form an xml file. So which action to invoke is also there in the xml. Now all these values including the action can be put in the String variables. The problem is how to invoke the method represented by that action String litral.

Maybe you are looking for

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