AAA group server list

Hello all,
Our devices are configured to point to 3 ACS servers using the following commands:
aaa new-model
aaa group server tacacs+ ACS
server x.x.x.x
server x.x.x.x
server x.x.x.x
On a recent IOS deployment all of the 'server x.x.x.x' commands were removed from the config following a reboot. This was on a wide range of devices using 122 40, also tried 122-44 with the same affect. Can anyone explain why?
Thanks in advance.

HI Paul, [Pls Rate if HELPS]
Possible reasons are:
1. The Configuration was not saved before reload [write memeory (or) copy running-config start-up config]
2. The router could have got loaded with the start-up config [ie., the running-config & start-up config may not be same]
3. If there are any Config that are saved as Archives [in flash] means, may be that could have loaded by some means of command that are put in config before reload.
Hope I am Informative.
Best Regards,
Guru Prasad R

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  • Match different AAA Groups per source IP

    Dear Colleagues,
     The issue that Im facing right now is the following:
      I have an external device that run auto-commissioning on my router and doesn't support "username" loggin, only "password" when attempt to loggin through telnet in order to access and run the script. In addition I have AAA TACACs running on the same router so this device is unable mow to access to the router as the first loggin request is the "username". I can not change the telnet command executed by the external device, its doing a single telnet to the destination IP of my router so I discard any option like adding a TCP port dedicated for this external device access.  To be clear, what is expecting to receive after execute the telnet is:
    c:/> telnet
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    User Access Verification
     To fix this issue my idea is try to configure two different AAA groups, one AAA_GROUP that request normal authentication to TACACs for all telnet session and one EXCEPTION with authentication "none" and exec "local". The configuration should be something like this:
    aaa new-model
    aaa group server tacacs+ AAA_GROUP
     server-private A.B.C.D key 7 ###################
     ip tacacs source-interface Loopback0
    aaa authentication login default group AAA_GROUP local
    aaa authentication login EXCEPTION none
    aaa authentication enable default group AAA_GROUP enable
    aaa authorization console
    aaa authorization config-commands
    aaa authorization exec default group AAA_GROUP local 
    aaa authorization exec EXCEPTION local 
    aaa authorization commands 15 default group AAA_GROUP none 
    aaa accounting exec default start-stop group AAA_GROUP
    aaa accounting commands 15 default stop-only group AAA_GROUP
    aaa accounting connection default stop-only group AAA_GROUP
    aaa accounting system default start-stop group AAA_GROUP
    aaa session-id common
     Then match in some way all telnet session with source IP of the external device with the group EXCEPTION and the rest with AAA_GROUP. Finally, configure only a  "password" in the VTY lines so when the device attempt to loggin in the group EXCEPTION with no authentication and loggin local will be just requested to set the "password".
     The main issue is do this AAA groups discrimination between AAA_GROUP and EXCEPTION lists per source IP of the host originating the telnet session to my router.  Is that possible?
    Thanks in advance for your support.

    problem is in you config, both class are pointing to same VIP and PORT, so first class will be only HIT.
    try this confgiuration
    policy-map type loadbalance first-match NON_AUTHENT_PM
      class NON_AUTHENT_CM   --------for desired client source IP's
        serverfarm PROXY_HTTP_SF
        nat dynamic 6 vlan 1601 serverfarm primary
      class class-default    ------for rest of client IP's
        serverfarm PROXY_HTTP_SF
        nat dynamic 5 vlan 1601 serverfarm primary
    and remove NAT from multi-match policy. use single class, so rest of config will be
    serverfarm host PROXY_HTTP_SF
      description Proxied Internet Connections
      probe PROXY_HTTP_PROBE
      rserver ELFCPRXY1
      rserver ELFCPRXY2
      rserver ELFCPRXY3
    class-map match-any NONAUTHENT_HTTP_VIP
      3 match virtual-address tcp eq 80
    class-map type http loadbalance match-any NON_AUTHENT_CM
      description Subnets from which Internet Authentication is not Required
      3 match source-address
      4 match source-address
      5 match source-address
    policy-map type loadbalance first-match NON_AUTHENT_PM
      class NON_AUTHENT_CM
        serverfarm PROXY_HTTP_SF
        nat dynamic 6 vlan 1601 serverfarm primary
      class class-default
        serverfarm PROXY_HTTP_SF
        nat dynamic 5 vlan 1601 serverfarm primary
    policy-map multi-match LOAD_BAL
        loadbalance vip inservice
        loadbalance policy NON_AUTHENT_PM
        loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    Hope this help

  • Aaa radius server control privilege level

    I've got radius authentication working on my switch, but I'm trying to allow two types of users login using Windows Active Directory. NetworkUsers who can view configuration and NetworkAdmins who can do anything. I would like for NetworkAdmins to when they login go directly into privilege level 15 but cant get that part to work. Here is my setup:
    Windows 2008 R2 Domain controller with NPS installed.
    Radius client: I have the IP of the switch along with the key. I have cisco selected under the vendor name in the advance tab
    Network Policies:
    NetworkAdmins which has the networkadmin group under conditions and under settings i have nothing listed under Standard and for Vendor Specific i have :
    Cisco-AV-Pair    Cisco    shell:priv-lvl=15
    My switch config:
    aaa new-model
    aaa group server radius MTFAAA
     server name dc-01
     server name dc-02
    aaa authentication login NetworkAdmins group MTFAAA local
    aaa authorization exec NetworkAdmins group MTFAAA local
    radius server dc-01
     address ipv4 auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
     key 7 ******
    radius server dc-02
     address ipv4 auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
     key 7 ******
    No matter what i do it doesnt default to privilege level 15 when i login. Any thoughts

    Have you specified the authorization exec group under line vty? I think it is authorization exec command. Something like that.

  • AAA Group Issue

    I have below config on switch (C2960S-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(2)SE7,
    aaa group server tacacs+ testgroup
     server name test1
     server name test2
     server name test3
    tacacs server test1
     address ipv4
     key 7 testkey
     timeout 3
    Similarly for test 2 and test3
    Issue is, when the switch boots, it shows below message though all the authentication and autho is working properly.
    Mar 25 01:19:10 UTC: %AAAA-4-NOSERVER: Warning: Server test1 is not defined.
    Mar 25 01:19:10 UTC: %AAAA-4-NOSERVER: Warning: Server test2 is not defined.
    Mar 25 01:19:10 UTC: %AAAA-4-NOSERVER: Warning: Server test3 is not defined.
    Only reason I can think of is when the switch boots, it parses line by line and since the ip addresses of test1,test2,test3 are defined after the declaration, we are receiving this message? Can someone please advise?

    Try config with this command:
    tacacs-server host x.x.x.x single-connection timeout 3 key 0 yyyyyyyyyy
    GUs Magno

  • I dont receive e-mails with attachment sent to OS X Server 3.0.1 Group-mailing lists

    I have a small company using a mac mini with mavericks and server 3.0.1.
    We are using most of the services available in OS X server (except DHCP, Netinstall and Xsan). One of the services we use the most is Mail server, and the whole company uses that as our primary mail server.
    We have set up several different Groups and activated group-mailing lists on some of them. The setup has been working very good for over a year (started using it with Mountain Lion Server).
    Recently I was going to send a christmas card to all employees using the workgroup mailing list. I was using the stationaries in Mail, and it was sent as normal but never recieved by me or any of the other employees. Below is the SMTP Log
    Dec  6 17:10:16 postfix/smtpd[29101]: connect from unknown[ *<- my local IP address*]
    Dec  6 17:10:16 postfix/smtpd[29101]: 480451503B0A: client=unknown[ *<- my local IP address*], sasl_method=CRAM-MD5, sasl_username=myusername
    Dec  6 17:10:16 postfix/cleanup[29109]: 480451503B0A: message-id=<[email protected]>
    Dec  6 17:10:16 postfix/qmgr[23288]: 480451503B0A: from=<[email protected]>, size=98063, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
    Dec  6 17:10:16 postfix/local[29110]: 480451503B0A: to=<[email protected]>, relay=local, delay=0.13, delays=0.05/0.01/0/0.08, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: /Applications/ r_post post workgroup)
    Dec  6 17:10:16 postfix/qmgr[23288]: 480451503B0A: removed
    Dec  6 17:11:16 postfix/smtpd[29101]: disconnect from unknown[ *<- my local IP address*]
    I did some trial and error and it seems like it is linked to the fact that I have attachments to the email. Sending an email with only text is recieved like normal. Even attacment like PDF or jpg is "blocked" it seems. I have tried using email outside my domain but still the same result. Sending the same email (with attachment) to all reciepients (not using the mailiing list) works and is recieved by everyone. I have turned off all email filtering settings on the server but still the same result.
    Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? My guess is that this is a Server 3.0.1 hickup, so it would be nice to get confirmation from others experiencing the same.

    Troubleshooting Apple Mail
    What does Mail/Window/Connection Doctor Show? If the server is red, select it and look at the Show Details box.
    Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Troubleshooting sending email messages

  • Enable group mailing list in not working

    Hello everyone,
    I have been trying to enable a new (?) feature of : "Enable group mailing list". Until now, it does not work for me. When I try to send an email to the group [email protected], Mail tells me that the smtp server cannot send my message. Here is what I see on the server's /var/log/mail.log file :
    Sep 10 16:55:54 postfix/smtpd[2311]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 550 5.1.1 <[email protected]>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
    Sep 10 16:55:54 postfix/smtpd[2311]: disconnect from[]
    It is interesting to note that group mailing list aren't even mentioned in the Mac OS X Server Advanced Administration Guide : 20638938942
    Does any has any good/bad experience with group mailing lists under Mountain Lion Server ? Any advice ?
    Thanks a lot !

    Hello Mark23 and thanks for your help !
    The log says nothing particular when I (un)set the "Enable Group Mailing List Option". The only difference I see is a line saying mail_groups[127]: sleeping for: 1 hour(s). I have no idea what this means exactly. Googling it did not help me much either.
    I post the /etc/aliases file below. Interesting : every time I (un)set the "Enable Group Mailing List" option, the /etc/aliases last access time changes. But the md5 hash of the file stays the same.
    I guess that the "sudo newaliases" uses /etc/aliases to construct the binary database file /etc/aliases.db ? It seems that this script is run every time I (un)check the option since the access time of *both* /etc/aliases and /etc/aliases.db are changed to the current time.
    Do you have any other option checked ?
    Here is my /etc/aliases (I removed the blocks of comments at the beginning and at the end):
    # Person who should get root's mail. Don't receive mail as root!
    #root:                    you
    # Basic system aliases -- these MUST be present
    MAILER-DAEMON:          postmaster
    postmaster:          root
    # General redirections for pseudo accounts
    bin:                    root
    daemon:                    root
    named:                    root
    nobody:                    root
    uucp:                    root
    www:                    root
    ftp-bugs:          root
    postfix:          root
    # Put your local aliases here.
    # ==== Begin auto-generated section ========================================
    # This section of the aliases file is auto-generated by server admin tools
    # Please do not edit this section or your modifications will be lost
    # === End auto-generated section ===========================================
    # Well-known aliases
    manager:          root
    dumper:                    root
    operator:          root
    abuse:                    postmaster
    # trap decode to catch security attacks
    decode:                    root

  • Enable server group mailing list

    I am try to figure out why I cannot get the server group mailing list to work. I have a group called testgroup in my OD and have 4 users added to it. I restarted the server after I ticked the box "enable server group mailing list" in Mail/settings/Mailing list and when I send an email to testgroup the mail client rejects the address. What am I doing wrong? All I want to do is create a group email account.
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    HI John,
    The group settings in WGM SL and Leopard are different.
    Yes, they are. I booted to my eval copy of SL Server and ran through the settings in WGM, Server Admin and Server Preferences; as you pointed out, all the mail list admin tools I could find are in the Mail service in Server Admin.
    The only thing that may be of interest that I could find is that for the group mail list, the email address for the group is group_shortname@ServerDNSname, not groupshortname@yourdomain (this is in the Mail Services Admin Guide for 10.6). This might explain why your email to the group may have been rejected?

  • Acs 4.2 :- router# test aaa group tacacs+ uid pwd .... works but not when authenticating

    I have setup ACS 4.2 and when I run
    router# test aaa group tacacs+ myuser mypasswd [ legacy | new-code]
                   Both options work fine
    But when I try and login, over telnet, the request reaches the aaa server, but returns fail !
    My commands are :-
    tacacs-server host xx.xx.xx.xx single-connection port 49
    tacacs-server key xxxxxxxxxxx
    aaa authentication banner ^CUnauthorized access forbidden^C
    aaa authentication username-prompt "Enter Username: "
    aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local
    aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ local
    I dont see the banner NOR the "Enter Username:" prompt.
    Also a debug aaa authentication and debug aaa subsys show that the request reaches AAA, but it simply returns fail
    I had the same issue in 5.1, but that was due to the tacacs+ single-connection not being set or something similar, and the error
    there was "shared secret does not match", on the AAA server logs
    I am still new to 4.2, so am still trying to determine where the log files are etc, but since it works with the test command, I cant
    seem to understand why it fails with telnet
    Any idea why this may be happning ?

    I tried both the sugestion.. no luck
    Below are th eoutput of debug, with some lines in BOLD to help you
    find interesting lines in the log output.
    fixeddemo#sh run | inc tacacs
    aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local
    aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ local
    ip tacacs source-interface FastEthernet0/1
    tacacs-server host
    tacacs-server key xxxxxxxxxx
    fixeddemo#sh debugging
    General OS:
      TACACS+ events debugging is on
      TACACS+ authentication debugging is on
      TACACS+ packets debugging is on
      AAA Authentication debugging is on
      AAA Subsystem debugs debugging is on
    Jun 17 14:15:54.666: AAA/BIND(00000072): Bind i/f
    Jun 17 14:15:54.666: AAA/AUTHEN/LOGIN (00000072): Pick method list 'default'
    Jun 17 14:15:54.666: AAA SRV(00000072): process authen req
    Jun 17 14:15:54.670: AAA SRV(00000072): Authen method=SERVER_GROUP tacacs+
    Jun 17 14:15:54.670: TPLUS: Queuing AAA Authentication request 114 for processin
    Jun 17 14:15:54.670: TPLUS: processing authentication start request id 114
    Jun 17 14:15:54.670: TPLUS: Authentication start packet created for 114()
    Jun 17 14:15:54.670: TPLUS: Using server
    Jun 17 14:15:54.670: TPLUS(00000072)/0/NB_WAIT/45585278: Started 5 sec timeout
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: TPLUS(00000072)/0/NB_WAIT: socket event 2
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: Version 192 (0xC0), type 1, seq 1, encryption 1
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: session_id 3123693045 (0xBA2FC5F5), dlen 24 (0x18)
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: type:AUTHEN/START, priv_lvl:1 action:LOGIN ascii
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: svc:LOGIN user_len:0 port_len:6 (0x6) raddr_len:10 (0xA
    ) data_len:0
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: user:
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: port:  tty515
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: rem_addr:
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: data:
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: End Packet
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: TPLUS(00000072)/0/NB_WAIT: wrote entire 36 bytes request
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: Would block while reading
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: read entire 12 header bytes (expect
    16 bytes data)
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: read entire 28 bytes response
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: Version 192 (0xC0), type 1, seq 2, encryption 1
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: session_id 3123693045 (0xBA2FC5F5), dlen 16 (0x10)
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: AUTHEN/REPLY status:4 flags:0x0 msg_len:10, data_len:0
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: msg:  Username:
    Jun 17 14:15:54.674: T+: data:
    Jun 17 14:15:54.678: T+: End Packet
    Jun 17 14:15:54.678: TPLUS(00000072)/0/45585278: Processing the reply packet
    Jun 17 14:15:54.678: TPLUS: Received authen response status GET_USER (7)
    Jun 17 14:15:54.678: AAA SRV(00000072): protocol reply GET_USER for Authenticati
    Jun 17 14:15:54.678: AAA SRV(00000072): Return Authentication status=GET_USER
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: AAA SRV(00000072): process authen req
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: AAA SRV(00000072): Authen method=SERVER_GROUP tacacs+
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: TPLUS: Queuing AAA Authentication request 114 for processin
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: TPLUS: processing authentication continue request id 114
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: TPLUS: Authentication continue packet generated for 114
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: TPLUS(00000072)/0/WRITE/47194394: Started 5 sec timeout
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: T+: Version 192 (0xC0), type 1, seq 3, encryption 1
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: T+: session_id 3123693045 (0xBA2FC5F5), dlen 10 (0xA)
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: T+: AUTHEN/CONT msg_len:5 (0x5), data_len:0 (0x0) flags:0x0
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: T+: User msg:
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: T+: User data:
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: T+: End Packet
    Jun 17 14:15:58.794: TPLUS(00000072)/0/WRITE: wrote entire 22 bytes request
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: read entire 12 header bytes (expect
    16 bytes data)
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: read entire 28 bytes response
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: T+: Version 192 (0xC0), type 1, seq 4, encryption 1
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: T+: session_id 3123693045 (0xBA2FC5F5), dlen 16 (0x10)
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: T+: AUTHEN/REPLY status:5 flags:0x1 msg_len:10, data_len:0
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: T+: msg:  Password:
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: T+: data:
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: T+: End Packet
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: TPLUS(00000072)/0/47194394: Processing the reply packet
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: TPLUS: Received authen response status GET_PASSWORD (8)
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: AAA SRV(00000072): protocol reply GET_PASSWORD for Authenti
    Jun 17 14:15:58.798: AAA SRV(00000072): Return Authentication status=GET_PASSWOR
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: AAA SRV(00000072): process authen req
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: AAA SRV(00000072): Authen method=SERVER_GROUP tacacs+
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: TPLUS: Queuing AAA Authentication request 114 for processin
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: TPLUS: processing authentication continue request id 114
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: TPLUS: Authentication continue packet generated for 114
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: TPLUS(00000072)/0/WRITE/47194394: Started 5 sec timeout
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: T+: Version 192 (0xC0), type 1, seq 5, encryption 1
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: T+: session_id 3123693045 (0xBA2FC5F5), dlen 14 (0xE)
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: T+: AUTHEN/CONT msg_len:9 (0x9), data_len:0 (0x0) flags:0x0
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: T+: User msg:
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: T+: User data:
    Jun 17 14:16:02.502: T+: End Packet
    Jun 17 14:16:02.506: TPLUS(00000072)/0/WRITE: wrote entire 26 bytes request
    Jun 17 14:16:02.550: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:16:02.550: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: read entire 12 header bytes (expect
    6 bytes data)
    Jun 17 14:16:02.550: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:16:02.550: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: read entire 18 bytes response
    Jun 17 14:16:02.550: T+: Version 192 (0xC0), type 1, seq 6, encryption 1
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: T+: session_id 3123693045 (0xBA2FC5F5), dlen 6 (0x6)
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: T+: AUTHEN/REPLY status:2 flags:0x0 msg_len:0, data_len:0
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: T+: msg:
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: T+: data:
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: T+: End Packet
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: TPLUS(00000072)/0/47194394: Processing the reply packet
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: TPLUS: Received authen response status FAIL (3)
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: AAA SRV(00000072): protocol reply FAIL for Authentication
    Jun 17 14:16:02.554: AAA SRV(00000072): Return Authentication status=FAIL
    [ The output below is for the next Username: prompt I believe]Jun 17 14:16:04.554: AAA/AUTHEN/LOGIN (00000072): Pick method list 'default'
    Jun 17 14:16:04.554: AAA SRV(00000072): process authen req
    Jun 17 14:16:04.554: AAA SRV(00000072): Authen method=SERVER_GROUP tacacs+
    Jun 17 14:16:04.554: TPLUS: Queuing AAA Authentication request 114 for processin
    Jun 17 14:16:04.554: TPLUS: processing authentication start request id 114
    Jun 17 14:16:04.554: TPLUS: Authentication start packet created for 114()
    Jun 17 14:16:04.554: TPLUS: Using server
    Jun 17 14:16:04.554: TPLUS(00000072)/0/NB_WAIT/47194394: Started 5 sec timeout
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: TPLUS(00000072)/0/NB_WAIT: socket event 2
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: Version 192 (0xC0), type 1, seq 1, encryption 1
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: session_id 2365877689 (0x8D046DB9), dlen 24 (0x18)
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: type:AUTHEN/START, priv_lvl:1 action:LOGIN ascii
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: svc:LOGIN user_len:0 port_len:6 (0x6) raddr_len:10 (0xA
    ) data_len:0
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: user:
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: port:  tty515
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: rem_addr:
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: data:
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: T+: End Packet
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: TPLUS(00000072)/0/NB_WAIT: wrote entire 36 bytes request
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:16:04.558: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: Would block while reading
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: read entire 12 header bytes (expect
    43 bytes data)
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: socket event 1
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: TPLUS(00000072)/0/READ: read entire 55 bytes response
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: T+: Version 192 (0xC0), type 1, seq 2, encryption 1
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: T+: session_id 2365877689 (0x8D046DB9), dlen 43 (0x2B)
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: T+: AUTHEN/REPLY status:4 flags:0x0 msg_len:37, data_len:0
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: T+: msg:   0x0A User Access Verification 0x0A  0x0A Usernam
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: T+: data:
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: T+: End Packet
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: TPLUS(00000072)/0/47194394: Processing the reply packet
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: TPLUS: Received authen response status GET_USER (7)
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: AAA SRV(00000072): protocol reply GET_USER for Authenticati
    Jun 17 14:16:04.562: AAA SRV(00000072): Return Authentication status=GET_USER

  • Column missing in measure group columns list for dimension usage

    I added some new columns (dimension ids) to my fact table and refreshed the data source view. Now the new columns show up in the data source view for this fact table. But when I go to dimension usage to tie the new dimensions to this measure, I am not able
    to find the columns just added in the measure group columns list.
    What do I have to do to be able to see my new columns in this list so that I can update dimension usage.

    Hi kvd123,
    According to your description, you add columns in fact table and the data source view is already refreshed. However, in dimension usage the meta data is not refreshed. Right?
    In this scenario, I suggest you redeploy your cube. Because in Analysis Services, when we modify the cube, the changes are recorded in xxxxx.cube XML file. After you redeploy the cube, those changes are copied to Analysis Services server. Then
    the source data will reload into the measure groups.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

  • Weblogic plugin server list is empty

    We setup apache2.2, weblogic8.1sp6 and on AIX. When started, it is working fine but after a couple of hrs (sometimes minutes), the weblogic serverlist (weblogic cluster lis/general server list in weblogicbridgeconfig) will be lost. The logs on wlproxy is below.
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:42 2009 <4312981245823482187> Server list is empty. Can't locate preferred servers
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:42 2009 <4312981245823482187> attempt #0 out of a max of 20
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:42 2009 <4312981245823482187> no connSuccess general list, clustered=1 list=0x00000000 listlen=0
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:42 2009 <4312981245823482187> Sleeping for 2 seconds
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:44 2009 <4312981245823482187> attempt #1 out of a max of 20
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:44 2009 <4312981245823482187> no connSuccess general list, clustered=1 list=0x00000000 listlen=0
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:44 2009 <4312981245823482187> Sleeping for 2 seconds
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:46 2009 <4312981245823482187> attempt #2 out of a max of 20
    Wed Jun 24 14:04:46 2009 <4312981245823482187> no connSuccess general list, clustered=1 list=0x00000000 listlen=0
    Here is the plugin setting
    <Location /aaa/*>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicCluster x.x.x.x:aaaa, y.y.y.y:aaaa
    WLLocalIP z.z.z.z
    ConnectTimeoutSecs 40
    DynamicServerList OFF
    KeepAliveSecs 15
    Idempotent OFF
    MaxPostSize -1
    DebugConfigInfo ON
    Debug ALL
    WLTempDir /opt/apache/servers/aaa/logs
    WLLogFile /opt/apache/servers/aaa/logs/wlproxy-aaa.log
    Inputs/comments are most welcome.

    It seems you're using virutal host in place of Load module. Anyhow I have a couple of notices;
    - which JDK you've on your AIX server
    - Did you add LoadModule to your Httpd.conf
    - You a couple of parameters which are not known to me for example
    WLLocalIP z.z.z.,
    I put virtual host parameters as following;
    Location /WEBAPP>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicCluster Hostname:7003,HostName:7004
    After these changes try to restart Admin Server & ManagedServers.
    Hear from you,

  • Group Mailing Lists and Email Addresses

    Howdy All,
    A couple of quick questions:
    1. When a Group mailing list is created does this create an equivalent Mailman mailing list (i.e. that would appear at the Mailman list URL)? I'm not so much concerned as to whether Groups uses Mailman behind the scenes just whether or not one could "further" admin the group mailing list through the admin interface.
    2. What happens when you have a username "x", a group name "x" (which I commonly used on other Unixes) with a mailing list (implictly named "x"), and a Mailman mailing list named "x" (what was created as a Mailman mailing list in Server Admin) and then you email x@serverDNSname? Because I often use the same user and groups names this could be quite common.
    Thanks for any thoughts on these puzzles.

    I am beginning to suspect a combination problem- i.e. bad converter and bad Admin Tools.
    The 10.6 Mail Admin manual states that:
    +In Workgroup Manager, enable the Mailing List service for each group you want to have a mailing list address.+
    +The setting is located in the Basic group options in Workgroup Manager.+
    However, I no longer have these options in Admin Tools. I had them in 10.5.8, but not in 10.6 or 10.62 tools. I took a screenshot of the basic tab in WM:
    Image: ! jpg!
    I checked the About Workgroup Manager menu item and got "Version 10.6.2 (361.2.1)"
    So it appears that the update to 10.6 not only failed to convert the LDAP settings correctly and/or map them to the mail system; but, that the update also removed my ability to see this and fix it through the GUI.

  • Cannot enable group mailing list

    Running 10.5.2 server on Xserve, server acts as OpenDirectory master and Mail sever.
    We have a normal mail service running fine, but trying to enable the "Mailing List" option for groups results in an error.
    "Error of type eDSInvalidAttributeType (-14131) on line 733 of /SourceCache/WorkgroupManager/WorkgroupManager-319/Plugins/GroupAccounts/GroupB"
    Web service is enabled, and appears as the option for the dropdown "Enable services for this group on:", but even just choosing the server from the dropdown and attempting to save the config (without turning on any services) results in this error.
    Can anyone help with what this means?

    In Mail service -> General -> ensure "Enable SMTP" is checked,
    if you don't desire to send outgoing from clients then don't select any authentication methods in Mail Service -> Security -> SMTP,
    In Mail service ->Mailing Lists ensure that "Enable server group mailing lists" is checked,
    once that is done, per website -> Web Services ensure "Mailing List web archive" is checked if you want mail to appear on the website,
    For each group ensure "Mailing list" is checked, and "Mailing List web archive" if you want the group email repository on the website.
    At least one group member should have an email account or a Forward to email address for the mail to go somewhere, assuming Web archive is not selected.
    Send an email to the group address at [email protected] and look in the SMTP log for teamsserver to receive the email and then forward to individual addresses.
    Hope this helps,

  • Groups-Enable Group Mailing List

    I just upgraded from Mac OS X 10.6.8 Server to Mac OS X 10.8.3 Server. I had an Employee Mailing List working under Mac OS X 10.6.8, but can't seem to get the new Group Mailing List to work that was created in Groups in Mac OS X 10.8.3.
    When trying to send an email to the group "[email protected]" I get the message "Cannot send message using the server".  I gave the group access to Mail but it still doesn't work.
    Any ideas?

    Yes, it works, but the Mail Overview still return Mailing Lists Stopped, and I don't know why...
    This is the procedure:
    - on server open terminal
    - then use these commands
    1) sudo touch /etc/postfix/aliases
    2) sudo newaliases
    3) sudo postfix reload
    that's all!
    You can also see page 36/37 of Mail Service Administrator Guide

  • Delete an entry from group mailing list

    Does anyone know how to remove entries from a group mailing list?
    There is no edit button and the list is not visible in mailman?
    Thanks in advance
    Gary Finch

    I would like to know that myself! Afer a long search I was only able to find the following information: tml
    I'd be glad to know if another (more user friendly) way exists. The MailServiceAdmin.pdf apparently wrongly suggests that mailmain can be used to administer server based mailing lists. Is there any "official" way to manage the mailing list and its web archive?

  • Target Group Member List Display and Output to Excel

    Hi all,
    I am using CRM 2007.  On the Web Client I want to output to excel a target group with 7000 accounts. I have 2 users. One User when the target group is selected can see all the details of all 7000  in the target group members list and when exported to excel all 7000 accounts are listed in the excel file.
    With the second user when the target group is selected only the details of 100 accounts are visible in the target group members list and when exported to excel only 100 of the accounts are output.
    The 2 users have the same roles and parameters and the personalize icon next to the excel export button also have the same settings.
    Does anyone know where the setting is that will allow the second user to output all 7000 on the list?
    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Jonathan,
    Open a Profile Set with user2.
    Push button "Graphical Modeler".
    When the modeler is loaded , Press button "Settings".
    On the upcoming popup, you can change the number of members that are loaded to the Target Group Member list in the WebUI in the field "Number of Members Displayed".
    Most probably, this field is empty for your second user, so the default of 100 is used.
    Note that a maximum of 9999 members can be loaded to the list in the UI. For bigger Target Groups, you must export the list to the application server using the "Export to File" button on the Target Group WebUI page.
    Hope that helps & Best Regards

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