About the Text in HTML Viewer

Does SAP scripting engine expose any API by which we get the text in a GuiCtrlHTMLViewer. The GuiCtrlHTMLViewer seems to be extending  GuiShell object which is supposed to return Classid for the .Text property. What do the AccText/AccTextOnRequest property return? Everytime I try to get these properties (I am coding in C#) , I end up getting System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException even after enabling the Accessibility mode. Am I missing something here?

i have some text in a TextArea and I was wondering if
it is possible to write some on it with an specific
font and color, impact in red, and following to it
another one with other font and color,The simple answer is no. JTextArea and TextArea do not support rendering more than one font or colour for their text.
You need to use a JTextPane or JEditorPane.

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    Use 'set long 100000000' at sql prompt. Run your query again.

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    The code did work. But I am not sucessfully able to display the values entered in 2nd page in the 3rd page.Please find the code below:
    <script language="LiveScript">
    function WinOpen() {
    if (document.form1.cap.value == "")
    alert("Enter value in text box");
    msg=open("","DisplayWindow","toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no, scrollbars=yes");
    msg.document.write("<CENTER><h1><B>This is really cool!</B></h1></CENTER>");
    msg.document.write('<BODY><form name="form2">');
    for(var i =0; i < document.form1.cap.value; i++)
    msg.document.write("<INPUT type=text name=tbAlphaNumeric>");
    msg.document.write('<input type="button" name="Button2" value="Steal" onClick="javascript:window.opener.WinShow();">');
    function WinShow() {
    msg=open("","DisplayWindow","toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no, scrollbars=yes");
    msg.document.write("<CENTER><h1><B>Display of second page text elements!</B></h1></CENTER>");
    msg.document.write('<BODY><form name="form3">');
    for(var j =0; j < document.form1.cap.value; j++)
    <form name="form1">
    <INPUT type= "text" name=cap>
    <input type="button" name="Button1" value="Push me" onClick="WinOpen()">

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    Actual App Functionality:
    Client Requirement:
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    I think you have to remove the following code from view view/S3.view.xml, that belongs to BSP Application HCM_TS_APV:
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    In order to remove fields from a Fiori app, there are a lot of documents in the web, that you can find by performing a Google search. For me, the best one is this one:
    How to Guide: SAP Fiori Extensibility - Addind Custom Fields in UI
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    nothing happened in the table dept which supposed to be also delete
    Sorry, according to who exactly? According to your opinion of how this ought to work without actually reading the documentation?
    DELETE from a join view requires that the view contains one (and only one) key-preserved table and that is the table that is DELETEd from.
    If you wanted to modify this behaviour (e.g. to DELETE from both tables) you could consider using an INSTEAD-OF trigger.

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    [email protected]

    Here's an example which displays text in different colors onto a JEditorPane and a JTextPane.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ColorDemo extends JFrame {
         public ColorDemo() {
              // coloured JEditorPane
              JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane("text/html",
                   "<FONT color=red> This </FONT>"+
                   "<FONT color=blue> is </FONT>"+
                   "<FONT color=green> a </FONT>"+
                   "<B> JEditorPane </B>");
              editorPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 150));
              // coloured JTextPane
              JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane();
              textPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 150));
              Document doc = textPane.getDocument();
              Style def = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().
              try {
                   StyleConstants.setForeground(def, Color.blue);
                   doc.insertString (0, "This ", def);
                   StyleConstants.setForeground(def, Color.red);
                   doc.insertString (5, "is ", def);
                   StyleConstants.setForeground(def, Color.green);
                   doc.insertString (8, "a ", def);
                   StyleConstants.setBold(def, true);
                   StyleConstants.setForeground(def, Color.black);
                   doc.insertString (10, "JTextPane", def);
              } catch (Exception e) {}
              JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new ColorDemo();
              frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    }Hope this helps,

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    How i will print the result directly to the html file instead of print output in the console.
    Give the sample code.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi kumar :)
    I'm not sure if this is what you mean but Jakarta has an Element Construction
    Set (ECS) API that can generate elements for HTML and XML mark-up
    Please checkout their site: http://jakarta.apache.org/ecs/

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    & how it should be implemented for dignosis of Cancersearch in google
    also tell me how we used Java for thiscomputer are used for computation and java is a programming language. You can program what you want to compute.
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    There probably are other voices available; no doubt someone will tell us where to find them.
    Meanwhile, in System Preferences > Universal Access click the button to go to Voice Over Utility and select the speech tab. There you can play about with the pitch, speed and intonation of the voices. I found a setting for Alex that I find acceptable; you may be able to find something to suit you.

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    Go to Tools/Designers and uncheck this option (see the image). Also, instead of executing the change right away, click on the script option and examine the proposed change. SSMS often makes changes script more difficult than it needs to be.
    For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert. - Becker's Law
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    My TechNet articles

  • How do I change the formatting of the section text in portrait view?

    I'm attempting to write my first book using iBooks Author.  I've got everything looking pretty good so far in landscape view, but when it changes to portrait view, I don't like the automatic formatting and I can't figure out how to change it.  I chose the "Contemporary" template.  In landscape view, I changed the section title and the default formatting (white over an image) looks fine.  When I change to portrait mode, the section title turns to red, which I would like to change to another color.  However, I can't even select the text in this view.  I can see the style in the paragraph styles drawer, but I don't know how to change it there either.  Is it possible to change the color, and if so, how?  Thanks.

    Already advised....
    Basically,  after each chapter or section is finished in LS, use the Orientation icon, top menu bar to change to portrait and edit content.  Images are automatically reduced in size etc,.
    Fig 1 - I used this to demonstarte  Bookmarks ( in red)  but take this as your start point in LS
    Fig 2
    As you can see  from the Orientation icon shaded in Blue at top - this is Portrait mode.
    The image has  changed to the tempate default - so you need to change the template or drop the same image in.  I had changed the background and removed the top embellisment in LS  so again, you  may need to change your template - that aside the  section title and text are white in both examples.
    Fig 3.
    I have changed the section and text colour.   Apps is in  white intentionally and the bookmark stays in the link colour red
    Fig 4     Back in LS mode - see icon  top menu
    The section colour stayed white,  but the text changed to  yellow
    Fig 5 
    I changed the section colour to red.
    OK thats how changing things affects each mode including the image sizes.
    IF the red section  title ( in LS) is selected - in the styles drawer you can see it - switch to portrait, select the section title and apply the  same style.  Essentially, think you are creating two separate books  and edit the potrait to match - where possible the LS version.
    Apple have deemed some things, like TOC page images cannot  be changed individually in Portrait mode.

  • A few tips about using the Text Panel

    A recent question about the text panel set me to working with it and I thought I'd share some tips I discovered, since the help files don't explain the text panel at all.
    At one time I called the text panel "useless", but I've changed my mind -- it's a nice thing to have.  Essentially it's a quick way to instantaneously
    Create a new layer with a semi-transparent layer style.
    Create a rectangular shape on that layer.
    Add a drop shadow effect to that shape.
    All with a double-click!
    You access the text panel from the "Effects" panel and its "Photo Effects" icon, choosing the "Frame" effect:
    Double-clicking on it creates the layer and the shape.  By default, the text panel layer has a semi-transparent layer style applied to it and this has caused great grief for those who want a completely opaque background behind some text.  Not to worry, that's easily done.  To whet your appetite, here are a few effects that can be achieved with the text panel:
    Let's start with the "Big text" box:
    Create the text panel.
    Because we want an opaque panel, right-click on the shape in the Editor and select "Clear layer style".  POOF!  Instantly you've got an opaque white shape with no drop shadow.
    Move and resize the panel.  (It's still horizontal at this point.)
    Add some text (which will come in on its own layer).
    Size and position the text relative to the shape, and when you're satisfied, select both the shape layer and the text layer (using the Ctrl key) in the Layers panel and click on the "Link layers" icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.  This links the shape and text so they can be moved and rotated as one.  The layers wind up looking like this:
    Now, let's look at the "small text" box:
    Create the text panel.
    Position the panel and add and position some text as before.
    Because we want the text panel to be a dark grey (instead of the default white), with the text panel layer selected, select the "Create new fill or adjustment layer" icon at the bottom of the Layers panel and select "Hue/Saturation...".  Be sure to use the "Clip to layer" icon, and lower the "Lightness" value:
    This gives the nice transparent grey background so the white text shows up very well, even against the bright white of the clouds.
    Select all three of the layers and link them together:
    Finally, you can have some fun with the "Fancy" effects:
    Create the text panel.
    Position the panel, add some text, and set their positions.
    Add a "Hue/Saturation" adjustment layer as before (clipping it to the text panel shape layer).
    Colorize the text panel by using these settings:
    5.  Don't forget to link the layers together:
    6.  Double-click on the "fx" icon to the right of the text panel shape layer, which will bring up the "Layer effects" dialog box.  Here you can create the bevel and adjust the size and transparency of the drop shadow.
    You can also get this nice faded effect on the text panel:
    After following the steps listed above, add a mask layer to the text panel shape layer and draw a gradient fill on that mask layer to fade the layer.  I used a linear fill going from white to a dark gray because I wanted some of the text panel to always be showing:
    N.B.: Make sure you always clip the "Hue/Saturation" adjustment layer to the text panel shape layer so that the H/S adjustments only affect the text panel.
    That's it!  Enjoy!

    Yes nice job.
    Thanks for posting this.

  • Text type 'HTML' for the Channel 'Mail (Letter)'

    Dear Experts,
    I'm unable to use the text type 'HTML' for the Channel 'Mail (Letter)' in mail forms, as a result of which fonts like arial and images like jpeg could not be used in mail forms created for letters.
    Is there a way to use HTML type or to have more font options, insert JPEG images, tables etc in mail forms for letters?

    In case, if you are using custom excel export functionality, you should use fileDownloadActionListener with in a button.
    Here, you could specify the content type.
    <af:commandButton text="Say Hello">
                  <af:fileDownloadActionListener filename="hello_txt"
                                            contentType="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
                </af:commandButton>For more details, check here:

  • Read Text from HTML-Pages and want to solve "ChangedCharSetException"

    I have an app that connect via threads with pages and parse them an gives me only the Text-version of a HTML-page. Works fine, but if it found a page, where the text is within images, than the whole app stopps and gave me the message:
            at javax.swing.text.html.parser.DocumentParser.handleEmptyTag(DocumentParser.java:169)
            at javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser.startTag(Parser.java:372)
            at javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser.parseTag(Parser.java:1846)
            at javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser.parseContent(Parser.java:1881)
            at javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser.parse(Parser.java:2047)
            at javax.swing.text.html.parser.DocumentParser.parse(DocumentParser.java:106)
            at javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator.parse(ParserDelegator.java:78)
            at aufruf.main(aufruf.java:33)So I tried to catch them with "getCharSetSpec()" and "keyEqualsCharSet( )" from the class "javax.swing.text.ChangedCharSetException" and hoped that this solved the problem. But still doesen't work...
    Then I looked at the web and found, that I have to add the line:
    doc.putProperty("IgnoreCharsetDirective", new Boolean(true));"doc." is a new HTML Dokument, created with the HTMLEditorKit. I do not have much knowledge about that and so I hope, that someone can explain me, how I can solve that problem, within my code.
    Here we go:
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.parser.*;
    public class myParser extends Thread
            private String name;
            public void run()
                            URL viele = new URL(name);                       // "name" ia a variable with a lot of links
                    URLConnection hs = viele.openConnection();
                    if (hs.getContentType().startsWith("text/html"))
                            InputStream is = hs.getInputStream();
                            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
                            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
                            Lesen los = new Lesen();
                            ParserDelegator parser = new ParserDelegator();
                            parser.parse(br,los, false);
            catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    System.err.print("Doesn't work");
            catch (ChangedCharSetException e)
            catch (Exception o)
            public void vowi(String n)
                    name = n;
    }and for the case that it is important here is the class "Lesen"
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.parser.*;
    class Lesen extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
            public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)
                            if ((t==HTML.Tag.P) || (t==HTML.Tag.H1) || (t==HTML.Tag.H2) || (t==HTML.Tag.H3) || (t==HTML.Tag.H4) || (t==HTML.Tag.H5) || (t==HTML.Tag.H6))
                    catch (Exception q)
            public void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t,MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)
                            if (t==HTML.Tag.BR)
                                    System.out.println(); // Neue Zeile
                    catch (Exception qw)
            public void handleText(char[] data, int pos)
                            System.out.print(data);                                           // prints the text from HTML-pages
                    catch (Exception ab)
    }Thanks a lot for helping...

    parser.parse(br,los, false);
    parser.parse(br,los, true);

Maybe you are looking for