AC3 5.1 files don't make 5.1 DVD?

Hi Folks
I used Digital Performer to make 5.1 sound track - I bounced the project down and thus have a folder of MySound.L.aif; and MySound.Rs.aif and so on. I've looked at those audio files in a separate audio program, and the files have content and seem fine. I encode in compressor 3.5.2 using proper AC3 settings. When I burn a DVD with the AC3 file, it plays stereo. I've tried many variations of this procedure to try and find out what's going on. For example, I found some correctly named .aifs in a DVDSP Training Series book I have; I encoded them in Compressor with the same settings and the DVD is surround sound. Odd. I used STP and bounced to AC3 within STP and it makes a surround DVD. Fwiw, the playback system (receiver, player) all work fine with Dolby commercial releases.
Any thoughts on this one??
Thanks, John

still hoping for some insight on this oddity... thx, John

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    Clean it up and sort it out Mr Jobs!
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    Your iWeb Site is stored not on your iDisk, but on a file named Domain.sites in your ~/Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb/ Folder.
    If , for whatever reason, you wipe your HD and/or lose this file (Get a new computer, Re-Install your OS, Stolen Laptop, Crashed HD, Etc.) without backing-up your Domain.sites file then you will have to re-build your iWeb sites from scratch again.
    Of course you can edit your Published HTML files in a different program such as Dreamweaver or even Text Edit. You just can't edit Published HTML files in iWeb. Not at this time at least.
    Use iWebBackup to backup your Domain file to a Blank CD or DVD. Backing up your Domain file to another folder on your computer is not fully backing it up. If your computer gets stolen you still lost the file but if you have your Domain file burned onto a CD you have a backup!
    Download iWebBackup Here
    You can use iWebExtender to automatically consolidate your files into one folder and delete multiple images.

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    MPEG-2 videos are very highly compressed. If you take that and compress it again for the web, there is going to be a guaranteed loss in quality. Think of photocopying. If you make a photocopy of a picture, it comes out pretty good. But if you make a photocopy of that photocopy, it comes out very bad. You want to avoid double compressing.
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    section of systemd service files?
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    Description=Pacman mirrorlist update
    ExecStart=wget -O /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.backup "" && cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.backup /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist && reflector --verbose -l 50 -p http --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
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    Last edited by Lockheed (2015-02-26 09:37:25)

    Lockheed wrote:
    Raynman wrote:"from command line" is you feeding a (command) string to a shell. Your assumption is that systemd will treat whatever you put in ExecStart exactly the same as your shell would.
    Not "is" but "was". Disappearance of that assumption was precisely the reason of starting this thread.
    I had to read this a few times, but I think you mean it as follows. You assumed you could copy from the shell to the service file and it would work the same way. Then you got an error (about the abolute path) so that assumption "disappeared". So far so good. But you didn't exactly figure out what was different, you formed a new assumption and based your thread on that:
    "systemd service files don't allow quotes" (title)
    "Why is it not possible to use quotes in ExecStart= section of systemd service files"
    "because systemd will not run it because of presence of quotes:"
    Like frank604 says, quotes were never the issue (in fact, they are one of the few things with special meaning for both the shell and systemd), yet you still seem to think they were:
    Lockheed wrote wrote:The actual wrong assumption on my part was that this command would run without quotes as service. It does not.
    It is a shame you only quote the first part of my last reply and ignore the questions in the second part. You did almost the same thing with my reply before that and I suspect you also didn't read the man page I mentioned the first time. You basically give me the impression that you think you have it all figured out (even though you come here looking for help) and my follow-up questions aren't worth your time. That usually makes me "move along" pretty quickly, but I'm trying one last time, because even though "The service now works", I'd like to see that you actually understand why it didn't work before.
    The only thing you really answered was "Changing paths to absolute made no difference.", but that shouldn't be, so when you mentioned empirical evidence, I basically repeated the question asking for some of this evidence (as in exact error messages for one or more modified ExecStart lines).
    When I take your service file and give wget an absolute path, systemd happily executes wget, but then wget complains because it gets "&&" and "cp" and "--save" etc. as arguments. Those errors are what I see in systemctl status/journal, no longer anything about an absolute path. This is because "&&" has no special meaning. You can use semicolons (";") to separate commands instead (explained in the man page section on command lines) or multiple ExecStart lines like frank604 used (which is cleaner IMO).

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    Where can I fix this?

    You don't have permission to use the migrated files unless you are logged in as the user who owns them, i.e., the new user you created. When you are logged in as your original self, the files don't belong to you.
    Someone who understands how to make global permissions changes better than I do will be along to tell you how to sort the problem out.

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    Hi all,
    I guess I'm looking for a link or a better explanation of what iTunes actually does with each of the aforementioned options vis-a-vis the music file locations.
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    Thanks very much for either an answer or at least a point in the right direction,

    +but how do I (and this is a 'best of both worlds' request) get iTunes to scan that parent folder and add only new songs to the library--without re-adding all the existing ones?+
    Use a 3rd-party program like itunes folder watch.
    Also, the problem itunes had with the Sinatra Duets is explained here - the "Album Artist" tag probably just needs to say Sinatra, or the checkmark for "Part of a Compilation" needs to begone.
    And lastly, what's your setting for "Keep itunes folder organized"?

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    Thank you for your kind words on the Tablet, as this is the only product mentioned that is supported on this forum, The forums here are for Home Electronics and Computers, and do not reach the Sony smart phone community.
    The Sony smart phone Support Forum is the place for Sony (formerly Sony Ericsson) users from around the world to get help and help others:
    your very in depth suggestions and comments would best be heard at the following forum that is dedicated exclusively to the Sony smart phone community.

  • The operation can't be completed because some items had to be skipped. For each item, choose File Get Info, make sure "Locked" is deselected, and then check t

    The following error comes up when I try to install the updated Firefox:
    "The operation can’t be completed because some items had to be skipped. For each item, choose File > Get Info, make sure “Locked” is deselected, and then check the Sharing & Permissions section. When you are sure the items are unlocked and not designated as Read Only or No Access, try again."
    When I follow the instructions in the error message, it shows that my user name has read and write access. There are a couple other items that are read only. I tried to change this to read and write, but the Sharing and Permissions options are greyed out and will not let me change them. What is the work around for this? I would really like to install the new firefox.

    Certain Firefox problems can be solved by performing a ''Clean reinstall''. This means you remove Firefox program files and then reinstall Firefox. Please follow these steps:
    '''Note:''' You might want to print these steps or view them in another browser.
    #Download the latest Desktop version of Firefox from and save the setup file to your computer.
    #After the download finishes, close all Firefox windows (click Exit from the Firefox or File menu).
    #Delete the Firefox installation folder, which is located in one of these locations, by default('''This will NOT delete profile info such as bookmarks and history'''):
    #**C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
    #**C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
    #*'''Mac:''' Delete Firefox from the Applications folder.
    #*'''Linux:''' If you installed Firefox with the distro-based package manager, you should use the same way to uninstall it - see [[Installing Firefox on Linux]]. If you downloaded and installed the binary package from the [ Firefox download page], simply remove the folder ''firefox'' in your home directory.
    #Now, go ahead and reinstall Firefox:
    ##Double-click the downloaded installation file and go through the steps of the installation wizard.
    ##Once the wizard is finished, choose to directly open Firefox after clicking the Finish button.
    Please report back to see if this helped you!
    Thank you.

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    Hi, i'm new using numbers, and when I try to open a excel file don't let me do it, instead appears a box whit a error and close app,  any help?

    What does the error say?
    A couple of thoughts: the file is corrupted or is password-protected. Corruption is more likely to cause Numbers to crash & Numbers cannot open password-protected Excel files. Try using one of the free Office clones & see what happens.

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    You cannot update iPhone 4 to IOS 8.1.2, the highest you can update is IOS 7.1.2.
    Unless you've iPhone 4S (looks similar to iPhone 4)

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    Hello djensen1x,
    Could you please let me know what version of Acrobat are you using.
    Also, tell me your workflow of combining those PDF files?
    Please share the screenshot of the error message that you get.
    Hope to get your response.

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