Accessing Node Labels - TreeControl with CheckBoxes

I have a Tree component that is loaded with CheckBoxes.  Each node has a label associated with it, and I need to be able to collect the labels and display them on the right of the component - probably using a Label or Text control.
I can't seem to figure out how to access the names of the items that are checked.  I'm including a complete, and simplified, mxml file.  If anyone would like to take a look at it, I would appreciate it.
OH - And I am using the Tree CheckBox component from this site:
Sorry, but the forum will not allow me to upload the files directly.
You will probably need to add those classes to see the Tree CheckBox.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:controls1="it.sephiroth.controls.*">
            import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
            import mx.effects.easing.Bounce;
            import mx.effects.easing.Elastic;
            import components.MyPanel;
            import mx.effects.easing.Bounce;
            import mx.effects.easing.Elastic;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            import mx.controls.Menu;
            import mx.controls.*;
            import it.sephiroth.renderers.TreecheckboxItemRenderer;
            //*******************************  TREE CONTROL CHECKBOX ******************************************
             * Called on checkbox click
             * check and update for both parents and child nodes
             * according to the checkbox status
            private function onItemCheck( event: TreeEvent ): void
                updateParents( event.item as XML, ( event.itemRenderer as TreecheckboxItemRenderer ).checkBox.checkState );
                updateChilds( event.item as XML, ( event.itemRenderer as TreecheckboxItemRenderer ).checkBox.checkState );
             * @see it.sephiroth.controls.CheckBoxExtended#checkState
            private function updateChilds( item:XML, value: uint ):void
                var middle: Boolean = ( value & 2 << 1 ) == ( 2 << 1 );
                var selected: Boolean = ( value & 1 << 1 ) == ( 1 << 1 );
                if( item.children( ).length( ) > 0 && !middle )
                    for each(var x: XML in item.node )
                        x.@checked = value == ( 1 << 1 | 2 << 1 ) ? "2" : value == ( 1 << 1 ) ? "1" : "0";
                        updateChilds( x, value );
            private function updateParents( item: XML, value: uint ): void
                var checkValue: String = ( value == ( 1 << 1 | 2 << 1 ) ? "2" : value == ( 1 << 1 ) ? "1" : "0" );
                var parentNode: XML = item.parent( );
                if( parentNode )
                    for each(var x: XML in parentNode.node )
                        if( x.@checked != checkValue )
                            checkValue = "2"
                    parentNode.@checked = checkValue;
                    updateParents( parentNode, value );
    <!--*********************  CHOOSE FUNCTIONAL AREAS/CAPABILITIES FOR SCENARIO TREE DATA ******************-->
        Example of the xml used as dataprovider
        for the treecheckbox component.
        @label used for the item label
        @checked used for the checked status:
            0 = un-checked
            1 = selected
            2 = 3rd status selected
            otherwise you can use the set the "checkField" attributes of the
            treecheckbox component to specify which xml attribute to use for the
            checked status
        <mx:XML xmlns="" id="treeSource">
            <node label="home" checked="">
                <node label="First Responder" checked="">
                    <node label="1RSP First Responder - Medical" checked=""/>
                <node label="Battalion Aid Station/Sick Call" checked="">
                    <node label="Battalion Aid Station" checked=""/>
                    <node label="BAS - NBC" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Evac" checked=""/>
                <node label="Forward Resuscitative Surgery (FRSS)" checked="">
                    <node label="Pre-Op" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Operating Room" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Post-Op" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Evac" checked=""/>
                <node label="Surgical Company" checked="">
                    <node label="Triage/SST" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Triage Evac" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Operating Room" checked=""/>
                    <node label="OR Evac" checked=""/>
                    <node label="OR Evac" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Ward" checked=""/>
                    <node label="X-Ray" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Laboratory" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Pharmacy" checked=""/>
                    <node label="NBC Unit" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Dental" checked=""/>
                    <node label="PMO/EHO/PMT" checked=""/>
                    <node label="PM Entomology" checked=""/>
                    <node label="Occupational and Environmental Healty Sur" checked=""/>
        <controls1:TreeCheckBox id="mytree"
            itemCheck="onItemCheck( event )"
        <mx:Label x="455" y="48" text="Label" fontSize="16" color="#FFFFFF" id="tree_label1"/>

Thanks for your reply.
I attempted the code:
public function get labelText():String 
 if (this.label != null) 
return this.label.text 
 return ""; 
return "";
But when I try to access the code in the application I get the error "Call to possibley undefined method labelText."
I'm not sure I understand exactly how to implement this change within the application itself.  Could you explain?  Thanks.

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    hello everybody .. i am trying for 2 week to modify my code i wrote
    (which allows me to have a tree with a checkbox ) to have a tabletree with checkbox for each node .. plz help .. this is my checkTree renderer
    package com.kelk.cfg_util_gui;
    /* swing1.1 */
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import javax.swing.Icon;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
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    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer;
    * @version 1.1 04/24/99
    public class CheckRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private Icon kelk = new ImageIcon("/com.kelk.cfg_util/Images/KELK32.gif");
    protected JCheckBox check;
    protected TreeLabel label;
    public CheckRenderer() {
    add(check = new JCheckBox());
    add(label = new TreeLabel());
    public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value,
    boolean isSelected, boolean expanded,
    boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) {
    String stringValue = tree.convertValueToText(value, isSelected,
                   expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus);
    if (leaf) {
    } else if (expanded) {
    } else {
    return this;
    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
    Dimension d_check = check.getPreferredSize();
    Dimension d_label = label.getPreferredSize();
    return new Dimension(d_check.width + d_label.width,
    (d_check.height < d_label.height ?
    d_label.height : d_check.height));
    public void doLayout() {
    Dimension d_check = check.getPreferredSize();
    Dimension d_label = label.getPreferredSize();
    int y_check = 0;
    int y_label = 0;
    if (d_check.height < d_label.height) {
    y_check = (d_label.height - d_check.height)/2;
    } else {
    y_label = (d_check.height - d_label.height)/2;
    public void setBackground(Color color) {
    if (color instanceof ColorUIResource)
    color = null;
    public class TreeLabel extends JLabel {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         boolean isSelected;
    boolean hasFocus;
    public TreeLabel() {
    public void setBackground(Color color) {
         if(color instanceof ColorUIResource)
         color = null;
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    String str;
    if ((str = getText()) != null) {
    if (0 < str.length()) {
    if (isSelected) {
    } else {
    Dimension d = getPreferredSize();
    int imageOffset = 0;
    Icon currentI = getIcon();
    if (currentI != null) {
    imageOffset = currentI.getIconWidth() + Math.max(0, getIconTextGap() - 1);
    g.fillRect(imageOffset, 0, d.width -1 - imageOffset, d.height);
    if (hasFocus) {
    g.drawRect(imageOffset, 0, d.width -1 - imageOffset, d.height -1);
    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
    Dimension retDimension = super.getPreferredSize();
    if (retDimension != null) {
    retDimension = new Dimension(retDimension.width + 3,
    return retDimension;
    public void setSelected(boolean isSelected) {
    this.isSelected = isSelected;
    public void setFocus(boolean hasFocus) {
    this.hasFocus = hasFocus;

    my code i wrote did you really?
    this fellow here wrote something similar
    perhaps you can swap notes.

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    Dear All.,
    I am trying to select multiple rows with checkbox in column header but it doesnot works...
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                          emptyText="#{bindings.xx.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                          varStatus="vs" partialTriggers="sbcSelectAll sbcChkFlag"
                          rowSelection="none" id="tCdMast" width="400"
                          columnStretching="column:c4" inlineStyle="height:200px;">
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                             id="c2" width="55"
                             inlineStyle="#{row.ChkFlag ? 'background-color:#9CACC9;' : ''}">
                    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true" value="#{row.ChkFlag}"
                                              selected="#{row.ChkFlag}" id="sbcChkFlag"
                                              autoSubmit="true" immediate="true"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                      <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true"
    Managed Bean
        public void onTableChkAllCheckChanged(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            Boolean newValue =
            Boolean oldValue =
            if (newValue.equals(oldValue))
            int rowIndex=0;
            ViewObject vo = u.findIterator("xxIterator").getViewObject();
              Row row;
                 row.setAttribute("ChkFlag", newValue.booleanValue());
        }Please help!!.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Can you check this sample in the blog post?

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    It could be that there's a new source of interference.
    Use the advice in the second message of this thread to investigate the signal and noise levels that each client sees:
    By the way, you've been misled by the poor field labeling into trying to type your entire message into the subject field, instead of putting a one-line topic description there.

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    Thank you in advance.

    Hi there, I'll tweak your code a little bit to something like this:
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
                 import mx.controls.CheckBox;
               private var mySelectedIndexes:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();
                private function onChange(e:ListEvent):void
    <mx:ArrayCollection id="collection">
            <mx:Object label="Test A"/>
            <mx:Object label="Test B"/>
            <mx:Object label="Test C"/>
            <mx:Object label="Test D"/>
            <mx:Object label="Test E"/>
            <mx:Object label="Test F"/>
            <mx:Object label="Test G"/>
    <mx:List id="chkList" dataProvider="{collection}" itemRenderer="mx.controls.CheckBox"  itemClick="onChange(event);" allowMultipleSelection="true"/>

  • Custom DefaultTreeCellRender not rending node labels correctly.

    In our JTree we need to display the state of our custom nodes, the state can be cycled by the user clicking on the node. Our problem is that since upgrading from Java 1.4 if a node is clicked before it is expanded the child nodes will not be rendered correclty, some nodes may not have the label showing, some may not have the label or icon showing.
    Under Java 1.4 the following code works correctly.
    Under Java 1.5 and 1.6 If you click on a node before expanding it (which changes the node's icon) then expand the node the child nodes are not completely rendered, some may be missing a icon or label or both.
    package com.test;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.FlowLayout;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.Box;
    import javax.swing.Icon;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTree;
    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
    * Example to demonstate differences between Java 1.4 and Java 1.5/1.6
    * node rendering.
    * <p>
    * Under Java 1.4 nodes are always rendered correctly.
    * <p>
    * Under Java 1.5 and 1.6 If you click on a node before expanding it (which
    * results in the icon changing) then expand the node not all child nodes
    * will be fully rendered.
    public class TreeNodeRenderExample extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7963956320358601702L;
        private JTree tree1;
         * Entry point.
         * @param args Arguments are ignored.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            TreeNodeRenderExample inst = new TreeNodeRenderExample();
         * Constructor.
         * <br>
         * Create a instance of TreeNodeRenderExample.
        public TreeNodeRenderExample() {
         * Create the Frame and JTree.
        private void initGUI() {
            try {
                    this.setTitle("Checkbox node Render Example");
                    tree1 = new JTree();
                    getContentPane().add(tree1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                setSize(400, 300);
            } catch (Exception e) {
         * Add the custom cell renderer and a mouse listener.
        private void postInitGUI() {
            tree1.setCellRenderer(new NodeRenderer());
            tree1.addMouseListener(new TreeMouseClickSelectionListener(tree1));
         * Populate the tree.
        private void populateTree() {
            TreeNode root = new TreeNode("Render Example");
            TreeNode colourNode = new TreeNode("Colours");
            TreeNode modelNode = new TreeNode("Models");
            colourNode.add(new TreeNode("Black"));
            colourNode.add(new TreeNode("White"));
            colourNode.add(new TreeNode("Blue"));
            modelNode.add(new TreeNode("Ford"));
            modelNode.add(new TreeNode("Fiat"));
            modelNode.add(new TreeNode("Nissan"));
            tree1.setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(root));
         * Custom tree node to allow the icon to be changed when the node
         * is clicked.
         * <p>
         * This is a simple example, our custom nodes hold much more state
         * information and get node children on the fly.
        class TreeNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 7527381850185157388L;
             * Constructor.
             * <br>
             * Create a instance of TreeNode.
             * @param name Tree node display name.
            public TreeNode(String name) {
       = name;
                this.state = "u";
             * Just cycle through some states so that the icon can
             * can be changed depending on how may 'clicks' on the node.
            public void updateSelectionStatus() {
                if (state.equals("u")) {
                    state = "s";
                } else if (state.equals("s")) {
                    state = "d";
                } else if (state.equals("d")) {
                    state = "u";
             * Get the icon to be used for the check box, shows the current
             * state of a node to the user.
             * @return A icon.
            public Icon getIcon() {
                Icon icon = null;
                if (state.equals("u")) {
                    icon = UIManager.getIcon("FileView.directoryIcon");
                } else if (state.equals("s")) {
                    icon = UIManager.getIcon("FileView.fileIcon");
                } else if (state.equals("d")) {
                    icon = UIManager.getIcon("FileView.computerIcon");
                return icon;
             * String representation of a node.
             * @see javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode#toString()
            public String toString() {
                return name;
            private String name;
            private String state;
         * Custom node render, adds a checkbox in front of the node, could be
         * any object that we can change the icon for, this will show the
         * user the current state of the selected node.
        class NodeRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = -7358496302112018405L;
            protected JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox();
            //protected JButton checkBox = new JButton();
            private Component strut = Box.createHorizontalStrut(5);
            private JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,0,0));
             * Constructor.
            public NodeRenderer() {
             * Render the label, then change the icon if necessary.
             * @see javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer#getTreeCellRendererComponent(javax.swing.JTree, java.lang.Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean)
            public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value,
                boolean sel, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus)
                super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value,
                    sel, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus);
                return this.panel;
             * Set the node's icon.
             * @param node Rendered node.
            private void updateDisplayedStatus(TreeNode node) {
         * Listener to allow cycling of node states by clicking on the node.
        class TreeMouseClickSelectionListener extends MouseAdapter {
            private JTree tree;
            private int hotspot = new JCheckBox().getPreferredSize().width;
             * Constructor.
             * <br>
             * Create a instance of TreeMouseClickSelectionListener.
             * @param tree Tree listener is attached to.
            public TreeMouseClickSelectionListener(JTree tree) {
                this.tree = tree;
             * Cycle the state of a clicked node.
             * @see java.awt.event.MouseAdapter#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) {
                int x = me.getX();
                int y = me.getY();
                int row = tree.getRowForLocation(x, y);
                TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row);
                if (path != null)
                    if(x <= tree.getPathBounds(path).x + hotspot)
                        TreeNode node = (TreeNode) path
                        if (node != null)

    I can't recreate your problem. I'm running 1.5.0_09. When I open the program and JUST expand the nodes I see all "file" icons and all the labels work correctly. If i Select a node before expanding it, I get the same result.
    What Am I supposed to witness happening?

  • How to access custom labels in Table?

    In IDML I have set up custom lables inside Table element. How can I access those labels?

    Hi Michael,
    If you just want to retrieve the data, you could use the following code.
    //Get the node which the table is bound to
    IWDNode node = wdContext.nodeTable();
    //iterate thru the elements
    for(int i = 0 ; i<node.size();i++)
      IWDNodeElement ne = node.getElementAt(i);
      Object value = ne.getAttributeValue("<column name>");
      //Here you have the data in the value variable
      //and you can manipulate this now

  • Can I access a label inside of an MC and then go back to the main time line

    Here is my current set up.
    I have a labeled section on main time line which has icons of 12 different videos. Each icon acts as a button and brings a user to a labeled section with a FLV Video Playback component impemented to play the corresponding video. These labeled sections are located on the main time.
    This methog makes my main time line very long. Is there a way to make an additional MC which will hold all the video buttons and then have this MC separated into labeled sections.
    In other words can I access a label inside of an MC and then go back to the main time line?
    My present code for accessing the label located on the main timeline is:
    HowTo_maininfo_mc.theArrangement_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, theArrangement_btn_amimated_btnDown);
    function theArrangement_btn_amimated_btnDown(event:MouseEvent):void {
    How would it look if my label "theArrangement" would be located inside of an MC?
    Is there any specific code if I want to have a close button located on the label inside of an MC and it needs to fire out to a label located on the main timeline?

    Oh, WOW! It is working perfectly now.
    My mistake was that I was specifiying the var sourceVar:String;
    for every single button. It was not clear to me from the first example that it has to be specified only once.
    I made a small test Flash file and everything works now. It still doesn't work on my big flash file, I guess some other code messes it up and I can' not figure what it is exactly.
    I would like to include the OUTPUT error message in hopes that you can spot right away what a mistake could be:
    VideoError: 1000: Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server
              at acolyteVideos_fla::mainsite_mc_2/stopF2()[acolyteVideos_fla.mainsite_mc_2::frame484:21]
              at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
              at acolyteVideos_fla::mainsite_mc_2/onClick_GoBackToHowTo2()[acolyteVideos_fla.mainsite_mc_2 ::frame484:13]
    If there is no immediate cure for it, I will go through code line by line. Since it is working on the test it must be something wrong with my main file.
    Additiona question (please let me know if I should paste it as a new thread)
    I have similar set up with UILoader. Where different buttons set up to bring a user to individual labeled sections with individual UILoader. Should it be arranged in the same way that it is only one loader and "var sourceVar:String;" code is the one which brings up different content for each button?

  • Displaying a jtree with checkboxes and enabling some default checkboxes

    I have created a jtree displaying a list of nodes hierarchically ,and created a checkbox for each node as well.
    My problem is having created the jtree with checkboxes i need to have some of the nodes in the hierarchy checked by default on first launch of the gui.To do this i read a list of treepaths from a file and would want to traverse the tree and enable the node after finding it,which is what i am having issue with.
    Your solution would be appreciated as i am a newbie and having got this far, feel like i need some back up :)
    Thanks & Regards

    I have created a jtree displaying a list of nodes hierarchically ,and created a checkbox for each node as well.
    My problem is having created the jtree with checkboxes i need to have some of the nodes in the hierarchy checked by default on first launch of the gui.To do this i read a list of treepaths from a file and would want to traverse the tree and enable the node after finding it,which is what i am having issue with.
    Your solution would be appreciated as i am a newbie and having got this far, feel like i need some back up :)
    Thanks & Regards

  • Problem with labelfunction with checkbox itemrenderer

    I have a DataGrid with a column that looks like this:
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Buy online?"
    dataField="onlineshop" itemRenderer="mx.controls.CheckBox"
    rendererIsEditor="true" labelFunction="checkBoxLabel"
    editorDataField="selected" />
    My label function looks like this (for testing):
    private function checkBoxLabel(item:Object,
    return false;
    The checkboxes in the grid always show up checked by default.
    What am I doing wrong?

    "endquote" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e4e0cj$ffh$[email protected]..
    >I have a DataGrid with a column that looks like this:
    > <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Buy online?"
    > itemRenderer="mx.controls.CheckBox"
    > labelFunction="checkBoxLabel" editorDataField="selected"
    > My label function looks like this (for testing):
    > private function checkBoxLabel(item:Object,
    > {
    > return false;
    > }
    > The checkboxes in the grid always show up checked by
    default. What am I
    > doing
    > wrong?
    labelFunction is for the *label* (of the CheckBox, in this
    case). The
    selected property of the CheckBox is set based on the value
    of the
    dataField--in your case, "onlineshop". Is onlineshop true in
    all your items?
    Manish Jethani
    Developer, Flex Framework
    Adobe Systems Inc.

  • Storage unit labels along with pallet labels in wm

    could you please explain how to generate storage unit label along with pallet label in wm. for example if 1pallet contains 4 boxes and each box will have20 bottles then we need to print pallet label for 4boxes and unit label for each box with 20 bottles information.
    Pavan Kumar

    Hi Pavan,
    Based on your requirement and as far as standard SAP are concern there is no form which will help to generate the label in the above format. You need to take the help from development team who can design the format using SMARTFORM functionality as per your requirement. once the form is ready you can assign the print code and the SU lable form to below mentioned node. which will print the label on the printer specified
    SPRO ---LE---WM ---Storage unit ---Define print control
    additionally have a look on the below mentioned SAP standard link which will give you an idea about the printing of SU
    Printing SU Documents Manually - Warehouse Management System (WMS) - SAP Library
    Let me know if you need any further information

  • For server the Node Manager associated with machine is not reachable

    Hello all,
    I am getting this error, when i start my Managed Server which is in shutdown state
    For server SAA-Dev-1, the Node Manager associated with machine vm-bea-dev is not reachable.
    All of the servers selected are currently in a state which is incompatible with this operation or are not associated with a running Node Manager. No action will be performed.
    The configuration details are
    i am using weblogic 9.2 MP3 version in windows 2k3 server.
    It has a machine vm-bea-dev, a cluster cluster-saa-dev, to which both the managed servers saa-dev-1 and saa-dev-2 are assigned. There are 3 applications deployed onto managed Server 1 and 1 for managed Server 2.
    Managed Server 1 is in shutdown state, and when i start the server, it gives the error specified below
    For server SAA-Dev-1, the Node Manager associated with machine vm-bea-dev is not reachable.
    All of the servers selected are currently in a state which is incompatible with this operation or are not associated with a running Node Manager. No action will be performed.
    The same for Managed Server 2 too, and this server is in Admin State, i dont know how it went into that state.
    Can somebody please help me reslove it.
    Thanks in advance

    Actually the cert is coming from your Dev machine but it is sending the Prod cert.
    What cert is used by your admin server ? It should match the host name.
    So your Dev machine is apparently using a copy of the prod cert / keystore rather than using its own DEV cert. It's not clear from your post whether this is the nodemanager using the wrong cert, or the managed server. So both should be checked.
    The managed servers need to be using a cert that matches their host name. If you have a managed server on VM-BEA-DEV, then the cert needs to be CN=VM-BEA-DEV. You can also use a load-balancer CN name in the cert if you have the cluster's HTTP values set to match.
    In your, are you explicitly accessing keystores, such as with:
    In my multi-machine clusters, I have multiple certificates such as:
    admin machine1:
    has a cert for use by the admin server and NM that matches the host name ( with node entries such as the above )
    has a 2nd cert that matches the load-balancer name for the cluster - used by the managed servers
    all other machines:
    has a cert for use by NM that matches the host name ( with node entries such as the above )
    has a 2nd cert that matches the load-balancer name for the cluster - used by the managed servers

  • Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state

    we have developed packages to do the followings
    Extract data from DB2 Source and put it in MS Sql Server 2008 database (Lets Say DatabaseA).From MS Sql Server 2008 (DatabaseA)
    we will process the data and place it in another database MS Sql Server 2008 (DatabaseB)
    We have created packages in BIDS..We created datasource connection in Datasource folder in BIDS..Which has DB2 Connection and both Ms Sql Server connection (Windows authentication-Let
    say its pointing to the server -ServerA which has DatabaseA and DatabaseB).The datasource connections will be used in packages during development.
    For deployment we have created Package Configuration which will have both DB2 Connection and MS SqlServer connection in the config
    We deployed the packages in different MS SqlServer by changing the connectionstring in the config for DB2 and MS SqlServer...
    While runing the package we are getting the following error message
    Code: 0xC0016016     Source:       Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for
    use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.

    Hi Surendiran,
    This is because the package has been created by somebody else and the package is being deployed under sombody else's account. e.g. If you are the creator then the package is encryption set according to your account and the package setup in SQL server is
    under a different user account.
    This happens because the package protection level is set to EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey which encrypts
    sensitive information using creator's account name.
    As a solution:
    Either you have to set up the package in SQL server under your account (which some infrastructures do not allow).
    Set the package property Protection Level to "DontSaveSensitive" and add a configuration file
    to the package and set the initial values for all the variables and all the connection manager in that configuration file (which might be tedious of-course).
    The third options (which I like do) is to open the package file and delete the password encryption entries from the package. Do note that this is not supported by designer and every time you make changes to the connection managers these encryption entries come
    Hope this helps. 
    Please mark the post as answered if it answers your question

  • For server Eagle-PROD-Instance, the Node Manager associated with machine

    I have a wlst script that creates a domain and a managed server. I associate the server with a machine that's attached to a node manager. It creates the managed server fine but when I try and start it I get this error
    For server Eagle-PROD-Instance, the Node Manager associated with machine Eagle-Machine is not reachable.
    All of the servers selected are currently in a state which is incompatible with this operation or are not associated with a running Node Manager or you are not authorized to perform the action requested. No action will be performed.
    The machine is associated with the Node Manager and the NM is running. I can start the managed server from the command line, but not from the admin console
    This is the script, am I missing something?
    description: This script create the weblogic domain, and executes each weblogic queue module
    subfile. it reads a property file : for server domain information
    author     : mike reynolds - edifecs 2011
    created     : April 8th 2011
    import sys
    from java.lang import System
    from java.util import Properties
    from import FileInputStream
    from import File
    from import UserEditorMBean
    from import GroupEditorMBean
    from import UserPasswordEditorMBean
    # Loads the contents a properties file into a java.util.Properties
    # configPropFile = ""
    def loadPropertiesFromFile(configPropFile):
         configProps = Properties()
         propInputStream = FileInputStream(configPropFile)
         return configProps
    def getProperties():
         importConfigFile = sys.argv[1]
         print importConfigFile
         domainProps = loadPropertiesFromFile(importConfigFile)
         properties = Properties()
         input = FileInputStream(importConfigFile)
         return properties
    def create_users(username, password, description):
    # create admin user
    print "Created user " + username + "successfully"
    print "check to see if user " + username + " exists "
    def add_user_to_group(username):
    print "Adding a user to group ..."
    userObject2 = cmo.getSecurityConfiguration().getDefaultRealm().lookupAuthenticationProvider("DefaultAuthenticator")
    print "Done adding user " + username
    print "check to see if user " + username + " is already in group "
    def connect_server(user,pw,url):
    def create_machine():     
    print 'Creating machine' + machine
    # cd('/')
    # create(machine, 'Machine')
    mach = cmo.createUnixMachine(machine)
         print "machine exists"
    def build_domain():
    ### Read Basic Template
    WL_HOME = "C:/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3"     
    set('ListenAddress', adminServerAddress)
    set('ListenPort', int(adminServerPort))
    ### Write Domain
    setOption('OverwriteDomain', 'true')
    print "writing domain " + domainDir + domainName
    arg = "Arguments=\" -server -Xms256m -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -da\""
    prps = makePropertiesObject (arg)
    domain = domainDir + domainName
    #nmConnect('weblogic', 'w3bl0g1c', host, 5556, 'AdminServer', domain, 'ssl')
    # nmStart('AdminServer')
    startServer('AdminServer', domainName, url, adminUser, adminPassword, domainDir, 'true')
    print "could not connect to Node Manager"
    def create_server():     
    # get server instance properties
    name = properties.getProperty("serverName")
    domain = properties.getProperty("domainName")
    port = properties.getProperty("listenPort")
    address = properties.getProperty("listenAddress")
    servermb=getMBean("Servers/" + name)
    machine = properties.getProperty("machineName")
    nodePort = properties.getProperty("nodeManagerPort")
    domainDir = properties.getProperty("domainDir")
    if servermb is None:
              cd('/Servers/'+ name)
              cd('/Machines/' + machine + '/NodeManager/' + machine )
              cd('/Servers/' + name)
              cmo.setMachine(getMBean('/Machines/' + machine ))
              cd('/Servers/' + name + '/SSL/' + name)
              cd('/Servers/' + name + '/ServerDiagnosticConfig/' + name)
              cd('/Servers/' + name)
              cd('/Servers/' + name + '/SSL/' + name)
    ### Executable Script
    ### Define constants
    WL_HOME = "C:/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3"
    print "Starting the script ..."
    print "Getting properties ... "
    properties = getProperties()
    adminServerAddress = properties.getProperty("adminServerAddress")
    adminServerPort = properties.getProperty("adminServerPort")
    adminUser = properties.getProperty("adminUser")
    adminPassword = properties.getProperty("adminPassword")
    edifecsUser = properties.getProperty("edifecsUser")
    edifecsPassword = properties.getProperty("edifecsPassword")
    host = properties.getProperty("host")
    domainDir = properties.getProperty("domainDir")
    domainName = properties.getProperty("domainName")
    user = properties.getProperty("username")
    pw = properties.getProperty("passwd")
    url = properties.getProperty("adminURL")
    machine = properties.getProperty("machineName")
    print "Building the domain..."
    print "Connecting to server"     
    connect_server(adminUser, adminPassword, url)
    # create managed server
    # create_machine()
    print "Creating users"
    # starting configuration tree
    create_users(adminUser, adminPassword, "Administrator")
    create_users(edifecsUser, edifecsPassword,"Administrator")
    # have to restart edit to save config
    # nmKill('AdminServer')
    print "saving configuration"
         print "script returns SUCCESS"
         print "admin server is running"
         print "starting server " + name
         startServer(domainName, name ,url,adminUser, adminPassword, domainDir,'true')
         print "failed to save server"

    Actually the cert is coming from your Dev machine but it is sending the Prod cert.
    What cert is used by your admin server ? It should match the host name.
    So your Dev machine is apparently using a copy of the prod cert / keystore rather than using its own DEV cert. It's not clear from your post whether this is the nodemanager using the wrong cert, or the managed server. So both should be checked.
    The managed servers need to be using a cert that matches their host name. If you have a managed server on VM-BEA-DEV, then the cert needs to be CN=VM-BEA-DEV. You can also use a load-balancer CN name in the cert if you have the cluster's HTTP values set to match.
    In your, are you explicitly accessing keystores, such as with:
    In my multi-machine clusters, I have multiple certificates such as:
    admin machine1:
    has a cert for use by the admin server and NM that matches the host name ( with node entries such as the above )
    has a 2nd cert that matches the load-balancer name for the cluster - used by the managed servers
    all other machines:
    has a cert for use by NM that matches the host name ( with node entries such as the above )
    has a 2nd cert that matches the load-balancer name for the cluster - used by the managed servers

  • Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B

    I have developed several SSIS packages with the last Beta of VS2005 / SQL Server CTP. After the public release I tried to uninstall the CTP-Versions to install the msdn finals but this time I got lost and was not able to satisfy the requirements of the final setup of VS2005. So I decided to install the whole pc again and after some hours I had a clean machine (XP with latest SQL Server 2005 Standard and VS2005 Professional).   Now I have tried to open my SSIS-Project but getting the following error:   Error loading ImpNetqNewsRss.dtsx: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Schlüssel ist im angegebenen Status nicht gültig.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.
    After some “googleing” I found this thread:   If I’m right the solution should be to use a Package Password, but I can’t figure out where I have to go enter/change a password. I even can’t remember I that ever used a password on my old installation for a dtsx-package??   Any help is welcome…   Regards, Dirk

      Let's Say your package name is MyPackage
      In Visual Studio  Go to Control Flow Tab.
      Righ Click on an empty area inside the window not clicking  "Data Flow Component" .  pop up menu click the the properties to get to the properties window of MyPackage package.
    Under the Security Area -> You will see 
            ProtectionLevel              -- Change that to EncryptSensitiveWithPassword
            PackagePassword          -- enter password->  temp
    This should do the trick however to be sure:
    Below you will connection managers:
    Database Connections (if more than one preform on all) 
      Double Click your connection to get the property pages. Click "ALL" under the Connection Link on Left Side. Scroll Down to Security Area.
      Provide the followings:
       Password  (for the sql userid being used)
       Persist Security Info  = True
    Save the Package and connect to SQL Integration Srvices in SQL Manager  (To Server e.g; DBServer (Integration Services) 
      Stored Packages -> MSDB -->  Right Click --> choose Import Package
      in the property dialog box 
                  Package Location :   File System 
                  Package Path  -- Choose the location of your dtsx file.  (MyPackage.dtsx)
      Leave everything default.
      Click OK.
      Dialog box will appear asking for the Package Password 
      Provide the password-> temp
      You have successfully imported the package called MyPackage.
      In order to create a job.   
      In the job Step->
           Type:  SQL Server Integration Services Package
           In the General Tab:
                     Package Source :  SSIS Package Store
                     Server : DBServer  (Where we stored our package above)
        Click the button for the package:  Choose your package  (MyPackage)
       Click OK :
        It will ask the package password again :  temp
                    Package has successfully been loaded to Job Step.  Now you can schedule and do a test run on the job.
      Thanks for the patience of reading for those who are expert.
      - Azhar

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