Accordion content: can it be an external file?

Is there a way for an external file - e.g., Word or text file
- to feed the content? It would also be nice if the panel tab can
come from a file as well, instead of hardcoded. Thanks in

With regards to the content, it has worked for me by creating
include files in Dreamweaver and linking to them insode each

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    ... so changing the original file changes the pdf?
    I've got a dinner riding on this. My co-worker says don't change that Illustrator .eps file - all our pdfs are linked to it! You'll  mess them up!
    I say - what? no way...  pdf's aren't linked to external .eps  files (that we imported into Quark and made pdf's) They are standalone docs. I did a test and can't replicate what he says. Using high-res print pdfs.
    What you say?  Am I buying dinner?

    Thanks for the input guys.
    I've been making pdf's well over 10 years but use only a narrow set of pdf types. I know there is a range of options and things you can do with pdf's that I've never done. This co-worker is actually my boss and he's adamant this has happened to him, pissed that I'm doubting him and won't let me improve a workflow system because of it.
    Maybe there is (or was in the past) some type of pdf that can link to an external file and can be changed by revising the external file?

  • Reading the Blob and writing it to an external file in an xml tree format

    We have a table by name clarity_response_log and content of the column(Response_file) is BLOB and we have xml file or xml content in that column. Most probably the column or table may be having more than 5 records and hence we need to read the corresponding blob content and write to an external file.
      DATE_CRATED    DATE                           NOT NULL,
      CREATED_BY     NUMBER                         NOT NULL,
      UPDATED_BY     NUMBER                         DEFAULT 1,
    )The xml content in the insert statement is very small because of some reason and cannot be made public and indeed we have a very big xml file stored in the BLOB column or Response_File column
       (5, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');
       (6, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');
       (7, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');
       (8, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');
       (9, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');THe corresponding proc for reading the data and writing the data to an external file goes something like this
    SET serveroutput ON
       vstart     NUMBER             := 1;
       bytelen    NUMBER             := 32000;
       len        NUMBER;
       my_vr      RAW (32000);
       x          NUMBER;
       l_output   UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    -- define output directory
       l_output :=
          UTL_FILE.FOPEN ('CWFSTORE_RESPONCE_XML', 'extract500.txt', 'wb', 32760);
       vstart := 1;
       bytelen := 32000;
    ---get the Blob locator
       FOR rec IN (SELECT response_file vblob
                     FROM clarity_response_log
                    WHERE TRUNC (date_crated) = TRUNC (SYSDATE - 1))
    --get length of the blob
    len := DBMS_LOB.getlength (rec.vblob);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (len);
          x := len;
    ---- If small enough for a single write
    IF len < 32760
             UTL_FILE.put_raw (l_output, rec.vblob);
             UTL_FILE.FFLUSH (l_output);
    -------- write in pieces
             vstart := 1;
             WHILE vstart < len AND bytelen > 0
                DBMS_LOB.READ (rec.vblob, bytelen, vstart, my_vr);
                UTL_FILE.put_raw (l_output, my_vr);
                UTL_FILE.FFLUSH (l_output);
    ---------------- set the start position for the next cut
                vstart := vstart + bytelen;
    ---------- set the end position if less than 32000 bytes
                x := x - bytelen;
                IF x < 32000
                   bytelen := x;
                END IF;
                UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE (l_output);
             END LOOP;
    ----------------- --- UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE(l_output);
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
       UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (l_output);
    END;The above code works well and all the records or xml contents are being written simultaneously adjacent to each other but we each records must be written to a new line or there must be a line gap or a blank line between any two records
    the code which I get is as follow all all xml data comes on a single line
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><emp><empno>7369</empno><ename>James</ename><job>Manager</job><salary>1000</salary></emp><?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><emp><empno>7370</empno><ename>charles</ename><job>President</job><salary>500</salary></emp>But the code written to an external file has to be something like this.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    </emp>Please advice

    What was wrong with the previous answers given on your other thread:
    Export Blob data to text file(-29285-ORA-29285: file write error)
    If there's a continuing issue, stay with the same thread, don't just ask the same question again and again, it's really Pi**es people off and causes confusion as not everyone will be familiar with what answers you've already had. You're just wasting people's time by doing that.
    As already mentioned before, convert your BLOB to a CLOB and then to XMLTYPE where it can be treated as XML and written out to file in a variety of ways including the way I showed you on the other thread.
    You really seem to be struggling to get the worst possible way to work.

  • FAQ: SWF's and loading external files in Flash Catalyst

    How do I make the images in my Flash Catalyst project external to the published SWF?
    You can choose whether images are embedded in your Flash Catalyst SWF, or loaded dynamically; this can help to keep your SWF's small. Simply right-click an image and chose "Externalize Image".
    Answered by: Adam Cath.
    See entire discussion.
    How do I make the SWF I imported to Flash Catalyst load external files?
    When importing a SWF, Flash Catalyst only pulls the SWF asset into your project. Many SWF's, such as slideshows and media players, rely on external data files, such as configuration files or media assets. If you would like to use such a SWF in Catalyst, then you will have to place these external resources into your Catalyst project as well as importing the SWF.
    Let's assume you have a SWF source folder that contains your SWF file and all of the external files it needs. You can open the SWF file from this folder and it works fine. But, if you import the SWF into Catalyst, the Catalyst project doesn't display it correctly because it can't load the external files. Here's what you do:
    1. Open your swf source folder, and copy all of the files/folders there except the SWF you imported.
    2. In Catalyst, Run/Preview your project (Ctl/Cmd-Enter)
    2. Note the file path to Main.html in your browser
    3. In your OS, open the folder that contains /bin-debug/Main.html from above
    4. Open the "src" folder
    5. Paste all of the files from step 1 into the src folder.
    6. Catalyst won't pick up that your project changed, so tweak it a bit (add a Rectangle), and save it.
    7. Run your project. If it doesn't work, try closing and reopening your project and running again.
    For an example, check out: Using an XML-driven SWF in Catalyst to create a slideshow.
    See entire discussion.
    Answered by: Bear Travis

    You can make you swf a custom component with 2 states.
    The first state will be empty and rename it "OFF" the second state will have your swf file and name it ON.
    Then go back to your artboard/project, add your 2 buttons ON & OFF.
    For the ON button add interaction "play transition to custom component ON"
    For the OFF button add interaction "play transition to custom component OFF"
    Here is an example swf_control

  • External file imported in flash

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    I hope i made myself clear
    Thx a million

  • I can't copy iTunes media files from one external hard drive to another.

    Hi, I am running the latest iTunes and Mavericks software on my MacBook Pro. My iTunes library is stored on an external Seagate 2tb hard drive and it is almost full. I want to transfer the files to a WD Elements 3tb external hard drive and have made that new volume the destination folder for my iTunes library. However, even though I have enabled read/write on both volumes and made the iTunes media folders on both shared folders, I can't copy all the files from the Seagate drive to the WD drive. It comes up with an error message that says "The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8058)". I can transfer files from my MacBook hard drive to the new volume, but can't copy files from the old Seagate volume to my MacBook hard drive; it makes the "boing" sound that indicates it is copying but nothing transfers. Files that won't copy include all music files, some video files and all podcast files. Some transferred with no problem. Any ideas out there?

    Hi Limnos, thanks very much for your reply.
    both external drives came preformatted for Windows but I erased each and reformatted them for Mac before using them.
    i made the destination folder on the new WD drive the new iTunes folder using Advanced preferences in iTunes.
    my original iTunes folder on the first drive contained all my iTunes files, as that, also, was the destination folder that was linked via Advanced preferences.
    If I download new content now with the new drive attached, iTunes has no trouble finding where to place the files.
    in Preferences I have both boxes checked (copy files" and "organize") that deal with copying iTunes files.
    When  I first attempted to copy all iTunes files from one media folder to the other on the external drives, I just did a drag and drop of the whole iTunes media folder from one to the other while both were mounted on my desktop. It started copying immediately with no problems, but as it progressed it started skipping files, each time displaying the error message I reported earlier. that included my entire Music folder. When I open, for example, a season folder that contains files that would not copy, eg, Modern Family Season 5, the episodes that won't copy are there and visible but any attempt to drag and drop them into the correct folder on the new drive results in the error message. There is no pattern to it; it will choose some episodes from some seasons but not others, and no music at all.
    when I look at the "missing" files in  iTunes they have the small exclamation mark that indicates the file is missing, but when I locate it through iTunes it doesn't copy the file on the old external drive to the new one. It just plays it having found the file on the old drive.
    originally I had to make the iTunes folder on the old drive into a shared folder using the Get info window after either a software upgrade or an OS upgrade (I can't remember which, it was several years ago). For some reason the upgrade changed the preferences of that folder to a Read Only folder and after researching the problem found the only way to keep using the drive was to make the folder a shared one. I can't remember why and I apologise for that but it was a long time ago.; I can tell you that at the time it was necessary.
    thanks again for your time; I have a good working knowledge of iTunes and Macs in general so I truly believe I have done everything according to how it should be done,, but clearly I've done something wrong!

  • How to refresh the content of an external file

    Hi guys.
    I need to use an external file, no matter the extension(txt .xls .xml .mdb .csv) in the oracle BI rpd.
    I Use this file like a center table in my star schema and this file need to refresh frequently.
    How i can see, dynamically, the changes in the file without restart the services?I've tried by Answer to see all the record in the file, but if i change the file content and after, by answer, try to see the content.... it's the same as first!
    I can do something to overcome this problem? or i have to use external table??
    Thanks in advance.
    Best reguards

    It seems to me that you are trying to reinvent the wheel here. Having the BI Server load a 100,000 rows file is nto a good idea. The BI Server is not an ETL tool. While I could see why you may want to refresh the file frequently a better process would be to load it using standard ETL tools, create indexes etc and the move it to current table for OBIEE to see. You can use the OBIEE's Event Polling to clear the cache. Another simpler option if you are using an Oracle database is to use external tables. External tables allow you to define a table in an Oracle database that it's source is a text file. Google it and you will plenty of samples.

  • How do I link external files (.pdf's) in the flash content please?  I'm creating a CD interface

    I'm new to Adobe CS software and would like some advice please.
    My company uses a CD with a flash interface that opens via an .exe or .app file.  The original designer is on maternity leave at the moment but we need some content updates before she gets back and I’m deciding whether to redo the CD myself or to source a new designer.
    So far I've been able to replicate most of the CD in Catalyst using the trial version but there is one thing stopping me from buying the software.  I can't find a way to link external files (specifically pdf's) via the flash content.  The CD is for instruction manuals so once the interface has been navigated the user needs to click on a button to open the desired pdf manual.
    Is this possible in Catalyst or am I looking at the wrong software?
    I can't write code and my experience is limited so I would appreciate help from someone who knows what they're talking about please and any software recommendation would also be great
    If I need to outsource please tell me but bear in mind that I have been able to do all the design work and it's just linking the pdf's that I'm struggling with
    Thanks in advance and for any help

    Hi Bear,
    Thanks for your quick answer.
    Flash Catalyst currently prefixes all links with "http://", so you would need to save your FXP in Catalyst, open the FXP in builder, and remove the "http" so that you're just loading the local pdfs.
    I tried your suggestion but couldn't get it working so I'm probably doing something wrong since I'm not very familiar with Flash Builder.
    I created the button > on click > go to url interaction in Catalyst and saved the project (tried it using a PDF saved on our server and also my PC).
    I imported the FXP and opened to "project name / src / (default package) / main.mxml / button name"
    After deleting "http" I selected "export release build" and opened the new SWF and also tried the HTML; the new button just opened to my homepage instead of the PDF
    I also tried deleting "http:" and "http://" which deactivated the button completely (I expect some coders will laugh at that but I am a noob )
    Unfortunately linking to online files isn't an option for me so do you see what I'm doing wrong please?
    Thanks for your help

  • Trying to use a new, larger external hard drive for my Time Machine backup.  However, every time I start the backup, it gets started then fails.  And, I can't delete the few files that did save on the external.  Sort of a catch 22.  Any ideas?

    Trying to use a new, larger external hard drive for my Time Machine backup.  However, every time I start the backup, it gets started then fails.  And, I can't delete the few files that did save on the external.  Sort of a catch 22.  Any ideas?

    Is it a USB hard drive?  USB hard drives have the problem of not giving full speed if they are hooked up on the same bus as keyboards and mice.  Double check your profiler to make sure that is not a problem.  If it is Firewire, make sure there aren't other firewire devices in use at the same time.  I recommend not only keeping a Time Machine backup, but also a clone, and if you do use Time Machine, to make sure the Time Machine drive or partition is at least twice the size of the original drive.

  • How can I copy all the files from my iMac to an external drive so they remain as 'regular accessible files'? I want to clean my dive

    How can I copy all the files from my iMac to an external drive so they remain as 'regular accessible files'? I want to clean my dive

    You can use a program like Carbon Copy Cloner.  It will clone your HD to the external.  The format is the same as your internal drive and you can boot from it using Option key at boot time.

  • Can we control the PDF file name that is generated by BI Publisher based on the content in the input PDF

    can we control the PDF file name that is generated by BI Publisher based on the content in the input PDF?

    No, there isn't. The way you're using the file is not recommended. You
    should use a review tracker to avoid getting in the way of one another.

  • One of the folders on my external hard drive has transformed into a unix executable file and I can no longer access my files. Is there any way to save the data?

    One of the folders on my external hard drive has transformed into a unix executable file and I can no longer access my files. Is there any way to save the data?

    Wow, have seen Files do that, but a whole Folder as I recall!
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)

  • How can I store my music files on an external hard drive and listen to them through iTunes that way?

    How can I store my music files on an external hard drive and listen to them through iTunes that way? At the moment they're both on the external hard drive and also stored on the computer but I'm quickly running out of memory on my iBook G4 so I'd like to only keep them on the external hard drive and, if possible, delete them from my computer's hard drive. At the moment, when the hard drive isn't plugged in a lot of the files won't play and I get the exclamation mark next to the particular song in iTunes, but everything plays fine when the hard drive is plugged in.
    Thank you.

    Sounds like your files are playing from the external drive already.  To check go to iTunes - Preferences - Advanced and check the Media Folder Location.  Change it to the external drive if you need to.

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    Hey guys, how can i password protect my files in external hard drive? I want to access those files both from mac and windows PC!

    If you want a cross-platform solution that doesn't require the use of third-party software, use an external drive with hardware encryption. The device will have either a physical key or a numeric keypad. I don't have a specific recommendation.

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    If I move my iTunes library to an external hard drive, can my MacBookPro access these files in iTunes or do I need to move them backto my MacBookPro to play music, watch movies, etc.???
    Trying to alleviate some disc space on my Mac!!!

    Yes, it can. Launch iTunes with the Option key held down and navigate to that instance of the library.

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