Accuracy of t0 from pxi4472

the pxi4472 spec indicates a 25ppm sampling frequency accuracy. i wonder how to translate this to the accuracy of the t0's of waveforms returned by each call to 'AI'? or what's the accuracy of the pxi4472 controller clock that these t0's are dependent on?

That's a good question. DAQmx uses the windows timer to get the timestamp t0, and it tries to account for the exact time the first sample came in. The calculation goes something like this.
Lets say this is a finite read operation and all samples are read in 1 call to Read. t0 is calculated as
t0 = current system time when Read was called - (number of samples already acquired)* (sample rate)
I hope this makes things more clear!
Shea C

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    Did you possibly try the default username/password combination? (cisco/cisco) It should then prompt you to change these settings once you gain access. I'm not familiar with how the migration works, if it transitions the user accounts over or you end up starting from scratch. Give that a try and hopefully it gets you into your new system.

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    The problem could be either the SCB-68 or the DAQ card you are using to make the measurement. You should first ensure that the DIP switches (S1 - S5) of your SCB-68 are in the correct position for your application. Please refer to the SCB-68 User Manual for more information on this subject.
    SCB-68 68-Pin Shielded Connector Block User Manual​DEF0E4813F86256C84007CB3AB?OpenDocument&node=1180_​US
    What do you mean by fluctuating? Full swings from 10V to 10V? Hitting one rail? Close to 0V but looks like noise in mV or uV? If your fluctuation is very slight, for example off by a few millivolts, than you could be picking up noise or your board could need to be calibrated. You can read more about accuracy and
    calibration from the following web page:
    Calibration Solutions from National Instruments
    If you have an E-Series Card you may be interested in running our Online E-Series Diagnostic Utility. This utility takes about 3 minutes to run, will perform a calibration, and will generate a report of anything that may be wrong with your board.
    Online E Series Diagnostic Utility
    Justin Britten
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    T. Schmidt,
    The videos in question are titled
    The Art of Fine PrintingFrom Camera To Print, so they are
    very much about and for photography. They are of little interest to someone not primarily involved with photography.
    My take on color management books is very subjective and definitely photography-oriented, of course.
    Real World Color Management by Fraser et al. remains the basic color management book. I also very much like Andrew Rodney's
    Color Management for Photographers.
    I am not in the Margulis camp, even though I did read the
    Canyon Conundrum and
    Professional Adobe Photoshop, which I still have, without having profited much from the latter and not at all from the former. I don't care much for Scott Kelby either. (I prefer to avoid L*a*b and CMYK altogether.)
    > the best up to date book about Color Management in general or for print,
    I am not quite sure what to make of that phrasing.
    or" for print? As far as I'm concerned, color management is the art of maintaining color accuracy and consistency
    from capture to print.
    >97% of the time I get an untagged image it's sRGB
    Quite a few untagged image files floating around turn out to be in Color Match RGB or Monitor RGB, so I can't assume sRGB. What I can tell you is that I encounter fewer and fewer untagged files myself, as my known stance on beating morons who give me untagged files with a baseball bat seems automatically to shield me from said morons for the most part.

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    Using the sample data from, I got the following results. Which one is correct?
    Oracle 11.1
    data_table_name => 'CANINE_POKER_RESULTS',
    explain_column_name => 'FINISH',
    result_table_name => 'EXPLAIN_RESULTS'
    select * from explain_results order by rank;
    GAME .269851202 1
    FOOD_TYPE .269851202 1
    SHAGGY_EYEBROWS .030682642 2
    BREED 0 3
    CASE_ID 0 3
    AGE 0 3
    predict_accuracy number(30,10);
    dbms_predictive_analytics.predict (
    accuracy => predict_accuracy,
    data_table_name => 'CANINE_POKER_RESULTS',
    case_id_column_name => 'CASE_ID',
    target_column_name => 'FINISH',
    result_table_name => 'PREDICT_RESULTS');
    select * from predict_results where case_id < 11;
    1 1 .817580227
    2 0 .817621009
    3 0 .817568405
    4 0 .817602726
    5 1 .817456441
    6 0 .817643912
    7 0 .817472466
    8 0 .817703687
    9 1 .817447986
    10 0 .817621271
    Oracle 10.2
    data_table_name => 'CANINE_POKER_RESULTS',
    explain_column_name => 'FINISH',
    result_table_name => 'EXPLAIN_RESULTS'
    select * from explain_results;
    FOOD_TYPE .269033829 1
    GAME .261283299 2
    SHAGGY_EYEBROWS .030682642 3
    AGE 0 4
    CASE_ID 0 4
    BREED 0 4
    predict_accuracy number(30,10);
    dbms_predictive_analytics.predict (
    accuracy => predict_accuracy,
    data_table_name => 'CANINE_POKER_RESULTS',
    case_id_column_name => 'CASE_ID',
    target_column_name => 'FINISH',
    result_table_name => 'PREDICT_RESULTS');
    select * from predict_results where case_id < 11;
    1 1 .933983266
    2 0 .997126857
    3 0 .909820065
    4 0 .980890317
    5 1 .923646748
    6 0 .997403345
    7 0 .913264126
    8 0 .972332614
    9 1 .936501145
    10 0 .998156973

    The differences in EXPLAIN are due to the chances in automatic data preparation used. In 10.2, EXPLAIN was using its own data prep. In 11g it leverages the automatic data preparation (ADP) feature included in ODM. This is, in general, a better approach. Also ADP should continue to evolve over time and become smarter as well.
    The differences in PREDICT are also due to the change in automatic data preparation approaches. I am not sure if the algorithm used in PREDICT was also changed or not. I will double check on this and get back to you.

  • Prime Infra 2.1, AP Auto Positioning

    Hi Forum,
    Ive a situation that our site needs to assign the AP (Access Point) into the existing NMS (Prime Infrastructure 2.1). ive already built the floor as the figure below. so ive many AP on site, how could I make it auto positioning. because, its hundred AP, cant manage all and needs to re-survey if the PI cant have ability to solve this.
    hope anyone already implement this case. any comment i appreciate that.

    Location Accuracy Tool
    You can analyze the location accuracy of non-rogue and rogue clients, interferers, and asset tags by using the Location Accuracy tool.
    By verifying for location accuracy, you are ensuring that the existing access point deployment can estimate the true location of an element within 10 meters at least 90% of the time.
    The Location Accuracy tool enables you to run either of the following tests:
    Scheduled Accuracy Testing—Employed when clients, tags, and interferers are already deployed and associated to the wireless LAN infrastructure. Scheduled tests can be configured and saved when clients, tags, and interferers are already prepositioned so that the test can be run on a regularly scheduled basis.
    On-Demand Accuracy Testing—Employed when elements are associated but not pre-positioned. On-demand testing allows you to test the location accuracy of clients, tags, and interferers at a number of different locations. It is generally used to test the location accuracy for a small number of clients, tags, and interferers.
    Both are configured and executed through a single page.
    Enabling the Location Accuracy Tool
    NoteYou must enable theAdvanced Debug option in Prime Infrastructure to use the Scheduled and On-demand location accuracy tool testing features. The Location Accuracy tool does not appear as an option on the Operate > Operational Tools > Wireless menu when the Advanced Debug option is not enabled.
    To enable the advanced debug option in Prime Infrastructure:
    Step 1 In Prime Infrastructure, choose Operate > Maps .
    Step 2 Choose Properties from the Select a command drop-down list, and click Go .
    Step 3 Select the Enabled check box to enable the Advanced Debug Mode. Click OK.
    Note If Advanced Debug is already enabled, you do not need to do anything further. Click Cancel.
    Use the Select a command drop-down list to create a new scheduled or on-demand accuracy test, to download logs for last run, to download all logs, or to delete a current accuracy test.
    Note • You can download logs for accuracy tests from the Accuracy Tests summary page. To do so, select an accuracy test and from the Select a command drop-down list, choose either Download Logs or Download Logs for Last Run. Click Go.
    The Download Logs option downloads the logs for all accuracy tests for the selected test(s).
    The Download Logs for Last Run option downloads logs for only the most recent test run for the selected test(s).
    Scheduling a Location Accuracy Test
    Use the scheduled accuracy testing to verify the accuracy of the current location of non-rogue and rogue clients, interferers, and asset tags. You can get a PDF of the test results at Accuracy Tests > Results . The Scheduled Location Accuracy report includes the following information:
    A summary location accuracy report that details the percentage of elements that fell within various error ranges.
    An error distance histogram.
    A cumulative error distribution graph.
    An error distance over time graph.
    A summary by each MAC address whose location accuracy was tested noting its actual location, error distance and a map showing its spatial accuracy (actual vs. calculated location), and error distance over time for each MAC.
    To schedule a Location Accuracy test:
    Step 1 Choose Operate > Operational Tools > Wireless > Location Accuracy Tool.
    Step 2 Choose New Scheduled Accuracy Test from the Select a command drop-down list.
    Step 3 Enter a test name.
    Step 4 Choose an area type, a building, and a floor from the corresponding drop-down lists.
    Note Campus is configured as Root Area, by default. There is no need to change this setting.
    Step 5 Choose a beginning and ending time for the test by entering the days, hours, and minutes. Hours are entered using a 24-hour clock.
    Note When entering the test start time, be sure to allow enough time prior to the test start to position testpoints on the map.
    Step 6 Choose a destination point for the test results. (If you choose the e-mail option, you must first define an SMTP Mail Server for the target email address. Choose Administrator > Settings > Mail Server to enter the appropriate information.)
    Step 7 Click Position Testpoints .
    Step 8 On the floor map, check the check box next to each client, tag, and interferer for which you want to check location accuracy.
    When you check a MAC address check box, two icons appear on the map. One represents the actual location and the other represents the reported location. If the actual location for an element is not the same as the reported location, drag the actual location icon for that element to the correct position on the map. (You cannot drag the reported location.)
    Step 9 (Optional) To enter a MAC address for a client, tag, or interferer that is not listed, check the Add New MAC check box, enter the MAC address, and click Go .
    An icon for the newly added element appears on the map. If the element is on the location server but on a different floor, the icon appears in the left-most corner (in the 0,0 position).
    Step 10 When all elements are positioned, click Save.
    Step 11 Click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.
    You are returned to the Accuracy Tests summary page.
    Step 12 To check the test results, click the test name, click the Results tab in the page that appears, and click Download under Saved Report.
    Running an On-Demand Location Accuracy Test
    You can run an On-Demand Accuracy Test when elements are associated but not prepositioned. On-Demand testing allows you to test the location accuracy of clients, tags, and interferers at a number of different locations. It is generally used to test the location accuracy of a small number of clients, tags, and interferers. You can get a PDF of the test results at Accuracy Tests > Results . The On-Demand Accuracy Report includes the following information:
    A summary location accuracy report that details the percentage of elements that fell within various error ranges.
    An error distance histogram
    A cumulative error distribution graph
    To run an On-Demand Accuracy Test:
    Step 1 Choose Operate > Operational Tools > Wireless > Location Accuracy Tool.
    Step 2 From the Select a command drop-down list, choose New On demand Accuracy Test.
    Step 3 Enter a test name.
    Step 4 Choose an area type, a building, and a floor from the corresponding drop-down lists.
    Note Campus is configured as Root Area, by default. There is no need to change this setting.
    Step 5 Choose a destination point for the test results. (If you choose the e-mail option, you must first define an SMTP Mail Server for the target email address. Choose Administrator > Settings > Mail Server to enter the appropriate information.)
    Step 6 Click Position Testpoints.
    Step 7 To test the location accuracy and RSSI of a particular location, select client, tag, or interferer from the drop-down list on the left. A list of all MAC addresses for the selected option (client, tag, or interferer) is displayed in a drop-down list to the right.
    Step 8 Choose a MAC address from the drop-down list, move the red cross hair to a map location, and click the mouse to place it.
    Step 9 From the Zoom percentage drop-down list, choose the zoom percentage for the map.
    The X and Y text boxes are populated with the coordinates based on the position of the red cross hair in the map.
    Step 10 Click Start to begin collection of accuracy data, and click Stop to finish collection. You must allow the test to run for at least two minutes before stopping the test.
    Step 11 Repeat Step 11 to Step 14 for each testpoint that you want to plot on the map.
    Step 12 Click Analyze Results when you are finished mapping the testpoints, and then click the Results tab in the page that appears to view the

  • Can we see performance score at reports column in OATS?

    We've installed OATS and OAT Administrator to PC, and tried to do performance testing and show/read some score measurement at reports column, which will be generated by running 3rd party script. In OATS reports column, we can only see pie chart and bar chart for the passed, failed information from running tests, or the running statistics among 3rd party test, manual test, and oracle OpenScript test.
    I am asking how to show the performance measure results (like accuracy, F-measure) from running 3rd party script on reports column graph?
    We also need to see comparison charts which shows the performance difference between two days or more testing results.
    Can we do this with reports site?
    Thank you,
    Edited by: 900021 on Nov 30, 2011 2:10 PM

    please check DataSource Hierarchy: 0PS_OBJNR_HIER & DataSource Attributes: 0PS_OBJNR_ATTR.
    otherwise i think you can go for development.
    lets see others comment.



    First, turn off CAPS LOCK - it's considered rude to shout.
    The Maps application works on both the 3G and 1st generation phone, but there are differences...
    In the original iPhone, the locate feature on the maps works by triangulating your position based on the cell towers near your phone. The accuracy varies widely - from 100ft up to a few miles, but it works indoors or out.
    In the 3G iPhone, the maps can still use the same method, but because the 3G iPhone has additional GPS hardware, it can triangulate it's position based on satellite signals to a greater degree of accuracy, typically 20 - 30ft, but only if it has some satellites 'in sight'.

  • TC-4353 Calibration Procedure?

    In the NI TC-4353 Calibration Procedure ,under "Terminal Block Temperature Accuracy Verification", step 3 reads:
    3. Acquire a CJC temp0 value.
    a. Set the timing mode to 1 (High Resolution).
    b. Configure the timing properties for a finite acquisition with a sample clock rate of 1 S/s and 30 samples per channel.
    c. Start the task.
    d. Average the temperature data and record this value as cjc_temp0.
    What software is used for this step? 

    Thanks MJ,
    My calibration work station has the following software loaded:
    Calibration Executive 3.4.1 - not useful for PXIe-4353 w/ TC-4353
    MAX 5.5.0 with DAQmx 9.7.5 and LabView Run-Time 8.2.1 thru 2013 - I do not have a development version of LabView on this computer
    AcqCJC  - downloaded from and compiled on a development work station with LabView Pro
    PXIe-4353 Accuracy Calculator - downloaded from
    In Measurement and Automation Explorer, I can launch "Test Panel for the PXIe-4353" and read the cold junction channels, but only as voltage.  If I create a "Task" cold junctions are not available.  So, MAX does not seem to be the software refered to in the TC-4353 Cal Procedure.
    The PXIe-4353 Accuracy Calculator may be part of the equation, it does have most of the setting called for the in the procedure, but still does not seem to be the right answer.
    The Acq CJC Temperature apears to read the cold juction thermistors OK, but only one at a time and no settings to match the proceedure.
    Additional question, the procedure calls for a parallel feed of all 32 channels using Type "E" TC Calibrator.  Could this be done using another TC type if the min/max limits were adjusted to match, say type "T" thermocouple?
    Our facility is installing over 500 PXIe-4353 w/ TC-4353 channels this spring, so my cal lab needs a working solution soon.
    Thanks for you help,
    Ross Cathriner

  • Decimal rounding

    I'm trying to input the taylor series for a sin(x) in LV, and my answers come out differntly, is there is way to modify the precision on this, i tried doing single precision but solutions do not come out correctly
    thank you
    Sine Lab ‏8 KB
    Math VI(SubVI).vi ‏9 KB

    A taylor series is an approximation that gets better with the number of terms.
    Why do you think you can improve accuracy by going from DBL to SGL? That makes no sense!
    As a first step, make the code scalable so the number of terms is adjustable. You should also wrap the input into the range of one turn.
    Here is one of my old implementations. Maybe it can give you some ideas. (originally posted here)
    If you are only interested in very few digits, you can change the display format of the indicators.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • How to calculate the temperatur​e accuracy from RTI accuracy voltage ?

    I calculated the system accuracy = +/- 0,9 mV which the system accuracy RTI=0,018%
    I connect PT100 to SCXI1121+DAQ6052E.
    That I need is the accuracy in °K
    If I use (system accuracy RTI)0,018% * 300 (Full scale of Temperature) and I get +/- 0,05°K, is that correct ?
    I already read from
    "Finding the Accuracy of Measurements in the Units of a Sensor"​39CEC612986256CFF000A933E?opendocument&Submitted&&​node=133020_US
    But I don't really understand how to convert from mV back to Temperature again. Is that depend on some special factor?
    The next point, is I used interpolation method. The output temperature is also depend on the ca
    libration curve. ---> How can I convert back in this point.
    Thank you very much for any kind help.

    Thanks for the link, here is the result:
    Recommended PSU: 324W (206W on +3.3v & +5v rails) for:
    -1 x Motherboard without onboard devices
    -3 x Fans (including PSU fans)
    -3 x Memory (128MB DDR)
    -1 x Graphic Card
    -1 x with powerful 3D Accelerator
    -1 x PCI Sound
    -1 x PCI Network Card
    -1 x HDD
    -1 x CD-RW
    -1 x DVD
    -1 x Floppy
    -4 x USB devices
    -1 x Keyboard
    -1 x Mouse
    -CPU: AMD K7 2167C MHz BT (1.65 V)
    So 300W probably is a bit on the light side for me, then?
    3.3V - 20A
    12V - 15A

  • 3GS GPS - Way out on accuracy - any other solutions apart from these:

    This seems to be a common theme from what Ive gathered.
    Ive tried;
    Rebooting the handset
    Switching 3G Data off
    Switching the compass from true to magnetic north
    And yet the location is consistently wrong using, Google Maps, Google Earth, a Twitter app which uses your location, and a third party application which uses the GPS.
    I have the latest software on the handset. And Ive tried using the gps both at home and in the city centre where I work.
    Everytime it says Im way away from where I actually am.
    I have the 3GS 32GB which is the top line model. Surely this should not be an issue with this?! I have only had the handset for a few weeks.
    Ive read up on the blue circle and the dots that show your location, and what they mean. Apparently as the sign indicating a near pin point accuracy is incorrect it suggests it could be a hardware failure.
    Is there anyway to check this?

    Almost 2 months ago I had the same problem.
    I did almost everything.
    So at the end I sent it to service.
    Here in Greece the service time *****, so it took them 5 weeks to sent it back to me "fixed".
    And I said "fixed" because I could have done it myself.
    They just did a Reset Network thing.
    It worked.
    But I writing this to tell you as well that the case I had on my iphone was messing with the GPS signal.
    Because before I sent it to service I did restore and reset everything (and network settings) but the iphone was still wearing the case.
    When I receive it it worked for a day, and the next day began the same triangulation problems.
    It showed me about 500m away.
    What was the difference the case.
    And how it regained the signal, by doing a Reset Network Settings.
    From time to time it looks like it looses the signal, but with a Reset Network Settings it has it back.
    my 20000 cents ( I type a lot :P )

  • Can not get access files from Windows 7 to Claims-based file authorization share

    We have AD level 2012R2, DCs running 2012R2 of course, and we have clustered File Server (3 FSNodes running 2012R2).
    We enabled 2 policies 
    KDC Support for claim
    Kerberos support for claim
    We created 1 claim type in ADAC (For example "Division" Source Property). Filled this property to all IT AD Accounts by our value "IT"
    On FS made a share folder ITDivision:
    - set permissions  Domain Users can Modify if User.Division equals "IT"
    so on Windows 8 IT Users can access files on this share and on Windows 7 they cant
    =\ . We know from many presentations about Dynamic Access Control that File Server must enroll user claims if client do not support this claims (Service-for-User-To-Self)

    >>so on Windows 8 IT Users can access files on this share and on Windows 7 they cant
    =\ . We know from many presentations about Dynamic Access Control that File Server must enroll user claims if client do not support this claims (Service-for-User-To-Self)
    How is it going? Was there any error message? As far as I know, Dynamic Access Control (DAC) should work for downlevel clients. It’s backwards compatible. As Florain explains in the following blog:
    For non-Windows 8 and non-Windows Server 2012 boxes accessing DAC-protected file shares, the users do not carry any claims. For them, the Server 2012-based file share will query Active Directory and proxy the claims request to figure out what claims
    the user and machine bring. The file server checks in the name of the user, whether they should have claims. With that information, the file server evaluates the access to the file share. So yeah – DAC works for downlevel clients, too. It’s backwards compatible.
    And totally transparent to Windows 7.
    Questions regarding Dynamic Access Control (FAQ)
    In addition, regarding dynamic access control, the following blog can also be referred to for more information.
    Dynamic Access Control in Windows Server 2012
    Please Note: Since the above two website are not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

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