Actionscript Tweening Help(8 errors!)

can any one help me fix my errors?
1136: Incorrect number of arguments.  Expected 4.  x4
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type Function.  x4
my code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*
// value.valueOf()
var amount:Number = 5
var amount1:Number = 8
var amount2:Number = 12
var amount3:Number = 20
var fireSide:Number
// 1 = Up
// 2 = Right
// 3 = Down
// 4 = Left
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1)
var time:Timer = new Timer(5000)
var miss:Timer = new Timer(5000)
var gotPoint:Timer = new Timer(1, 1)
var value:Number = 1;
var weapon:String;
var txBox:TextField = new TextField;
txBox.width = 128;
txBox.height = 16;
txBox.x = PersonRight.x -txBox.width/2;
txBox.y = PersonRight.y -35;
txBox.border = true;
txBox.borderColor = 0x000000;
txBox.background = true;
txBox.backgroundColor = 0x00FF00;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkWeapon)
miss.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, tooLate)
function tooLate(Event:TimerEvent):void
     present.visible = false
     var presentX:Number = present.x
     var presentY:Number = present.y
     var minusX:Number
     if(presentX >= 226)
          minusX = -1
     else if(presentX <= 225)
          minusX = 1
     var minusY:Number
     if(presentY >= 200)
          minusY = -1
     else if(presentY <= 199)
          minusY = 1
     var ranH:Number = Math.random()*(stage.stageHeight-presentY)* minusY
     var ranW:Number = Math.random()*(stage.stageWidth-presentX)* minusX
     var changePlaceX:Tween = new Tween(present, "x", null, presentX, ranW, 5, true);
     var changePlaceY:Tween = new Tween(present, "y", null, presentY, ranH, 5, true);
     changePlaceX.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, restart);
     changePlaceY.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, restart);
     function restart(Event:TweenEvent):void
          present.visible = true
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timering)
function timering(Event:TimerEvent):void
         gotPoint.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, tooLate);
          time.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, stopAdd);
          if(value == 1)
          amount = amount + 2
          if(value == 2)
          amount1 = amount1 + 5
          if(value == 3)
          amount2 = amount2 + 8
          if(value == 4)
          amount3 = amount3 + 12
          if(value == 5)
               //do nothing
          function stopAdd(Event:TimerEvent):void
function checkWeapon(event:Event):void
    if(value == 1)
        weapon = 'Frenzy Plant'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + amount.valueOf();
    else if(value == 2)
        weapon = 'Leaf Storm'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + amount1.valueOf();
    else if(value == 3)
        weapon = 'Solar Beam'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + amount2.valueOf();
    else if(value == 4)
        weapon = 'Giga Drain'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + amount3.valueOf();
    else if(value == 5)
        var neverEnding:String = '∞'
        weapon = 'Razor Leaf'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + neverEnding;
        weapon = 'No Weapon'
        txBox.text = weapon;
PersonRight.visible = false;
PersonDown.visible = false;
PersonDownStill.visible = false;
PersonUp.visible = false;
PersonUpStill.visible = false;
PersonLeft.visible = false;
PersonLeftStill.visible = false;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, press);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, release);
function press(event:KeyboardEvent):void
    var keyPressed = event.keyCode;
    if(keyPressed == 65)
        PersonRight.visible = false;
        PersonRightStill.visible = false;
        PersonDownStill.visible = false;
        PersonDown.visible = false;
        PersonUp.visible = false;
        PersonUpStill.visible = false;
        PersonLeft.visible = true;
        PersonLeftStill.visible = false;
        txBox.x = PersonLeft.x -txBox.width/2;
        txBox.y = PersonLeft.y -35;
        PersonLeftStill.x = PersonLeft.x;
        PersonLeftStill.y = PersonLeft.y;
        PersonDownStill.x = PersonLeft.x;
        PersonDownStill.y = PersonLeft.y;
        PersonDown.x = PersonLeft.x;
        PersonDown.y = PersonLeft.y;
        PersonRightStill.x = PersonLeft.x
        PersonRightStill.y = PersonLeft.y
        PersonRight.x = PersonLeft.x
        PersonRight.y = PersonLeft.y
        PersonUpStill.x = PersonLeft.x
        PersonUpStill.y = PersonLeft.y
        PersonUp.x = PersonLeft.x
        PersonUp.y = PersonLeft.y
        PersonLeft.x += -5
          fireSide = 4
    if(keyPressed == 87)
        PersonRight.visible = false
        PersonRightStill.visible = false
        PersonDownStill.visible = false
        PersonDown.visible = false
        PersonUp.visible = true
        PersonUpStill.visible = false
        PersonLeft.visible = false
        PersonLeftStill.visible = false
        txBox.x = PersonUp.x -txBox.width/2
        txBox.y = PersonUp.y -35
        PersonUpStill.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonUpStill.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonDownStill.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonDownStill.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonDown.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonDown.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonRightStill.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonRightStill.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonRight.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonRight.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonLeftStill.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonLeftStill.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonLeft.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonLeft.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonUp.y += -5
          fireSide = 1
    if(keyPressed == 68)
        PersonRight.visible = true
        PersonRightStill.visible = false
        PersonDownStill.visible = false
        PersonDown.visible = false
        PersonUp.visible = false
        PersonUpStill.visible = false
        PersonLeft.visible = false
        PersonLeftStill.visible = false
        txBox.x = PersonRight.x -txBox.width/2
        txBox.y = PersonRight.y -35
        PersonRightStill.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonRightStill.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonDownStill.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonDownStill.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonDown.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonDown.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonUpStill.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonUpStill.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonLeftStill.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonLeftStill.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonLeft.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonLeft.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonUp.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonUp.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonRight.x += 5
          fireSide = 2
    if(keyPressed == 83)
        PersonDown.visible = true
        PersonDownStill.visible = false
        PersonRight.visible = false
        PersonRightStill.visible = false
        PersonUp.visible = false
        PersonUpStill.visible = false
        PersonLeft.visible = false
        PersonLeftStill.visible = false
        txBox.x = PersonDown.x -txBox.width/2
        txBox.y = PersonDown.y -35
        PersonDownStill.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonDownStill.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonRightStill.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonRightStill.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonRight.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonRight.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonUpStill.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonUpStill.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonLeftStill.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonLeftStill.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonLeft.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonLeft.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonUp.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonUp.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonDown.y += 5
          fireSide = 3
    if(keyPressed == 81)//16
        if(value <= 1)
            value = 5
            value += -1
    if(keyPressed == 69)//17
        value +=1
        if(value == 6)
            value = 1
    if(keyPressed == Keyboard.SPACE)
        if(value == 1)
            if(amount == 0)
                amount = 0
                         case 1:
                         frenzyPlant.rotation -= 90
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonUp.x
                         var attackUp:Tween = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "y", Strong.easeOut(), frenzyPlant.y, -100, 1, true)
                         case 2:
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonRight.x
                         var attackRight:Tween = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "X", Strong.easeOut(), frenzyPlant.x, 500, 1, true)
                         case 3:
                         frenzyPlant.rotation += 90
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonDown.x
                         var attackDown:Tween = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "y", Strong.easeOut(), frenzyPlant.y, 650, 1, true)
                         case 4:
                         frenzyPlant.rotation += 180
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonLeft.x
                         var attackLeft:Tween = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "x", Strong.easeOut(), frenzyPlant.x, -100, 1, true)
        if(value == 2)
            if(amount1 == 0)
                amount1 = 0
        if(value == 3)
            if(amount2 == 0)
                amount2 = 0
        if(value == 4)
            if(amount3 == 0)
                amount3 = 0
        if(value == 5)
function release(event:KeyboardEvent):void
    var keyPressed = event.keyCode;
    var thisKey:Number = event.keyCode;
    if(keyPressed == 65)
        PersonLeft.visible = false
        PersonLeftStill.visible = true
        PersonLeft.x = PersonLeftStill.x
        PersonLeft.y = PersonLeftStill.y
    if(keyPressed == 87)
        PersonUp.visible = false
        PersonUpStill.visible = true
        PersonUp.x = PersonUpStill.x
        PersonUp.y = PersonUpStill.y
    if(keyPressed == 68)
        PersonRight.visible = false
        PersonRightStill.visible = true
        PersonRight.x = PersonRightStill.x
        PersonRight.y = PersonRightStill.y
    if(keyPressed == 83)
        PersonDown.visible = false
        PersonDownStill.visible = true
        PersonDown.x = PersonDownStill.x
        PersonDown.y = PersonDownStill.y
function checkCollisionWithZombie(wall:MovieClip)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall7)
the lines of codes that are causing the errors(i think)
                         case 1:
                         frenzyPlant.rotation -= 90
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonUp.x
                         var attackUp:Tween = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "y", Strong.easeOut(), frenzyPlant.y, -100, 1, true)
                         case 2:
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonRight.x
                         var attackRight:Tween = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "X", Strong.easeOut(), frenzyPlant.x, 500, 1, true)
                         case 3:
                         frenzyPlant.rotation += 90
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonDown.x
                         var attackDown:Tween = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "y", Strong.easeOut(), frenzyPlant.y, 650, 1, true)
                         case 4:
                         frenzyPlant.rotation += 180
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonLeft.x
                         var attackLeft:Tween = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "x", Strong.easeOut(), frenzyPlant.x, -100, 1, true)

i'm not really sure how that will help. i checked and everything is working. just i think i coded something wrong
my new code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*
var fAttackUp:Tween;
var fAttackRight:Tween;
var fAttackDown:Tween;
var fAttackLeft:Tween;
// value.valueOf()
var amount:Number = 5
var amount1:Number = 8
var amount2:Number = 12
var amount3:Number = 20
var fireSide:Number
// 1 = Up
// 2 = Right
// 3 = Down
// 4 = Left
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1)
var time:Timer = new Timer(5000)
var miss:Timer = new Timer(5000)
var gotPoint:Timer = new Timer(1, 1)
var value:Number = 1;
var weapon:String;
var txBox:TextField = new TextField;
txBox.width = 128;
txBox.height = 16;
txBox.x = PersonRight.x -txBox.width/2;
txBox.y = PersonRight.y -35;
txBox.border = true;
txBox.borderColor = 0x000000;
txBox.background = true;
txBox.backgroundColor = 0x00FF00;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkWeapon)
miss.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, tooLate)
function tooLate(Event:TimerEvent):void
     present.visible = false
     var presentX:Number = present.x
     var presentY:Number = present.y
     var minusX:Number
     if(presentX >= 226)
          minusX = -1
     else if(presentX <= 225)
          minusX = 1
     var minusY:Number
     if(presentY >= 200)
          minusY = -1
     else if(presentY <= 199)
          minusY = 1
     var ranH:Number = Math.random()*(stage.stageHeight-presentY)* minusY
     var ranW:Number = Math.random()*(stage.stageWidth-presentX)* minusX
     var changePlaceX:Tween = new Tween(present, "x", null, presentX, ranW, 5, true);
     var changePlaceY:Tween = new Tween(present, "y", null, presentY, ranH, 5, true);
     changePlaceX.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, restart);
     changePlaceY.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, restart);
     function restart(Event:TweenEvent):void
          present.visible = true
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timering)
function timering(Event:TimerEvent):void
         gotPoint.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, tooLate);
          time.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, stopAdd);
          if(value == 1)
          amount = amount + 2
          if(value == 2)
          amount1 = amount1 + 5
          if(value == 3)
          amount2 = amount2 + 8
          if(value == 4)
          amount3 = amount3 + 12
          if(value == 5)
               //do nothing
          function stopAdd(Event:TimerEvent):void
function checkWeapon(event:Event):void
    if(value == 1)
        weapon = 'Frenzy Plant'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + amount.valueOf();
    else if(value == 2)
        weapon = 'Leaf Storm'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + amount1.valueOf();
    else if(value == 3)
        weapon = 'Solar Beam'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + amount2.valueOf();
    else if(value == 4)
        weapon = 'Giga Drain'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + amount3.valueOf();
    else if(value == 5)
        var neverEnding:String = '∞'
        weapon = 'Razor Leaf'
        txBox.text = weapon + '     ' + neverEnding;
        weapon = 'No Weapon'
        txBox.text = weapon;
PersonRight.visible = false;
PersonDown.visible = false;
PersonDownStill.visible = false;
PersonUp.visible = false;
PersonUpStill.visible = false;
PersonLeft.visible = false;
PersonLeftStill.visible = false;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, press);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, release);
function press(event:KeyboardEvent):void
    var keyPressed = event.keyCode;
    if(keyPressed == Keyboard.LEFT) // 65
        PersonRight.visible = false;
        PersonRightStill.visible = false;
        PersonDownStill.visible = false;
        PersonDown.visible = false;
        PersonUp.visible = false;
        PersonUpStill.visible = false;
        PersonLeft.visible = true;
        PersonLeftStill.visible = false;
        txBox.x = PersonLeft.x -txBox.width/2;
        txBox.y = PersonLeft.y -35;
        PersonLeftStill.x = PersonLeft.x;
        PersonLeftStill.y = PersonLeft.y;
        PersonDownStill.x = PersonLeft.x;
        PersonDownStill.y = PersonLeft.y;
        PersonDown.x = PersonLeft.x;
        PersonDown.y = PersonLeft.y;
        PersonRightStill.x = PersonLeft.x
        PersonRightStill.y = PersonLeft.y
        PersonRight.x = PersonLeft.x
        PersonRight.y = PersonLeft.y
        PersonUpStill.x = PersonLeft.x
        PersonUpStill.y = PersonLeft.y
        PersonUp.x = PersonLeft.x
        PersonUp.y = PersonLeft.y
        PersonLeft.x += -5
          fireSide = 4
    if(keyPressed == Keyboard.UP)//87
        PersonRight.visible = false
        PersonRightStill.visible = false
        PersonDownStill.visible = false
        PersonDown.visible = false
        PersonUp.visible = true
        PersonUpStill.visible = false
        PersonLeft.visible = false
        PersonLeftStill.visible = false
        txBox.x = PersonUp.x -txBox.width/2
        txBox.y = PersonUp.y -35
        PersonUpStill.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonUpStill.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonDownStill.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonDownStill.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonDown.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonDown.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonRightStill.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonRightStill.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonRight.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonRight.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonLeftStill.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonLeftStill.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonLeft.x = PersonUp.x
        PersonLeft.y = PersonUp.y
        PersonUp.y += -5
          fireSide = 1
    if(keyPressed == Keyboard.RIGHT)//68
        PersonRight.visible = true
        PersonRightStill.visible = false
        PersonDownStill.visible = false
        PersonDown.visible = false
        PersonUp.visible = false
        PersonUpStill.visible = false
        PersonLeft.visible = false
        PersonLeftStill.visible = false
        txBox.x = PersonRight.x -txBox.width/2
        txBox.y = PersonRight.y -35
        PersonRightStill.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonRightStill.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonDownStill.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonDownStill.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonDown.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonDown.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonUpStill.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonUpStill.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonLeftStill.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonLeftStill.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonLeft.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonLeft.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonUp.x = PersonRight.x
        PersonUp.y = PersonRight.y
        PersonRight.x += 5
          fireSide = 2
    if(keyPressed == Keyboard.DOWN)//83
        PersonDown.visible = true
        PersonDownStill.visible = false
        PersonRight.visible = false
        PersonRightStill.visible = false
        PersonUp.visible = false
        PersonUpStill.visible = false
        PersonLeft.visible = false
        PersonLeftStill.visible = false
        txBox.x = PersonDown.x -txBox.width/2
        txBox.y = PersonDown.y -35
        PersonDownStill.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonDownStill.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonRightStill.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonRightStill.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonRight.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonRight.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonUpStill.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonUpStill.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonLeftStill.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonLeftStill.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonLeft.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonLeft.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonUp.x = PersonDown.x
        PersonUp.y = PersonDown.y
        PersonDown.y += 5
          fireSide = 3
    if(keyPressed == 81)//16
        if(value <= 1)
            value = 5
            value += -1
    if(keyPressed == 69)//17
        value +=1
        if(value == 6)
            value = 1
    if(keyPressed == Keyboard.SPACE)
        if(value == 1)
            if(amount == 0)
                amount = 0
                         case 1:
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonUp.x
                         frenzyPlant.rotation = 270
                         fAttackUp= new Tween(frenzyPlant, "y", Strong.easeOut, PersonUp.y, -100, 1, true)
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonRight.x
                         case 2:
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonRight.x
                         fAttackRight = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "x", Strong.easeOut, PersonRight.x, 650, 1, true)
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonRight.x
                         case 3:
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonDown.x
                         frenzyPlant.rotation = 90
                         fAttackDown = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "y", Strong.easeOut, PersonDown.y, 500, 1, true)
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonLeft.x
                         case 4:
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonLeft.x
                         frenzyPlant.rotation = 180
                         fAttackLeft = new Tween(frenzyPlant, "x", Strong.easeOut, PersonLeft.x, -100, 1, true)
                         frenzyPlant.x = PersonLeft.x
        if(value == 2)
            if(amount1 == 0)
                amount1 = 0
        if(value == 3)
            if(amount2 == 0)
                amount2 = 0
        if(value == 4)
            if(amount3 == 0)
                amount3 = 0
        if(value == 5)
function release(event:KeyboardEvent):void
    var keyPressed = event.keyCode;
    var thisKey:Number = event.keyCode;
    if(keyPressed == 65)
        PersonLeft.visible = false
        PersonLeftStill.visible = true
        PersonLeft.x = PersonLeftStill.x
        PersonLeft.y = PersonLeftStill.y
    if(keyPressed == 87)
        PersonUp.visible = false
        PersonUpStill.visible = true
        PersonUp.x = PersonUpStill.x
        PersonUp.y = PersonUpStill.y
    if(keyPressed == 68)
        PersonRight.visible = false
        PersonRightStill.visible = true
        PersonRight.x = PersonRightStill.x
        PersonRight.y = PersonRightStill.y
    if(keyPressed == 83)
        PersonDown.visible = false
        PersonDownStill.visible = true
        PersonDown.x = PersonDownStill.x
        PersonDown.y = PersonDownStill.y
function checkCollisionWithZombie(wall:MovieClip)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall1)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall2)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall3)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall4)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall5)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall6)
    Collision.block(PersonDown, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonDownStill, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonRight, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonRightStill, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonUp, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonUpStill, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonLeft, wall7)
    Collision.block(PersonLeftStill, wall7)

Similar Messages

  • ActionScript 3 + PHP: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null.

    Hi - Still new to flash as3 and php -
    it is a contact form page - user puts in information - i am to receive it in an email address their information
    as well the variables get sent back from the php to the .swf file.
    I am receiving these errors and not knowing how to fix them.
    any help would be much appreciated. thank you in advance really.
    below are the errors in flash - as3 code - and php code setup.
    ActionScript 3 + PHP: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null:
      at flash.text::TextField/set text()
              at kwangjaekim_fla::wholeform_16/completeHandler()
    my as3 code is the following:
    // build variable name for the URL Variables loader
    var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    //Build the varSend variable
    var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("contact_parse.php");
    varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables;
    //Build the varLoader variable
    var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
    varLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    varLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
    //handler for the PHP  script completion and return of status
    function completeHandler(event:Event):void{
              //value is cleared at ""
              name_txt.text = "";
              contact_txt.text = "";
              msg_txt.text = "";
              //Load the response PHP here
              status_txt.text =;
    //Add event listener for submit button click
    submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ValidateAndSend);
    //function ValidateAndSend
    function ValidateAndSend(event:MouseEvent):void{
              //validate fields
                        status_txt.text = "Please Enter Your Name";
              }else if(!contact_txt.length){
                        status_txt.text = "Please Enter Your Contact Detail";
              }else if(!msg_txt.length){
                        status_txt.text = "Please Enter Your Message";
              }else {
              // ready the variables in form for sending
      variables.userName = name_txt.text;
              variables.userContact = contact_txt.text;
              variables.userMsg = msg_txt.text;
              // Send the data to PHP now
    submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay(151)});
              } // Close else condition for error handling
    } // Close validate and send function
    my php code is the following:
    // Create local PHP variables from the info the user gave in the Flash form
    $senderName   = $_POST['userName'];
    $senderEmail     = $_POST['userContact'];
    $senderMessage = $_POST['userMsg'];
    // Strip slashes on the Local variables
    $senderName   = stripslashes($senderName);
    $senderContact     = stripslashes($senderContact);
    $senderMessage   = stripslashes($senderMessage);
    //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     change this to my email address     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              $to = "put iny me email address";
         // Place sender Email address here
        $from = "$senderContact ";
        $subject = "Contact from your site";
        //Begin HTML Email Message
        $message = <<<EOF
      <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <b>Name</b> = $senderName<br /><br />
    <b>Contact</b> = <a href="mailto:$senderContact">$senderEmail</a><br /><br />
    <b>Message</b> = $senderMessage<br />
       //end of message
        $headers  = "From: $from\r\n";
        $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
        $to = "$to";
        mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
    thank you once again

    thank you Ned -
    i put in the trace line as you mentioned -
    and this is what i received -
    returns: undefined
    TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null
              at flash.text::TextField/set text()
              at kwangjaekim_fla::wholeform_16/completeHandler()
    what does this mean exactly?
    thank you for the help really

  • Actionscript 2 help needed on rotating movieclip

    I need help with the "stopping" of a movieclip rotation.  I think this would be easy for you Flash gurus but impossible for me.
    Here is the description.  The code below shows a movieclip rotating after mouse click but i want it to stop in place after 60 degrees.  Basically I need it to rotate 60 degrees after every mouse click and stop.  The "trace" function is there so i know something will happen when it rotates a certain degree.  Right now it rotates continually after the mouse click.
    As a bonus i would like the rotation of every 60 degrees to ease in and out.  Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

    When the _rotation value reaches the 60 degree mark, you need to delete the onEnterFrame delete mc.onEnterFrame;.
    There is only one position where the _rotation value will == 60, so if the intention is to stop it at every 60 degrees, then you'll need to change the conditional to be...
    mc.onRelease = function(){
         mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
              mc._rotation = mc._rotation+=10;
                 delete mc.onEnterFrame;
    If you want to have easing, I suggest looking into using Actionscript tweening.  With steps of 10 there's little room to ease.

  • Help with error 16820

    help with error 16820 with trying to update acrobat

    Please refer to following links, might be helpful. aspx m-will-not-update-getting-error-16820/7bbbef64-df3e-4fbd-b552-fc1c7a5983c3?msgId=dcf838d8- a198-4a3a-b034-94a07c2e8648
    If this doesn't work, we need more information here.

  • RoboHelp Server 7 Help System Errors

    Whenever I publish my RH 7 Help project to server, I check
    the RoboHelp Server Web Administrator for errors. I always get Help
    System Error "Requested file cannot be found" for a file called
    bsscfp.txt. To my knowledge, this is a control file generated
    during the publishing process. If this is the case why is an error
    being generated for a file I have no control over? Also, I find the
    Troubleshooting section of RoboHelp Server Web Administrator to be
    rather useless in correcting issues. Is there any reference
    documentation that explains some of the cryptic error messages that
    appear in the Server Web Administrator screen?

    Hi, ouque and welcome to the forum.
    Just to clarify your setup. When you say "Project pane" are
    you referring to the Configuration Manager on the server itself.
    Or, are you referring to something you are seeing from the RoboHelp
    authoring client app's Server Administration pane?
    If you have access to the actual server desktop and view the
    Configuration Manager, sometimes on a new installation, you can do
    a "refresh" and the project will show up.
    A few more questions:
    Have you tried accessing the website and does the project
    come up in the web browser?
    On what kind of web server did you install RHS7? Windows
    2003, etc.?
    Is Microsoft Indexing Services turned on?
    Apparently you were able to successfully publish your project
    to the server so there is "communication" between your desktop and
    the server I gather.
    A few more details and we'll try to help.

  • Search help: Internal Error.

    I am getting information message : 'Search help: Internal Error' after incorporating code in RETURN event. My aim was to populate the value from Hit list to Value with restriction field and then by removing some search select criteria, again display the hit list. It is coming back to the value with restriction field screen  also populating the fields properly, below 1 information message is coming 'Search help: Internal Error'. If I remove some field from selection and again press the go button, it is doing nothing and system is hanging. The details are given below.
    I have created one search help ZTMVGR1 having the following details:
    Search help type : Elementary.
    Selection Method : MVKE
    Search help exit:  ZF4_MATGRP_EXIT1.
    Display value with restrictions : A
    Field          Import           EXPORT   LPOS      SPOS   SDis     Data Element
    MATNR       X                   X              5             5                     MATNR               
    VKORG      X                   X              1              1                     VKORG
    VTWEG      X                   X              2              2                     VTWEG
    MVGR1      X                   X               3             3                      MVGR1
    KONDM      X                   X               4             4                      KONDM
    MAKTX      X                   X               6              0                     MAKTX
    In the search help exit ZF4_MATGRP_EXIT1 I have used three events:
    1) PRESEL : Purpose of using this was I was not able to see F4 help for few fields in value with restriction screen . I found out that in SHLP-INTERFACE-F4FIELD is equal to 'X', sometimes in search help if that field's value is 'X' , F4 help does not come even if check table exists for that field.
    2) DISP : Purpose, I want to fetch material description field in exit only. MAKTX does not exist in MVKE, so either I need to create a view containing all my fields, or populate the one which is not there in selection method in exit.
    3) Return : Purpose,  I want to put VKORG, VTWEG and MATNR ( MATNR has collective search help, based on material description , we can put material ) . The hit list we get contains VKORG, VTWEG, MATNR, KONDM, MVGR1 and MAKTX. When we double click on hitlist the value returns , I want to populate these entries in value with restriction field. So KONDM and MVGR1 field will be populated. Now I will remove the value of material-low  from selection screen and find out for VKORG, VTWEG and MVGR1/KONDM what materials are there. But after writing the code for event RETURN I am getting information message 'Search Help: Internal Error'.
    My code snippet is given below.
    <removed by moderator>
    Moderator message: please post only relevant code parts, your posts must contain less than 5000 characters to preserve formatting.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on May 13, 2011 1:35 PM

    In search help exit you need to use the below mentioned function modules
    'F4UT_PARAMETER_ALLOCATE'          For allocating fields
    'F4UT_PARAMETER_VALUE_GET'       Get Value
    'F4UT_PARAMETER_RESULTS_PUT'     put Value
    In the same order.
    Thanks & regards,

  • Please Help - "page error" / a system error occurred

    I am very basic with Coldfusion Developed websites and pretty awesome on HTML and PHP. While working on a website I made an HTML change and added a line to a page. All works well on the test website/server but after uploading the changed page the page went offline/errored a day later.
    I have an error receipt and am hoping to resolve this issue with some insight from a good Coldfusion Developer or Programmer.
    PLEASE HELP, see error below.
    A system error occurred:
    Error - struct
    Detail    Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (for example, template="/mypath/index.cfm") with CFINCLUDE, you must create a mapping for the path using the ColdFusion Administrator. Or, you can use per-application settings to specify mappings specific to this application by specifying a mappings struct to THIS.mappings in Application.cfc. <br> Using relative paths (for example, template="index.cfm" or template="../index.cfm") does not require the creation of any special mappings. It is therefore recommended that you use relative paths with CFINCLUDE whenever possible.
    Message    Could not find the included template components/mix_documents2.cfm.
    MissingFileName    components/mix_documents2.cfm
    StackTrace    coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag$NoSuchIncludeTemplateException: Could not find the included template components/mix_documents2.cfm. at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.setTemplate( at cfmix_schools2ecfm527774291.runPage(D:\hshome\mixnet\\mix_schools.cfm:15) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.BrowserDebugFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( 8) at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service( at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter( at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.i( at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.c( at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.doFilter( 164) at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter( at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter( ) at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service( at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke( at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext( at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke( at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch( at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable( at
    TagContext    Error - array
    1    Error - struct
    COLUMN    0
    LINE    15
    RAW_TRACE    at cfmix_schools2ecfm527774291.runPage(D:\hshome\mixnet\\mix_schools.cfm:15)
    TEMPLATE    D:\hshome\mixnet\\mix_schools.cfm
    TYPE    CFML
    TagName    CFINCLUDE
    Type    MissingInclude

    With LR closed move the preferences file to the Trash as described at the below link. You will lose your Preferences settings, so you may want to record them if unsure what you have changed from the default settings.
    Next uninstall LR and then completely shutdown your system and turn the power OFF. Your catlog(s) will not be removed, so no worries.
    Restart your system and reinstall LR using the latest version download available (LR5.4, LR4.4).
    What version of LR and OS X are you using?

  • My macbook pro intel core duo 2 keeps restarting intermittenly. Help with error code.

    I have run a Hardware Test, and it gives the follwing error code. Can anyone tell me what this is? I recently had my logic board replaced within the last 3 months, so it shouldn't be a problem there.
    Thank you very much for any and all help.
    Error code:

    Online references possible memory issue? Sensors?
    Keep taking it back and they keep switching parts until the problem is gone.

  • Need help with error message 213:8

    Need help with error message 213:8, this error message prompted after re-installing CS5.5 on the same machine (W7 Pro)

    Hi TKA_,
    Please try the solutions mentioned on following forum thread.
    Let me know if it works?
    Sumit Singh

  • How to explicitely write PLSQL code for "Help - Display Error"? [SOLVED]

    I'm using menu DEFAULT&SMARTBAR and I'd like to write command in PLSQL code for "Help - Display Error" to display error. Has anyone any idea how to do this? I can not find syntaks in form help for this.
    Message was edited by:



    the moment i login using the tv or blu-ray i cannot choose anything other than ' Back to homepage ' message which is displayed under my contactlist on tv... at times it says too many contacts... Kindly help... the camera is skyoe ty-cc10w for panasonic tv's and blu-ray...

    Same issue

  • Hello me network iphone 4 use ios7.12 error network.acoount icloud apple please help support errors no service network.thank you

    hello me network iphone 4 use ios7.12 error network.acoount please help support errors no service network.thank you
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    tran ngoc nhan,
    Viết bằng tiếng mẹ đẻ của bạn?
    Tôi đoán Việt Nam?
    Chúng tôi có thể dịch!
    Nói cho tất cả vấn đề của bạn!
    Cung cấp cho nhiều chi tiết!
    Nếu không Việt Nam, dịch này ở đây!
    Write in your native language?
    I guess Vietnamese?
    We can translate!
    Tell all your problem!
    Give much detail!
    If not Vietnamese, translate this here!

  • Help Center Error

    Adobe Help Center Error Message. It claims I don't have the right product installed. PSE 5 IS installed and it works OK - just not the help system.

    I've no idea on the cause of this problem. Perhaps you might want to try using system restore within accessories->system tools and restore to the date before you installed the webcam cd.
    (Warning! - be extremely careful of this step. Use at YOUR OWN RISK!)
    1. Disconnect from the internet, turn off your firewall and antivirus software.
    2. Install the latest version of the Webcam Center .7.02 and reboot.
    3. Turn on yout firewall and antivirus software and install the webcam driver.
    4. Enable internet connection.

  • Need urgetn help: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property btnEnterJ on mmquizzingv4_as3.

    I created random quiz with 20 questions and tested it at for scorm compliance testing. When I launch the course, i get the below error message. If I select continue and proceed to the quiz, after answering few question, randomly submit button for one of the questions is getting disabled. Please help.
    ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property btnEnterJ on mmquizzingv4_as3.mmquizclasses.SubmitButton.
        at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
        at flash.display::Sprite()
        at flash.display::MovieClip()
        at captivate.veela_as3::rdBase()
        at captivate.veela_as3::rdItem()
        at mmquizzingv4_as3.mmquizclasses::QuestionButton()
        at mmquizzingv4_as3.mmquizclasses::SubmitButton()
        at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
        at flash.display::Sprite()
        at flash.display::MovieClip()
        at mmquizzingv4_as3.mmquizclasses::Question()
        at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
        at flash.display::Sprite()
        at flash.display::MovieClip()
        at captivate.veela_as3::rdBase()
        at captivate.veela_as3::rdSlide()
        at captivate.veela_as3::rdQPSlide()

    I got the code when I up graded to Adobe air and it has a conflect with accure weather..... Looks like someone attached it to the upgrade to Adobe 8
    Enter the code in the Adobe support search web page and you get another erro code not in English....hummmm   Google comes up on the support button
    to reg the google internet browers I did and google came up and I type in the adobe 1056 error...Over 5 third party free fixes came up???? Windows 7
    didn't like anyone of them.......I called Adobe support and no help for free......I uninstalled the Adobe Air and the error went away along with adobe Air...
    It seems everyone else knows there is a problem but Adobe???? I love Adobe.....I don't like there lack of Training their customer support people....

  • Help pls,error 21 when i'm try'ng to do restore at iphone 3g

    help pls,error 21 when i'm try'ng to do restore at iphone 3g

    Try this, copied from
    Display shows a white screen
    Try turning iPhone off and then on again.
    If the iPhone will not turn off, try to reset it. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until either the Apple logo or battery symbol appears. If the battery symbol appears, continue to charge iPhone until it is fully charged.
    If that doesn't work, try restoring the device.

Maybe you are looking for

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