AD account deleted when checking in Password View/User View

Hi All,
We have a custom workflow that allows our designated Password Admins to reset IDM passwords for users. What happens occasionally is that this action triggers a deletion of an AD account. It appears that the password is set as expected but the subsequent User View checkin results in the deletion of the AD account.
I have been up and down this trying to reproduce the problem in our test environments: unlinking the account, and then trying the password reset, unassigning the account and then trying the password reset, deleting the AD account on AD and then trying the password reset. I have not been able to reproduce this behaviour.
We are running Oracle Waveset
The workflow only sets the IDM password using the Password View. And it ensures that the Lighthouse account is not locked using the User View. Below is the code snippet.
Has anyone run into this before? What am I missing here?
All help is much appreciated.
      <Activity id='6' name='Reset Password'>
        <Action id='0' name='Check out password view' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
          <Argument name='op' value='checkoutView'/>
          <Argument name='type' value='Password'/>
          <Argument name='id' value='$(accountId)'/>
          <Argument name='subject' value='$('/>
          <Argument name='authorized' value='true'/>
          <Return from='view' to='passwdView'/>
        <Action id='1' name='Populate View'>
              <set name='passwdView.resourceAccounts.selectAll'>
              <set name='passwdView.resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts[Lighthouse].selected'>
              <set name='passwdView.resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts[Lighthouse].expirePassword'>
              <set name='passwdView.resourceAccounts.password'>
        <Action id='2' name='Checkin Password View' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
          <Argument name='op' value='checkinView'/>
          <Argument name='view' value='$(passwdView)'/>
          <Argument name='subject' value='$('/>
          <Argument name='authorized' value='true'/>
        <Action id='3' name='Checkout user view' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
          <Argument name='op' value='checkoutView'/>
          <Argument name='type' value='User'/>
          <Argument name='id' value='$(accountId)'/>
          <Argument name='subject' value='$('/>
          <Argument name='authorized' value='true'/>
          <Argument name='options'>
          <Return from='view' to='userView'/>
        <Action id='4' name='Set unlock lighthouse'>
              <set name='userView.accounts[Lighthouse].selected'>
              <set name='userView.accounts[Lighthouse].locked'>
        <Action id='5' name='Checkin unlock View' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
          <Argument name='op' value='checkinView'/>
          <Argument name='view' value='$(userView)'/>
          <Argument name='subject' value='$('/>
          <Argument name='authorized' value='true'/>

We are seeing a similar issue after the user has changed their AD password the account repeatedly gets locked out when they try to log into Jabber. 
We are also using Cisco IM&P and our CUCM is LDAP synced
I am interested to know why you are asking if LDAP authentication is configured?

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    my problem is, i am creating number of rows dynamicaly and storing the values in the database. I do have one delete check box. if the user checked that box that row should be deleted. I am using array to return the check box values. It is working fine when there is multiple rows.. suppose if i do have only one row and trying to delete that row i am getting an exception. Please help me to solve this issue, here ismy jsp
    <%@page language="java" import="java.lang.*, java.sql.*,*,
    <%@ page import="DatabaseConnection"%>
    <%@ page import="AdjustmentsBean"%>
    <%@ page import="AdjustmentTransactionInfo"%>
    <%@ page import="CustomerLocationInfo"%>
    <%@ page import="EmersonGlobalConstants"%>
    <%@ page import="CallPLSQLFunc"%>
    <%@include file="Security.jsp" %>
    AdjustmentsBean adjustments = new AdjustmentsBean();
    String userName=(String)session.getAttribute("user_name");
    String divisionCode=(String)session.getAttribute("division_code");
    String divisionName=(String)session.getAttribute("division_code_name");
    GregorianCalendar calendar = (GregorianCalendar)Calendar.getInstance();
    CallPLSQLFunc callPLSQLFunc = new CallPLSQLFunc();
    Vector months = callPLSQLFunc.getMonths(divisionCode);
    String cMonth = callPLSQLFunc.getCurrentMonth(divisionCode);
    System.out.println("%%%%%%%%%" +months);
    //int mm = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    //int yyyy = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    if(months ==null){
    months=new Vector();
    int mmst=0;
    int yyst=0;
    //mmst=Integer.parseInt(new String(((String)months.get(0)).charAt(0)));
    StringTokenizer token1 = new StringTokenizer(cMonth,"-");
    int ddst = Integer.parseInt(token1.nextToken());
    String currentDate= (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst;
    System.out.println("The current date is" + currentDate);
    String slectedMonth = request.getParameter("selectedMonth");
    String selectedDate=currentDate;
    if(slectedMonth != null && slectedMonth.trim().length()>0){
    boolean modifyAllowed=false;
    String admin=(String)session.getAttribute("admin");
    if(admin.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ){
    Vector transactions = adjustments.getTransactionsOfMonth(selectedDate,divisionCode);
    Vector customers = adjustments.getAllCustomers();
    System.out.println("customers : "+customers.size());
    var modifyAllowed;
    if(<%=modifyAllowed%> == true){
    modifyAllowed = '';
    modifyAllowed = 'disabled';
    var EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Num_Key = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Num = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Name = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var customerWiseLocationNumKey = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var customerWiseLocationName = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl = (CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Num_Key[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Num_Key()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Num[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Num()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Name[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Name()%>";
    var locationNumKey = new Array(<%=cl.getLocations().size()%>);
    var locationName = new Array(<%=cl.getLocations().size()%>);
    int j=0;
    Enumeration enum = cl.getLocations().keys();
    String s = (String)enum.nextElement();
    String name = (String)cl.getLocations().get(s);
    customerWiseLocationNumKey[<%=i%>] = locationNumKey;
    customerWiseLocationName[<%=i%>] = locationName;
    function changeMonth(){
    function populateLocation(id){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    var theForm = document.forms[0];
    var wRow = theForm["location"];
    var wCustRow = theForm["customer"];
    var len;
    var locobj ;
    var custobj ;
    if(rows ==1){
    locobj =wRow;
    locobj =wRow[id];
    if(rows ==1){
    custobj =wCustRow;
    custobj =wCustRow[id];
    len = locobj.options.length;
    locobj.options[z] = null;
    locobj.options[0] = new Option("Select Any Location");
    var cIndex = custobj.selectedIndex;
    if(cIndex !=0){
    locobj.options = new Option(customerWiseLocationName[cIndex-1][i-1],customerWiseLocationNumKey[cIndex-1][i-1]);
    function addRow(id){
    var table = document.getElementById(id);
    var sHTML = new Array() ;
    var cus = "<select name=customer onChange='javascript:populateLocation("+(table.rows.length-2)+")'"+modifyAllowed+"><OPTION VALUE=''>Select Any Customer</OPTION>";
    var options;
    options = options+"<OPTION VALUE='" + EAS_Cust_Num +"'>" + EAS_Cust_Name + "</OPTION>";
    sHTML[0] = "<input type=checkbox name=chk "+modifyAllowed+" onClick=changedisable("+(table.rows.length-2)+")><input type=hidden name=adid value='' ><input type=hidden name=isdelete value='false'>";
    sHTML[1] = cus;
    sHTML[2] = "<select name='location'"+modifyAllowed+"><OPTION VALUE=''>Select Any Location</OPTION>";
    sHTML[3] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=sku"+modifyAllowed+"> <input type=button value=Search'SearchSKU.jsp?cnt="+(table.rows.length-2)+"','SearchSKU','width=350,height=350,top=150,left=150,scrollbars=yes')>";
    sHTML[6] = "<input type=hidden name=shipnotbilled "+modifyAllowed+" onClick=changeisshipnotbilled("+(table.rows.length-2)+")><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='false'>";
    sHTML[4] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=units "+modifyAllowed+">";
    sHTML[5] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=amount "+modifyAllowed+">";
    var newRow = table.insertRow(-1);
    var sHTMLIndex = sHTML.length ;
    for(i=0;i<sHTMLIndex;i++) {
    var newCellSelect = newRow.insertCell(-1);
    newCellSelect.innerHTML = sHTML;
    function validate(){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var theForm = document.forms[0];
    var wRow = theForm["amount"];
    var custRow = theForm["customer"];
    var locRow = theForm["location"];
    var quantityRow = theForm["units"];
    var count = table.rows.length;
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    var obj;
    if(rows==1){ //only one row..
    alert("Amount field is mandatory. Please fill in amount");
    return false;
    alert("Customer is mandatory. Please select the customer");
    return false;
    alert("Location is mandatory. Please select the location");
    return false;
    if(! isAmount(wRow.value) ){
    alert("Amount is numeric. Please enter numeric value for amount");
    return false;
    alert("Quantity is numeric. Please enter numeric value for quantity");
    return false;
    }else{ //this means more than one rows..
    alert("Amount field is mandatory. Please fill in amount for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(wRow.value== 0){
    alert("Please fill non zero value for Amount "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Customer is mandatory. Please select the customer for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Location is mandatory. Please select the location for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(! isAmount(wRow.value) ){
    alert("Amount is numeric. Please enter numeric value for amount of transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Quantity is numeric. Please enter numeric value for quantity of transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(quantityRow.value== 0){
    alert("Please fill non zero value for Units "+(i+1));
    return false;
    return true;
    function isQuantity(value){
    for (k=0;k<value.length;k++){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9) ){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9)){
    if(k == value.length){
    return true;
    return false;
    function isAmount(value){
    for (k=0;k<value.length;k++){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9) ){
    if((!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9)) ){
    if(value.charAt(k) !='.'){
    if(k == value.length){
    return true;
    return false;
    function changedisable(index){
    function changeisshipnotbilled(index){
    function backtoHome(){
    function setData(cnt,num){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
    <%= EmersonGlobalConstants.TITLE %>
    <body class="trAppId1" alink="blue" vlink="blue" link="blue">
    <form name="adjustmentForm" method="get" action="AdjustmentServlet"
    Manual Sales Application
    <br>User Name: <%=userName%>, Division Code: <%=divisionCode%>,
    Division Name: <%=divisionName%>
    <b>Date: </b>
    <Select name="selectedMonth" onChange="javascript:return changeMonth();">
    for(int i=0;i<months.size();i++){
    String mon = (String)months.get(i);
    System.out.println("mon *********** : "+mon);
    //mmst=Integer.parseInt(new String(((String)months.get(i)).charAt(0)));
    out.println("<option value='"+ (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst+"' "+(selectedDate.equalsIgnoreCase((mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst)?"selected":"") +">"+getMonth(mmst) + ", " + yyst+"</option>");
    for(int i=0;i<months.size();i++){
    String mon = (String)months.get(i);
    StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(mon,"/");
    String mmm= token.nextToken();
    String yyy= token.nextToken();
    System.out.println("mon *********** : "+mon);
    System.out.println("selectedDate**** "+selectedDate);
    out.println("<option value='"+ (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst+"' "+(selectedDate.equalsIgnoreCase((mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst)?"selected":"") +">"+getMonth(mmst) + ", " + yyst+"</option>");
    <table id="myTable" class="tableForm" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" align="center">
    <tr class="trFormHead"><td colspan="7"> Adjustment Transactions</td></tr>
    <td width = 2%><b>Delete</b></td>
    <td width = 25% align=center><b>Customer<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 25% align=center><b>Location<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 20% align=center><b>SKU<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <!-- <td width = 5% align=center><b>SNB</td> -->
    <td width = 9% align=center><b>Units<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 9% align=center><b>Amount<font color=red> *</font></td>
    int index=0;
    AdjustmentTransactionInfo transacrionInfo;
    transacrionInfo = (AdjustmentTransactionInfo)transactions.get(index);
    <input type=hidden name=adid value='<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentId()%>' >
    <td><input type=checkbox name=chk <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changedisable(<%=index%>) >
    <input type=hidden name=isdelete value='false'></td>
    <td >
    <select name=customer <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onChange='javascript:populateLocation(<%=index%>)' >
    <OPTION VALUE="">Select Any Customer</OPTION>
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl =(CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    //this is done considering that EASCustLocNum of transaction is same as EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key of customer table.
    String selected = cl.getLocations().containsKey(transacrionInfo.getEASCustLocNum())?"selected":"";
    out.println ("<OPTION VALUE='" + cl.getEAS_Cust_Num() + "'"+selected+">" + cl.getEAS_Cust_Name() + "</OPTION>");
    <select name="location" <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <OPTION VALUE="">Select Any Location</OPTION>
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl = (CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    Hashtable locations = cl.getLocations();
    Enumeration enum = locations.keys();
    String key =(String)enum.nextElement();
    out.println ("<OPTION VALUE='" + key +"'"+(key.equalsIgnoreCase(transacrionInfo.getEASCustLocNum())?"selected":"")+">"+ locations.get(key) + "</OPTION>");
    function openURL(URL,windowName){
    <input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=sku value="<%=transacrionInfo.getProductionSKUNum()%>"<%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <input type=button value="Search"onclick="'SearchSKU.jsp?cnt=<%=index%>', 'SearchSKU', 'width=350,height=350,top=150,left=150,scrollbars=yes');">
    <input type="checkbox" name="shipnotbilled" <%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"checked":""%><%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changeisshipnotbilled(<%=index%>)><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='<%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"true":"false"%>'>
    <input type=hidden name="shipnotbilled" <%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"checked":""%> <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changeisshipnotbilled(<%=index%>) ><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='<%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"true":"false"%>'>
    <input type="text" size="10" name="units" value="<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentQty()%>"<%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <input type="text" size="10" name="amount" value="<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentAmt()%>" <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    /*if(transactions== null || transactions.size()==0){
    out.println ("<tr><td></td><td colspan=6 align =
    center><b> Transactions not available</b></td></tr>");
    <br><b>Transactions marked will be deleted on submit</b>
    <b>Fields marked with <font color=red>*</font> are mandatory.</b>
    <input type=submit value="Submit Form!" onClick='javascript:return validate()'>
    <input type=button value="Back to Home Page" onClick='javascript:backtoHome()'>
    String getMonth(int month){
    case 1:
    return "JAN";
    case 2:
    return "FEB";
    case 3:
    return "MAR";
    case 4:
    return "APR";
    case 5:
    return "MAY";
    case 6:
    return "JUN";
    case 7:
    return "JUL";
    case 8:
    return "AUG";
    case 9:
    return "SEP";
    case 10:
    return "OCT";
    case 11:
    return "NOV";
    case 12:
    return "DEC";
    return "JAN";

    I haven't read your code, but can make a guess at what's going wrong. Checkboxes do behave in a weird manner depending upon whether you have selected one or many.
    Assuming this is the statement where you are generating the checkbox :
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkBoxName" value="<%= someValue %>">
    What you could do is read the checked checkBoxes in an array :
    String[] values = request.getParameterValues("checkBoxName");
    int sizeOfValues = values.length;
    Then use the sizeOfValues to perform your delete action :
    if (sizeOfValues==1)
         for (int i=0; i<sizeOfValues(); i++)
    Hope this technique works.

  • Vendor account debited when check encashed

    Hi Guru,
    When we post vendor invoice via F-53, the effect is:
             Vendor A/C         Debit
             Bank A/C             Credit
    But, my client's need is: Both Vendor as well as Bank account must be debited/credit when check encashed.
    For Bank: I set the configuration through Manual BRS.
    But, what to do for Vendor a/c debited at the time of check encashed.
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance.
    Devendra Singh Chauhan.

    Jeyakanthan A  thanks for your reply.
    Basically requirement is -
    Vendor or customer account should not affect until we get the payment in bank or check encashed.
    is there any procedure/solution???   OR      Facility to reconcile the vendor & customer account???
    With thanks,
    Devendra Singh Chauhan

  • Email suddenly taking accounts offline when checking mail.

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    NEver mind...enough is enough

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    Yep, another one of those 10 million threads on WiFi...
    I have a feeling you are using WEP encryption. You can either stick with this, or if your router allows it, switch to the better, more secure encryption methods WPA or WPA2.
    The touch with WEP encryption is a little finicky. To get it to work reliably, I suggest you do the following:
    1. set your encryption level to 128 bit.
    2. enter your password into the router and write down the resulting hex key
    3. on your touch, tap on the blue > next to the network name and then tap on Forget Network
    4. tap on Other Network, enter your network name, tap on security settings and make sure you have WEP checked off
    5. on the Enter your Password screen, type in your hex key
    6. you should be connected to your network. Tap the blue > again to make sure you have an IP address other than 169.x.x.x.
    Or, setup WPA or WPA2 encryption (select the PSK, personal, serverless edition on your router) and choose a suitably complex 8 character or more password. You can include capitals, special characters, and numbers. You can then use this password with all of your other wireless devices.

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    My bookmarks toolbar in Firefox 10.0.2 Mac OSX 10.6.8 suddenly disappeared. View>Toolbars>Bookmarks Toolbar is checked. Dragging URL's to the bookmarks toolbar area no longer works. The gray area appears and disappears when checking/unchecking under View/Toolbars menu, but will not show any or accept addition of bookmarks.

    Make sure that toolbars like the "Navigation Toolbar" and the "Bookmarks Toolbar" are visible: "View > Toolbars"
    *Open the Customize window via "View > Toolbars > Customize"
    *Check that the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    *If the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is not on the Bookmarks Toolbar then drag it back from the toolbar palette in the customize window to the Bookmarks Toolbar
    *If missing items are in the toolbar palette then drag them back from the Customize window on the toolbar
    *If you do not see an item on a toolbar and in the toolbar palette then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar set up

  • Mail timing out when checking multiple POP accounts

    I recently changed web hosting company. I set up four email accounts but when checking I get timeouts. If I reduce accounts to one or two then no timeouts. This didn't happen with the previous hosting co. The new Hosting techies say it's a known problem with OSX Mail and suggested I switch to Eudora (which I like but haven't used for years and don't want to start again). I've STF but can't find any special answers. Question is whether it's a Mail problem or at the Web Host incoming mail server. If it's a Mail problem is there a way to adjust timing, similar to Euroda's advanced options?

    Some service providers don't allow multiple simultaneous connections from the same IP address. If that's the problem, it could be considered Mail's fault only in the sense that Mail does not allow the user to set a limit on the number of accounts that should be checked simultaneously.

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    I need help in beginning the use of the ExportPDF upgrade...I have purchased the account, but when I go to the user page, it thinks that I need to pay!!!  HELP!!!

    Hi rogue boeviers,
    I just took a peek at your account, at it looks as though it's "pending." It can take several hours for a subscription to process fully. Please try again in a few hours, and if you're still having trouble, please let us know.

  • How do I delete iCloud account to change apple id, when iCloud demands password from defunct account to turn off find my iPhone?

    How do I delete iCloud account to change apple id, when iCloud demands password from defunct account to turn off Find my iPhone? I read all the replies that ignore this gotcha.

    Hi tony.vidmar,
    The article linked below details a number of troubleshooting steps that can help get signed out of your old iCloud account on your iPhone.
    If you're asked for the password to your previous Apple ID when signing out of iCloud

  • I can't keep Yahoo mail account open 2 weeks in a row even with a mark in box KEEP ME OPEN. I did go to Tools, Options, Security to check SAVED PASSWORD box

    Usually, after opening Firefox, to check my Yahoo mail, I log in with my password, and mark the little box in front of KEEP ME OPEN, I can check my mail, and then close Firefox. Whenever I open Firefox, I can access my Yahoo mail account without typing my password. It stays open for 2 weeks. From yesterday, whenever I close Firefox, to access my mail account, I must log in again no matter whatever I've tried such as: Tools-Options-Security-Saved Password, or log out, then log in, type PW, mark little box to KEEP ME OPEN. I even uninstall Firefox, restart, download and re-install Firefox 8.0. The problem can never be solved. It's very annoying to log in by typing again and again my PW. Please help me out since I don't know what causes this problem. Thanks everybody who can help me out.

    Benji, I did get the email server error message again last night around 8PM, but again the email does eventually go. Wondering if the 6PM to 9PM time frame is a busy time for Yahoo email servers and somehow our iTouch or portable devices take a lower priority? I seem to get the error only once a day now around that time, then everything seems fine again...could be a server issue.
    Still looking for a pattern with the blank white web pages when I try and view a previous web page. Seems to happen most when I look at the "iPod touch User Guide" (on the included bookmarks)...most of the other times the previous web page loads fine so....humm....
    I also had an issue with the Camera app today, the red light button and Picture/Video switch were staying dimmed...finally turned off the iTouch (holding down the Home button then pressing the Sleep/Off button on top) then turned it back on, so the iOS could reboot. That fixed the Camera app. Might want to try that too....seems like it might be a fix for a few things, especially after updating to iOS 4.2.1...

  • Did you know that Verizonwireless is saving your checking account information when you pay your bill by check and then making it part of your "MyVerizon"? This means of course if they get hacked that information could be compromised. What do you think of

    Did you know that Verizonwireless is saving your checking account information when you pay your bill by check and then making it part of your "MyVerizon"  without you adding it? This means of course if they get hacked that information could be compromised. What do you think of this?

    Credit card and debit card and checking and savings information is encrypted so it is possible to be hacked, but the odds are greater to get hit by the Love Boat then to have a wide scale hack.
    Oh yes they do happen, Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, Target and quite a few others. But in all the years I have paid my invoice with saved card information I never been hacked.
    You use good passwords and the risk is minimal.
    Good Luck

  • TS1702 i can't open all apps that i manually installed. when i try to open one, it asks me to log in to my apple account and when i do it, it says that my apple id or password is incorrect. does anyone can help me to fix this problem?

    i upgrade my 3gs to os 6.1 but starting then all my manually installed apps does work and every time I open them, it asks me to log in to my apple account but responds that my password is incorrect. I tried to change my password but i never received the confirmation email. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    iChat (it would help to know which version) can accept Apple IDs as valid AIM Screen Names.
    However if you have iChat 5 or earlier you cannot use ones ending in or issued by iCloud. (they can be used in iChat 6 or Messages as these versions make a double login to AIM and Apple to allow the use of the password).
    In addition if you are using an Apple ID for an AIM Screen Name the password still needs to keep to the 16 character limit that AIM has.
    AN name can be used on any version of iChat  (Until the 30th June 2014)
    As it does not need a double check with Apple you can use it to log in to the AIM Web pages
    Login here with an AIM Name registered at AIM or and name and see if you get any suspended account messages.
    Sometimes account can be suspended. Usually because something has triggered the "Unusual Activity" item.
    About a year ago many users that travelled out of their own country found themselves suspended when they got home.
    If the Name checks out of if an Apple ID the password in known to be 16 characters or Less then do this:-
    In Lion upwards open a Finder Window and use the Go Menu whilst holding down the ALT key.
    Select the Library that appears in the menu list.
    Navigate to Preferences.
    (If you have version earlier than Lion the just navigate to ~/Library/Preferences (that's the Library in you Home - Little House icon - folder)
    Fnd (even if you are using Messages)
    Drag the file to the Trash and Restart the app.
    7:39 pm      Thursday; May 29, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • I need to delete my Apple ID on my iPhone 4.  I forgot my psw for my account.  When I answer the security question, the system responds incorrect answer.  I created a new Apple iTunes account but I still unable to delete the old iTunes account.

    I need to delete my Apple ID on my iPhone 4.  I forgot my psw for my account.  When I answer the security question, the system responds incorrect answer.  I created a new Apple iTunes account but I still unable to delete the old iTunes account.

    AppleFAN7591 wrote:
    I need to delete my Apple ID on my iPhone 4.  I forgot my psw for my account.  When I answer the security question, the system responds incorrect answer.  I created a new Apple iTunes account but I still unable to delete the old iTunes account.
    How to reset your Apple ID password.
    Go to and type in your Apple ID, then click 'Next'.
    Verify your date of birth, then click 'Next'.
    You'll be able to choose one of two methods to reset your password, either E-Mail Authentication or Answer Security Questions.
    If neither method works, then go to
    (If you see a message that says 'There are no products registered to this Apple ID, simply click on 'See all products and services')
    Choose 'More Products & Services', then 'Apple ID'.
    A new page will open.
    Choose 'Other Apple ID Topics', then 'Lost or forgotten Apple ID password'.
    Click the blue 'Continue' button.
    Select the contact option that suits your needs best.
    How to reset your Apple ID security questions.
    Go to, click on the blue button that says 'Manage Your Apple ID'.
    Log in with your Apple ID and password. (If you have forgotten your Apple ID password, go to first to reset your password with a password recovery email)
    Go to the Password & Security section on the left side, and click on the link underneath the security questions that says 'Forgot your answers? Send reset security info email to [email]'.  This will generate an automated e-mail that will allow you to reset your security questions.
    If that doesn't work, or  there is no rescue email link available, then click on 'Temporary Support PIN' that is in the bottom left side, and generate a 4-digit PIN for the Apple Account Security Advisor you will be contacting later.
    Next, go to
    (If you see a message that says 'There are no products registered to this Apple ID, simply click on 'See all products and services')
    Choose 'More Products & Services', then 'Apple ID'.
    A new page will open.
    Choose 'Other Apple ID Topics', then 'Forgotten Apple ID Security Questions'.
    Click the blue 'Continue' button.
    Select the contact option that suits your needs best.

  • Guys i have a problem, I used to download apps from one of my friends apple id, now i created my new account, but when i was about to update my apps its asks for my friends id and password. now how could i update my old apps from my new apple id?

    Guys i have a problem, I used to download apps from one of my friends apple id, now i created my new account, but when i was about to update my apps its asks for my friends id and password. now how could i update my old apps from my new apple id?

    The_Tonmoy wrote:
    I have no communication with my that friend :/ So it means i need to delete those apps? There's no other solution to update those apps?
    No.  purchases are forever tied to the apple ID used to buy them.  Delete them and buy your own copies.

  • Anyone besides me get an annoying popup that cannot be deleted/closed reading:  FaceTime Password Please enter your password for "my e-mail account name" Never used FaceTime.

    Dear Community,
    Anyone besides me get an annoying popup that cannot be deleted/closed reading:
    FaceTime Password
    Please enter your password for "my e-mail account name"
    It happened to me today for the first time since upgrading to Mavericks 10.9.3, no "stop lights" in the title bar of the popup, in fact nothing at all.
     I've never established a FaceTime account. So I tried to delete FaceTime from the Applications folder on the "system" disk thinking this may eliminate the popup. Mavericks informed me "Cannot delete FaceTime as it is used by the operating system. 
    Is this a MAC virus? Or is this an example user community alpha/beta testing that Apple just announced?

    That being the case, why then did the FaceTime popup even appear in the first place?
    It's not clear to me what it is. If it occurs again, please take a screenshot of the popup and post it in a reply.
    To take a screenshot hold ⌘ Shift 4 to create a selection crosshair. Click and hold while you drag the crosshair over the area you wish to capture and then release the mouse button. You will hear a "camera shutter" sound. This will deposit a screenshot on your Desktop.
    If you can't find it on your Desktop look in your Documents or Downloads folder.
    When you post your response, click the "camera" icon above the text field:
    This will display a dialog box which enables you to choose the screenshot file (remember it's on your Desktop) and click the Insert Image button.
    The screenshot attachment option for this support site appears only on computers - not on iPads.
    ⌘ Shift 4 and then pressing the space bar captures the frontmost window.
    ⌘ Shift 3 captures the entire screen.
    Drag the screenshot to the Trash after you post your reply.

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