I am creating activities as part of a data load.
One of the requirements is to assign text to a text type associated with an activity journal. However, I am struggling with this last piece of the puzzle.
I have lifted most of my code from the program "CRM_CALL_ACTIVITY_INTERFACE". Unfortunately, the demo program does not include parameters for passing text.
The snippet below is from my workup program.
Any ideas why the text is not making through the bapi?
data:   text type standard table of BAPIBUS20001_TEXT_INS,
        wa_text type  BAPIBUS20001_TEXT_INS,
       TEXTX type standard table of BAPIBUS20001_TEXT_INSX,
      wa_TEXTX type BAPIBUS20001_TEXT_INSX.
    wa_text-ref_Guid = wa_header-GUID.
    wa_text-tdid = '0200'.
    wa_text-tdspras = 'E'.
    wa_text-tdline = 'This is my test text.'.
    wa_text-tdstyle = 'SYSTEM'.
    wa_text-tdform = 'SYSTEM'.
    wa_text-mode = 'I'.   "guess
    wa_text-tdformat = '*'.
    append wa_text to text.
    wa_textx-ref_guid = 'X'.
    wa_textx-tdid = 'X'..
    wa_textx-tdspras = 'X'.
    wa_textx-tdline = 'X'.
    wa_textX-tdstyle = 'X'.
    wa_textX-tdform = 'X'.
    wa_textx-mode = 'X'.
    wa_textx-tdformat = 'X'.
    append wa_textx to textx.
    HEADER                = header
    HEADERX               = headerx
    PARTNER               = partner
     PARTNERX             = partnerx
  ORGANISATION          =
  DATE                  =
  DATEX                 =
    TEXT                  =  text
    TEXTX                 =  textx
  REASON                =
  REASONX               =
  OUTCOME               =
  OUTCOMEX              =
  STATUS                =
  STATUSX               =
  LOCATION              =
  LOCATIONX             =
  INPUT_FIELDS          =
    RETURN                =  return
  DOCUMENT_FLOW         =
   JOURNAL                = journal
   JOURNALX               = journalx
    MATERIAL              = material
    MATERIALX             = materialx
   EXTENSIONIN            = lt_extensionin
Thanks in advance.

Pardon me. You were right about the GUID. I haven't gone through a deep debug, but the results are there.
The GUID is generated a the start of the program and passed to all of the tables required by the function module. This follows the logic laid out in the demo program.
Following your  logic, I removed the generated GUID from the table TEXT. Poof my item text appeared in the new generated activity journal.
Thanks for your help.
I have included my code for anyone's perusal. No warranties implied or expressed. Use at you own risk.
*& Report  Z_LOAD_ACTIVITIES_FROMDATA                                  *
data: header type standard table of BAPIBUS2000110_HEADER_INS,
      wa_header type BAPIBUS2000110_HEADER_INS,
      headerX type standard table of BAPIBUS2000110_HEADER_INSX,
      wa_headerX type BAPIBUS2000110_HEADER_INSX,
      partner type standard table of BAPIBUS20001_PARTNER_INS,
      wa_partner type BAPIBUS20001_PARTNER_INS,
      PARTNERX type standard table of BAPIBUS20001_PARTNER_INSX,
      wa_partnerx type BAPIBUS20001_PARTNER_INSX,
      return type standard table of BAPIRET2,
      MATERIAL type standard table of  BAPIBUS2000110_MATERIAL,
      wa_MATERIAL type BAPIBUS2000110_MATERIAL,
      MATERIALX type standard table of BAPIBUS2000110_MATERIALX ,
      EXTENSIONIN type standard table of BAPIPAREX,
      JOURNAL type standard table of  BAPIBUS2000110_JOURNAL,
      wa_JOURNAL type BAPIBUS2000110_JOURNAL,
      JOURNALX type standard table of BAPIBUS2000110_JOURNALX,
      wa_JOURNALX type BAPIBUS2000110_JOURNALX,
      text type standard table of BAPIBUS20001_TEXT_INS,
      wa_text type  BAPIBUS20001_TEXT_INS,
      TEXTX type standard table of BAPIBUS20001_TEXT_INSX,
      wa_TEXTX type BAPIBUS20001_TEXT_INSX.
constants: gc_lenstruc   type i value 30.
constants: begin of gc_bapi_te,
            activity_i   type  crmt_object_name  value
            activity_ix  type  crmt_object_name  value
            product_i    type  crmt_object_name  value
            lead_h       type  crmt_object_name  value
            opport_h     type  crmt_object_name  value
            orderadm_h   type  crmt_object_name  value
            orderadm_i   type  crmt_object_name  value
            shipping     type  crmt_object_name  value
            sales        type  crmt_object_name  value
            schedlin     type  crmt_object_name  value
            pricing      type  crmt_object_name  value
            pricing_i    type  crmt_object_name  value
            billing      type  crmt_object_name  value
            ordprp_i     type  crmt_object_name  value
           end of gc_bapi_te.
* My structure for loading the journal
data: ls_activity_i_add_fields type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields,
      ls_te_activity_i  type bapi_te_crmd_activity_i,
      ls_te_activity_ix type bapi_te_crmd_activity_ix,
      ls_extensionin    type bapiparex,
      lt_extensionin    type table of bapiparex.
data: ls_activity_bapi  type bapibus2000110_header_ins,
      lt_return2 type standard table of bapiret2,
      createdProcess type standard table of BAPIBUS20001_HEADER_INS.
field-symbols: <lv_anyfield>     type simple,
               <lv_flagfield>    type simple,
               <lv_fn>   type any,
               <lv_ft>   type any.
laeng    type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-laeng,
  breit    type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-breit,
  hoehe    type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-hoehe,
  meabm    type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-meabm,
  prava    type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-prava,
  pravb    type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-pravb,
  subjecta type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-subjecta,
  subjectb type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-subjectb,
  result   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-kv_result,
  resreas  type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-resreas,
  kv_deko  type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-kv_deko,
  dekotp   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-dekotp,
  kv_stock type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-kv_stock,
  posloc   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-posloc,
  kv_zpanz type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-kv_zpanz,
  kv_zpava type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-kv_zpava,
  nrmshf   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-nrmshf,
  nrpshf   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-nrpshf,
  posver   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-posver,
  poshor   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-poshor,
  posqli   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-posqli,
  ecropt   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-ecropt,
  nroffac  type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-nroffac,
  faclen   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-faclen,
  facwid   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-facwid,
  facdep   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-facdep,
  facunit  type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-facunit,
  sprice   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-sprice,
  oprice   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-oprice,
  aprice   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-aprice,
  kvcurr1  type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-kvcurr1,
  phrefnr  type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-phrefnr,
  storno   type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-storno,
  lbval    type zzcrmt_activity_i_add_fields-lbval,
  grade    type ZZCRMT_ACTIVITY_I_ADD_FIELDS-grade,
  trade_name type ZZCRMT_ACTIVITY_I_ADD_FIELDS-grade.
data: logsys  type bapibus20001_doc_flow_ins-logsys_a.
data: lr_structdescr_bapi_te    type ref to cl_abap_structdescr,
      lr_structdescr_add_fields type ref to cl_abap_structdescr,
      lv_component   like line of cl_abap_structdescr=>components.
*  INITIALIZATION                                                      *
  data: lv_datum(10) type c,
        lv_uzeit(6)  type c..
  write: sy-datum to lv_datum dd/mm/yyyy,
         sy-uzeit to lv_uzeit using edit mask '__:__'..
  call function 'OWN_LOGICAL_SYSTEM_GET'
      own_logical_system = logsys
      others             = 0.
  lr_structdescr_bapi_te    ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data(
ls_te_activity_i ).
  lr_structdescr_add_fields ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data(
ls_activity_i_add_fields ).
* Test journal entries
  subjecta = 'Z000000001'.
  subjectb = 'Z007'.
  grade = '200%'.
  trade_name = 'Chlorine Tonner'.
call function 'GUID_CREATE'
      ev_guid_32 = wa_header-GUID.
* My Activity Type
      wa_header-PROCESS_TYPE = 'ZCON'.
      wa_header-description = 'This is my bapi test'.
* My Activity Category
      wa_header-CATEGORY = 'Z01'.
      wa_header-PRIORITY = '5'.
      wa_header-posting_date = sy-datum.
      wa_header-MODE = 'A'.
      wa_header-direction = 0.
      append wa_header to header.
      wa_headerx-GUId = 'X'.
      wa_headerx-PROCESS_TYPE = 'X'.
      wa_headerx-DESCRIPTION = 'X'.
      wa_headerx-CATEGORY = 'X'.
      wa_headerx-PRIORITY = 'X'.
      wa_headerx-OBJECTIVE = 'X'.
      wa_headerx-POSTING_DATE = 'X'.
      wa_headerx-MODE = 'X'.
      wa_headerx-DIRECTION = 'X'.
      append wa_headerx to headerx.
      wa_partner-ref_guid = wa_header-GUID.
      wa_partner-REF_KIND = 'A'.
      wa_partner-REF_PARTNER_HANDLE = '0001'.
      wa_partner-PARTNER_FCT = '00000009'.
      wa_partner-partner_no = '45000181'.
      wa_partner-NO_TYPE = 'BP'.
      wa_partner-DISPLAY_TYPE = 'BP'.
      append wa_partner to partner.
      wa_partner-REF_PARTNER_HANDLE = '0002'.
      wa_partner-PARTNER_FCT = '00000022'.
*User Name
      wa_partner-partner_no = 'RMYERS'.
      wa_partner-NO_TYPE = 'US'.
      wa_partner-DISPLAY_TYPE = 'US'.
      append wa_partner to partner.
      wa_partnerx-REF_GUID = 'X'.
      wa_partnerx-REF_KIND = 'X'.
      wa_partnerx-REF_PARTNER_HANDLE = 'X'.
      wa_partnerx-PARTNER_FCT = 'X'.
      wa_partnerx-PARTNER_NO = 'X'.
      wa_partnerx-NO_TYPE = 'X'.
      wa_partnerx-DISPLAY_TYPE = 'X'.
      append wa_partnerx to partnerx.
     wa_material-header = wa_header-GUID.
     wa_material-handle = 1.
*Product GUID
     wa_material-product ='A105BA8D09107646BF7C58408DCECEFA'.
     wa_material-ORDERED_PROD = '90000113'.
* using volume not quanitiy fileds
     wa_material-volume = 100.
*     wa_material-QUANTITY = 100.
     append wa_material to material.
     wa_materialx-HANDLE = 'X'.
     wa_materialx-PRODUCT = 'X'.
     wa_materialx-HEADER = 'X'.
     wa_materialx-volume = 'X'.
     wa_material-ORDERED_PROD = 'X'.
     wa_materialx-QUANTITY = 'X'.
     append wa_materialx to materialx.
  data j_guid like wa_JOURNAL-journal_guid.
  j_guid = 'B845C68411370348807A9C46F74A756C'.
  wa_JOURNAL-ref_handle = '0000000001'.
* My journal GUID
  wa_JOURNAL-journal_guid = 'B845C68411370348807A9C46F74A756C'.
  append wa_journal to journal.
  wa_JOURNALX-journal_guid = 'X'.
  wa_JOURNALX-ref_handle  = 'X'.
  append wa_JOURNALX to journalx.
move: laeng    to ls_activity_i_add_fields-laeng,
        breit    to ls_activity_i_add_fields-breit,
        hoehe    to ls_activity_i_add_fields-hoehe,
        meabm    to ls_activity_i_add_fields-meabm,
        prava    to ls_activity_i_add_fields-prava,
        pravb    to ls_activity_i_add_fields-pravb,
        subjecta to ls_activity_i_add_fields-subjecta,
        subjectb to ls_activity_i_add_fields-subjectb,
        result   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-kv_result,
        resreas  to ls_activity_i_add_fields-resreas,
        kv_deko  to ls_activity_i_add_fields-kv_deko,
        dekotp   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-dekotp,
        kv_stock to ls_activity_i_add_fields-kv_stock,
        posloc   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-posloc,
        kv_zpanz to ls_activity_i_add_fields-kv_zpanz,
        kv_zpava to ls_activity_i_add_fields-kv_zpava,
        nrmshf   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-nrmshf,
        nrpshf   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-nrpshf,
        posver   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-posver,
        poshor   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-poshor,
        posqli   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-posqli,
        ecropt   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-ecropt,
        nroffac  to ls_activity_i_add_fields-nroffac,
        faclen   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-faclen,
        facwid   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-facwid,
        facdep   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-facdep,
        facunit  to ls_activity_i_add_fields-facunit,
        sprice   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-sprice,
        oprice   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-oprice,
        aprice   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-aprice,
        kvcurr1  to ls_activity_i_add_fields-kvcurr1,
        phrefnr  to ls_activity_i_add_fields-phrefnr,
        storno   to ls_activity_i_add_fields-storno,
        lbval    to ls_activity_i_add_fields-lbval,
        grade    to  ls_activity_i_add_fields-grade,
        trade_name to  ls_activity_i_add_fields-trade_name.
  move-corresponding ls_activity_i_add_fields to ls_te_activity_i.
  include: crm_bapi_eewfields_move.
  while sy-subrc eq 0. "// Set the X-flags generic
    assign component sy-index of structure ls_te_activity_i to
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
      if not <lv_anyfield> is initial.
        assign component sy-index of structure ls_te_activity_ix to
<lv_flagfield> casting type bapiupdate.
        if sy-subrc eq 0.
          <lv_flagfield> = 'X'.
  if not ls_te_activity_ix is initial.
    ls_te_activity_i-ref_handle   = ls_te_activity_ix-ref_handle   = 1.
ls_te_activity_i-journal_guid = ls_te_activity_ix-journal_guid = j_guid
    call method cl_abap_container_utilities=>fill_container_c
        im_value               = ls_te_activity_i
        ex_container           = ls_extensionin+gc_lenstruc
        illegal_parameter_type = 1
        others                 = 2.
    move gc_bapi_te-activity_i to ls_extensionin-structure.
    append ls_extensionin to lt_extensionin.
    call method cl_abap_container_utilities=>fill_container_c
        im_value               = ls_te_activity_ix
        ex_container           = ls_extensionin+gc_lenstruc
        illegal_parameter_type = 1
        others                 = 2.
    move gc_bapi_te-activity_ix to ls_extensionin-structure.
    append ls_extensionin to lt_extensionin.
*    wa_text-ref_Guid = wa_header-GUID.
    wa_text-ref_handle = '0000000001'.
    wa_text-REF_KIND = 'B'.
    wa_text-tdid = '0200'.
    wa_text-tdspras = 'E'.
    wa_text-tdline = 'This is my test text.'.
    wa_text-tdstyle = 'SYSTEM'.
    wa_text-tdform = 'SYSTEM'.
    wa_text-mode = 'B'.   "guess
    wa_text-tdformat = '*'.
    append wa_text to text.
*    wa_textx-ref_guid = 'X'.
    wa_textx-REF_KIND = 'X'.
    wa_textx-tdid = 'X'..
    wa_textx-tdspras = 'X'.
    wa_textx-tdline = 'X'.
    wa_textX-tdstyle = 'X'.
    wa_textX-tdform = 'X'.
    wa_textx-mode = 'X'.
    wa_textx-tdformat = 'X'.
    append wa_textx to textx.
data: ls_process_settings type bapibus20001_procsettings,
       lt_created_header   type table of bapibus20001_header_ins,
       ls_created_header   type bapibus20001_header_ins.
       ls_process_settings-msglevel = 8   ."gc_msglevel-administrator.
       ls_process_settings-save     = 'X' . "true.
     process_settings_in = ls_process_settings
      return              = lt_return2.
    HEADER                = header
    HEADERX               = headerx
    PARTNER               = partner
     PARTNERX             = partnerx
*   ORGANISATION          =
*   ORGANISATIONX         =
*   DATE                  =
*   DATEX                 =
    TEXT                  =  text
    TEXTX                 =  textx
*   REASON                =
*   REASONX               =
*   OUTCOME               =
*   OUTCOMEX              =
*   STATUS                =
*   STATUSX               =
*   LOCATION              =
*   LOCATIONX             =
*   INPUT_FIELDS          =
    RETURN                =  return
*   DOCUMENT_FLOW         =
   JOURNAL                = journal
   JOURNALX               = journalx
    MATERIAL              = material
    MATERIALX             = materialx
   EXTENSIONIN            = lt_extensionin
  if sy-subrc = 0 .
*   WAIT          =
*   RETURN        =
  field-symbols: <cp> type BAPIBUS20001_HEADER_INS,
                  <rt> type BAPIRET2.
  loop at createdprocess assigning <cp>.
    write: / <cp>-OBJECT_ID,
  loop at return assigning <rt>.
  write:/ <rt>-message.

Similar Messages

  • Date Issue while creating Activity using BAPI_ACTIVITYCRM_CREATEMULTI

    I'm creating an activity using BAPI BAPI_ACTIVITYCRM_CREATEMULTI and this is working fine. The only thing which is not reflecting in the activity is the date which I'm passing to this BAPI. The system  always puts the default date, which is system date.
    Below are the parameters I'm passing in DATE and DATEX parameters of BAPI_ACTIVITYCRM_CREATEMULTI. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.
    Can someone help me? Any help in resolving this would be appreciated and rewarded with points. Thanks!
        lt_date-ref_handle = lt_header-handle. "handle for activity
        lt_date-ref_kind   = 'A'. "Adm header
        lt_date-appt_type  = 'ORDERACTUAL'. "Order actual date type
        lt_date-date_from  = '20060120'. "e.g.
        lt_date-time_from  = '1200000'. "e.g.
        lt_date-date_to    = '20060120'."e.g.
        lt_date-time_to    = '1200000'. "e.g.
        lt_date-show_local = 'X'.
        lt_date-mode       = 'A'."Create
        lt_datex-ref_handle = 'X'.
        lt_datex-ref_kind   = 'X'.
        lt_datex-appt_type  = 'X'.
        lt_datex-date_from  = 'X'.
        lt_datex-time_from  = 'X'.
        lt_datex-date_to    = 'X'.
        lt_datex-time_to    = 'X'.
        lt_datex-show_local = 'X'.
        lt_datex-mode      = 'X'.
        append: lt_date, lt_datex.

    Here is a sample code for you.
    *& Report  YAM_TEST_CONT_END_DATE                                      *
    REPORT  yam_test_cont_end_date                  .
    DATA: lit_header_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid_tab,
          lit_appointment TYPE crmt_appointment_comt,
          lit_status_comt TYPE crmt_status_comt,
          wa_status_comt  LIKE LINE OF lit_status_comt.
    DATA : lit_ret          TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2,
           lit_obj_to_save  TYPE TABLE OF bapibus20001_guid_dis,
           lit_saved_obj    TYPE TABLE OF bapibus20001_object_id.
    DATA: lv_header_guid   TYPE crmt_object_guid,
          lv_item_guid     TYPE crmt_object_guid,
          lv_timestamp(15) TYPE c.
    DATA: lit_fname TYPE crmt_input_field_names_tab,
          wa_fname  TYPE crmt_input_field_names.
    DATA: lit_input TYPE crmt_input_field_tab,
          wa_input  TYPE crmt_input_field.
    DATA: wa_appointment      TYPE  crmt_appointment_com,
          wa_logical_date_key TYPE  crmt_date_logical_date_key.
    CONSTANTS: lc_end       TYPE crmt_apptype     VALUE 'CONTEND',
               lc_appt      TYPE crmt_fieldname   VALUE 'APPT_TYPE',
               lc_from      TYPE crmt_fieldname   VALUE 'TIMESTAMP_FROM',
               lc_to        TYPE crmt_fieldname   VALUE 'TIMESTAMP_TO',
               lc_obj       TYPE crmt_object_name VALUE 'APPOINTMENT',
               lc_tzone_from(13) TYPE c           VALUE 'TIMEZONE_FROM',
               lc_tzone_to(11)   TYPE c           VALUE 'TIMEZONE_TO'.
    PARAMETER: p_objid TYPE crmt_object_id.
    * Get the HEADER GUID for the Contract Number
      SELECT SINGLE guid
        INTO lv_header_guid
        FROM crmd_orderadm_h
       WHERE object_id EQ p_objid.
      CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Get the Item GUID for the HEADER GUID
      SELECT SINGLE guid
        INTO lv_item_guid
        FROM crmd_orderadm_i
       WHERE header EQ lv_header_guid.
      CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
      APPEND lv_header_guid TO lit_header_guid.
      APPEND lv_header_guid TO lit_obj_to_save.
    * Convert System date and time to timestamp
      CONCATENATE sy-datum sy-uzeit INTO lv_timestamp.
    * Setting Contract End Date
      MOVE: lv_item_guid          TO wa_appointment-ref_guid,
            'B'                   TO wa_appointment-ref_kind,
            'CONTEND'             TO wa_appointment-appt_type,
            lv_timestamp          TO wa_appointment-timestamp_from,
            lv_timestamp          TO wa_appointment-timestamp_to,
            sy-zonlo              TO wa_appointment-timezone_to,
            sy-zonlo              TO wa_appointment-timezone_from.
    * Filling the Input Fields for Appointment
      wa_fname-fieldname = lc_appt.
      INSERT wa_fname INTO TABLE lit_fname.
      CLEAR: wa_fname.
      wa_fname-fieldname = lc_from.
      INSERT wa_fname INTO TABLE lit_fname.
      CLEAR: wa_fname.
      wa_fname-fieldname = lc_to.
      INSERT wa_fname INTO TABLE lit_fname.
      CLEAR: wa_fname.
      wa_fname-fieldname = lc_tzone_from.
      INSERT wa_fname INTO TABLE lit_fname.
      CLEAR: wa_fname.
      wa_fname-fieldname = lc_tzone_to.
      INSERT wa_fname INTO TABLE lit_fname.
      CLEAR: wa_fname.
      wa_logical_date_key-appt_type = lc_end.
      MOVE: lv_item_guid          TO wa_input-ref_guid,
            'B'                   TO wa_input-ref_kind,
            lc_obj                TO wa_input-objectname,
            wa_logical_date_key   TO wa_input-logical_key,
            lit_fname             TO wa_input-field_names.
      APPEND wa_input TO lit_input.
      CLEAR: wa_input, wa_logical_date_key.
      APPEND wa_appointment TO lit_appointment.
          it_appointment    = lit_appointment
          it_status         = lit_status_comt
          ct_input_fields   = lit_input
          error_occurred    = 1
          document_locked   = 2
          no_change_allowed = 3
          no_authority      = 4
          OTHERS            = 5.
      CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Saving the items alone
          objects_to_save = lit_obj_to_save
          saved_objects   = lit_saved_obj
          return          = lit_ret.
          wait = 'X'.
    <b>Reward points if it helps.</b>
    Amit Mishra

  • Texting and actively using the edge network

    if im actively using the edge network, like if im using an App like AOL Radio or searching on the web...and then someone texts me during that time, what happens to the text? will it show up after im done?....
    i have the original iPhone

    Yes, it will show up when you have finished actively accessing the web. It's a limitation of Edge.

  • How do I add text to photos using iphone4.

    My husband is a diesel mechanic and often needs to send photos of parts etc, it would be helpful if he could add text to the photo. doesnt need to be fancy fonts etc. just visable and adjustable.
    may need to add details like length, diameter, maybe arrows pointing to particular areas etc.
    I have looked at lots of apps, and havnt found anything simple and easy.

    You cant on the native phone app, but heres one i found that might do the trick.

  • Can you add text to pictures using adobe photoshop touch?

    If so, are you able to use the font "Arial"?

    Hi Kelsey98,
    It is possible to create text over an image but Arial is not one of the fonts included with the app.

  • Is it possible to add text to a non-fillable form using Reader DC?

    TLDR: Can I add text to a form (e.g., fill it out) using Adobe Reader DC on Windows, or can that only be done with "fillable" forms?  If so, how?
    I'm attempting to fill out a fairly lengthy "paper" form.  The form is not a fillable form, it is a government form that is downloadable for printing but for whatever reason the government agency chose not to enable the "fillable" feature. 
    On my Mac, I can just use the "text box" tool in the Preview app to add all of the text that I need to complete this form. 
    On Adobe Reader DC, which is installed on my Work PC running Windows 8, nothing happens when I click the "fill and sign" button and the features displayed in the online tutorial simply don't show up.  There's no text tool.  I just see the "hand" icon.  When I right-click, I get an option for the Select tool, which enables me to select text, but doesn't allow me to add a text box.  The web tutorial says there should be a menu somewhere with an icon to add a text box, but that icon is just straight up missing. 
    I am very confused by this software.  I am not an idiot with computers; but I am a bit old, and I'm more used to keyboards, toolbars, and windows than this "pane" based touch-oriented approach.  The toolbar up top seems to be limited to a "pane selector" between Home, Tools (which just reveals a panel of icons most of which are links to cloud services that I don't want), an then a few file handling icons.  On the right there is a little panel that says "get started" and offers only two clickable functions, "Send & Track" and "Get Others to Sign" neither of which reveals any text tools. 
    Now, the answer to my question very well may be "no" which is fine, I'll just keep using my Mac for the task since I know that it works, but I'd really like to be able to leave my personal computer and get everything done within Windows.  Surely this isn't one of those things that can only be done on a Mac or with expensive third-party software on a PC.  But the web seems to insist that this is a thing that should be both possible and simple.  Is it?

    You can try the comments tools.

  • How to add text vertically into a Word margin with C# (using namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word)

    I need to add text vertically in a word document outside the margins.  How can I do this with Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word and C#?
    Leonard Swarczinski Software Developer Postal Center International

    Hi Leonard,
    According to your description, do you want to add text vertically into Page Header/Footer? I wrote a sample  for you.
    using Microsoft.Office.Core;
    using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace AddTextToWord
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    private static void CreateNewDocument()
    Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application oWord;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document oDoc;
    oWord = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
    oWord.Visible = true;
    oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);
    String HeaderText = "Hello everyone!";
    WdParagraphAlignment wdAlign = WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter;
    AddHeader1(oWord, HeaderText, wdAlign);
    private static void AddHeader1(Application WordApp, string HeaderText, WdParagraphAlignment wdAlign)
    Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    WordApp.ActiveWindow.View.Type = WdViewType.wdOutlineView;
    WordApp.ActiveWindow.View.SeekView = WdSeekView.wdSeekPrimaryHeader;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Shape textBox = WordApp.ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddTextbox(MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationVertical, 150, 10, 40, 40);
    textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = HeaderText;
    WordApp.ActiveWindow.View.SeekView = WdSeekView.wdSeekMainDocument;
    If I misunderstood or anything wrong, please let me know and you can get more information from below articles.
    Office development in Visual Studio
    Abhout: AddTextbox Method
    How to: Programmatically Insert Text into Word Documents

  • Using Adobe PhotoShop CS4, I cannot add text to a new layer. It was always a snap with previous versions of OS 10. Has anyone else noticed issues with CS4 and Lion? Many thanks in advance. Pete Hendricks

    Using Adobe PhotoShop CS4, I cannot add text to a new layer. It was always a snap with previous versions of OS 10. Has anyone else noticed issues with CS4 and Lion? Many thanks in advance. Pete Hendricks

    Happy to report that iTunes Match has returned to working like normal on iTunes 10.7 on my computer today. If any iTunes engineers read this thread, I really appreciate the fix.
    Has it returned to normal for you?

  • Can't edit text using "Add text" tool

    Hello, I click "Add Text" in "Content Editing" and add some text into a PDF document. Then, I save the pdf. Then, I re-open the document and I can't edit the same text using the same "Add Text" tool OR delete that piece of text.

    by the way, when you said
    Test Screen Name wrote:
    What you are doing is adding comments, in the Acrobat sense, rather than text (which is part of the original page). Comments are separate. So try the commenting tools.
    did you mean something like this: under "Annotation layer and content layer" pages 251-252. Also, when I added text using "Add Text" did it go into content layer so that I was unable to edit it after saving using acrobat ?

  • I cannot use the add text feature of my tripod website builder with firefox

    I have a tripod website which I have had for years, I E, and Firefox no longer work to use the add text feature of the website builder at tripod. I tried Safari, but it isn't letting me put in a link in the text. Is there a way that firefox browser can help with this problem?

    Try disabling graphics hardware acceleration. Since this feature was added to Firefox, it has gradually improved, but there still are a few glitches.
    You might need to restart Firefox in order for this to take effect, so save all work first (e.g., mail you are composing, online documents you're editing, etc.).
    Then perform these steps:
    *Click the orange Firefox button at the top left, then select the "Options" button, or, if there is no Firefox button at the top, go to Tools > Options.
    *In the Firefox options window click the ''Advanced'' tab, then select "General".
    *In the settings list, you should find the ''Use hardware acceleration when available'' checkbox. Uncheck this checkbox.
    *Now, restart Firefox and see if the problems persist.
    Additionally, please check for updates for your graphics driver by following the steps mentioned in the following Knowledge base articles:
    * [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]
    * [[Upgrade your graphics drivers to use hardware acceleration and WebGL]]
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

  • I am using pages designing a flow chart, question "I seem to have an issue with the arrows that you can add text to, it appears I can not move the point of the arrows up or down they only switch from left to right.

    I am using pages designing a flow chart, question "I seem to have an issue with the arrows that you can add text to, it appears I can not move the point of the arrows up or down they only switch from left to right.

    Last point...who archives? On my regular email page I now have the Archive icon to the left of my Delete icon which I would prefer was to the left, first in the line as this is the icon I use mostly. With Folders, my Sent and Trash lists, who needs to archive?
    I can help you only with the placement of the icon placement -- if you right-mouse click on the toolbar, then select Customize Toolbar, you can move an icon to where you want it to be.

  • I can't add text to a scanned document-I'm using textedit

    I scanned a receipt page with our logo, name & address & want to add text but when I attach the blank receipt to an email it won't let me add text to the interior of the document

    When you scan a document it makes it like a photographic file, not really editable. You did not indicate what file format the file is in so your post makes very little sense. Perhaps if  you advised what file the receipt is in now someone can provide some advice. Right now, at best if you open the file in Preview you can use Tools - Annotate to do some very minor editing.

  • Using imovie error message when trying to add text to my project

    When I try to create a project in imovie everything is working fine.  When I try to add text to my project I click on the T to add text and the program shuts down.
    Do I need to re- install something again?? any suggestions??

    What is your operating system?  Reader version?

  • Add text in any working page using script

    Hi there,
    I am writing a script which creates a text frame and adds text in it. The problem is, I want to add some information below everytime on many documents. Instead of copying from other sources everytime, I thought of writing a scirpt which by clicking creates a text frame and puts text in that because it is the same for all. Now two issues:
    1) It is coming but in the first page. I need that in the working page, for example clicking that it should come in page 2 or 4 and not in the first page.
    2) The text has a word should be in quotes giving like that the script shows error. My example code is given below:
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    var myTextFrame = myDocument.textFrames.add()
    myTextFrame.geometricBounds = ["11.2in", "8in","10.99in","0.5in"];
    myTextFrame.contents = "This is a "sample" text.
    Please try without quotes first. Without quotes for sample word it is coming in the first page. With quotes it shows error.
    What is the solution. 1) need to add on the current working page. 2) should also include a word within quotes.
    Help really appreciated!

    Hey Rohan,
    It did worked. GREAT.
    If you can give the solution for the second one, i.e. getting the text within the quotes, that will be a great help.
    As You and Ken said, I sent this to the scripting forum too. But as you have already got the first one, had a hope that you might get the other too.

  • Using Reader 11, unable now to add text in a document where it worked before

    Yesterday it worked, today it doesn't

    With Adobe Reader XI the Comment - Annotations - Add Text Comment tool lets you add text.
    Make sure your install of Reader is version "XI" and that "XI" is fully updated.
    If that is already the case give "Repair" a whirl (under "Help").  
    Be well...

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