Add title to the poplet image

For the ".poplets img", I'm wanting to add TITLE to a couple of my imges, anyone could help with that in CSS or Javascript?
Greatly appreciated.

For the ".poplets img", I'm wanting to add TITLE to a couple of my imges, anyone could help with that in CSS or Javascript?
Greatly appreciated.

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  • How to add title/caption to each image in Bridge web gallery

    I am creating a web gallery within Bridge and I want to add a title and caption to each image in my web gallery. How do I do that? The only thing I see is the Site Info. section and that adds a title and caption to the entire web gallery (including each image) and I want different titles and captions for each image. There must be a simple way to do this I just haven't figured it out yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    Thanks Curt Y for your help. The thing is I have to use only Bridge. I looked up this problem on and they said it was not possible to add titles and captions for individual images (slides) in a web gallery in Bridge. They seemed to imply that this was overlooked. So I input what I could based on what was provided by Bridge and turned it in. Thanks to all who viewed and replied to this post. I appreciate it.

  • How to add text to the carousel images ?

      Copyright 1997-2010 Day Management AG
      Barfuesserplatz 6, 4001 Basel, Switzerland
      All Rights Reserved.
      This software is the confidential and proprietary information of
      Day Management AG, ("Confidential Information"). You shall not
      disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in
      accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into
      with Day.
      Carousel component
    --%><%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%><%
    %><%@ page import="java.util.Iterator,
    %><%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%><%
        %><cq:includeClientLib js="cq.jquery"/><%
        String xs = Doctype.isXHTML(request) ? "/" : "";
        if (WCMMode.fromRequest(request) == WCMMode.EDIT) {
            //drop target css class = dd prefix + name of the drop target in the edit config
            String ddClassName = DropTarget.CSS_CLASS_PREFIX + "pages";
            %><div class="<%= ddClassName %>"><%
        // initialize the list
        %><cq:include script="init.jsp"/><%
        List list = (List)request.getAttribute("list");
        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
            // config options
            int playDelay = properties.get("playSpeed", 6000);
            int transTime = properties.get("transTime", 1000);
            // todo: make default designeable
            String controlsType = properties.get("controlsType", "bc");
            boolean showControls = "pn".equals(controlsType);
            if (showControls) {
                controlsType = "";
            } else {
                controlsType = "-" + controlsType;
            // first shove all slides into a map in order to calculate distinct ids
            Map<String, Slide> slides = new LinkedHashMap<String, Slide>();
            Iterator<Page> items = list.getPages();
            String pfx = "cqc-" + Text.getName(resource.getPath()) + "-";
            while (items.hasNext()) {
                Slide slide = new Slide(;
                String name = pfx +;
                int idx = 0;
                while (slides.containsKey(name)) {
                    name = pfx + + (idx++);
       = name;
                // prepend context path to img
                slide.img = request.getContextPath() + slide.img;
                slides.put(name, slide);
            %><div class="cq-carousel">
                <var title="play-delay"><%= playDelay %></var>
                <var title="transition-time"><%= transTime %></var>
                <%-- write the actual slides --%>
                <div class="cq-carousel-banners" >
                    <c:forEach var="slide" varStatus="loop" items="<%= slides.values() %>">
                    <div style="${loop.first ? "left: 0px; opacity: 1;" : "left: -1000px; opacity: 0;"}" id="${}" class="cq-carousel-banner-item">
                        <c:if test="${!empty slide.img}">
                            <a href="${slide.path}.html" title="${slide.title}">
                                <img src="/etc/designs/default/0.gif" style="background-image:url(${slide.img})" alt="${slide.title}"<%= xs %>>
                        <p>${slide.desc}<br<%= xs %>>
                            <a href="${slide.path}.html">Read More</a>
                <%-- defines the controls --%>
                <c:if test="<%= showControls %>">
                    <div class="cq-carousel-controls">
                        <a class="cq-carousel-control-prev" href="#" style="display:none"></a>
                        <a class="cq-carousel-control-next" href="#" style="display:none"></a>
                <%-- write the switches, also needed when disabled --%>
                <div class="cq-carousel-banner-switches<%= controlsType %>">
                    <ul class="cq-carousel-banner-switch">
                        <c:forEach var="slide" varStatus="loop" items="<%= slides.values() %>">
                            <li><a class="${loop.first ? "cq-carousel-active" : ""}" title="${slide.title}" href="#${}"><img src="/etc/designs/default/0.gif" alt="0"<%= xs %>></a></li>
        } else {
            if (WCMMode.fromRequest(request) == WCMMode.EDIT){
                %><img src="/libs/cq/ui/resources/0.gif" class="cq-carousel-placeholder" alt=""><%
        if (WCMMode.fromRequest(request) == WCMMode.EDIT) {
         * Container class for slides
        public static final class Slide {
            private final Page page;
            private String img = "";
            private String title = "";
            private String name = "";
            private String desc = "";
            private String path = "";
            private Slide(Page page) {
       = page;
                title = page.getTitle();
                desc = page.getDescription();
                if (desc == null) {
                    desc = "";
                path = page.getPath();
                // currently we just check if "image" resource is present
                Resource r = page.getContentResource("image");
                if (r != null) {
                    Image image = new Image(r);
                    img = page.getPath() + ".img.png" + image.getSuffix();
                name = page.getName();
            public Page getPage() {
                return page;
            public String getImg() {
                return img;
            public String getTitle() {
                return title;
            public String getName() {
                return name;
            public String getDesc() {
                return desc;
            public String getPath() {
                return path;

    check example BCALV_GRID_08 if still with doubts , come back and i will try help you.

  • Trying to add titles to project

      how do i add titles to the scene/time line so it only effects one photo , it keeps on transfering the titles ie(fun in the sun) onto other photo images in the scen e/time line, i would really appreciate someones help its driving me crazy not to mention hours and hours of trying to work it out my self lol.

    Are you using the slideshow editor in Photoshop Elements? If so you can create a blank slide and add a title. Or select an image, then choose the text tool to add a title on top of an individual photo. If you are using Premiere Elements, you will find best advice over on the video forum. Most of us here are photographers.
    Click on the link below and copy and paste your question again. Good luck.
    Video questions: Click here for Premiere Elements Forum

  • How can I add hyperlink to the object in iCloud pages ?

    Hi, there
    I want to add hyperlink to the object(image) in icloud pages.
    But it looks no such function on  icloud(any "add link" botton)
    I know that how to add hyperlint to the object in pages v5.2.
    1. place object
    2. prepare text box and add hyperlink to the text(invisible color)
    3. overlay object and textbox
    But, in icloud pages, I coundln't do above method.
    Pls give me some advice.

    The feature to add images in tables is gone, ike about another 90 features that exists in Pages 09.

  • Captivate 8 does not detect Character files in eLearning Assets and will not insert them via the Media Image route.

    The eLearning Assets directory was installed in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Adobe\eLearning Assets\Characters_8_0.
    When I attempt to insert a Character, Captivate 8 (on Windows 7) loads the gallery where they would normally be displayed but this is empty of thumbnails. It does however recognise that their are categories of Business, Casual etc.
    Additionally, if I attempt to add any of the Character image files via Media>Image on the toolbar, Captivate 8 reports that the image is either corrupt or not of a supported format. Nevertheless, those very same image files will open in other applications without any problem.
    I have tried a reinstall of the Adobe eLearning Assets but this has made no difference.
    Any ideas appreciated.

    I've since discovered that batch processing the images with IrfanView (which is unusual in being able to actually open them) and resizing them (though I dont think this aspect id actually necessary) the images can be worked with in other Windows programs, can be added to a Captivate progect via the Media>Image route but still do not show up in the Gallery of Characters via Media>Characters.
    This at least allows us to make use of the Character assets but is extremely time consuming as we need to resort to Windows' own thumbnail capabilities (Large Icons in Windows Explorer) to help make a 'quick' selection
    My researches have uncovered a multitude of Adobe/png issues - with Photoshop etc. It would apperar that there are problems associated with both the quality (24 bit) and transparency (being lost or inaccurately interpreted.)
    I don't think the images are 'corrupt' as such (they appear to be just 'Adobe'd') as I have installed and reinstalled the eLearning Assets package - both one that was downloaded several weeks ago and one that was downloaded just days ago.
    If I encounter (or am provided with a complete solution I will post it here.
    Good luck in the meantime.

  • How can I add the logo image for a single item in an RSS feed?

    I am an administrator of iTunes U at the University of Minnesota.
    Before transitioning new public site, we are trying to figure out how to put a logo image into RSS feeds.
    We use our server to makes xml codes to create RSS feeds for podcasts.
    We successfully put a logo image for a collection in a RSS feed, but putting a logo image for a single item did not work.
    Below is the part of the xml code for the logo image for a single item, which is created by our server. I deleted other parts of xml code for your convenience.
    <itunes:image href=" g-contast.jpg" />
    <enclosure url="" length="8544508" type="audio/x-mp3" />
    We tried both <itunes:image href=" g-contast.jpg" /> or <image> st.jpg</image>.
    Both did not work.
    Can anyone help?
    Thank you for your help in advance!!

    Haven't created too many podcasts, but in this one
    before we included the audio files, we added the images in iTunes.
    Select the file, then go to File>Get Info, here you can add metadata, and in Artwork add an image.
    Then upload this file to your server. Works for audio files anyways.
    You don't see the image in the web podcast, but you do in iTunes after you download each item, in "Show item artwork" in lower left. Click on the image and it zooms out.

  • Is it possible to add the page title to the menu bar?

    Does anyone know of any addons that allow you to add the webpage title to the menu bar? I already took a look at the addon Personal Titlebar, which purports to add the menu bar onto the title bar, but had no luck getting it to actually do what it advertised.
    I like the way the menu bar looks beside the orange Firefox button, but would also like to be able to see the full page title in the blank space between "Help" and the title bar buttons (min/zoom/close). I don't want to enable the actual full title bar. That would be a waste of space.

    That creates a title bar on top of the existing menu bar, which is what I want to avoid. I was hoping someone had created a way to combine the two easily, rather than having them exist as separate bars using double the screen real estate and leaving giant unused areas.
    I was hoping for something more like what I mocked up in the included image. The top is with the title bar enabled, the bottom is the preferred result.

  • How to add a title to the book cover/spine?

    appears to be a stupid question, but I couldn't find any answer in the Videos by JK o any other help page:
    How can I add a title to he book cover and the spine of a blurb-book made in LR5?
    I could not find any cover template having a title (only a lot of text).
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    I have worked with Booksmart and made one book successfully. I have also made a book in Lr 5.2 and had it printed by Blurb to my satisfaction.
    Compared to creating a book in Lr the workflow in Booksmart is cumbersome and slow.
    (1) During the creation of a book in Lr I test the book often by exporting it as a PDF. This option is only available when you select PDF instead of Blurb - but it is possible to switch between PDF and Blurb without harm. The only change is that the Blurb logo page disappears when PDF is selected. Viewing the PDF in Acrobat tells me what the book will look like in print since my monitor is calibrated and set to the correct intensity (brightness).  It also tells me if my sharpening is good. For the export to PDF I select 100 for quality; color profile sRGB; file resolution 300; sharpening High; media type glossy.
    A Blurb representative told me that these settings come close to the settings that Lr uses when the book is uploaded to Blurb.
    In Booksmart I can't export to PDF.
    BTW you should sharpen the image so much that it looks a bit too sharp in your PDF. When the boook is printed the ink droplets spread out a tiny bit before they dry. This tends to make the print softer than it looks on screen.
    (2) Booksmart is not color managed. Therefore in Booksmart you have no feedback how your book will look in print. If you want to test your images you have to softproof them in Photoshop.
    (3) When I make a book I find often that my develop adjustments are not optimal. In Lr it is very easy to switch the the Develop Module, make the necessary adjustments and switch back to the Book Module. With Booksmart you have to export the adjusted image again - or it has to be re-published if you use the Blurb plug-in.
    (4) In the past I have made complaints that Lr does not give enough flexibility for the layout. Since then I have worked more in Lr and I find the Book Module actually quite good.
    I find that the full page bleed allows the most flexibility for creating my own layout. Starting with a full page bleed I use the padding feature to place the image anywhere on the page and in any size I want. The boxes for "Page Text" and "Photo Text" allow for more than one column. The text can be edited by adjusting Tracking (all letters are spaced wider/closer), Kerning (individual pairs of letters can be spaced), Baseline (letters can be pushed up or down), or Leading (the distance between different lines of text can be adjusted). There are no such features in Booksmart.
    (5) Selecting a color for page background or for text is cumbersome in Booksmart. In Lr it's easy.
    The cover of my first book in Lr looks like this:

  • How to add a text Component ( text annotation) to the Tiff Image

    This is the first time I am using Sun Developers Forum.......................
    My problem is.............I want to add a component ( Text or Label ) to the Tiff Image which is displayed on the JIMICanavs [ from JIMI API ].
    Even , if anybody knows about How to add a component to the JIMICanavs , Please help me..................................

    I'm curious: is JIMI still popular? What advantange does it have over the current Java 2D support in the J2SE, or over JAI?

  • Using the value "Image/*" for the accept attribute of the HTML input Element, how can I add .pdf to the array of preconfigured file types (.jpe, .jpg, .jpeg, .?

    On a form, using the value "image/*" for the accept attribute of the HTML input Element, how can I add .pdf to the array of pre-configured file types (.jpe, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .ico, .svg, .svgz, .tif, .tiff, .ai, .drw, .pct, .psp, .xcf, .psd, .raw)?
    Say I wanted to add .gif, .jfif or .ico. I find this array limited, how can I add types to image?
    <input type="file" name="file" accept="image/*" id="file" />
    mimeTypes.rdf does not seem to allow this.

    ''mimeTypes.rdf'' has nothing to do with web development. It's a file that stores your file handling preferences (e.g. if you want ZIP files automatically saved or opened).
    You can't change the file types of the pre-defined content specifiers (audio/*, video/*, image/*), but you can specify additional MIME types. To add PDF to your above example,
    <pre><nowiki><input type="file" name="file" accept="image/*,application/pdf" id="file" /></nowiki></pre>
    For details, see
    * []

  • With iPhoto 11 how is it possible to include the title of the photo with the image in the email?

    Hello. In an older verson of iPhoto I could includ a title or description with the photo image in an email.  With the Cloud and old Mobile Me emailing directly from iPhoto  ('11) I can't find a way to do it.
    Any help.

    Use the old way and set Mail as your email client of choice in the iPhoto Preferences.

  • I imported 635 images into an iPhoto album so that I can share them via a photo-stream. However, iPhoto says there are only 600. When I try to add the missing images it says they are already there. Why can i not see these images in iPhoto?

    I imported 635 images into an iPhoto album so that I can share them via a photo-stream. However, iPhoto says there are only 600. When I try to add the missing images it says they are already there. Why can i not see these images in iPhoto?

    Generally I would not use Facebook for sharing any photos, it compresses the photos substantially, and when you have shadows and dark colours you get visible "bands" where there should be subtle gradients, ie at sunsets and sunrises.
    It sounds like you are using two methods to upload to Facebook:
    1. Sharing from within Aperture, which basically syncs Facebook with your Aperture album, so any changes made at either end gets synced, hence the deletions from Albums, although the original file should still be in your library, just removed rom the album. It is like a playlist in iTunes.
    2. Exporting pics and uploading to Facebook from the browser.
    I am not sure how method 1 gets compressed, but I know that uploading hi-res jpegs to Facebook using method 2 results in poor quality images.
    I wouldn't even bother comparing option 1 or 2, and they will both be poor images once you view them on Facebook, as opposed to viewing uploaded images on proper image sharing / hosting sites.
    Your problem is not with Aperture, it is using Facebook for showing your work.
    If you export pics form Aperture at high res jpegs or TIFFs your images will be fine.
    If you insist to use Facebook as your way to share your work, then your workflow should be this:
    1. Right click images you want to share.
    2. Select Export version.
    3. Export as 100% size and ensure the export settings are set at 100% quality.
    4. Upload this pic into Facebook.
    This will get you the best image size and resolution on Facebook.
    See how you go.

  • How to put the background image in Title Window?

    I'm newbie in flex. I 'm using Flex 4.
    Can anyone give me some guidelines on how to put the background image in Title Window?
    Is it possible to do this?

    Check the below sample code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            @namespace s "library://";
            @namespace mx "library://";
            s|BorderContainer {
        <s:TitleWindow width="100%" height="100%">
            <s:BorderContainer width="100%" height="100%"/>

  • Most times when I import photos from my desktop or dropbox to iPhoto, iPhoto will keep the title I created for the image as the display title under the image. but occasionally it displays the filename instead and I have to go back through and reenter

    most times when I import photos from my desktop or dropbox to iPhoto, iPhoto will keep the title I created for the image as the display title under the image. but occasionally it displays the filename instead and I have to go back through and reenter the title in iPhoto. why the inconsistency? running OS 10.9.5 and using iPhoto 9.5.1

    Try this:  select one of the photos that are showing the wrong title and use the Photos ➙ Batch Change ➙ Title to File Name menu option.
    See if that will put the name that you want under the thumbnail.

Maybe you are looking for