Add tools on toolbar

how do you add and delete tools from the toolbar?  It was easy in Version 9, but I can't figure out how to add "snapshot" and "rotate" to the tool bar.  I see them in menues, but would like to have them on the tool bar for quick access.

See if there is anything in here that helps:

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    try this for east/west, similar for north/south
    (hopefully there's an easier way)
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Testing extends JFrame
      public Testing()
        JTabbedPane tp = new JTabbedPane();
        tp.setUI(new MyUI());
        for(int x = 0; x < 12; x++)
          JPanel p = new JPanel();
          p.add(new JLabel(""+x));
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        protected JButton createScrollButton(int direction)
          if (direction != SOUTH && direction != NORTH && direction != EAST && direction != WEST)
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction must be one of: SOUTH, NORTH, EAST or WEST");
          return new ScrollableTabButton(direction);
        private class ScrollableTabButton extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicArrowButton implements javax.swing.plaf.UIResource,SwingConstants
          public ScrollableTabButton(int direction)
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            if(direction == WEST) setToolTipText("<<<<<");
            else if(direction == EAST) setToolTipText(">>>>>");
      public static void main(String[] args){new Testing().setVisible(true);}

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    Which IE settings need to be changed? While Firefox doesn't have the same approach to security (e.g., by "zone") there may be some parallels.
    In case the problem is the built-in PDF viewer introduced in Firefox 19, try the steps in this article: [[How to disable the built-in PDF viewer and use another viewer]].
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    It looks like that the installation process of one of the applications have caused some trouble. One of them may have changed or added kext files.
    For that, the Window server crashed if you try to open a non Apple application like Firefox
    Start the system in safe mode by holding the shift key on power on.
    If save mode is reached, perform a permissions repair with the Disk Utility.
    Don't bother about upcoming warnings like "could not repair file xy" as that occur cause you use the tool on a running system and opened files can not get touched by the tool.
    After repair is done reboot system to normal and try to open Firefox.
    If the problem persits, please report back here.

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    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    welcome to the Discussions.
    Which template do you use? I guess it's some kind of self-defined template, maybe based on the Blank template.
    You can add template pages, thus activating the icon, this way:
    * Mark one page in the Thumbnail drawer.
    * Choose Format/Advanced/Capture Pages…
    Pages will ask you if you for a name for the template pages and offer to choose all pages or only the first page, the first two or the first three pages of your section (if they exist).
    However, you should only do this with a file that you want to use as a template for other documents. Capturing pages in an ordinary document is (in my opinion) a waste of time.
    To add a new page, follow either Dennis' advice or just keep on typing your text. Pages will then add a new page which is treated together with its predecessor as a so-called logical page. Pages will draw a yellow frame around a logical page when you mark it in the Page Thumbnails drawer.
    If this information is useful to you, please mark it as "helpful" or "solved" using the little buttons in the titlebar of this message. Thank you.
    PowerBook G4 17", 1GB   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   iMac G5 20"; iPod 3G, iPod Shuffle, iSight

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    On the menu bar > Document > Watermark > Add and/or Update
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    Hello, short of creating a new type tool preset or a character style, it is not possible. You can type the number, but I guess you know that.
    Maybe could you also duplicate existing layers, and CTRL/CMd+A to select all and type again?

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    Open your word 2003 go to Tools>>Templates and Add-ins
    now check
    This will disply Button

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    Can you clarify which icon you mean?
    Is this the Bookmarks Toolbar or the Bookmarks Menu button icon on a toolbar to open a drop down list with the bookmarks or something else?
    Note that you only see the Bookmarks Menu button when the menu bar is hidden (View > Toolbars).
    You can check for problems caused by a corrupted localstore.rdf file if this is about toolbars or toolbar customization.

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Every time I try to use Firefox.

    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems
    See [[Basic Troubleshooting|#Make_a_new_profile|Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile]]
    There may be extensions and plugins installed by default in a new profile, so check that in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions & Plugins"
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