Added a wiki for backing up DVDs

Decided I'd share my script with the rest of the archers.  If this is too much of a gray area I wont be offended to have it removed.

No, it's good to have wiki entries for grey areas too, thanks. (The only thing is that grey areas tend to get edited into unrecognizability... :-D)

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  • Favorite Software title for backing up DVD Movies

    New to Mac and looking for a quality, easy to use software program to back up DVD movies.

    Check out MacTheRipper, HandBrake, FastDVDCopy and Toast.
    Dave M.
    MacOSG Founder/Ambassador  An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast
    Macsimum News Associate Editor  Creator of 'Mac611 - Mobile Mac Support'

  • Need advice on encode settings for Premiere file to be played back on DVD

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    A DVD is 720x480 so anything larger must be scaled down to be legal according to the DVD specification
    CS5-thru-CC PPro/Encore tutorial list may help

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    In a Finder window, right click on the window's tool bar, select Customize, and drag the Burn button to the tool bar.


    I ripped a DVD to my hard drive for back up use, but I accidently clicked on data and when I put it in the DVD player it said disk error, is this because I was suppose to click on copy (i use toast 7) instead of data? please, I need help.
    thank you

    if the dvd spat giving you an error, then it won't work on a dvd player (i assume it's a movie?)
    in that case you should get a new blank dvd and start the copy process again, this time clicking on Copy.
    that should work
    HINT: when working with copy for dvds in particular, make sure that "buffer under-run prevention is selected in the "advanced" dialog (there should be General, Advanced and then another tab which is the name of your dvd burner)

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    Recovery Mode:
    1. Turn off iPad
    2. Connect USB cable to computer; leave the other end alone
    3. Press and hold the Home button down and connect the docking end of cable to iPad
    4. Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect To iTune" screen
    5. Release the Home button
    6. Open iTune
    7. You should see "iTunes has detected an iPad in recovery mode"
    8. Use iTune to restore iPad
    Note: You need to be patient and repeat the above many times to recover your iPad

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    Triple-click anywhere in the line below to select it:
    tmutil compare -E
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V).
    The command will take at least a few minutes to run. Eventually some lines of output will appear below what you entered.
    Each line that begins with a plus sign (“+”) represents a file that has been added to the source volume since the last snapshot was taken. These files have not been backed up yet.
    Each line that begins with an exclamation point (“!”) represents a file that has changed on the source volume. These files have been backed up, but not in their present state.
    Each line that begins with a minus sign (“-“) represents a file that has been removed from the source volume.
    At the end of the output, you’ll get some lines like the following:
    These lines show the total amount of data added, removed, or changed on the source(s) since the last snapshot.

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    It may be the brand of disc. Try Verbatim DVD-R or Verbatim DVD+R DL.

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    Get a template from Avery. These work well in WORD.
    Enhance the graphic in PSE, then import it into WORD.
    Free Avery® Template for Microsoft Word, DVD Case Insert 8891

  • Adding AJAX support for dynamically created panelGrid components

    Hi everyone!
    I would like to ask help from anyone who may have encountered similar problem before...
    I have a panelGrid whose component is dynamically created by the backing bean. Here is my JSF code:
    <h:panelGrid styleClass="panelGrid"
              rowClasses="tsPanelGridRowClass" columns="8" cellpadding="0"
              cellspacing="2" bgcolor="transparent" style="margin-left: 10px"
    </h:panelGrid>And here is the code for backing bean that adds content inside the panelGrid:
    HtmlOutputText index = (HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    revCenterItemPanelGrid.getChildren().add(index);On click of a button...
    <a4j:commandButton value="Update"
              styleClass="commandExButtonPou2" id="button1" reRender="revCenterItemPanelGrid"
              <f:attribute name="order" value="2"></f:attribute>
              <f:attribute name="toggleState" value="off"></f:attribute>
    </a4j:commandButton>the backing bean is supposed to update the value of the outputText
    doSortActionListener2() {
    HtmlOutputText index = (HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    }However, update doesn't seem to work. I have been successful in adding ajax support to a panelGrid that is not dynamically created but not for this one.
    Has anyone encountered this error before? Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi everyone!
    I would like to ask help from anyone who may have encountered similar problem before...
    I have a panelGrid whose component is dynamically created by the backing bean. Here is my JSF code:
    <h:panelGrid styleClass="panelGrid"
              rowClasses="tsPanelGridRowClass" columns="8" cellpadding="0"
              cellspacing="2" bgcolor="transparent" style="margin-left: 10px"
    </h:panelGrid>And here is the code for backing bean that adds content inside the panelGrid:
    HtmlOutputText index = (HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    revCenterItemPanelGrid.getChildren().add(index);On click of a button...
    <a4j:commandButton value="Update"
              styleClass="commandExButtonPou2" id="button1" reRender="revCenterItemPanelGrid"
              <f:attribute name="order" value="2"></f:attribute>
              <f:attribute name="toggleState" value="off"></f:attribute>
    </a4j:commandButton>the backing bean is supposed to update the value of the outputText
    doSortActionListener2() {
    HtmlOutputText index = (HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    }However, update doesn't seem to work. I have been successful in adding ajax support to a panelGrid that is not dynamically created but not for this one.
    Has anyone encountered this error before? Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!

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    what is the best app for backing up my mac. I do publication work and need to save my work?

    My answer does not have the black Apple logo but the hardearned black belt of (bad) experience.
    There is one problem with TimeMachine. It can get corrupted out of the blue with no warning and it will not want to restore correctly (as an added "bonus" you get to find this out the "hard" way, when you need it most). Plus it takes ages for the data to be copied back, sometimes days. Haven't tried my 600gb backup on Mavericks but Mountain Lion had this knack of breaking Timemachine after a couple of months.
    To back up my entire server is use SuperDuper. It mirrors the drive to an external one (usb for example) The cool thing is you can use that usb drive and start the OS X from it (by holding Alt when you hear the boot chime).
    This way you have a working copy of your entire machine. You can even go to another mac and boot it from there. I literally ran the OS X Server in my company from a usb drive on an old MacBook Pro until i got around to fix the problems with the actual server machine.
    This has saved me twice already as the Hitachi drives Apple uses, tend to die like clockwork after 4000-5000 hours of use with no warning.
    PS. As a sidenote... SSDs are more reliable than a normal HDD (not to mention faster) I can't stress this enough, my Server is on two SSDs now. I can't tell you how stress free the setup is, it doesn't feel like a computer but more like a router, it just works... forever. After two years with SSDs my server has had two days of downtime and their health is at 97%, they will literally last 100 years with normal use. I'd go so far as to recommend you buy an SSD and move your old HDD to an external enclosure and use that as a usb backup. (for SSDs i use Plextor / Lite-On M3s (older) or the M6s (newer))

  • Connect time capsule via ethernet to Mac for back-up only. Is it possible without internet connection ?

    Connect time capsule via ethernet to Mac for back-up only. Is it possible without internet connection ?

    Hi Bob,
    I'm not certain the post I sent was posted correctly, as I added it as a reply to a 3-year old thread. Since this is a recently-active thread, though not specific to the issue at hand, I thought I'd post again:
    Three years ago you helped me set up a roaming wireless network in my home. It's been rock-steady and I'm forever grateful to you for the time and guidance you gave me. I'd now like to swap out my AirPort Extreme base station for a time capsule. As I understand it, I should be able to unplug the base station and replace it with the TC without problem, so long as I use all the same settings on my TC... network name, security protocol, password, etc. Given the complexity of my network, I thought I should check with you first for any advice you might have. I don't want to set up a new network or make any changes to the existing one-- with the exception of using the TC in place of the AE. I'm already using Time Machine for backups. As a refresher, my current setup has the AE as base station and 3 expresses hard-wired with Ethernet connections elsewhere in my home. I have a 4th express set up wirelessly to use with my stereo system at the front of the house. All AXs are 'n's and are set up, as per your instructions, in Bridge mode to extend the existing network. I'm running the most updated version of Mavericks on my MBPro. Any suggestions you might have will be, as always, very much appreciated! Sincerely, Phyllis Sommers

  • Best application for Standard Def DVD creation?

    I have a bunch of MiniDV tapes shot in standard def that I want to make into DVDs for my family. I want to preserve as much picture quality as possible during the process and will be using transitions, overlays, and credits.
    I have used iMovie 08 and abandoned it because I needed dynamic chapter markers. I am now ready to edit the next DVD in the 'series', and with the advent of iMovie 09 and the availability of Final Cut Express at a reasonable price, I am trying to decide which way to go. I also have a copy of iMovie HD 6 which I used for my previous DVD.
    From reading the reviews of iMovie 09 I am pretty confident that I would be happy with it functionally, but not if it costs me in picture quality. I noticed on my first effort using iMovie HD 6 and iDVD, that the DVD picture was not as sharp as the video viewed directly from the camera. Did I do something wrong, or is that a "feature" of iMovie? Would FCE be better?
    My only concern with FCE apart from spending money that I may not need to spend, is the talk of a steep learning curve. With two little kids at home I don't have a lot of spare time. That said, I'd rather spend the time and get a sharp looking DVD than get a mediocre one quickly.
    Thanks for any advice.

    skalicki` wrote:
    What do you mean by "dynamic chapter markers"?
    I meant the ability to define the precise location of the chapter within the movie, such that when exported to iDVD the menu allows you to jump to any point you have defined in the movie. By "dynamic" I mean they may be placed at random locations, rather than fixed intervals. iMovie 08 deleted the ability to add chapter markers, iDVD allows only fixed interval chapters (which seems useless to me), as does Toast. I tried the work-around of using Garage Band, but it fails on larger projects. I've read that iMovie 09 has restored the ability to add chapter markers where you want, but if I'm going to shell out more cash I might as well get the package that will get me the best picture too (within reason).
    In any video application, for Chapter markers you simply place them in the application, then edit them in iDVD, DVD Studio Pro, etc.
    Not in iMovie 08/iDVD, but now that you mention it, how does DVD Studio Pro compare to iDVD? I'm mostly focused on picture quality.
    Do you mean better animated titles that you could use within the program? For this FCE is much better, because you don't need to work with the premade things, you can create and animate your own from the ground up.
    That will be fun. Not what I was talking about, but a nice feature. I know that FCE will have lots of capability that iMovie doesn't (by design), that's just gravy.
    I have used iMovie HD 6 to place chapters where I wanted them in my last DVD project, I didn't have much trouble working with it although it is a bit more "professional grade" than iMovie (I know, not saying much). How do the two compare for learning curve/user friendliness? I would like to say that I'd get a book to read on FCE but the truth is that on an average day I don't have time to watch the news let alone read a book.
    In my opinion, FCE is definitely worth the investment and once you learn it you will never want to go back to iMovie!
    Thanks, just the fact that the output is higher quality is a big pull for me. I think I'm going to take the plunge.
    Now for the next question: FCE 4 or 3.5?

  • [svn:osmf:] 15972: ChromeLibrary: adding rudimentary support for loading plug-ins defined in XML.

    Revision: 15972
    Revision: 15972
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-05-08 07:31:24 -0700 (Sat, 08 May 2010)
    Log Message:
    ChromeLibrary: adding rudimentary support for loading plug-ins defined in XML.
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:

    rnair wrote:
    I am trying to install Oracle 11g R2 on my windows 7, 64bit computer. After 42% of installation, it started showing some files are missing. Few of them are:
    And the final pop up winow says:
    Database configuration Assistant:Info
    *"Template General_Purpose.dbc does not exists. Please specify an exixting template for database creation"*
    *"[INS-20802] Oracle Database Configuration Assistant failed"*
    Cause:- The plug-in failed in its perform method
    Action:- Refer to the logs or contact Oracle Support Services.
    Following are the last few lines of the log file. Can anyone please help me to fix this problem?<snip>
    the error has nothing to do with DBCA. DBCA was simply the last in a long string of victims.
    Go back and read the instructions where you downloaded the install media. They state that the TWO zip files you download must be unzipped into the same directory.

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