Adding 3rd Partition

Finally, I have order the white 2Ghz with 1GB ram and 80GB HDD macbook through the Apple Store online today ;D
But the wait is killing, delivery will be done by 15/6/06 :o
Anyway, I plan to dual boot the macbook with OSX and XP. In addition, I would also want to create a addition partition (the 3rd one) for my media files such as mp3, photos and movies clips so that I can assess these files on any of the OS which I choose to startup.
I have outline the steps, below, to create the 3rd partiton but I doubt it can work.
1) Install OSX
2) Install Bootcamp
3) Install XP using FAT32; so that I can access XP partition (I assume the 2nd partition will be created for me automatically when I install XP)
4) Using Disk Utilities in OSX to create another partition for my media files??? (Wouldn't this step destroy my 1st and 2nd partitions?)
Or I have to use a XP apps such as PartitionMagic to create the 3rd parition in XP? In this case, how do I go about creating the 3rd partitions (1st partition for OSX; 2nd for XP) for these media files? Lastly, will XP create its own partition automatically during installation?
Please enlighten me. Thks

You can do all this within Disk Utility although I would strongly disuade you from having 3 paritions. All this will do is to fragment your free drive space which ultimately will lead to problems. If you are wanting to share media between mac OS X and Windows XP then I would suggest you make the Windows parition slightly larger to accomodate the media and format it as FAT32. This way you can edit those file from both OSs.

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    Added a partition how? Disk Utility doesn't let you do this. Although the command line utility 'diskutil' will let you split partitions. I don't know if it properly writes out a new hybrid MBR however. Apple hardware is EFI firmware based, and EFI and Apple's OS installer want a GPT disk. But the CSM-BIOS that Apple uses for Windows support isn't activated unless there's an MBR. So there is a very non-standard and fragile thing called a hybrid MBR which is what Bootcamp creates to support Windows. Chances are, by adding a new partition, it was added to the GPT causing a new GPT and protective MBR to be created, wiping out the hybrid MBR. It is possible to fix this without reinstalling anything (assuming you haven't corrupted any partitions indvertently which is possible with hybrid MBRs), and for free.
    In terminal, type this command, post the results:
    diskutil list
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    sudo fdisk /dev/disk0
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    Did you look at the post just below this here?
    While it has been done, there are always side effects and downside as well.
    And you are up against the 4-partition limit of MBR.

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    gdmk wrote:
    Perhaps you might mention the potential downside and possible pitfalls before suggesting it, you haven't been here long enough to see some of the problems this can cause.
    Again I would claim I did both here and in my post.
    This is your post.
    gdmk wrote:
    Re: adding another partition in the bootcamp partition 
    Nov 20, 2012 4:24 PM (in response to Csound1)
    Csound1 - I don't know why you keep saying that it is not possible when it is.
    MarkTL please see the following discussion,, but please pay special attention to the final paragraphs.
    No mention of any provisions for recovery or backup, no mention that this is an unsupported procedure, no mention of possibe unwanted consequences.

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    Do not add a partition after BootCamp.  BootCamp manipulates the boot-sector of a Mac disk to allow dual-booting.  But manually adding a third partition will break that tenuous multi-boot balance.
    Many threads posted by people who need to restore OSX from a backup and lose their BootCamp data due to system instability attest to the tourble you can cause.
    Buy an external drive and use that for FAT32 (or EXFAT to allow files larger than 4 GB) storage.

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    This is a good reason to always check the written agreements and receipts when you buy anything. Never just take what is taken verbally as binding. It is what actually gets entered into the system and what the contract terms state in writing.

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    Can I add a new partition as
    alter table <table_name> add partition <partition_name>
    values less than <date_in_julian> and greater than <date_in_julian>

    I don't believe that is valid syntax for range partitioning.
    The "greater than" piece is taken care of by the "values less than" definition of the partition prior to the one being added.
    If I understand your question, you have a partition with a date range ending prior to '01-feb-2007' and another partition with a date range ending prior to '01-mar-2007' and you would like to add a partition to cover the date range of 01-jan-2007 through 15-feb-2007? If so that is not possible and would be a different table all together. If you need to adjust the date ranges of current partitions, you could split the february partition, then merge the january partition with the newly split first 1/2 of february. Or if you need a mechanism to focus in on that date range, perhaps a materialized view of the target table specifying that date range.

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    Some torrent programs hog bandwidth even when not downloading, as they are generally uploading all of the time. Is the roommate running one?
    If so, try removing the torrent program from the machine and see if things return to normal.

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    Our currect setup is as follow:
    Exchange Server/Domain Server: Nic#1 and Nic#2
    File Server: Nic#1 and Nic#2
    Linksys VPN/Router RV016
    3 DSL lines and T1 are connected to the Linksys VPN/Router
    G1 - Connected to Linksys VPN/Router
    G2 - Connected to Nic#2 on Exchange Server
    G3 - Connected to Nic#2 on File Server
    G4 - Connected to G3 on Switch #2
    G1 - Not used
    G2 - Connected to Nic#1 on Exchange Server
    G3 - Connected to G4 on Switch #1
    G4 - Connected to Nic#1 on File Server
    How do I go about connecting the 3rd switch? 

    Hi there! You have different ways to connect a switch to another switch. As a matter of fact, you can simply use a regular numbered port. Since you're using G1 to G4 and the second switch has available port (G1), then you can use this port to connect to another switch.
    Also, SRW224G4, if I'm not mistaken has 2 mini-GBIC ports. The miniGBIC (gigabit interface converter) port is a connection point for a miniGBIC expansion module, so the Switch can be uplinked via fiber to another switch. The MiniGBIC port provides a link to a high-speed network segment or individual workstation at speeds of up to 1000Mbps. Take note of this, on the SRW224G4, MiniGBIC ports are shared with Gigabit Ethernet ports. If a miniGBIC port is used, then the shared Gigabit Ethernet port on the Switch cannot be used. Mini-GBIC 1 is shared to Port G3 and Mini-GBIC 2 is shared to Port G4 (this has to be considered only if you're planning to use a fiber from one switch to another). Thanks!

  • Adding 3rd party loops to the GB library (OSX)

    Hope anyone can throw some light on this.
    On the previous version of GB, I used to unpack the loops, select them as a group and drag to the Loops library in GB. This added them to the library catalogue with no problems so they could be selected, listened to and dragged into my tracks.
    I've upgraded to the latest version, however when carrying out the same process, only some are added and others will simply not appear in the library.
    Looking at the files, both are AIFF-C audio, both the same sample rate, both the same bits per sample and both the same duration. It's completely baffling me. Of the 509 loops I'm trying to add in this example, only 240 appear in the loop library. All will play in iTunes, so it doesnt appear to be file corruption at all.

    Hi Scott,
    I am not a developper and get access im May 2005 to this link:
    If the link doesn´t work, please try Mac OS X, then Developer. Under Related Topics click on Music & Audio. And finally on Music and Audio Downloads. The last click on Apple Loops SDK 1.1 SDK et voilà.
    I hope this time will work

  • Can't create a 3rd partition in Disk Utility

    Long story short I have used Boot Camp to get Windows, so I have 2 partitions. But, I need to create another partition to install another copy of Windows on it, but Disk Utility has grayed out the '+' to allow me to create a new partition. All I can do is delete the 'BOOTCAMP' partition which I don't want to do. I tried another way by going into Boot Camp Assistant and installing Windows through there. I have a bootable USB drive and I know how to install it, all that's stopping me is the partition issue.
    Any ideas?
    If it helps, I'm using a Late 2013 MacBook Pro with a 15" Retina Display, 2.5 GHz, 512 GB SSD, 16 GB RAM and a NVIDIA GT 750 M.
    Thank you for your help

    Good thing to mention that, I forgot to do that.
    Unfortunately it did not help.. The screen to remove the existing Boot Camp partition does not pop up, it just tries to create the new Boot Camp partition.
    The partition I'm trying to create it 150GB. The 50GB mentioned above was on the stock Fujitsu 250GB disk.
    I'm actually trying to avoid using Boot Camp Assistant.. I became to dislike the utility due to problems creating a partition on my previous HD.
    I would like to create a partition using Disk Utility and then install Windows 7 by selecting that DVD to boot from.
    Thank you for the tip though, I'll post it there as well!

  • Adding Bootcamp Partition, on SuperDrive failing Macbook 2011 Early

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    PD. I've read about a fail design in SuperDrive for Macbooks Pro, anyway I will ask for warranty.

    Post copied from previous discussion thread
    This may be an old post, but for those still looking for an answer you can get the 13.12 (December 2013) AMD graphics driver from Select "Download->Download as .zip".
    I only modded the driver for the windows 7 64-bit install, so if you using windows 8 under bootcamp you'll have to follow the included instructions yourself.
    Please let me know/like this post if this works for you. (It would be great if you could report whether it worked based on using Win 7 or Win 8)

  • Boot Camp 3rd Partition

    i have just installed win 8 using bootcamp on my MacBook pro(mid-2012, 15-inch), right now i my disk is partioned into two drives one is Machintosh HD and other is bootCamp drive which is probably for windows, but before i have 3 more drives for my data i were merged them into one because bootcamp were giving me errors in installing windows,now i want to create those three partitions again i did a try but after that bootcamp not loaded windows 8, so i partioned my HD again into one and then install windows 8 again,,now i have two drives one for mac and other for bootcamp but i want to add two more partitions, plz expert mind's help me out..plzzzzzz it's freaking me.

    Actually right now you have 4 partitions on your drive
    1) An EFI partition
    2) A Recovery HD partition
    3) The Mac OS X partition
    4) The Windows partition
    Because Windows still uses the MBR partition table you can't have more than 4 Primary partition on any Physical Disk. You have 4 as listed above.
    If you try to create any other partition you will end up with either Windows not booting or OS X and Windows not booting.

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