Adding a Feedback Link.....

I am using RH7 to create an on-line User Guide for a software
application. The project is being tested by a group of select users
that I would like to get feedback from.
How do I place a feedback link in the project that is always
available so they can click it from any page or place within the
Thanks, in advance, for any advice.

Welcome to our community, Don
The logical choice here would seem to be to define a
Template. Then enable a Header or Footer in the Template. Insert
the Feedback link there and apply the Template it across all your
projects so all topics have the template attached.
It may sound convoluted, but overall (even if you had 1,000
topics) the whole process would consume less than five minutes.
Cheers... Rick

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    It is. Scroll down to the bottom right of every forum/category page, and you will find the link Contact Us.
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    Oracle is "unbreakable" as well as it's website, don't you know that? ;)
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    Simon Rogers

    Originally posted by:
    Hi Simon Rogers
    The only "sorta easy" solution that comes to mind would be to
    use a bit of JavaScript. I think I've got some script you could use
    and it's tucked inside my Tips file you can get freely off my site.
    (Link to the site is in my sig line) I'd be thinking along the
    lines of creating a topic template that contans a footer. Then edit
    the footer to contain the script. Then apply the template to all
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    Hopefully this helps some... Rick
    Thank you. I puilled out your javascript mailto: routine. I
    can now work out how to do using a mass find and replace in the htm
    files, but is there any way I can avoid doing that? I don't really
    understand what you mean about the topic templates. How do I "apply
    the template"? Is the is something I do in RoboHelp for Word or in
    the output? If in the output, which files?
    If I have to follow the mass replacement route, then the
    following may be of interest to others and I ask yet another
    What I am doing at the moment is adding your javascript
    routine to the ehlpjstm.js file:
    function mailink()
    HREF="mailto:[email protected]?Subject=');
    // uncomment the line above and comment the line above it
    using // to switch to URL. *//
    document.write('&body=Type your feedback on this
    topic.">Feeback on this page</A></p>')
    I'm then then using Multisub (free mass text replacement
    program) to change all htm files in webhelp output (except the wh*
    ones) to add the following line in place of </BODY>
    <script language=JavaScript1.2
    I'm pretty sure I should add the javascript routine to
    another js file - one that is more likely to be included regardless
    of browser capabilites, or even mutlple files. Any ideas?

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