Adding Icon and increasing width of tabpages to show the close button in a tabcontrol

I have this code right now,
Public Class FSMTabControl
Inherits TabControl
#Region "Declarations"
Private _TextColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)
Private _BackTabColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(54, 54, 54)
Private _BaseColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(35, 35, 35)
Private _ActiveColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(47, 47, 47)
Private _BorderColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(30, 30, 30)
Private _UpLineColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 160, 199)
Private _HorizLineColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(23, 119, 151)
Private CenterSF As New StringFormat With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center}
#End Region
#Region "Properties"
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property BorderColour As Color
Return _BorderColour
End Get
Set(value As Color)
_BorderColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property UpLineColour As Color
Return _UpLineColour
End Get
Set(value As Color)
_UpLineColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property HorizontalLineColour As Color
Return _HorizLineColour
End Get
Set(value As Color)
_HorizLineColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property TextColour As Color
Return _TextColour
End Get
Set(value As Color)
_TextColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property BackTabColour As Color
Return _BackTabColour
End Get
Set(value As Color)
_BackTabColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property BaseColour As Color
Return _BaseColour
End Get
Set(value As Color)
_BaseColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property ActiveColour As Color
Return _ActiveColour
End Get
Set(value As Color)
_ActiveColour = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub CreateHandle()
Alignment = TabAlignment.Bottom
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Draw Control"
Sub New()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or _
ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, True)
DoubleBuffered = True
Font = New Font("Segoe UI", 10)
SizeMode = TabSizeMode.FillToRight
ItemSize = New Size(240, 32)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
Dim g = e.Graphics
With G
.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit
Try : SelectedTab.BackColor = _BackTabColour : Catch : End Try
Try : SelectedTab.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle : Catch : End Try
.DrawRectangle(New Pen(_BorderColour, 2), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height))
For i = 0 To TabCount - 1
Dim Base As New Rectangle(New Point(GetTabRect(i).Location.X, GetTabRect(i).Location.Y), New Size(GetTabRect(i).Width, GetTabRect(i).Height))
Dim BaseSize As New Rectangle(Base.Location, New Size(Base.Width, Base.Height))
If i = SelectedIndex Then
.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(_BaseColour), BaseSize)
.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(_ActiveColour), New Rectangle(Base.X + 1, Base.Y - 3, Base.Width, Base.Height + 5))
.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, New SolidBrush(_TextColour), New Rectangle(Base.X + 7, Base.Y, Base.Width - 3, Base.Height), CenterSF)
.DrawLine(New Pen(_HorizLineColour, 2), New Point(Base.X + 3, CInt(Base.Height / 2 + 2)), New Point(Base.X + 9, CInt(Base.Height / 2 + 2)))
.DrawLine(New Pen(_UpLineColour, 2), New Point(Base.X + 3, Base.Y - 3), New Point(Base.X + 3, Base.Height + 5))
.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, New SolidBrush(_TextColour), BaseSize, CenterSF)
End If
.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
End With
End Sub
Private Declare Auto Function SetParent Lib "user32" (ByVal hWndChild As IntPtr, ByVal hWndNewParent As IntPtr) As IntPtr
Protected CloseButtonCollection As New Dictionary(Of Button, TabPage)
Private _ShowCloseButtonOnTabs As Boolean = True
<Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Behavior"), Description("Indicates whether a close button should be shown on each TabPage")> _
Public Property ShowCloseButtonOnTabs() As Boolean
Return _ShowCloseButtonOnTabs
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
_ShowCloseButtonOnTabs = value
For Each btn In CloseButtonCollection.Keys
btn.Visible = _ShowCloseButtonOnTabs
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateControl()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnControlAdded(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ControlEventArgs)
Dim tp As TabPage = DirectCast(e.Control, TabPage)
Dim rect As Rectangle = Me.GetTabRect(Me.TabPages.IndexOf(tp))
Dim btn As Button = AddCloseButton(tp)
btn.Size = New Size(CInt(rect.Height / 2), CInt(rect.Height / 2))
btn.Location = New Point(rect.X + rect.Width - rect.Height + 11, CInt(rect.Y + 7))
SetParent(btn.Handle, Me.Handle)
AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf OnCloseButtonClick
CloseButtonCollection.Add(btn, tp)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnControlRemoved(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ControlEventArgs)
Dim btn As Button = CloseButtonOfTabPage(DirectCast(e.Control, TabPage))
RemoveHandler btn.Click, AddressOf OnCloseButtonClick
SetParent(btn.Handle, Nothing)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnLayout(ByVal levent As System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs)
End Sub
Public Event CloseButtonClick As CancelEventHandler
Protected Overridable Sub OnCloseButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not DesignMode Then
Dim btn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
Dim tp As TabPage = CloseButtonCollection(btn)
Dim ee As New CancelEventArgs
RaiseEvent CloseButtonClick(sender, ee)
If Not ee.Cancel Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overridable Function AddCloseButton(ByVal tp As TabPage) As Button
Dim closeButton As New Button
With closeButton
'' TODO: Give a good visual appearance to the Close button, maybe by assigning images etc.
'' Here I have not used images to keep things simple.
.Text = "X"
.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat
.BackColor = _BaseColour
.ForeColor = Color.White
.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 6, FontStyle.Bold)
End With
Return closeButton
End Function
Public Sub RePositionCloseButtons()
For Each item In CloseButtonCollection
End Sub
Public Sub RePositionCloseButtons(ByVal tp As TabPage)
Dim btn As Button = CloseButtonOfTabPage(tp)
If btn IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tpIndex As Integer = Me.TabPages.IndexOf(tp)
If tpIndex >= 0 Then
Dim rect As Rectangle = Me.GetTabRect(tpIndex)
If Me.SelectedTab Is tp Then
btn.BackColor = Color.Red
btn.Size = New Size(CInt(rect.Height / 2), CInt(rect.Height / 2))
btn.Location = New Point(rect.X + rect.Width - rect.Height + 11, CInt(rect.Y + 7))
btn.BackColor = _BaseColour
btn.Size = New Size(CInt(rect.Height / 2), CInt(rect.Height / 2))
btn.Location = New Point(rect.X + rect.Width - rect.Height + 11, CInt(rect.Y + 7))
End If
btn.Visible = ShowCloseButtonOnTabs
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Function CloseButtonOfTabPage(ByVal tp As TabPage) As Button
Return (From item In CloseButtonCollection Where item.Value Is tp Select item.Key).FirstOrDefault
End Function
#End Region
End Class
This code shows a perfect tabcontrol as in the picture below,
I managed to get this code working by combining three other VB themes I found. Right now, I just want to increase the width of the tab so the close button doesn't hides the text. And I want to add a icon to the left of the tab and be able to change it on
The icons name will be on, off, 1, 2, plus .ico 
Is it possible ? and is it possible to make the tabs curved at the corner like in chrome.

 I have went through your TabControl class and changed it around a little bit to get something similar to what i think you want.  I made it so that the Tabs are resized with the TabControl itself so that they always fill the width of the TabControl. 
I also, made the Text of the tabs have its own rectangle which will automatically adjust it`s width according to weather or not the close buttons are shown so the text will never be under the buttons.
 As for the Icons, you could create another small class that inherits from the TabPage base class and add a public property to it for the Icon image.  You would have to use that class to add TabPages and set the Icon property.  Then in the
TabControl class`s OnPaint overrides sub you would check if the Icon property of the TabPage is set and draw the image if it is.
 I didn`t go that far but, i used the TabPage`s Tag property for the Icon image.  Actually it is just an Image, not an Icon.  So, in the TabControl`s OnPaint overrides sub i check if the TabPage`s Tag property is set to an Image and if it
is i adjust the Text rectangle to avoid the Image and draw the image.
 I moved the StringFormat to the OnPaint sub and set it to keep the text left aligned so it stayed next to the Image.  You can change it back to the Center if you want.  I also set the StringFormat trimming to EllipsisCharacter so it will
cut the text off if it is to long to fit between the Image and the Close button.
 You can test it in a new form project first and to check out how it works and what i changed.
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Drawing.Text
Public Class FSMTabControl
Inherits TabControl
#Region "Declarations"
Private _TextColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)
Private _BackTabColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(54, 54, 54)
Private _BaseColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(35, 35, 35)
Private _ActiveColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(47, 47, 47)
Private _BorderColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(30, 30, 30)
Private _UpLineColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 160, 199)
Private _HorizLineColour As Color = Color.FromArgb(23, 119, 151)
#End Region
#Region "Properties"
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property BorderColour() As Color
Return _BorderColour
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Color)
_BorderColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property UpLineColour() As Color
Return _UpLineColour
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Color)
_UpLineColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property HorizontalLineColour() As Color
Return _HorizLineColour
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Color)
_HorizLineColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property TextColour() As Color
Return _TextColour
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Color)
_TextColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property BackTabColour() As Color
Return _BackTabColour
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Color)
_BackTabColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property BaseColour() As Color
Return _BaseColour
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Color)
_BaseColour = value
End Set
End Property
<Category("Colours")> _
Public Property ActiveColour() As Color
Return _ActiveColour
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Color)
_ActiveColour = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub CreateHandle()
Alignment = TabAlignment.Bottom
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Draw Control"
Sub New()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, True)
DoubleBuffered = True
Font = New Font("Segoe UI", 10)
SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
With e.Graphics
.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit
Try : SelectedTab.BackColor = _BackTabColour : Catch : End Try
Try : SelectedTab.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle : Catch : End Try
.DrawRectangle(New Pen(_BorderColour, 2), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height))
If Me.Created AndAlso Me.TabCount > 0 Then
Dim tw As Integer = CInt(Me.ClientSize.Width / Me.TabCount)
Dim offset As Integer = Me.TabCount
If Me.ItemSize.Width <> tw - offset Then Me.ItemSize = New Size(tw - offset, 32)
End If
Using CenterSF As New StringFormat With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter, .FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap}
For i As Integer = 0 To TabCount - 1
Dim Base As Rectangle = Me.GetTabRect(i)
Dim txtrect As New Rectangle(Base.Left, Base.Top, Base.Width, Base.Height)
Dim img As Image = Nothing
If Me.TabPages(i).Tag IsNot Nothing Then
txtrect.X += Base.Height
txtrect.Width -= Base.Height
img = DirectCast(Me.TabPages(i).Tag, Image)
End If
If ShowCloseButtonOnTabs Then
txtrect.Width -= Base.Height
End If
If i = SelectedIndex Then
.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(_BaseColour), Base)
.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(_ActiveColour), New Rectangle(Base.X + 1, Base.Y - 3, Base.Width, Base.Height + 4))
.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, New SolidBrush(_TextColour), txtrect, CenterSF)
.DrawLine(New Pen(_HorizLineColour, 2), New Point(Base.X + 3, CInt(Base.Height / 2 + 2)), New Point(Base.X + 9, CInt(Base.Height / 2 + 2)))
.DrawLine(New Pen(_UpLineColour, 2), New Point(Base.X + 3, Base.Y - 3), New Point(Base.X + 3, Base.Height + 5))
.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, New SolidBrush(_TextColour), txtrect, CenterSF)
End If
If img IsNot Nothing Then
.DrawImage(img, Base.Left + 2, Base.Top + 2, Base.Height - 4, Base.Height - 4)
End If
End Using
.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
End With
End Sub
Private Declare Auto Function SetParent Lib "user32" (ByVal hWndChild As IntPtr, ByVal hWndNewParent As IntPtr) As IntPtr
Protected CloseButtonCollection As New Dictionary(Of Button, TabPage)
Private _ShowCloseButtonOnTabs As Boolean = True
<Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Behavior"), Description("Indicates whether a close button should be shown on each TabPage")> _
Public Property ShowCloseButtonOnTabs() As Boolean
Return _ShowCloseButtonOnTabs
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
_ShowCloseButtonOnTabs = value
For Each btn As Button In CloseButtonCollection.Keys
btn.Visible = _ShowCloseButtonOnTabs
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateControl()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnControlAdded(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ControlEventArgs)
Dim tp As TabPage = DirectCast(e.Control, TabPage)
Dim rect As Rectangle = Me.GetTabRect(Me.TabPages.IndexOf(tp))
Dim btn As Button = AddCloseButton(tp)
btn.Size = New Size(CInt(rect.Height / 2), CInt(rect.Height / 2))
btn.Location = New Point(rect.X + rect.Width - rect.Height + 11, CInt(rect.Y + 7))
SetParent(btn.Handle, Me.Handle)
AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf OnCloseButtonClick
CloseButtonCollection.Add(btn, tp)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnControlRemoved(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ControlEventArgs)
Dim btn As Button = CloseButtonOfTabPage(DirectCast(e.Control, TabPage))
RemoveHandler btn.Click, AddressOf OnCloseButtonClick
SetParent(btn.Handle, Nothing)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnLayout(ByVal levent As System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs)
End Sub
Public Event CloseButtonClick As CancelEventHandler
Protected Overridable Sub OnCloseButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not DesignMode Then
Dim btn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
Dim tp As TabPage = CloseButtonCollection(btn)
Dim ee As New CancelEventArgs
RaiseEvent CloseButtonClick(sender, ee)
If Not ee.Cancel Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overridable Function AddCloseButton(ByVal tp As TabPage) As Button
Dim closeButton As New Button
With closeButton
'' TODO: Give a good visual appearance to the Close button, maybe by assigning images etc.
'' Here I have not used images to keep things simple.
.Text = "X"
.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat
.BackColor = _BaseColour
.ForeColor = Color.White
.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 6, FontStyle.Bold)
End With
Return closeButton
End Function
Public Sub RePositionCloseButtons()
For Each item As KeyValuePair(Of Button, TabPage) In CloseButtonCollection
End Sub
Public Sub RePositionCloseButtons(ByVal tp As TabPage)
Dim btn As Button = CloseButtonOfTabPage(tp)
If btn IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tpIndex As Integer = Me.TabPages.IndexOf(tp)
If tpIndex >= 0 Then
Dim rect As Rectangle = Me.GetTabRect(tpIndex)
If Me.SelectedTab Is tp Then
btn.BackColor = Color.Red
btn.Size = New Size(CInt(rect.Height / 2), CInt(rect.Height / 2))
btn.Location = New Point(rect.Right - rect.Height + 11, CInt(rect.Y + 7))
btn.BackColor = _BaseColour
btn.Size = New Size(CInt(rect.Height / 2), CInt(rect.Height / 2))
btn.Location = New Point(rect.Right - rect.Height + 11, CInt(rect.Y + 7))
End If
btn.Visible = ShowCloseButtonOnTabs
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Function CloseButtonOfTabPage(ByVal tp As TabPage) As Button
Return (From item In CloseButtonCollection Where item.Value Is tp Select item.Key).FirstOrDefault
End Function
#End Region
End Class
 In the Form`s code you can set the images for the TabPage icons like this.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.TabPage1.Tag = Image.FromFile("C:\testfolder\img1.png")
Me.TabPage2.Tag = Image.FromFile("C:\testfolder\img2.png")
End Sub
End Class
 Here is an example of what it looks like.
If you say it can`t be done then i`ll try it
Thanks :)) I tried you code and it works perfectly.
Though i don't want the tabs have their width's by the size of form, so i fixed a width,
If Me.Created AndAlso Me.TabCount > 0 Then
'Dim tw As Integer = CInt(Me.ClientSize.Width / Me.TabCount)
'Dim offset As Integer = Me.TabCount
'If Me.ItemSize.Width <> tw - offset Then Me.ItemSize = New Size(tw - offset, 32)
Me.ItemSize = New Size(200, 32)
End If
Here is the screenshot,
I just don't know why the arrows (left and right) aren't full. here is a gif,
Why is that :O Should I paint the arrows as well ?

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    Hello Ritugor,
    I would be concerned too if my iPhone was not powering on.  I found an article with steps you can take when you encounter an issue like this.  I recommend following the steps below:
    Will not turn on, will not turn on unless connected to power, or unexpected power off
    Verify that the Sleep/Wake button functions. If it does not function, inspect it for signs of damage. If the button is damaged or is not functioning when pressed, seek service.
    Check if a Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) is activated or there are signs of corrosion. Learn about LCIsand corrosion.
    Connect the iPhone to the iPhone's USB power adapter and let it charge for at least ten minutes.
    After at least 30 minutes, if:
    The home screen appears: The iPhone should be working. Update to the latest version of iOS if necessary. Continue charging it until it is completely charged and you see this battery icon in the upper-right corner of the screen . Then unplug the phone from power. If it immediately turns off, seek service.
    The low-battery image appears, even after the phone has charged for at least 20 minutes: See "iPhone displays the low-battery image and is unresponsive" symptom in this article.
    Something other than the Home screen or Low Battery image appears, continue with this article for further troubleshooting steps.
    If the iPhone did not turn on, reset it while connected to the iPhone USB power adapter.
    If the display turns on, go to step 4.
    If the display remains black, go to next step.
    Connect the iPhone to a computer and open iTunes. If iTunes recognizes the iPhone and indicates that it is in recovery mode, attempt to restore the iPhone. If the iPhone doesn't appear in iTunes or if you have difficulties in restoring the iPhone, see this article for further assistance.
    If restoring the iPhone resolved the issue, go to step 4. If restoring the iPhone did not solve the issue, seek service.
    You can find the full article here:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • HT1338 i lost my iphone and my macbook pro does not show the icloud in system pref. What do i do? how do i download icloud?

    I lost my iphone and my macbook pro does not show the icloud in system pref. how do i get icloud on my mac?

    iCloud is only available in Lion, 10.7. You will have to upgrade to Lion in order to get into iCloud. If you transfered a .mac or .me address to iCloud through mobile me, or you have another device iCloud enabled, then you can log into the website.

  • Ive changed my apple id. in my iPad and iPhone under iTunes it's showing the new id but under iCloud still shows old I'd. I have been told to delete account and add in new one but worried in case lose all my stuff that's already saved in iCloud. any idea?

    Ive changed my apple id. in my iPad and iPhone under iTunes it's showing the new id but under iCloud still shows old I'd. I have been told to delete account and add in new one but worried in case lose all my stuff that's already saved in iCloud. any idea?

    If all you did was rename your ID, you can go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, choose Delete from My iPhone when prompted, then sign back in with your renamed ID.  Deleting the account only deletes the account and any data you are syncing with iCloud from your phone, not from iCloud.  Provided you are signing back into the same account and not changing accounts, your data will be synced back to your phone when you sign back in.
    If, however, you are changing to a new account with a new ID, choose Keep on My iPhone when prompted.  Then choose Merge when you sign into the new account and turn your iCloud syncing back on to upload your data to the new account.
    Before deleting the account, save you photo stream photos to your camera roll (tap Edit, tap all the photos, tap Share, tap Save to Camera Roll).

  • About a month ago a song randomly appeared in my songs list and when I tried swiping to the left to delete the song it wouldn't slide over to show the delete button. The delete slide appears with all of my other songs except that one. P.S. iCloud is off.

    About a month ago a song randomly appeared in my songs list and when I tried swiping to the left to delete the song it wouldn't slide over to show the delete button. The delete slide appears with all of my other songs except that one. The ICloud songs are turned off and it wasn't iTunes Radio. 2 more songs like this have appeared and I can't delete them from both my iPhone or my computer (they don't even show up on my computer). If somebody knows how to fix this that would be amazing! Thank You.

    Have you:
    - Restore from backup. See:                                                
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
      - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.            
    If a PC
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

  • HT4623 iOS 6.1 no longer available because you are no longer connected to the internet- this is what my iphone 4 shows. iv tried switching off again and again, closing apps by double tapping the home button but still not working. please help.

    this is what my iphone 4 shows. iv tried switching off again and again, closing apps by double tapping the home button but still not working. please help.
    is there any other method to download ios 6.1.2.
    my phone is not being recognized by itunes on my new windows 8. neither its working on touch copy.
    kindly help.

    well in thatcase, i need another help .
    thanks for your instant reply.
    i have currently bought a new laptop (windows 8) and my iphone is not being recognized by itunes.
    because i have no backup on my previous laptop, i downloaded touchcopy but even touch copy is not recognizing my iphone.

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