Address Book...LINKS between Contacts Entries

I'm not sure if this is a question or a suggestion, but I'd sure like to link contact names together and then leap from from one entry to another .
There's an entry field for "related names." Is there a way link those names to their own
entry cards?


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    I talked to Apple today and here is how you create multiple contacts at one address, company etc. without having to reenter everything.
    1) In Address Book, highlight a contact in the name list
    2) Go to the Edit Menu & COPY
    3) Go back to the Edit Menu & PASTE
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    Google uses Google Sync to synchronize your contacts with your iOS and OS X. But this, from Jan 30, 2013, is only available to the paid versions of Google Apps (read more on
    You can continue to sync on both iOS and OS X using the CardDAV protocol, which, IMHO, is even better.
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    Google uses Google Sync to synchronize your contacts with your iOS and OS X. But this, from Jan 30, 2013, is only available to the paid versions of Google Apps (read more on
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    If you are using Outlook 2011, make sure you have the latest service pack and update.
    Make sure your Mac Book and all devices have the latest update.
    If the Calendar on the Mac Book is correct go to step 3
    Assuming Mac Book Calendar is correct, remove accounts from iPhone, iPad.
    Reconnect account to iPhone, iPad account.
    All calendars should now be in sync.
    There are times when the Mail, Calendar, Contact application has been corrupted (Outlook 2011, Mac Mail, Entourage, etc).  This will cause all kinda of issues on your devices.  You have to repair the mail client first.  In the case of Outlook you can delete the profile and recreate it.  In Mac Mail you can rebuild (from Tools on the menu bar)

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    Same problem with information written under "Comments".
    Very annoying with long phone numbers and comments with two or more paragraphs.
    Could you help me? I would appreciate it. Thanks!

    NB: the console.log file shows the following on a number of lines:
    2006-01-29 08:35:51.307 iTunes[564] CFLog (0):
    CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): plist parse failed; the data is not proper UTF-8. The file name for this data could be:
    /Users/mydisk/Library/Application Support/SyncServices/Local/clientdata/
    0063006f006d002e006100700070006c0065002e006900730079006e006300440055002e00690070 006f0064002e0041003200370030003000300032003800320043003200310034/recordids.synci dmap

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    Any suggestions? Have tried Onyx to maintain different operations, but no luck.
    Thanks, Speedy

    It's Apple's viral marketing at work, and you're the (un)lucky one chosen to spread the word!
    Have you tried disabling the sync in Entourage for a while, and deleting the extraneous entries in its address book? If while the sync is disabled you're not getting replicating entries in Entourage but still doing so in Address Book, you've at least knocked out one half of the equation.
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    Any one else have any ideas?

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