ADF : show / hide an inputText

Suppose I have a buton and an inputText, I would like that when I click my buton
- inputText become visible
- buton become disabled
suppose this start code :
<af:commandButon text="showMyText" action="myBean.myMethod"/>
<af:inputText value="my temporary secretText" visible="false"/>How can I make it ? with partial triggers ?

Partial triggers would be a good way, yes.
Put an ID on the af:commandButton; also set its partialSubmit property to "true"
In the af:inputText, set the partialTriggers property to the ID of the af:commandButton.
In myBean.myMethod, change the visible/enabled properties as you desire. You may also find it easier to do if you bind the af:commandButton and af:inputText to properties in your backing bean (hint: the "bindings" property).

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  • How to make a layer from the ADF pivot table invisible , show-hide column-row-data

    Hello all ,
    I need to create a pivottable with ADF 12c for reporting purposes.
    I have a table or view with 10 items of type VARCHAR2 , C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10  and   10 items of type NUMBER N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10
    The items of type VARCHAR2 are for Column and Row areas and the items NUMBER are for Data Areas
    I want to create a jsf page with one empty pivottable and in code Show or Hide the items in the Column area , Row area , Data area
    Con you send me a small sample ?
    I test with this code that i find in oracle OTN but not work.
    <dvt:pivotTable id="pt2" value="#{bindings.WebPivotDataView1.pivotTableModel}" var="cellData"
    varStatus="cellStatus" splitMode="enabled"
    <af:switcher facetName="#{cellData.layerName}" defaultFacet="Default" id="s1">
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    <f:facet name="C01">
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    <f:facet name="Default">
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    <f:facet name="Default">
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    DCBindingContainer bindingContainer = (DCBindingContainer)ADFContext.getCurrent().getRequestScope().get("bindings");
    CubicBinding cubicBinding = (CubicBinding)bindingContainer.findCtrlBinding("WebPivotDataView1");
    CubicEditor cubicEditor = cubicBinding.getCubicEditor();
    cubicEditor.removeLayer(DataDirector.ROW_EDGE, 0); //remove 1st row edge
    cubicEditor.removeLayer(DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, 0); // remove 1st column edge
    CubicDefinition def;
    def = cubicBinding.getProjection();
    LayerDefinition layerDefinition = new LayerDefinition("C3");
    cubicEditor.addLayer(DataDirector.ROW_EDGE, 0, layerDefinition);    
    LayerDefinition layerDefinition2 = new LayerDefinition("C4");
    cubicEditor.addLayer(DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, 0, layerDefinition2);
    DataItemDefinition def3 = new DataItemDefinition("N1");
    Can you help me if is possible to create a pivottable binding to a one ViewObject and in code show/hide or compose the layout of the pivottable ??
    I search in google and OTN oracle and not find any code.
    Only find the code of the samples that is very complex for me , the code of the samples create the PivotTableModel from one Array , and i want to binding from one ADB BC ViewObject.
    Thanks in advance

    The solution I presented for your use case an DOAG 2013 was to create a pivot table binding out of user defined attributes from the table. For the defined attributes a VO is dynamically created as well as the pivot binding. The pivot binding is then exchanged at runtime together with the activation of the dynamic VO needed to only get the data needed for the particularly pivot table.
    Your solution using the CubicEditor is hard to implement due to the missing documentation. This was the reason I did not follow this approach, However it's not impossible (done it on a very small scale).
    None of the solution are what I call simple. They are complicated, complex and in part not supported solution (exchanging the pivot table binding at runtime need to use internal classes, which is not supported).
    I can't give you a working sample as it's too complex. I can make the slides available, however they are in German.

  • Show/Hide Command button in ADF

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    <af:panelGroup partialTriggers="DestRulesSelectionId">
    <af:commandButton text="..."
    <af:tableSelectOne text="Select and" autoSubmit="true"

    Hi Didier,
    But I have also developed the same example and it is working, without putting the command button under any parent component.
    Page defination is
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0"
      <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
                  doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
      < contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
        <afh:html binding="#{backing_ShowHide.html1}" id="html1">
          <afh:head title="ShowHide" binding="#{backing_ShowHide.head1}" id="head1">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
                  content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
          <afh:body binding="#{backing_ShowHide.body1}" id="body1">
            <h:form binding="#{backing_ShowHide.form1}" id="form1">
              <af:panelPage title="Show Hide" binding="#{backing_ShowHide.panelPage1}"
                            id="panelPage1" partialTriggers="selectOneRadio1">
                <f:facet name="menu1"/>
                <f:facet name="menuGlobal"/>
                <f:facet name="branding"/>
                <f:facet name="brandingApp"/>
                <f:facet name="appCopyright"/>
                <f:facet name="appPrivacy"/>
                <f:facet name="appAbout"/>
                <af:selectOneRadio label="Select "
                  <af:selectItem label="One" value="one"
                  <af:selectItem label="Two" value="two"
                <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1"
                                  rendered="#{backing_ShowHide.radioBtnValue =='one'}"/>
    </jsp:root> ~Vikram
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • Show/Hide JSF field based on SelectOnceChoice using Model Driven List

    Hello All,
    I have a use case where I want to show or hide fields based on values populated in SelectOneChoice. I have View master and View Lookup, master has a field named product which displayed selectiononechoice of product name built using lookup view as accessor. I am storing id of lookup type inside product column. Based on a product name say "abc" I want to hide subsequent fields. Can anyone please tell me how to implement this?
    I am using ADF 11g version 11.1.2.

    If I understand you correctly, you are trying to show/hide subsequent fields based on the value selected from a selectonechoice?
    Did you try using partial triggers and EL for setting the rendered attribute on subsequent fields and setting autosubmit to true on selectonechoice?

  • Issue with page processing - confirmation message & show /hide a button..

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    The issue number 1 is that I see the confirmation message (that tasks have been closed) every time I reload the page (the same when I click Select_event button).. not only after I press on that Close_task button..
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    I feel like I am missing something very important about how to synchronize different events(buttons clicks), processes..
    Thank you!

    This forum is magic..
    As soon as write here, I find the answer!
    Issue 1: I fixed it by specifying this: When Button Pressed (Process After Submit When this Button is Pressed) and my button. I miseed this 1st time.
    Issue 2: I moved the button after the report.. and now it's working just fine!
    I did this about it for some time before asking the question here.. but I just had to write here and got the right answer ;)
    Have a nice day!

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    This just started in last week after 6 months of use.  The right shift key and other keys on the keyboard all appear to work correctly.
    Suggestions greatly appreciated.

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    Hope that this is of use to someone else in the future.

  • How do you allow firefox to toggle show/hide menus

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    Such a hide/show action is usually done via a JavaScript onclick event.
    If you get a new tab or window then this would suggest that the onclick isn't working and that the href is used and opens the new tab.
    You could check via the right-click context menu in the Inspector if there is an 'ev' button appended to this link (button).
    You can try these steps in case of issues with web pages:
    You can reload web page(s) and bypass the cache to refresh possibly outdated or corrupted files.
    *Hold down the Shift key and left-click the Reload button
    *Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    *Press "Command + Shift + R" (Mac)
    Clear the cache and remove cookies only from websites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy > "Use custom settings for history" > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem.
    *Switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window

  • Show/Hide conditional text at a book level

    I am using TCS2 on Windows XP.
    FM 9.0 p250
    I have several files as part of a large FM book. Each file has the same text conditional tags. Can I, at a book level, set my conditions to show/hide, etc. and then update the book? So far, I only know how to open each file, set the SHOW/HIDE CONDITIONAL TEXT as I need it (not to show conditiona indicators and according to my built expression) and then save and close each file.
    Is there a way to do all my files at once? Note- I want them all set the same way... so that might make it easier..

    adrianaharper wrote:
    I am using TCS2 on Windows XP.
    FM 9.0 p250
    I have several files as part of a large FM book. Each file has the same text conditional tags. Can I, at a book level, set my conditions to show/hide, etc. and then update the book? So far, I only know how to open each file, set the SHOW/HIDE CONDITIONAL TEXT as I need it (not to show conditiona indicators and according to my built expression) and then save and close each file.
    Is there a way to do all my files at once? Note- I want them all set the same way... so that might make it easier..
    I don't have FrameMaker available right now, so I'm working from memory, using the traditional FrameMaker menus, rather than the FM 9 tools.
    Select all the files in the book window. With the book window active, open the View menu and look for Conditional Text. Your settings here apply to all selected files in the book window, so it's possible to set conditions on all or some files files. Ctrl+Click to select non-contiguous files; Shift+Click to select a range of contiguous files.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • In Address Book, any way to Show/Hide groups from view in the "ALL" view?

    I have groups of contacts in Address Book (v4.0.4) that I plan to use in the future, but right now having to wade through and past all of their individual entries when I am scanning my contact list in the "All" group view. Is there any way to Show/Hide these sub-groups with a visibility check-box? The sub-group name would still be there in the group list (to remind me that it exists and make it visible if desired), but I would have a lot less clutter and scrolling the rest of the time.
    I know I can export groups in vCard format and re-import later, but a lot of my original custom fields for the contacts are lost in the process. Is there a 3rd-party plug-in? (Apple, are you working on something like this?)

    Hi Mike, My Address Book app is behaving correctly (maybe I'm not).
    I'm just saying there are times when I want to see "most" of my total collection of contacts, maybe just for the purpose of creating new groups at particular time and want to see at one time the pool of contacts I have to choose from. There are groups that I very seldom need to use, so it would be a way of putting those groups (and their contacts) into "cold storage."
    I also may want to do searches from among most of my contacts, but also I may want to eliminate certain other particular groups from that search pool. That is the reason for wanting to do the "Show/Hide" thing. It is a way of displaying a logical "ALL" minus "SOME", which is the basically same thing as displaying the logical "UNION" of more than one group of contacts at one time. Can this be done?
    Is there a way to open alternate address books, from within the same Address Book app (and logged in as the same user)? That would allow me to truly isolate my work list from my home list.
    One answer to this occurs to me: I could create different log-ins on my PowerBook, and build the different variants of the Address Book I might want into each login and use Fast User Switching to get into each list of contacts. That seems like a lot of extra work . . . and logging in. Any suggestions?

  • Dynamically show/hide pages in a workset for special users at runtime

    Hi all,
    I want to create a workset that contains pages for different countries. The portal users should only be able to see the countries where they do business. I also would like masterdata from R/3 to drive the display of content on the portal.
    - Is there a way how I could dynamically show/hide certain pages of the workset for the specific users?
    - Would this showing/hiding of pages affect the workset for all users or only the instance for the specific user?
    - Would there be a difference when I want to dynamically show/hide iviews in a page instead of showing/hiding pages in a workset?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Hi Timo,
    Check out the article located at: role and workset content.htm
    It talks to exactly what you're trying to do.  I'd imagine you could extend this simplistic example to have the service pull the users country from his/her master record in R/3 and set their filtering expression accordingly.
    Hope this helps,

  • Robo v9 Show/Hide without Twisties - One button no longer working

    Hey there, as stated I am using Robo v9 with Show/Hide without Twisties (One button) with javascipts.  We have most of our images using DHTML drop-downs and when folks click on "Show All Images" on the page, the GIF changes to "Hide All Images" and all drop-downs (our images) and expanding text are diaplayed.
    It had been working all the time, but now it only works when I right click the topic in the TOC and choose "Edit Topic", then while in the Edit Window (Display view), when I do a View (Ctrl-W) and it displays the page within RoboHelp..I can click the "Show All Images" and it works like it always had.  BUT, if that page is not in the Edit Window, and I right click "Preview Topic", the click "Show All Images" (or on the DHTML dropdown itself) it will NOT show the images, *but the GIF image does properly toggle to "Hide All Images" (and if I do again, then it properly toggles to the "Show All Images" GIF, if I do it again), but now NO images are getting displayed for some reason.  It also NEVER works properly when I publish to our website (even when clicking the DHTML dropdown itself), but the GIF images toggle properly.
    If I right click and choose "Preview Topic" and click "View With" and use Internet Explorer 8 it still never works anymore, unless the topic is in the Edit Window (Display View), so I know the issue is not on the server.  It stops working after I do a generate and run on my pc.  Also when I view it IE8 within Robo (and Allow the Blocked Content to run the scripts), many instances of the same error is shown as:
    Message: Access is denied. 
    Line: 2646
    Char: 3
    Code: 0
    URI: file:///D:/Users/_RBH9_TPO-Generate/v9-testing/ehlpdhtm.js
    ...but I *do* have access to the folder system, but in checking the coding of the ehlpdhtm.js, that area show, where I believe line 2646, character 3 starts at the "values = getAttribute(element, prop );" line below...but maybe something does not exist:
      //End HTML code invoked function
    function InitEffect( element, prop )
    var values = null;
    if( getAttribute(element,prop)) 
      values = getAttribute(element, prop );
    else if( getAttribute( element, "currentStyle" )  && element.currentStyle.getAttribute)
      values = element.currentStyle.getAttribute( prop );
    else  if (
      values = prop );
    if( !values )
    var functions = new Array();
    I have a much older backup when restored, it all works properly again in all cases, but I have done so much work since then that I think would need to be manually redone.  I have played with keeping those some javascipts alone (in case I changed something) and updated the rest of the data files I had added, deleted the .CPD file, but it somehow stops working again, probably with some updated file.  I am not sure what specific files could be causing the negative impact that is preventing it from working.  Maybe if I knew what files could impact, I couldrestore those from my old backup.  The newer backups when restored do not work properly, so there was a point in time where something changed and is causing this.
    All prior versions of RoboHelp (v7 and v8) have always worked and still do.  I am using v9.0.1.262, as the latest version has not yet been allowed on our pcs (per security), but since my earlier backup works, I thought it may not be the issue, but wanted to tell you anyway.  ;->
    Any ideas on how I should proceed?  What files may have impact to cause it not to work anymore?  The showhide.js is the only .js to show up as a baggage file.  Also, the DHTML line does exits in each html page's code, as we are still using Robo v7 as the production software and the Show/Hide always works, and I copy them into the respective Robo v9 folders (and if new, then I copy them, then import them), otherwise the newer v7 updated pages are copied over the older v9 html files while RoboHelp is closed.
    Thanks in advance for any info you can provide!

    I may have figured out what to fix to get v9 back to working on the Show/Hide button, but not the "why?" .
    It looks to all be dealing with the Robo automatic html coding of where to locate the .js file(s) is a quick overview of this issue and what I did.  When I view the non-working pages within Internet Explorer 8 within Robo (and Allow the Blocked Content to run the scripts), I saw many instances of the same error is shown as this in the log, which implied since I *do* have access rights, maybe the file was just not being found.
    Message: Access is denied.
    Line: 2646
    Char: 3
    Code: 0
    URI: file:///D:/Users/_RBH9_TPO-Generate/v9-testing/ehlpdhtm.js
    OK, here are my findings.  EXAMPLE #1 and EXAMPLE #2 below are excerpts of the same file.  EXAMPLE #1 is from Robo v7 and is copied to the v9 folder after it was updated so our soon to be "production" webhelp will be from Robo v9 (instead of making the same manual updates in Robo v9 as in Robo v7, I copy the updated the .html file to the Robo v9 file system).  Note the direction of the directory slashes of the java scripts listed below, as they are all DOS type slashes (back slashes), EXCEPT for ehlpdhtm.js as it is the ONLY one using UNIX (forward) slashes.
    EXAMPLE #1 (from Robo v7)
    <link rel="StyleSheet" href="..\..\sty-std-topic.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" language=JavaScript x-save-method=compute-relative
    <robohelp><script type="text/javascript" language=JavaScript1.2 src="../../ehlpdhtm.js"
    <script type="text/javascript" language=JavaScript1.2>
    if( typeof( InitEffects ) != 'function' ) InitEffects = new Function();if( typeof( InitTrigger ) != 'function' ) InitTrigger = new Function();if( typeof( FilePopupInit ) != 'function' ) FilePopupInit = new Function();if( typeof( TextPopupInit ) != 'function' ) TextPopupInit = new Function();
    EXAMPLE #2(from Robo v9)
    This is from the restored backup of the Robo v9 files that always work when I restore them, and note they are ALL UNIX (forward) slashes.  These backup files were generated from Importing/Upgrading a copy of the Robo v7 files into Robo v9.
    <title>[Endpoint Protection] Symantec Overview</title>
    <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../sty-std-topic.css" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="../../showhide.js">
    <?rh-script_start ?><script src="../../ehlpdhtm.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
    </script><?rh-script_end ?>
    Additional info: The following is from another file from the Robo v9 backup files that always WORK and once again they are ALL UNIX (forward) slashes. 
    <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../sty-std-topic.css" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="../../showhide.js">
    <?rh-script_start ?><script src="../../ehlpdhtm.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
    </script><?rh-script_end ?>
    BUT since all .js files are referenced in EXAMPLE #1 have DOS slashes (back slashes), EXCEPT for the ehlpdhtm.js, I decided to change the line in ehlpdhtm.js FROM src="../../ehlpdhtm.js" TO src="..\..\ehlpdhtm.js" and IT (this one page) BEGAN WORKING AGAIN after I published.  So having all DOS back slashes DOES work in Robo v9!!!!  BUT it appears that Robo v9 only generates new pages using UNIX (forward) slashes in ALL coding.  I've read about issues like this occurring with the FireFox browser, but we only use IE8, and have not read anything like this related to IE8 issues. 
    So if all UNIX forward slashes and all DOS back slashes can work in Robo v9 in finding and using ehlpdhtm.js, (the Show/Hide buttons function properly) why is this problem existing in Robo v9 when there are mixed "slashes" (using forward and backward)?  ...and the mixed slashes ALWAYS works in Robo v7!  They do not have to all be in the same direction in Robo v7 as it appears to have to be in the newer/more advanced Robo v9.  Why does it matter that all slashes need to be all the same direction, if Robo v9 CAN actually read and figure out the DOS back slashes (formatted by Robo v7 creation) and actually generates UNIX forward slashes for the .js files in new Robo v9 output within the .html?
    More importantly will I have to always do a Global search and replace in Robo v9 to change the direction of the "back slashes" when I copy updated Robo v7 .html files into the Robo v9 folders (instead of manually reworking each change), while in transition from v7 to v9?
    Thanks in advance any information, recommendations, and feedback as your time is greatly appreciated!

  • With a PDF Dynamic form using show/hide actions, how to ensure that when the completed form is saved, closed and re-opened, the form still show the fields as before it was closed?

    With a PDF Dynamic form using show/hide actions, how to ensure that when the completed form is saved, closed and re-opened, the form still show the fields as before it was closed?
    I have developed a form with fields hidden by default, that become visible based on box ticked or radio button selections.
    My problem is that, when I close the form and re-open it, it comes back to it's default presentation, regardless of the information already recorded in the form (including in the now hidden fields.
    How to correct that
    Thanks in advance for any hint you can provide.

    I've had the same problem. This solved it...
    Go to the "Form properties..." in the File-menu. Select "Run-time" to the left and in the box "Scripting" Preserve scripting changes to form when saved: choose Automatically (Script-based state changes are saved locally in an insecure fashion. This option cannot be used for certified forms).
    Hope it works for you to...

  • Can we show / hide the minor grid in a graph programatically?

    I know how to do it statically and I know how to show / hide the major grid programatically. I am using labview 6.0.

    This feature is not available in LabVIEW 6.0.x, but there is a minor grid color property in LabVIEW 6.1. If you really need this property, then I would suggest upgrading to LabVIEW 6.1.
    Randy Hoskin
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Can't get show/hide subform to work.

    Although I've done my best to show/hide a subform through a radio-button in Livecycle, I can't get it to work.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Please see:

    You have created the object on Master page that causing the issue also missed the 'presence' after object name. I redesign the form but not on master Page and apply the below script and its working
    Click event of 'Nee' radio button
    if(this.rawValue == 1)
    Click event of 'Ja' radio button
    if(this.rawValue == 1)
    For more info refer the below screenshot.

  • Making links that show/hide layers?

    Hi all,
    I created an InDesign cs4 file which is pretty much a guide for users of my liveCicle form. I have a bunch of layers in the file.
    I'm trying to make links associated with images that are in its own layers. So when i export the file to pdf and hit certain link, layer associated with that link shows up. I tryed to do this in acrobat 9 pro. I created links, but the problem is that links in non visible layers work behind the scene when i hover over.
    Is there a way to set layer visability in inDesign CS4?
    Thanks in advance

    No you can´t toggle layer visibility with buttons made in indesign. You have to finish it in Acrobat....
    Only way to make something appear or disappear in ID is to use show/hide buttons action...
    You can convert those images you want to show&hide to buttons. Then you can create another buttons to show or hide them.
    If you export as PDF, default state of a button can be hidden...

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  • Problème avec la 3D sur photoshop CC

    Bonjour tout le monde ! Je n'en peux plus ! J'ai beau tout vérifier, je n'arrive pas à employer la 3D dans la version photoshop CC que je viens tout juste d'installer (version évaluation). Ce message est apparu lorsque je me suis connecté  pour la pr

  • Http responce codes in java

    hi everybody i use method .openstrem from URL class to save web pages and file to my HD , by java application i want to know how can i know some information about web page or file on the web before save it on my HD such as size ,last modified , and i