Adjust qty of trackable sfc

We are trying to increase the qty of a trackable sfc which has status done. Maintain Inventory does not allow it. It returns:
Qty on hand cannot be greater than receive qty (Message 17315)
Neither does SFC quantity adjustment. It retuns:
SFC Quantity Adjustment is not possible; SFC status Done (Message 13882)
Changing the status to in q, can be done with sfc step status, but after that we get a system error when we try to adjust the qty.
An internal error occurred; contact technical support
Any suggestions?
Hans Freund

Hi Hans,
Both messages are quite expectable for your scenario but internal error is definitely not good.
If you can increase Qty after putting SFC back in queue at an operation but for regular SFC (not trackable), then it can be either a bug or design gap.
Thus I would say that this investigation will definitely require support ticket.

Similar Messages

  • Is it possible to set BOM's Assy Qty to zero

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement that a consumed material is cannot defined how many qty would be consumed.
    For example, a SFC will consume a component material (like Ink). User will mount a bottle of ink onto a machine when the ink is empty. In other words, they cannot define how many consumed qty of each SFC, just replace with a new Ink when the ink is empty.
    I would like to ask is it possible to record a SFC assemble which Ink inventory_id and don't care consumed qty? I have tried to set Assy Qty to zero, but SAP ME does not allowed.

    SAP has never recognized this legitimate need in BOMs.  There are multiple reasons why they should allow quantity zero:
    Reasons Why You Need Qty 0 in BOMs
    1.      A/R Materials (As Required):  Lubricants or Adhesives required to build a product are not rationed out by the drop, or by the bottle, but left to the assembler to determine the appropriate quantity based on SOE instructions.  On the drawings, Engineers will call out A/R (as required) in the qty box.
    2.     Variable qty items:  Shims or trimmer balance weights are issued as one each, but cannot be determined until the assembly of the product occurs.  As appropriate, differing quantities are issued to the product to fit the need for the specific machine being built.
    3.     REF Materials.  Quite often, assembly drawings will need to show the mating interface with other parts of the machine which are not actually part of the assembly.  In this case, we would show the interface as u201CREFu201D on one assembly, but as quantity u201C1u201D on another assembly.
    4.     Tooling:  Tooling needs to be tracked and linked to the assemblies that it is used on.  But it does not get consumed on a one-for-one basis with the assembly.  So we want to use SAP where-used capability by linking each tool within each BOM where it is relevant, but show the quantity as u201C0u201D.  On the drawing tooling is called out as REF.
    5.     Must Choose Optional Choices:  On u201Cassemble-to-orderu201D products, one of several different choices may be needed for various parts of the machine configuration.  These u201Cmust chooseu201D options are items where the machine will not be functional without one of the available choices (such as three choices of tires on a car.  The way these options are handled on the drawings is by showing them with Alpha characters in the quantity field where you u201Cmust chooseu201D one of the u201CAu201D items, one of the u201CBu201D items, and one of the u201CCu201D items to have a fully configured, workable machine.  On the BOMs, we call out all the choices as qty 0, with a note to refer to the customer sales order for which choice has been made.
    6.     May Choose Optional Choices:   On u201Cassemble-to-orderu201D products, in the case where an option is a u201Cmay chooseu201D option you may either order or the option or not; the machine will operate fine either way.  In this case the option would show on the drawing with an u201C*u201D in the quantity field and on the SAP BOM, you would call out quantity u201C0u201D with a note to refer to the customer sales order for which choice has been made.
    7.     Acceptable Substitute Items:  In some cases two interchangeable part numbers may be acceptable to use in the product.  For example, two manufacturers make RF drivers that are fully compatible and work fine in our machine.  But Field Service required the use of two distinct part numbers for reliability tracking, so the drawings allow for either part A or part B to be used.  Depending on the current cost/reliability/availability of the two parts, we will designate one item as quantity u201C1u201D in the SAP BOM and the other item as quantity u201C0u201D.  On the drawing, you call out one item as quantity u201C1u201D and the other as quantity u201C*u201D with a note explaining the ability to substitute one item for the other as desired.
    8.     JIT KIT support:  In order to efficiently procure and build product, we may create documents that are u201Csetsu201D of material that can be procured on a single PO.  So we end up with one set of drawings depicting way the machine is built and resides in the field for the next X years, and another group of drawings defining sets of material in special packaging aiding in efficient build of the product.  On both groups of drawings the quantity would be u201C1u201D (or whatever qty is needed on the machine) but in the SAP BOMs, only the JITKIT BOM would have a quantity >0.  The manufacturing BOMs would call out the u201Csetu201D as qty 1 but all the individual pieces of the set would be called out as qty u201C0u201D.  In that way when you look at the where-use of a component in one of the sets, you would be able to determine what assembly drawings the item appears on, and also which drawing is the u201Cactiveu201D driver of the material.
    9.     Request to move certain items to later in the build process:  Assembly drawings usually show the assembly in the finished state, as the assembly will look out in the field being used by the customer.  But internally in the factory we often desire the assembly to be built to an unfinished level with some pieces missing to allow for easier testing of the full product.  Or we may choose not to put the final cosmetic touches on a machine until close to the shipping point in order to avoid scratching or denting of exterior surfaces.  For example, a modulator assembly will be built with recyclable in-house panels and only have the finished panels swapped out for the recyclable tooling panels at the clean, pack, and ship operation.  Other assemblies will have access panels omitted altogether to allow for easy access for machine tuning in final test.  These missing panels would be added at clean, pack, and ship.  So in the SAP BOMs, we change the quantity from u201C1u201D to u201C0u201D in the assembly BOM, and create separate BOMs showing quantity u201C1u201D with the clean, pack, and ship items that complete the assembly built days or weeks earlier.
    We have more than 25,000 occurrences of these types of needs for quantity zero in the BOM.  Our work around (until this SAP "bug" is fixed is to assign qty .001, then uncheck the production and costing relevancy within the BOM (Item Status Long Text).

  • Can SFC be created without a Shop order ?

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    We would like to avoid to use inventory receipt function because it would means a different way to handle these particular 'SFCs"
    Any idea if it's possible to achieve this with SAP ME ?

    Thanks guys,
    I did a first test with trackable SFC and it looks to be ok as I was able to create the SFC without any shop order.
    the related material has to be defined as "Trackable Component" and the Activity PR300 has the rule REQUIRE_SHOP_ORDER set to FALSE

  • Record milli-second into Activity Log table

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    [operation sequence]
    [Activity Log displayed]
    We This log will make user confused.
    According to our engineer, all of these 4 actions are recorded with same time stamp like 2011-03-24 10:31:08.000.
    So, I think if there's some option to allow mill-second log into ME database, it will be a solution.
    (I guess, the other log tables like production log, resource_time_log and production_comment are also in similar situation.)
    Best Regards,
    Takahiro Uesugi

    Such changes have already been implemented for some customers to meet requirements of their workload. Not sure about including them into future releases. You need to discuss this with SAP consultants to submit the change for review by Product Management.

  • SDK PAPI CreateTrackableServiceInterface

    I tried to create trackable SFC using the related PAPI through SDK...
    If I look at the request in the famous API javadoc, it looks like this :
    <complexType name="CreateTrackableSfcRequest">
         <extension base="ProductionRequest">
             <element name="ruleSet" type="CreateTrackableRuleSet" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element name="markSfcAsDone" type="boolean"/>
             <element name="requireShopOrder" type="boolean"/>
             <element name="qty" type="Qty"/>
             <element name="itemRef" type="Handle"/>
             <element name="bomRef" type="Handle" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element name="priority" type="Priority" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element name="parentBomRef" type="Handle" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element name="parentComponentRef" type="Handle" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element name="sequence" type="Sequence" minOccurs="0"/>
    So I fill in what seems to be required :
              newSfc.setItemRef(itemBO.toString() + "," + revision);
              try {
    But then I got error message telling me the "event" field is required! What is this "event" field (ok, I can see it's a string, but..)? What should I put there ?

    Hello Olivier,
    It is unfortunate that your experience with PAPI was not positiive.
    Let me try to help.
    The CreateTrackableSfcRequest as well as a lot of other production requests is derived from the ProductionRequest. You might notice that in the javadoc and even in the XSD snippet:
    <complexType name="CreateTrackableSfcRequest">
    <extension base="{}ProductionRequest">
    The ProductionRequest in turn defines extra required fields and unfortunately it is easy to overlook. The event field is one of them.
    The value of field is for example baseRelease:SFC that maps to the ActivityLogConfig.event (ACITIVITY_LOG_CONFIG.EVENT field). It is needed in order to identify what activity log configuration should apply.
    Now when invoking PAPI method you need to make sure that you are properly autheticated (for 6.0 and above authenticated through UME and for 5.2 authenticated through the ME login module which requires site to be passed in). If you are running in an unsecured context (for example from an unprotected webservice) you can use to pass site/user information at your own risk. This should eliminate the missing site error.
    Hope that helps.

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    How do I write off the value and quantity for the stocks?
    For stock materials we do the physical inventory - entering count adjust qty and posting adjust vale . But how can I adjust for value only articles?

    That will be easy for you to post MI10 document .This will write of the quantity and value of that quantity.
    If you want to change the standard price of the material post a MR21 document.

  • Need urgent Help on Grand Totals

    Hi gurus,
    I have a problem with a crosstab report I'm working on. I have a calculated column based on a pre-summed column. The formula is CASE WHEN material_size_num IN ('97', '93', '92') THEN material_qty_sum*1.5)
    I have created grand totals for the rows and columns. My problem is that the grand total for the column does not have total of all 'grand totals'. My report looks like the following:
    Case statement col1., Case statement col2., Total col1+col2
    (total) (total) (total does not appear).
    I would appreciate any suggestions. I have tried using cell sum, but that has not worked

    Hi Melanie,
    When I use Sum all datapoints the sum for that column doesn't appear. I have to put Sum "adjusted qty" (my calculated column) to show any totals. I'm wondering if it's an issue with the CASE statement I'm using. This problem seems to occur whenever I use a decode or CASE statement. Have you any similar experiences?
    Thanks for your help

  • Handling vendor confirmation differences

    We use vendor confirmation and wants system to automatically adjust the PO qty to the confirmed qty in vendor confirmation (AB). Right now system is creating two entries in MD04 one for confirmed qty and other for unconfirmed qty. We want the second entry to disappear so that MRP creates new procurement proposal when there is a difference on vendor confirmation. Is it possible through standard functionality or should we have make it as manual process on validating confirmations from vendors.
    Even if we make it as a manual process, we want a report to show original ordered qty and adjusted qty ( based on confirmation) . Right now that seems to be not possible.
    Similar requirements are there for ASN too and we want system ( MD04) to reflect always the actual status ( Confirmed qty from vendor ) and rest as new PRs ( so that buyers can find new vendors to fill these mismatches).

    when the goods shipped  from the vendor port , the shipping documents ( invoices , packing list , bill of ladding ,certificate of origin, quality certificate etc )  will be sent   to the customer .
    with reference to the documents we create inbound delivery.( confirmed quantity of material )
    follow like this .
    1. create po with confirmation as inbound delivry ( ie  0003  )
    2. create inbound delivery in VL31N  ( enter quantity , no of packs ,total weight , bill of ladding etc .
    3. do MIGO  with ref to the inbound delivry , excise no  ,excise  date    will be displayed , enter BOE NO and BOE date in therespective fields
    4 post MIGO

  • Handling order acknowledgement differences

    We use  vendor confirmation  and wants system to automatically adjust the PO qty  to the confirmed qty in vendor confirmation  (AB).   Right now system is creating two entries in MD04  one for confirmed qty and other for unconfirmed qty.  We want the second entry to disappear so that MRP creates new procurement proposal  when there is a difference on vendor confirmation.  Is it possible  through standard functionality  or  should we have  make it as manual process on validating confirmations from vendors.
    Even if we make it as a manual process, we want a report to show original ordered qty and  adjusted qty  ( based on confirmation) . Right now that seems to be not possible.
    Similar requirements are there for ASN too  and we want system ( MD04) to reflect always the actual status  ( Confirmed qty from vendor ) and rest as new PRs ( so that buyers can find new vendors to fill these mismatches).

    Problem solved....
    The info record was taking precedence.

  • Updating Unit Cost by using Actual Cost Adjustments

    How can we adjust Unit Cost by using Actual Cost Adjustments Window?
    By giving Cost Adjustment without giving Adjustment Qty, the amount was adjusted to total quantity (transacted during the period). But I want to increase unit cost by a fixed amount. Is there any option?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ram,
    there are some patches released by oracle 5-6 months back(5003789 and 4735489) having this feature.
    There is also a meatalink note is available,expalins this cost adjustment type called Unit Cost Adjustment.This is the way it works.....
    The Actual Cost process now supports this new adjustment type where you adjust
    the actual unit cost of the item with the specified cost. The Actual Cost process
    calculates the cost of the item per the current logic and then applies this unit cost
    adjustment to calculate the new adjusted cost. This adjusted cost becomes the new actual cost of the item.First the New Unit Cost (without the Unit Cost Adjustment) is calculated.The Unit Cost Adjustment is included only after the Actual Cost is calculated based on the existing Adjustment types. Then, the New Unit Cost (with the Unit CostAdjustment) is calculated.
    Hope this helps...

  • Unable to Approved Cycle Count

    Would you please help me on this ?
    I have an item that I can not approve the cycle count
    Item: ABC
    System Qty: 1
    Count Qty: 0
    Adjustment Qty : -1
    Error Message : Transaction Failed
    I approve the cycle count then after save it , I got the error message
    Thank you

    What is your application release?
    Error Message : Transaction FailedPlease see if these docs help.
    Unable To Save Cycle Count Value Error Message [ID 884964.1]
    WIP Move Transactions Errors: Transaction Failed. Amount Agreed Exceeded. [ID 1371400.1]

  • Goods return to adjust open qty on Sales/Purchase Order as option

    It would be handy to have an option (setting) that allows a return to adjust the open quantity on a sales order (and re-open the sales order if it was closed) if the delivery was based on a sales order. And the same functionality on the purchasing side as well.
    This will allow for using the open items list to see what is still due in/out.

    Hi Vivek,
    I tried as per your given direction but it won't worked
    What I required is for E.g.
    Process Order No 11111
    Material No           Mat-A   
    Batch No              Bat-A
    Storage Loc          PM01
    Requirement Qty which is coming from BOM                        120 KG
    Withdrawl Qty either using COR6 or MB1A (261 mov type)     120 KG
    Consider that Process Order is already confirmed and due to some reason All the materials issued against Process Order has to be returned to Store for another Process Order
    When I used MB1A and entered movement type 262 with storage location PM01 then click on To Order Button to enter Reference : Order and click on Tick Button
    It then displayed only those materials which is not yet issued and required to be issued and automatically Movement Type changed to 261
    Please guide

  • NC Logging/Disposition with SFC QTY 1, not able to Log Second NC on SFC

    i ran into a problem with the NC Logging / Disposition functionality while trying to log NCs for SFCs with a Quantity>1
    Released SFC with Quantity = 10
    NC_DATA_ENTRY Activity Rule ALLOW_PARTIAL set to YES
    NC_DATA_ENTRY Activity Rule AUTO_SPLIT set to NEVER (ASK and ALWAYS don't make a difference)
    Data Field Assignment Maintenance: Attached Data Field DEFECT_COUNT to Data Type attached to my NC Codes
    NC Code Maintenance: Set Maximum NC Limit (SFC) to 0
    Material Maintenance: Qty Restriction set to Whole Number (tried Any Number as well, no difference)
    Started SFC QTY 1 at first Operation
    Logged NC for QTY1, QTY1 automatically Dispositioned and Scrapped
    Now the issue:
    If i start a second QTY 1 in the POD, and try to Log a NC, the NC Selection appears and i can choose a NC Code,
    but the "Log NC" button stays greyed out.
    The same thing happens on different Operations as well, so somehow the the system doesn't allow a second NC to be logged against the SFC.
    Is there an additional configuration i have to execute to get this working as expected?
    Thanks in advance.

    I've tried your scenario. In my system, "Log NC" button in NC Selection plugin gets activated each time when NC Data Entry plugin is closed and I select a row in Available NC Codes column of NC Selection plugin.
    If NC Data Entry plugin is open, the button is grayed out always.

  • How to perform Data Collection on single SFC with QTY = 1 with material lot size 1?

    Dear experts,
    We are working with SFC qty>1 on a relaxed routing. At a given operation we want to collect the data on single quantity; i.e. SFC qty on that operation, where the collection will happen, will be 1.The corresponding material lot size is for ex 10. The operator must be able to collect data on SFC with qty=1 multiple times until the quantities will be consumed. He must be also able to collect other values on the remaining quantities on the same operation with the same DC group or other DC groups. How many times the data must be collected is dependent on the shop order build quantity. The data may be collected several time but not more than the build qty. In other words some specific data will be collected on a qty of a product while others will be collected against remaining quantity. The data collection must be also done in a serialized manner.
    Here's what we have set up so far:
    1) 3 DC groups, each DC group has 3 data fields.
    2) Each data field has the following restrictions:  Required Data Entries = 0 and Optional Data Entries = 1
    3) All DC groups are attached on the same combination of operation\material\routing
    4) we are using relaxed routing
    Process description:
    The operator must be able to collect any data field on single product. For that he will enter the operation where the data collect are attached, he will enter the SFC with qty=1 then he will run the data collection after selecting the appropriate DC Group and entering the needed information. The operator will complete the SFC with qty=1.
    The operator will pick the next product, select the same SFC and enter qty 1 and collect other value against this product.
    Problem is:
    Once the first collection is done on a given SFC with entered qty=1, the system is not allowing the operator to do further collects on the same SFC with qty=1 or any other quantity. He cannot select any DC group from the DC group list. We tried also with the table selection menu on the DC Group list but nothing can be selected.
    So we tried to play around with the DC group definitions as follows:
    A) we set Required Data Entries = 0 and Optional Data Entries = 10. Still the operator was not able to select any DC group after collecting data the first time. We tried to reopen the pod and list again. But we get the same blocking behavior.
    B) we set Required Data Entries = 10 and Optional Data Entries = 1. The operator was able to select the DC group after collecting data the first time. BUT operator must enter the data fields 10 times on one SFC quantity, which is not what we want. Besides again he cannot collect other information on remaining quantities on the same operation.
    C) There's an option to serialize the SFC before reaching the operation where the collection is happening, then merging ofter complete. Automation is needed here; hence customization. We are highly avoiding customization now, since we expect the data collect to work well on single quantities even when the main SFC has qty>1
    1) Are we missing any kind of further configuration\setup?
    2) Or the current system design does not allow collecting data on single quantities of an SFC which main quantity is greater than 1?
    3) Looking at this link Approaches to Collection of Data - SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME) - SAP Library, there's nothing mentioned about same SFC number with multiple quantities!!!
    We are using SAP ME
    Thanks in advance for your help

    to collect data for the same SFC multiple times, your system rule "Allow Multiple Data Collection" needs to be set to true for the site.

  • Reg Price block and Qty block in MM Invoice docs Tolerence Keys adjustment

    Hi Friends,
    Related to MM Invoice documents gets blocked with Price block and Qty block,based on this FI doc also gets blocked with Payment block indicator"R".As per Std SAP we can remove these blocks thru MRBR. Right now my users are asking not required to remove these blocks with MRBR Tcode.
    So i checked the Tolerence Limits defined for the co code and Tolerence keys.
    As per my understanding Tolerence Keys "PP-Price variance",  "DQ-Exceed amount: quantity variance" need to adjust with upper llimits and Lower Limits.
    here i can see Upper and Lower check limit Tolerance limit 5.00%  for  Tolerence Key "PP-Price variance"
    Tolerence limit 0.01%  for  Tolerence key "DQ-Exceed amount: quantity :quantity variance         
    Instead of changing the Tolerence Limits can i select the DO NOT CHECK Radio button for the bothe Price and Qty block.
    If i selected the DO NOT check button what will happen,how it works.
    How i can maintain the Tolerence keys,is there any other Tolerence keys also need to maintain.  
    Please suggest me with your valuable inputs.  
    Edited by: RK.SAP on Nov 17, 2010 7:02 AM

    If you do not want to check the Invoice for tolerance keys like quantity variance and price varaince then tick on don't check .In this case system will not block any invoice and invoice will post Automatically without any error.
    Please check other tolerance keys in SPRO: OMR6
    One more blocking is defined in the vendor master also under payment transactions accounting screen.There you are defining the tolerance group for Invoice Verification.

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