Adjustment application order

There is a thread on dpreview which concerns the use of the various profiles.  Part of the discussion has to do with the following question:
Does the user have any control over the sequence in which a profile is applied?  Specifically, will a different result be obtained for the sequence exposure-then-profile as opposed to profile-then-exposure?
I don't think it is under the user's control but have no expert opinions to quote.  Eric?  Are you out there

Order of application only matters on things such as the red-eye tool, which does a better job of detecting the red eyes if the image is in certain conditoins.  Otherwise, the order of application of the tools is embedded in the processing pipeline.
That's how I understand it.  If I'm wrong, Eric will probably be along to correct me.

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    from tableA, tablleB
    where = tableB.user_id


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    try {
    int idx = 1;
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    Row row =;
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    6. Commit.
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    This work flows screens for this kind of constrain violation. On solution would be to commit the operation after inserting line 2, and then deleting line 1.
    I think this is a poor design, because you will run in trouble if more the one user is working in your system.You have to edit a bunch of rows only you deleted one. It's never a good idea to have an editable pk or even a part of it.
    I would try to decouple the line number from the primary key all together. You could easily generate the line number when you show the lines (i.e. using an index of the iterator). This way you can use a sequence number as pk for the line item. The order of the line items is simply the order of the sequence numbers (which will never displayed to the user).

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    Another approach which might work would be to delete some, most, or all of your current set of login items and replace them with a single Automator workflow, one set up to open individual applications in a predetermined order.
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    Good luck.

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    What platform are you on? iOS? other?
    On iOS:
    iphone or iPad - You can change the date from the library view by holding your finger on the photo you want to change the date of, an option will appear to adjust the date.

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    Forward path name   
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    Check the transaction type parameters for the order type "Debit Adjustment order".
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    Hello LightC,
    Best Buy's Price Match Guarantee and movers coupon are great ways to ensure that you get the best price on products that you'll need to settle in your new dwelling. You ask a great question!
    As poprex911 mentioned, the two offers cannot be combined as coupons may not be used with a price match. Per our  Price Match Guarantee:
    Our Price Match Guarantee does not cover: Any financing offers, bundle offers, free items, pricing errors, mail-in offers, coupon offers...
    I regret that I do not have better news for you, but I hope this helps. Thank you for writing to us.

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    Line 2 Product C;
    Line 3 product D;
    Line 3 product B
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    Short answer - no there is no way to do this directly on one master, if you really really really need to do this export a version with the adjustments (vignette minus the sepia) then reimport that image as a new master and apply the sepia.
    Ps. I have never seen what you are describing in your post.

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    This may help:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Synced photos appear in wrong order

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    Most of the people on these forums, including myself, are fellow users - you're not talking to iTunes Support here.
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