Adobe audition en castellano...

Hola a todos, mi problema es que tengo el auditión en ingles y la verdad es que me gustaría trabajar con el en castellano. ¿Sabe alguien como hacerlo.?
Gracias y aquí me tenéis para lo que pueda ayudaros.

hola a todos estoy trabajando con adobe premire 1.5 en ingles escuche que se puede encontrar una manera de pasarlo al castellano ¿saben como hacerlo? gracias

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    hola a todos ¡
    estoy utilizando el adobe audition para solucionar un problema que tengo con el audio.
    El problema es que el archivo de audio, a lo largo de toda la onda, sube y baja el volumen de manera continua. Quiero que todo el archivo de audio suene con el mismo volumen, pero no sé cual es la herramienta del adobe audition que tengo que aplicarle a la onda.
    Le he aplicado el efecto de normalizacion, pero la onda sigue sonando con altibajos en el volumen.
    ¿Qué efecto tengo que aplicarle a la onda para solucionar este problema ?
    muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda

    hola necesito manual de adobe audition 1.5 en castellano si alguien me puede dar un dato de donde bajarmelo lo agradece infinitamente mi correo es [email protected]

  • Adobe Audition has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    I have been using Audition 2.0 on this computer for quite some time and suddenly now when I open it, I get the cryptic error dialogue:
    "Adobe Audition has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.  If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.  For more information about this error, click here."
    When I click for more information, it's something useless like:
    AppName: audition.exe    AppVer: 2.0.5306.2    ModName: unknown
    ModVer:   Offset: 65726168
    Nothing on my computer has changed.  There are no viruses.  I have not added any new audio plug-ins.  I am completely up to date with all critical Windows XP SP3 updates and none have been downloaded and installed recently anyway.
    I searched the knowledgebase and found a document that suggesting many things to try.  I tried them all, including running the Windows hard disk "check disk" tool with options to fix file system errors and recover bad sectors. I also defragmented the hard drive.  Lastly, I completely uninstalled Audition, then  manually deleted any remaining files, including registry entries as suggested in another knowledgebase article.
    I then re-installed Audition 2.0 and it did exactly the same thing!  This it maddening.  Now it gets even more interesting.  I discovered that if I start up the
    Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit that Adobe Audition installed also, then try to launch Audition from the toolkit, IT STARTS CORRECTLY!  I can then close the toolkit and use it like normal.  Weird work-around.
    What the heck could possibly be going on?  Anyone have any ideas?  I've attached the error log file that is generated by the error but I doubt it will be of much help.
    Steve in Chicago

    stevefoobar2: I may have found a solution for you.
    I had the same thing happen to me today. I was using Audition 2 this morning without any problems. But this afternoon, it started giving me the exact same error with no apparent reason. Nothing on my system had changed.
    So I uninstalled it and installed Audition 3 in its place. Audition 3 continued to have the same problem that Audition 2 had, so we can assume that this is not something that was changed between versions.
    But my attention was brought to the fact that you and I are both running Windows XP SP3 fully up-to-date. So I thought I'd try seeing it from the angle of a problem with Windows instead of Audition, and see if I didn't get a better result -
    First, I logged on to Windows as Administrator. This may or may not be required, but you'll probably want to do it just in case (you'll see what I mean later). At this point, Audition still crashed the same way when I opened it, so I moved on to my next troubleshooting strategy -
    Instead of opening Audition directly, I right-clicked the Audition icon and selected "Run as..." This may seem odd since I was already logged in as Administrator, but it proved to be the solution in my case.
    In the "Run As" diolog, there are two main options: run as current user, or run as another user.
    Since I was already logged in as Administrator, I could safely select the first option (run as current user). But here's the catch: selecting the first option allowed me to UNcheck the box underneath that says "Protect my computer and data from unauthorized program activity" (see the attached picture)
    Audition opened without any problems when I did this.
    This makes me think that one of the Windows security features suddenly decided to block something that Audition was trying to do, crashing the program in the process. By turning off this security feature, the problem was solved. And I only had to do it once. Every time afterwards, Audition has opened without any problems when I simply open it from my desktop. Perhaps Windows now remembers not to block Audition in the future.
    However, I have not restarted my computer yet, or logged off as Administrator. You may need to tweak this solution if you plan to do either of these things. You may end up having to "Run as" Audition every time you restart your computer or log off. You may even need to select the SECOND option, and run the program as Administrator with the appropriate password.
    Anyway, this was the only post I could find on concerning this problem, so I thought I'd post my solution in case it helped someone else.

  • Problem with Adobe Audition 2.0 and recording from a 1212m.

    I bought a brand new machine and have be configuring it all week. Everything has been going well, except getting Adobe Audition 2.0 (the new version) to “hear” sound from the 1212m.
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    I installed the 1212m and I have gotten my monitors to work by using the XLR jacks on the monitors to the ¼ inch jacks on the 1212m using a VST (NI’s Kontakt 2) as the audio source. So it works.
    What I can’t seem to get to work is getting Adobe Audition to “hear” the sound coming from the 1212m.
    Patchmix seems to be working ok. The audio bars jump each time I hit a note on the keyboard.
    I have configured Audition by going to Audio Hardware Setup and setting it to EMU ASIO and tried every combination of INPUT and OUTPUT, but when I hit the Record button in Audition it just flat lines..
    I was hoping that once the audio made it from the VST though the 1212m and out to the speakers, that getting Audition to record it would be easy, but that hasn’t been the case.
    The Intel 955 Extreme Edition and the 975 motherboard are brand new and I’m worried that being on the bleeding edge of technology, that one of the drivers isn’t working correctly and causing me hours of debugging a problem that is unworkable from my end.
    Hopefully the problem is just some small stupid thing that I’m doing or failing to do (like normal).
    Any ideas would be helpful.

    I'm just saving it into a file in "My documents" on the internal hard drive. It's a computer in the office which has been used my other people before me and I have my own file which I was always able to save Adobe sound files into before, so I don't think it's anything to do with me not being allowed or read-only.
    I've also been trying to save it onto USB hard drives. This works when I save it under a different name, but not when I'm just trying to update a file i've been working on. Basically I have to create a new file everytime I add something, so like "myaudit1", "myaudit2", "myaudit3" etc etc, even though it's the same piece of work just updated.
    Hope that makes sense!

  • How To Extend Adobe Audition CS5.5

    I've received a number of questions on how to extend Adobe Audition with questions similar to:
    How do I import file format X?
    How do I import a project from application Y?
    Will there be an SDK available?
    How do I add plug-ins to Audition?
    I had made a post similar to this in the public beta of Audition for Mac, but I can no longer find the thread. So I'll reiterate some stuff here:
    Adding VST Plug-Ins
    Most of you have found this already, but the best place to start is in the Audio Plug-In Manager
    If you want to "write" new plug-ins for Audition, writing a VST plug-in will be the best option as it will allow you to write something that will work on Windows as well as OSX.  Info on writing a VST plug-in may be found here (
    Adding Audio Unit Plug-Ins (Mac OSX)
    Same as Above.   Note that OSX ships with some built-in AU plug-ins that Audition can utilize for free if you just scan at least once.   We don't scan on startup because there's several plug-ins out there in the world that don't behave well.  Info on Audio Unit plug-in development can be found here ( ammingGuide/TheAudioUnit/TheAudioUnit.html)
    Adding more import formats via libsndfile
    libsndfile is an open-source C library for reading and writing audio files (   Ambitious people could download the source, write support for another format, and create their own custom-rolled library of libsndfile.  You would then replace the version of libsndfile with which Audition CS5.5 ships, with the one you rolled.   Due to the way we use libsndfile, any format you add would show up in Audition.   This is also true if there's an official update to libsndfile that comes out in the future, you could just plop it in and it should work. 
    If you're interested in exporting or writing formats that libnsdfile supports, please tell us which formats are the most important to you and in what way you use them in your workflow.
    Adding more import formats via QuickTime components
    QuickTime has the ability to be extended via QuickTime Components.   There's several examples out there, but here are some websites to check out:
    QuickTime Components (
    Learn about even more QuickTime capabilities (
    Flip4Mac for Windows Media support on OSX (
    Perian -- the swiss-army knife for QuickTime (
    Calibrated Software (
    In most cases, just adding the various QuickTime components will automatically add the import functionality to Audition.
    Importing project formats from other applications
    As seen on other threads in this forum, Ses2sesx ( and AATranslator ( seem to add quite a bit of support.
    At this time, we haven't released an SDK for Audition.   If you're interested in one, however, please tell us what you would want from an SDK for Audition and we'll take it into consideration.
    Message was edited by: Charles VW
    Added links to AU and VST development info

    could you please also advise what PC users can do to make common avi files useable in AA CS5.5? The obvious problem is, no matter how many exotic video formats a PC can play by way of video-for-windows codecs, these are useless for Quicktime, because Quicktime on the PC needs codecs specifically written for "Quicktime for Windows", which are, as I've come to find, EXTREMELY rare. So far I've only found ONE, sold by 3ivx, but this costs as much as the AA CS5.5 update itself. Without them, Quicktime on the PC will only handle mov files, which are not too popular on the PC. Is there any other way out of this?

  • Is there a way to view frequency levels in Hz on Adobe Audition 3.0 during voice recordings?

    Is there a way to view frequency levels in Hz on Adobe Audition 3.0 during voice recordings so I can ensure the recordings are hitting the specific frequency range I desire?

    The frequency analyser pane can run in real time and show you this, but with a voice, there's no way you can alter the effective range anyway - it's almost entirely dependent on the voice you are recording, and they all fall pretty much into the same bands - depending on whether you're male or female.

  • Adobe Audition installation problem

    Hi there,
    As soon as i go to start the installation of Adobe Audition i get this error:
    Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 0000000.
    Any ideas why this is coming up?
    After that it wont let me go ahead with the installation at all!
    in urgent need of help
    cheers guys.

    You look like you're running Vista.
    You need to make sure of the following:
    a) your installation medium/file is not corrupted
    b) that you're running the install as admin (right click, run as administrator)
    c) you don't have any major problems with the ram in your system.

  • Adobe Audition, Audigy 2 ZS Platinum, can no longer hear guitar :-\

    I've recently reformatted my computer, installed the Audigy 2 software, and installed Adobe Audition. Using Line In 2 on the front of my pc, I was able to plug in a guitar, and hear the guitar via headphones. I can use the remote's record button to instantly start recording, with no problems. I can also play audio using Itunes.
    When I opened Audition, I immediately received errors saying that my audio device was not configured or whatever, and that I needed to select an audio device. So I went into the Audition settings, chose Soundblaster Audigy 2 [xxxx], specified Line In 2 for the input, applied and exited. Now I can no longer hear the input from my guitar at all, whether in Audition or not. I'm not sure what setting it might have changed on my pc, but any help would be great.

    ntel352 wrote:
    i opened Surround Mixer, clicked on the red plus (right over Master Volume), only option was "Digital Output Only", nothing else. Installed the latest drivers & software from creative, now I can't hear the guitar input at all. If I play the guitar and record in Audition, i can see the sound levels being elevated, but hear nothing whether in audition or not.
    Other audio plays fine.
    Audio is not muted for line in 2, line in 2 is selected in recording screen, line in 2 playback volume is not muted, yet somehow I can hear nothing from line in 2, and i don't have to be recording a single thing... It just doesn't play back.
    I dunno what's going on, I haven't been messing with the settings or anything...Message Edited by intel352 on 01-27-2006 06:08 PM
    Set 1st your .REC to AnalogMix(...) and then select this '+' sign --> untag the option like picture shows.

  • I am trying to activate my program into my new computer (the old one was run over by a car) and it says I have exceeded my installations.  It's Adobe Audition 3 (you can see I've been using it a long time) and I rely on it for work everyday.  Please advis

    I am trying to activate my program into my new computer (the old one was run over by a car) and it says I have exceeded my installations.  It's Adobe Audition 3 (you can see I've been using it a long time) and I rely on it for work everyday.  Please advise.

    The activation server for Audition 3 was shut down by Adobe several years ago.
    You now need to download the non-activation version provided by Adobe here
    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
    Install then enter the new serial number provided by Adobe at that link. Your existing serial number will no longer work.

  • I got adobe audition 1.5 it is not working in win 7, what i need to do

    i got adobe audition 1.5 it is not working in win 7 what i need to do

    Do you receive an error when opening the application?  Any error messages while trying to install?

  • How do I get the names of tracks I type in Adobe Audition 3 to copy to the Sony CD-RW CRX217E in myD

    How do I get the names of tracks I type in Adobe Audition 3 to copy to the Sony CD-RW CRX217E in my Dell Precision Workstation 670?
    I have recorded 10 tracks of voice with music using Adobe Audition 3 and Sony CD-RW CRX217E with no problem.
    The problem is, however, that the names I type in Audition 3 for each of the tracks and artist do not copy to the CD I have recorded. This means that when I play the tracks on any playback equipment that shows the names of the tracks and artists, etc. all that appears on the screen is the track number, such as Track 1, Track 2, etc.
    I am using a Dell Precision Workstation 670
    3.19GHz,2.00GB RAM
    Professional x64 Edition
    SP 2, v.4354
    Thank you

    Well, there is one possibility, but I can't absolutely confirm this. I had a look at the specification for the drive on the Dell website:
    and nowhere does it say that the drive supports CD-Text, I'm afraid. Even though all drives can in theory write this, a lot have the header hard-coded, and simply can't. Yours may be one of them, but I think you'll have to ask Dell to confirm this.

  • How to install a 32-bit Adobe Audition 3.0 on a 64-bit Laptop

    I bought a 32-bit adobe audition 3.0.The laptop I have is 64 bit and I've been unable to load the 3.0. What can I do please?

    Do you receive a specific error message?  Which operating system are you using?

  • Edit in Adobe Audition Greyed Out in After Effects CC

    The "Edit in Adobe Audition" is greyed out in After Effects CC. I imported an mp3 file into my composition, click on it and the link remains greyed out. The link works fine from Premiere Pro CC to Audtion.
    Is there a setting somewhere I need to set?

    Figured it out. For whatever reason the .sesx file extension wasn't associated with Adobe Audition on my Windows 7 machine. I changed this by double clicking on an .sesx file and adding the association.

  • Adobe Audition CC has stopped working

    Audition crashes after 1 second. I get the splash screen, and then a windows message: "The program has stopped working". I uninstalled /reinstalled but same result. I run a fresh copy of windows 8.1 X64.The splash screen says "Initializing required application components...(BE)". In event viewer I get an "application error" with the following content. I have tried to start  the program with ctrl or shift key, but then I don't eve get a splash-screen. Some ideas anyone?
    Fault bucket 116762385, type 4
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: Adobe Audition CC.exe
    P3: 518ade79
    P4: dvacore.dll
    P6: 518acaf2
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 000000000003e4d2
    Attached files:
    These files may be available here:
    C:\Users\Tollak\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_Adobe Audition C_92a19598b98c79ef17740ecb73196bcc1484a7a_511190b7_0fea3332
    Analysis symbol:
    Rechecking for solution: 0
    Report Id: 6c910918-7166-11e3-be72-0026833262d0
    Report Status: 0
    Hashed bucket: 2ee5d3165d1af132d4c9eaae4bfe6e43

    We can't help with this - it's an installation issue, and we're a U2U forum. Adobe's chat line is free for sorting out installation issues, and that's where you should get some help from. The only other alternative, if you can save the error log file (the whole of it, not just an extract) would be to send it to [email protected] and see if the developers can throw any light on it.

  • Adobe Audition CC has stopped working. Constantly crashing.

    Hi, I am constantly receiving an error 'Adobe Audition CC has stopped working.'
    This usually occurs after an event whilst the sound is playing. ie change the playback location or edit an effect's parameter.
    I am lucky to get a couple of minutes with it at the moment.
    Below is an error log from event viewer. Please help if you can I feel like I have tried everything I can think of minus reformatting the PC which isn't an option atm.
    Fault bucket 85922206367, type 4
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: Adobe Audition CC.exe
    P3: 518ade79
    P4: StackHash_d339
    P5: 6.3.9600.17031
    P6: 530895af
    P7: c0000374
    P8: PCH_F5_FROM_ntdll+0x000000000009B13A
    Attached files:
    These files may be available here:
    C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_Adobe Audition C_4e73248cb54b29482974202a58ba109ed3745a48_511190b7_32e25835
    Analysis symbol:
    Rechecking for solution: 0
    Report Id: 0805b6e9-cbae-11e3-bead-083e8eaf94ce
    Report Status: 1
    Hashed bucket: 2e7e75ba0d14970691fdbf00062533ed

    We can't help with this - it's an installation issue, and we're a U2U forum. Adobe's chat line is free for sorting out installation issues, and that's where you should get some help from. The only other alternative, if you can save the error log file (the whole of it, not just an extract) would be to send it to [email protected] and see if the developers can throw any light on it.

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